Going Home
By Roxane

Date Posted: July 13, 2000

Disclaimer: I don't own any of these characters, though I wish I knew where to find a Sam. (grin)

This takes place immediately after my story "When it's Right." It probably helps to read that first. :)

Feedback adored and fawned over at [email protected]

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Josie and San held hands as they walked to his car, where he unlocked the passenger door and held it open for her as she got in. After settling into the driver's seat, he paused before turning the car on and sent an inquiring look Josie's way.

"Do you realize I don't even know where you live?"

"It's about 45 minutes from here, but we can go to your place if you'd prefer."

He winced slightly. "My place is... It's a bit of a mess right now."

She gave a soft laugh. "Okay, let's go to mine. Besides, the ride will give us a chance to talk." She angled her body to face him, leaning eagerly forward with an excited gleam in her eye. "There's so much I don't know about you, so much I want to ask. What's your favorite color? Where did you go to college? What's your family like? Did you always want to be a teacher?"

As the questions tumbled out of Josie, Sam felt a smile tugging at his mouth and growing steadily wider. Finally, as she paused to take a breath, he swooped down and planted a kiss on her mouth. "Do you want those answers in any particular order?" He asked with a grin.

She sat back with a self-conscious laugh. "I'm sorry. I've just been so curious about you."

"No, no, don't apologize. Hey, I have just as many questions for you." He paused, a wry grin playing on his mouth. "There was so much I couldn't ask or say as your teacher." The grinned turned just a tad wicked. "Now all bets are off."

"Well, after tonight, my life is most definitely an open book. I don't know what's left to tell you."

He shook his head in wonder. "Ah, Josie, you really have no idea what an incredible woman you are, do you?" He cupped her face with both hands and looked deep into her eyes, and her breath caught in her throat at the wealth of emotions shining in his eyes. "Josie, I think I could spend the rest of my life asking you questions and always find something more to learn about you. But ...I don't know, I feel like I've known you forever. I've never felt so comfortable with anyone in my life, and at the same time I've never felt so excited to be with anyone before."

"Really?" she whispered. A lone tear trembled on her eyelashes before slipping down her face.

Sam nodded, wiping the tear away with his thumb and swallowing the lump that had formed in his throat. "Yes, really." He lowered his head, nuzzling her cheek with his, and whispered in her ear, "I'm just so thankful that all the men in your life were too blind to realize what a wonderful woman they were missing. I hate that you've been hurt in the past, but I'm grateful that it brought you to me."

Josie pulled back enough to be able to meet his eyes. "I think it was worth it."

Sam pressed forward to gently, soothingly kiss her lips. He had meant it to be a short kiss for comfort, but he found himself lingering to savor the soft warmth. Josie sighed and her eyes drifted shut, and her arms just naturally found their way around his neck as she gave herself up to his kiss. Their lips parted and the kiss deepened, his hands dropping to her waist as both of them strained to get closer to the other. Finally, Sam ended the kiss, leaning his forehead against hers and taking a deep, shuddering breath. Josie, eyes still closed and pulse pounding, breathed a faint, "Wow."

Sam chuckled low in his throat and moved his mouth in soft, fleeting touches along her cheek and jaw line. In between, he murmured, "We should go."

"Yes, we really should." Josie tilted her head to the side, granting him access to her neck, then sighed with surprised pleasure as he took full advantage, sliding his lips along her chin to reach her neck, then exploring the area with moist, nibbling kisses. "You know...mmm...I - I've read about this, but ...oh ... this is ... SO much better than the books."

Sam's shoulders shook as he laughed against her neck, and, squeezing her tight, he said, "God, I love you!"

Josie's eyes flew open and her body stiffened as she finally heard the words she'd been longing for all her life. "Wh - What did you say?"

"I said..." He planted one last kiss on the curve of her neck before sitting back and looking her straight in the eyes. "...I love you, Josie Geller."

Josie closed her eyes, inhaling sharply, savoring the moment and the precious words. She slowly exhaled and opened shining eyes. With a shy smile, she whispered, "I love you, too." The smile turned brilliant as she repeated those three magical words, words she had begun to think she would never say, never hear. Laughter bubbled up, a thrilled burst of love and happiness, a delight made all the more meaningful because Sam shared it with her.

She raised her hands to his wonderful, smiling face, drinking in the sight. None of her dreams had ever prepared her for the reality of having this beautiful man love her. Nothing she had read, nothing she could have possibly imagined came near to describing the joy she felt.

"Let's go home," she said simply. She knew that this was just the beginning, and suddenly she wanted to experience everything these feelings promised.

Sam grinned and turned the key in the ignition. "Yes, ma'am."

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