Sam's Awakening, Part 9:
Moving On
by Carol

Date Posted: September 5, 2000

(email comments to [email protected]) Thanks!

Click here to hear "You Got Lucky" by Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers

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Sam was relaxing in his favorite chair after having spent the most perfect day of his life with Josie, watching her ice skate, going to lunch and the movies with her and her little cousins. He closed his eyes and he could still imagine her quick embrace as she left him: his shirt and jacket still surrounded him with Josie's scent. He had been staring at pictures of Josie ice-skating and the pictures of the two of them with her cousins.

He had even taken two pictures he had of himself with Lara out of their frames to see how the new pictures would look. Comparing the picture of himself and Josie with the ones of him and Lara was certainly a telling exercise. There was no doubt about it - he looked miserable with Lara and radiantly happy with Josie. He realized that he looked like a different person. He knew he felt like a new man, just being with her in spite of all the obstacles to their relationship.

As he faced his feelings, Sam also realized that if Josie moved to New York, he would move heaven and earth to be with her. Somehow he would make that happen in spite of everything, if she would have him. So all the excuses he'd made to himself and to Lara over the years boiled down to one simple fact - he'd never really been in love with her. It was really just that simple.

Josie had so many wonderful qualities - he couldn't even begin to try to list them. He could compare her to Lara though and he knew there was just no comparison. He and Josie shared the same sense of humor - laughed at the same things, enjoyed the same things. Lara's humor was always at someone else's expense. Lara was ruthless and mean while Josie didn't have a mean bone in her body. Josie was naturally beautiful both inside and out. To Sam, Lara's beauty was mostly artificial: a reflection of how much money she spent on clothes and makeup. Lara looked angry and unpleasant most of the time she and Sam were together. He believed both women were smart and ambitious, but Lara's ambition revolved around money and power. He knew that Josie wanted to be good at what she did - she wanted to be a good writer - but he didn't feel like she would walk on anyone or hurt anyone to achieve her goals. Not Josie.

He had been thinking about the differences between the two women while listening to his new Madonna CD, when the phone rang and Sam quickly realized that a dark cloud had descended on his happiness in the form of Lara's voice. She started by directing him to turn down the music, so he could hear her better. Sam suddenly realized that he didn't particularly like her voice, especially on the telephone.

She had a tendency to take a shrill, bossy tone with him, especially if he tried to argue with her. Right now, though, she was in a conciliatory mode, trying to get her way, he thought to himself, using more of a wheedling tone. He suddenly realized how little he cared about her because he was actually analyzing her manipulation strategy, rather than paying close attention to what she was saying.

Once again he found himself comparing her to Josie. Never in a million years could he imagine Josie trying to control him like this, although he realized that Josie had the power to manipulate him much more than Lara ever had. He thought about Josie's soft sweet voice and her beautiful smile, wishing he could hear her voice instead of Lara's. Sam had turned down the music initially, but he decided to turn it back up a notch, reluctant to move from thoughts of Josie to dealing with Lara. He placed the pictures of himself with Josie squarely in front of him - simply looking at her gave him so much strength, he realized - strength he needed to take control of his life.

Lara's mouth was off and running anyway. "Sam, sweetie, forgive me, okay? This week has been so crazy with my work schedule and everything! We had a bad visit, but it's over; it's in the past. Let's start fresh. You know I love you desperately."

Sam cleared his throat uncomfortably.

"What was that, Sam?" Lara asked, pausing her monologue. She was working on her manicure while she was talking on her cordless phone.

"We need to talk, Lara," he said quietly.

"But let me finish, Sam," she interrupted, as usual, wanting to take charge of the conversation.

"Anyway, I've got tickets to Les Miserables on Broadway for June 21st - you have to come! You'll love it - center orchestra seats, one of the partners in my firm got the tickets - we're going with Sean and his wife." Sam grimaced at that one - he thought Sean was a pompous ass.

Lara continued not missing a beat, "I've already made your reservations, and your plane tickets are on me!" When Lara didn't receive the reception to her news that she had expected, she said crossly, "Turn down that music, huh? I can't hear myself think!" Then she continued with her placating tone, "Please darling, let me make it up to you. I miss you so much and it's all set�all you have to do is come�" When Lara still got no response to her news, she said exasperatedly, "Sam? God, what is that music!? Turn off your radio, would you? I can hardly hear myself think! Sam? Are you there?"

Sam smiled, thinking of Josie and his beautiful day. "It's not a radio, it's my new Madonna CD!" he supplied helpfully.

"What? Did you hear anything I just said, Sam? What do you mean Madonna? You hate Madonna, Sam!"

"No, I love Madonna. As a matter of fact, I love Reba too, although I'm not sure who I love more." He turned the music up another notch. He was tired of being bossed around by Lara - sick and tired of everything about her.

Lara wondered what had gotten into Sam. He sounded so�strange and detached tonight.

"Forget Madonna," Lara muttered irritably, "and what do you mean, Reba!? Are we okay? You have to say yes because everything's all set! You know, I'm trying to do something you will enjoy here, Sam, and I'm saying I'm sorry and everything," She waited for him to respond. There was silence, except for the music.

"Have you been drinking, Sam?" She could swear that he was turning the volume up instead of down.

"No, I'm not drinking, I'm just happy. I just feel happy, that's all. I had a wonderful day."

With more than a touch of impatience, Lara said, "Well, I'm glad you had a nice day, Sam�but you're not answering me and you're acting weird. What's gotten into you? Are you coming to New York or not?" After another pause in which Sam did not answer, Lara huffed, "Are you there? "

Sam figured it was time to get to the point. He turned the music down. Looking at pictures of Josie had given him the inspiration and strength he needed. "I'm here. Well, I'm sorry but I am going to be extremely busy June 21st, and�"

"What!?" Lara interrupted. " What do you mean you're busy? Change your plans!"

Sam thought about Josie's birthday party, stared at her picture and braced himself for the nastiness he knew was about to come.

"You know, last weekend was ruined because you sent me home, Sam! After all, I'm the one here saying I'm sorry. My week has been crazy with meetings and depositions - I had to fill in for someone else in court because some people around here are too incompetent to do their jobs. It's like I have to do everything for everybody and nobody appreciates me."

He grimaced and held the receiver away from his ear. Unfortunately he could still hear her loud and clear. He was waiting for her to take a breath. He'd heard this spiel before. No one worked harder or sacrificed more than Lara.

"And my so-called assistant is no help to me with that bad attitude of hers. My job carries a lot of responsibility; you just have no idea what I go through� What's wrong with you?" She didn't wait for a reply.

" It's all my fault and I said I'm sorry. I'm trying to make it up to you, here. It's not like you not to give me a chance." She finally paused to switch ears.

"Lara, I'm sorry, but I've given you more chances over the years than maybe I should have. What it comes down to, Lara, is that I want to break up. I told you that when you left. You asked me to think about it and I have. I'm sure that's what I want," he said quietly and firmly, taking charge at last.

"What!? No, you promised me you'd think about it, and a week is hardly enough time for that! Is that what's got into you? Oh, wait, I know! You're sulking because I haven't called, because I don't have a job like yours with set hours and no responsibility beyond teaching the same thing over and over? I have so much pressure on me. You can't even begin to imagine how difficult it is for me to cope sometimes with all that's expected of me!"

She was starting to sniffle. Sam took a deep breath and braced himself and stared at Josie's beautiful kind face.

"You can cut out the crying routine, Lara. After all, you can't be that upset. I know you've been dating other people," he said forcefully.

There was a long moment of silence. Sam noted the fact that the crying had abruptly ceased.

"Who told you that!?" Lara demanded angrily, momentarily shocked. She put her bottle of nail polish down on the table, deciding to give Sam her full attention at last.

He noticed that she didn't deny it and that she was taking an offensive tone now.

"It doesn't matter," Sam said firmly. "Our relationship is over."

It felt good to say it, he thought. He felt relieved, knowing that he was taking a positive step towards earning a future with Josie. He was pleasantly surprised at how easy it was to say it after all the time he and Lara had spent together. He smiled, looking lovingly at Josie's picture.

"Well, what brought all this on?" Lara was surprised at his matter of fact tone. "When I left, we agreed to give it some time�you agreed to that and I depended on it�and now you're bringing all this other stuff into it. We've invested a lot of time and effort into this relationship, or at least I have and I'm calling you to try to patch things up and all you do is attack me. You've told me for five years that you wanted a future with me and now you say you don't. And then you start these stupid accusations instead of being supportive of me when I've told you I've had such a difficult week."

Lara waited, thinking, 'There must be another reason for this. Then she thought, 'Okay�who is she?'

"Lara, you've been seeing other people and then lying to me about it for years. It's not like we have much of a relationship to salvage anyway: after all, it took you a week to return my calls. But none of this matters anyway. I was trying to call you to tell you I wanted to break up. I just want out. In my mind, I'd think you'd be happy. I'd be one less thing you have to juggle in that important life of yours."

Now Lara was livid. Sam was actually taking a defiant tone with her, trying to blame her for his desertion, she thought angrily. She decided that if he wanted out, he wasn't going to get out so easily. She was used to getting her way and this was a new side of Sam she hadn't seen before. She had wasted too much of her time on this relationship to have it end so abruptly, especially since she wasn't the one ending it.

"You know what, Sam? That's fine with me. Frankly, though, I wouldn't have had to see other people if you would have just grown up. You should have moved to New York to be with me when you graduated, but obviously you weren't mature enough to make that kind of a commitment."

She got up to pour herself a drink. Sam could hear her rattling the ice and pouring. He grimaced, knowing that the nastiness only got worse when Lara started drinking.

She continued her ranting. "I have needs, too, you know! I am a normal adult and I can't just sit here alone doing nothing while I wait for you to grow up and join the real world! All you want to do is play sports with your adolescent friends and read books or play nursemaid to your crazy students."

"Lara, the bottom line here is that our relationship stinks: it's fine with me if you need me to blame for that, but the fact still remains that we aren't good for each other."

Lara was trying to figure out what had brought about the change in Sam, and than suddenly she thought that she knew. "Maybe I should call little Miss Josie and tell her how inadequate and immature you really are. At least I have a basis for comparison. You aren't exactly great in the romance department, you know. You're an uninspired lover at best!"

Before he could think, Sam angrily blurted out, "I need someone who inspires me, I guess."

He regretted it the minute he said it even though he knew it was true. He knew he'd given Lara information she could use to hurt him, and even worse, he knew she wouldn't hesitate to hurt Josie if she got the chance. 'Oh God, what have I done?' he thought to himself.

So, she was right! Lara had her confirmation! Well, she wasn't going to let him get away with this!

"Well, just so you know� I already have her name and number - Josie Geller, right? I copied it off your class call list because I had a feeling I might need it. You were a little obvious with the way you acted that night, Sam. I could call her right now if I wanted to," she snarled, taking another sip of her drink.

Sam sat up bolt straight in his chair. She was actually threatening Josie, he realized to his horror. "Lara, leave her out of this, I mean it! Our breakup has nothing to do with her!" Lord, all he needed was Lara making a drunken phone call to Josie�

"Are you trying to insult my intelligence, Sam? You haven't been the same since you met that girl," she said accusingly.

Sam wasn't about to admit it to Lara, but he knew that Josie had changed his life forever.

He closed his eyes. The glow of his perfect day was gone. He could feel his head throbbing now� In light of Lara's revelation at having Josie's phone number, his beautiful day seemed far in the past.

"Lara, can't we just leave other people out of this? The bottom line is our relationship doesn't work for either one of us. Can't you at least admit that?"

"Admit what? We've been seeing each other for five years. I've put in a lot of time with you and you led me to believe you'd move to New York. And now you are dumping me for a high school girl! As for me seeing other people� Thank goodness I have because look how you've turned out!" she spat. "If you were normal, you would have been dating other people, too. Normal people have needs, Sam. We haven't had sex in over six months."

He heard her pausing to pour herself another drink. "Lara, we haven't had sex for six months because we can't get along, not because I don't have needs, as you so bluntly put it. And that proves it�we've had these problems for at least six months and I've only known Josie for two. And there were problems in our relationship even before then and you know it," he argued.

Lara's tone of voice changed from anger to that of disgusted pity. "Sam, did you ever wonder why you are so interested in a teenager? Maybe it's because you haven't grown up! Even that moronic best friend of yours� What's his name? Jonathan� Even he has evolved more than you: he has a job with at least a little bit of a financial future and he's married to someone at least close to his age - he even moved there to be with her. But not you, Sam. You want someone who won't want anything from you. I'm sure she probably thinks you're great just as you are with no ambition, just teaching school, playing sports and reading books. So, instead of a real life love with a mature woman, you get the unquestioning adoration of a child."

Sam winced at that. "Lara, you have no idea what kind of person Josie is. Stop bringing her into this. This is about you and me," Sam sighed. His head was starting to throb.

"How will you ever grow and better yourself as a person if you don't grow up? Have you thought about that, Sam? You pick out a seventeen year old because you know she won't want a commitment. How obvious can you be? What'll it be next�a thirteen year old? I guess I should be glad you don't teach elementary school," she snorted viciously.

"Look, Lara, I know your opinion of me and what I do, but did you ever consider the fact that we have nothing in common? Maybe we did at first, but not anymore. You bring up Jonathan and Joanna but they have lots of common interests. We don't."

He opened his eyes and looked at Josie's beautiful smile, looking for a little courage. He smiled back at the picture, feeling a little better, and continued, "I want to be with someone who likes the things I like and thinks it's okay to be a schoolteacher. Someone who likes me for who I am and enjoys the same things I enjoy. Lara, I'm not 'dumping you for a high school girl.' I'm breaking up with you because we're wrong for each other: we don't make each other happy, can't you see that? And if we don't make each other happy, what's the point?"

It was as if she couldn't hear him, he realized.

"The point is, Sam, that you've been telling me that you intended to move to New York for a long time now. The point is that you meet this little what's her name, Josie, and all of a sudden you change everything and then try to condemn me for looking out for myself. "

"Lara, it was your idea that we only see each other - I haven't been with anyone else in five years - you know that! I was keeping my word, trying to be honorable!"

"Oh, an honorable child molester, that is. How, nice!"

"Damn it, Lara! Leave her out of it, I mean it! She has nothing to do with this. No matter what might happen with anyone else in the future, I don't want to continue a relationship with you under any circumstances. Can't you get that?" He paused, but she didn't answer.

"You and I want different things. I want to break up and stop all this fighting. That's all we've done for the last six months, Lara. You know that. I love being a teacher and I'm not going to change that, regardless of what you think about my profession." He looked at the picture of Josie again and closed his eyes. "I love my life here and I am staying here�in Chicago."

"What about your reputation there, Sam? I mean, really�? Sleeping with a high school girl?"

"I'm not sleeping with anyone, Lara, and especially not a high school girl. There is no one - I'm not dating, okay? Josie is a student that I happen to care about. She and I are friends and that's all you need to know."

Taking a different tack, Sam asked, "What difference does it make to you who I date anyway? I don't care who you date. Date anyone you want to�I think you have been doing that for years anyway. There's just no point to it anymore. I've felt this way for months, Lara; long before I ever met Josie. None of this is her fault. It's my fault that I delayed telling you, but I'm telling you now."

But Lara would not be deterred from her thought process. "Sam, I can't believe you would pine after a young girl like that. That's really kind of sick. Maybe you need help. Maybe you're disturbed somehow."

Sam looked at the picture of Josie. "I am not disturbed, Lara. I just know what I want."

"Well, someone has to think about Josie's welfare," Lara snarled, "After all she's only a teenager. If I find out you're pursuing that girl Sam, I'll tell the school and her parents. You'll land yourself right in jail."

"I am not pursuing her. She's my student and my friend. And I don't want you playing your little games with her, Lara. She's done nothing wrong here." He knew Lara was mean enough to try and make Josie's life miserable.

"You're the one hurting her, not me! After all, I'm not the one who's abusing my position to get a student into bed!"

"Don't talk about her like that!" Sam was really angry now. "I would never try to take advantage of her� After five years, you know me better than that, Lara."

"Don't be so defensive, Sam! What is it they say, 'The lady doth protest too much?' Sounds like a lot of protesting to me, Sam�" After a moment, Lara continued, "I'll bet she'd think twice before getting involved with you if I tell her how much time I've wasted on you and how much you used adore me� As far as she knows, we slept together last week when I was visiting you. Maybe I should give her a description of how poorly you make love, Sam�that is, if I can remember that long ago. I have a lot of options here, Sam. You'd better think some more about whether you really want to go after this girl, because I could make things very difficult for her."

"Lara, if you do anything to hurt Josie, I'll make sure you'll regret it and that's a fact."

"Don't you threaten me, Sam. You know you haven't got a leg to stand on! And don't think you can come crawling back to me when that girl dumps you. If she has any brains whatsoever, then I'm sure that she'll realize soon enough that you only like her because she's a teenager!"

"You couldn't be more wrong about that," he said through clenched teeth.

"We'll see."

"Goodbye Lara," he said quietly.

"Go to hell, Sam!" She slammed down the phone.

He felt relieved, but he also wondered how he could have spent so much time in a relationship with such a horrible person. He'd known for quite a while that she could be mean, but he'd never realized how vicious she really was. And he'd never realized how protective he was� He feared what he might do if Lara did involve Josie. He knew if she called Josie he'd find a way to pay her back. The thought scared him. He wasn't a mean or vindictive person, but the idea of Lara taking her anger out on Josie made him want to kill her.

He also found himself questioning whether some of what Lara said had been true. Especially the part about Josie being so young�about whether that was what really was behind the attraction. That thought had tormented him for weeks now, but he knew in his heart that he was meant to be with Josie in spite of the difference in their ages. Spending so much time with her had convinced him he had found the great love of his life.

He dreamed of doing all the things with her that Lara had never wanted to do with him: going to ball games, to more movies, reading books and just watching TV together. He knew he'd be happy anywhere with Josie. Everything he did now, he imagined Josie with him�whether it was going to the grocery store, going to the post office, or picking out a video to rent. And he knew that Josie would be eighteen in a few more weeks. He realized that his feelings were so strong for her that he could envision making more of a commitment to her after knowing her for two months then he could to Lara after knowing her for five years.

He also knew that instead of beautiful thoughts he now had a blinding headache�thanks to Lara. Just then the phone rang. Sam hesitated: he didn't want another round with Lara yet. His head was already pounding. Reluctantly he answered.

"Hello," he said tersely.

"What's wrong with you?" It was Jonathan and he could tell that Sam was upset.

"Oh, hi. I just got off the phone with you know who." He was relieved to talk to Jonathan.

"Uh huh, the Wicked Witch of the East speaks� So, you told her and she didn't like it�" Jon prompted.


"Well, you expected that, right? So now it's over and you're free�what's the problem?" Jon was happy to hear that Sam had finally done it; happy, but concerned about the way Sam sounded.

"Yeah, I told her, but she baited me about Josie and, unfortunately, I took the bait. Once she realized I cared about Josie, she started threatening to do all this stuff to hurt her. She told me it's my fault she sees other people because of my inadequacies or whatever," Sam sighed, "Can you hold on a minute? - I have to take some aspirin - I have a splitting headache."

"Sure," Jonathan waited, absorbing what Sam had told him, trying to think of a way to help him.

After a moment, Sam returned, saying, "Okay, I'm back� So I was saying, Lara's blaming this on Josie and she tried to say I'm some sort of child molester and she's going to do all this stuff with the school and Josie's parents. She was a total bitch, Jon."

Jon snorted as if none of that was a shock. "Wow, now that's a surprise! And nothing is ever Lara's fault, Sam�you know that. She never takes responsibility for anything. I'm not surprised she lashed out like that, but think about this: she's making all these threats, but would she actually do?"

"She could hurt Josie�that's the only threat I care about," Sam said worriedly.

"First of all, Sam, she's not going to call Josie because that would be admitting that she's lost you to her. She's just trying to scare you. She can't stand it that you're happier without her, and that you already have someone new in your life. And what is she going to say to the school? Okay, worst case scenario, she calls the school and says you've dumped her for this student and she thinks something is going on there. So they ask Josie and she says no there isn't, you're just friends and until she graduates the situation stays like it is. But I don't think Lara will do that either, because it would make her look stupid. Plus, it could backfire on her. The principal will know that this is a girlfriend who's been dumped and she's bitter and lashing out and all that, so he'll take it with a grain of salt anyway. As for calling Josie's parents, you already know her mom and she likes you. You could explain that Lara's being a vindictive hag and is jealous of your friendship with Josie; I'm sure her mother would understand. It's the truth, after all."

Sam thought a minute. "Actually�I did already tell her mother that I was trying to break up with Lara, so that wouldn't be a complete surprise." He was starting to see the wisdom in what Jonathan was telling him.

"There you go! And you haven't done anything wrong here, so I don't think you have much to worry about. Except that Lara will probably keep trying to make your life miserable for as long as she can with threats and nastiness. I think that's a given, Sam. You have these feelings for Josie, but you haven't acted on them and as long as you control yourself, you have nothing to worry about. Eventually Lara will get bored and move on."

"Maybe you're right. I just hope that you are." Sam said earnestly. "She was drinking though, Jon. Who knows what she might do?"

"Drinking again? Turned that into quite a habit, hasn't it? Boy, I'm glad you got out when you did!" Jon paused with a mental shiver. "Sam, even if Lara did everything she's threatening to do, don't you think Josie would protect you? She's not going to let Lara destroy you, is she? Come on! I know that and I haven't even met Josie! Just from what you've told me about her I have faith in her�and so should you."

Sam smiled a little just thinking about Josie and his day with her. And his headache was starting to ease off somewhat. "No, I guess you're right. Josie would protect me. I just hope I can protect her and keep Lara from hurting her." He picked up a picture of Josie skating and stared at it for a long moment.

"You can't control everything and everybody, Sam. Just do the best you can and things will work out. I really believe that and you can't let bullies like Lara intimidate you. You know who the cheat and liar is here�and it's not you. The only thing you've done wrong is stay in a relationship with the wrong person and if that were a crime just about everybody would be locked up at least once in his or her life, including me. I had to wade through the muck before I found Joanna, remember? I was just lucky enough to find her when I did. And now you've found Josie�so you're lucky, too. All relationships have obstacles, Sam. Two of yours will be gone in a couple of weeks when Josie graduates and is eighteen. And you don't have a girlfriend now, so there's another obstacle gone. Just think if you had married Lara and had kids with her, then you'd be tied to her forever, so at least you don't have that problem."

"Yeah, thank God!" Sam shuddered just thinking about the idea. "I can't even imagine what hell it would be to be married to that woman!"

"So there you are, Sam. You have to look at the positive in life. You knew Lara would be a shrew about this; face it, she's been that way for most of your relationship. But you dealt with her and now you have to move on. There's no point worrying about what she might or might not do, because that won't change anything. Just deal with it when it comes, if it comes, and get on with your life. My gut feeling is that she'll direct it all at you though, Sam. I can't see her bringing other people into it even if she does make drunken threats. I don't think she'll want other people knowing you've rejected her because that's really the bottom line here."

"You're right, Jon. She did direct most of it at me�at least so far. She tried to say I am only interested in Josie because she's seventeen and won't want a commitment and I'm so inadequate as a man that Josie will be sick of me in a year - that kind of thing�"

"She wishes," Jonathan chuckled. "Typical Lara. That's not true and she knows it. It seems to me the fact that Josie is seventeen is the main impediment to the relationship, not the reason for it�at least from what you've told me. And how inadequate could you be if Princess Lara stuck with you for five years? She's just trying to make you doubt yourself and doubt your feelings towards Josie. We know Lara doesn't like your friends, your job, your clothes, your taste or your lifestyle, so I would assume there's something she did like or why would such a self-important tyrant bother with you? Plus, if you were really that inadequate she wouldn't have a tantrum like this over your departure."

Sam had to laugh at that. "She actually told me I should be more like you, Jon."

"What!? Don't scare me like that! You're giving me icy chills! When Lara starts singing my praises, I know I'm lost. Ugh!" Jonathan shuddered. "She must have been drunk if she was complimenting me!"

Sam smiled and put Jon out of his misery. "She did say you were a moron, though."

"Thanks, Sam! I feel much better now� I'll take my finger out of my throat. Seriously, though�how can you take anything she says to heart?"

"Yeah, you're right. I just wish I could explain it all to Josie, so she'll be prepared if Lara tries something," Sam sighed.

"Sam, I think just based on what you've told me, Josie can handle Lara. I think you're underestimating Josie here. When you see her tomorrow and everything's fine, you'll feel better."

"I know�Actually, I saw her today," Sam said, suddenly eager to share his news. "I spent all day with her and her cousins. It was great just spending time with her, getting to know her better. I saw her ice skate, too. She's unbelievable! And�I'm pretty sure now that she has feelings for me."

"Wow! You spent the whole day together? How did that happen!? I thought you were all bummed out about not seeing her for two whole days," Jonathan teased him.

"Her mother told me she'd be skating at the mall, so I went to watch and one thing kind of led to another. Her cousins are six-year-old twins and one of them, Georgia, was really cute and she insisted I spend the day with them. She hugged my leg and cried until I said yes," Sam explained, grinning now at the memory.

"How much did you have to pay the little girl, Sam?" Jon joked.

"Not enough!" Sam laughed back. Then he thought about Josie's quick embrace again and felt the warmth return to his soul. He also thought about how it felt to put his arm around her in the movie. He sighed longingly staring at her picture yet again.

"So you had two six year old chaperones�I assume that means you behaved yourself, right? Just kidding, Sam."

"I know you are. Yeah�I behaved too well, I think." Sam was thinking about his panicky reaction to Josie's affectionate hug and kiss.

"I don't have to tell you that's all the more important with Lara on the warpath. You have to cool it until she's eighteen."

"I know, I know," Sam closed his eyes, thinking about being able to express his feelings to her at last.

"The reason I called, by the way, is I forgot to give you a key to the house, and with the prom next week and us going out of town from Friday until Tuesday, I won't see you again 'til then. But if you'll be working late any day this week, Joanna can drop it by the school on her way home from work, if that's okay. That way, you'll have it to let the movers in with your stuff."

Sam thought a minute. "I'm working late on Tuesday for sure. Organizing the Prom music. I'll probably take some of the students helping me out for a bite to eat, if they agree to help me, that is, but I'll definitely be back between 6 and 6:30. If something happens I'm not back yet, she can leave it in the top drawer of my desk - it's Room 214."

"Okay Sam, I'll tell her� By the way, is one of those students named Josie?"

Sam smiled. "I hope so�if I'm lucky she'll help me."

"Good luck, Sam. I have a feeling she will."

"Thanks, Jon�and thanks for everything," Sam said gratefully. "You really helped me."

"You're welcome, Sam. Now I'm going to go drink some champagne to celebrate your liberation from a fate worse than death! How are you going to celebrate?"

Sam laughed. "I'm going to listen to my new CD's!"

Jonathan was laughing, too. "Please don't tell me what they are. I know they involve Josie, though� You have that lovesick puppy voice again."

With the smile still in his voice, Sam joked, "What? Now, you're psychic, too?" He paused and then said, "Good night, Jon�and thanks."

"Yeah, that's me, the psychic moron." Jon barked out a laugh at his own humor. "Okay, I can live with that. You're welcome, Sam. Good night."

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