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Theme Song: Adema - Unstable
American Airlines Arena    Phoenix, Arizona
Sunday, July 25, 2004
Sponsored by Bungie
The beat of Linkin Park's "Step Up" is playing in the background. It shows footage of a sun setting, "Anarchy.. what does the term mean?" Its shows clips of the feud between Silvana and Joanne. "Is it the brutality and hatred that will flow imensely inside a structure with a lack of forgiveness?" It shows Matt Ameral and Bruno Sage fighting. "Is it the contest of one's superiority over the other?" It then shows Avenging Angelo and Linkin Core arguing and Poppa Crush attack him them both. "Is it the stench of untrust that follows the term?" It then shows Jason2Sweet laughing and raising the NCW Heavyweight Championship as Chris Ajax looks on. "Or is it the wrath of a man and a stronghld over one's soul?" It then shows the sun going down and the sky becoming dark. Footage is shown of all the feuds tonight and the music become intense. "Is it all of the above? Or it more? Anarchy is an emotion that men will wage on each other. It will spell success for one, and destruction for another." The music slows down and a beat of a heart is heard. Everytime a heart beat goes off it shows a person's face in black and white. "If Anarchy is all these things...then tonight let the bell tole...and let Anarchy ring...

NOW! BUNGIE PRESENTS....NCW ANARCHY SUMMER!! The fireworks are going off and Adema's "Unstable" is playing throughout the arena. The fans are on thier feet here in Phoenix, Arizona! What a night its going to be here tonight! Welcome everyone we are here LIVE at Anarchy Summer! Lets get this show on the road!

Kyle the Style Vs. Johnny Styles - NCW Internetal Championship
"Can't Stop, Won't Stop" hit and the fans are booing loudly. Here comes the challenger, Kyle the Style! Kyle walked out to the ring and he's ignoring the fans. Kyle got in the ring and he took off his dress shirt and threw it outside. Houston's "I Like Dat" hit and the fans are on thier feet! Here comes the NCW Internetal Champion, Johnny Styles with Liquid! They walked out to the ring and Styles is giving props to the fans. Styles got in the ring and Kyle has a smile on his face. Styles handed the title over to the ref and he raised it in the air. He bell sounded and the fans cheered. Here we go! Both men walked to the center of the ring and they locked up! Kyle is shoving him into the corner and the ref broke it up. Kyle smiled and backed off...and wait! Styles ran out of the corner and hes nailing Kyle with right hands! The fans are cheering and now Styles whipped him into the ropes. Kyle is coming back and Styles connects with a knee to the gut! Kyle is down and the fans cheered. Styles picked him up and he swung him into the corner. Styles is running at him and Kyle just nailed him with a boot to the face! Styles is backing off and Kyle connects with a chop block to the back of the leg! Styles is down holding the back of his knee and the fans booed. Kyle is laughing and he grabbed his leg. Kyle is stomping on it and Styles is screaming in pain. Kyle picked him up and he whipped him into the ropes. Styles is coming back and Kyle kicked him in the gut...DDT!! Styles is down again and Kyle has the cover, 1-2-kickout! Kyle is getitng to his feet and he picked up Styles. Kyle has him between his legs and he picked him up! Hes has him on his shoulders...MY GOD! Powerbomb against the turnbuckle! Styles' back just cracked against the turnbuckle! What a move! Styles is down and Kyle has the leg hooked, 1-2-and Styles got his leg on the rope! The fans cheered. Kyle is up again and he picked up Styles. Kyle has him by the head and he whipped him over the top rope! Styles is outside and here comes Kyle. Kyle picked him up and he has him by the hair. Kyle just slammed his head into the steel steps. Styles fell and Kyle picked him up again. Kyle is giving him right hands and he whipped him into the barricade! Styles went back first! The fans are booing and Kyle shrugged them off. Kyle grabbed Styles and he rolled him in the ring. Kyle got in the ring and he has the cover, 1-2-kickout! Its not over! The fans cheered. Kyle is getting up and he looks pissed. kyle picked up Styles and now Styles is fighting back! Styles is nailing him with punches to the gut! Kyle let him go and now Styles is nailing him with right hands to the head. Styles whipped him into the ropes and Kyle countered! Styles is coming back and NO! Kyle kicked him right in that injured leg! Styles fell to one knee and now Kyle has a smile on his face again. Kyle grabbed him by the hair and he picked him up. Kyle swung him into the and Styles counters this time! Kyle is coming back and Styles connects with a missile dropkick! The fans cheered. Kyle is down and now Styles is truggling to his feet! He's waiting for Kyle to get up! Styles is pumped up. Kyle is on his feet and he turned around....J-WALK! NO! Kyle shoved him away into the ropes! Styles is coming at him and Kyle missed a clotheline! He turned around and Styles is going for another J-Walk! He shoved him away again and Styles knocked down the ref by accident! Both of them are down and Styles is checking on the ref! Styles is getting up and WAIT! Kyle grabbed his head quickly...THE STATEMENT! NOOO! Its over!! Kyle has the cover and the fans are booing! But the ref is down! Kyle rolled over and hes shaking the ref awake. The ref is sarting to move and Kyle has the leg hooked, 1...2....KICKOUT! YES! Styles kicked out! Liquid is clapping on the outside and the fans are cheering. Kyle is getting up and he looks frustrated. kyle grabbed him and hes giving him right hands. Kyle swung him into the ropes. Styles is coming back and Kyle misses the clotheline again! He turned around and Styles is coming at him....crossbody and NO! Kyle caught him! Kyle has him and he just threw him on his shoulders...Samoan Drop!! Styles is down and heres the cover, 1-2-kickout! Kyle is getting up and he just breathed in hard. Hes pissed off. Kyle is getitng up and hes stomping on the leg of Styles again! Styles is holding it in pain and Kyle is relentless! He picked him up and Kyle is going for another Statement! He got his leg on his head and WAIT! Styles held on to his leg and hbe just dropped him back! Both men fell back and YES! Styles' head just nailed Kyle below the belt! The fans cheered. Kyle is holding it in pain and now Styles is getting up slowly. Kyle is trying to get up using the ropes. both men are on thier feet and now Kyle is going for a clotheline and he misses! He turned around and Styles just went for a clotheline of his own...and he misses it too! Styles turtned back to Kyle and he kicked him...Statement!!! NO! He got it!!! Styles is down and Kyle has the cover, 1-WAIT! Liquid is on the apron! The ref is telling her to get down and now kyle is getting up. kyle is looking at her and he grabbed her by the hair! The fans booed. WAIT! Liquid slapped Kyle! Kyle is holding his cheek and he turned around....J-WALK!!! Styles out of nowhere!!! Kyle is down, 1-2-3!!! YESS!! "I like Dat" hit and the fans are on their feet! Here is you winner and STILLLLLL NCW INTERNETAL CHAMPION, JOHNNY STYLES! Styles has won it for NCW tonight! The ref handed him the title and now Styles rolled out of the ring. Liquid walked up to him and they hugged. Liquid raised his arm and the fans cheered. Styles is limping up the ramp and what a match! The D.O.A are down one here at Anarchy Summer!

Jerry Price is now standing by with Chris Ajax. The fans cheered. "Chris, we just witnessed Johnny Styles retain his Internetal title against Kyle the Style. Are we going to see you holding gold later tonight?" Ajax grabbed the mic, "Are you going to see me holding gold? Hell yeah you are!" The fans cheered. "Tonight the Ajax is going to walk into that ring, look Jason2Sweet in the eyes and give the best damn match I have ever given in my career! This is the first time the Ajax has gotten a shot at the Heavyweight Championship and I'm not going to screw it up. Like the Ajax said before, he's giving 110% and for Sweet's sake, I hope he does too" Ajax walked off and the fans cheered.

Kyle is leaning his head against the wall and the D.O.A are looking at him in their lounge. Jayson Derio stood up and the fans cheered. He's walking over to Kyle and put his hand on his shoulder, "Don't beat yourself over this Kyle. I swear to you I'll give you another shot". Kyle turned around, "Another shot? The first one always matters Derio! I should have beat him out there if it wasn't for his b*tch!" Kyle sat down, "I should've taken her out when he signed that contract. I never knew she would be a problem. Guess I'm going to have to take her before the rematch, huh?" Kyle smiled and rubbed his hands.

Lindz/Angela Cage Vs. Rose/Krystal

"Surrender" hit and the fans cheered. Here comes Rose and Krystal! They walked down to the ring and clapped the fans hands. They got in the ring and raised as thier arms as the fans cheered loudly. "Baby Boy" hit and the fans booed. Here comes Lindz and the NCW Women's Champion, Angela Cage! They walked out to the ramp and looked at the fans as they booed. They walked down to the ring and brushed them off. They both got inside the ring and all 4 women are staring each other down. The bell sounded andhere we go! Lindz and Krys are starting the match off! They walked to the center of the ring and now Lindz slapped Krys! Lindz is smiling and Krys slapped her back! The fans cheered. Lindz is pissed and he were go! Both women locked up and Lindz kneed her in the gut. Lindz has her by the hair and she whipped her to the floor! Krys screamed in pain and now Lindz is stomping on her. Lindz picked her up and she whipped her into the ropes. Krys is coming back and Lindz misses the clotheline! Krys turned around and she grabbed her..neckbreaker! Lindz is down! Krys has the cover, 1-2-kickout! Krys is getting up and she grabbed Lindz by the hair! Krys is dragging her around the ring and Lindz is screaming in pain! The fans cheered and now Krys dropped her. Krys is walking over to the ropes and she got the tag! Here comes Rose and the fans cheered! Lindz is crawling away and Rose grabbed her by the legs! Rose dragged her to her side and now shes punching the hell out of her! The ref is pulling her off and the fans are cheering for Rose. Rose picke her up and she whipped her itno the ropes. Rose is running at her and she connects with a clotheline! Lindz fell to the bottom rung and now Rose is stomping a mudhole into her! The ref is telling Rose to back off. Rose stopped and she picked up Lindz. Rose whipped her into the ropes. Lindz is coming back and she connects with a clotheline! Lindz is down! Rose swung off the ropes and WAIT! Angela extended her knee and she nailed Rose in the back! The fans booed. Rose turned around and she went for a swing but Angela jumped off the apron! Rose is yelling at her and NO! Lindz has the rollup, 1-2-kickout! Lindz is crawling over to her side and she got the tag! Here comes Angela! Rose is on her feet and shes telling Angela to bring it! Both women are staring each other down and they're going for a tieup! Angela just kicked Rose in the stomach before they could lockup! Angela is nailing Rose with smashes to the back and now she whipped her into the ropes. Rose is coming back and Angela jumped on her shoulders! Hurricanrana and NO! Rose held on...POWERBOMB! What a drop!! The fans cheered. Rose has the cover, 1-2-and Lindz interupted the count! Rose is on her feet and the ref is holding her back. Lindz got back to her corner. Rose turned to Angela and she picked her up. Rose is nailing her with right hands and she whipped her into the ropes but Angela countered! Rose is coming back and Angela connects with a clotheline out of nowhere! Both women are down! The fans are cheering for Rose and Krys wants the tag! Krys and Lindz are reaching for tags. Rose and Angela are starting to crawl to their corners. Angela is almost there...and she got it!! Here comes Lindz! Rose is reaching and she got it as well! The fans cheered and here is Krys! Krys and Lindz are exchanging punches and Lindz whipped her into the ropes. Krys is coming back and Lindz misses the clotheline! Krys swung off the ropes again and shes coming at her. Lindz turned around and now Krys missed a clotheline of her own! Lindz grabbed her by the head...sleeper!!! Lindz has the sleeper locked in! Krys is trying to grab the ropes and she just leaned over the top rope and Lindz fell to the outside! The fans cheered. The ref is leaning over the ropes to see if shes ok and WAIT! Angela just knocked down Krys from behind and now Rose is in the ring! Angela backed off and the ref turned around. The ref is holding Rose back and Angela is laughing in her corner. Rose is pissed. Lindz is getting back in the ring and shes crawling over to Angela. Krys is still down. Lindz is crawling over...and she got it! The fans booed and here comes Angela! Angela ran over to Krys and shes stomping on her! Krys was trying to go for a tag and Angela puled her away. Angela is stomping the hell out of Krys and she raised her arms. The fans booed. Angela picked her up and she has her between her legs! Angela is going for the Cage Bomb and WAIT! Krys counters into a back body drop! Angela is down! Krys jumped at Rose...the tag is made!! here she comes!! The fans are on thier feet! Angela is up and Rose knocks her down with a punch! Lindz got in the ring and Rose knocked her down as well! Lindz rolled out of the ring. Rose picked up Angela and she swung her into the ropes. Angela is coming back and Rose connects with a dropkick! Wait a minute, on the outside Lindz just pulled out a chair from under the ring! Rose is getting up and shes signalling for the HurricanSEXY! The fans cheered and WAIT! NO! Lindz just nailed Krys in the back with the chair! Krys fell off the apron and Rose saw what happened! Shes yelling at Lindz and NO! Angela is up! Rose turned around and Angela kicked her in the gut....CAGE BOMB! 1-2-3!! NO! "Baby Boy" hit and the fans booed. Here are you winners, Angela Cage and Lindz! Lindz grabbed Angela out of the ring and she handed her the Women's title. Lindz and Angela have stolen a win tonight! Krys rolled in the ring and shes holding her back in pain. Krys is checking on Rose and both women are walking up the ramp laughing.

Linkin Core entered the building and the fans cheered. Core is walking with his bags and he just stopped. Core is looking in front of him...its Avenging Angelo! The fans cheered. "What do you want Angelo? An early fight?" AA got in his face, "I'm sorry if I'm a little cautious about traitors". Core dropped his bags, "You know what? I'm sick of you thinking I'm with them. Let me say this for the last time...I'M NOT! Besides, even if I do win that World title, its still staying with NCW so I don't see what the problem is" "I don't think so. In fact, I think if you win this title tonight, then its going to heading over to the D.O.A camp. Because thats what you are...D.O.A" Core picked up his bags, "I'm don't have time for this. Just make sure you're ready tonight. Cause to be honest with you, I wouldn't think twice about spearing your ass to the mat" Core walked off and the fans cheered.

The Mean Girls are in thier locker room and the fans booed. Joanne is standing, "Tonight its going to get brutal. If push comes to shove, then I want you all out there to make sure that b*tch doesn't leave with a smile on her face. This is going to be my night, OUR night damnit! Tonight is going to be the night Silvana knows that the Mean Girls look out for each other. You mess with one, you mess with us all. Including our newest recruit" Joanne pointed to the back and the Mean Girls smiled. Juliet Drahma got up from her seat, "I'm going to get some drinks, you all want some?" They nodded and Juliet left the room. Juliet is walking down the hall and Morbid just walked by! The fans cheered. Morbid is heading to the ring and Juliet smiled and she has his eyes on him. What is that all about?!?

Morbid Vs. Razor - No Disqualification Match
"Black" hit and the fans booed. Here comes Razor! Razor is walking down to the ring ignoring the fans. He stopped and he's looking under the ring. Razor pulled out a chair! He tossed it in the ring and now hes reaching under again. Razor grabbed a trash can and he threw it inside! Razor got in the ring and he looks pumped. The lights dimmed and "Progenies of the Great Apocalypse" hit. The fans are on thier feet and here comes Morbid! Morbid is walking out to the ring with his eyes locked on Razor. Morbid got in the ring and the lights brightened up. Both men are looking a hole in each. Morbid is taking off his leather coat and he hasn't taken his glaze off Razor yet. Morbid threw the coat outside and the bell sounded. The match is now underway. Razor bent down and he picked up the chair! Morbid isn't afraid and now here comes razor! Razor ran at him with the chair and Morbid moved! Razor turned around and Morbid connects with a hard right hand to the face! Razor dropped the chair and Morbid is planting him with fists to the face! Razor is backing up into the ropes and now Morbid ran back and he ran toward Razor....clotheline over the top rope! Razor is on the outside and hes getting up. Morbid swung off the roeps and WAIT! PLANCHA!! Right over the top and MY GOD! Razor clothelined him in mid-air! What a move!! The back of Morbid's head slammed right against the mat and the fans cringed. Razor picked him up and he grabbed him around the waist. Razor has him in a bear hug position and MY GOD! Razor ran into the ring post and Morbid went back first into it! The fans booed and now Razor dropped him. Morbid is holding his back in pain and Razor picked him up and rolled him in the ring. Razor got in the ring and he has the chair again! Razor is measuring him up. Morbid is getting up slowly and Razor raised the chair.....WAIT! Razor was going for a swing and Morbid grabbed him by the neck! Chokeslam!! The fans are cheering! Morbid is going for it and NO! Razor kicked him below the belt! Morbid dropped to his knees in pain and Razor grabbed the chair again. Razor raised it up...MY GOD! What a shot to the head by Razor! Morbid is down and Razor almost dented that chair! Razor dropped it and he picked up Morbid. Wait, Morbid is bleeding from his head. Razor has him up and he whipped him into the corner. Razor picked up the chair and hes running at him! MY GOD! Morbid nails him with the big boot into the chair! That chair slammed against Razor's head! Razor dropped it and hes wobbling on his feet. Morbid walked out of the corner and he got him by the neck! CHOKESLAM CONNECTS!! Right on the chair!! Razor is down! Morbid has the cover, 1-2-kickout!! Not enough! Morbid is getting up and he wiped the blood off his face. Morbid picked up Razor and he swung him into the ropes. Razor is coming back and Morbid connects with a clotheline! Razor is down again. Wait, Morbid is walking over to the corner and hes climbing up! Morbid rarely goes on the ropes! Morbid is going uptop and here comes Razor! Razor is on his feet and he sees Morbid! WAIT! Razor is running at the corner and he ran up the turnbuckles! MY GOD! He grabbed Morbid...BELLY-TO-BELLY!! What a move!! The agility by Razor!!! The fans are actually cheering and clapping. Both men are down. Razor is starting to move and hes using the ropes to get up. Razor is on his feet and he picked up Morbid. Razor is nailing him with right hands and he whipped him into the ropes. Morbid is coming back and Raz misses the clotheline! Razor turned around and Morbid kicked him in the gut! He has him between his legs! Morbid is going for the Morbid Visions and NO! Razor counters with a back body drop!! Morbid just fell over the top rope! Morbid is outside again and the fans are cheering for him. Razor left the ring and he has the trash can in his hand! Morbid is getting up on his knees and Razor just nailed hi across the back with the trash can! Morbid is down again and Razor is hitting him with it across the back, and again, and again! Razor dropped the can and he grabbed Morbid. Razor has him by the hair and hes talking trash to Morbid. Razor is measuring him up and WAIT! Morbid jujst elbowed him in the face! The fans cheered. Razor let him go and Morbid is giving him right hands. Morbid grabbed him and he whipped him into the ringpost! Razor just went head first right into it! Razor's down and now Morbid is walking over to him. Morbid picked him up and he threw him into the barricade! Morbid is fighting back! Razor is getting up and now both men are standing in the ramp area! Morbid grabbed him by the head and he's dragging him up the ramp! Where are they going?!? Morbid knocked him down and they're at the top of the ramp. Morbid picked him up and he slammed his head into the metal set! Razor is down again. Morbid threw his hair back and his face is full of blood. Morbid is going to pick him up again and WAIT! Razor connects with a low blow! The fans booed. Morbid fell to his knees and Razor is getting up. Razor grabbed him and he has between his legs! NO WAIT! MY GOD! Razor has him up...MACH 6 ON THE RAMP!! MY GOD!! Morbid's body just slammed against the steel!!! The fans are chanting "Holy Sh*t!" Morbid is down and so is Razor! This is over! Razor used the last bit of strength he had! Wait, Razor is starting to move! He's rolling over to Morbid and he got his arm on him! 1-2-MY GOD! Morbid sat up! Its not over! The fans cheered. Morbid is sitting up and he turned his head to Razor! Morbid's eyes are behind his head and he looks pissed! Razor looks shocked! Razor is getting up slowly and Morbid is getting up as well. Both men are on thier feet and Razor went for a punch but Morbid blocked it! Morbid is nailing him with right hands of his own! Razor is teetering and Morbid backed off. Morbid is running at him and he connects with a big boot! Razor is down! Morbid looked at the fans and they're cheering! Morbid picked up Razor and he got him between his legs! MY GOD! It could be over right here!! Morbid has him up...MY GOOOOOOOOD!!! MORBID VISIONS!! Both men fell of the ramp right into the equipment below!!! The fans are on thier feet and they're chanting "Holy Sh*t!" Both men are laid out and Morbid has his arm on Razor, the ref is climbing down, 1-2-3!! Its over!!! Morbid wins!! "Progenies of the Great Apocalypse" hit and the fans cheered. Here is your winner, Morbid!! Both men are still down and what a match! Both men gave it their all!

Price is now standing by with Jayson Derio. "Mr.Derio, tonight we've seen one of the D.O.A members Kyle the Style, fail in winning the Internetal Championship. Lindz and Angela Cage were able to win thier match but unlike the former, it wasn't for any sort of championship. Do you think maybe Jason2Sweet could be losing his championship tonight?" Derio looked at Price with a confused look, "Are you serious Price? Why ask such a stupid question? First of all about that tag team match. It doesn't matter if it was for a title or not, Lindz and Angela beat the hell out of those two bimbos, and I couldn't be more proud. As for Kyle, yes he lost but I guarnantee you Price he will get his rematch. Now about Sweet losing the title, are you mad? This is Jason2Sweet we're talking about here. The LEGEND! Then you have Chris Ajax. What has he accomplished in his career? Ajax came into this business as a follower. That is what he will always be...a follower! Hell, Ajax used to follow around Sweet in the Untouchables, and now he thinks he's able to even take him on and win the title? Please Price..." Derio stopped and turned to his right....its Manuel Karkada! "Can I help you?" "Do you not remember me Mr.Derio? I am Manuel Karkada. I used to work for you in AXW" Derio smiled, "Yes, I remember you. Now what do you want?" "Well sir, if you remember, I wrestled my last match in AXW at Survival last November". Derio looked confused, "Annnd?". "Well sir, it was my last match because you fired me!" Derio laughed, "OOOOOH! Ok, I remember now. Yeah, you lost the damn match and I didn't want no crappy player in my company. Why do you have a problem with that Manny? Can I call you Manny? SHUTUP! Don't talk. Now you just interupted my interview here, so I suggest you turn around and go back to Inferno. Before I give Matt Amatt a call and have him make your life a living hell!" Manuel smiled, "Well sir, Amatt is no longer General Manager. Jeff Mathers is!" The fans cheered. Derio looked pissed, "Get the hell out of my sight!" Manuel walked off and Derio turned back to Price, "You're still here?!? Interview over Pr..." Derio stopped again and Morbid walked by wiping the blood off his face. "You see that Price? Now THAT is D.O.A material" Derio smiled and walked off.

Ladies & Gentlemen, coming up next! A match that was made after one man's greed. Zach Stiller Vs. Jesse Russell! But is Jesse here tonight? Let's take a look at how this rivalry came about...
A video package is the Stiller-Russell feud is shown. It shows Zach winning the title at SuperNet I and him holding it up in the air. "Zach Stiller has accomplished his dream here tonight!" It shows Zach all happy and defending the title proudly. The footage then gets gloomy and shows footage of the Elimination Chamber at Adrenaline. Zach was eliminated by Psycho Smyth and he couldn't believe it. It shows Zach attacking Smyth at Unforgiven Deeds. "The only thing that mattered to me was taken away!" It shows Zach and Smyth fighting at TitanMania and Zach winning the match. "There is only one thing I must do now". Jesse was in the ring praising Sean Cena and suddenly Zach walked out. Zach said Jesse was next and he nailed him with a microphone and attacked him. It then showed footage of the two going at it and then Zach challenged Jesse to a match at Anarchy Summer. Jesse accepted. Ben Moody's "The End Has Come" began to play and it showed clips of what happened throughout the weeks leading up to tonight. The footage ended with Zach smiling in the courtroom and Jesse being dragged away.

Zach Stiller Vs. Jesse Russell
"Lean Low" hit and the fans booed. Here comes Zach Stiller! Zach walked out to the ring and hes brushing off the fans acting cocky. Zach got in the ring and he grabbed a mic. "Helllllo Phoneix!" The fans booed. "Aww, whats a matter? Oh I know! You won't be able to see me, Zach Stiller, beat the living hell out of that punk Jesse Russell". The fans booed again. "Sorry fans, Jesse wasn't able to make it tonight". The fans booed and Jesse looked into the camera. "Jesse, if you're watching. Hope you're having fun. Don't worry though, with a girl name like Jesse, you'll make a nice b*tch to some hairy ass bastard up there buddy!" Zach laughed. "Now lets get this over with. Referee, raise my arm!" Zach dropped the mic and the ref is walking over to him. "R.U.L.E" hit and MY GOD! He's here! Here is Jesse Russell! Jesse walked out and the fans are on thier feet! Zach is in shock in the ring. He can't beleive it! "N-n-n-o! You can't be here! What the hell?!" Jesse is walking to the ring and now Zach took off his denim jacket. He's getting ready! Jesse got in the ring and the bell sounded. Here we go! Jesse ran at Zach and he tackled him down! Jesse is punching the hell out of him and he got to his feet. Jesse picked him up and he whipped him into the ropes. Zach is coming back and Jesse connects with a stiff clotheline! Zach is down and he rolled out of the ring! The fans booed. Zach is regrouping and here comes Jesse! Jesse left the ring and hes in pursuit! Zach turned around and Jesse knocks him down with another clotheline! The fans are cheering at ringside. Jesse picked him up and he rolled him back in the ring. Jesse got in the ring and now Zach got to his feet quickly. Zach is stomping on Jesse before he can get in. Zach got him through the ropes and hes giving him right hands. Zach swung him into the ropes and Jesse countered! Zach is coming back and Jesse grabbed him...backbreaker! Zach is down! Jesse got to his feet and he raised his arm to the fans. They cheered and Jesse is measuring up Zach for the Superkick! Zach is on his feet and he turned around...SUPERKICK! NO! Zach grabbed his leg!! Jesse is hopping on one foot and MY GOD! Zach kicked Jesse right below the belt! The ref saw it!! Jesse is down and now Zach is telling the ref to ring the bell. The ref is refusing! The fans cheered. Zach grabbed the ref by the collar and hes telling him to disqualify him! The ref shoved him away and WAIT! Jesse got on his knees and he nailed a low blow on Zach!! The fans cheered. Zach fell to his knees in pain. Both men are down with shots to the groin. Jesse is starting to get up and hes walking over to the corner. Jesse is starting to climb up and the fans cheered. Zach is on his feet and Jesse is waiting for him to turn around. Zach turned around and Jesse jumped....Dropkick connects!! What impact! Zach is down and Jesse has the cover, 1-2-kickout! Not over yet! Jesse is getting up and he grabebd Zach by the hair. Jesse is giving him right hands and he whipped him into the ropes. Zach is coming back and Jesse missed the heel kick! Jesse turned around and Zach connects with a desperation clotheline! Jesse is down! Zach is getting up slowly andhe looks pissed. Zach threw his hair back and hes stomping on Jesse. Zach picked him up and he swung him into the corner. Zach is running at him and Jesse moved!! Zach went chest first into the turnbuckle! Jesse has the rollup, 1-2-kickout again! Zach wont give up! Jesse is getting up and he grabbed Zach. Jesse whipped him into the ropes. Zach is coming back and Jesse jumped on his shoulders! HURRICANRANA! What agility by Jesse! Zach is down! The fans cheered and now Jesse is on his feet again. Jesse is patting his leg and hes signalling for the Superkick! Jesse is going to try it again. Zach is getting up and he turned around! Another Superkick! AND NO! Zach caught his leg again! Jesse is hopping and WAIT! Zach threw him down and he has the Ankle Lock!!! Zach has it locked in!!! Jesse is screaming in pain! Hes trying to make it to the ropes! The fans are cheering for him and stomping their feet. Jesse is trying to make it and Zach is dragging him back to the center of the ring! Jesse is gonna tap!!! Hes trying to get free! Jesse is going back to the ropes and HE GOT IT! Jesse got the ropes! The ref is telling Zach to release it and Zach let him go. Zach looks frustrated and hes kicking at jesse again. Wait, Zach is going to the corner and hes climbing uptop. Zach is going up! The Zach Attack!! Zach is in position and he jumped....ZACH ATTACK!!! YES!! JESSE MOVED!! Jesse rolled out of the way! Nobody home for Zach! Jesse rolled over and he has the cover, 1-2-kickout! The fans booed. Jesse is getting up and he picked up Zach. Jesse whipped him into the ropes. Jesse is running at him and Zach moved at the last second! Nobody home for Jesse now! Jesse is down and now wait a minute. Zach is on his feet and hes untying the turnbuckle! Zach's exposing the turnbuckle!! Zach turned around and he picked up Jesse. Zach whipped him into the ropes. Jesse is coming back and he misses the clotheline! Zach turned aroun...MY GOD! Superkick!! Jesse got it out of nowhere!! The fans cheered. Zach is down and Jesse has the cover, 1-2-KICKOUT! Zach kicked out!! The fans are in shock and so is Jesse. Jesse sat up and he looks confused. What is he going to do now?! Jesse is getting up and hes measuring him up for another one! The fans are cheering and Jesse is telling Zach to get up. Zach is getting up slowly. Hes holding his nose in pain and he turned around! Superkick again and NO! Zach caught it for the third time! Jesse is hopping and he went for the inziguri and Zach ducked! Zach has his leg...ANKLE LOCK!! For the second time!! Zach has it locked in again!! Jesse is trying to break free but its no use! Jesse cant make it! Wait, Jesse is pulling himself up with his arms. What strength by Jesse! Jesse leaned forward and Zach just flew over top Jesse! MY GOD! Zach hit his head on the exposed turnbuckle!! The fans cheered. Zach is wobbling and now Jesse got up. Zach turned around....SUPERKICK! Again! Jesse has the leg hooked, 1-2-3!! its over!! "R.U.L.E" hit and the fans cheered. Here is your winner, Jesse Russell! Jesse got up and the ref raised his arm. Jesse has beat Zach tonight! Jesse rolled out of the ring and he has a smile on his face. Jesse has beat Zach in his own game!

Ajax is in his locker room and the fans cheered. He's sitting down lacing his boots and his door just opened. Ajax looked up...its Johnny Styles! The fans cheered. Ajax got up and they gave each other props and hugged. "Hey man, whats up? Congrats on the win by the way". Styles smiled and tapped the Internetal title, "Kyle ain't getting his hands on this...or this" Styles hugged Liquid. "Look man, I came here to tell you if you need any help you there, I got your back. You're my boy" Ajax smiled and they gave each other props again. "Thanks man. But that won't be necessary. Tonight man, I want to go out there and beat Sweet all by myself. If I get the 1..2..3 on him all alone, then it'll show everyone that I am the real deal and that Sweet is nothing but a fluke". Styles smiled, "I respect that man. I'll tell the boys to stay out your match tonight. Good luck man". Styles and Liquid left the room. Ajax looked down and he took a deep breath. Can Ajax become NCW Champ tonight?!?

Matt Ameral is heading to the ring and the fans cheered. Ameral is dressed in his glitter robe with "X-Superstar" in the back. Ameral stopped and smiled....its Sakura! "Hey mamacita! How you doin?" Sakura smiled, "I'll talk to you later Matt, I got something to do right now" Sakura patted him on the shoulder and walked off. Ameral looked back and Sakura has a mask in her back pocket! Ameral shrugged his shoulders and kept walking.

Matt Ameral Vs. Bruno Sage - NCW Extreme Championship

"No Love" hit and the fans cheered. Here comes the challenger, Matt Ameral! Ameral walked out to the ring in his glitter robe. Ameral stepped in the ring and he took off his robe as the fans cheered. "Smells Like Teen Spirit" hit and the fans booed. Here comes the NCW Extreme Champion, Bruno Sage! Bruno walked out to the ring and ignored the fans. He got in the ring and raised the Extreme title as the fans booed. Bruno handed the title to the ref and he raised it in the air. Ameral and Bruno are walking to the center of the ring and they're face-to-face. The bell sounded and the match is underway. Both men are staring each other down and who is going to flinch first? Ameral backed off and he pounded his chest "OLLLALAYYY!" The fans cheered. WAIt! Bruno connects with a punch and here we go! Bruno is nailing him with right hands andhe whipped him into the ropes. Ameral is coming back and Bruno misses the clotheline! He turned around and Ameral connects with a clotheline of his own! Bruno fell over the top and to the outside. Ameral is following him and he's looking under the ring. Ameral has a kendo stick! Bruno is getting up and Ameral connects with a shot to the back! The fans cheered. Bruno screamed in pain and hes trying to crawl away. Ameral is following him and another shot right to Bruno's back! What a sound! Bruno is getting up slowly and Ameral has a smile on his face. Bruno is leaning on the barricade and Ameral is going for another shot! WAIT! MY GOD! Bruno ducked and Ameral just hit someone in the crowd! Ameral dropped the kendo stick and hes seeing if the fan is alright. Wait a minute, Bruno has the kendo and NO! He connects with a shot on Amerals back! Ameral is down and Bruno nails him again! Bruno picked him up and he rolled him in the ring. Bruno turned around and what the hell!? He just handed money to the fan! The fans is smiling and he sat back down in his seat. Bruno got back in the ring. It was a setup! Bruno is standing over Ameral and he picked ihm up to his knees. Bruno put the kendo in front of Ameral's neck and hes choking him! Bruno is choking out Ameral with that kendo! Bruno released him and Ameral is coughing. Bruno dropped the kendo and he picked up Ameral. WAIT! Hes going for the Sage Handle Slam! Bruno is going for it and Ameral counters! He has the rollup, 1-2-kickout! Bruno got to his feet quickly and hes stomping on Ameral. Bruno almost lost right there. Ameral is still down and now Bruno left the ring. Hes going to the announce team and Bruno grabbed the ringbell! What the hell is he doing?! Bruno got in the ring andhes waiting for Ameral to stand! Ameral got to his feet andhes turning around....MY GOD! What a shot!!! Bruno connetcs with a shot to thehead with that ringbell! The fans booed. Ameral is down and Bruno has a huge smile on his face. Wait, blood is staring to pour! Ameral is busted open! Bruno is laughing now! Bruno picked him up and hes nailing him with right hands to the head. Bruno whipped him into the corner and Ameral just hit the corner with impact! He's down again! Bruno is walking over and he has that kendo again! Ameral is trying to get up and hes a bloody mess! Bruno is going for another shot and Ameral ducked! Bruno turned around and Ameral is nailing him with hard punches! Ameral is fighting back! The fans cheered. Ameral grabbed him and he whipped him ino the ropes. bruno is coming back...shoulder tackle connects! Bruno is down! Ameral is staring down at him and he turned his head to the ringbell! The fans are cheering and Ameral nodded his head. Hes going for the bell! Ameral picked it up and hes waiting for Bruno this time! Bruno is on his feet and hes teetering. Bruno turned around and YES! Ameral connects! Its payback! Bruno is down and what a shot! Ameral dropped the bell and he can pin him right now! Ameral is looking at the fans and he pointed to the corner! The fans cheered. Ameral is walking over to the corner and he climbing up! Ameral is going uptop! Bruno is still down and Ameral is trying to get balance on the top rope! Hes uptop and he jumped....THE HIGHLIGHT (frog splash) AND NO!!!! Bruno moved at the last second!! MY GOD! What an impact! Ameral is holding his stomach in pain. Bruno is trying to regain his breath. What a fight so far! Bruno rolled out of the ring and wheres he going? Bruno is walking back to the announcers and he has a chair now! Bruno has the chair and he got in the ring. Ameral is using the ropes to get up and Bruno is ready. Ameral turned around and Bruno misses the shot! Bruno turned around and Ameral connects with a dropkick to the chair!! The chair hit Bruno right in the face! Both men are down again! The fans are cheering. Wait, now Bruno is bleeding! Both men are busted open now! Bruno is using the ropes to get and he just fell back to the mat. Bruno is struggling to get up. Both men are out of it at this point. Ameral is getting up as well. Ameral is going for a punch and Bruno ducks. Ameral turned around and bruno connects with a knee to the gut. Wait a minute, Bruno is setting him up! Bruno has him....Sage Handle Slam connects!!! He got it!!! It could be over right now!!! Ameral is down and Bruno has the leg hooked, 1-2-KICKOUT! OH MY!! Ameral wont give up! Bruno sat up and he wiped the blood off his face. He looks worried! The fans are on thier feet for Ameral. Bruno is getting up and now he grabbed the Kendo stick again! Bruno is slamming it on the mat! Hes pissed! Ameral is getting up slowly. Hes bleeding heavily, so much blood lost. Ameral is on his feet and Bruno connects with a shot to the head! The kendo broke in half! Ameral is down again and Bruno is going for the cover, 1-2-kickout again! The fans cheered! Ameral just wont quit! Bruno is pulling at his hair andhes really frustrated. Bruno wiped the blood off his face and he got up. Bruno is cracking his neck and he grabbed Ameral. Bruno is going for another Sage Handle Slam! He has him in position and WAIT! Ameral is hitting with elbows to the head! Bruno released him and Ameral swung off the ropes. Ameral is coming at him and bruno just went for a clotheline! Ameral ducked! Bruno turned around....DROPKICK! Bruno is down! Ameral got to his feet and hes pounding his chest. Ameral is pumped up!!! Ameral is walking over to the ropes again!! Hes climbing uptop!! Bruno is down and there goes Ameral....HIGHLIGHT!!! This time it connects!! Ameral is holding his stomach in pain. The fans are cheering for him to get the cover. Ameral rolled over, 1-2-KICKOUT!!! STILL NOTHING!! Bruno wont give in either!!! Ameral is in disbelief. Ameral is getitng up and he grabbed Bruno. WAIT! Bruno just got a low blow!! Ameral let him go and he fell to his knees. The fans booed. Bruno is getting up and he swiped his thumb across his neck. Bruno picked up Ameral and he whipped him into the ropes. Ameral is coming back and Bruno connects with a kick to the gut! Another Sage Handle Slam but WAIT! Ameral countered and he has the rollup and his legs on the ropes!!! 1-2-3!!! MY GOD!!! We have a new champion! HERE IS YOUR WINNER AND THE NEWWWWW NCW EXTREME CHAMPION! MATT AMERAL!!! "No Love" hit and the fans ar eon thier feet!! The ref handed him the title and Ameral rolled out of the ring. Bruno can't beleive it!! Ameral is the new Extreme Champ!! What a match!! Ameral raised the title and the fans cheered. Bruno is in shock! Hes tugging at his hair. Bruno's days as champion are over! Make way for Latino Xtremo!!

Silvana is walking to the ring and the fans cheered. She has her head down and Silvana is focused tonight. "Silvana wait!". Silvana turned around and its Sakura! "Silvana, I need to talk to you before you go out there". Silvana drank some of her water and she just dropped the bottle. Sakura bent down and picked it up and wait a minute! Silvana see's the mask! Silvana pulled it out of her pocket. "What the hell is this?!? So it was you all along!" Sakura looked at her, "No no no! Thats what I wanted to talk to you about..." "ENOUGH! I swear if you show your face out there tonight I won't hesitate to hurt you". Silvana threw the mask in her face and walked off. Sakura sighed, "I know who it is..."

Zach is in the back on his cell phone and the fans booed. "Look I don't care! Just find out how he got out of prison! I don't care what you have to do!! You hear me??" Zach hung up and he kept a cloth on his bloody nose. "Son of a b*tch". Zach kicked a trash can and walked off.

The Hell in a Cell is shown coming down. Lights are flashing and suspense music is playing in the background. The Hell in a Cell is next! Will this match end the lonf standing rivalry between Silvana and Joanne! Let's take a look at the past of these two women...
A video package of the Silvana-Joanne feud is shown. It shows their days in AXW. Silvana and Joanne fighting for the first time and Silvana defeating her to become Women's Champion. It then show thier other encounters. The Steel Cage Match at Survival, and more. It then plays footage of NCW. Silvana and Joanne entering as a unit and then breaking up after Joanne thought Silvana hit her with a chair. It then shows their battle at Unforgiven Deeds for the NCW Women's Championship. Joanne won the match. It showed Joanne taking on Angela Cage and Slvana costing her the Women's title. Joanne snapped on Silvana and viciously attacked her. Silvana returned and they began to brawl. Jayson Derio walked out, "Enough! At Anarchy Summer you two are going to end the feud...its going to be Silvana....Vs...Joanne! In the first ever Hell in a Cell match!" It shows footage of other Hell in a Cell matches in NCW. Paiva-Knoxville, the 8-Man, Core-Razor, and more. Cold's "Witch" began to play and it showed the events leading up to tonight. "One of the most heinous structures ever built will house the final chapter to this epic rivalry! Silvana! Joanne! HELL IN A CELL!" The footage ended with Joanne and Silvana staring down each other.

Joanne Vs. Silvana - Hell in a Cell Match
The Cell is in place and we're ready to go! "Dembo" hit and the fans cheered. Here comes Silvana! Silvana is walking out to the ring and she gave props to the fans. The ref opened up the gate and Silvana stepped inside the cell. Silvana is looking around and she pulled on the walls. Silvana is taking a deep breath. "Naughty Girl" hit and the fans are booing. Here comes Joanne! Joanne walked out to the ring and she ignored the fans. Joanne stopped at the apron and shes looking up at the cell. Joanne took a deep breath and she stepped inside. The ref has closed the gate and both women are in the ring. Silvana and Joanne are looking at each other and this is going to be a physical match. The bell sounded and here we go! The fans are cheering and both women are staring each other down. They're walking down to the center of the ring...and here's the lockup! Joanne kneed Silvana in the gut and now she swung her itno the ropes. Silvana is coming back and Joanne misses the clotheline! Joanne turned around and Silvana is coming back...hurricanrana!!! Silvana nailed it!! Joanne is down and shes getting to her feet quickly. Joanne is running at Silvana and Silvana sidestepped! She moved out of the way and grabbed Joanne by the hair! MY GOD! Silvana slammed Joanne right into the cell wall! What a head of steam by Joanne. Joanne is wobbling and Silvana grabbed her again and she threw her head first into the wall! Joanne fell to her knees and now Silvana is walking over ot her. Silvana grabbed her by the head and shes grating her head on the cell! The fans cheered. Joanne is screaming in pain. Silvana let go and now she grabbed Joanne. Silvana whipped her into the ropes. Joanne is coming back and Silvana connects with a dropkick! Joanne is down! Wait a minute, Joanne is bleeding already! Blood is flowing down her face. Silvana walked over to and shes punching the hell out of her! The fans are cheering. Silvana got up and she picked up Joanne. Silvana swung her into the corner. Silvana is running at her and WAIT! Joanne moved! Silvana stopped in front of the corner before she hit herself. Silvana turned around and Joanne connects with a hard clotheline! Silvana is down! Shes holding the back of her head in pain. Joanne is leanin on the ropes trying to regain her composure. Silvana is getting up and Joanne kicked her in the stomach! Silvana is down again. Joanne picked her up and she has her by the head. Joanne threw her into the cell wall! Payback for Joanne. Silvana is down and Joanne picked her up again. Joanne is giving her right hands and she whipped her head first into the cell again! Joanne picked her up and she whipped her into it again! Silvana fell to her knees. Wait, now joanne has her by the head and shes grating her head on the cell!! Joanne is getting some payback. Joanne let her go and now Silvana is trying to get up. Silvana is using the ropes and now Joanne backed off. Joanne is at the other side of the ring. Silvana is leaning against the ropes and Joanne is running at her! Shes going for a clotheline and MY GOD! Silvana ducked and she got a back body drop on Joanne! Joanne fell over the top rope! Joanne is down. The fans are cheering and Silvana is following her. Both women are back outside and Silvana grabbed Joanne. Silvana is nailing her with right hands and again and she whipped her itno the steps! Joanne went back first! The fans are cheering at ringside. Joanne is trying to get to her feet and Silvana is measuring her up. Joanne is on her feet and Silvana is running at her! MY GOD!! Joanne connected with her own back body drop! Silvana just went back first on top of the stairs!! MY GOD! What impact! Silvana rolled off the stairs and shes holding her back in pain. Joanne fell down and shes almost out of it with all that blood loss. Silvana is in major pain and now Joanne is getting up slowly. Joanne picked up the stairs and she threw thenm out of the way. Joanne is stomping on Silvana's back. Joanne picked her up and she whipped her into the cell! Silvana is down again. Joanne has a smile on her face and she just flipped the bird to the fans as they booed. Silvana is trying to get back using the cell. Wait a minute, Joanne grabbed the stairs! She has them up and Silvana is on her feet. Silvana turned and NOOOO!!! Joanne connects with the stairs right to the head!!! Silvana is down again and she may be knocked out!! The fans are chanting "Holy Sh*t!". What an impact. Joanne dropped the stairs and shes looking down at Silvana. Joanne can get the win but shes shaking her head. Its not over. Joanne picked her up and now Joanne rolled her in the ring. Silvana is busted open. Joanne got in the ring and she grabbed Silvana. Joanne is hitting her with right hands and she swung her into the ropes. Silvana is coming back and Joanne connects with a knee shot to the head! Silvana is down again. Joanne picked her up again and WAIT! She has her in positon! The DeathStryke is coming! Joanne raised her arm to the fans and they booed. WAIT! Silvana is fighting back! Shes hitting Joanne with punches to the stomach! Joanne released her and now Silvana connects with a hard clotheline! A desperation move by Silvana! Both women are down and they're bloody messes. Silvana is starting to move and got her arm on Joanne, 1-2-kickout! Its not over! Silvana is getting up slowly and blood is soaked in her hair. Silvana picked up Joanne and she threw her over the top rope! Joanne is outside again. Silvana rolled out of the ring and shes walking over to her. Wait, Silvana picked up the stairs! Its retribution time! Silvana laid down the stairs in front of her and now she picked up Joanne. Silvana is walking over to the stairs and OH MY! Shes setting up for the S2S! Silvana is going to do it on the stairs! WAIT! Its the Mean Girls!! here comes Juliet and Denila! They're running down to the ring and they're both trying to open the gate. Silvana is smiling and NO! Juliet knocked down the ref! She grabbed the key and Juliet is opening the gate! Silvana dropped Joanne and shes walking over to the gate! No! They opened it up! Here they come! Denila is in and Silvana knocked her down with a punch! Juliet is inside and both women are exchanging punches! Silvana just knocked Juliet out of the cell! Juliet is back outside and Silvana is kicking Denila outside. Silvana grabbed the gate but she cant close it! Juliet is getting back and shes reaching for the gate!! MY GOOOOD!! Silvana kicked the gate in Juliet's face!! Juliet is down!! The fans cheered. Denila is getting up and Silvana is waiting. Denila turned around and Silvana whipped the gate at her too! Denila is down again! Silvana is walking back into the cell and WAIT! Joanne shoved her outside! Both women are outside of the cell now! Joanne is teetering and now she waked back into the cell. Joanne is looking under the ring...and here comes the chair! Joanne has a chair!! Silvana is getitng up and Joanne swung it but YES! Silvana kicked the gate in her way! Joanne slammed the gate and she dropped her chair. Silvana walked back in the cell and she conencts with a clotheline on Joanne! Silvana picked her up and she rolled her in the ring. Silvana grabbed the chair and she got in the ring. Joanne is down and Silvana is stanidng over with the chair! Joanne is trying to crawl away! Silvana dropped the chair and shes chasing after her. Silvana is reaching for her and WAIT! Its the Masked Women!! Shes running down to the ring and the gate is still open! The Masked Women is in the ring! Silvana has her backed turned and the Women picked up the chair! Silvana turned NOOOOOO!!! What a hard shot!! Silvana is down!!! The fans are booing loudly! Shes telling Joanne to cover her now! Joanne is crawling over to her and she got her arm on Silvana, 1-2-KICKOUT!!! YESS!! The fans cheered. Silvana kicked out!! The Woman can't beleive it and shes walking over to Joanne. Shes checking on Joanne and the ref is telling her to leave the ring. Silvana is starting to move and shes crawling away form the action. Silvana is getitng up using the ropes and she looks like she doesn't know where she is! Silvana is on her feet and her face is full of blood. Silvana picked up the chair!! Silvana has the chair and the fans are cheering. The Woman moved her head and she noticed Silvana isn't on the floor! She turned around and MY GOD! Silvana connects with a chair shot! The Woman is down! The fans are on thier feet! Silvana dropped the chair and she talking trash to the Woman. Wait, Joanne is on her feet and shes waiting for Silvana to turn around! Silvana turned and Joanne went for a kick but Silvana caught her leg! Silvana spinned her around and she nailed Joanne with a kick of her own! The S2S!! Silvana has it...and YES! It connects!! Silvana has the leg, 1-2-3!!! Silvana wins!! "Dembo" hit and the fans are on thier feet. Here is you winner SILVANA! The ref reached down and raised her arm. What a match! Both women gave it their all and what a fitting end to this rivalry! Silvana is getting up and she wiped the blood from her face. Silvana is up and wait! Shes looking over at the Woman! The fans cheered and they her to unmask her! Silvana is walking over and she bent over. Silvana grabbed the mask and shes going to pull! Is it Sakura?! Silvana pulled the mask....MY GOOOD!! ITS MONICA!!! Monica is back!! She was fired 4 months 5 months ago! Silvana is in shock and WAIT! Denila and Juliet knocked her down from behind. Monica is on her feet and they're all stomping on Silvana. They grabbed Joanne and helped her out of the ring. Silvana is laid out in the ring. The Mean Girls are dragging Joanne to the back and now they raised their arms as the fans booed.

It shows Jason2Sweet standing tall with his head down. "A factor that can make a man crazy.." It shows Sweet raising his head and he looks pissed. "That can drive hatred through the roof..." It shows Sweet clenching his fists. "An emotion unbearable to contain..." Sweet turned his head to the screen and sweat flew out of his hair and down his face. "This is not a game...this is a vendetta!" NCW VENDETTA! LIVE ON NPPV SUNDAY, AUGUST 22ND! SPONSORED BY TVT RECORDS!

Bruno is in the back and the fans booed. Bruno is sitting down with his head in his lap. Price is walking up to him slowly, "Excuse me, Bruno?" Bruno didn't move. "Bruno? Do you hear me?" Bruno looked up and he looks pissed. "I just wanted to know if I could get a word on how you feel about your loss tonight". Bruno stood up and he walked over to Price. Price swallowed hard and Bruno just shoved him out of the way and walked off.

AA's locker room door opened and there he is!! The fans cheered. AA is heading to the ring with the World Championship around his waist. A splitscreen is shown and Core and Crush are heading to the ring as well. The Triple Threat is next!

Poppa Crush Vs. Linkin Core Vs. Avenging Angelo - NCW World Championship Triple Threat Match
"Bombshell" hit and the fans booed. Here comes Poppa Crush! Crush walked out to the ring with a D.O.A shirt and he ignored the fans. Crush got in the ring and he tok off his shirt. Crush is jumping up and down ready for the match. "1stp Klosr" hit and the fans are on thier feet! Here is Linkin Core! Core walked out to the ramp and hes jumping up and cracking his knuckles. Core walked down to the ring and he stepped inside. Core and Crush are standing at opposite ends of the ring with thier eyes locked on each other. Disturbed's "Fear" hit and the fans cheered. Here comes the NCW World Champion, Avenging Angelo! AA stopped at the ramp and he raised the title in the air as the fans cheered. AA walked down to the ring and he put out his cigar on the steps. AA stepped in the ring and he's looking at Crush and now Core. AA handed the title to the ref and he raised it in the air. The bell sounded and here we go! AA and Core are looking at each other and now they just turned their heads to Crush! AA and Core are walking over to Crush! Crush is telling them to bring it and he ran at them! Crush connects with a clotheline on Core. AA and Crush are exchanging punches and AA nails him with a knee to the gut. AA is pounding on his back and he swung him into the ropes. Crush is coming back and AA connects with a hard shoulder tackle! Crush is down and he got up quickly. AA connects with another shoulder tackle! Crush got up again and now he backed off. AA was going for another one but Crush expected it. They locked up and now Crush has him in a headlock! AA is breaking free and he shoved Crush into the ropes. Wait, Core is up! Core is going for a Spear and he connects on Crush!! The fans cheered. Crush is down and he hit AA on the way down! AA fell through the second rope to the outside. Core is on his feet and he picked up Crush. Core is giving him right hands and he whipped him into the ropes. Crush is coming back and Core connects with a hard clotheline! Core is walking over to the ropes and hes going up! Core is climbing to the top and WAIT! AA is on the apron and he wiggled the ropes! Core just got hung! The fans gave a mixed reaction! AA got in the ring and now hes climbing the ropes! AA is nailing Core with right hands and he got him under his arm. AA has him set for a Superplex! Both men are on the top rope....SUPERPLEX! What an impact! Both of them are down! Wait, Crush is rolling over andhe has the cover on Core, 1-2-kickout! The fans cheered. Crush is rolling again and now he has AA's leg hooked, 1-2-kickout! Still nothing! The fans cheered again. Crush is getitng up and he grabbed AA. Crush is giving him right hands and he just kicked him in the gut. CX5!! Crush has him on his shoulders but NO! AA jumped off! Core is on his feet and now AA is behind Crush. AA shoved him and Crush just fell into Core! Core fell over the top rope into the outside. Crush turned around and AA connetcs with a big boot! Crush is down and there's the cover, 1-2-kickout! AA is on his feet and he swung off the ropes...legdrop on Crush! AA has the leg, 1-2-kickout again! AA is back to his feet and he whipped off the roeps again but WAIT! Core grabbed his foot! AA fell on his face and now Core is dragging him out of the ring. Core is nailing him with right hands and he whipped him into the barricade! AA went back first! These men have ended their partnership tonight! AA is getting up and WAIT! Wait a minute! Core is measuring him up for the Spear! Hes going to do it! AA is on his feet leaning against the barricade and there goes Core...MY GOD!! Spear through the barricade!! AA is knocked out!!! The fans are cheering and chanting "Holy Sh*t!". Core is getting up slowly holding his head. Core is walking back to the ring and WAIT! Crush is on the ropes! Core looked up...Crush connects with a crossbody!! Both men are down! The fans are cheering and what a mess! All 3 men are down on the outside. Crush is getting up to his feet. Crush grabbed Core and he rolled him in the ring. Crush got in the ring andhe has the cover, 1-2-kickout! Not over yet! Crush is getting up and he picked up Core. Crush kicked him in the gut and he has him between his legs! Crush has him up....Powerbomb connects!! Core is down again! Crush has the cover, 1-2-kickout! The fans cheered. Crush got up on his knees and he looks pissed. What is he going to do to take out Core? Crush got up and he grabbed Core. Crush is giving him right hands and he whipped him into the corner. Crush is running at him and Core just nailed him with a boot to the face! Crush backed off and he has his hand to his face. Crush turned around and MY GOD! Core got the Spear!! He may not have gotten all of it! Both men are down and now Core has the cover, 1-2-kickout! The fans booed. Crush barely kicked out. Core is getting slowly and he picked up Crush. Core kneed him in the gut and he got him under his arm! Wait a minute! Core pointed up and the fans cheered! He's going for it! The Jackhammer!! Core has him up and NO! Crush counters! Hes behinds Core and Crush has him by the waist...German Suplex!! Core is down!! Crush is getting up and hes trying to regain his composure. Crush is walking over to his legs and hes going for the Sharpshooter!! Crush is trying to lock it in! Core is resisting and he GOT IT!! Crush has the Sharpshooter locked in!!! Core is screaming in pain trying to make it to the ropes but Crush wont let him budge!! Core is trying to reach but its no use! WAIT! AA is at the base of the ring! AA is rolling in slowly. Hes still out of it. Core is raising his hand!!! Is he going to tap?!? AA is in the ring and YES! A nailed his knee right to Crush's head!! Crush released the hold and now all 3 men are down again! What a matchup! AA got up on his knees and hes using the ropes to get on his feet. AA is up and the fans cheered. AA is looking around and now he has his eyes locked on Core! AA picked him up and he wants revenge! AA has him up and he got him between his legs! The fans are cheering and AA got him up...POWERBOMB!! WAIT! AA didn't let go! He's going for the Kingpin then! AA has him up again and another powerbomb connects!!! One more!! AA got him up and NO! Crush just got a low blow on AA! AA dropped Core and he fell to his knees! The fans booed. Crush is crawling over to Core! He has his arm on him, 1-2-YES! AA barely interupted the count! What a close one! The fans cheered. AA is on his feet and he grabbed Crush. Now AA has HIM between his legs! Crush is going to get the treatment now! WAIT! Core is up and he connects with a clotheline on AA! AA fell over the top rope AGAIN! Core leaned over the ropes and hes yelling at AA. Wait, Crush is behind him! Core turned around and Crush went for a kick but NO! Core caught his leg! Crush is hopping on one foot and Core spinned him around. Core kicked him in the stomach and he got him on his shouldrs! WAIT! OH MY!! Core connects with the CX5!!! Crush's own move against him!!! The fans are on thier feet!! Core is getitng up and hes pumped! Core whipped off the ropes and WAIT! AA pulled the ropes down! Core fell to the outside! Both men are outside the ring and now AA picked up Core. AA is nailing him with right hands and he whipped him into the steel steps! Core went back first! AA grabbed him and he got him between his legs. WAIT A MINUTE!!! NO AA!! AA is standing in front of the announce table!! MY GOD! AA got him up...POWERBOMB THROUGH THE TABLE!! OH MY!! The fans are on their and chanting "Holy Sh*t!". Core is laid out!! AA is talking trash to Core. Wait, Crush just rolled outside and the ring and he shoved AA into the steps!! AA bagned his knee on them and hes down. Crush brushed off the fans and they booed. Crush picked him up and wait a minute! Crush just put him on his shoulders!! NO!!!! Crush just planted AA with the CX5 right against the ring post!! AA is down holding his leg in pain. The fans are booing and Crush has a psychotic look on his face. Crush picked up AA and he rolled him in the ring. Crush has the cover, 1-2-KICKOUT!! AA wont give up!! The fans cheered. Crush is on his feet and he cant beleive it. Wait, Crush grabbed AA's legs! The Sharpshooter!! AA is trying to fight it but he cant!! Crush has it locked in!! AA is screaming in pain! Crush is ripping apart his leg!! AA is almost to the ropes but he cant reach it!! Wait, AA is pulling himself up with his arms. What strength by AA! AA just turned his back and he kciked Crush away! Crush just fell through the second rope! AA is holding that leg and he just bought himself some time. Crush is starting to get up and hes climbing the apron. AA is on his feet and he turned around. Crush is in the ring and WAIT! Aa ran at him andhe connects with a hard boot to the face! Crush is down and so is AA! AA aggravated his leg some more on that move! Crush almost got his head knocked off! AA is getting up slowly using the ropes and hes waiting for Crush to get up! HOLD ON! Its Core! Core rolled in the ring and AA doesn't see him! Core looks pissed! Core is behind AA and he called his name! AA turned around....SPEAR!! The fans cheered. AA is down and now Core picked him up! Core got him under his arm! OH MY! Core got him up! What strength!! JACKHAMMER!! AA is down!! Core has the cover and WAIT! Crush pulled him off! Crush picked him up and he just threw him over the top!! Crush has the cover! NO! 1-2-3!! NOOO! Crush wins! "Bombshell" hit and the fans booed loudly. HERE IS YOUR WINNER AND THE NEWWWWWWWW NCW WORLD CHAMPION! POPPA CRUSH! The ref handed him the title and Crush rolled out of the ring quickly. Crush has just won the World title! He has done what he set out to do! Crush raised the title and he has a smile on his face. Core is outside the ring and hes holding his head. He cant beleive what just happened. What a match!

The D.O.A are in thier locker room and they just jumped out of their seats. They're all celebrating and hugging. Derio laughed, "Take that NCW! D.O.A! D.O.A!" They all started chanting and the fans booed. Jason2Sweet stood up and he grabbed his title. "Its my time boys". Kyle gave him props, "I got your back tonight man. I need something to take my anger out tonight". "Actually. You guys heard what Ajax said earlier tonight right? Well tonight, I don't want you guys to help me either" The D.O.A looked at each other and they're confused. "Hold on look. He wants to do this by himself to show thats hes the real deal. Well if I beat him tonight, then it'll prove to myself why I have this title and it'll shoot down that bastard's motivation. I want to do this myself, alright?" They all nodded. "Alright, see you guys later" Sweet left the room and the D.O.A looks hesitant.

Ajax is heading to the ring and the fans are cheering. The match is next!

A video package for the Sweet-Ajax feud is shown. It shows footage of Sweet defeating Matt Xtreme at TitanMania. "I killed a legend, and I proved to the whole world that I AM a Legend!" Sweet is looking down at his grave. It shows Sweet smiling in the ring and then suddenly, Ajax walked out. "You think you're so good Sweet. How about you defend that title against ME!" Sweet smiled, "You're on!". Adema's "Unstable" started to play. As the chorus kicked in, it shows Ajax and Sweet attacking each other. The music slowed down and it shows Sweet and the D.O.A attacking Ajax week after week. The chorus kicked in again and it shows Ajax fighting back. The music began to end. "At Anarchy Summer, I'm going to bring the title over to NCW!" "Ajax! You're lucky this is America!" The footage began to end, "SWEET! AJAX! THE NCW CHAMPIONSHIP!" It ended with Sweet and Ajax face-to-face and Sweet is smiling.

Chris Ajax Vs. Jason2Sweet - NCW Heavyweight Championship
"Needles" hit and the fans are on thier feet! Here comes the challenger, Chris Ajax! Ajax walked out to the ring and gave props to the fans. He got in the ring and raised his arms as the fans cheered. "Pass That Dutch" hit and the fans booed loudly. Here is the NCW Heavyweight Champion, Jason2Sweet! Sweet walked out to the ramp and he looked at the crowd. Sweet drank his water and he poured some on himself. Sweet tossed the bottle and hes heading to the ring. Sweet is ignoring the fans and he got in the ring. Sweet climbed the top rope and he raised the title. The fans booed. Sweet got down and he handed the title to the ref. The ref raised it in the air and the bell sounded. Here we go! Sweet and Ajax got nose-to-nose. Both men are talking trash and the fans are cheering. The fans are chanting " Ajax" and Ajax smiled! Both men looked at the crowd and Sweet looks pissed. Here we go! Sweet and Ajax are exchanging punches! Sweet grabbed him and he whipped him into the ropes. Ajax is coming back and Sweet misses the clotheline! Ajax grabbed him...neckbreaker connects!! Ajax has the leg, 1-kickout! Not even close! Both men got to their feet quickly and Sweet just nailed him with a hard clotheline! Wait, Sweet grabbed his legs and hes going for the Liontamer!! Sweet is trying to lock it in but Ajax grabbed the ropes quickly! The ref is telling Sweet to back off. Ajax got to his feet and now both men locked up. Sweet kneed Ajax in the gut and he swung him into the ropes. Sweet is running at him and he connects with a clotheline over the top rope! Ajax fell to the outside and Sweet is in pursuit. Sweet picked him up and hes nailing him with hard right hands. Sweet kneed him in the gut and he just threw him head first into the steps! The fans booed. Sweet picked him up and he rolled him in the ring. Sweet got on the apron and hes climbing up the apron! Sweet is going uptop and WAIT! Ajax is on his feet! Ajax ran at the ropes and he jumped on the ropes....MY GOD! Ajax jumped on the second rope and then kicked Sweet right in the head!! What a move!! Sweet is down and he just fell off the ropes into the ring. Ajax has the cover, 1-2-kickout! Ajax is getting up and he picked up Sweet. Ajax kicked him in the stomach and he has hom between his legs! Ajax got him up and now Sweet is punching him in the head! Ajax is trying to deliver a powerbomb and now Sweet counters into a hurricanrana!! Sweet has the legs hooked, 1-2-kickout! So close! Sweet is on his feet and he grabbed Ajax. Sweet whipped him into the ropes and Ajax countered! Sweet went off the ropes and Ajax grabbed him by the head and tossed him over the top ropes! Sweet is on the outside! Sweet is getting up quickly and WAIT! Ajax whipped off the ropes....PLANCHA!! Right on Sweet!! Both men are down and the fans cheered. Ajax is starting to move and hes getting up. Sweet is coming to and now hes crawling up to his feet as well. Wait a minute, Sweet put his arm under the ring and it looks like hes searching for something! Ajax turned around andhe picked up Sweet. WAIT! Sweet has a wrench in his hand! Ajax doesn't see it!! Ajax rolled him in the ring. Ajax got in the ring andhe picked him up. Ajax is giving him right hands and he whipped him into the ropes. Sweet is coming back and Ajax misses a clotheline! Ajax turned around and NO! Sweet nailed him over the head with the wrench!! The red didn't see it and Sweet threw it out of the ring! Sweet has the cover, 1-2-kickout!! The fans cheered! Ajax is still in this thing! Sweet is getting up and hes stomping on Ajax. Wait, Ajax is busted open! Ajax is starting to bleed! Sweet grabbed him by the legs and he's going for the Liontamer again!!! Sweet has it locked in!! He has it this time!! Ajax is screaming in pain and blood is pouring down his face!! Ajax cant reach the ropes! The fans are cheering for him and they're stomping theyre feet! Sweet has it on tight and Ajax is trying to make it!! The fans are chanting "Ajax". Ajax is going for the ropes...he finally got it!! AJax has the ropes and the ref broke the hold. Sweet backed off and hes pissed. Sweet is stomping on him and he picked him up. Sweet is nailing him with right hands and now he whipped him into the ropes. Ajax is coming back and Sweet misses a back elbow!! Sweet turned around and Ajax went for a flying clotheline and Sweet ducked! NO!! Ajax hit the ref down! The ref is knocked down and now Ajax got up. Ajax turned around and Sweet kicked him in the gut....2SWEETER!!! Ajax countered!! Ajax shoved him into the ropes and he knocked him out with a clotheline!! Sweet is outside the ring. Ajax is following him and WAIT! Sweet grabbed that wrench again! Ajax is walking over to him and he got him on his feet. Ajax is going for a punch and Sweet blocked it! Sweet is going to hit him with the wrench and Ajax grabbed it! Both men are fighitng for the wrench and Ajax kneed him in the gut. Sweet let go and Ajax dropped the wrench. Ajax is nailing him with right and he kicked him in the gut. WAIT! OH MY! Ajax grabbed him and he has him set for the Fallen Angel!! MY GOD! Right on the wrench!!! The fans cheered. Sweet is knocked out!! It could be over right now!! Ajax is down regaining his breath and now he got up. Ajax grabbed Sweet and he rolled him in the ring. Wait, Ajax is looking under the ring and he pulled out a chair! Ajax got in the ring and the ref is still down! Sweet is starting to get up slowly. Hes wobbling on his feet from that Fallen Angel! Sweet turned around....CHAIRSHOT!!! Sweet is down! Ajax nailed him in the head and he dropped the chair. Ajax is waking up the ref and now he got the cover. The ref is rolling over..1...2...KICKOUT!!! Sweet kicked out!! The fans booed. Ajax sat up and he wiped the blood off his face. Ajax got up and he grabbed Sweet. Ajax whipped him into the corner. Ajax picked up the chair and hes running at Sweet but NO! Sweet nailed him with a boot to the face! The chair hit him in the face and Ajax is down! The ref is still on the floor and he doesn't see whats going on. Sweet has the chair and he shoved into the second turnbuckle! Sweet picked up Ajax and hes measuring him up! Sweet whipped him into the corner and Ajax countered!! MY GOD! Sweet went head first into the chair!! The chair dented on impact! MY GOD! The fans cheered! Sweet is teetering and now he fell back! Ajax fell on top of him and the fans are cheering loudly. The ref is still down and the fans are yelling at him to make the count! The ref is crawling over and he sees the cover. He's going over  there, 1...2...KICKOUT!! Sweet kicked out again!!! Too much time!! What a match here!! Both men are bleeding heavily and they look tired. Ajax is starting to get up and he grabbed Sweet. Ajax kneed him in the gut and he picked him up! The Fallen Angel!! Another one and NO! Sweet countered! He jumped off and now he turned Ajax around and kicked him in the stomach! Sweet has him set...2Sweeter connects!! The fans booed. It could be over! Sweet has the leg, 1-2-and Ajax got his foot on the ropes!! So close!! Sweet is getting up and he cant beleive it. Sweet picked him up and he swung him into the ropes. Sweet connects with a clotheline! Ajax is down again! Sweet is walking voer to the ropes andhes going up! Sweet is climbing to the top and now Ajax is on his feet! Ajax is wobbling and Sweet is waiting for him! Ajax turned around and there goes Sweet....Dropkick! WAIT! Ajax grabbed his legs in mid air!! Sweet fell and now Ajax is going for the Liontamer!!! YES! The fans are cheering!! Ajax has it locked in!! Sweet is screaming and the fans are on thier feet! Will Sweet tap?!? Sweet is trying to make it to the ropes and blood is flowing down his face. Sweet got it!!! The fans booed. Sweet grabbed the ropes! Ajax let go and he fell to the floor. Both men are down and they're out of it. Ajax is getting up slowly regaining his breath. Ajax spit out some blood and he got up. Ajax grabbed Sweet and he whipped him into the ropes. Sweet is coming back and WAIT! Sweet nailed him with a high to the head! Ajax is down! Sweet almost lost his balance and he hung onto the ropes. What a desperation move by Sweet. Sweet is walking over to the corner and hes climbing up again! Sweet is on the ropes and the fans booed. Ajax is still down....MOONSAULT!! He got it!!! He got 100%!! Sweet has the leg hooked, 1-2-KICKOUT!! OH MY!!! The fans cheered loudly and they can't beleive it!! Not even Sweet! Sweet sat up and he looks confused. What is he going to do to take out Ajax?!? Sweet got up and he grabbed Ajax. Sweet is picking him up slowly and now he whipped him into the ropes. Ajax is coming back and Sweet misses a clotheline! Sweet turned around and Aajx connects with one ogf his own! Sweet is down! Ajax is going over to the corner and now HES going up! The fans are cheering and Ajax is climbing up slowly. Sweet is starting to get up using the ropes as leverage. Ajax is on top and Sweet pulled him down to the second rope! Sweet is going up as well and both men are exchanging punches. Sweet punched Ajax in the gut and they're both on the top rope! Sweet has him in a Superplex position! WAIT! No it isn't!! The fans are cheering and both men jumped....MY GOOOOOOOD!!! 2SWEETER OF THE ROPES!!! Both men are down and the fans are chanting "Holy Sh*t!". That has to be it! Ajax wont kick out of that! Sweet isn't moving! Both men are out of it and the ref is counting, 1...2...3...4...5...6...wait, there goes Sweet! Sweet is rolling over and he got his arm on Ajax! 1-2-3! NO! Its over!! "Pass That Dutch" hit and the fans gave a mixed reaction. What a match form both of these men! HERE IS YOUR WINNER AND STILL THE NCW HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION...JASON2SWEET! The fans are clapping for both of them. Ajax showed he was the real deal tonight! Both men are down bleeding badly. The ref raised Sweet's arm and he laid the title on his chest. Wow, what a contest! What a night! We'll see you all on Force tomorrow night! Good night everyone!
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