<BGSOUND SRC="againstallodds.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>

Want to tell your story?

If you met your love online and would like to
share your story with others please send your
story to me and I will put it up on my pages.

I know that it is very important to not feel like
you are the only one who has ever had a
relationship online or who knows what it feels
like to go though what you do when you are experiencing it.

I spent many hours looking for sites of people
who were going though what I was or had gone
though it.
They were a true inspiration for me, I really don't think that I would have been able to do it without reading some of the stories of the ones who made
it past the computer part of the relationship.

I really didn't talk to anyone about it, even
though I wanted so much to talk about my
boyfriend when others were talking about
theres, but since I had never been though
it before, or knew anyone else who had.
I did read on someones page that if you can't
admit that you are having an online relationship you shouldn't be in it, well I don't agree with that person at all!  Everyone has there own reason for not talking about it to anyone else, and I too had mine.  My parents for one would never understand, so I chose to let them meet Rick first then tell them how we met.  All they ever heard was the horror stories of people who met online from the news so I thought letting them see that he was just a regular guy was the way to go for me.

Even though we are together now we have a long way to go to stay together, he can only stay in the US for a year, and he has been here 5 months now, so we have to work on the immigration thing very soon.  I don't ever want to go back to doing the online thing with him now that I have him here and it really scares me to think that we may have to go back to that for awhile in a few months.

I think our story is very important and so is yours.  There are alot of couples going through what I did, and their stories got me through the hard times.

Want to be an inspiration to someone?  Share what you have been through?  Send me your story and become to someone else what they were to me, continue to share in the hope that others too can make it through the hard times and finally be together.

Send me your story


Read others stories:

Christine and Preben

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