Article III: Individual Liberties

1.The rights of American citizens should not be infringed upon without cause. Any laws which allow law enforcement or government access to personal data or communication without due process should be repealed immediately.
2.The government should not interfere in any way with the freedom of religion. We support the rights of all individuals to worship where and how they choose. There should be no limitations on these rights.
3.We support the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution so far as it is reasonable. We believe that the rights of individuals to legally own and carry firearms. However, we do support legislation which prevents individuals from obtaining potentially dangerous weapons quickly. We support waiting periods on hand gun and assault style weapon purchases. We also support the limitation of weapon purchases for those individuals previously convicted of crimes.
4.Individuals should be paid a fair value for any land taken due to road construction or other public works projects.
5.The government must treat all citizens equally and impartially without regard to race, religion, sex, wealth, or national origin. We oppose all forms of discrimination.
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