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Theme Song: Puddle of Mudd - Nothing Left to Lose
Nationwide Arena    Columbus, Ohio
Sunday, May 23rd, 2004
Korn's "Falling Away From Me" is playing softly in the background. It shows clips of all the fueds taking place tonight. As the lyrics start, it shows footage of the feud between Psycho Smyth and Jesse Russell. As the chorus begins the footage gets more intense and it shows Smyth busting open Jesse with the title. The chorus ends and it begins showing footage of the Linkin Core-Razor feud. The chorus begins once again and the footage gets more intense and it plays Core and Razor fighting in the Cell. As the chorus ends once again, it plays footage of the 10-man footage. All 10-Men are shown with their respective owners. The chorus begins once again and the footage gets more intense. The nWo assaulting Matt Xtreme and more. It then shows the rest of the feuds taking place tonight. As the music dies down, the footage ends with Jesse and Smyth face-to-face.

NOW! VIDEOETA PRESENTS....NCW UNFORGIVEN DEEDS! The fireworks went off in the arena and Puddle of Mudd's "Nothing Left to Lose" is blasting throughout the place as the fans are on their feet!! What a night its going to be here in Columbus, Ohio! The fans are ready!

Juliet Drahma Vs. Angela Cage - Women's Hardcore Match
"Fighter" hit and the fans booed. Here comes Juliet Drahma! Juliet walked out to the ring and ignored the fans. "Baby Boy" played and the fans are on thier feet! Here is Angela Cage! Angela walked out and she gave props to the fans at ringside. Wait, Juliet rolled out of the ring and they're going at it on the ramp! The bell sounded and here we go! Boh women are exchanging punches and Juliet grabbed Angela and whipped her into the ring apron! Angela is holding her lower back and Juliet connects with a clotheline! Angela is down! Juliet is stomping on her and hs epicked her up. Juliet is giving her right hands and she whipped her into the steel steps! Angela went back first and she screamed in pain! Juliet picked her up and he rolled her in the ring. Juliet got in the ring and she has the cover, 1-2-kickout!

*NOTE* Due to time constraints, Unforgiven Deeds was unable to be finished. The rest of the show will now be placed in Quick Results. In the coming weeks however, the whole show shall be put up, but for now Quick Results will have to do.

As the match was ending, Denila ran down to attack Angela and Amanda Taylor came up from behind and stopped her. In the ring, Angela went for the Cage Bomb but Juliet countered it to a Drahmatizer for the win.

In the back, Linkin Core was in his locker room stretching for his match.

Jerry Price is standing by with Andrew Ferreria. Price asked him if his team is ready tonight. Ferreria laughed and said they are more ready than ever. Tonight Kevin Paiva and Jayson Derio are going to have to pack thier bags because they are out of here. Ferreria then said that Derio and paiva can go and resurrect AXW if they want an efed to own.

Bruno Sage Vs. Chris Ajax - NCW Extreme Championship
They fought all around the ring and used everything available. Later on in the match, Bruno brought out a ladder and attacked Ajax with it. Both men used the ladder on each other. Bruno then setup the ladder in front of the announce table. Both men climbed up the ladder and Bruno grabbed Ajax and dropped him with a Sage Handle Slam into the table. Ajax went through the announce table and Bruno climbed down and got the pin for the win. Bruno Sage is STILL the NCW Extreme Champion!

In the back, the nWo are walking around and they entered Dave the Stud's door office. Stud was layting a game with some Officials and the nWo said they wanted to join in. The Officials left and the nWo sat down.

Paiva entered the building and the fans cheered. He looks focused tonight.

Johnny Styles Vs. Zach Stiller
Both men fought for a while. Styles went for the J-Walk but Zach shoved him into the turnbuckle that was exposed earlier on in the match. Zach climbed up the ropes and he nailed Styles with a Zach Attack for the win. After the match, Zach continued the assault on Styles and Liquid came down. Liquid covered Styles and Zach grabbed her leg and got her in the Ankle Lock. Officials ran down and they stopped him.

In the back, Juliet and Denila are snapping in their locker room. Juliet said Amanda is going to pay. Joanne calmed them down and said that at least Juliet won and Amanda will get whats coming to her, but right now its all about the Women's title.

Price is standing by with Psycho Smyth. Price asked him how he was walking into his match tonihgt. Smyth said he is in the best shape of his career and hes going to win the big one tonight and take it home. Smyth then said that Jesse Russell is one of the weakest men he ever fought and thats going to show tonight.

Silvana Vs. Joanne - NCW Women's Championship
Both girls went back and forth and never quit. As the match winded down, Silvana went for the S2S but Joanne countered and she got the DeathStryke for the win. Joanne is STILL NCW Women's Champion!

In the back, the nWo are cheating in the card game and Stud got up and told them play right or get out. nWo laughed and Poppa Crush punched him. They stomped on Stud and then walked off.

Jason Knoxville was making his way to the ring for his match.

Avenging Angelo Vs. Jason Knoxville - NCW World Championship
AA pulled every trick in the book to win. During the match, Treble got on the apron and distracted the ref. Bass slid in the World title and Aa picked it up. Both men got to their feet and AA nailed Jason over the head. He got the pin and Jason kicked out. AA picked him up and he planted him with an Avenger and got the pin for the win. Avenging Angelo is the NEW NCW World Champion!

In the back, Paiva barged in Ferreria's office and he told him to keep his men away from his or else. Ferreria asked or else what and Paiva slapped him across the face. They lunged at each other and Officials walked in and broke it up.

Price is standing by Nathan Dupre. Price asked him how he was feeling going into the match tonight. Before he could answer, Matt Xtreme approached him. Xtreme answered the question like it was his. He made fun of every single man on the other team and then walked off. Price laughed and Dupre stared at him and the walked off.

Linkin Core Vs. Razor - Hell in a Cell Match
They fought in the cell until Razor whipped Core head first into the cell. The cell tore and both men fought outside. They starte climbing up. They began brawling and Razor kicked him in the stomach and then dropped Core with a Mach 6. Core fell through the cell into the ring. EMTs came down to check on him and they called for a strecther. Core was carried out on a stretcher and then he crawled off of it on the ramp way. Core walked back to the ring and they continued the match. Later on in the match, they climbed up the ropes and Razor got the Mach 6 off the top for the win.

In the back, Paiva and Derio were in thier office with their team. Paiva said it was going to be 4 against 5. Stud then walked in and Paiva was happy. Paiva said that tonight he was putting his career in thier hands and he trusts them. And if he has to leave tonight, then he just wants everyone to know that he appreciates the effort and thank you. Derio said the same and they walked off for their match.

Ferreria and Evans were with their team. Evans told them to crush the enemy and show no mercy. They gave each other props and headed out.

Team Paiva/Derio Vs. Team Ferreria/Evans - 10-Man Elimination Tag Team Match - Losing Owners Leave NCW
The match go under way quickly. Xtreme got in the ring and he got the Xample on Connor for the pin. Connor was eliminated. Later on in the match, Crush was able to get the CX5 on Stud for the pin. Stud is gone. Dupre got the La Resistance on Cena after Evans pulled his leg. Cena is eliminated. Later on in the match, Kyle got the tag to Morbid. Morbid cleaned house and he chokeslammed Nathan for the pin. Christian Rosario got in the ring and Morbid planted him with a Morbid Visions for the pin. Chris and Nathan are gone. Crush was in the ring and Morbid got the tag on Xtreme. Both men were in the ring and they brawled. Xtreme got the sharpshooter on Crush and he tapped! Crush is out! Crush snapped on Xtreme and nailed him with a CX5. Dupre took advantage and got the pin. Xtreme is gone! Dupre and Kyle fought and Dupre eventuially got the La Resistance for the win. Morbid and Dupre remained. They fought for a while. Dupre went for the LR but Morbid countered into a Tombstone Piledriver for the win. The fans were on thier feet as Paiva and Derio got in the ring and celebrated. Ferreria and Evans couldn't beleive it. Derio grabbed a mic and sang "NA NA NA NA HEY HEY HEY GOODBYE".

In the back, Jason was waling around and he bumped into Angela. Angela said it wasn't their nights since they both lost. Jason said it was time for a change and theres going to be an impact. Angela asked what is he going to do to make an impact. Jason laughed and asked who said it was HIM that was going to make an impact.

Jesse and Smyth made their way to the ring with suspense music playing in the background.

Psycho Smyth Vs. Jesse Russell - NCW Heavyweight Championship
Both men fought for quite a while. Smyth went for the Psyche Ward and on the way up, Jesse hit the ref accidentally. Smyth dropped him and Smyth went for the pin but the ref was knocked out. Smyth tried to wake him up and Zach ran down to the ring and attacked Smyth. Zach picked him up and he planted him with the Psyche Ward. His own move against him! Both men got on thier fete after a few minutes and Jesse nailed the Superkick for the win. Zach laughed on the rampway. Jesse Russell is STILL NCW Heavyweight Champion!
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