Putting it all back together

  This would be the 'before' in 'before and after'

When the rack was out I took the opportuinity to re-upholster the interior of the engine bay a little.
I can't see myself chroming the thermostat housing but a little clean up and a splash of paint is well overdue.


Ewww.. Yeuch! - The little top pipe had come loose and was widdling coolant down the tank. Where's me brush A start.

I ran the brush about anything that stood still long enough and applied a little bit of Citroen BX fan magic. That bar that used to hold the old fan had to go and the BX one gets two holes drilled in the sump guard to take the two plastic pegs it stands on. The top is held with a little stainless bracket.

The fan must be fed through a relay as it draws more electrickery than the original and will kill your otter switch. I don't have an otter switch and I am experimenting with this thermal switch on the exhaust manifiold. Lots of chat on Yahoo about this.

Sadly this didn't work too welll but this did!

The exhausts heats the switch - it goes on. Cool air round the switch when the car is moving - it goes off. Works so far. I did try a little Aluminium bracket but the system needs the curly length of the spring clip to isolate it from the heat of the exhaust - or it simply never goes off.

It all looks a bit better now - Apart from that thermostat housing.

  This is where the fan sensor clips - under that stainless bracket where it bends 90 degrees - on the engine side at the moment.

The fan strap is just a bit of stainless clamped in with the spare carrier.

No way would that pipe stay soldered in without a collar - cut from a little copper. Then off to the grit blaster.

  Stress cracks on the front valence?

I have to renew this font chassis cross member as it looks like it has seen better times but the rest is solid enough.


A nice piece of Galv' - or stainless even?

  This should sort the crazy paving

Sadly neither was available but an extensive hunt round the works skips turned up an ideal piece of steel.


A little heavier guage than the original but fine.

The holes were bigger than any drills I have so roto-bores were borrowed to do the job and the bend was right at the limit of the manual bending machine I had the use of. I did toy with using a little Dexion but we came to the conclusion that this would be the start of a bad trend and a Dexion steering wheel would be the ultimate result.


This is where pages, and projects converge. On to the completion of the trunion - on on ON


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