Mrs. Ginger Oxendine Roberts  Rm 100
A little learning is a dangerous very dangerous.
US History  will  challenge you. I will challenge you.  You will challenge yourself.  You will challenge each other.  You will read, write,  discuss, have different opinions about why and how things happened in the past.  You will do the same when thinking about what will be the future of the United States.  That is what makes history interesting and it unites us as  Americans.

You will learn more in this class than you thought possible.
"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent."
-Eleanor Roosevelt
Related Links:
Who is my favorite writer?
Honors/APUSH Syllabus/Outline
US History-Academic
College Board
Library of Congress
US History Cram Packet
What in the world is a Lumbee?  Where can you find one?
APUSH-Chaffey High
Honors and AP Textbooks
The American Pageant 12th edition
The American Pageant Guidebook

US History
    The American Vision
Professional Page
Franklin County Schools
What are my two favorite books/ movies?
Supplimental books for Honors/AP
The Jungle
       Democracy in America                
       Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee
       AP Review with CDROM
       Don't Know Much About History

What are my favorite genres of music?
"Those who do not remember the past are condemned to
relive it."
   -George Santayana

Contact Ms. Oxendine
"...that government of the people, by the people, for the people shall not perish from the earth."                                                         
- N
ovember 19, 1863
      President Lincoln                            Getteysburg, PA
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