When It's Right
By Roxane

Date Posted: June 28, 2000

Click here to hear "This Magic Moment" by The Spinners

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Josie Geller gradually became aware of someone saying her name. She slowly pulled back from Sam and her eyelids drifted open. She looked up at Sam to see him watching her with an equally bemused expression. She heard her name again and turned her head to see Rob's grinning face.

"Hey, Josie, do you mind if we play our game now?"

Josie giggled and buried her face in Sam's neck. Sam laughed softly then stepped back, taking her hand in his. "Come on, let's go." He looked into her eyes with a warm, tender smile. "I think we have a lot to talk about."

Her gaze was equally warm as she said, "Yes, we do. But, first, I'd like you to meet my brother Rob." She indicated Rob with one hand.

Sam raised a brow at her as he held his hand out to Rob. "Your brother?"

Rob grabbed his hand and shook it vigorously. "Yeah, I'm her baby brother. Nice to meet you. Love to chat, but we have a game to play."

Josie grimaced. "It's a long story." She took Sam's elbow and started to walk off the mound with him, then paused and shook her head. "Just a second." She turned back to Rob and gave him a big hug, whispering "Good luck."

Rob squeezed her back and whispered, "Thanks. You too."

She returned to Sam's side, her hand automatically seeking his. As they neared the sidelines, Anita came bouncing up to them. "Josie!" She grabbed Josie for a huge hug, and gleefully shook her back and forth. "I knew he'd come!" She pressed something into Josie's hand, murmuring, "For later."

Josie looked down and saw a box of condoms in her hand. "Anita!" Mortified, she felt the blood rush to her face and, peeking at Sam out of the corner of her eye, tried to hide the small, square box behind the skirt of her dress. Sam, though, had already seen the box and, reaching down, gently took it from her and tucked it in his pants pocket. At her embarrassed, questioning look, he leaned close to whisper in her ear. "I'll take care of those. Remember, I saw what you did with the banana."

Josie's mouth fell open as her face turned bright red, and for the second time in her life, she was at a total loss for words. Sam grinned and, putting one arm around her shoulders, pulled her close against his side. As she continued to struggle to speak, he looked at Anita, raised an eyebrow and said, "I take it you're not Pam Kitterman..."

Josie and Anita exchanged guilty looks and both began to sputter excuses. Sam just shook his head, silencing them both. "Okay, okay. I think I've got this part figured out for myself, but you guys can tell me the whole story later." He held his hand out to Anita. "Nice to meet you, Anita."

She admired him with a look and shook his hand. "You too, Sam." She glanced at Josie, then back at Sam. "I hope you realize what a lucky man you are."

Sam looked down at Josie, who, cradled against his side, was staring at the ground and hiding her face. A slow smile spread across his face. "Yes, I do." Josie's eyes flew up to meet his and that radiant smile he loved so much lit her face. He lowered his head and placed a soft, loving kiss on that smiling mouth. Anita sighed in vicarious pleasure.

Suddenly, they became aware of the reporters in the stands shouting Josie's name and firing questions at them. Sam grabbed Coach Romano's attention. "Hey, Coach, is there any way we can get out of here without going through the mob?"

The coach waved them through a door in the back of the dugout. "Go through the locker room and out the athlete's entrance. And, Geller...thanks again."

They rushed through the locker rooms, and once they were in the parking lot, sprinted for Sam's car, looking for reporters all along the way. Once in the car, Sam put the key in the ignition but didn't immediately turn it. He put both hands on the steering wheel and took a deep breath, letting it out slowly.

Josie sat quietly, twisting her hands in her lap. She was beginning to get a little nervous. Everything was happening so fast, and suddenly it was all starting to sink in. A few weeks ago, for all that she was a grown woman with a good job, in her heart of hearts she still found herself feeling like Josie Grossie. Now, she had met and kissed the man of her dreams, and if she was not mistaken, she was about to experience a whole lot more than a kiss. The prospect both thrilled and terrified her.

Sam reached over and placed one hand over hers, stilling the fidgeting. "Why don't we go get a cup of coffee somewhere?"

She raised tentative eyes and smiled in sudden gratitude at the warmth and understanding shining in his eyes. "Yes, thank you, I'd like that."

They drove to a quiet little coffee shop a few miles away and sat in silence until the waiter brought them two cups of steaming coffee.

"Sam - "

"Josie - " Sam grinned slightly and raised his cup to her. "You first."

Josie contemplated her cup and gave a half shrug. "I just wanted...I should..." She took a calming breath and looked him in the eyes, hoping he would see how sincere she was. "I really am SO sorry. When this all started, it was only a story on the high school experience. Gus only mentioned you the night before the prom." She closed her eyes and shook her head, and the next came out in almost a whisper, "I didn't realize...I never expected..."

"You never expected a teacher to fall in love with you?"

Her eyes opened wide and a brilliant smile hovered on her lips for just a second. Pain flitted over her face as she dropped her eyes again. "I never expected ANYONE to fall in love with me," she said quietly.

Sam reached across the table and, taking her chin in one hand, gently lifted her face. "That's only because you never met the right person before, Josie." His hand stayed to cup her face and Josie closed her eyes, pressing her face against his hand and reveling in the feeling.

"Um, Josie?" Sam's voice was soft but a little gruff.


"Do you really want the rest of that coffee?"

Josie's eyelids slowly lifted and a sure smile spread across her face as she shook her head. Every bit of apprehension had gone and she knew this was right.

"What coffee?"

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