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Overweight Landing

Fasilitas Kesehatan

Airport Data



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Wind shear is a rapid change in wind speed and/or direction over a short distance along the flight path. Wind shear causes a severe hazard to aircraft during take off, approach and landing. The dangerous type of windshear is known as down burst or its smaller, even more visciousform, the most microburst.

Microburst activity may be expected when one of the following phenomena is observed:

  • Local strong wind as indicated by dust devils, roll clouds or tornado like features.
  • Heavy precipitation visiblw on weather radar.
  • Rain showers, lightning or virga.


Wind Shear Recognition

Be prepared to execute the recommended recovery procedure immediately if deviations from the normal target condition exceed the following values:

Take off:

  • IAS + 15 knots or
  • Vertical speed + 500 fpm or
  • Pitch + 5 deg.


  • IAS + 15 knots or
  • Vertical speed + 500 fpm or
  • Pitch + 5 deg
  • Glide slope + 1 dot or
  • Unusual thrust/power level position for a significant period of time.

Inform ATC as soon as possible after exiting the shear. A pilot's report is of vital importance as the shear may incerease in intensity and the next aircraft may not have the performance capability to recover.


Wind Shear Recovery During Take Off Roll

Recognition of shear during take of roll is difficult since speed is changing rapidly. Slow or erratic speed build up or unusual speed fluctuation may e indicative of a wind shear.

the "go/no-go" criteria based on V1 may not be valid in wind shear conditions since ground speed may be considerably higher than airspeed. It may therefore not be possible to stop within the remaining runway if the take off is rejected. Prior V1. the take off should be rejected if it is ensured that sufficient stopping distance is available.

In view of the proposed recovery technique, the following is recommended:

  • Immediately apply full throttle thrust/power F(and simultaneously disconnect ATS, if applicable).
  • Do not reduce thrust/power until aircraft safety is ensured.
  • Rotate at VR. However, in a severe shear, VR may not be reached. Inthis case, rotate not later than 600m/2000 ft from the runway end. The aircraft will become airborne approx. 10 knots below VR. After lift off rotate to a pitch as reacommended in each AOM.


Wind Shear Recovery After Take Off and on Approach

The recovery technique is developed with the objective to keep the aircraft flying as long as possible in the hope of exiting the shear. In order to obtain this, maintaining vertical flight path is the primary targer. Speed control is of secondary concern. The recomended recovery technique should be initiated immediately any time the vertical flight path is reduced to below 1000 feet AGL.

In view otf the recovery technique, the following is recomended:

  • Immediately apply full throttle thrust/power and simultaneously disconnect ATS (if applicable). Do not reduce thrust /power until aircraft safety is ensured.
  • Disengganged auto pilot (if applicable) and change pitch with a normal rate towards an initial target attitude of a pitch as stated in each AOM.

Summarizing the after take off /on approach wind shear recovery:

  • Apply full thrust/power, disconect ATS (if applicable).
  • Adjust pitch to a pitch as prescribed in each AOM.
  • Always respect stick shaker.
  • Used standard go-around flap, after sustained rate of climb has been obtained.

Sumber : COM Page 5.5.1-5.53






In the even of mulfunction of equipment considered necessary for completion of planned flight, PIC's are authorized to land in excess of their maximum permitted landing weight rather than hold to burn of fuel. The folowing points are relevants.

Runway lenght requirements for take off are more critical than landing requirements, hence, any runway is available for landing at the weights specified for take off.

PiC's are reminded that overweight landings must not be made for purely commercial reasons (e.g. return to pick up extra load).

When carry out a landing data weight in excess of that quoted as the maximum permitted landing weight, PiC's should endeavor to ensure that they achieve a normal landing. PiC's are reminded of the importance of reporting overweight landings inthe technical log, to ensure that special engineering checks are carried out before the aircraft can fly again.


Factor Which influence Overweight Landing

In view of the increased aircraft weight, special attention shall be paid to the folloeing items and conditions, when considering an overweight landing.

  • Pilot physical condition : Own limitations and fatigue
  • Weather : IMC or VMC, temperature, crosswind etc.
  • Runway : Elevation, length, slope, obstruction (at both side).
  • Aircraft : Number of engines operating, serviceability of systems, flaps etc

Any landing with a weight in excess 2% above the maximum allowed landing weight should be reported in the Aircraft Maintenance Log and a trip report.


Overweight Landing Inspection

When the weight of the aircraft at an overweight lamding does not exceed 5% of the maximum allowed landing weight no special inspection is required.

At higher weights, or when a hard landing is made at any weight, the "hard landing inspection" for the aircraft type concerned shall carried out.

Sumber: COM 1.8.15




Pegawai/awak pesawat dan keluarganya (istri dan anak, max 3 orang anak yang berumur setinggi-tingginya 25 tahun dan belum pernah menikah dan/atau belum bekerja) mendapat fasilitas perawatan yang terdiri dari :

  • Perawatan karena sakit
  • Perawatan persalinan
  • Perawatan kehamilan
  • Konsultasi dokter spesialis atas rekomendasi dokter perusahaan
  • Penggatina pembelian obat di apotik atas dasar resep dokter
  • Pemeriksaan dokter umum/dokter langganan

Administrasi dilaksanakan setiap hari kerja dimasing-masing ruang lingkup kerja yang terkait. Pendaftaran konsultasi/perawatan dokter perusahaan dapat langsung ke poliklinik setempat.

Didalam kasus gawat darurat pertolongna pertama diminta pada rumah sakit terdekat dan bila terjadi kasuss rawat administrasinya dapat diurus setelah pertolongan pertama diberikan pada dinas Administrasi dan Kepegawaian atau perwakilan setempat. Apabila dari segi medik kondisi yang bersangkutan telah memungkinkan untuk dipindah, maka dianjurkan untuk dipindahkan ke rumah sakit yang ditunjuk . Apabila yang bersangkutan tidak bersedia, selisih biaya ditanggung oleh orang yang bersangkutan dan dibayar tunai.
Pengajuan penggantian biaya pemeriksaan/pengobatan pada dokter umum/dokter langganan serta pembelian obat atas resep dokter tersebut di apotik luar hanya berlaku untuk jangka waktu 2 (dua) bulan sejak tanggal dikeluarkannya kwintansi. Biaya pemeriksaan/pengobatan pada dokter luar/spesialis tanpa konsultasi dokter perusahaan, rumah sakit pemerintah dapat diberikan penggantian penuh apabila yang bersangkutan/keluarga melaporkan kepada dokter perusahaan dalam jangka waktu 2 x 24 jam

Pembelian obat yang tidak mendapatkan penggantian

  • Alat-alat kesehatan seperti thermometer, alat injeksi, timbangan dan lain-lain
  • Vitamin buatan luar negri, bahan obat-obatan yang diperlukan sehari-hari dirumah dan yang dapat digolongkan sebagai alat kosmetik seperti kapas, baby soap, baby powder, skin tonic, pembalut wanita, verhand, minyak kayu putih dan lain-lain.


Kelas utama :Penerbang tingkat I dan penerbang tingkat II

Kelas I : Penerbang tingkat III dan penerbang tingkat IV

Kelas II: Awak kabin junior dan pegawai golongan II/5 s/d II/8


  • Penetapan kelas perawatan rumah sakit berlaku untuk keluarga/pegawai kecuali pegawai part timer (kontrak) dan harian.
  • Apabila dirumah sakit tersebut tidak ada kelas Utama dan hanya ada kelas I, dikenakan kelas I.

Penggantian biaya perawatan dirumah sakit dengan ketentuan sebagai berikut:

a. Perawatn untuk Direksi/keluarga 100%.

b. Perawatan pegawai dan keluarga 100%.


Sumber : PAP hal. 3.4.9-11





1. Introduction

Due to safety reason all flight movement, it is necessary to provide Aerodrome Control Service at Djalaluddin Airport/Gorontalo.

Following the ATZ data is associated with the Air Traffic Control Procedures

This AIP Supplement cancels all previous AIP Supplement and other publication concerning the provision of AFIS Djalaluddin Airport Gorontalo, and will be effective as from 14 June 2001 at 23.00 UTC.

2. Responsible Authority

Controlling Unit : Djalaluddin Control

Tower Call Sign : Djalaluddin Tower

Frequency : 122.2 Mhz


Operating Hours : 23.00 - 09.00 3

3. Designated Airspace

Control Zone Lateral Limit : A circle with a radius 10 NM centered at "GTL" VOR/DME

Vertical Limit : Lower ground or water : Upper Limit 4,000 feet

4. Aerodrome Control Service including Flight Information and Alerting Service to all aircraft within Djalaluddin ATZ.

5. Navigation Aids

6. Altimeter Setting Procedures

This ICAO altimeter setting procedures shall be used by all aircraft operating within Djalaluddin ATZ, QNH provided in millibars in inches available on request.

Transition Altitudes 11,000 feet. Transition Level FL 110.

7. Communication Procedures

All aircraft within Djalaluddin ATZ shall be equipped with radio capable of conducting and maintaining two way communication with Djalaluddin Tower.

8. Communication Failure Procedures

In Visual Meteorological Condition (VMC)

  • Continue to fly in VMC.
  • Fly full circuit over the Aerodrome, pilot shall endeavor to transmit blindly his position, intention etc, so as to be monitored by Tower or any other traffic Djalaluddin ATZ.

In Instrument Meteorological Condition (IMC)

  • Proceed according to current Flight Plan to the appropriate designated navigation and serving Djalaluddin Aerodrome and when required to ensure compliance with (b) below, hold over this aid until commencement of descent.
  • Commence descent from the navigation aid specified in (a) or as close a possible to ETA as indicated in the filled flight plan and revised in accordance with the current flight plan.
  • Land if possible within thirty minutes after the estimated time of arrival (ETA).

9. Aerodrome Traffic Circuit Procedurees 1. Introduction

Take off and landing

Runway 09 take off and landing right hand circuit or instructed by ATC.

Runway 27 take off and landing left hand (normal) circuit or instructed by ATC.


Sumber : DGAC AIP SUPPLEMENT No 07/01 17 May




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