Soulmates, Part 3
By Santoori

Date Posted: August 5, 2000

Disclaimer: I do not own any of these characters and do not receive any money for my writing. This is for the pure entertainment of NBK addicts like myself. All comments and suggestions are welcomed at [email protected] or the message board. Hope you like it!

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Sam opened the glass door at the main entrance for Metro Cinema House and allowed Josie to pass through it before him. Josie smiled politely and said, "Thank you."

They took a few steps, then stopped and turned to look at each other. Sam stuck his hands into his coat pockets, feeling self-conscious again. His fingers were playing with the material lining the insides of his pockets. He wondered why he felt so nervous. Josie looked about the street and was feeling shy and nervous as well. She wanted to yet was afraid to make eye contact with Sam.

Finally, Sam broke the uneasy silence and spoke, "I know of a place where we can get the best coffee in Chicago. Unless you have somewhere else in mind, Josie."

"No, that sounds great, Sam. Do they have apple pie too?" asked Josie. She was famished and had to eat soon or else risk fainting again.

"Yes, they sure do," said Sam with an amused smile. "Almost as good my mom's," he added with a wink.

Josie smiled and met Sam's gaze. His eyes looked so beautiful and yet were streaked with a hint of naughtiness at the same time. Josie felt very hot under Sam's inviting gaze. She blushed and looked away, embarrassed by what must be her very obvious reaction to him.

Meanwhile, Sam was wrestling with his conscience. He wondered if asking Josie to join him for coffee would be considered "cheating" on Lara. 'No,' he comforted himself, 'It's just coffee. Nothing more.' But as he looked down at Josie he couldn't help but wish that it could be more. That they could walk away from this evening as friends. But then he though, 'Why can't I have female friends as well?' He couldn't think of a reason why he couldn't be friends with Josie, and so the debate ended and his feelings of guilt subsided.

"How did you get here? I came by car. It's parked over there," said Sam as he gestured to his black VW Jetta parked across the street.

"Same here," replied Josie. "That's mine over there. If you want, I can follow you, Sam, since you know where you're going..."

Sam accompanied Josie to her car and held the door open for her while she got in. Sam rested his left arm on the frame of the open door and then leaned closer to Josie and said, "The name of the coffee shop is 'Caf� Greco' and its about 8 blocks from here on Main Avenue. It has a massive neon sign of a smoking coffee cup. You can't miss it, Josie." He smiled and gently closed the door for her.

Josie smiled brightly and nodded her head in response.

Sam waited for a moment outside her door and looked at Josie through her dew-covered side window. Sam felt anxious, thinking that maybe Josie would just drive off and let him wait like a fool at the coffee shop...the same way Lara had let him wait for her at the airport for hours when she had conveniently forgotten to tell him that she had cancelled her last planned visit. Sam felt the hollowness and hurt cut through him again.

Josie was watching the emotions run over Sam's face. She wound her window down and asked with whole-hearted concern, "Sam? Are you all right?"

Sam looked at Josie's gentle face and realized that she could never be that callous. He answered with a soft smile that made his green eyes twinkle, "Yeah. I'll be fine."

Josie was not convinced. "Are you sure?"

Sam grinned again, thinking that Josie was beginning to sound like his sister, Abby. Josie hardly knew him and yet she was already able to sense his emotions. A long time ago, Lara had been sensitive to his needs and his feelings but now she would only criticize and belittle him. Now she just chided him and scolded him, saying that he had to grow up.

Sam swallowed hard, forcing down all his suppressed emotions and said, "I'm sure, Josie. I just feel a little bit tired. School can take a lot out of a person." Sam knew he wasn't being honest with himself. The reason for his exhaustion was his emotional turmoil over Lara and not school. School was his escape these days. It took him away from his personal problems and made him feel a better man, by trying every day to be a better teacher.

Josie now felt guilty about agreeing to have coffee with Sam and said with a heavy heart, "Maybe you should go home and get some rest, Sam. You have had a long day and� "

Before she could finish her sentence, Sam interrupted her by saying, "No, no, no, Josie. I want to do this..." Sam cracked one of his crooked grins and teased, "You don't want to stand me up too, do you? Twice in one night is more than a guy can handle."

'Who in their right mind could ever refuse him, never mind stand him up?' thought Josie. Josie couldn't help but giggle. She said softly, "Ok, Sam. I'll see you there."

Sam felt relief wash over him. He then turned and made a quick dash for his car. He wanted to be back in Josie's company as soon as possible.

Sam's little dash to his car parked somewhere in front of Josie afforded her the opportunity to watch him from behind. She smiled appreciatively at his form and then felt embarrassed by her behavior. She was glad that she was alone in her car so that no one could see her guilty blush. She knew she shouldn't be checking out a friend's physique in that manner.

Yes, being Sam's friend was all that 'Josie Grossie' could ever hope for, she knew that. In fact, it was more than she could hope for. She'd never met a man as sweet and wonderful as Sam. And if she could secure his friendship she would do everything to honor it and protect it. Sam was by now already in his car, so Josie turned on the car engine, waited for her clearance in the traffic and pulled out into the street.

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The two cars reached Caf� Greco 15 minutes later. Sam parked first and walked over to Josie, who was still in her car. She reached behind the passenger seat and retrieved a red cardigan then got out of her car. She put it on and apologized, "I'm sorry about making you wait, Sam."

Sam replied with a smile, " You worry too much, Josie." Sam wanted to place his hand on the small of her back and guide her across the street, but he felt that it was too soon and that they weren't that familiar just yet for him to do so. So, instead he stuck his hands into his coat pockets and nodded towards the caf�, "Shall we go in?"

Josie simply nodded and smiled. The two of them then crossed the street and entered the caf�.

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As soon as Josie stepped inside, she fell in love with the place. The large room felt inviting and friendly with its wooden floors and thick rugs, picture-frame-covered walls and a large fireplace to the left of the room. The furniture was a collage of sofas, settees, armchairs, over stuffed beanbags and wooden coffee tables of all sizes. The lighting was soft and unobtrusive with a few brightly-lit areas for those wishing to read while they sipped their piping hot coffees. It felt like being in someone's living room but comfortable and relaxing too. The air was filled with the mixed smell of brewing coffee and pies baking.

A friendly waitress seated the two of them at a double-settee saying that she would be back soon for their order. She gestured to the self-standing menu on the coffee table, indicating they could peruse it to decide on their drinks and snacks. The coffee shop was a hive of activity with people coming and going regularly. Josie felt overwhelmed with the thought of this being just like a date. Yes, like a date, but not an actual date, thought Josie. But she felt happy just being in Sam's company.

They decided what they would like to have and Sam placed their order. He then asked Josie a few questions about herself, her work and her family. Slowly, Sam gained Josie's confidence and Josie even ventured a few questions about him, too.

Their coffee arrived and the two of them simultaneously took an appreciated deep breath of the rising steam. They looked at each other surprised, and then burst out laughing.

"So, you are a fellow caffeine junky?" grinned Sam.

"Yeah. Just like Garfield," giggled Josie.

They continued chatting idly about books that they had read, favorite poems, plays, movies, and sports and felt generally relaxed and happy together. Sam had not felt this good in a long time.

Josie felt as if she were living out a dream; it was definitely too good to be true.

Sam was surprised by Josie's ardent interest in hockey as well and told her about his Gordie Howe helmet. Instead of teasing him about his attachment to the game, like Lara had, Josie was supportive and attentive to his hockey stories.

The evening past quickly and it was after midnight when Sam looked at his wristwatch for the first time since entering the coffee shop.

"Whoa! Where did the time go?" he said out loud.

Then Sam slipped back into his own world. One person occupied his thoughts. Lara� He had to come to a decision regarding what he was feeling right now. He had to get things straight in his head.

First of all, this was not a date. Therefore he could not be cheating on Lara.

Secondly, he found Josie to be charming company. She was soft-spoken, obviously very intelligent and interesting. They shared many similar interests in sports and literature and their backgrounds were very similar. He felt sad that he had to leave her so soon.

Josie came to the sad realization that their evening was drawing to a close. She stood up slowly and thought it best that they should say their good-byes now.

"Thank you for a wonderful evening, Sam." Her eyes were fixed on the floor now. "I guess I'll see you around then..." she added without much conviction. Deep down, Josie felt that this would be the last time she would ever see him.

Sam felt a sense of urgency. He couldn't possibly let things end like this. He was not going to settle for a sad ending for what had been a lovely evening, especially when he knew he had only Josie to thank for it. He too, was afraid that this would be the last time he would see her. And so without much thought, he blurted out, " I am playing a hockey game tomorrow. Would you like to come watch?"

Josie beamed with happiness. Her prayers had been answered. "Sure! I would love to. I'm certain that my brother Rob would love to come and watch as well."

"That's great! The game starts at 3 p.m. at the Community Rink down on Stafford Street," said Sam.

"Oh, I've been there once or twice... They sometimes play college games there, right?"

Sam nodded. "Uh, huh. So... I'll see you after the game?" asked Sam shyly.

Josie would have seen how nervous Sam was, if she herself had not been overcome with waves of excitement and happiness. She could not possibly believe the evening she was having. It had a fairytale-like feel to it. She was on cloud nine.

She nodded a happy response to Sam and was pleased to see him smile at her positive reply.

He stood up and escorted Josie through the packed caf� and out the door, with his hand guiding her on the small of her back. They walked across the street and for the second time that evening, Sam helped Josie into her car.

After closing her door, he gave her another devastating grin and said simply, "Goodnight, Josie. 'Til tomorrow, then."

Josie simply smiled and turned on the car engine and watched Sam walk away. She said softly to herself, "Parting is such sweet sorrow, that I shall say goodnight till it be morrow."

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To be continued�

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