Flight                      I LKIE TO FLY
Fly high                  I wish I could
Into the sky,            Fly like an eagle
With the birds          In the sky.
In this big world.      Megan, 6
  Blake, 5
HIGH                                      The Fly
One day I saw some bees.        The wind keeps you up. 
They were flying high.                Flies can fly! 
I ran home.                                 Caitlin, 6
My Mom saw the bees, too.
   Will, 6
I am flying in an airplane then I jumped out of the airplane.  I started to fly.  I flew over my home and then I flew down.
    Drew, 6

IN THE AIR                                                                      FLY
The wind keeps you up                                                   One day when I was flying in the sky
In the air,                                                                         I saw a baby bird fall out of the tree.
And it is fun to fly!                                                            I flew down to rescue it!
  Casey, 5                                                                                     Andrew, 6

If I Could Fly                                   Flying Is Fun!
A blue bird can fly.                            I am a plane in the sky!
I wish I could fly.                                and I see a bird flying in the sky!
  Rachal, 5                                        Ethan, 5

Flying Is Fun!
This is me flying and this is an airplane, a bee, a fly, God, an angel, a butterfly, a bird and a bat!  I love flying!      Chloe, 6
Like The Wright Brothers
I think I can fly
like a hawk in the sky
with my family
way up high in the sky.
I think I can fly
like the Wright Brother, too.
They invented the highest thing
in the sky.
Will N., 7

The Wonder Of Flight
The sky is bright,
An eagle is in flight,
Airplanes pass through the clouds,
Parachuters glide to the ground.
On the North Carolina shore is where it all began.
Emily M., 7

Flying Time
Fly high, fly low, fly left, and fly right.
Some things float in the sky.
Fly high, fly low, fly left, fly right.
Can you fly home?
Hayden B., 7

Flying From Space To Earth
Eagles and Cardinals, graceful in every move
Jets and space shuttles zoom past
from dawn till dusk.  They soar from Mars
to Jupiter, from Pluto to Venus.  They soar from star to star.
Jordan J., 7
take off!
Tyler F., 8

Flying From Space To Earth
When you fly, you can see all kinds of stuff.  You can see birds, clouds, and- everything!  When you ride an airplane, everything below looks like ants.  If you were a bird, you might be able to touch the clouds.  If you were an angel, you could go anywhere and touch God!  I love flight!
Ena P., 7

Fly high, fly low. 
Fly as fast as you can go!
From Earth into space,
you can fly to any place!
Daniel H., 7

The World Of Flight
The sky is blue
The planes are flying in the sky.
The woodpecker and other birds are flying
and having a blast in the sky!  I like the sky!
Christian L., 8

Our Dreams Of Flight Team
Tanglewood Elementary School
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