Soulmates, Part 6
By Santoori

Date Posted: November 28, 2000

Click here to hear "What A Wonderful World" By Louis Armstrong

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Disclaimer: I do not own these characters and receive no money for my writing. While other characters, I have borrowed from fan fic writers here. Hope you'll don't mind!

Comments and suggestions are welcome at [email protected] Please feel free to drop me a line any time! I would love to hear what you think.

On with part 6�

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Matt Collins, could neither believe his ears nor his eyes. Sam Coulson had been flirting with the young woman sitting in the bleachers! He had called her 'an angel'. Did this mean that things were over between Sam and Lara for good? Matt hoped that this was the case. Sam needed a woman in his life, not an 'ice box'. Lara gave Matt the heebie-jeebies. She was a frightfully cold woman. Matt could not figure out why Sam put up with her ways, as Lara was capable of giving the word 'ice-queen' a bad name!

He had watched with keen interest how Sam had saved the winning puck for the attractive woman with long brown hair. In the process of showing it to her, Sam nearly had his head bashed courtesy of the lout known as Rick Fisher. But Sam did not seem to care at all about Rick for the moment. He had a goofy smile on his face, and was gesturing to the woman to meet him. Matt shook his head in wonderment. This was definitely getting more and more interesting.

Just then, fellow teammate Sean O'Hara skated over. He asked Matt, "What's up with Sam? He nearly gets his head caved in for him by Neanderthal Man there, and he's cool with it!? If Rick hadn't broken his nose on the glass, I would have done it for him!"

Matt grinned and pointed out Josie in the crowd for Sean, " I think it has something to do with his 'Guardian Angel' over there�"

"Whooo-eeeee!" crowed Sean while he shook his right hand as if it had been burned. "Looks like there was trouble in paradise! Man! I wish I had been able to scalp front row tickets to see Lara get the boot! I would have made tons of money. Do you know of anyone that liked her? The woman was a Soul Vampire! When did Sam get rid of her?"

Matt answered, "Beats me! Wow! Look at him go!" Matt watched as Sam rushed off to the players' exit to meet Josie.

Sean, who was a renowned prankster and brat, owing mainly to his age of 19, watched in amusement as well. He had never seen Sam act like that over anyone before. Sean turned to Matt and asked, "Should we give them their privacy?" They considered it for a moment, then said in unison, "Naah!"

They skated over to the players' exit, following in Sam's tracks.

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Josie had been fuming at Rick Fisher. How dare he even think of doing such a thing to my Sam� My Sam? Err� I meant my friend Sam�

She then remembered the event immediately preceding the one involving Rick. Sam was showing her the puck! It seemed like he wanted to give to her. Wow!

Josie could not contain her excitement!

"Sadhana! Did you see what happened?"

"You mean before Slick Rick did his little duet with the Plexiglas?" Sadhana replied with a smirk.

Josie nodded excitedly.

Sadhana replied, "Yes, I did."

There was a momentary pause, and then the two girls screamed in excitement and jumped up and down holding each other's arms. " Oh my God! Josie! That was amazing! I can't believe what just happened. And he saved the puck for you! That is just so romantic! This is supposed to only happen in movies!"

They screamed again and jumped up and down before Josie tried to calm herself.

With both hands she waved her face, trying to cool down. Her face was pink with happiness. She swallowed hard, let out a long breath and closed her eyes. All the while thinking, Calm Down! Calm Down! Josie get a grip!

Sadhana spoke, "Go on, Josie. He's waiting for you."

But Josie's movement had been frozen by an all too familiar attack of self-doubt.

"Maybe he wanted to give it to someone else behind us, Sadhana? Maybe I made a mistake?" Josie was beginning retreat into this shell of low-esteem. How could something this wonderful happen to Josie Grossie? How could someone like Sam Coulson want to give anything to her?

"WHAT? ARE YOU NUTS, GIRL?" blurted out Sadhana.

Sensing the fear her friend was experiencing, Sadhana spoke in a softer tone and said, "Josie, there was no one behind us. See for yourself." Josie turned to see that in fact what she had said was true. But she still did not move. She still felt unsure of herself. [Did Billy Prince have any idea of the extent of damage he had done to her psyche?]

Sadhana then grabbed Josie's hand and said firmly, "He is going to think you don't want it if you wait any longer! Come on!"

Josie nodded and let her friend lead her to Sam.

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As Josie made her way to Sam around edge of the rink, she felt a growing warmth in her chest which had now spread to her face. This was a totally new feeling for her. It felt so intense and so incredible to be near Sam. In fact, the sheer shock to her senses made her think that her brain would soon overload. Think of something to say now so you won't embarrass yourself in front of him!

* * *

The rink was now being cleared of all players, while Sam, Sean, and Matt hung around on the ice. Rick had been carted off to the ER and so people were generally dispersing. A few though, were preparing to figure skate. Sam watched Josie make her way over to him and felt so excited that he couldn't think straight. Matt had asked him something, but he didn't hear him. Josie was now standing in front of him, leaning against the barrier and was smiling shyly while looking at the floor. Her face was glowing and her long brown braided hair was draped over her left shoulder. She looked remarkably sweet.

The only word he could manage was, "Hi!"

Still looking at the floor, she replied, "Hi! That was a good game. You were excellent!"

Before Sam could say anything, Sean chipped in, "Yeah, well that's because he had his 'Guardian Angel' here today." Sam blushed profusely and jabbed Sean in the belly with the butt of his hockey stick in repayment for his remark. Sean doubled over and groaned an "Ugh!"

Josie and Sadhana had to laugh. They were behaving like two little schoolboys.

Sam felt even more embarrassed now.

Josie thought Guardian Angel� Surely he doesn't mean me!

Matt decided to rescue his embarrassed friend. He said, "Hi! I'm Matt and the gasping fool is Sean. It's always nice to see new faces at the game. Next time you should sit with my wife Michelle and the rest of the girls. Looks as if the Chiefs fan clubs is growing! Ahh� There she is coming over now." Matt pointed out an attractive woman making her way to the group.

Josie smiled and shook Matt's extended hand, "Hi, Matt! I'm Josie Geller and this is my friend Sadhana Tendulkar."

Sadhana then shook his hand and said, "Nice to meet you. Congratulations on the win! This was the first time I witnessed a hockey game! Boy! Now I know why you wear all that protective gear!"

Matt laughed, "Oh yeah! It can get pretty rough out there. But what Rick did was totally unprofessional and uncalled for. The huge chip he has on his shoulder always gets the better of him."

The now recovered Sean, added, "Rick has had it in for Sam ever since he took the MVP award away from him. "

Sam shuffled on his blades, further embarrassed by all the attention he was getting.

Josie looked thoroughly impressed and smiled at Sam. She felt so proud of him! Matt spoke again, "Sam was so lucky that he got out of that without a scratch. He didn't even have his helmet on. Things could have gotten messy."

Sam smiled and looked at Josie with eyes filled with awe. "I guess I am one lucky guy."

It was now Josie's turn to blush and so she looked down at her shoelaces.

Just then Michelle joined the group and greeted everyone and introduced herself to Josie and Sadhana. Josie mentally thanked her for saving her from all that attention. But when she looked up again, she found that Sam was still looking at her and smiling. It made her feel very special and very happy.

Michelle said, "We are all going out for dinner together. Nothing fancy� Just pizza. You are more than welcome to join us, Josie and Sadhana."

Josie looked up at Sam, who was nodding and smiling. It was if he was saying "Yes! Yes! Yes! Say you will come! Please come!" but he had said it all through his eyes. It was if they were communicating without words.

Josie smiled and said that she would love to.

Sadhana's cell phone rang. She excused herself and stepped back to answer it.

Sean and Matt headed off to the locker room, while Sam pulled Josie aside and said, " I am glad you can join us. Will you meet me in the lobby before we leave for Pizza Hut? "

Josie felt so incredibly light headed and so wonderfully happy. She nodded again and then softly said, "Sure, okay."

Sam smiled and raced to catch up with Matt and Sean.

Josie wondered if Sam knew how attractive he was. And the reactions he was capable of stirring up inside her. For someone who made her living by words, Josie felt foolish by her shortage of them around Sam. She scolded herself, insisting that she should relax. Her first impression of Sam's friends had been that they were wonderful, kind people. And that someday soon, she could possibly call them her friends as well.

Sadhana tapped Josie on her shoulder and called her back from her mind travelling.

"That was my roommate Jillian. She just broke up with her boyfriend and is really upset. She really needs to talk to someone now. I'm sorry, Josie. I hope you don't mind me running out on you like this."

Josie was filled with compassion. "No! Not at all, Sadhana! I am sorry to hear that about Jillian. She was so sweet at the Christmas Party you took me to. But you won't be able to get a cab now with this rush hour traffic. You could take my car but how will I get to- ?"

Michelle, who had over heard the conversation thus far, interrupted Josie and said, "Sam has his car here. I am sure he won't mind taking Josie with him. I am sorry to hear about your friend, Sadhana, and I am sad to hear that you won't be able to join us."

Josie handed her keys over to Sadhana and the two friends gave each other a hug.

Sadhana whispered into Josie's ear, "Thank you, Jos! But remember� No hanky panky on the first date!"

Josie's jaw fell open and her eyes were as wide as saucers.

Sadhana laughed and waved goodbye. "I'll bring your car round in the morning. Thank you so much. Don't worry; I'm a good driver. Bye!"

Josie laughed and waved goodbye. But now she was alone with Michelle. Michelle smiled and said that they would meet up at the Pizza Hut at the Four Seasons Mall. Then she too disappeared down the same exit passage that Sadhana had taken.

Josie took a deep breath and then made her way to the lobby to wait for Sam.

* * *

Matt and Sean said nothing to Sam while they showered. Sam was actually humming the tune to Louis Armstrong's "What a Wonderful World." Sean was about to make some comment but Matt stopped him. 'Can you even remember the last time Sam was in this good of a mood? Pass the word around that the L- word is banned from discussion. No quips or comments! Or they will have to answer to me!" Sean looked like he was about to argue about it with Matt, but he was silenced by a hard stare and Matt simply saying, "I mean it, Sean."

* * *

Josie waited nervously in the lobby. She tried to pass time looking at the trophy case and then the plaques displaying lists of sponsors, club founding members and finally the list of Most Valued Players for each season. R. Fisher appeared four times but since Sam started playing league hockey, his name S. Coulson was emblazoned in gold letters and not Rick's. No wonder he's jealous of Sam. Josie was lost in thought, reliving the moments of watching Sam play. Next time she would have to borrow her parents' camcorder and tape Sam's smooth moves. The thought of being able to watch Sam in his uniform at any time she wished was a very sweet promise indeed.

Deep in thought, she did not notice Sam standing a little further back watching her. He had showered and changed into black chinos, a white Tee shirt and a gray v-neck sweater. His hair was neatly combed but his bangs were wet and hung in little clumps over his forehead. He looked incredibly sweet and cuddly.

He decided to sneak up behind Josie and startle her. He left his bag on the floor and walked softly on the carpet over to her. Josie was concentrating on the list for MVP. Sam noticed that she was staring at his name and smiling. Sam grinned and realized that the more time he spent with Josie, the more he liked her. He was standing right behind her and she still hadn't seen him. God! Her hair smells good! He thought. He noticed the little wisp of hair on the back of her neck and did something really naughty. Before he knew what he was thinking, he gently tugged on it with his fingertips.

Josie nearly jumped out of her skin. She instinctively leaned her head against her right shoulder and pulled away, turning to face Sam. He was laughing, "Scared you, didn't I?"

Josie had her hand on her neck and was rubbing it, while pouting, "Just you wait, Sam Coulson!"

Sam laughed again but then noted that Josie was still rubbing her neck. "Oh I'm sorry! I hope I didn't hurt you, Josie. Here. Let me have a look."

Josie knew that it was not sore, but more than anything else, her skin was reacting to Sam's fingertips touching her neck on such a sensitive spot. No man had ever touched her there before.

She felt guilty about letting Sam think he had hurt her. In fact, he had done just the opposite. So she removed her hand to let him see that there was no damage done.

"I am so sorry, Josie. It's turned red! I didn't mean to hurt you, I swear!" Sam looked terribly guilty.

Josie was amazed at the amount of emotion reflected in his eyes. At times they looked positively naughty and sexy. But now they were filled with compassion and regret.

Josie was confused. It didn't feel sore. It was probably red because she had been rubbing it with her own fingers.

"It's all right, Sam. It doesn't hurt." She tried to reassure him. Taking no chances, Sam wasn't buying it.

He spoke softly and tenderly, "I didn't mean it. I am so sorry."

Josie was taken aback by his sincerity and gentleness. She then became very aware of their physical proximity and it made her feel extremely hot under the collar.

The next thing she felt nearly knocked Josie out of her socks.

Sam was gently blowing on her neck and softly rubbing her skin.

"Does that feel better?" asked Sam. They were now only inches apart gazing deeply into each other's eyes.

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To be continued�

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