By Santoori

Date Posted: June 22, 2000

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters and I receive no money for my writing.

Hi everyone! This is my first attempt at fanfic writing so please bear with me. The basic idea of this storyline would be that Josie and Sam meet earlier in their lives� when they are 23 and 24 respectively.

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It had been a long, soul-suffering, lonely day. Even though it was only around 5 in the afternoon, Sam felt that as of the whole world weighed down on his shoulders at that moment. After being a teacher for over a year now, he would have expected the novelty to wear off. But with each new class of students that he taught, he discovered to his delight, he learned even more from his students than he could ever give to them. Sam had become a very keen observer of human behavior. So much so that he was even thinking of doing a psychology course part-time. God knows that he had the time to spare these days. Time on his own. Time alone.

Sam sat in his car for a few moments, parked in the street just in front of his apartment building. His head was tilted back resting on the driver's seat headrest. His eyes were closed as he gripped the steering wheel. His thoughts drifted back to his college years. Things were so different back then. Lara was so different. Life was different. I had so much to look forward to. How did I become an old man so soon? Why do I feel so tired all the time? Why do I feel so� drained� He let out a soft chuckle to himself and shook his head. Then using what seemed like a Herculean effort, he dragged himself out of the car. Sam retrieved his brown teacher's briefcase from the trunk and pulled his coat collar tighter around his neck as a frigid wind off the lake whistled by. Even though it was a relatively warm day for the middle of February, the air still had a definite nip to it. It's perfect weather for couples! A good reason to snuggle! Couples�.

The very word 'couple' made Sam feel hollow, hurt and dejected. It was Valentine's Day and all his attempts to contact Lara had met with failure. She refused to take any of his calls � Her secretary gave so many excuses, and he'd heard them all twice by now. She was in a meeting� She was in court�She can't come to the phone right now� She's busy with a client.

It was Valentine's day! It was their anniversary! And she didn't even bother to call!

Sam had bought a pair of tickets to see Franco Zefferelli's screen adaptation of Romeo and Juliet a month ago just for tonight. He thought that Lara would have come down to Chicago for the weekend so that they could spend it together. And what better way to celebrate Valentine's Day than to see one of literature's greatest love stories? Sam was really excited about seeing the movie but had waited, thinking that it would be even more special if he could share the experience with Lara. Maybe Shakespeare would be able to help him woo her back and save their floundering relationship. He had been sorely disappointed.

Romeo didn't have this much trouble convincing Juliet to spend time with him, never mind talk to him!

Sam was beginning to think that maybe his Juliet wasn't really interested in him.

* * *

Sam left his car keys in a wooden bowl sitting on the side table next to the front door. Maybe if he took a long shower all the weariness would wash away. He took the cordless phone into the bathroom just in case Lara called. But the phone never rang.

* * *

Around the same time, in another part of town, in the massive, imposing, gray building of the Sun Times Daily newspaper, Josie Geller, the newest addition to the Sun Times editorial staff, was finishing off work for the day in her little office. She had just completed proofing an article on courtship/love rituals of Amazonian tribes. It was meant to tie into the whole love fever that annually grips most of the world at that time of the year.

But for Josie, Valentine's Day only served as a reminder of the huge aching void in her life and her heart. After the Senior Prom fiasco with Billy Prince, she had sworn off the possibility of ever finding love.

Ha! Valentine's Day was invented by Hallmark! Love is an everyday miracle. A sacred gift bestowed on precious few�. But not me! Shakespeare! Donne! Marvell! They keep me company! And what company they are indeed! Just my luck I'm a few centuries late but hey! Life's like that!

These thoughts would comfort Josie as she began her solitary journey home to her little house, her needlepoint cushions, and her beloved turtles.

* * *

Josie arrived home around 6.30-ish. She checked her machine for messages. There were two waiting for her. The first was from her mom wanting to know how she was and whether she would like to come home for dinner. Josie's mom was so thoughtful, not wanting her daughter to spend this evening all alone. The second was just a hang-up. Ugh! Doesn't everyone hate hang-ups! Josie called up her mom and told her not to worry and that she made plans.

Josie didn't waste any time and jumped into the shower. Tonight, there was a special screening of Romeo & Juliet� She hadn't booked a ticket for herself, subconsciously wishing that perhaps somehow, someone, somewhere might just maybe ask her out� That had not materialized and this was her backup. An evening spent in the company of her first love, Shakespearean rhyme and reason, didn't rate too badly for Josie as a runner-up prize.

Josie dressed simply in tight-fitting blue denim jeans and a loose white poet's shirt�Just for the Bard, she thought. Her long brown hair was tied back simply in a ponytail with a black elastic band. She applied a little lipstick and grabbed her purse. She bounced out of the bedroom, quite excited about the prospect of a Shakespearean movie. She didn't have much opportunity to discuss Shakespeare except in a few newsgroups on the Internet, but that was not nearly enough. Now to see Shakespeare through the director's eyes was a very sweet promise indeed. But she had to hurry! Romeo & Juliet on Valentine's Day would surely be in big demand, she thought. With that thought in mind, she locked her front door and made a quick dash for her car. She laughed at herself. This is nuts! I'm running after Shakespeare! She got into her car, turned on the engine and made her way to the Metro Cinema house.

* * *

Sam dropped himself lazily into his over-stuffed leather armchair. He closed his eyes and enjoyed the warmth of the setting sun's last rays streaming in through his west-facing living room window. The steam from the shower had dampened his hair, which was now pasted in clumps to his forehead. He was wearing gray sweatpants and a white sweatshirt. The whole room was, by now, bathed in a wonderful orange glow. Seeing it reminded him of another, much happier Valentine's Day. His mind drifted back to three years ago�the very same day he had asked Lara out on a date and she had accepted. Three years ago, he thought, he was the happiest man alive. Three years ago he could not have conceived the emotional roller coaster being set in motion. And that was a very bad thing considering his fear of heights.

There certainly had been highs and lows, as there were in any relationship. Sam just wondered if their lows were lower than most. Their first year together had been magical. Lara was like a woman out of a metaphysical poem. She had stolen his breath and his heart. But the only flaw with a metaphysical fantasy woman is that you have to wake up at the end of the dream.

And, Sam thought, he had certainly experienced a rude awakening. They were now little less than estranged; the embers of their failing relationship the only thing keeping them warm at night in separate beds�in separate cities. Well, at least that was true for him. He wasn't so sure about Lara's fidelity these days. Ugh. Who cares? Just look at you Sam Coulson! he chided himself. Aren't you the very picture of self-pity? Get off your butt and get a life! Sam scolded himself back into the moment. Forget Lara! I am not going to sit around all weekend waiting for the damn phone to ring!

Sam grinned to himself. It felt good to think these determined thoughts. He had waited a month to see Romeo and Juliet and wild horses couldn't stop him now!

Sam quickly crossed into the bedroom to change into black jeans and a black polo shirt. He looked at the tickets sitting on his left bedside table. There were two... He stood for a moment looking at them. He felt the hollowness take hold of him again and his legs weakened. Sam sank onto the bed. He sat hunched over with his head resting in his hands. Maybe I should try to call just once more�

Sam realized that if he did try again and if Lara still ignored him� he would be crushed. Even at the thought, Sam had to fight off tears� He rubbed his freshly shaven faced with his left hand. His head now rested in his cupped hand, his elbow supported by his knee. Sam felt so hurt. He didn't know what to do. He wasn't in the mood to go out anymore. And had decided to stay in after all. Suddenly, the ringing of the phone broke his thoughts. The phone! Maybe it's Lara at last!

Sam nearly jumped out of his skin trying to get to the phone in the living room.

"Hello?' he answered excitedly.

"Hey, Sam!"

Sam suddenly came crashing down to earth again. This time it felt much worse because it wasn't Lara. It was his big sister Abby. He let out a deep sigh and moaned. " Oh hi Ab�"

If Sam's heart leaped into his mouth when the phone rang. It now fell into the pit of his stomach. He slowly sat down into his chair. Hoping to get some comfort from the big almost huggable chair and his sister.

" Sam� are you ill? You sound flu-ish. Have you been to the doctor?" Abby always felt concern for her little brother, but especially of late. Lara had been playing mind games with Sam, and Sam, being as sweet as he was, was coming out of their rounds as second best. Sam sounded really bad on the phone now. She felt so far away�and she felt so helpless.

Sam didn't answer. He just sighed.

"Come on, Sam� Tell me what's wrong." Abby bit her lip. She wanted to give her little brother a giant bear hug and make him feel safe again, just like she used to when they were kids. In Abby's eyes, Sam was still that little 6-year-old boy that she must take care of. Of course, lately all her maternal instincts had gone into overdrive.

Just then�

"Oof�" Abby grunted, and then she exclaimed, "Oh my God, Sam! Sam. Oh, Sam� the baby� the baby just kicked! The baby just kicked for the first time!"

In light of this news, Sam forgot all his pain and loneliness and was filled with happiness for his sister.

His joy could be heard in his voice as he said, " That's wonderful Abby! How I wish I could be there with you right now." Sam smiled. He smiled from his heart. He decided then and there that he would definitely be present when his first niece or nephew was born.

Abby knew that Sam genuinely felt happy for her. She asked, " Any suggestions for baby names? I was thinking of either Emma or Neil."

Sam replied, " Emma is a beautiful name. To be honest Ab, I'm hoping for a niece."

Abby laughed. " Yeah, I know you mean. And knowing you, Sam, you will spoil her rotten, too!"

It was Sam's turn to laugh. " So? Guilty as charged! I'm gonna be her favorite Uncle Sam!"

"Duh! You're going to be her only Uncle Sam!" Abby giggled and Sam laughed, too. Abby sensed that Sam was feeling much better and, in turn, so did she. She wanted to call their mom and tell her the good news, so she quickly ended her call to Sam.

When Sam replaced the receiver, he felt much happier. He spent a few minutes in silent reverie, thinking of his sister and he crossed his fingers for a niece to come.

When Sam re-entered his bedroom, he was again faced with the same decision. To go or not to go. That was the question! Sam smirked at his own Shakespearean pun. The forefinger of his left hand rubbed his chin as he thought again. He couldn't think of a good reason not to go. So with both tickets in his back pocket, he grabbed his wallet, his coat and then the car keys off the side table. After locking the front door, he gingerly made his way down the slippery, icy sidewalk to his car. He stopped suddenly, realizing he was feeling okay. Sam smiled to himself. Yeah, he felt quite good, in fact! With renewed optimism, Sam got into his car and set off for the Metro Cinema house.

* * *

Sam arrived about 30 minutes before the movie was scheduled to begin. He took the opportunity to buy a medium-sized bucket of popcorn and a large Coke. He settled himself towards the back of the foyer for the theater. He placed his coat, popcorn, and Coke on the black granite ledge next to him that ran along the length of the wall. From this vantage point, he would be able to watch everyone entering the foyer from the street. He didn't want to sit in the cinema hall for 20 minutes listening to Kenny G then watch another 20 minutes of mindless previews. He alternately munched on popcorn and took sips from his Coke.

Sam was enjoying his newly discovered favorite pastime: people watching. As expected, there were many couples of all ages. Some were even getting a bit too carried away with the spirit of Valentine's Day! Sam observed an older couple in their fifties, holding hands and walking through the foyer. He tried to imagine himself with Lara at that age, but somehow the picture just refused to form. Sam shook his head and tried again. The idea of Lara with a larger bottom trying to fit into a power suit with cigarette pants made him smirk. Then it dawned on him! He couldn't imagine himself growing old with Lara! In fact, the idea quite frightened him. Uh- oh! What would Lara hold onto after her looks fade? He laughed wryly and thought, She would probably get a nip and tuck!

Still, the thought made Sam unconsciously shiver. Just then, his thoughts were drawn away from his musings about Lara when he watched a petite young woman of about his age run up the stairs at the entrance of the foyer and trip on the last step.

* * *

Josie was so eager to get to the ticket booth before they sold out that she sprinted up the staircase and then � SPLAT!

Ugh! Dear God, no� she thought, horrified. Josie, already being very shy, just wanted the ground to open up and swallow her. The foyer was packed with couples, all of whom seemed to turn around to look at her, almost in unison.

Josie was paralysed with embarrassment. She couldn't move a muscle at all. She just concentrated on the carpet that was a foot away from her face. But staying prone on the floor like that only made it a whole lot worse. Josie knew her face had turned beet red and tears pricked her eyes in frustration at her own clumsiness.

She then heard a gentle voice ask, " Are you all right?"

* * *

Sam had watched the young woman fall and even took an instinctive step forward to catch her. But he was on the other side of the room and could not possibly cover the ground in time. Sam stood and waited a moment, expecting the young woman to pick herself up and dust herself off. But she didn't move. Maybe she was hurt� Sam looked around, expecting a boyfriend or some friend to help her up� but no one came to her assistance. Everyone in the room had now focused their attention on the young woman, just as he had. But they just continued to look on with morbid fascination and no one made an attempt to help her.

Sam took it upon himself to come to her aid. He swiftly crossed the room and within seconds was by her side. He crouched in front of her and asked if she was all right.

She didn't respond immediately. It was as if she needed sometime to process what he had said. The young woman finally said, " I'll be all right soon. Err� just give me a moment to catch my breath."

* * *

Josie was about to burst into tears. Geez! I can't even get a date with Shakespeare right�and he's been dead for 300 years! she thought at herself harshly. She had just about made up her mind that she was going to get up and run right out of the foyer and retreat into her own safe world when a concerned male voice had startled her.

Am I all right? Am I all right? Am I all right? Josie kept repeating the same question in her mind. She didn't quite know the answer to it though. Where could she possibly start? Say something, Josie! Say anything! She then mumbled some answer, she didn't know quite what she had said, her mouth was on auto pilot at that point.

Josie looked up into the face of a young man crouched in front of her. His face was filled with compassion. She looked into his kind, green eyes and he responded with an encouraging crooked grin. Then, the man spoke again.

* * *

To be continued�

* * *

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