About NCW
Hall Of Fame
Special Events
Theme Songs:
Tupac - California Love
Papa Roach - Getting Away With Murder
Arrowhead Pond - Anaheim, California
Sunday, November 28th, 2004
Sponsored by The O.C.
The skyline of California is shown. It then shows people walking along the sidewalks, and cars zipping. It went back to the skyline and suddenly the sun went down. The beat to Eminem's "Like Toy Soldiers" began playing in the background. The buildings of the city were are lit up and in the dark sky, footage of the feuds happening tonight began to play. It showed Cn'N putting Chris Crow through a table, Baine and Nathan Dupre attacking Chris Ajax and The Rock, Silvana and Lindz going at it, and more. The chorus began to play. "Step by Step...Heart to Heart...Left Right Left...We All Fall Down...Like Toy Soldiers." It showed the D.O.A raising their arms in the air and then quick shots of Matt Ameral, Jesse Russell, Morbid, Chris Ajax, and more all bloodied. "Tonight...The War Continues..." It showed Sweet attacking Jesse while he was handcuffed. "Men Have Stood And Fallen...All In The Name Of What They Beleive In..." It then showed Jayson Derio laughing and standing over Kevin Paiva at TitanMania. "Bled For Their Sacrifices..." It showed Poppa Crush crushing Morbid with a bearhug, and blood spewing from his mouth. "But Now...Oh How The Mighty Have Fallen..." "O Fortuna" kicked in and it showed footage of Paiva beating the hell out Derio, Jesse Superkicking Sweet, Morbid Chokeslamming Crush through a table, and more. "Tonight..." It showed Crush CX5ing Juliet Drahma, Jesse costing Sweet the title at Judgment Day. "O Fortuna" faded away and the beat of "Like Toy Soldiers" began to play again. The footage slowed down and the skyline came back into view. "...The War Wages On...For Toy Soldiers..." The lights on the buildings turned off until there was nothing but darkness.

NOW....THE O.C. PRESENTS.....NCW STARRCADE!! Tupac's "California Love" is blasting throughout the arena and the fans are on thier feet! What a crowd! The fireworks are going off. Welcome everyone to NCW Starrcade here for the first-time in Anaheim, CALIFORNIA! What a night its going to be here at the 2nd Anniversary show of Net Championship Wrestling! Lets get this show underway!

Johnny Styles/Chris Crow Vs. Cn'N - NCW Tag Team Championships Table Match
"I Like Dat" hit and the fans are on thier feet! Here comes Johnny Styles and Chris Crow! They walked out to the ring and gave props to the fans. They got in the ring and Styles climbed the top and raised his arms as the fans cheered. Can they win gold tonight? "Holidae In" hit and the fans booed loudly. Here are the NCW Tag Team Champions, Cn'N! Cn'N walked out to the ring and they ignored the fans. Connor looked at the table leaning against the barricade and he pointed at Crow. They got in the ring and all 4 men are staring each other down. They handed the titles to the ref and he raised them in the air. The bell sounded and here we go! Crow and Styles made the first move and they're nailing Cn'N with right hands. Styles whipped Nathan into the ropes. Nathan is coming back and Styles connects with a back body drop! Crow swung Connor into the ropes and hes coming back. Crow leapfrogged over him! Connor turned around and Crow connects with a hard clotheline! Cn'N are down and they rolled out of the ring in desperation. The fans cheered Crow and Styles. Cn'N are talking outside the ring and they look pissed. What a minute, Crow got down on all fours beside the ropes. Styles swung off the ropes and he jumped off Crow's back....PLANCHA!! Styles connects on Cn'N! All 3 men are down! The fans are cheering. Styles is getting to his feet and he picked up Connor. Styles is hitting him with right hands and he whipped him into the barricade! Nathan is getting to his feet as well and now Crow is on the top rope! Nathan is teetering and he looked up! Crow jumped...axe handle connects!! Nathan is down! Crow and Styles are in control here! Styles picked up Connor and he rolled him in the ring. Hes heading for the barricade and Styles grabbed a table! The fans cheered. Styles slid it in the ring and he rolled inside. Connor is trying to get up and Styles connects with a dropkick! Outside the ring, Crow picked up Nathan and WAIT! Nathan just got a low blow on Crow! Crow fell to his knees and the fans booed. Nathan is getting up and he grabbed Crow by the hair. Nathan has ihm by the hair and he threw him into the steel steps! Crow is down! Nathan rolled in the ring and he knocked down Styles from behind! Connor is getitng up and now Cn'N are in control! Styles is being double teamed! Nathan grabbed the table and hes setting it up! Nathan set up the table and hes telling Connor to pick Styles up. Connor picked him up and he handed him over to Nathan! Nathan has him between his legs and OH NO! Marshall Bomb!! Nathan has him up and YES! Styles is fighting back! Hes nailing him with punches to the head and now Styles jumped off! Nathan turned around and Styles connects with a haymaker! Styles turned around and Connor went for a punch but he blocked it! Styles is nailing him with right hands and he whipped him into the ropes! Connor is coming back...BACK BODY DROP!!! YESSS!! Right through the table!! The fans cheered. Connor went through the table, now its just Nathan!! Crow is on his feet on the outside. Styles is telling him to grab a table. Crow walked over to the barricade and he grabbed another table! Crow slid it in the ring. Nathan is getting up and Styles bent dfown to pick up the table. Nathan ran over and he connects with a scissor kick on Styles! Styles' head just smacked against the table! The fans booed. Crow got in the ring and Nathan checked him off the apron! Crow is down again! Nathan rolled out of the ring and hes stomping on Crow. Nathan is walking over to the barricade and he has a table! Hes setting it up on the outside! The table is set and now Nathan is kicking at Crow. Nathan picked him up and he rolled him on the table! Connor is on his feet in the ring and he looks out of it. Nathan is telling him to jump on him! Connor is going to the ropes and hes climbing up! The fans are booing! Cn'N are about to take out Crow! Connor is at the top and WAIT! Styles pulled on the ropes! Connor just got hung!! The fans cheered. Nathan is snapping and he got in the ring. Styles is on his feet and both men are exchanging punches. Nathan kneed him in the gut and he whipped him into the ropes. Styles is coming back and Nathan connects with a shoulder tackle! Styles is down again! Its carnage everywhere! Nathan picked up the table in the ring and hes setting it up! Nathan has it and now he grabbed Styles. Nathan got him between his legs! Hes going for it again! Marshall Bomb and YES! Styles is fighitng back again! Nathan is trying to hold onto him but Styles is pounding him in the face with punches. Connor climbed down off the ropes and he nailed Styles with an elbow to the ribs! Connor grabbed him by the stomach...DOUBLE POWERBOMB!! Right through the table!! Styles couldnt hold on anymore!! Styles is out of it!! Its down to Nathan and Crow! Crow is on the outside and Connor rolled out of the ring. Connor grabbed him and now Crow is nailing him with punches! Crow has him by the head and he whipped him into the steps! Connor went back first into the steps! Crow rolled into the ring and now Nathan is stomping on him before he can get up. Nathan picked him up and he whipped him into the ropes. Crow is coming back and Nathan misses the clotheline! Nathan turned around and Crow connects with a clotheline of his own! Nathan is down and so is Crow. All 4 men in this match are laid out everywhere! What a match! Connor is getting up outside the ring and he now he rolled in. Crow is starting to move and Connor kicked him in the gut! Connor picked him up and he whipped him into the corner. Connor is running at him and he connects with a splash! Nathan is on his feet as well and hes walking over to the corner. Cn'N are stomping a mudhole into Crow in the corner. Connor picked him up and he pulled him out of the corner. Connor connects with a haymaker and Crow is down again! Wait a minute, Nathan is climbing up the ropes. WAIT! Styles is on his feet! He grabbed Connor by the shoulder and turned him around...J-WALK!!! The fans cheered. Connor is down! Nathan is pissed! Wait, Crow is getting up and Nathan doesnt notice! Crow is on his feet and he swung against the ropes. Crow is coming back and he springboarded off the second rope and connects with a dropkick on Nathan!! MY GOD!! Nathan fell off the top right through the table!! Nathan fell through the table he set up earlier!! Its over!! "Did My Time" hit and the fans are on thier feet! We have new champs!! The ref handed them the titles and they cant beleive it! Here are your winner and the NEWWWWW Net Championship Wrestling Tag Team Champions, JOHNNY STYLES AND CHRIS CROW!! What a match! Cn'N have finally been dethroned! Styles and Crow hugged and they raised the titles in the air! They have done it!!

A car just pulled up into the parking lot. Who's inside? The front doors opened and its Chris Ajax and The Rock!! The fans cheered. Rock smiled and raised his head, "FINALLY!" The fans cheered. "..THE ROCK HAS COME BACK...TO CALIFOR-NI-A!" The fans cheered again. Ajax laughed and they gave each other props. "Lets kick some ass tonight bro." They walked to the entrance of the building as they laughed and talked.

Jerry Price is standing by with Linkin Core. The fans cheered. "Core, first off, can you address the rumors of you being the mole inside the NCW ranks?" Core looked at him and he grabbed the mic off his hands. "What is wrong with you people? Does a man's word mean nothing around here anymore? I am NOT the mole. And before you or anyone else brings it up...I wasn't around on Wreckage because I had things to do and that doesn't mean attack Morbid backstage! I didn't do that, so before anybody gets on my case I just wanted to clear that up. Now about Avenging Angelo. Lets not forget that he started this. He was the one who got in my business and hit me with that strap. He says it was an accident, but I think its bull. He's always had a grudge against me ever since I left the X4 back in AXW. He could never take the fact that I grew out of his shadow and made my own legacy. Well tonight Angelo, its going to be deja vu. Because it was at AXW No Holds Barred this time last year, that I beat you and 4 other men in a Hell in a Cell for your Undisputed Championship. I did it once, and I'll do it again. Except this time I won't be taking any titles...I'll be taking your pride!" Core handed the mic back and walked off as the fans cheered.

Linkin Core Vs. Avenging Angelo - Grudge Match
� Fear� hits and here comes Avenging Angelo the fans cheer, Angelo is walking down to the ring, Angelo entered the ring, fans cheered as he raised his arms in the air. 1 stp kloser hits and Linkin Core is coming out, the fans are cheering  both of these man no each other very well they once were part of the X 4 . And have history. Core entered the ring and climbed the top rope, the fans cheer . Both man are now standing in opposite corners of the ring. The ref called for the bell, now both man walk into the centre  of the ring.  Now both man are facing off. Who will make the first move here. AA goes for a punch, Core ducks, Core turns around, Core connects with a punch of his own, Core is punching AA, Core swings AA to the ropes, Core goes for a big boot, AA ducks, AA comes back clothesline. Core is down. AA swings off the ropes, Elbow drop, Core moves out of the way.  Core picks up AA  Core has AA up, a Hanging  Vertical suplex Core still has AA in the air  Suplex connects . AA is down, Core goes for the cover 1 2, Kickout . Core picks up AA, Core whips AA into the corner, Core charges, AA moves out of the way. Core goes shoulder first into the ring post. Core turns around, AA has Core  he lifts him up powerslam connects cover 1 2 Core gets a shoulder up.  AA picks up Core,   AA has Core in a headlock, Core pushes AA off the ropes, AA comes back shoulder tackle knocks down Core, AA runs off the ropes Leg drop  cover 1 2 Core kicks out.  AA is trying to finish Core early on. AA whips Core into the corner.  AA charges for a splash, Core moves, AA goes head first into the ring post.  AA turns around, Core connects with a Neckbreaker .  Core is going to the top rope. Core jumps off Elbow drop AA moves out of the way. Core is holding his shoulder  in pain.  AA gets up. AA picks up Core he has the arm.  Single arm DDT on the shoulder.  AA covers 1 2 Core kicks out. AA picks up Core, AA brings Core to the ropes. AA wraps the arm around the ropes, Core is screaming in pain. The ref applies the 5 count, AA releases the hold.   Core is holding his shoulder in pain  Wait  AA measured Core up SPEAR  AA just Speared Core, AA cover 1 2  Core gets a shoulder up.  AA just speared Core the fans are cheering and some are booing , this is a mixed crowd .  Core rolls to the outside,  the ref is telling AA  to stay back. AA climbs through the ropes,  Core is getting to his feet, AA is nailing Core with punches . Core is trying to fight back. AA goes for an Irish whip, Core blocks it, Core connects with a powerslam on the outside, AA is down, Core rolls inside the ring and breaks the refs count .  Core rolls back to the outside, Core picks up AA and he drops him chin first against the security rail ,  AA is down. Core raises his arms to the fans and some cheer and boo. Core  picks up AA Core just rammed AA shoulder first into the ring post . AA is down. Core walks towards AA and rolls him inside the ring. Core is on the apron, Core is climbing up top once again,  AA is getting to  his feet slowly , AA turns around, Core connects with a clothesline off the top rope. Cover 1 2 AA just got a shoulder up.  Core goes to the corner, Core is waiting for AA to get back up to his feet. AA is getting up, he turns around   Core is going for the SPEAR,  AA moved out of the way, Core just Speared the referee .  The ref is  down. Core is pissed, he turned around, AA kicked him in the gut, AA has him up  Powerbomb he still has him a 2nd Powerbomb  he still has him The KINGPIN connects  ( 3 Powerbombs in a row)  AA has the cover but there isn�t no referee .  The fans are counting 1  2   3   4  5  6.  AA gets off Core, AA goes to the referee .  AA is trying to wake up the ref. From behind . Core is up, he  grabs AA and whips him into the corner. AA comes back, Core has him belly to belly suplex . AA is down.  Core is measuring  AA once again .  The fans are cheering.  AA is getting up he turns around  SPEAR Connects cover the referee is getting up slowly  1   2   and NO  AA got a shoulder up. Core  is pissed .  He thought he had the match won.  Core picks up AA ,  Core has him in a front suplex position  he is trying to get him up for the Jackhammer  he cant  his shoulder is bothering him. AA kicks him in the gut, he has him up  The AVENGER the fans are cheering  Wait  Core climbs down. AA turns around  SPEAR  CONNECTS   Core connects with a 2nd Spear .  Core signals for the Jackhammer will he be able to get AA up. Core picks up AA he has him in a front headlock position again he has him up CORE has AA up JACKHAMMER Connects . AA is down Core hooks the legs   1  2   3. And yes  CORE WINS here is your winner LINKIN CORE!!!!.   Both man give it everything here tonight . Linkin Core was the better man  at Starrcade tonight  what a match!

Cn'N are arguing in the D.O.A lounge, and the fans booed. "Its your fault! You went through the table first!" "If you weren't standing on the ropes, we wouldn't have lost!" Derio stood up from his seat, "SHUTUP!" Cn'N stopped and they looked over at him. "You're both giving me a headache. Now look, you both lost the titles, so what? You'll get them back, you always do." Nathan nodded and smiled, "Yeah, hes right. We're so kickass." They high fived each other. Thug Livin' was in the corner and they laughed. Connor heard and he looked at them, "You guys think its funny that we lost?" Jamal shrugged his shoulders, "Hey man, don't start with me today alright?" Connor walked up to him and he got in Jamal's face. "You guys are happy we lost the titles, aren't ya?" Nathan pulled him away and Jamal shook his head and sat back down. Derio put his hand to his forehead, "This is going to be a long night."

Silvana Vs. Lindz - NCW Women's Championship
"Dembo" hit and the fans cheered. Here comes Silvana! Silvana walked down to the ring and she clapped the fans hands. She slid in the ring and raised her arms to the crowd as they cheered. "I'm A Slave 4 U" hit and the fans are on thier feet! Here comes the NCW Women's Champion Lindz! Lindz walked out to the ring and she ignored the fans in her hometown! Lindz got in the ring and she raised the title in the air as the fans now gave her a mixed reaction. She handed the title to the ref and he raised it up. The bell rang and the match is on! Both women are talking trash to each other and now Lindz rammed her hand into Silvana's face! Silvana felt her lip and she looked at Lindz. Here we go! Silvana just pounced on Lindz and shes beating the hell out of her! Silvana got to her feet and she grabbed Lindz. Silvana is hitting her with right hands and she whipped her into the ropes. Lindz is coming back and Silvana connects with a clotheline! Lindz is down and the fans booed. Lindz is getting back to her feet and Silvana is going for her. Lindz is in the corner and now Silvana is stomping a mudhole into her! The fans are giving a mixed reaction. Silvana picked her up and she kicked her in the gut, DDT! She has the leg, 1-2-kickout! Not over yet! Silvana is getting up and she grabbed Lindz. Silvana whipped her into the corner. Silvana ran and Lidnz moved! Silvana went chest first into the turnbuckle! Lindz is beihnd her and she got the schoolgirl, 1-2-kickout! Silvana is still in this. Lindz is on her feet and shes stomping on Silvana. Lindz picked her up and she whipped her into the ropes. Silvana is coming back and Lindz connects with a hard clotheline! Silvana is down! Wait a minute, Lindz rolled outside the ring and she just grabbed the Women's title from the timekeeper! What the hell is she doing?! Lindz is in the ring and now the ref is telling her to put the belt back. Lindz is ignoring him and now Silvana is on her feet! Lindz is going to disqualify herself! Silvana turned around and NO! Lindz nailed her over the head with the title! Lindz is smiling and now wait a minute, the ref isn't calling for the bell! He grabbed the title out of her hands and threw it outside. The ref is letting this match continue! Lindz is snapping and the ref wont let her DQ herself! Silvana is getting up and shes busted open! Her wound is open again! Lindz turned around and she kicked Silvana in the gut! 2Sweeter coming! NO! Silvana countered into a backslide, 1-2-kickout! Almost! The fans booed. Silvana got to her feet and now Lindz is up as well! Lindz turned around and Silvana whipped her into the ropes. Lindz is coming back and Silvana connects with a back body drop over the top rope! Lindz is on the outside and the fans cheered her. Silvana is walking over to the ropes and shes going up top! Silvana is climibng up and now Lindz is on her feet. She turned around and Silvana jumped...DROPKICK! Right on the marker! Silvana connected and now both women are down! The fans are cheering and stomping their feet. Silvana is starting to move and her hair is soaked in blood. Shes on her feet and she picked up Lindz and rolled her in the ring. Silvana got in the ring and heres the cover, 1-2-kickout! Lindz wont give in yet. Silvana is getting up and she grabbed Lindz. Silvana has her between her legs! She got her up..Powerbomb! She has the leg hooked, 1-2-kickout again! Silvana is on her knees and she looks pissed. She got to her feet and shes waiting for Lindz to get up! Lindz is slowly getting to her feet and now she turned around. Silvana just whipped her hair right into Lindzs face! Lindz is holding her face and now Silvana kicked her in the gut, S2S is coming! NO! Lindz nailed her with an elbow to the gut, and another, and another! Silvana let go and now Lindz kicked her! 2Sweeter! MY GOD! She got it!! The fans cheered. Lindz has the match won! They're both down! The fans are stomping their feet and now there goes Lindz! Shes going for the cover, 1-2-KICKOUT!! Silvana kicked out! Lindz wasted too much time! The fans gave a mixed reaction. Lindz is slowly getting to her feet and now she grabbed Silvana by the legs. Shes going for the Liontamer! Another move from her boyfriend! Lindz has her turned over and its locked in! Silvana is screaming in pain and shes cant get to the ropes. Silvana is crawling and crawling. Will she tap!? Shes almost there!! WAIT! NO! Lindz pulled her back to the center!! Lindz is putting in more pressure and Silvana cant escape! Blood is flowing down her face! Silvana has her head down on the mat and her arm is starting to slow down. It stopped moving! Silvana is laying there in a pool of blood and the ref is checking on her. He just called for the bell!! What the hell?!? Lindz released the hold and shes smiling. Silvana passed out! "I'm A Slave 4 U" hit and the fans cheered. Here is your winner and STILL Net Championship Wrestling Women's Champion, LINDZ! The ref handed her the belt and she grabbed it out of his hands. Lindz has retained the title tonight! But Silvana never gave up! Lindz left the ring and she raised the title as the fans cheered.

Footage of a redish sky is shown. The clouds are flowing quickly while thunderbolts are raining down on the screen. "Dark City theme" is playing in the background. Suddenly, the number "4" came on screen and it faded into the word "Gluttony." The footage ended as it faded to black.

Kevin Paiva watched the footage on a monitor backstage and the fans cheered. "What the hell are these all about?" Paiva turned around and he bumped into Angela Cage! The fans cheered. "Hey Angela, whats up?" Angela had a worried look on her face, "Look Kev, I have to tell him." "Angela, I told you just forget it, its for your own good." Angela shook her head, "He has a right to know, and he still wants to....I'm going to tell him tomorrow night." Angela walked off and Paiva grabbed her by the arm. "Angela wait! Listen to me, if you let this out then you're going to get hurt." "...I don't care." Angela walked off and Paiva looked worried. What are they talking about?!?

Price is now standing by with Ajax and the Rock! The fans cheered. "Guys, in just a few moments you'll step in the ring with two of the strongest..." Rock raised his hand to Price's face. "Woah, woah, woah! Easy there Price, the Rock knows what yo're going to say and hes going to stop you right there. You see, The Rock and Chris Ajax are aware that those jabroni's are big, but you know the old saying don't you?" Price looked confused. Rock grabbed the mic out of his hand. "You don't know nothin', tell 'em Chris!" Rock handed the mic to Ajax. "The bigger they are, the harder they fall baby! WOOo!" The fans cheered. Rock smiled and Ajax gave him the mic back. "Ya damn right! Tonight The Rock and The Ajax are going to beat the bejezus out of those two candyasses and then..." Rock handed the mic back to Ajax. "We're gonna drink some french wine and eat some croissants!" Rock laughed. "Ya damn skippy! IF YOU SMELELELELELE..." The Rock stopped and the fans booed. He looked over at something and the camera moved...its Derio! The fans booed. "My, my, my, my, MY! If it ain't...whats your name?" "My name is..." "IT DOESN'T MATTER WHAT YOUR NAME IS!" The fans cheered and laughed. "Oh don't worry, The Rock remembers you Jayson Derio! You and me had a little talk back at Hostility. Oh yeah, The Rock remembers. Hows your daughter?" The fans laughed. The Rock grabbed his pants and slapped it, "Down boy!" The fans laughed again. Derio looked pissed, "You shutup about my daughter. I haven't forgotten you either Rocky. Consider yourself lucky that you're not emplyed in this company or else...." The Rock put his hand to his face, "Sssh Derio. First, you must listen as the people are chanting The Rock's name..." The fans started chanting "Rocky." Rock looked back at Derio and smiled, "Aww, whats a matter Derio? Sad they ain't chanting your name? C'mon people chant the man's name...Oreo, Oreo!" The fans started chanting "Oreo" and Ajax was laughing. "You think you're funny don't ya Rock? Tell me, have you ever experienced a D.O.A Beatdown?" The fans booed. Rock looked confused, "D.O.A Beatdown? Damn Derio, the Rock don't swing that way! The Rock likes to get beat by his wife, and thats it. But anyway, if you'll excuse the Rock and Ajax, they have some ass that needs whipping! IF YOU SMELELELELELEL-LOW! WHAT THE ROCK!" Rock pointed the mic to Ajax. "AND THE AJAX!" Rock then pointed it to Derio. "And the Der..." Rock pulled it away, "AND THE OREO.." The fans laughed. "ARE...COOKING!" The fans cheered. Rock and Ajax gave each other props and walked off. Price was laughing and Derio looked at him and Price ran off. Derio is pissed!

Chris Ajax/The Rock Vs. Baine/Nathan Dupre
"My Last Serenade" hit and the fans booed. Here is Baine and Nathan Dupre with Cory Kimbrel! All 3 of them walked out to the ring and they look focused. They ignored the fans and got in the ring. Cory is staying on the outside and hes clapping for his men. Baine is jumping up and down and he's pumped! "Battle Ready" hit and the fans cheered. Here comes Chris Ajax! Ajax walked out and he gave props to the fans. He stopped at the ring apron and looked up at Baine and Dupre. Hes not going in there alone. "If You Smell..." hit and the fans are on their feet!! Here comes the People's Champion, The Rock!! The Rock walked out and what an ovation! He walked down to the ring and stopped beside Ajax. They're talking to each and they gave each other props. Ajax and Rock just slid in the ring and here we go!! Rock and Ajax are nailing them with punches! Ajax swung off the ropes and he connects with a clotheline over the top on Dupre! Rock is hitting Baine and hes teetering. Rock spit on his hand and he connects with a hard shot! Baine is down. The bell sounded and here we go! Rock is stomping on Baine and he picked him up. Rock whipped him into the ropes and Baine countered! Rock went off the roeps and Baine connects with a hard clotheline! Rock is down and the fans booed. Baine is trying to regain momentum and now hes stomping on Rock. Baine picked him up by the neck and he just tossed him into the corner. Baine is walking over and he hit him with an enblow to the side of the head. Baine is punching Rock in the corner and now he whipped him into the opposite corner. Baine is measuring him up and he ran at him...stinger splash! All the weight on the Rock! Rock is down and the fans are booing Baine. Baine grabbed him by the leg and hes dragging him over to his corner. Baine got the tag and here comes Dupre! Dupre is in the ring and hes stomping on Rock. Dupre picked him up and he has him between his legs. Dupre is going for a powerbomb and NO! Rock countered into a back body drop! Dupre is down and now the Rock is trying to fight back. Dupre is on his feet and he turned around. Rock is nailing him with punches and he spit on his hand...Haymaker on Dupre! Dupre is teetering and Rock knocked him down with a shoulder tackle! Both men are down and the fans are cheering for Rock. Ajax has his arm out for the tag! Can Rock make it?! Rock is crawling over to the corner and now Dupre is on his feet! Hes going for Rock and he has him by the leg! Rock is hopping on one foot and now he jumped to Ajax! HE GOT IT! Here comes Ajax! The fans cheered. Ajax is in the ring and hes nailing Dupre with right hands. Ajax whipped him into the ropes and Dupre countered. Ajax is coming back and Dupre missed the clotheline! Dupre turned around and Ajax connects with a heel kick to the face! Heres the cover, 1-2-kickout! Ajax got on his feet and hes stomping on Durpe. Ajax swung off the ropes and he just knocked down Baine from the apron! The fans cheered. Baine is pissed and he got back in the ring. The ref is holdinh him back and Ajax laughed. Dupre is getting up using the roeps. Ajax whipped off the roeps...dropkick! Dupre just feel through the second rope to the outside. The fans are on thier feet for Ajax! He is on fire! Dupre is getting up again and Ajax rolled outside. Ajax is hitting him with punches and he whipped him into the steel steps! Dupre went back first! Ajax rolled back in the ring and hes waiting for Dupre to get back in. WAIT! Baine is in the ring and he knocked down Ajax from behind! Rock is in the ring and Baine knocked him down with a clotheline! The ref is trying to get Baine back in his corner. Wait a minute, Baine picked up Ajax. He has him between his legs...NO! SNAPDRAGON!! He go tit on Ajax! The fans booed. Baine is getting back in his corner and now Dupre rolled in the ring. NO! It cant end like this! Dupre is rolling over and he got his arm on Ajax, 1-2-KICKOUT!! Ajax kicked out! The fans cheered. Baine looks pissed! Cory is shocked on the outside. Both men are getting to their feet and Ajax looks out of it. They're on thier feet and Dupre nailed him with a punch, Ajax got him as well. Both men are exchanging punches and now Dupre whipped him into the ropes. Ajax is coming back and Dupre connects with a spinebuster! Ajax is down again! Dupre is getting up and hes going for the tag! Dupre is walking over to Baine and he got it! Here comes Baine and the fans booed. Baine picked up Ajax and hes going for the Snapdragon again! Here comes the Rock! Rock just knocked down Baine and he dropped Ajax. The fans are cheering and Durpe got in the ring! Rock is nailing him with right hands and he knocked him down as well! Wait a minute, Cory is on the apron and hes yelling at the ref. The ref is trying to maintain order in this match! Ajax is getting up and he just knocked Cory off the apron! The fans cheered. Ajax turned around and now Baine clothelined him over the top rope! Ajax is on the outside. WAIT! Rock is behind Baine!! Hes measuring him up! Baine turned around...Rock Bottom! NO!! Baine countered! Rock let go and now Baine went for a clotheline but Rock ducked! Baine turned around...ROCK BOTTOM!! He got it!!! The fans cheered. Baine is down and now the ref is telling Rock to get back to his corner. He isnt the legal man. Ajax is getting up outside and he rolled in the irng. Can he get it?! Ajax has ther cover, 1-2-KICKOUT! Baine kicked out! It was so close!! The fans booed. What a match!! Both men are down and the ref has begun the 10 count. 1...2..3...4...5...6...they're starting to move! They're crawlig over to their corners! Ajax is almost ther and so is Baine! Baine...he got the tag! Dupre is in the ring! AND YES! Here comes Rock! Rock is nailing Dupre with punches and he whipped him into the ropes. Dupre is coming back and he goes down with a clotheline! Wait a minute, Cory is in the ring! Cory is stepping up to Rock and hes talking trash! Rock looked at the fans and they cheered! MY GOD! He grabbed Cory...Rock Bottom!! Cory is down!! The fans are on thier feet! Rock turned around and NO! Baine connects with a hard clotheline! Rock's head smacked against the mat. Wait, here comes Ajax! Ajax swung off the ropes..dropkick!!! Baine just fell out of the ring to the outside! Dupre is on his feet and Ajax kicked him in the gut! Here it comes!! Ajax has him set for the Fallen Angel...he got it!! Dupre is down! Ajax got the Fallen Angel but he isnt the legal man!! Rock is up and he walked over to Dupre! Hes standing over his head and looked at the crowd. They know whats coming! Rock took off his elbow pad and he threw it into the crowd! Rock ran off the ropes and again...PEOPLE'S ELBOW! It connects!! Heres the cover, 1-2-3!! YES! The fans cheered. Rock and Ajax win!! "If You Smell..." hit and the fans are on thier feet. What a match! The ref raised their arms in the air. Rock and Ajax gave each other props and they hugged! Both men proved a powerful tandem here tonight! Rock climbed the top rope and he raised his arm as the fans cheered. He left the ring and Ajax followed. They gave each other props again and clapped the fans hands.

Styles, Crow and Liquid are celebrating and the fans cheered. Styles and Liquid hugged, "This is more than just a championship, this is one step to seeing the D.O.A go DOWN!" The fans cheered. Crow smiled and they gave each other props. A ringing sound came up and Crow grabbed his cell phone, "Hold on guys." Crow walked off to be alone. "Hello? Hey, how are you? Yeah, I called out about 2 months ago and now you call me back? Don't worry about it, Johnny Styles is a nice guy, I don't need any info on him, so just take it back. Oh? Alright fine, if its important." Crow listened and his face turned serious. "You sure? Oh alright, yeah, thanks alot." Crow hung up and he looked a little angry. What was that all about!?

Price is now standing by with Razor. The fans cheered. "Razor, tonight is what many are calling the final battle in this long-standing rivalry between Zach Stiller and yourself. How is your leg going into this match?" "My leg is fine Price, don't you worry about it. As for tonight, I've been waiting for this ever since it was announced. Me and Zach alone in a cage? What more could I ask for? By the time this match is over, Zach's blood is going to cause a flood..." Razor stopped and he turned his head....its Tyson and Jeff Mathers! The fans booed. "So this is what? The 3rd time you've interupted me. You got nothing better to do Tyson?" Tyson smiled, "I couldn't help myself Razor. I mean, it was last month at Judgment Day where you told me you'd be wearing the World title the next time we saw each other. Well..." Tyson looked Razor up and down. "Wheres the title?" "Don't worry about it." Tyson laughed and patted the Spirit Championship on his shoulder. "You see this? I made good on my word. I'm STILL the Spirit Champion. And did you catch my match earlier tonight against Kindred? I kicked his ass just like everyone else who steps up to me." Razor cracked his knuckles, "Yeah? What I noticed was you using MY finisher. You think you're bad pulling off the Mach 6?" Tyson laughed. He looked at Mathers and then back at Razor. "What, did I offend you? I won't use it again. At least, I'll try not to." The fans booed. "You know Tyson, you stole my move, you keep interupting my interviews, AND you even have my old manager. You're just a Razor Wannabe aren't you?" The fans cheered. Tyson stopped smiling and he got in his face but Mathers held him back. Razor smiled, "What, did I offend you?" Razor walked off and the fans cheered.

Craig Camara Vs. Kyle the Style - NCW Internetal Championship
� If ya Getting down� hits and here comes the challenger Craig Camera, Craig is looking to capture the Internetal championship for the first  time in his career . Craig entered the ring. Climbed the ropes and raised his arms, the fans cheered . Craig jumped around and then � Cant stop wont stop� hits and here comes the Internetal champion along side Maximo.  The fans booed, Kyle walked down all cocky. Maximo held the ropes for Kyle, Kyle entered the ring, and he posed, he took off the Internetal title and raised It in the air, he folded it and then kissed it then he handed it to the official , the official raised it in the air and showed it to Craig.  The ref handed the title to the ring announcer . The ref called for the bell , here we go.  Kyle was talking smack. Craig just knocked him down, with a right hand.  Craig picked up Kyle, Craig whipped Kyle to the ropes, a back body drop, Kyle is down Kyle rolls to the outside.  Kyle grabs the Internetal championship and he called Maximo over, Kyle is leaving  up the ramp  from behind Craig clotheslines Kyle, Craig just  clotheslined Maximo. Craig  picks up Kyle he has him by the hair,  Craig throws him shoulder first into the steps, the fans are cheering, Craig charges a knee to the face, Kyle is down, the fans are cheering. Craig throws Kyle back inside the ring. Maximo from behind grabs  Craig by the foot, Craig kicks Maximo down, Craig  is back inside the ring, Kyle is begging for Craig to stop, Kyle just raked Craig in the eyes, Kyle gets up and showboats and the fans booed. Kyle has Craig DDT connects cover 1 2 kickout , the fans cheer. Kyle picks up Craig, Kyle whips Craig into the corner, Kyle charges , Craig moves . Now Craig is nailing Kyle with punches in the corner , Craig whips Kyle to the opposite corner, Kyle comes back Craig connects with a clothesline .  Cover 1 2 Kyle kicks out. Craig has Kyle  he has a bow an arrow applied. The ref is asking if Kyle gives up . Kyle is saying no .  Craig is applying more pressure  with his knee across the back of Kyle. Kyle is screaming in Pain, Kyle is getting to his feet.  He turns around he ahs Craig a release Belly to Back suplex  now both man are down, the ref starts the 10 count, the ref is at 5. Craig is to his  feet first Kyle  is up as well, Craig connects with a dropkick , Kyle is down again. Craig runs off the ropes a elbow drop connects cover 1 2 Kyle kicks out.  Craig has Kyle  by the legs , a slingshot Kyle goes headfirst into the top turnbuckle Kyle turns around  Cam slam  connects  cover  1 2  Kyle puts his foot on the rope. The ref sees it and stops the count. Craig  almost won the Internetal  title there. Craig  picks up Kyle, Craig connects with a suplex. Maximo is on the apron. Craig clotheslines him down. Craig is climbing the top rope, Kyle is getting back to his feet Craig off the top rope. Crossbody connects  Kyle flips over 1 2 Craig kicks out .  near fall . Kyle and Craig  and Kyle are up  double clothesline both man are down the ref starts the 10 count again 5 Kyle has his arm over Craig. 1 2 Craig kicks out.  Kyle is yelling at the referee .  Kyle picks up Craig. Kyle whips him back first into the corner Craig comes back , Kyle kicks him in the gut Kyle swings off the ropes he�s going for the Statement  Craig moves out of the way.  Kyle comes back, Craig connects with a Spinebuster . Kyle is down. Craig hooks the legs  1 2 Kyle gets a shoulder up. Again another near fall.   Craig cant believe it.  Craig picks up Kyle , Craig whips Kyle to the ropes, he�s going for the Camslam Kyle lands on his feet.  Craig turns around, Kyle is going for a clothesline, Craig ducks, Kyle just accidentally clotheslined the ref, the ref is down. . Wait a minute Maximo has a chair , Maximo rolls inside the ring with the steel chair wait a Minute it�s ROBBY , ROBBY is back from his Injury  Robby clotheslines Kyle.  Robby clotheslines Maximo, Maximo goes up and over the ropes to the outside the fans are cheering, now Robby has the chair Maximo brought inside the ring. Robby is waiting for Kyle to get back up to his feet,  Kyle is getting up slowly, Kyle is up, Robby swings  Kyle ducked  MY GOD Robby just nailed Craig with the chair Robby can�t believe what he just did. Kyle kicks Robby in the gut, Kyle grabs Robby by the head, Kyle just threw Robby over the top rope, Robby goes to the outside.  The referee is getting up slowly   Kyle covers Craig  1  2  3  and   Kyle just retained  the Internetal championship.  Here is your winner and STILLLLLLLL NCW Internetal Champion Kyle the Style, Maximo handed Kyle to the title , Maximo and Kyle are celebrating up the ramp. Robby just rolled back inside the ring, Robby is checking on his brother . Kyle  is still your NCW Internetal champion.

The Rock is walking around drinking from his water bottle and the fans cheered. He stopped in his tracks and smiled. The camera moved over...its Jesse Russell! The fans cheered. "Well, well, well, if it ain't Jesse Russssssell." They gave each other props. "How you doin' Rock? Still running your mouth?" "Haha, you know The Rock." Jesse smiled, "Guess so. Nice match you had out there. Looks like Hollywood hasn't slowed you down." Rock drank some of his water, "Never doubt the Rock my friend. The Rock whooped their candyasses, just like he did to you at Hostility." The fans went "Oooo". Jesse smiled and nodded, "You want to go there huh?" "The Rock has already..." Alexa walked by and the Rock checked her out. "If you'll excuse the Rock he's hungry, and some pie sounds good right about now." The fans cheered and laughed. Rock turned back to Jesse and he gave him props, "Good seeing you again Russell, kick some nice Sweet ass tonight!" Rock walked off and the fans cheered as Jesse smiled.

The Steel Cage is lowering down to the ring and the fans are cheering. The lights around the arena are blinking and the Cage is settled. Zach Stiller and Razor will meet inside that structure, lets see how this feud came about!

The Stiller-Razor video package is shown. Soft music is playing in the background. It shows Zach sitting down in his locker room. "We have history Razor..." It then plays black and white footage of Total Mayhem 2002. Razor taking on Crimson Ray for the Internetal Championship. "You're problems with my brother transfered over to me." It shows Razor Mach 6ing Ray to win the Internetal title. The footage speeds along and then the screen fades into black "1 Year Later." Footage is shown of Starrcade 2003 in the match between Zach and Razor. "You took out my brother and you saw FIT TO TAKE ME TO OUT!" It shows highlights of their match and then Razor getting the Mach 6 for the win. Afterwards, Razor brought Zach to the outside and Mach 6ed him against the ringpost twice. "You took 2 months of my career away..." Zach is on the floor in pain as Officials came to check on him. "But you failed in crushing me permanently..." It showed footage of Zach winning the SurvivorSlam match and then beating Matt Xtreme at SuperNet II. "I returned even better.." It then showed Zach against 5 other men  in the Elimination Chamber at Adrenaline 2004. Zach lost the match and the title. It showed him beating on Psycho Smyth and Jesse Russell throughout the months. "But it didn't last long...my glory was taken from me! I went through many to get it back and look where it brought me...back to YOU!" The music got intense and it showed Zach smashing Razor's leg with a chair at Judgment Day. It then showed Zach in the ring with a mic, "I proved to Razor what happens when you try to meddle with me!" Razor walked out and Zach ran for it. It then showed footage backstage of Jason2Sweet calling Zach a coward. "I am not a coward..." Razor walked out to the ring and called out Zach. Zach walked out to the ramp, "I am not a coward, and I'll prove it! At Starrcade, it'll be ME..." It showed a clip of Zach smiling. "...and YOU..." It showed Razor with a focused look. "..in a STEEL CAGE match!" It then showed footage of a steel cage hanging in the air as the lights flickered. The music got even more intense and it showed everything that transpired up to tonight. "ZACH! GET READY...FOR YOUR END!" The footage ended with Zach bloody and Razor standing tall inside the cage.

Razor Vs. Zach Stiller - Steel Cage Match
� Ladies and Gentleman t is now time for the Cage Match. Introducing to the ring first.  � Black� hit and here comes the monster known as Razor, the fans  cheered, as Razor walked down the ramp towards the ring, Razor started shaking the cage.  Razor stepped though the door, now was Razor was inside the cage. � Lean Low� hits and here comes Zach Stiller, the fans booed  Zach walked down the ramp all cocky, Zach circled the ring and then walked up the steps, entered the cage, Zach climbed the ropes, and posed as the fans booed.  The official outside shut the door . And was locking  the door shut.   The ref inside the ring called for the bell and here we go, Stiller and Razor go to the centre of the ring. Both man are face to face.  Stiller slaps Razor, Razor goes for a clothesline, Zach ducks, Zach swings off the ropes, connects with a flying elbow smash .  Now Zach is nailing Razor with punches . Zach is all over Razor.  Razor pushes Zach off . Zach , razor are on their feet, now both man are exchanging punches . Razor whips Zach into the ropes, Razor has his head down. Stiller connects with a Evenflow ddt . Razor is down.  Zach is walking towards the door, Zach is trying to walk out already, Razor from behind . Has Zach a back suplex connects , Zach is down.  Razor has Zach by the legs  Razor is positioning Zach Slingshot , Zach goes headfirst into the steel cage. Razor picks up Stiller, Razor whips him head first into the cage wall. Zach is busted open. Razor grabs Zach, and again off the wall, Zach is down. Razor raises his arms in the air. The fans boo.  Razor grabs Zach by the hair, Razor is rubbing Zach�s face against the cage, Zach stiller is screaming in Pain. Razor released the hold. Razor raised his arms again. Stiller is down. Razor grabs Zach by his blood soaked hair . He puts him between his legs he has him up   MY GODDDDDDDD a MACH 6 against the cage wall. Zach  is holding his back, razor  goes for the cover 1 2 Zach got his foot on the rope, Zach just got his foot on the ropes in the last second.  Razor picks up Stiller, Razor whips  Zach into the ropes, Razor goes for a big boot, Zach connects with a spinning heel kick Razor is down. Zach is trying to catch his breathe.  Stiller is crawling towards the door.  The ref opens the door, and from behind Razor has Stiller by the leg   ANKLE LOCK  Razor has the ANKLE LOCK applied Zach�s  own finisher,  the ref is asking if  Stiller will quit, Stiller isn�t giving up, Stiller turns on his stomach, Stiller kicks Razor off,  Razor goes into the corner. Zach is trying to get back to his feet . Razor charges  Stiller  just threw Razor head first into the cage wall. Razor comes back, Stiller connects with a German suplex. Razor is down.  Now Zach is going for the ankle  , ANKLE LOCK applied . Will  Razor quit . The ref is asking if Razor will quit. Razor kicks  Stiller off  him.   Razor is getting up , Zach charges  at razor a swinging tornado ddt, Razor is down.  Stiller goes for the cover 1 2 kickout.  Razor isn�t done yet. Stiller picks up Razor, Stiller whips him head first into the wall. Stiller has Razor by the head, he�s rubbing his face back and forth on the cage, and Razor is busted open. Stiller lets go of Razor, Razor turns around Stiller connects with a one legged inserqurie .  Razor is down. Stiller is climbing the top rope,  ZACH ATTACK, connects   Cover 1 2  Razor gets a shoulder up.  Stiller is arguing with the ref. Stiller now is climbing the cage, Stiller is climbing slowly from behind Razor is up.  Razor is following  Stiller up the cage. Razor is banging Stiller�s head off  the wall. Stiller fell Stiller just got hunged on the top rope now Razor grabs Stiller both man are standing on the top rope, Razor connects with a belly to belly. Both man are down.  Both man are a bloody mess.  Razor is getting to his feet slowly. Razor is climbing the cage.  Razor is almost halfway up,  Stiller runs to the cage  starts climbing  Low blow.   Razor just fell off  the cage . Razor is down on the mat . Now  Stiller is climbing to the top . Stiller is almost  at the top of the cage.  Stiller is up, All Stiller has to do  is climb down Stiller is looking around, he�s looking down ,  Razor isn�t moving after the Low Blow, what is Stiller thinking off .  MY GODDDDDDDDDD  ZACH ATTACK   off the cage   Stiller connects  on Razor  both man are down MY GOD Stiller  just jumped of the 20 foot high steel cage and connected with a frogsplash .  MY GOD.  The fans are chanting Holy shit, Holy shit.   Stiller is moving slowly towards Razor, Stiller puts his arm over Razor   cover 1  2  and NOOOOOOOO Razor just got a shoulder up.  Stiller can�t believe what will it take to win this match. Both man are down.  Stiller is crawling  towards the ropes, and Stiller is using the ropes to get back to his feet .  Stiller is trying to climb back up to the cage Razor is getting up slowly Stiller is climbing the cage and Razor is climbing right behind Stiller, Stiller is almost at the top, Razor is right behind him, Stiller is trying to get back to his feet, razor is nailing Stiller with punches ,  now  Razor is trying to get to his feet both man are at the top of the cage  this is a dangerous position  both man are exchanging blows at the top of the cage wait,  Razor just kneed Stiller there both  on top of the cage railing   Razor puts Stiller between his legs What in the hell ,  NO Way this is insane , Razor is going to break Stiller in half. Razor has him in a Mach 6 Position at the top of the cage. The fans are standing here in the Pond,  Razor is trying to get Stiller up.     MY GODDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD Stiller  just connected with a BACK BODY DROP   MY GODDDDDDDDDDDDDD  RAZOR JUST WENT THROUGH THE RING, HOLY SHIT the fans are shocked  the fans are  Chanting Holy shit, Holy shit. Razor just went through the RING. Stiller now is still at top he is looking down at Razor, Now Stiller is climbing down the cage the , and Stiller climbs down halfway and he jumps both feet touched the floor the ref calls for the bell , Ladies  and Gentleman  here is your winner Zach Stiller, these man wont be the same again, razor was just back body dropped all the way from the top of the cage into the ring,  somebody check on razor , Razor went through the ring my  God, what Carnage , Lean Low hits, Stiller is walking up the ramp  raising his arms.

Crystal Method's "Name of the Game" is playing in the background and it is showing footage of the city of Toronto. The Cn'N Tower, Air Canada Center, the streets, people walking along, and more. It then stopped at the SkyDome and a light started to shine from it. The song began to kick up, "Listen All You Motherf----". The camera dove into the SkyDome and it began showing clips of NCW. SURVIVORSLAM - TORONTO! It showed Jesse Russell nailing Kyle the Style with a Superkick as the footage quickly ended.

Price is standing by with Kevin Paiva and the fans cheered. "Paiva, in a few moments you will get your rematch against Jayson Derio and not only get your revenge agianst him, but also take back ownership of the company." "Tonight, I get my second chance and I'm going to try my hardest not to blow it. Ever since I left this place in June, I've watched what Derio has been doing to everyone here. You're either with the D.O.A or you're against them. Well that mentality stops tonight. When I beat Derio tonight, I'm not only doing it for me, I'm doing it for the entire company. The 2nd Anniversary of NCW is going to mark the end of the D.O.A!" The fans cheered. Paiva turned around and he just bumped into Zach! The fans booed. "Woah, you look nice Zach." Zach spit out some blood on the floor and he wiped his face. "You watch that out there Paiva? That was Zach Stiller at work, doing what he does best...breaking people!" The fans booed. Paiva shook his head, "Whatever you say.." Paiva walked off and Zach grabbed him by the arm. "Hold up a sec. You know, with all the rumors going around that I'M the mole, its pissing me off that no one is questioning the most obvious suspect..YOU!" The fans booed. Paiva looked confused, "Me? How the hell do you figure that?" "Oh please, don't deny it. I'm sorry if I'm not the only one who see's past this whole 'savior' crap that you're on. Everyone thinks you're clean just because you got back and ready to fight the D.O.A. I think thats bull!" Paiva shook his head, "Nice try Zach, why don't you clean yourself up and work on your detective skills a bit more, huh? Why would I turn against my chance at getting back Ownership?" Zach laughed and he spit out some more blood. "You've done it before Paiva, and I guess people are forgetting that. Its like deja vu. Anyone remember Judgment Day last year? You returned from an injury at get this...TITANMANIA. It was Poppa Crush against Sean Cena for the NCW title AND for ownership. You were in Crush's corner and Andrew Ferreria was in Cena's corner and the winner would win ownership for their rep. But what happened Paiva? Huh? I'll tell you what happened! You turned on Crush and formed the 4 Horsemen! The most powerful faction at the time because of you and Ferreira's power over the company! Doesn't that sound familiar? Right now the D.O.A is the most powerful faction due to their political power, so how do we know you won't just turn your back on everyone and join them? Huh? So if you ask me, YOU'RE the mole!" The fans booed. Paiva stood their not saying anything. "Heh, can't say anything can you? Now if you'll excuse me, I need to clean up." Zach walked off. Price looked at Paiva with a suspicious look. Paiva turned around and walked off. Is Paiva the mole?!

Kevin Paiva Vs. Jayson Derio - NCW Ownership No Holds Barred Match
� Back in Black  � hits and here comes the Owner of NCW  Jayson Derio  the fans boo, Derio took his time to get inside the ring, Derio raised his hands and fans booed. � The Game� hits and the fans are on their feet for the former Owner of  NCW, Paiva isn�t wasting no time Paiva slides inside the ring, Derio goes for a clothesline, Paiva swings back , Clothesline connects , Derio is down. Derio is getting up , Paiva whips Derio to the rope Lou Thesz  Press the ref calls for the bell and now the match is officially underway . Paiva is punching the living out of Derio , Paiva gets off Derio, Derio is dizzy doesn�t now where he is.  Paiva runs and connects with a high  Harley Race knee. Derio is down again. Paiva yells at the fans , fans cheer .  Paiva picks up Derio and whips him into the corner, Paiva charges Stinger splash connects  Derio is down, Paiva is now going to the outside, Paiva  grabs a steel chair from the outside  Paiva is bringing the chair inside the ring,  Derio is trying to get back to his feet, Paiva swings the Chair and connects and Derio goes through the middle ropes to the outside , fans are cheering Paiva raised the chair in the air. Paiva is going to the outside, Derio is still down. Paiva picks up Derio, Paiva whips him into the steel ring post . Paiva is going go the  announcer�s table, he just ripped off the  wooden cover . Derio has been busted open.  Derio turns around and Paiva connects  with the wooden cover. Derio is  down again on the outside. Paiva picks up Derio and rolls him back inside the ring. Paiva  swings off the ropes, Knee drop to the face. Paiva is going for a cover 1  2 Derio barely  gets a shoulder off the canvas. Derio isn�t giving up yet. Paiva  picks up Derio and wait Derio just nailed Paiva with a low blow, now both man are down.  Derio is trying to regroup on the outside.  Paiva is in Pain. Derio know has a steel Chair he brings it inside the ring. Derio is waiting for Paiva to get back up to his feet Paiva is getting up slowly Derio swings the chair and he connects Paiva is down. Derio has the legs hooked its over 1  2  and no Paiva kicked out, the fans cheer .  Derio is yelling at the ref.  Derio has the chair , Paiva is getting up  he swings, Paiva ducks, Paiva connects with a spinning heel kick and Derio got nailed with the chair in the face, now Paiva is getting back up to his feet, he has Derio  Figure 4 leg lock  he has it locked , will Derio tap. Derio is refusing to quit,  Derio is down. Derio is trying to reverse the hold and he almost has it, and Derio now has the pressure applied on Paiva and Paiva is too close to the ropes, Derio is forced to release the hold.  Paiva is holding his leg. Now Derio  stomps on the leg of Paiva.. Now Derio has Paiva by the leg and he  goes back. And Paiva screams in pain. Now Derio is showboating to the fans  , from behind  school boy  1   2  and NO Derio kicked out close call . Paiva almost got power back. Derio and Paiva are back on their feet both man are exchanging blows, Paiva connects with a  kick to the midsection he has Derio between his legs  no   Yes  ENDGAME connects . Derio is down the match is over, Paiva has a cover 1 2 and   Derio just got his foot on the bottom rope .  Paiva can�t believe it  he came so close of winning this match. Paiva is going back to the outside, Paiva is going to the announce table , Paiva is clearing the table. Paiva rolls  back inside the ring, and Paiva throws Derio over the  top rope to the outside, Derio looks like he is out cold. Paiva puts Derio on the  announce table what is Paiva thinking about here, Paiva puts Derio between his legs, Paiva is going for a ENDGAME and wait  NOOOOOOOOOOO  Back body drop, Paiva � s head just smoked the Monitor , Paiva is busted open , Paiva is bleeding from the  back off the head, both man are down, the official is checking on both man. Derio is starting to move , Derio picks up the bloody Paiva . Derio rolls Paiva back inside the ring, Derio has a cover 1   2     and  NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO  Paiva kicked out, the fans are on their feet . Derio cant believe it. Derio grabs the two chairs inside the ring he has it set up for something . Derio picks up Paiva, Derio whips Paiva to the ropes, Powerslam . Paiva just went back first on the 2 chairs inside the ring.  Derio now goes for another cover  1 2 Paiva just got a shoulder up. Both man are giving it their all here tonight lot is  on the line.  Derio has Pavia by the hair. Derio is going for a DDT,  Paiva is fighting out of it, Paiva   whips Derio sternum first  into the turnbuckle . Derio turns around  ENDGAME connects its all over now   1   2   and what the hell  Kyle the Style just shoved the referee to the outside . Paiva just saw what happened . Paiva rolls to the outside and now  Paiva is chasing Kyle around ringside, Kyle slides back inside the ring. Derio just nailed Paiva  with a steel chair in the  head its all over  Derio has the cover  1 2  and NOOOOOOOOO  Paiva kicked out.  Derio is getting pissed, Derio called Kyle inside the ring,  Derio nailed  Paiva with another shot  to the ribs Kyle runs off the ropes Statement connects  no not like this. Derio going for a cover  1  2  and Paiva gets a shoulder up.  Derio is getting frustrated . Derio tossed Kyle a chair and Derio has chair what are they gonna do now. Paiva is bleeding for the back of his head and now the forehead. Paiva is getting up conchairto , Paiva ducked , both chairs nailed each other.  Paiva decked Kyle to the outside. Paiva turned around  knee to the head. Derio is down. Paiva has Derio by the head he has his arms another ENDGAME  . YESSSSSSSSSS   Paiva  hit�s the ENDGAME. Its all over cover 1 2  and Kyle just nailed  Paiva and the pin is broken. Paiva turns around . Paiva and Kyle are staring down and now Paiva is nailing   Kyle with punches, Paiva clotheslines  Kyle to the outside.  Paiva has Derio he has him between his legs   Powerbomb into a leg bridge. Cover  1 2  and Now Kyle pulled the referee again .  Paiva is getting pissed Paiva is chasing Kyle on the outside. Kyle slides back inside the ring.  Derio just kicked  Paiva below the belt.  Kyle off the ropes Statement connects  a 2nd Statement . Derio is going for the cover   1  2   3. NOOOOOOOOO  Not like this Kyle the Style just helped  Derio keep ownership here in NCW. What a match both man were giving it their best .and Derio remains the owner, Kyle the Style raised  Derio�s arm in Victory.

The D.O.A are in their liunge and they're celebrating. Crush and Nathan gave each other props as they just watched what happened in the ring. "D.O.A is still in power, baby!" Sweet stood up from his seat and he grabbed the his water bottle. "I'm up guys, time to teach another b*tch a lesson." Lindz kissed and he gave props to the guys as he left the room.

Jesse is walking through the back and the fans cheered. Hes heading to the ring! The 2/3 Falls Match is next!

Jason2Sweet Vs. Jesse Russell - 2/3 Falls Match
Bob Rother is in the ring, "Ladies and Gentlemen, the following contest is the 2/3 Falls Match!" The fans cheered. "The rules are as follows. The first man to score two victories over their opponent either by pinfall, submission, disqualification or countout, will be the winner!" The fans cheered. "Rollin' Remix" hit and the fans are on their feet!! Here comes the hometown boy, Jason2Sweet! Sweet walked out to the ramp and he looked around at the crowd. He drank out of the water bottle and then tossed it into the crowd. Sweet is heading to the ring and he looks focused. He's ignoring the fans and got in the ring. Sweet climbed the roeps and he raised his arms to the fans as they cheered. Sweet is ready tonight! "R.U.L.E" hit and the fan gave a mixed reaction. Here comes Jesse Russell! Jesse is walking out to the ring and WAIT! Now hes running down and he slid in the ring! Here we go! Both men are exchanging punches and the bell sounded! The match is officially underway! Jesse kneed Sweet in the gut and he whipped him into the ropes. Sweet is coming back...backbody drop connects!! Sweet is down! Jesse is going for him and now he roleld out of the ring! Sweet is trying to regain himself on the outside but Jesse is in pursuit! Jesse is outside and he just grabbed Sweet by the head and rammed him into the steel steps! Sweet is down again! Jesse picked him up and he slammed his head into the steps again! The fans gave a mixed reaction. The crowd is starting to favor Jesse here! Jesse grabbed Sweet and he rolled him in the ring. Jesse rolled back in and he got to his feet. Jesse is walking over to the corner and WAIT! Hes measuring up Sweet! Hes going for the Superkick! Jesse is putting this away early! Sweet is getting to his feet slowly. Hes wobbling and now he turned around...SUPERKICK! NO! Sweet moved! Jesse turned around and Sweet connects with a clotheline! Jesse is down and the fans booed. Sweet is walking to the corner and hes regaining his breath. Jesse is trying to get up and now Sweet kicked him in the gut! Jesse is on all fours and Sweet kicked him in the gut again. Jesse is coughing and now Sweet picked him up. Sweet swung him into the ropes. Jesse is coming back and WAIT! Sweet just pushed the ref in front of him and Jesse ran right into him! What the hell was that?? The fans booed and Sweet has a smile on his face. Jesse and the ref are down. Wait a minute, Sweet is leaving the ring! Hes walking over to the announce table and he grabbed a chair! OH NO! Sweet is getting in the ring and the fans booed. Jesse is getting up slowly and Sweet has him locked! Jesse turned around and NOOO! Sweet connects with a shot to the head with the chair! MY GOD! The chair is bent! Sweet tossed the chair outside and hes smiling ear to ear! Sweet is shaking the ref and hes coming to! Sweet has the leg hooked on Jesse! The ref is crawling over and hes making the count, 1....2....NO! Jesse kicked out! The fans cheered. Sweet is in shock! Jesse wont give in just yet! Sweet is getting to his feet and hes leaving the ring again! Sweet grabbed the same chair and he got back in the ring! What the hell is he doing?!? He'll be DQed! Sweet has the chair and MY GOD! He slammed it across Jesse's back! The ref has just called for the bell! The fans cheered. "Ladies and Gentlemen, Jason2Sweet has been disqualified!" The fans cheered. Sweet is now down 1-0 in this match! "Hold it!" Wait, its Derio! Derio walked out to the ramp and he looks to be in pain. The fans booed. "I'm in NO condition to be out here but I just wanted to celebrate my win and the fact that I'm still owner of NCW. So I'm making this match a NO DQ rules! Thank you!" The fans booed. What the hell!? Sweet is smiling and now Derio left to the back. Jesse is still down and hes bleeding from his head! Sweet raised the chair and he connects with another chair shot to the back! And another, and another, and another! Jesse is being decimated! Sweet dropped the chair and he has the cover, 1-2-3! Sweet has tied this up 1-1. The fans are booing. Sweet is still smiling and now hes going for another cover, 1-2-NO! Sweet pulled Jesse's shoulder up! He doesnt want to end this! This may be a bad mistake on Sweet's part. Sweet is getting up and he picked up Jesse. Sweet is nailing him with right hands and he whipped him into the ropes. Jesse is coming back and Sweet went for a clotheline but Jesse ducked! Sweet turned around and MY GOD! SUPERKICK!! Jesse got it! Desperation move! Both men are down and the fans are on their feet! Jesse is bleeding profusely and Sweet looks to be knocked out! The ref is now counting, 1-2-3-4-5-6-and here they come! Both men are starting to move. Jesse is on his feet using the ropes and he spit out some blood coming down his face. Sweet turned around and Jesse just went for another Superkick but Sweet ducked! Jesse turned around and Sweet connects with a clotheline over the top rope! Jesse is on the outside. Sweet is walking over to the corner and hes going uptop! Sweet is on the top rope and the fans booed. What is he going to do?? Jesse is on his feet and Sweet jumped...crossbody!! He connects!! Both men are down again! What a match! Sweet is starting to move and hes getting up! Sweet is on his feet and he flipped the bird to the fans! They booed and Sweet ignored them. Sweet grabbed Jesse by the head and he rolled him in the ring. Sweet shoved Rother and he grabbed another chair! Sweet is hellbent on destroying Jesse! He rolled in the ring and now Jesse is getting up. Sweet is waiting for him to get up! Jesse is up and he turned around! Sweet swung the chair, NO! Jesse moved! Sweet turned around and now Jesse is nailing him with right hands! Sweet dropped the chair and Jesse swung him into the ropes. Sweet is coming back and back body drop right on top of the chair! The fans cheered. Sweet is holding his back in pain and now Jesse is kicking him off of it. Jesse grabbed the chair and here we go! He has the equalizer this time! Jesse raised the chair in the air and the fans cheered. Sweet is on his knees and hes begging Jesse not to hit him! Jesse looked at the fans and they cheered. They want him to do it! WAIT! NO! Sweet just nailed him with a low blow! Jesse dropped the chair and he fell to his knees. The fans booed. Sweet is getting up and he kicked Jesse in the face! He has the leg hooked, 1-2-kickout! The fans cheered. Jesse isn't losing this match! Sweet has the cover again, 1-2-kickout! 1-2-kickout! Sweet got on his knees and hes slamming his hands on the mat. Hes pissed! Sweets getting up and he grabbed Jesse. Sweet whipped him into the corner. Jesse went back first and now Sweet is running at him! Stinger splash! NO! Jesse moved! Sweet guarded himself on the landing and he turned around! Another Superkick! NO! Sweet caught his leg and he tripped on his back! Jesse is down and WAIT! Sweet is locking in the Liontamer!! Hes trying to get it on but Jesse is fighting back! Wait, NO! He got it!! Sweet has the Liontamer locked in!! Jesse is screaming in pain! Hes trying to get the ropes! Sweet is putting in more pressure and the fans are stomping their feet for Jesse! Can he make it?! Blood is flowing down Jesse's face and hes still trying to make it to the ropes! Sweet put even more pressure and Jesse is screaming! Jesse is raising his arm and he might tap!! YES! Jesse got the rope! The fans cheered and now the ref is telling Sweet to let go! Sweet released the hold and he grabbed Jesse by the legs and pulled him into the center of the ring. Sweet is going to try to go for it again! Sweet has his legs but Jesse kicked him away! Sweet fell on his ass and hes getting back up. Jesse is trying to get up and Sweet connects with a knee to the face! Jesse is down and now Sweetr picked him up. Hes dragging him to the chair in the ring and he got him under his arm! 2SWEETER! Hes going for it and YES! Jesse countered! He got weet on his shoudlers! MY GOD! THE F10!! Jesse has it in position and he connects on top of the chair!! Jesse has this won! He got his arm on Sweet, 1-2-3!! JESSE WINS! "R.U.L.E" hit and the fans cheered. Here is your winner, Jesse Russell! The ref raised his arm in the air and Jesse is out of it. He has lost alot of blood in this match. What an effort by both men, but in the end Jesse is the victor!

Ladies and Gentlemen, the next time we will be on Net-Pay-Per-View is NCW Total Mayhem! LIVE, Sunday, December 19th for the first time ever in Wembley Stadium in London, England! Don't miss the final NCW NPPV of the year!

The camera is in front of the arena boiler room and the doors just burst open...its Morbid! The fans cheered. Morbid is heading to the ring and he looks pissed! The Unification match is next! Lets look at how this came about!

The video package of the Crush-Morbid feud is shown. Its shows footage from Judgment Day of Morbid pinning Sweet to become the NCW Heavyweight Champion. Morbid's voice is in the background, "At Judgment Day, I set out to win the NCW title and thats exactly what I did! Now I'm going to do something I have never done before, issue a thank you!" It showed Morbid in the ring with a mic, "I want to thank the boys that came out and stuck it to the D.O.A." It showed footage of J-Day where the Resistance walked out and blocked the D.O.A. "And of course, Juliet Drahma." It showed Juliet low blowing Sweet. Suddenly, Crush walked out to the ring and moody music began to play. "Who cares about you! I just beat 3 other men and am STILL the NCW World Champion!" It showed Crush raising the World title at J-Day. They got in each others face and Derio walked out to break it up. It then showed Crush backstage, "I'm going to make Morbid regret ever stepping up to me!" It showed ffotage of Derio and Crush walking out to the ring with Juliet. "Hey Morbid! Watch this!" Crush grabbed Juliet and planted her with a CX5. It played once again in slow motion. Suddenly, the lights dimmed and Morbid walked out to the ring and big booted Crush. Crush left the ring with a smile on his face. "You hurt the only person I ever cared about! Now you DIE!" It showed Derio on the ramp way, "At Starrcade, it'll be Poppa Crush vs. Morbid in a Unification Match for the Heavyweioght and World titles!" Papa Roach's "Getting Away With Murder" began to play and it showed clips of all the events leading into tonight. Morbid chokeslamming Crush through the announce table, Crush squeezing morbid to death, and more. The footage ended with Crush standing in the ring and Morbid's face faded in the background. "Now you D-IE-IE...*echo*"

Poppa Crush Vs. Morbid - NCW Heavyweight & World Unification Match
Bob Rother is standing in the ring, "Ladies and Gentlemen, the following contest is the unification match for the Net Championship Wrestling Heavyweight and World Championships!" The fans cheered. "Bombshell" hit and the fans booed. Here is the NCW World Champion, Poppa Crush! Crush walked out to the ring and he ignored the fans. Crush looks ready for his match. He got in the ring and raised the World title in the air as the fans booed. Crush handed the title to the ref and hes stretching. The lights dimmed and "Progenies of the Great Apocalypse" hit. The fans are on their feet! Here comes the NCW Heavyweight Champion, Morbid! Morbid walked out and he has his eyes locked on Crush in the ring. Morbid has revenge on his mind for what Crush did to Juliet. Morbid is walking up the steps and the lights brightened. The fans are cheering and both men have their eyes locked on each other. Morbid got in the ring and he took off his leather coat. He handed the title to the ref and he raised both championships in the air as the fans cheered. The bell sounded and the match is on! Both men are walking to the center of the ring and they're face-to-face. who is going to attack first!? Crush is backing off and he went for a punch! Morbid blocked it and he connects with one of his own! Morbid is nailing him with right hands and he whipped him into the ropes. Crush is coming back and Morbid connects with a hard shoulder tackle! Crush is getting to his feet quickly and he looks shocked. The fans cheered. Crush took a deep breath and they're circling the ring. Heres the lockup and Crush kneed Morbid in the gut! Hes nailing him with punches and he whipped him into the ropes but Morbid countered! Crush is coming at him and Morbid hits him with another shoulder tackle! The fans cheered. Crush got up quickly and he looks frustrated. Morbid is standing in one place, calmly. They're going for another tieup and they did. Both men are struggling to overpower each other and Crush just sent Morbid down! The fans booed. Crush is smiling and he flexed his muscles. Morbid is back up and heres another tieup! Both men are again trying to overpower one another! Crush just shoved down Morbid again! The fans booed once again and Crush smiled. Morbid is on his feet and here comes another tieup and YES! Morbid nailed Crush with a big boot to the face right out of nowhere! Crush is down and now Morbid has him by the hair. Crush is up and Morbid connects with hard right hands. He whipped him into the corner. Crush went back first and now Morbid is running at him! Hes going for a clotheline and Crush moved! Morbid turned around and Crush connects with a kick to the gut! He got him on his shoulders! CX5! NO! Morbid slid off his shoulders and he turned Crush around! Chokeslam! He got him by the neck and now Crush pulled his arm away and he clothelined him over the top rope! Morbid is on the outside and the fans cheered. Crush is trying to regain his breath and now he left the ring. Morbid is getting up and Crush shoved him into the ring post! Morbid's face crashed into it! The fans booed. Crush picked him up and he rolled him in the ring. Crush got in the ring and he has the leg hooked, 1-2-kickout! The fans cheered. Crush looks pissed. Hes getting up and grabbed Morbid. Crush has him between his legs and he lifted him up...Powerbomb connects!! What impact! Crush has the cover again, 1-2-kickout! Still nothing! Crush is getting back on his feet and hes walking over to Morbid's legs! MY GOD! Hes going for the Sharpshooter!! Crush has it worked in but he has to turn him over! Morbid is fighting it! The fans are cheering for him and now Morbid kicked him away! Crush is walking back and hes going for it again but Morbid kicked him away! Morbid is getting up and Crush ran at him! Morbid caught him by the neck! The fans are cheering...CHOKESLAM!! He got it!! The fans cheered. Morbid has the leg hooked, 1-2-kickout! The fans booed. Crush isn't giving in!  Morbid is starting to get up and he grabbed Crush. Morbid pointed upwards and hes going for it! The Morbid Visions! Morbid has him between his legs and NO! Crush countered into a backbody drop! Morbid fell over the top but he hung on! Morbid is on the apron and now Crush turned around....Guillotine!! The fans cheered. Crush is down holding his neck area. Morbid is getting back in the ring and hes going uptop! Morbid is climbing up the ropes and the fans are on their feet! What is he up to? Crush is getting up slowly and he turned around...flying clotheline connects!! Crush is down again! Morbid has the leg hooked, 1-2-kickout! The fans booed. Still not over. Morbid is getting up and he grabbed Crush's legs. what the hell is he doing? Morbid is locking in the Scorpion Death Lock! Hes trying to get it in but Crush is fighting back! Can Mobid turn him over! WAIT! Crush just grabbed the bottom rope and the ref is telling Morbid to let go of him. The fans booed. Crush grabbed the rope before the move could even be applied correctly! MOrbid released him and now hes stomping on him. Morbid picked him up and hes nailing him with right hands. Morbid whipped him into the ropes and Crush counters! Morbid swung off the roeps and Crush just nailed him with a hard clotheline! Morbid's head smacked against the mat! The fans booed. Morbid is holding the back of his head and now Crush is going for the Sharpshooter again! Hes trying to turn him over and he got it!! The Sharpshooter is locked in!! Morbid is trying to break free but Crush has a firm hold! The fans are cheering for Morbid! Can he make it to the ropes!! Morbid is crawling over to the ropes and Crush is trying to keep him still! Hes almost there...and he got it!!! The fans cheered. Morbid got the roeps! Crush released the hold and he is pissed. Wait, Crush is leaving the ring and he grabbed the World title! He rolled back in the ring and what the hell is he doing? Hes going to get himself Dqed! Crush is measuring up Morbid and now the ref grabbed the title away! The fans cheered. The ref is handing the title to Rother on the outside and WAIT! Morbid is on his feet and he turned around...NO! Crush kicked him below the belt! The ref didnt see it! He has him on his sholders...NOOOO!! CX5 CONNECTS!! Its over!! The ref turned around and now Crush has the leg hooked, 1-2-KICKOUT! OH MY! The fans are on their feet!! Morbid actually kicked out of the CX5! Just barely! Crush is pulling at his own hair, he cant believe it! Hes getting up and hes waiting for Morbid to get up as well. Hes gonna go for another CX5! Morid is up and hes teetering. He turned around and Crush got him on his shoulders! Morbid slid off! Crush turned around and Morbid knocks him down with a punch! WAIT! Its Kyle and Derio!! What the hell are they doing down here? Derio is on the apron and hes distracting the ref! Kyle just slid a chair in the ring towards Crush! Crush grabbed it and hes getting up! MOrbid turned around and NO! Crush connects with a shot on the head! Not this way, damnit! MY GOD! Its Paiva and Jesse!! They're running down to the ring and Jesse just pulled Derio off the apron and he nails him with a punch! Paiva and Kyle are going at it on the outside! Its carnage everywhere! The ref is trying to maintain order! Crush is screaming at Jesse to get out of here and MY GOOOOD! Morbid sat up! The fans are on their feet! Morbid is getting up and Crush's back is turned! Hes standing behind him and now Crush turned around! He kicked him in the gut! Morbid has him between his legs....MORBID VISIONS! IT CONNECTS!! Crush is down and Morbid has the leg hooked! Jesse is telling the ref to get in the ring! The ref rolled inside, 1...2...3!!! YESSSS!!! MORBID WINS!!! "Progenies of the Great Apocalypse" hit and the fans are on their feet! Morbid has done it! Here is your winner and STILLLLL NET CHAMPIONSHIP WRESTLING HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION, MORRRRBID! Morbid has unified the World and Heavyweight titles! Wait a minute, here comes Cn'N! Cn'N is running down to the ring and they just floored Paiva on the outside. Kyle and Cn'N are beating on Paiva! jesse is running around the ring andh e pulled off Connor. Jesse is trying to even the odds and here comes Sweet! Sweet is attacking Jesse! The D.O.A are swarming the ring! Sweet rolled Jesse in the ring and Cn'N rolled in Paiva. They all got in the ring and now Morbid nailed Nathan with a boot! Hes fighting back but the D.O.A is overpowering him! Here comes Craig Camara! Craig is in the ring and hes going for Kyle! Craig is nailing him with punches but Connor got him with a low blow form behind! The D.O.A is overpowering the NCW Netstars! Here comes Styles now! Styles is in the ring and hes helping out! Sweet connects with a clotheline! Styles is down! Morbid is on his feet and he just knocked down Connor! And now kyle! The fans are cheering. Morbid is fighitng back! WAIT! Here comes Linkin Core now!! Core is running down to the ring and the fans cheered. The D.O.A is backing off and WHAT THE HELLL?!?!? MY GOD! Core just Speared Morbid!! MY GOD! The fans booed. NO! Its cant be!! Core is smiling and now so is Sweet! They gave each other props! Core is the MOLE! Jesse is up and Core connects with another Spear! Paiva is trying to get to his feet and Sweet grabbed him by the head...2Sweeter connects! The NCW Netstars are being decimated! Core has turned his back on them all! Derio got in the ring and he raised Core's arm! Why, Core, why? "Beg For Mercy" hit and the D.O.A are raising their arms over the Netstars! My God, what a night! Why has Core joined the D.O.A? We'll find out tomorrow night! Good night everyone!
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