Lara Visits Sam, Part 3
By Patrizia

Date Posted: April 8, 2000

Thank you to everyone for your support. I stress again that this is just my imagination at work, and may not match what you imagined. But hey, it's all in good fun. So enjoy. You can email me here or post on the message board.

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"Jason, it's not a stick of gum� It's rufus! Rufus!" Guy said, correcting Jason as they walked by Josie, oblivious to her presence.

Josie couldn't help but overhear their conversation and went over to grab a copy of the pamphlet herself. She decided instantly that she would go to the club that night. Wherever the 'in crowd' was, then that's where she had to be.

Josie started to make her way down the hallway, when she suddenly heard her cell phone ringing in her bag. She ran over into the girl's bathroom. Luckily, no one else was in there and was able to answer the call.


"Geller!" Gus barked.

"Oh, hi Gus." Josie said in a small, disappointed voice.

"I certainly hope your planning on going to that club tonight!"

"How did you know about that?" Josie had momentarily forgotten about the surveillance camera she had on. But before Gus could answer, she remembered. "Oh, yeah, never mind. Look, don't worry Gus, I'm right on it."

"Good! You said you could grab a bull by the balls, Geller�now I want you to prove it."

"Okay, okay." Josie rolled her eyes. Then she said hurriedly, "Look, I gotta go; someone's coming. Bye." She quickly hung up the phone and tossed it into her book bag just as the door to the girls room opened.

Gibby, Kristen, and Kirsten sashayed into the girl's bathroom. "Hi, guys!" Josie blurted out as she turned around, trying not to look guilty.

They all stopped in their tracks and looked Josie up and down; then completely dismissed her and made their way over the mirror. They all dropped their bags down onto the floor and starting taking out their makeup and hair accessories, getting ready to prep and preen themselves.

"So, what are you wearing tonight, Kristen?" Kirsten asked while retouching her lipstick.

"Well I've just bought the cutest top and I was going to wear it with my skirt, you know, the one with�"

The girls continued talking amongst themselves while Josie stood in the shadows, pretending to fiddle around in her bag, while actually listening in on their conversation. Then she stepped bravely toward them. "So! Are you all going to Delloser Hall tonight? Because I'm going too, and I was thinking that it would be really cool if we all hung out together!"

Kristen, Gibby and Kirsten couldn't believe what they had just heard. Was Josie Geller actually trying to suggest that she could hang out with them? Why the notion was just ludicrous, or so they thought. They slowly turned around to face Josie and then Gibby spoke up, her voice full of sarcasm. "You know, Josie, just because Delloser has the word 'loser' in it doesn't automatically mean it's an open invitation to all losers in town�" The other girls laughed at Gibby's wit.

Her words cut through Josie, but she tried to shrug it off. "Right�right."

All three girls snickered again as they picked up their bags and flounced out of the bathroom. Josie slowly made her way over to the mirror and studied herself carefully. "I'm not 'Josie Grossie' anymore. I'm not 'Josie Grossie' anymore." She closed her eyes and softly repeated those words over and over again, trying to regain some of the strength she had earlier that morning.

She opened her eyes and looked into the mirror again. Josie's thoughts went back to her English class that morning. When she was in Sam Coulson's presence, she didn't feel like 'Josie Grossie'; she felt strong and she had pride in herself. Sam believed in her, but more importantly Sam's belief in her made Josie believe in herself.

* * *

Sam turned the doorknob and pushed open the door to his apartment, dropping his keys onto the side table just inside. He picked up his mail that Lara had apparently collected earlier and left there for him. As he crossed the living room to the coffee table, he glanced over at Lara. She was sitting curled up with her legs beneath her in his leather armchair talking on the phone, looking much as she had earlier that morning when he left for work. He dropped the mail on the table and then turned to go into his office alcove.

Sam plopped his soft-sided leather briefcase onto the floor next to his desk and fell back into his desk chair. As he bent down to search in his bag, he couldn't help but overhear Lara's side of the telephone conversation.

"That sounds great, Richard," she enthused. "Miranda is going to be thrilled with the outcome, although I never had any doubts in you." Lara paused, almost as if she were trying to gauge if Sam was listening, and then continued just slightly louder, "We'll definitely have to go out and celebrate as soon as I get back."

Sam raised an eyebrow as he listened to Lara seemingly flirt with 'Richard'. Sam finally found the Ozomatli pamphlet he'd been searching for in his bag and glanced at it for a moment before getting up and walking over to Lara. As he passed Lara, he dropped the pamphlet down into her lap and, looking down at her, he and mouthed "Tonight�" as he pointed down to the paper. Then, Sam went into the kitchen to get himself a drink.

Lara idly studied the pamphlet for a moment, while still trying to listen to Richard on the phone. Sam came back into the living room with a glass of orange juice in his hand. He placed the glass down on the coffee table and grabbed the pile of mail. Then he sat down on the couch, put his feet up on the coffee table, began to open the envelopes, and waited patiently for Lara to finish her 'flirt-fest' with Richard.

"Hey, listen Richard, I should get going�Yeah, Sam just got in� But, really, it's been great talking to you and we'll organize that celebration dinner as soon as I get back into town�. I'm looking forward to it, too. Bye."

Sam addressed Lara without looking up from the letter he was reading. Only mildly curious, he asked, "So who's Richard?"

"Oh. He's an attorney with my firm. We've been working on a project together and...." Lara paused before adding, "Why? Are you jealous, Sam?" she asked with a wicked grin.

Sam didn't even have to think before answering. "Nope." he said while ripping open the next envelope from the pile in his lap.

"Oh, come on! You're not even just a little jealous?" she asked, teasing Sam while walking over to join him on the couch.

Finally, he glanced up and looked her straight in the eyes. "No, Lara, I'm not. Why? Should I be?"

Lara didn't answer; she just looked at Sam as if she couldn't understand how her flirting with another man like she had wouldn't bother him.

Sam felt the need to explain. "Look Lara, we live in two different cities halfway across the country from each other. You work in a profession that is predominantly male. So it doesn't surprise me that you have some male friends. I would imagine you have lots of them."

"I do� I do. I have lots of them," Lara answered cryptically. After a moment's pause, she said, "You know, it's funny actually, because Richard is jealous of you."

A little surprised, Sam looked up from his phone bill and said, "Really? And why is that, do you think?"

Lara gave him a 'duh' look and exclaimed, "Because you have me, of course!"

"Oh." Sam continued to look through his mail as if he didn't have a care in the world.

Lara was annoyed at how little Sam seemed to care that there might be other men interested in her. She looked down to the pamphlet again. "So what's this?" she asked him, waving the paper in her hand.

"I thought we could go see them tonight� I've heard they are really good�" Sam explained.

"Delloser Hall?" she inquired, her voice lacking enthusiasm.

"Yeah, it's on the waterfront off of Lake Shore Drive not far from Navy Pier," he explained. Then, as Lara didn't seem to know where he meant, he clarified, "You know, where the big Ferris wheel is? Anyway, they had these posted all over school today and I heard a bunch of the kids talking about it, so I thought we could go and check it out."

Lara didn't look impressed. She got up off the couch and moved over to sit on the coffee table directly in front of Sam, still staring down at the pamphlet. "You know Sam, we could go here..." she started, using her mollifying tone. Sam sensed Lara was about to say something he needed to brace himself for. "Or� I was talking to Amanda today and she was telling me about this great restaurant downtown. Well, it's more like a pub-type restaurant� Sometimes they even have live music there. It's called Corbett's, and well�she and the gang are all heading over there tonight and wanted to know if we wanted to come."

Sam closed his eyes briefly. He'd heard of Corbett's and even knew a few people who'd been there. Apparently it was a nice place, albeit a bit overpriced for his taste. But the interesting thing about Lara and Amanda's choice of restaurants is that it just happened to be very conveniently located across the street from the Lyric Opera House. Considering that both Lara and Amanda were opera fanatics, he was sure this was not a coincidence.

Sam couldn't believe Lara's audacity and just stared at her blankly. Then he asked blandly, "As I recall, and please correct me if I'm wrong� But I do or do I not remember you telling me that we could do whatever I wanted to do tonight?"

"Yeah, I know. But Sam�come on, be reasonable! You know how I hate clubs. All that smoke, loud music, and people bumping into each other, spilling drinks. I mean it's just not dignified."

"Dignified! What planet are you from?" Sam was furious and he got up off the couch, and paced over to the other side of the room, distancing himself from Lara. "Don't you remember how much fun we used to have in college at all these so called clubs that you now supposedly hate? We used to have ball, Lara."

Lara sighed heavily. "I know, Sam; I know. It's just�well�there comes a time when you have to grow up, Sam. You can't keep acting like you're 20 and still in college. You're an adult now, with adult responsibilities. Why can't you, for once, just act your age, huh?"

Sam couldn't believe what he was hearing, but he was too tired to fight. "Fine Lara, you go do whatever you want; I don't care anymore. I'm sick of fighting about it. You can hang out with Amanda and Steve tonight if you wish, but I'm going to Delloser Hall with or without you."

A shadow crossed Lara's face, as if she finally realized how unfair she was being. She got up and slowly walked over to Sam, wrapping her arms around his waist and resting her head against his chest. "I'm so sorry, Sam. You're right. I was being completely unfair. We'll go tonight and it'll be great. Just like old times."

Sam couldn't help but sigh. He slowly put his arms around Lara and held her for moment, resting his chin on top of her head. After a moment, he pulled back a little to make eye contact with her. "Look, Lara," he said, "I'm going to go get changed, then go for a run. Okay?"

"Okay," she agreed. "While you're gone, I'll cook us something nice and we can relax and talk about your move to New York before heading out to the club." Lara kissed him ever so lightly on his mouth before Sam turned to head toward the bedroom.

Sam closed the bedroom door behind him and slowly walked through the room. He pulled his sweater up and over his head and then tossed it to land in his chair on the other side of the room. When he got to the foot of his bed, he fell backward, landing on his back. He lay sprawled across his bed and just stared up at the ceiling, trying to analyze his emotions. He was feeling� Well, actually�the problem was that he wasn't feeling anything, not for Lara anyway.

His thoughts traveled back to earlier in the day, when he'd asked Josie to stay after class. Something had happened between them then�a connection that Sam couldn't explain. He'd felt oddly at peace in her presence, like everything in the world made sense because she was there. Sam didn't know what the heck was happening to him. All he knew was that when he was around Josie, he experienced new feelings, new emotions and�dare he think it?�new desires that he'd never known existed before now. And, worse, he didn't seem to have any control over them. That thought scared the hell out of him.

* * *

Lara held tightly onto Sam's arm as they walked down the entrance stairs at Delloser Hall. Looking around in the rather dim lighting, Sam spotted a table down below near the stage with some of his students, who were sitting enjoying the music.

"Hey Lara, over there!" Sam said, pointing over to the table.

"What? What am I supposed to be looking at?" Lara said, looking around, not seeing what he was pointing at.

"There's some of my students," he said proudly, with a big grin on his face. "Umm� that's Tommy, Guy, and Jason; and that's Kristen, Gibby, and Kirsten�they're the ones dancing. Do you want to meet them?"

The droll look on Lara's face was all the answer Sam needed. He sighed. "Never mind. Forget I asked."

"Listen, I need to use the restroom and powder my nose� Where is it?"

From the tone of her voice, it was obvious to Sam that this was going to be a long night. She was bound and determined to complain about or turn her nose up to everything at the club until he gave up and they'd leave. He always ended up giving Lara her own way anyway, he realized, so why did he bother trying to buck her in the first place? he wondered. He was beginning to realize that the effort was just not worth it.

Sighing, he said, "I think its back there," pointing to the back of the club.

Lara leaned up and gave Sam a peck on the cheek. "Okay, I'll be back in a minute."

"And I'll get us a couple of beers," he replied. 'Yeah, maybe a beer might loosen her up a little,' he thought. He could only hope.

Sam approached the bar. "Two beers? Thanks." While waiting for the bartender to get his drinks, he turned and watched Gibby, Kristen and Kirsten dancing up near the stage. He smiled, thinking that they actually looked pretty great in their 'dance' attire. He paid the bartender, grabbed a bottle in each hand and turned, nearly bumping into a girl. As he was about to make his apologies, he realized it was not just any girl: it was Josie Geller. Surprised to see his star pupil at this type of club, but happy to see her, Sam's face instantly lit up. "Josie�Josie, out on a school night?"

"Hi!" Josie was surprised to have Sam Coulson appear in front of her. He looked more gorgeous than she had ever seen him. Josie couldn't help but notice how incredibly sexy Sam looked in his black pants and black shirt with the top button left undone. And even in the smoke filled room, she could still smell his incredible aftershave, the same one that had made her lightheaded earlier in the day. She was about to open her mouth and say something more when a woman came sauntering up to Sam and entwined her arm through his possessively.

"The bathroom was disgusting!" Lara complained, placing a hand over her heart for emphasis. She was obviously repulsed.

Sam was so taken by Josie that when Lara had returned, he'd looked at her for a split second as if he had no idea who she was or what she was doing there. But he recovered quickly and by way of introduction, he said, "Hey, I want you to meet Lara."

"His girlfriend," she added pointedly, as Sam had obviously forgotten that little detail. Lara took a moment and sized up this girl that Sam seemed to know from somewhere, and, finding her obviously lacking in class, not to mention fashion sense, dismissed her as any sort of threat.

In the meantime, Sam continued his explanation to Josie, "She's visiting from New York."

Sam turned briefly to Lara. "Josie's one of my students," he said ever so proudly, smiling down at Josie.

"Good evening." Josie spoke softly, almost shyly, while noticing at the same time how attractive and sophisticated Sam's girlfriend looked.

"What?!" Lara shouted over the booming music.

Josie raised her voice, "Hi, there!"

"I'm sorry. I can't even think in here," Lara said to excuse her need to yell. Then she turned to Sam, laying her other hand on his arm, and saying, "I know you love this, but I'm hoping you get it all out of your system before you move to New York." Since they'd already discussed this issue ad infinitum at dinner, Sam was annoyed at Lara for bringing this up again here�and in front of Josie.

Josie was taken aback. Was Sam really going to be moving to New York? It must be true, she reasoned, for Sam had not contradicted Lara's statement. For some reason, her heart ached at this news and she tried valiantly not to outwardly react to this information.

Lara continued, making sure that this girl Josie understood her importance and connections. "My firm has season tickets to the Met."

Josie knew what she meant, but she thought she'd lighten the mood, as she noticed Sam's didn't look too pleased. "Oh!� Well, I love baseball!" she joked, knowing full well what Lara meant, but had decided to play dumb. Besides, she was pretty sure that Sam liked the Mets, because she'd seen him wearing a baseball cap with their emblem on it before. At least, she figured, he'd get the joke.

Sam thought that it was a brilliant comeback to Lara's highbrow remark and couldn't help but laugh along with Josie, all the while thinking that Josie was amazing to be so quick-witted.

Lara, however, thought Josie's comment was anything but funny. Actually, she thought Josie was rather immature. Right up Sam's alley, she thought. She gave Sam a quelling look, and his laughter trailed off awkwardly.

"Nice to meet you," she said to Josie unconvincingly while dragging Sam away. Sam was disappointed with Lara's sudden need to escape and it showed on his face. A part of him wished he could stay with Josie instead. At least he knew he'd have fun with her, which was more than he could say about Lara at the moment.

"Nice to meet you, too." Josie said quietly as she shyly stole one last glimpse at Sam. He looked so unhappy that she actually felt sorry for him.

Embarrassed by Lara's rude behavior, Sam sent an apologetic smile Josie's way before disappearing into the crowd.

Josie stood for a moment trying to take everything in. Was that the fabled girlfriend that had thrown out Sam's beloved hockey helmet? She'd bet her Oxford English Dictionary that it was. She definitely seemed the type to be that unfeeling toward something so special to Sam. More importantly, though, Josie wondered: Was Sam was actually going to move to New York to be with this woman?

Josie shook her head, trying to put her thoughts about Sam out of her mind for the time being. She was on a mission tonight and whether she liked it or not, Sam Coulson was not a part of it. Sam had his girlfriend and she was, after all, only his student. Shrugging her shoulders, she got back on track and resumed looking for the popular crowd, who were supposed to be there.

Josie searched the tables near the stage, still bopping to the music, until she spotted Gibby, Kristen and Kirsten dancing in front of the stage, showing off for Guy and his group. She headed over their way.

Meanwhile, Lara directed Sam to a table toward the back of the club, in a corner, sitting away from everyone. Sam didn't even notice; he was still preoccupied by the fact that Lara had been so rude to Josie just moments ago.

"You could have been a little nicer to Josie." Sam said in a stern voice as he pulled out a chair and sat down.

"Who? That girl?" Lara asked innocently as she sat across from him.

Annoyed, Sam informed her, "Her name is Josie. Josie Geller." Sam took a sip from his beer to help calm himself. 'Maybe if she just understood why Josie's important to me�' he thought to himself. Trying to explain, he began, "You know she's actually one of my brightest students and�"

Lara interrupted him, having paid little attention to what he just said. "Sam," she said impatiently, "we need to talk about New York."

Sam rolled his eyes and as Lara started rambling on about New York yet again, this time he was the one paying little attention. Lara's voice seemed to drown away as his eyes wandered around the room, unconsciously searching for Josie. He spotted her on the other side of the club sitting down with a group of Rastafarians, looking like she was having a great time. Sam sighed. He knew something was very wrong when he started thinking that he would rather be spending time with his students than with his girlfriend.

* * *

"Sam, I'm getting tired and the smoke is killing my eyes. Can we please get out of here?" Lara whined.

As expected, Lara had not stopped complaining all night and Sam had had enough. "Okay, fine. Let's go." Sam stood abruptly and stalked off, without even giving a backward glanced toward Lara. She had to run to catch up with him.

As they wound their way toward the exit through the thick crowd, they noticed a mass of people gathering at the railing ahead of them, cheering at something going on down below. Intrigued, they both went over to have a look at the commotion.

"Oh my God, Sam! Isn't that the girl you introduced me to before?" Lara looked down in horror, flabbergasted at what she was seeing.

Sam looked in the direction of the stage and suddenly realized what all the fuss was about. There was Josie, in all of her glory, dancing up on stage like there was no tomorrow with a pink feather boa wedged between her legs. Then she bopped over to the bongo player and helped him with the beat, playing one beat on the head of the drum, and the other on her backside, still bouncing in time with the music. She looked like she was having an absolute ball!

Sam couldn't help but laugh at the spectacle she was making. She looked adorable, even if he didn't quite know what to make of her display. He was witnessing a side of Josie that he had not yet encountered and it fascinated him.

Lara however was appalled.

"What on earth is she doing!?" she uttered in complete disgust. "I suppose it shouldn't surprise me, considering she's your student�"

"What's that supposed to mean?" he said, turning to her with a murderous look.

Lara put up her hands in mock surrender. "Nothing�Geez, you're awfully touchy about this�" After watching Josie's gyrations another moment, she was completely appalled. She could not resist asking Sam, "You're her teacher; can't you stop her or something? She's making a complete fool out of herself down there."

Sam had kept control of his tongue all evening, even though Lara's behavior had annoyed the hell out of him. But something inside him snapped when he heard Lara criticizing and slandering Josie. "What the hell is your problem!?" he bellowed. "She's just having fun! Do you even remember what that means?" Sam turned to look down at Josie again, gesturing toward her with his hand. "She's seventeen, she's being spontaneous, and I think�well, I think she looks really cute!" he finished, a huge grin on his face.

Lara turned to Sam in shocked astonishment. Sam thought this Josie girl was cute!? With eyes narrowed, she pierced Sam with a look and demanded, "What did you just say!?"

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Next installment coming soon.

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