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Notre Dame Club of Mohawk Valley

Announcements, May 8, 1999 (Hesburgh Appreciation Dinner)

Newsletter and Announcements of the Notre Dame Club of Mohawk Valley

Announcements at May 8, 1999 Hesburgh Appreciation Dinner

1997 Proclamation Honoring Theodore M. Hesburgh, C.S.C.(Provides Biographical Highlights)
1999 Calendar of Events
Fall, 1999 NDMV Football Trip Update
1999 NDMV Scholarship Award Announced

1997 Proclamation Honoring Theodore M. Hesburgh, C.S.C. (Provides Biographical Highlights)

1997 UND Faculty Senate Resolution In Honor of Theodore M, Hesburgh,

Whereas Father Theodore A Hesburgh, C.S.C., was president of the University of Notre Dame from 1952 until 1987. and has been president emeritus since 1997; and

Whereas, under Father Hesburgh's leadership, governance of the University of Notre Dame was transferred from the founding religious community, the Congregation of Holy Cross, to a predominantly lay Board of Trustees in 1967. and women were admitted for the first time to the undergraduate program in 1972: and

Whereas Father Hesburgh was instrumental in founding the Kellogg Institute for International Studies and the Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies in 1979 and 1995 respectively, both of which are housed in the Hesburgh Center for International Studies at the University of Notre Dame; and

Whereas Father Hesburgh has held fifteen U.S. presidential appointments in such areas as the peaceful use of atomic energy, Third World development, immigration, having chaired the Select Commission on Immigration and Refugee Policy from 1979 to 1991, and civil rights, having chaired the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights from 1969 to 1972; and

Whereas Father Hesburgh served as chairman of the International Federation of Catholic Universities from 1963 to 1970, and led a movement among chief executives of Catholic colleges and universities. highlighted in the Land 0' Lakes statement of 1967, to secure the institutional autonomy of Catholic institutions of higher learning and the academic freedom of their faculties; and

Whereas Father Hesburgh's stature as a national and international leader in higher education has been reflected in his 134 honorary degrees, the most ever awarded to one person, the Elizabeth Ann Seton Award from the National Catholic Education Association his co-chairing of the nationally influential Knight Commission on Intercollegiate Athletics, and his service as chair of the Board of Overseers at Harvard University from 1994 to 1996; and

Whereas Father Hesburgh has served four popes of the Catholic Church in a variety of capacities, including permanent Vatican representative to the International Atomic Energy Agency in Vienna from 1956 to 1970, and as a member of the Holy See's United Nations delegation; and

Whereas Father Hesburgh received the Medal of Freedom the nation's highest civilian honor, in 1964; and

Whereas these achievements and honors are only a portion of Father Hesburgh's extraordinary lifetime record of service to higher education, the Church, the nation, and the international community, and

Whereas Theodore M. Hesburgh, C.S.C. will be 80 years of age on May 25, 1997.

Be it therefore resolved that the Faculty Senate of the University of Notre Dame honor Father Theodore M. Hesburgh, C.S.C., on the occasion of his forthcoming 80th birthday, for all that he has contributed to higher education. the Church. the nation. and the global community; and...

1999 Calendar of Events



and there is more..

For more information on the Club or its events, leave a message on our Club's voice mail at 794-9499 or visit our website. The URL address is:

netword.com/ndmv or


Fall 1999 NDMV Football Trip Update

Game: Notre Dame vs. Michigan State
Date: September 18th
Depart Utica: Thursday, September 16th 7: 00 AM (EDT)
Arrive S. B.: 5:00 PM (EST)
Depart S.B.: Sunday, September 19th 7:00 AM (EST)
Arrive Utica: 6:00 PM (EDT)
Transportation: via luxury motorcoach (54 passenger bus with VCR monitors).
Accommodations in South Bend: On campus Thursday, Friday, and Saturday nights.
Cost per person is $275

A $150 deposit (transferable but nonrefundable) is due on or before 5:00 PM on Friday, May 14th with the check payable to the �NDMV Club" and sent c/o PKG&D, 12 Steuben Park, Utica, NY 13501. Full payment of $275 can be made at this time or the balance of $125 on or before August 1st.

Call the Club's voice mail at 794-9499.

P. S. An optional feature to the trip is the Friday Football luncheon which tickets are being offered at the cost of $16. If interested, you need to indicate at the time of the deposit.


1999 NDMV Scholarship Award Announced

Kevin Crumb is the recipient of the 1999 Notre Dame Club of Mohawk Valley Scholarship Award. Kevin, who will be attending Notre Dame as a freshman in the fall of 1999, is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Fran Crumb (ND '67) of Holland Patent. Congratulations, Kevin! For details about this year's awardee, please see the Students page.

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