
I created this website with the purpose of bringing mu "Uncle's" Nunua Tea business to the digital age. This website will provide the customers a way of ordering premium tea. It will serve as a place where cistomers and th tea lovers get information on various teas. Customers will also be able to easily contact my uncle easily using a contact form. My uncle will also be able to showcase new products and be able to advertise his buisness to customers beyond his local area.

Providing customers with a quick way of contacting the business was one of mu objectives. I did some research and determined that providing a contact for on the footer of the homepage was paramoun as it provided a quick way for users to created an email without browsing the entire website. I also added a trendy hero banner for advertising and promotional use.

Defense of the Final Product

Color:The background color is white. The font color is black while the highlight color is a bright green (hexcode #61AA37). This is also the color of background of the banner or call to action button, the heading text, link text. I will have a secondary color hexcode #B60022. This color primarily used as highlighting. Since this is the main color of the logo. I creates a good color contrast with the green background color making the elements to pop and increase scanability of important site features like call to action buttons. The colors choose are great for the site since they are the represent the natural color of the tea, They will create help users connect emotionally with the products.

Typography: I used san serifs fonts. For Headings H1-H4, I brought visibility to the heading fonts with boldness which bringa the users easily focus on the headings. The main font-family is "futura-pt", with sans serif as the fall back. Standard san serifs are great for easy readability and great for scanning content.

Homepage:The home page is the gateway to everything about Nunua Tea website. apart from the bold hero image ( which is also trendy), There is a featured product section where new products will be showcased. Customers will be able to add featured items to the shopping cart.

TEA Shop: In this page I opted for a simple grid for showcasing the products on sale or available on sale. Eash product has an =image, title and a description in addition to Add to cart button. I sued a simple grid layout. Grid layout looks better for a store with limited products and it provides room for product expansion.

TEA Wiki:All about Tea page is a free flowing page. Topics are arranged in rows. The goals is to create an up - down motion. This works well in informational pages and are graet for mobile devices. The aim is to create a blog effect.

Contacts page:The "contact" page has contact information including phone numbers, e-mail address and mailing address. The contact form is the first item the users see since it is on the left side. and will appear first on a mobile device.

Opportunities for Improvement and Growth

There are many improvements and areas of growth for this webiste. The most important one would be to make the website responsive by applying CSS3 media breaks for different Tablets, phone s and othe devices. With more time i would have created user account pages, shopping cart and check out pages. I would alo have wanted to creat functional forms. I would want to created a working wiki or blog as well and create a search form to enable poeple get to content even more quickly. with more time i would have wanted to work on the aesthics of the webpages especially working on better white spaces. I would have loved to optimize the websiteas well minify CSS and create sprite images to optimize the webpages to load faster.