Short List of Neytcho Iltchev's Publications
Ney Iltchev
Bulgarian economist and thinker, Expert in Multilateral Trade and Industrial Policy, Commercial Negotiations, Economic Development and Globalisation, European integration, Regional cooperation and International Trade Law.

The UN Economic Commission for EuropeAddress:
Commission �conomique des Nations Unies pour l'Europe
Division du d�veloppement du commerce et du bois
Palais des Nations, Avenue de la Paix 8/14
1211 Gen�ve 10   Suisse, e-mail

Previous Work Address: Ministry of Economy, European Integration Dep.
8 Slavyanska St., Sofia 1046, Bulgaria, Tel. +3592.9842 7580, Fax.+3592.987 8952

Neytcho Iltchev is author of more than 50 articles mainly on Economic Globalisation, Regional Cooperation and Development, International Trade Liberalisation, Rationalisation and Free Trade Agreements, Bulgarian Accession into the World Trade Organisation, Europe Agreement of Association, Industrial Policy, Creation of Competitive Industrial Clusters, Investment Regime, Attraction of Foreign Direct Investments, Trade Defence Measures, Protection of Intellectual Property Rights, etc.
Ney's Report on the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe and Globalisation. Take a look at the analyses / La Commission �conomique des Nations Unies pour l'Europe face au d�fi de la mondialisation:
Promotion de la cooperation economique en XXIeme siecle (texts in French)
Analyses, forecasts, and articles on the Globalisation, European Integration and Society's Development. Take a look at Ney analyses on the Economic Globalisation, Developing Countries and the future World Government: Donnez a la mondialisation un visage humain ! (texts in French)
About Bulgaria
Brief information for those who know nothing about Bulgarian history, society and culture.
Pour ceux qui preferent la langue de Moliere, information sur Bulgarie: la societe, l'histoire, l'economie, la culture ... (att. fichier long)

"EURO and the strategic challenges for European companies", in "Finances and legislation", ser. VII, volume 2, 1999 (in Bulgarian).

"Safeguard measures on imports" in "Economic Thought" - Review of the Bulgarian Academy of Science, Economic Institute, XLII, vol. 6, 1997.

"Expansion of Multilateral Trade in Services and General Agreement on Trade in Services" , "Market and Legislation", vol. 5, 1997.

"World Trade Organisation - a new model for the administration of the international trade" , "Economic Thought"- Review of the Bulgarian Academy of Science, XL, vol. 5, 1995 (in Bulgarian).

"Bulgaria joins the Central European Free Trade Agreement", "Economic Life", 17 January 1996 (in Bulgarian).

"Global Economic Trends and Bulgaria's Trade Potential", "Market and Legislation", vol. 7, 1995 (in Bulgarian).

"Bulgarian Economy integrates into the World Trade Structures (Accession of Bulgaria to the WTO)" , "Market and Legislation", vol. 6, 1997.

"Mechanisms of Environmental Policy", in "Mechanisms of social and economic reform in Bulgaria", University of National & World Economy, Sofia, 1992.

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For further information, please contact Mr. Ney Iltchev, to whom you can send your remarks and recommendations. Telephone: +359 2 9842 7579 ; Fax: + 3592 987 8952 ; e-mail.

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You have a few minutes, then you may also take a look at Ney's Resume (also in Bulgarian, and Russian). Si vous preferez le fran�ais, vous pourriez consulter le Curriculum Vitae ici.

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