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Notre Dame Club of Mohawk Valley

Announcement, August 2001

Newsletter and Announcements of the Notre Dame Club of Mohawk Valley

Announcement, August 2001

Student Send-Off Picnic
Nebraska Kick-Off
Hesburgh Lecture Series
Weekly Fall Luncheons
2001-2002 Dues
Club Excursion--West Virginia Game
Phelps Dinner
Did You Know?
Club Scholarship Fund
Club's Voice Mail
Club's Website
Dues Notice

Student Send-Off Picnic

Student Send-Off Picnic

When: Sunday, August 12th at 1:00 PM rain or shine.

Where: Verona State Park located a half-mile from Sylvan Beach on State Route 13, Tel. no. 315-762-4463--a lakeside pavilion has been reserved.

Who Is Invited: Anyone with a "drop of ND blood in them" with the Incoming and returning ND-SMC students as the guests of our Club.

Cost: $15 per person (children under 8 are free) which will cover catering by Piggy Pat's Barbecue along with refreshments.

Reservations: Are a must on or before 5:00 PM on Tuesday, August 7th by calling the Club's voice mail 315-794-9499.

What To bring: Each family Is asked to bring their choice of a favorite dessert, salad or hors d'oeuvres along with beachgear and lawn chairs.

For your Information, if you want to "make a day of it" consider arriving in the Sylvan Beach Village earlier as it is their "Canal Fest" (crafters, classic car displays, etc).

Nebraska Kick-Off

On Saturday night, September 8th the Club has reserved a downstairs private room at Michael T's (which restaurant is located on Seneca Turnpike between Jay﷓K Lumber and PAR Technology adjacent to the Pizza Hut). The Club will gather to watch the "undefeated" Irish play the Cornhuskers of Nebraska (their third game). The pre-game reception/festivities will begin at 7:00 PM with beer, soda, and munchies along with ND/Irish music; at halftime pizza and wings will be served. The ticket price is $10 per person with advance reservations required by calling the Club's voice mail, 315-794-9499.

Hesburgh Lecture Series

Some of you might recall that we had a successful Hesburgh Lecture a number of years ago featuring ND Law Professor Robert Blakey, "the father of RICO". We have not, as a Club, taken advantage recently of this program (in which the University underwrites all of the expenses in providing a speaker from ND) . So I contacted the Good News Foundation about being a joint venture partner. They have agreed to host the event at their new headquarters (located on Cosby Manor Road in Deerfield) along with taking care of advertising and public relations. More to come on this.

Weekly Fall Luncheons

Now we can say "next month'--beginning September 5th and through November 21st, the weekly Wednesday luncheons will be held at Tiny's (noon) at which time the tape of the coach's press conference will be viewed. We will also have our popular "needs /haves" marker board for game tix and accommodations.

2001-2002 Dues

The dues for our extremely nominal treasury are due again for the fiscal year begInning 9/1/01. Please help support the Club by sending in the dues statement found below.

Club Excursion--West Virginia Game

Final details of the Club trip to the West Virginia game are being mailed under separate cover to those whom have preregistered.

Phelps Dinner

The Club needs your help in assembling a "Notre Dame table" for the upcoming Lutheran Home dinner featuring former ND basketball coach Digger Phelps on September 19th. We have always been able to generate a Club presence for past fundraiser dinners which hosted other ND illuminaries so let's continue the tradition. I ask if there is preliminary interest in the function, please contact the Club voice mail upon receipt.

Did You Know?

The Irish play Colgate on December 30 in B-Ball (at ND).

Club Scholarship Fund

The University has advised that our Scholarship Fund (providing a financlal assistance to eight students from the area) is now a 50% beneficiary of a life insurance policy insuring an anonymous donor.

Club's Voice Mail

For information an any of the above or other Club matters, the 24/7 voice mail is 794-9499.

Club's Website

For the latest on the Club (along with links to anything about ND), remember to check the Club's website ndmv.org.

Dues Notice

For the Period of 9/1/01 - 8/31/02


Address (Work/Home)

Phone # (Work/Home)

Fax # (Work/Home)


Dues check of $25 ($20 if paid before 8/15/01) should be made payable to "NDMV" and sent to Kurt Hameline, Treasurer, c/o District Attorney�s Office, Elizabeth Street, Utica, NY 13501.

PAK Go Irish!
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