A Shock To The System, Part 3
By Mari

Date Posted: November 9, 2000

Disclaimer: I own none of these characters. I just borrowed them. I thought it was about time I wrote that. Thanks for the encouragement and any comments are gladly accepted.

Click here to hear "Right Here Waiting" by Richard Marx

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After getting something to eat at the cafeteria, Josie and Billy went back to Josie's office.

"Hey, Josie� How about I help you correct those articles you need to get done?" asked Billy.

"I don't know, Billy; have you ever done it before? You know, copyediting isn't that easy. You really need to have a good knowledge of the English language to be able to correct the errors," answered Josie doubtfully.

Billy huffed in impatience. "Come on Josie, I'm going to have to start somewhere. I know that I wasn't a great student back in high school, but I did go to college you know, and I do have a degree."

'I wonder how many people you stepped on to get it,' Josie thought. Watching him, her temper flared again. She couldn't believe her train of thoughts. She was annoyed at herself for letting him affect her so much. He sparked a resentment in her that she just couldn't control. She knew that it was due to how he had treated her in high school, but back then she never really reacted to him. Now after all this time she still felt all the hurt he had caused her. Why did he have to show up now? Now that everything had seemingly fallen into place? She was so angry at the thought that she was the one to have to help him become successful, when he had practically devastated a time in her life that was supposed to be happy and carefree. She couldn't trust him as far as she could throw him.

At that moment Anita walked into her office. Eyeing Billy, who had his back turned towards her, she looked at Josie, raising her eyebrows inquiringly.

"Hi Anita," said Josie, smiling at her. At that Billy turned around and stood up. Anita looked at him and thought 'Wow! What a gorgeous hunk of man. Why does Josie get all the luck?'

"This is Bill Prince. Bill, this is Anita Brandt. She works in Classifieds."

"Well, hello there," Anita purred and smiled prettily.

"Hello, Anita. Nice to meet you," replied Billy, eyeing her up and down.

"So, your going to be working with Josie for a while," Anita said, more a comment than a question.

" Yes, It was my father's idea. At first, I wasn't too thrilled. But now that I know that Josie's going to train me, I don't think it's going to be all that bad�" He looked over at Josie and grinned.

Nervously Josie started babbling, "Billy's father works for the 'Washington Post'. It's an important newspaper read internationally. He needs to know how much work goes into making a newspaper work, so Billy's father wants him to�"

"�learn how to behave properly, and who better to train me than Chicago's best reporter," finished Billy, grinning widely.

Josie looked down at the floor shyly and bit her lower lip, embarrassed by his compliment.

Anita looked puzzled and eyed first Billy and then Josie. Something was definitely going on between those two� She just couldn't put her finger on what.

"Billy, don't exaggerate. You just need to get some experience," Josie said.

"And what better person to teach me," replied Billy.

Josie wasn't used to getting praise, especially from Billy Prince. She didn't know how to react, so she just sat there saying nothing.

Anita broke the silence," Do you two know each other?" she asked.

Actually, yes Anita," replied Billy. "Josie and I went to high school together and unfortunately I have to say that I behaved like a heel towards her. Hopefully, I can make it up to her and she'll forgive me for how I treated her."

Josie's head shot up not believing her ears. Was Billy Prince actually apologizing to her? She looked at him straight in the eyes, trying to decide whether he was being sincere or not.

"Billy, I really don't want to bring up this story right now," trying to fight off the wave of nausea that was starting to creep up inside her. She had never told a soul that story and she didn't want to start now.

Looking for an excuse to change the subject, her eye caught the articles she had completed for Gus. She got up from her desk and grabbed the stack of papers and walked towards the door of her office. She motioned to Anita to go with her and then she turned to Billy. "Could you please excuse us, Billy? I think we can call it a day."

Billy didn't want to leave just yet. "Are you sure there isn't anything else you want me to help you with? I'd be happy to stay."

"No, no," answered Josie. "Anita and I have a meeting with Gus. Don't we Anita?" Josie eyed her meaningfully.

"We do�?" she looked at Josie questioningly. "Oh yeah�that's right�we do. Gus needed to talk to us urgently," Anita shrugged.

Trying not to let on that he was annoyed at their obviously lame excuse, he looked at Josie and said, "Okay, Josie; no problem. I'll see you tomorrow."

Billy then turned to Anita and winked at her and smiled, "It was nice to meet you, Anita."

"It was nice to meet you, too," she smiled back staring, as Josie practically pulled her out of her office.

"What is wrong with you?" she asked Josie.

"I'll tell you later. Just follow me," Josie whispered as they walked towards Gus's office.

In the meantime, Billy started gathering his briefcase and jacket when he heard a knock on the door.

He walked over and opened it, and on the other side was a young delivery boy holding a beautiful box wrapped with a red ribbon.

"This Josie Geller's office?" he asked.

"Yes it is," replied Billy.

"I need someone to sign here," the boy said looking around the office.

"Isn't her assistant out there?" Billy looked at the boy, annoyed.

"Nope," answered the boy standing in the doorway.

"Well than I guess I'll have to sign then, don't I?" replied Billy, more than a little irritated.

"Guess so, sir."

Billy signed the receipt and the boy handed the box over to him. 'Now I'm receiving gifts for Josie Geller,' he thought. 'Next thing you know I'll be mopping the floor in her office.' He looked at the box. 'This is probably from that teacher boyfriend of hers. How unoriginal�sending her a box of flowers at work. How dull can you get! If this was the best this guy could do, than conquering Josie was going to be a piece of cake. He knew how to impress a woman, and from what he'd read in her article Josie didn't have much experience with men. Well, he was more than willing to initiate her into the world of romance�real romance, not this small town affection this teacher guy was trying to pull on her.

Curious, he went to pick up the pretty blue envelope off the box when suddenly he heard someone open the door. He spun around guiltily and he saw Merkin standing in the doorway.

"Hey, Mr. Prince, can I help you with anything?" Merkin asked, observing first him then the box suspiciously.

"No, Merkin, I was just leaving. Umm�this came for Miss Geller, " said Billy, putting the box on Josie's desk. "No one was around so I signed for it." Quickly, he picked up his belongings and walked out the door. "See you tomorrow."

" Have a good evening, Mr. Prince." 'Hmmm�' thought Merkin. 'Wonder what that was all about?'

Josie and Anita walked into Gus's office. Gus wasn't there so Josie shut the door and sat down on the chair in front of his desk. She put her head in her hands and sighed.

Anita watched her closely, "Josie, what is the matter with you?"

Josie looked up at her, her face still in her hands." Oh, Anita! I can't believe this is happening to me!"

"Jos, I don't understand. What's wrong?"

"It's Billy!"

"The guy that's in your office?" she asked.

"Yes," Josie sighed again and closed her eyes.

"What about him?" Anita shrugged, still not understanding.

"Well you know we were in high school together," Josie said.

"And?� Wait a minute!" Suddenly it hit her. "He's not �'the most popular boy in school who asked you to the prom which in the end turned out to be a cruel joke'�is he?" Anita asked, but already knowing the answer.

"Yes, it's him� In person," replied Josie.

"Oh boy! Life sure does play funny tricks doesn't it?" Anita said. She looked at the forlorn look on her friend's face and bent down and grabbed her shoulders and lightly shook her.

"Josie, I don't see what your so worried about. Look at you. You are not the same person you were back in high school. You've grown up. You've blossomed into a beautiful young woman. You're bright, funny, pretty and have a confidence in yourself that I don't even think you realize sometimes. You don't need the approval of this guy."

"I know I don't need his approval. It's only that I feel so awkward around him. All he has to do is look at me and I remember all the nasty things he used to do to me. I was such a geek around him. I was always clumsy and tripping over myself. I used to have a huge crush on him. I even wrote a poem for him." She closed her eyes for a moment remembering how the whole class kept laughing at her when she'd read it out loud. She had poured her heart into that poem not knowing how else she could express her feelings to him. Even so, he had ridiculed her.

"Josie," Anita touched her arm, pulling her out of her trance. "You know honey, you've got to remember one thing. You aren't seventeen anymore and most importantly, you've got one thing now that you didn't have then. You've got a wonderful man who's head over heels in love with you. Have you forgotten about Sam?"

Josie suddenly stood up an exclaimed, " Oh my God�Sam! What time is it?"

"It's a quarter after five, why?" asked Anita.

"I told Sam I'd get off around five-thirty. When I talked to him today, I got the impression that he had something up his sleeve for tonight," Josie smiled at the thought of Sam and the phone call they had had that afternoon.

"Well then, what are you waiting for girl? Get out of here! Go home and lose yourself in those wonderful, strong, gorgeous arms of his," Anita grinned and gave her a friendly pat on her arm.

Both women got up and left Gus's office. Walking out, they walked into Gus.

"Hey, what are you two up to?" He looked first at one then the other. "Josie, are you done with those articles I gave you?" he asked.

"Yes, Gus; they're on your desk."

Gus looked at Anita and asked, "Anita, I can speak with you in my office?"

Anita started fidgeting nervously. "Uh, sure Gus. I'll be there in a minute," Anita replied eyeing him inquiringly.

For the second time that day Josie had the idea that something funny was going on between them.

As they walked to Josie's office they both stopped in their tracks at the door.

"Josie, look!" Anita exclaimed. Pointing to box on her desk. "I wonder who this is from?" she jabbed Josie in the ribs with a knowing look in her eyes.

As Josie picked up the lovely box a small envelope fell out onto the floor. Anita picked it up and handed it to her.

"Aren't you going to open it?" she asked excitedly.

"What, the box or the envelope?" Josie asked smiling.

"Both, silly!" Anita looked her, exasperated.

Josie opened the box first. Inside were a dozen long stemmed red roses. Just like the ones she had received at Prom. Then she opened the envelope and tears of happiness came to her eyes as she read what Sam wrote:

To my beloved Josie.
How can I count the ways that I love thee?
Your eyes are like the sun,
Filled with a light of such beauty that only love can contain.
Your smile is a sweet temptation to my lips,
And your voice is a music far more pleasing than any symphony.
I await you tonight as I wait for you always,
For my soul has no home but inside your heart.

Love, Sam

"Oh, Josie," Anita sighed. A small tear formed in her eye as well. " How romantic! If I were you, I'd be dying to get home. Who knows what else he has in store for you this evening?"

"Hmmm�" Josie looked star struck. "Yes, I suppose I should get going."

She felt like she was walking on the clouds. She couldn't wait to get home to him. It was amazing that with just a few words from Sam the rest of the world disappeared.

As she drove home, Josie thought about what Anita said to her earlier. She was right! She was a different person now. Stronger, more confident, and most of all, she had Sam. Dear, sweet, wonderful Sam. She was so lucky. Forget about Billy Prince (at least for tonight). She'd deal with him tomorrow. Tonight she wanted to concentrate on Sam.

Nearing her house, she pulled into her parking space out in front. She got out of her car and walked up to the porch. She pulled out her house keys and unlocked the front door. As she walked in, she immediately smelled Sam's cologne. She turned into her living room and noticed that something was different.

The lights were turned off, but since it was almost summer, the dusk from the early evening made it still possible to see. Sam had moved her kitchen table into the living room where he had set the table for the two of them. She noticed he had found her good china and silverware. He had lit two candles and there was a bottle of wine chilling in a bucket as well. He had also lit a fire in the fireplace. The evening had turned out to be cool, so the fire warmed up the temperature perfectly. The shadows from the firelight dancing on the walls gave the room a feeling of warmth and coziness. She had never felt so much at home in her house.

Josie also noticed a small gift-wrapped box on the table to one side that propped up an envelope similar to the one she had received at work. She wandered to the table, still not believing the scene in front of her. Sam had done all this for her! What a wonderful surprise! What an incredible man he was! How could she have gotten so lucky?

After everything� Nope, she thought, shoving the day out of her mind. She didn't want to think of that right now. She just wanted to bask in the marvelous feeling Sam had been able to create just by doing a few simple things.

She looked at the box with the envelope and picked up the envelope first. She opened it and smiled softly as she read the words she herself had once said :

"You know, Ad�lie penguins pick one mate. They spend their whole lives looking for that one other penguin, and when they find it, they know. That's the penguin they stay with for the rest of their lives."

Josie picked up the box and unwrapped it. Inside was a glass ball on a base. The kind that you turn upside down and when turned upright again it looked like it was snowing. It portrayed an image of two penguins near a small igloo. On the side of the igloo were three tiny penguins. Tears came to her eyes as she realized what Sam was trying to tell her. How could all this be happening?

All of a sudden, she felt Sam put his arms around her from behind.

"Hey, lovely lady," he whispered in her ear. He started planting kisses down her neck. His warm breath sent a shiver of pleasure up and down her spine. Then he turned her around and cupped her face into his hands. He looked at her and it seemed as if he was caressing her with his gaze. He smiled at her and softly kissed her, first on her forehead then on her nose and finally on her lips.

Josie closed her eyes as he kissed her. Sam was playing havoc with her senses. His touch along with the scent of his cologne made her feel dizzy and lightheaded. The kiss was gentle at first but then it became more insistent. She felt her heart pounding against her chest as her body moved closer to him. She felt as if she were in heaven.

"Welcome home," he said softly, running his thumb across her jaw line and outlining her lower lip.

" I must be dreaming. Don't pinch me, though. I don't want to wake up," she said smiling.

Sam looked at her tenderly and smoothed her silken hair away from her face. With her eyes closed like that she looked irresistible. She didn't realize just how much. God, he wanted to pick her up in his arms and carry her into the bedroom and� He had to stop his train of thoughts before they got out of hand.

Sam stepped away from her, nervously running his hand through his hair. He looked at her and gave her that lopsided grin of his.

"Hey, I see you found my gift," he said huskily, looking at the glass ball still in her hands.

Josie shook her head, trying to regain her composure. It was incredible how just being in Sam's arms could send her senses reeling like crazy.

"Oh Sam, how did you ever find this? I can't believe you remembered what I said that day in class. I didn't even know you were listening to me."

"Josie, believe me when I say I was listening to you every time you opened up your mouth to speak," Sam grinned.

"And the poem you wrote me. I have no words to express the feeling I got when I read it. It was just�beautiful." Josie sighed and looked up at Sam with tears of joy in her eyes.

Sam took the glass ball from Josie's hands, put it down on the table and took her into his arms holding her close. "Josie, it came from my heart. I wanted you to know how I felt and considering how much we both love poetry; I couldn't think of a better way to express my feelings for you."

"Thank you Sam. You've made me the happiest person in the world. I never thought love could be like this, at least not for me. You read it in books; you see it in the movies. Poets try to convey the feelings into words but it in no way does it come near to what you really feel when it's as true as true love can be." Josie reached up to Sam's face and ran her hand through his hair. Then she outlined his forehead and eyebrows lightly with her fingers, running them along his cheek. When she reached his lips, she lingered a little longer to trace their profile. She stood up on her toes to kiss him ever so gently. Her lips trailed down his neck and stopped at the base of his throat.

Sam closed his eyes, giving in to the pleasure her touch stirred in him.

"My God, Josie, you're driving me crazy� You know that?" Sam said in a hoarse voice. "If we don't stop I won't be responsible for what I'll do next."

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