What is Love? Part 1
By Patrizia

Date Posted: April 29,2000

Thank you to everyone for your support. I stress again that this is just my imagination at work, and may not match what you imagined. But hey, it's all in good fun. So enjoy. You can email me here or post on the message board.

Click here to hear "Do You Think of Me?" by Mariah Carey

* * *

Lara was stunned. "What did you just say!?" she repeated.

Sam turned to Lara with an innocent expression, although he could feel a blush starting to color his cheeks. "What? What did I just say?"

"You said you think that girl looks cute!" pointing an accusing finger down at the stage. Lara paused for a moment, and then continued dryly, "Is there something I should know, Sam?"

"What? No!" Sam tried to backpedal. "I just meant that she looks�she looks spunky, that's all. I didn't mean anything by it." He prayed she'd believe him. He didn't want to open this can of worms tonight; they had enough problems without bringing his irrational attraction to Josie into it.

"Really, Sam?" she answered defensively. "Because it almost sounds as if�well, as if�" Lara looked down at Josie again and shook her head laughing, realizing just how ludicrous the idea forming in her mind was. Placing a hand on Sam's arm, she said, "Don't mind me� I mean, what was I thinking? Just look at her�and that dress! And don't even get me started on her hair!"

Although he pretended to be attentive to her remarks, in reality, Sam hadn't heard a word Lara said; he was too busy staring at Josie. Fixated was more like it. An intense feeling was swirling around inside him and he felt strange, but oddly at peace. He couldn't take his eyes off Josie: his beautiful Josie. Her blond curls bounced as she floated across the stage and even from a distance her magnificent blue eyes had Sam under a spell.

"Come on Sam, let's go; I've seen enough." Lara said, and then turned to leave, assuming Sam was following behind her.

With his eyes still glued to Josie, Sam wiped the beads of sweat away from his brow and swallowed hard. His rational mind was screaming at him, urging him to move, to follow Lara out of the club before she noticed, before it was too late. But he just couldn't seem to tear his eyes away, let alone will his body to move.

Lara was already halfway out the door when she noticed Sam wasn't behind her. She went back, and, noticing he was still watching that ridiculous girl, she huffed noisily, grabbed his arm, and yanked him toward the door. Even as he was being pulled along, he glanced over his shoulder, trying to capture one last glimpse of Josie before being hauled out the door of the club by Lara.

* * *

Twenty minutes later, Sam and Lara arrived back at his apartment. His hands were still shaking so badly that he fumbled with the key for a moment before getting it into the door lock and turning the knob. It frightened the hell out of him that he'd had such a strong reaction to Josie dancing, and it hadn't mattered that his girlfriend of five years had been standing right beside him.

Sam opened the door and walked through the doorway, with Lara following close behind. Thank God for small favors that she hadn't noticed how affected he had been by Josie. As a matter of fact, she was still rambling on about how embarrassing it must have been for him. While his back was turned to her, he rolled his eyes as she whined, "I can't believe you weren't embarrassed Sam! She made a total fool out of herself and of you!"

Sam stopped and turned to Lara; sighing because it was only the seventh time she'd said it in the last 20 minutes. "How many times do I have to tell you that I wasn't embarrassed? So please, just forget about it, huh?"

"But it was all so�humiliating! She made a complete fool of herself! And she's one of your students, so how can you not be embarrassed to know her?"

Sam had had enough. His protective instincts for Josie resurfaced with vengeance. He turned and aimed a nasty look at Lara. "Okay, Lara, I've had enough! You haven't let up the whole way home and I'm starting to get a headache. Just forget about this, would you!?"

Lara stared at Sam, shocked by his outburst. "Sam�I just meant that�"

Sam retorted, "I know what you meant." He shook his head and calmed his voice before continuing. "You have no problem looking down your nose at her when you have no idea what sort of person Josie Geller is! She's intelligent, she's sweet and she has one of the kindest, most gentle hearts of anyone I've ever met. And obviously, sometimes she likes to let loose a little. It's good to see someone so unselfconscious about herself. I wasn't embarrassed by her behavior tonight, so if you don't mind, could you just lay off already?"

"God, Sam! You're so touchy when it comes to your students." Lara went over to the couch and collapsed back into it, crossing her arms and legs. She paused before continuing, "You know, I still can't believe you took me to that place; it was horrible! We would have had a much better time at Corbett's."

Sam, annoyed with her remark, ignored her complaint and went into the kitchen and pushed the button next to the blinking red light on his answering machine to check his messages. After a moment, he heard a familiar voice. "Hiya Sam, it's Ab. Sorry I missed you, but I'll call you soon and we can catch up then." Sam smiled. He dearly loved his sister and was sorry that he had missed her.

Lara sat quietly for a moment, but then continued her relentless whining. "You know we would have had more fun with Amanda and Steve."

Sam rolled his eyes. He muttered, "You mean you would have had more fun with Amanda and Steve�"as he waited for his next message. If Lara heard his sarcastic remark, she didn't comment.

Sam he heard the voice of one of his best friends, Matt Collins. "Hi Sam, Matt here. Hey listen� Michelle and I were wondering if you wanted to come over for dinner tomorrow night?" Matt's voice softened to almost a whisper. Sam could just imagine Matt with his hand cupped around the receiver so that no one else could hear. "Michelle's been taking cooking classes again and she wants to use us as her guinea pigs, so if your stomach is up to it, pop on over." After a pause, he added, "Oh yeah�bring Lara, too."

Lara raised her eyebrow at this last part of the message. There was no love lost between her and most of Sam's friends, and that was just the way she liked it. The whole bunch had not an ounce of blue blood or class between them. As the tape on the answering machine started to rewind, Sam returned to the living room. She glared at Sam and insisted, "There is no way I'm having dinner with Matt and Michelle!"

Sam turned to Lara, a little surprised by her vehemence. "Why not? It'll be fun. Michelle's meals are always an adventure."

"Fun?" Lara snorted her disagreement. "I seriously doubt it. Matt and Michelle have absolutely no couth. I know they're your friends Sam, but I just don't like them."

Sam turned and flopped into his leather chair, saying under his breath, "I believe the feeling is mutual."

"What did you say, Sam?" Lara's eyes narrowed with anger.

"Nothing�nothing." He said shaking his head.

Lara got up from the couch and started to wander around Sam's apartment, while Sam sat back and made himself comfortable in his chair. After a moment, he noticed Lara inspecting his furniture and belongings. He sat back upright and asked, curious, "What are you doing, Lara?"

"Well," she began; speaking to Sam as if he were a little boy she needed to explain things to. "I was just thinking that we could probably get some good money for a lot of this stuff." She paused before one of his knickknack shelves. "Well�maybe not for this," she said as she picked up one of Sam's hockey trophies.

Sam looked at her in confusion. "What are you talking about?"

"Well," Lara informed him haughtily, "I hope you didn't think that you'd be bringing all this stuff with you when you moved to New York?"

Sam started to get a sick feeling in his stomach. "I don't know, I hadn't really thought about it."

"Well, you better start thinking about it, Sam. Because it's not going to happen." After several moments passed and Sam still looked as stunned as he had when she'd started this conversation, she confessed, "Look, if you must know, I've already starting making a list of the things for you to sell."

"A list!?" Sam could not believe what he was hearing. "You're kidding me, right? This is a joke?"

In answer, Lara crossed the living room and entered the kitchen. She grabbed a piece of legal-sized paper from the counter and came back into the living room, handing it to Sam. Sam glanced down the list, shaking his head in disbelief. "Wait a second. You want me to sell this chair?" he asked, gesturing to the leather armchair he was sitting in.

Lara nodded.

"Lara, I love this chair. I've had this chair since college. This chair is a part of me, of who I am."

"It's a chair, Sam," she said, rolling her eyes. "Let's not get emotional about it."

As Sam continued to look down the list, an intense feeling of rage swept through him. "Wait, wait, wait! My desk!? You want me to sell my desk!?" Sam was at his boiling point now. "Are you out of your mind? There is no way I am parting with my desk�My dad gave me that desk� You know how important it is to me!"

Lara shrugged dismissively. "It's just a piece of wood, Sam. Besides, some people would pay a lot for that type of antique." She said 'that type of antique' as if it obviously held little value in her opinion.

"Just a piece of wood!" Sam was absolutely livid. He pushed himself out of the chair and started to pace the room. Lara watched this display calmly and without remorse. She felt confident she could persuade him do to just about anything eventually.

After a couple of seconds, he stopped and glared angrily at Lara. "You know, I'm beginning to wonder whether you even know me at all! And what the hell gives you the right to tell me what I can or can't take or what I can or can't keep?!"

Lara stalked up to Sam and got right in his face. "What gives me the right, Sam? I'll tell you what gives me the right! I have the right because you'll be moving into my apartment! Yes, my apartment�and even after Katherine moves out, it still won't be big enough to fit all this junk. And I don't think I need to remind you that your measly teacher's salary wouldn't even be enough to rent you a rat-infested broom closet in Brooklyn!"

Lara's words cut Sam to the core. He couldn't decide whether he was blood- boiling angry or devastated by her insensitivity. He shook his head and spit out, "I can't frigging believe you!" Then Sam sputtered, his voice dripping with sarcasm, "I mean, really�am�am I missing something here? Did they recently discover that Copernicus was wrong and the world actually revolves around you? I swear that sometimes you are the most self-centered witch on the planet!"

Sam instantly regretted what he'd said and it showed in his eyes. Sam calmed his voice, trying to apologize. "Look Lara, I'm�"

But Lara, not to be outdone, went in for the kill. "No, no, no! Please�don't apologize! I wouldn't want you to strain yourself." Turning on her heel, Lara stalked over to Sam's bedroom. She came out a moment later and stood in the doorway with a pillow and blanket in her arms. "I think you'll be more comfortable on the couch tonight, Sam. Maybe my 'gravitational pull' won't be as bad out here." She smirked at her own pun. "And personally, I think you should use this time to figure out what's more important to you; your precious desk or me!" She dumped the pillow and blanket on the floor and walked back in the bedroom, slamming the door behind her.

The answer to that question was simple, Sam thought, walking over to retrieve the pillow and blanket from the floor, but he didn't dare say it out loud. The realization of what that would ultimately mean was not something that Sam was ready to face. He carried his handful over to the couch and dropped in on the far end. He let out a huge sigh, running both hands down his face.

Sam was hurt, angry, and confused. The only thing he did know was that right now he didn't want to be anywhere near Lara; he needed to get out of there. He rushed to the door, grabbed his keys, and slammed the door shut behind him.

It was becoming a regular occurrence of late, that whenever Sam had an argument with Lara, he always got in his car and drove, hoping the time away would cool him down. He was so lost in his thoughts that he had not realized that he had driven all the way back to Delloser Hall. He parked out front and just sat in his car, staring up at the sign on the roof of the building. His heart was beating frantically when he realized that Josie was probably still inside. Feeling closer to her somehow made him feel better, like everything would turn out okay.

Sam noticed that he was trembling again. He didn't know if it was from the anger he felt over his fight with Lara or if it was out of fear over the strength of feeling he was beginning to have for his seventeen-year-old student. Sam closed his eyes and breathed deeply, trying to clear his head. He was fighting for his sanity but he didn't know for how much longer he could deny the inevitability of what was happening to him. He shook his head and whispered to himself, "What the hell are you thinking, Sam Coulson? You can't do this� You can't let this happen." He took one last look towards the club and then started his engine, completing a U-turn in the middle of the deserted street to head back towards home.

* * *

The next morning, Sam stood rummaging through the contents of his pigeonhole in the main office of the school. He wasn't feeling quite like himself this morning after spending a rather restless night sleeping on the couch. His mind kept going around in circles, trying to make sense of his feelings for both Lara and Josie.

"Hi, Sam."

Sam was so lost in his thoughts, that he didn't notice his fellow colleague Adam Christiansen, one of the resident Chemistry teachers, standing beside him. "Hi, Sam!" Adam said in a louder voice.

Sam turned and grinned sheepishly. "Oh. Hi, Adam. Sorry, I didn't see you there."

Taking a closer look at Sam and noticing the dark circles under his eyes, he remarked, "Geez Sam, I'm amazed you can see anything with those eyes! Have you had a look in the mirror this morning? You're not looking too good."

"I know�I know." Sam said as crossed into the teacher's lounge to prepare himself a well-deserved cup of coffee. Adam followed closely behind him.

"So, what's up?" Adam asked, concerned.

"Nothing." Sam said in a tone, which suggested that something was definitely up.

"Come on Sam, you can't fool me. What's up?"

Sam poured the coffee into two mugs and handed one over to Adam, while he turned and leaned up against the counter. "Well, actually�Lara's in town this week and�"

Adam instantly understood. "I should have guessed! You're always sad and miserable when she's in town."

"No, I'm not." Sam said defensively.

"Yes, you are! Listen, Sam," Adam leaned against the counter next to Sam, "I'm gonna let you in on a little secret. Girlfriends are supposed to make you feel happy, alive, like you're on top of the world� and no offense, Sam, but whenever Lara comes into town, she somehow manages to suck the life right out of you."

Sam sighed heavily, letting the truth of his words sink into him. Adam asked tentatively, pushing himself away from the counter, "So, can I ask you a personal question?"

Sam raised his head and nodded, following him back out to the main office.

"Why are you still with her? I mean, you're a good-looking guy and, no kidding, half the female staff here would give anything to go out with you�and the other half is married! So, if Lara isn't making you happy, then maybe it's time for you to think about moving on."

Sam shrugged his shoulders noncommittally, while taking another sip from his coffee. As the warning bell rang, signaling the beginning of homeroom, both Sam and Adam headed out the front door of the office into the crowded hallway, struggling to keep their coffees intact while going against the stream of kids.

Sam continued, speaking up to talk over the din, "You know Adam, I have been thinking�"

Just then Josie came running down the hallway right past them, hot tears streaming down her cheeks. She was in such a state that she hadn't noticed them. Sam saw her and called out to her, "Josie!" but she didn't hear him and she continued frantically down the hallway, pushing other kids out of her way blindly.

Without even thinking, Sam started to go after her, but Adam's hand on his arm brought him back to his senses.

"Forget it, Sam," he replied. "She's long gone by now, and besides, you'll never find her in this throng," waving a hand around the packed hallway for emphasis. "One of your students, or something?" he asked Sam.

Sam nodded absently, still trying to search the crowd for her, even though he knew Adam was right.

"Poor kid," he empathized. "I hope she's okay."

Sam gave up trying to find her and sighed. "Me, too, Adam. Me, too."

* * *

Anita sat at her desk, busily typing away at her computer when she was suddenly interrupted by the sound of her phone ringing. She answered the phone with an annoyed tone. "Anita Brandt."

"Anita! Get in here!" Gus' voice boomed out of the receiver so loudly she had to hold it away from her head.

Anita glared at the phone. "Geez, Gus! Are you trying to deafen me or something?"

"Just get in here�now!"

Anita slammed the phone down and wove her way through the maze of desks to Gus's office, muttering to herself, "This the thanks I get for helping you out last night, Gus?" She entered his office and saw a group of her male colleagues sitting staring at the TV while Gus stood up impatiently. He looked as furious as he'd sounded on the phone.

"What do you want, Gus?" She asked a little huffily.

"Who's this guy?" Gus said, jabbing his finger at the screen.

As Anita walked over to the TV to take a closer look, a smile crossed her face in recognition of the person on screen. "Oh, that's just Rob."

"Rob!? Rob!? Who the hell is Rob!?" he yelled.

"He's Josie's younger brother," she answered, rolling her eyes at his antics.

Gus wiped his hand down his face in disbelief. "He's gonna blow her cover!"

"And how's that, Gus?" Anita said crossing her arms.

"Because he just enrolled into South Glen South!"

Gus paced his office while they all watched him. It was like the calm before the storm and the hurricane was just about to blow in. "Get Geller on the phone!"

They all froze, too afraid to move.

"Now!" he yelled.

Suddenly everyone in the office jumped, all reaching for the phone.

* * *

Sam's class had passed uneventfully today, except for one thing; his star pupil Josie Geller was miserable. Josie's beautiful smile that Sam looked forward to seeing everyday was missing, so too was the glisten in her beautiful blue eyes. Sam desperately wanted to ask Josie what was wrong, so he could alleviate her pain, but he didn't know how or if he could.

Sam continued his lesson on As You Like It, but today he spoke specifically about love and what it meant, although he was starting to wonder if he even had a clue himself.

"Okay, everyone. We have 15 minutes before the end of class and since you all impressed me so much with the poems you submitted last week, I thought I could get you all to write another one," he announced, leaning back against the corner of his desk.

A huge moan echoed through the classroom. "Hey, hey! I want to hear a little enthusiasm." Sam paused, taking a moment to glance over to Josie, but she was sitting quietly with her head down, unable to bring herself to make eye contact with him. He continued, "So anyway, this time, and in keeping with the theme from As You Like It, I want you to write a poem about love and what that means to you."

They all moaned again.

Sam pushed away from his desk to walk about the room. "Yes, that's right�about love. You can write about your first love, your first kiss or even a crush you have on a movie star. I don't particularly care what you write about, but I do want you all to do one thing. I want you to take all your experiences, good or bad, and write honestly from the heart. I want your poem to be a true reflection of who you are and what love has meant to you in your life. When you write honestly, then and only then, will the words just flow."

Josie raised her eyes to Sam and Sam captured her glance, winked his eye at her, and sent her a warm smile.

"Well, enough from me." He glanced back down to his watch. "It looks like we only have 10 minutes now, so you can get started and if you need any help, I'll be here. We can continue tomorrow."

Sam then went back to his desk and sat down, but not before sending Josie another encouraging smile.

Josie sat thinking about what Sam had said. Sam wanted her to write about love, but love was not something Josie had much experience in. Oh, she had experienced the pain of love and the torture of unrequited love, but she was yet to experience the splendor and sheer joy that love can bring to one's life.

Josie looked over to Sam and studied him for a moment, while he was busily writing away while sitting at his desk. Her thoughts went back to the night before when she had met his beautiful girlfriend Lara. Josie had not realized until this very moment just how jealous she had been of Lara, but she knew now that she was. Did Lara know how lucky she was to have someone as handsome, wonderful, intelligent, and understanding as Sam in her life? Did she know how lucky she was to be able to spend her days talking to him and her nights wrapped in Sam's arms and to feel his beautiful soft lips� Josie shook her head and cursed herself for letting her mind travel down this road. It was something that she could never have with him, even if she weren't pretending to be seventeen�

For a brief moment Josie had allowed herself to think of Sam Coulson as than more than just a teacher, perhaps even a potential love interest. She promised herself after Billy Prince that she would never allow herself to feel hope ever again and now after meeting Sam's girlfriend, Josie was sure that any romantic thoughts she had towards Sam Coulson were going to remain just that, romantic thoughts.

Josie Geller was 25 years old. She had never been asked out, never had a boyfriend and never been kissed and now Sam Coulson was asking her to write about love. Tears shimmered once again in Josie's eyes. She put her pen to paper and began to write.

Five minutes later the bell rang signaling the end of the period and the end of a very long day for both Sam and Josie. Sam got up from his chair. "Okay everyone, we'll continue this tomorrow."

Josie stood up, grabbed her bag and picked up the paper off her desk. She walked over to Sam's desk and placed the paper face down onto it. Sam who was talking to another student turned and stopped Josie at the door. "Josie!" She turned to him while he picked up her paper. "What's this? Have you already finished your poem?" he asked surprised.

Josie simply nodded, her eyes filled with tears. "I guess I shouldn't be surprised, coming from you," Sam said smiling, trying to cheer her up.

Josie just stared down at the floor. If it weren't for the fact that two students were waiting to speak to Sam, then he would have tried to ferret out what was wrong with her. But he didn't dare ask her anything in front of them, as he was sure she was about to burst into tears. Josie was hurting and he didn't know how to help her, so he let her go. "Well�thank you, Josie." Josie turned and walked out of the classroom while Sam stood watching after her, his heart breaking for her.

Five minutes later Sam was done talking with his two students, so he hurriedly shoved everything into his bag, including Josie's poem, and rushed out to see if he could find her. His class was the last period of the day, so he was hoping she would still be around, milling in the halls somewhere.

He quickly walked down the corridor, but stopped when he went around a corner and saw Josie sobbing in the arms of some guy. Sam stepped back around the corner so that he could still see Josie, but Josie would not see him. He stood and watched. He took a few deep breaths and he couldn't help but think, 'Who the hell is this guy?'

Sam did not know, of course, that Josie had found solace in the arms of her brother Rob, and he was shocked at how jealous he was at seeing her in his embrace, as he did not recognize Rob as a South Glen South student. Sam stepped forward a little so he could hear what they were talking about.

"Hey, everything will be all right Jos, I promise." Rob said tenderly as he held onto her.

"I hope so." Josie paused and stepped away from Rob, wiping away her tears. "Thanks. I'm glad you're here, Rob."

"Come on, let's get outta here." Rob paused and added, "Hey! I know. We can take Bambi for a ride," he said with a huge grin on his face.

Josie just laughed at Rob and his ridiculous attachment to his car Bambi.

Rob put his arm around Josie's shoulder and they started to walk down the hall together. Josie turned to Rob. "At least I have one person at this school who cares about me."

As he watched the two of them walk away, Sam could hear Josie's last words ringing in his head. When Josie and Rob had turned the corner out of sight, he whispered, mostly to himself, "He's not the only one, Josie."

Sam sighed and then turned, walking away in the opposite direction.

* * *

Sam paused before opening the door to his apartment. He had left early this morning while Lara was still asleep, so they had not resolved things from the night before.

He slowly entered his apartment took a deep breath and then called out to Lara. "Lara!" He went into the living room, but she was not in there. He continued to walk through his apartment calling out to her, but there was no answer. He stepped briefly into the kitchen and then into the bedroom, but she was nowhere to be seen. He paused and then he noticed a note waiting for him on his bedside table. He walked over to his bed, sat down, placing his bag on the floor and unfolded the paper. The note read:

Dear Sam-

I have decided to leave a day early. I think you need this time to figure out
what is really important to you. It's time to grow up, put the past behind you,
and look forward to the future. I expect to see you in New York soon.


Sam scrunched the paper up in his left hand and lay back onto his bed, clasping his hands together behind his head. He suddenly felt a sense of freedom, as if the shackles around his heart had been taken off. He decided that yes, it was time for him to decide what�and especially who�was important to him. Lara said that it was time to let go of the past and move on ahead into the future, but she did not know when she wrote it that Sam would possibly be contemplating a future without her.

Sam lay there staring at the ceiling, when he suddenly remembered the poem Josie had written in his last class. She had finished it so quickly that it made him curious to see what she had written. He sat up, opened his bag and looked for her poem. He finally found it and pulled it out so he could read it. What he thought or expected Josie to write was not what he got. He read:

Why has love forsaken me so?
The answer I know not.
This precious gift that all others share,
Is for me, only a glorious dream
Now cruelly twisted into a jaded knot.

My soul yearns long and heavily,
For loves rapture to hold me tight,
But for me, the wait continues on,
Until my true love finds me
And illuminates me with his radiant light.

Josie's words, as usual, touched Sam deeply and a small tear brimmed in the corner of his eye and spilled onto his cheek. Sam felt he had glimpsed into Josie's soul and that whatever pain she was feeling, she was somehow able to translate into words. He read over her haunting words again and then placed the paper down onto his bed. Sam placed his hands behind his head and said aloud to the empty room, "I know how you feel, Josie. I know exactly how you feel." He closed his eyes and sighed.

* * *

Josie sat quietly in Sam's class again today and her despondent mood did not go unnoticed by Sam. Josie was still miserable about everything that had happened to her over the last couple of days and it didn't help that Gus had called her the day before, blasting her about Rob's enrollment into South Glen South.

Josie's attempts at reconciliation with Aldys were also in vain. She had not wanted to or meant to hurt Aldys, especially since she considered the girl the only real friend she had made at South Glen. But because of her stupid assignment, that's just what she had done, and now she was suffering the consequences.

And now Rob. Even though he insisted that his presence at South Glen was mostly to help her, he'd ended up making her feel worse. In less than one day, Rob was able to accomplish what Josie had been struggling with since she'd arrived there, indeed, for her whole life: to become popular.

Josie looked over at Sam. More than anything, she'd loved coming to Sam's classes. But now, with the realization that she had started to develop some serious feelings for Sam Coulson coupled with the knowledge that it would forever stay unrequited, his classes were more and more difficult to face. After all, he had a beautiful girlfriend that he was planning to move halfway across the country to be with.

Josie was miserable and she knew if it weren't for the fact the that she wanted to keep her job at the Chicago Sun-Times, she would have surely left South Glen South by now.

Sam was busy writing something on the board, so Tommy used the opportunity to pass a note down to Josie. If finally reached her. Josie unfolded it to find a cartoon character of herself with the word 'loser' written boldly across its forehead.

Josie's eyes filled with tears and she could feel that she was about to lose complete control and burst out crying. Sam turned around to face the class when he saw Josie, her face wet with tears, pick up her bag and run towards the door. "Excuse me," she said through her hot tears as she ran out the door.

"Josie, wait!" Sam called out to her, but she was already gone. The kids from the popular group (especially Tommy) started laughing, but Sam was not amused. "Cut it out, guys!" he said in a stern, serious voice. He had a sick feeling that they had something to do with Josie's sudden departure.

He knew that Josie and Aldys had become pretty close friends over the past few weeks. He quickly approached her, and bent down toward her, hoping she could provide some answers. "Aldys, do you know what's wrong with Josie?" he asked quietly, his face full of concern.

Aldys' expression softened for an instant and then quickly hardened. "No, I don't. You'll have to ask her. We're not on speaking terms."

Sam was shocked at this sudden turn of events. "What?" Sam stood up and looked around the classroom. "Okay, class�I want you to sit quietly and read Act IV, Scene II. Be prepared to answer questions about it when I return. I'll be back in a little while." He aimed a stern, silencing look at Tommy and headed toward the door.

Sam quickly exited the classroom and hurried down the empty hallway. He hated himself for not approaching her yesterday and he was not going to let her go this time. He looked left and right and even popped his head into the girls' bathroom calling out to her, but there was no answer.

He continued down the hall at an almost frantic pace, as he was worried about Josie. He passed a stairwell and then stopped as he glimpsed a lone figure sitting halfway down, her sobs echoing in the empty hallway. Sam stood up at the top for a moment, unable to move. His heart was breaking for Josie. She sat, curled up, her arms wrapped tightly around her shivering body, while her head leaned up against the wall. It was killing him to see her like this.

Sam slowly walked down the stairs, and then paused, swallowing hard and taking a deep breath. He was surprised that it took all his strength not to rush down to Josie and wrap his arms tightly around her so he could cradle her in his embrace. All he wanted to do was to ease her pain, the way she had done for him with her beautiful words. He took another deep breath and continued down the stairs.

He finally reached her. He paused and then stepped over to her left side and sat down next her, clasping his hands together, but said nothing.

After a moment, Josie felt a presence next to her on the stairs and she slowly lifted her head. She looked over to see Sam sitting next to her. Seeing Sam staring at her with his beautiful green eyes and cracking a hint of a soft smile made Josie lose complete control and she burst out crying again.

She buried her face in her hands, trying desperately to compose herself and feeling utterly embarrassed that Sam was seeing her in this state.

Sam's heart ached for her. He placed his right hand softly onto her left shoulder and with his left hand he reached across and ever so gently placed two fingers under her chin, tilting her head up. He spoke softly, tenderly. "Josie�Josie, look at me."

* * *

To be continued.

* * *

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