Soulmates: Part 5
By Santoori

Date Posted: September 12, 2000

*** Disclaimer: I do not own these characters but we all sure do love 'em!

All comments and suggestions are welcomed and made to feel at home at [email protected] or the message board. Which ever you find more convenient. Now on with part 5...


It had been less than 24 hours and Josie found herself being saved again by Sam! He began to look more and more like her Guardian Angel... He does have rather angelic features, thought Josie as she was leaning back, almost horizontally, against his right arm. The tango-like pose enabled Josie to study his profile intently but his aftershave was not making the task any easier as it played havoc with her senses. The two then made eye contact and were now trapped in an intense gaze. Every nerve in Josie's body tingled with the electricity that Sam had sparked off inside her.

Sam slowly and gently guided Josie to a standing position and apologized for tripping her. His face portrayed his guilty feelings but for not quite the same reason that he had admitted. He had felt an electric charge like never before. His heart was pumping wildly, making a sound like horses running on the racetrack. Why did he feel this way? For a moment there, he had lost himself in Josie's eyes and that scared the hell out of him. No one had ever had that effect on him before. Not even Lara!

He spoke when he regained some level of composure, "Josie, are you all right?"

Josie stepped back and looked down at the floor. "Yes, Sam. Um... I'm sorry about that. I normally don't go around walking backwards." And then she gave a nervous little laugh, turning slightly pink in embarrassment.

Josie felt so confused! She wondered if Sam had experienced that charge as well or if it was only in her mind. She then remembered she was here with Sadhana and introduced her friend, "Sam, I would like you to meet my friend Sadhana Tendulkar. We were at Northwestern together."

"Hi, Sam! Nice to meet you," said Sadhana as she gently shook Sam's extended hand.

"Same here, Sadhana. You probably get this a lot, but you are not from around here are you?" commented Sam after hearing her British accent.

Sadhana laughed, "I am from all over really! My Dad is from India and my Mum is English."

Sam looked at the tall woman, with long black hair and green eyes while she in turn looked at Josie and winked at her then nodded her head towards Sam. To Sam it seemed as if Sadhana was encouraging Josie to do or say something. Josie blushed even more severely. The two were obviously very good friends.

"Err...We thought that we should wish you Good Luck before your game," said Josie shyly.

Sam replied, "Thanks! We are going to need it! The Wolves are a tough team! But the Chiefs are even tougher." He grinned at Josie. He was feeling really good about the game he was about to play and himself.

A deep male voice boomed down the passage, " Hey Sammy-boy! Ready for a mauling?" And then, when the huge man saw Josie and Sadhana, he crooned, "Why hello ladies... Why don't ya'll drop that zero and give it to the hero..."

Sam rolled his eyes as he recognized that voice. It was Rick Fisher, a broad big fellow with a face like sin after several bar brawls and an attitude that reeked with self-inflated ego. There was no love lost between Sam and Rick, one being the total opposite of the other. Rick had had it in for Sam ever since Sam broke his reign as the league's MVP when he started playing community league hockey two years ago. Until Sam came along, it had always been a foregone conclusion that Rick would take the award.

Before Sam could respond to Rick's comments, Sadhana had already spoken, " The only thing you're liable to get is a fat lip to go along with that broken nose, you big ape! So just you watch out!" Sadhana glared at him. Rick was shocked into silence at her response! No woman had ever spoken to him in such a manner!

Sam and Josie could only look at each other wide-eyed in amusement!

Clearly embarrassed Rick took a pot shot at Sam instead, " I'll see you on the ice, buddy. There won't be any girlies out there to save your skin." then he punched open the locker room door and entered it, leaving the trio alone again.

Josie and Sam returned their attention to a grinning Sadhana. She had only this to say in her defense, "When you grow up with three older brothers, a girl learns to take care of herself."

Sam raised his hands in mock surrender. " Don't worry! I won't tempt you!"

The three of them burst out laughing.

"I thought your brother Rob would be coming, too," said Sam.

Josie explained, " He would have liked to come but he had to work unfortunately."

Sam said while looking intently at Josie, " I better get into my gear. So... I'll see you after the game, then?" He retrieved his kit bag from the floor.

Josie simply nodded and smiled.


Sam watched the two friends walk away, laughing and giggling, most probably talking about Rick. Sam couldn't help but smile, too. Josie had come to watch him play! For the first time in years (the last time had been for a high school game) a girl had come to see him play.


They were now in the dying moments of the third period and the game was really heating up: Wolves 2 - Chiefs 2.

Josie and Sadhana had seats that were right behind the Plexiglas surrounding the ice rink adjacent to the goal net. They were so close to the action that they felt as if they were in the game themselves. Josie and Sadhana really got into the spirit of things cheering and clapping in support for the Chiefs. Just then two defensemen for the Wolves sandwiched the Chiefs' right wing named Collins against the glass right in front of the girls. His face was pressed against the glass!

Josie and Sadhana cried out in unison, "Owwwwwwwwwch!"

"That has got to hurt!" said Josie.

Sadhana replied, "Oh! I can't watch this!" and covered her face with her hands.

The players were fighting for the puck that was being knocked about between their skates and the concrete rim of the ice rink. Collins managed to somehow kick out the puck with the blade of his skate. Just then, Sam swooshed in to take possession of the puck. Rick sniffed the opportunity to take on Sam and came thundering down the ice like a stampeding rhino. But he was too slow for Sam, who effortlessly tapped it in between the legs of the Wolves goalie.

The alarm went off signaling the goal for the Chiefs followed a second later by the referee's whistle.

The Chiefs had won!

A proud Sam raised his hockey stick and punched the air. He felt great! Nothing gave him a better buzz then scoring a game-winning goal! His teammates gathered round him, patting him on the helmet. Josie and Sadhana along with the rest of the Chiefs' fans were jubilant. Sam saw Josie in the crowd, clapping and jumping up and down. She looked so proud and happy for him. Sam felt really touched by the support she showed for him.

Sam skated over to her and smiled. He opened his gloved right hand, revealing the puck he'd just scored the goal with and mouthed the words, "For you!" to Josie. Then he gave her one of his mind numbingly gorgeous grins.

Josie blushed furiously and looked away. She felt extremely hot under the collar. Sam looked so sexy in his red and black uniform. And he probably didn't even realize it. He had taken off his helmet and his hair was wet with perspiration. It made his hair stick up in odd directions. She knew she would never be able to forget the sight of him scoring that goal. (Not that she would want to.)

And now that he had dedicated the goal to her and was smiling so beautifully at her, it was more than her body could handle!

Her whole body felt hot and her jersey felt stifling.

Suddenly, something caught the corner of her eye. It was Rick Fisher, speeding down the ice towards Sam. He was gaining so much speed that it looked like he would plough right into Sam's back, which would knock him face first into the dasher where the boards and the Plexiglas met. In a desperate attempt to save Sam from serious injury, she gestured wildly for Sam to look behind him.

Sam noticed the look of horror on Josie's face and turned to see that Rick was almost upon him. Sam had just a split-second to duck and skate out of the way. Rick had too much momentum to stop himself when he realized that Sam was on to his plan. Rick went crashing into the boards and Plexiglas, making a horrible thud.


Sam stood up and surveyed the damage.

If Josie had not warned him, he was quite convinced that he would be on his way to the emergency room right now. The Plexiglas had cracked at the place of impact. Rick was lying on the ice groaning. He was mumbling, " I think my nose is broken...again."

All the players had gathered around by now, helping Rick off the ice and checking on Sam.

Collins asked, "Geez, Sam! That was a pretty close call. You all right?"

"Yeah, I'll be fine." He dusted himself off and then looked towards Josie. She was now standing behind the screen, biting her lip, the obvious concern written all over her face.

Collins spoke again, "How did you see him in time? You're lucky you didn't get your head cracked open!"

Sam saw the cracked Plexiglas panel and nodded in agreement. All he could say to Collins was, " Let's just say I had an angel looking out for me..."

Sam gave Josie a reassuring smile and gestured for her to meet him outside the locker room.

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To be continued...

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