Soulmates, Part 2
By Santoori

Date Posted: July 1, 2000

Disclaimer: I do not own these characters and receive no money for my writing.

Hi everyone! Thank you for taking the time to read my offerings to this wonderful site. I must confess that my characterizations have been inspired more by the writings published here rather than the movie. All comments are welcome at [email protected] or the message board, whichever you find more convenient.

Click here to hear "A Time For Us" from the movie Romeo and Juliet

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Sam felt quite taken by the young woman. She looked so fragile and dainty. She brought to the surface all of Sam's protective instincts. He couldn't help but smile when she looked into his eyes. What Sam was feeling could not be termed 'attraction,' exactly. It was more like fascination. Those wide and deep blue eyes captivated him. He felt drawn to them. Sam took an instant liking to her. He wanted to get to know her better. But this was hardly the place to strike up a conversation. He could see no visible injuries so why on earth was she still kneeling on the floor? And why did she look ready to cry. Oh no!! The realization finally struck Sam like a thunderbolt from heaven. She's deathly embarrassed. The poor thing!

Sam wanted to end her embarrassment as quickly as possible. He felt his heart go out to her. Sam softly asked her, " Would you like to sit down somewhere? Are you hurt?"

Before the damsel in distress could respond, another screechy female's voice interrupted. Curtly, and without even an attempt at sincerity, the rude bystander commented quite loudly, "What's wrong with her? Can't she move? Doesn't she know that she is making a spectacle of herself?"

The last comment was the final straw for Josie. She couldn't bear it any longer. Panicking, she thought, I have to get out of here! I won't give her the satisfaction of seeing me cry. She stood up too quickly, making herself feel dizzy in the process and started to wobble backward toward the staircase. "Whoa�" said Josie as she windmilled her arms a little trying in vain to regain her balance.

This time, Sam was close enough to catch Josie before she could fall. From his crouched position in front of her, he grabbed both her hands and held her steady so that she wouldn't fall backwards down the staircase.

"Easy, easy does it� careful. Come on. Let's get you a seat," said Sam. He gave the screechy voiced woman a look of contempt and returned his attention to Josie. Sam supported Josie with his left arm and scooped up her purse, which had fallen to the ground, in one swift motion with his right. Then he guided her to a bench alongside the wall.

Although Josie had closed her eyes momentarily and was trying to stop the room from spinning, she felt well enough to notice how effortlessly Sam moved. Wow! she thought. With his kind of easy grace, he must be an athlete!

When they were seated, Sam studied Josie intently. His face was filled with concern. She looked very pale, even in the dim light of the foyer. He asked, "Can I get you something to drink?"

At first, Josie shook her head and replied, " I'll be all right." She still felt weak, though, even if she didn't want to admit it. She had thought it was just from her scare at the staircase, but then she realized she hadn't eaten anything since lunch. That was hours ago! Her eyes were still closed while she took a few deep breaths. Then she opened them again to look up and meet Sam's gaze hesitantly. "Actually," she half-whispered, "that would be nice."

Sam had felt so helpless and was anxious to do something to help. He smiled, patted Josie's hand gently and said, " I'll be right back," placing Josie's purse next to her on the bench. He walked quickly, first to fetch his coat that he had left on the ledge. He then threw away the remainder of his popcorn and coke. In light of these new developments, he didn't feel much like eating anymore. Then he stopped at the concession booth and bought Josie a small bottle of flavored spring water. This should surely make her feel a little bit better, Sam reassured himself. He felt better as he returned to Josie's side, because she looked in more control of herself and some of the color had returned to her cheeks.

She even managed to smile at him. Sam felt relief wash over him in response to her bright smile. If she could smile so sweetly now, then nothing could be seriously wrong. He then offered her the bottled water saying, " Here, this might help."

Josie accepted it gratefully and thanked Sam. Their eyes met for a few moments, but then Josie suddenly felt shy and stared at the floor. She said softly, " You have been so kind to me and I don't even know your name."

This demure creature enchanted Sam. He couldn't stop smiling. She looked so sweet and innocent. " It's Sam. Sam Coulson�and yours?"

"Josie Geller." She looked up at him and smiled again, a tinge of blush coloring her cheeks.

Sam smiled back. Placing a friendly hand on her knee, he asked, "Are you feeling better, Josie?"

Sam's hand felt so warm on Josie's knee that her skin tingled from his touch. For a moment, she felt a little lightheaded, but she swallowed back the feeling to reply, " Yes, thank you. Much better."

Their conversation thus far had reminded Sam of an incident at school where he had to console a student who was upset after a particularly nasty run-in with the class bully. Sam felt the very same way this time with Josie even though she wasn't his student. He wondered if it was a good sign that his work influenced him this way, even in his after work hours. Perhaps a teacher's work is never done, Sam thought to himself.

Josie felt so nervous sitting next to Sam. He seemed for a moment to be far away in thought, so she took the opportunity to appreciate his good looks in the dimmed light and it made her feel very strange. But it was a very nice sort of strange. And the aftershave that he used was starting to make her feel dizzy again.

Josie was not used to being in such close proximity to a man, never mind being the center of his attention�and never someone as wonderfully sweet and handsome as Sam Coulson. It felt exciting and nerve-wracking at the same time.

They sat for a while in silence, neither of them knowing who should speak first. Josie wanted to say so many things. She wanted to thank him for coming to her rescue. And for preventing her from falling down the stairs again and probably breaking her neck. She wanted to thank him for his concern and kindness. But she was speechless. Josie just sat there, staring at the floor, sipping her spring water and allowing him to keep his hand on her knee. Think Josie! Say something! Anything! You're a writer (or hope to be one day�)! You're never at a loss for words! Quickly! Before he thinks you are ungrateful. But nothing that came to mind seemed appropriate, so she said nothing.

Sam watched the myriad of emotions cross Josie's face�this was, until he realized he was staring. Then he looked at the floor also, embarrassed by his behavior. He wondered what she was thinking. He leaned forward in his seat and rested his elbows just above his knees. His hands were clasped and he bit his lip. He didn't know what to say either.

His thoughts drifted back to Lara and the fact that she should have been here with him tonight. He wondered what Lara would have thought of Josie and decided it was quite possible that she would have made an equally horrid remark to Josie about her fall. Nor would she have approved of Sam going to her assistance. The thought bothered Sam. He wasn't sure what bothered him more: Lara being cruel to this sweet woman, or his feeling of needing Lara's approval for his actions even when she was not around.

The movie was about to start and the patrons, mainly couples, began moving into the cinema hall. Seeing their movement made Josie remember what she had been planning to do when she had tripped on the stairs and she exclaimed, " Oh no! I don't have a ticket yet!" Being near Sam and having him be so kind to her had made her forget entirely that she had yet to buy a ticket. In a panic, she picked up her purse and got off the bench. As she turned toward the box office, she saw the sign hanging in the window that said "Sold Out." Feeling tears pricking her eyes again, she lowered her head in utter defeat.

Seeing Josie's despair made Sam's heart ache. His second ticket burned a guilty hole in his back pocket. Sam knew he couldn't stand by and watch Josie be hurt yet again when he could help. "Um� Josie?"

Josie stopped and turned to look at Sam while he remained seated. He looked like he had forgotten what he wanted to say.

Sam hesitated for a moment. When Josie turned and gazed at him with her huge soulful blue eyes edged with unshed tears, he'd forgotten what he was going to say for a moment.

Clearing his throat self-consciously, Sam stood and pulled his two tickets out of his pocket. "It�um�looks as if my date has stood me you can have her ticket if you like." Sam felt a little guilty at this half-truth. Lara has stood me up, so I am not technically lying, he tried to argue, but his other side reminded him, Yeah, but she didn't know about tonight, either. Besides, how happy do you think she'll be to find out you went to the movies with someone else? Sam mentally shoved the thought aside, vowing to deal with that later. Right now, the only thing important to Sam was to make Josie smile again.

Josie was dumbfounded. She looked around her, expecting to see that Sam had addressed someone else, but the foyer was nearly empty and there was no one near them. Finally she asked him, astounded, "Who? Me?"

Sam grinned softly. Josie is so modest and sweet! "Yeah, you."

Again, she felt speechless. Her mind was screaming, It can't be me. It can't possibly be me he's talking about. Is this a trick? Josie glanced left and right, half-expecting to find a group of people snickering at her�like in it had been in high school. But there was no one around, just the cinema staff. This seemed like a genuine offer. Josie felt her face turn scarlet.

Sam was patiently waiting for her answer and was a little concerned when she didn't give one. She seemed so uncertain of herself. Maybe, it was just her shyness getting the better of her. Or maybe, she was afraid of him, he mused.

"You don't have to, Josie. I understand." Sam said with a naughty grin. "I know, I look like a strange man, but to my credit, I think all English teachers are a bit eccentric."

Josie stared at Sam for a moment, and then burst out into laughter. Josie could think of many words to describe Sam, but strange was not among them. "Thank you, Sam. I would love to," she answered, and then smiled up at his handsome face.

Josie's reward was the most breath-taking smile anyone had ever given her. Josie felt as if her heart had stopped beating for a moment before it began to pound furiously.

Sam gallantly gestured for Josie to walk in front of him. She smiled and nodded her head, still blushing. Sam followed Josie. Sam handed their tickets to the usher, who showed them to their seats with a flashlight, as the cinema hall had been darkened while the previews were being screened. Sam waited for Josie to be seated first and then sat down in the seat next to her on the aisle. The two looked at each other and smiled, grateful for each other's company.

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Josie and Sam sat silently next to each other. Fortunately, the movie began a few moments after they had been seated, so no further small talk was made. The narrator's voice captured their attention and soon it had transported Sam and Josie into another world: The land of the Bard. They soon forgot that they were in each other's company as Shakespeare's symphony of words erased their pain, doubts, and worldly frustration.

Sam felt a sense of calm descend upon him. The beautiful verses healed his wounded heart and soothed his soul. Literature had always been an escape for Sam. It created a wonderful fantasy world for his imagination to behold and gave him comfort when he felt most alone. Line after line of 300-year-old verse washed over him and they felt familiar and reassuring like an old friend. Sam closed his eyes and savored the feeling. He felt pleased that he had decided to come after all.

Suddenly, he remembered his companion. Up until that point Sam had been so caught up in the movie that he had clean forgot about Josie sitting next to him. By this time, the movie had progressed to the famed and much beloved 'balcony scene'. Sam tilted his head slightly to sneak a peak at her and smiled gently at the sight before him. Josie looked positively entranced. Her eyes were glazed over, as if she too had forgotten where she was and was now part of the Bard's world. Then Sam noticed that her lips were moving, silently repeating word for word the dialogue between Romeo and Juliet.

Sam was quite taken aback. He had never met anyone who could recite this much Shakespeare, syllable for syllable, off the cuff! She must be an actress! he decided. Why else would she know the scenes so well?

Josie was enraptured with the performance. She was so wrapped up in the movie; she did not even notice Sam staring at her in amazement.

Sam felt his mouth go dry as he watched Josie continue to recite line after line of the scene. She was completely transformed. She looked ethereal. She glowed with internal bliss. Sam, stop staring! Remember Lara? You know�your girlfriend? But all his inner remonstrations proved fruitless. Josie had cast a spell over him and Sam felt helpless to try and stop it.

For the remainder of the movie, Sam's wonder and curiosity to know more of Josie only increased. She knew several of the scenes by heart and her face displayed all the emotions that charged the play as she recited the lines. Sam was dying to know why Josie had memorized so many passages. He wanted to have his suspicion that she was an actress confirmed, mainly due to the reason that her silent recital was passionate and by no means mechanical or absent minded. Josie looked like she was thoroughly enjoying herself.

" �There has never been a tale of more woe, than of Juliet and her Romeo."

As the narrator's voice faded out with the final words of the play, Josie's attention returned to the present. Wiping the hint of tears from her eyes, she privately acknowledged that this was the best interpretation of her favorite play that she had ever seen on screen. Looking around her for the first time since the movie began, she say that most of the crowd had risen and were making their way to the exits of the cinema hall, clogging it in the process. Sam and Josie remained seated and smiled at each other self-consciously while they waited for the crowd to thin out.

Josie's enthusiasm and excitement could not be contained. She spoke first, " That was an incredible take on the play by Zefirelli. The costumes, the setting and the atmosphere, it all felt genuine. I'm sure that Shakespeare had imagined it to be the same way as well. I should have seen this version sooner!"

Sam agreed with Josie's observations, but instead of telling her so, he blurted out what was foremost in his mind: "Are you an actress?" Sam's eyes became large and then he blushed and looked away, cursing himself for acting so silly. God help me! Now I'm losing control over my own mouth!

Josie's eyebrows virtually shot through the ceiling with shock. All she could say was, "Huh?" Then seeing Sam's embarrassed expression, she recovered quickly and said, "Oh, no, no, no. Not me. But� What makes you say that?" Josie smiled incredulously.

Boy, you have really done it this time! Now you are gonna have to tell her what you were doing during the movie. Spill it, Sam! Sam drew a deep breath and then confessed, " Well, you seemed to know quite a few scenes by heart�" Sam could not utter the rest of the sentence. How could he tell Josie that he was watching her recite the lines instead of watching the movie?

Josie leaned back into her seat when the full meaning of Sam's words hit her. She bowed her head and said softly, "Oh." Then, feeling really guilty and thinking that she ruined Sam's evening by unconsciously repeating the verses out loud, Josie apologized, "I'm sorry, it's just that I get carried away at times when I watch or read Shakespeare and forget where I am. I know that it is annoying when people talk when you are trying to concentrate on a movie. And here you were so kind in inviting me, and I ruined the movie for you!"

Josie looked almost as if she were going to cry. Wanting to soothe her fears, Sam replied without thinking, " Oh no Josie, don't worry, you didn't ruin anything for me�You weren't saying it out loud." Oh my God! I can't believe I just said that! Sam thought in mortification. Sam felt like slapping himself on the forehead like Homer Simpson and crying out, "Doh!"

Josie was momentarily confused. She started to ask, "Then how did you know�?" when she realized for the first time that Sam must have been watching her during the movie in order to know that. And instead of being embarrassed by it, the notion that Sam Coulson had been watching her felt good. Josie couldn't help but beam from the knowledge.

Sam hesitantly looked at Josie and then felt encouraged by her reaction. Suddenly, Sam did not want to leave her company just yet. Josie seemed to care about Shakespeare just as much he did and he wanted to talk about it with her. Heck! Maybe she liked poetry, too! So he asked, "I know it's getting kinda late�but would you like to go grab a coffee or maybe get something to eat?"

At the mention of food, Josie's stomach rumbled. She could not believe her ears: Josie Geller was being asked out�and by this wonderful man! Josie wanted to pinch herself. This must be a dream.

*Pinch* Nope, I am definitely awake.

Josie breathed in deeply and said, "Umm� Okay." She felt silly at her shortage of words. She smiled and her happiness glowed in her eyes.

Sam felt relieved. He didn't want to be alone on Valentine's Day and Josie Geller was proving to be wonderful company. In silent agreement, Josie and Sam waited until they were the last couple to leave the cinema hall.

As they walked down the staircase, Josie remembered her embarrassing episode here earlier in the evening, but instead of cringing, she was now thankful for it. Otherwise she would never have met Sam.

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To be continued�

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