Sam's Awakening, Part 8:
Josie's Penguin
by Carol

Date Posted: August 15, 2000

(email comments to [email protected]) Thanks!

Click here to hear "Crazy for You" by Madonna

* * *

Josie woke up late that Saturday morning. It was gong to be a busy day shopping with the three popular girls, Gibby, Kirsten and Kristen. Josie didn't really enjoy their company, but she knew it was part of her job and would help her to get her story. She realized they only were being nice to her because of Rob and his efforts on her behalf. She sighed. She would much rather spend the day with Sam, she thought longingly. Just then the phone rang. It was Anita.


"Hi Anita! What's up?"

"Ooo la la, Josie! Talk about flirting� Wow! Now I can truly say I told you so! I couldn't believe it when you messed up his hair! That look on his face was too much! And then when you straightened it and patted his head like that � I swear I nearly bit my tongue! I thought that poor boy would faint dead away at your feet!"

"Oh Anita," Josie wailed, "I know I got carried away. Did Gus see it?"

"Yup!" Anita answered gleefully. "And so did everybody else - it was a full house, standing room only in his office!"

"Oh my God, Anita, I'm so embarrassed!"

"I know, I know; Gus was muttering 'What's gotten into Geller?' I just told him you're an affectionate person and you like this guy and I think he bought it, but you definitely need to cool it with your on- camera�ahem�performance, if you know what I mean. I reminded Gus of the last time you hugged him� You know; when he said you could keep the assignment and you hugged him and he got so flustered - well he bought it for now, but he's pretty na�ve, Josie, Gus I mean. I don't think anybody else bought it with all those sparks flying between you two."

"It was really nice being with him," Josie sighed dreamily.

"Talk about understatements! I loved it when you told him going to the Prom with Guy is Rob's idea. It took a minute to register, but when it did, Wow! He looked like it was Christmas morning and you were his present!"

"Anita, please!" Josie was laughing.

"And that went way over Gus' head-- and everybody else's-- so I think your little secret is safe for now. So�when is the rendezvous this weekend?"

Josie sighed again. "We don't have one. I have to go shopping with those three girls today, you know, the popular girls - and then I have to pick up my gown later and that's my day today, pretty much besides studying. Then tomorrow I'm going to skate with my cousins and take them to a movie - I promised to do it a long time ago, so that's my weekend in a nutshell."

"Can I come over and see your dress later?" Anita asked.

"Sure, come about 7 and I'll make us a pizza!" Josie was glad to have the company.

"Oh, and Josie, I'll bet you fifty dollars that you see Sam this weekend."

"Okay, you're on! I hope you win because I miss him already. See you later."

"Bye," Anita said and hung up smiling to herself. She was already planning how she would spend the fifty dollars she knew she would win.

* * *

Jonathan had arranged to swing by Sam's apartment at 11 am to go to Home Depot to pick up some things they had ordered the week before. It was starting to rain, so Sam ran out to the car and got in quickly.

"Hey!" He grinned at Jonathan as he belted himself in.

"Yeah, hey yourself! So, what's new? Did you do it?" He made a slashing motion across his throat. "Is Queen Lara history? Did her head roll, I hope?"

Sam exhaled with frustration. "I couldn't get her on the phone and she won't return my calls - her usual - I'm thinking if there's no word by Monday, I'll send her a certified letter. I didn't want to do it that way, but I'm sick of playing games."

"Can I co-sign?" At Sam's dark look, Jon backpedaled, "Just kidding. So you haven't done it, but you look happy - so let me guess. . . you spent time with Josie yesterday, right?"

"Yeah, how did you know?" Sam was smiling thinking of Josie painting his shirt and messing up his hair - and most of all fixing it - the sensuousness of her hands gently touching his hair was unlike anything he had ever experienced. He'd even slept in his painted golf shirt because it reminded him of Josie.

"How did I know?" Jon chuckled with amusement. "By that goofy expression on your face! Geez, I hope you aren't wandering around school like that. Hello? Is anybody in there?" He reached over and knocked on Sam's head.

They were both laughing now and Sam was blushing thinking about Josie touching his hair. Jonathan had to tease him a little. "So, Sam, are you taking her to the Prom?"

"No, somebody else is� But I'm okay with it," Sam lied.

"Oh, right�" Jon didn't buy that for a moment. "And I suppose when you see them together, you'll be totally relaxed and casual."

"Yeah, that's me, Mr. Casual." Sam grimaced and rolled his eyes.

"So are you getting to know her? Josie, I mean?" Jonathan asked seriously now.

"Yeah, we spent most of Monday together at the driving range and then yesterday afternoon we painted a Prom backdrop together." Sam smiled just thinking about it.

"She likes golf?" Jonathan looked at him with surprise.

Sam nodded, still grinning. "She likes golf and Phil Mickelson is her favorite golfer� She likes his chip shot and she even carried his score card in a tournament." He said it proudly, as if Josie was already his girlfriend.

"No kidding? So�when does she turn eighteen, Sam?"

"I don't know, but I know I'll wait for however long it takes."


Sam nodded.

Jon asked softly, "Uh. don't you think it might be a good idea maybe to date in the meantime, since you've been chained to Lara for so long? Kind of look around and see who's out there, kind of casually date? Especially with the age difference and all?" Jonathan felt he knew what Sam's answer would be, but he thought he'd ask anyway.

"I don't want to even think about anybody else, Jon, much less date. I never thought I'd feel so strongly about anyone, but I do. I hate being away from her, even for an hour. I just wish I could tell her how I feel and explain the situation with Lara to her. More and more I'm feeling like I should tell her, so she'll at least know what's going on."

Jon shook his head. "I don't think she'd want you to risk your job, Sam, and that's what you'd be doing. It's only a couple of weeks until you aren't her teacher anymore."

"I know I can trust her, Jon. The only thing is� I'm just not sure how she feels about me. I mean I know she likes me now; I'm just not sure how much. I just have to get up the nerve to tell her how I feel and that I'll wait, and see what she says. I'm pretty sure I can at least convince her to give me a chance, as long as I can explain the Lara situation to her coherently. Josie is kind of hesitant with me and I'm thinking maybe if I could reassure her that Lara isn't a factor at all � you know�just lay out how I feel�it would be easier."

"Yeah, but isn't that like pressuring her, since she's still your seventeen year old student? What if she doesn't feel like you think she does? How is she supposed to tell her teacher she's not interested? Have you thought about that?" Jon asked him.

"That's pretty much all I think about�and it scares me to death. If she were a little older and not my student there'd be no problem� I'd have told her way before now. But I know that's not possible. Still, I feel that, little by little, she's showing me how she feels. She's afraid of being hurt and I think the idea that I'm still with Lara is pushing her away from me, but then somehow she's starting to see that I care about her� No, that' I'm in love with her� even that's even an understatement�"

Sam shook his head and then continued, "Anyway� I always pick two students - seniors - at the end of the year who have done so much extra credit work that they don't need to do anything else to have an "A" in my class. They don't have to write any more papers or take the exam. I do it as a reward type of thing. Then they can come to class or use the time to study, or whatever they want to do. This year it's Josie and another girl, Aldys, and it's something they've both earned on merit. I was going to tell them that together on Monday. That way there won't be any more pressure from me as a teacher�"

"That sounds good, but I still think you should be careful Sam," Jonathan warned.

"I will be, but I can't risk losing her by not telling her, either."

Jonathan looked at Sam. "So obviously you feel stronger about her now than you did a week ago, right?"

"I feel more towards her every time I see her, Jon. Today will be the first day I haven't seen her in almost two weeks and I'm not sure I can make it through the day, much less the weekend - it's that strong. No offense, but I wish I was with her right now, Jon. I never even felt like that about Lara�even at the beginning."

"Yeah, well keep trying to get rid of that albatross, for your sake and everybody else's, Sam, and I'll try to get over my hurt feelings."

"I'm through with Lara, no matter what happens," Sam said firmly.

Jonathan parked the car and then they walked into Home Depot. They were waiting in line as usual when Jonathan noticed a woman not far from them. "Hey, Sam!" he whispered, "isn't that Josie's mother?"

Sam looked and saw Janet Geller across the store from them in the paint section. "Yeah, I'll be right back, Jon," Sam said and walked over to greet Josie's mother.

"Hi, Mrs. Geller!"

"Oh, hi, Sam! Nice to see you again. It's Janet, remember?"

"Sorry, Janet. Is your assistant with you?" he asked hopefully as he glanced around.

"No, Josie's gone shopping at the mall with some of her new friends today." Janet rolled her eyes when she said "friends." "I'm here to get spackle and paint to repair the damage to my house."

"Oh, your house was damaged?" Sam was curious.

"Yes, my son gave a party the other night and his guests decided to kick holes in my walls. So I'm stuck getting supplies today and fixing it tomorrow, with his help of course, if I can find him that is. My husband is away and will be back tomorrow so we have to get it fixed before he comes home. Anyway, I had hoped to go tomorrow morning to Four Seasons Mall and see Josie skate� She's going by herself around ten, and then meeting her little cousins to skate with them at noon. Sometimes I sneak in the top level and watch her skate when she doesn't know I'm there, because she hates to be watched. I was all set to do that, but now I'm doing this home improvement thing with my son instead. You know Sam, Josie is so responsible and my son is so� so�well, the opposite!"

She smiled. "It's really safe there at the mall - they have guards and everything - but sometimes I worry about her going so early before the stores open on Sunday. She tells me not to worry; she likes it when no one can see her, so there you are. Anyway, I've rattled on enough about my weekend complaints. How are you doing? Still working on the deck project?"

"Yes, we're picking up some stuff we ordered last week. We'll probably start on it after the Prom," Sam explained.

Janet looked at him. She knew Guy Perkins was taking Josie to the Prom and she felt sorry for Sam, who was obviously still wearing his heart on his sleeve for her daughter. "Sam, that reminds me - Josie's birthday is June 21st (Josie's birthday was actually October 6th, but she wanted to give Sam something to perk up his spirits) - you know that's the day after graduation."

She noticed that with this news, he was smiling big time. "I was wondering if you'd like to come over for dinner to celebrate her birthday? Nothing elaborate�just dinner and a cake. She doesn't like a big fuss made over her. I don't mean to put you on the spot here, Sam, but I know it would mean a lot to her. You've been such an inspiration for her. It would mean a lot to my husband and I, too. Do you think maybe you could come?"

Sam couldn't believe his ears. Grinning from ear to ear, he replied, "I'd love to come! June 21st is her birthday? I'm sure I could make it."

Janet smiled at Sam's more than enthusiastic response. "That's great! Thank you. But, please, don't say anything about it to Josie�it's a surprise party." Janet mentally patted herself on the back for this brilliant idea.

Sam beamed. "Thanks for asking me Janet, and I won't say anything - I promise!"

"That's wonderful, Sam. Here, I'll write down our address and phone number, but we'll expect you for dinner around 6:30, okay? And it's totally casual." She wrote down the information and handed it to Sam. She could see he was overjoyed. "And you can meet my husband, Tom, then - and of course my son�if I've decided he can come out of his room by then." She laughed.

Sam was curious. "Your son lives at home?"

Janet realized what he was thinking, since he believed Josie was only seventeen. "Yes. My son is much less independent than his sister. Josie has always been very responsible and needs her time alone to read and think and write. She wanted a chance to be on her own, and with my sister gone so much, this is the closest thing to living alone, except for those turtles. " She smiled.

"And Josie's done really well on her own. I check on her a lot, though - probably a lot more than she likes! Anyway, we'll see you on the 21st, okay?"

"I'll be there. Thanks again, Janet."

"My pleasure, Sam. See you later."

Sam walked back to Jonathan, his face glowing with pleasure.

Jonathan laughed and teased, "Do women in her family have magical powers over you? Why do you always have that goofy smile on your face when you talk to them? Where's Josie?" Jonathan asked.

"She's not here - she's out shopping with friends. But her mom told me she turns 18 on June 21st!" Sam was beaming now. He was also beaming because he knew tomorrow he would see Josie again, but he didn't want to share that piece of info with Jonathan. But Sam wasn't about to let her skate without him watching over her, especially in light of her mother's concerns.

"Hey, Sam! That's great! That's just like what? Three weeks, isn't it? So, you've got no problem once you do what you gotta do. You're all set."

"Yeah. I didn't know her birthday was so close! I can't believe it. Maybe a month from now I'll actually be able to take her out on a date!"

"So�" Jon said, "then there's no point in rushing things and risking your job and all that if everything will be all set in three weeks anyway. She'll be eighteen and not your student - you can tell her everything on her birthday and make that your present to her," Jonathan suggested.

"But, if it comes to it, I'm not going to risk hurting her or losing her by keeping quiet, either�especially if she reaches out to me. I'm not going to push her away just because she's my student. I would never do more than tell her how I feel, but I really think I'm going to end up doing that before she graduates."

"She means that much to you, Sam? You would risk everything for her?"

"She means everything to me, Jon. I can't imagine going on without her, much less going back to the way things were before. She's made me see how empty and lonely my life has been. I just hope she feels even a little bit of what I feel."

* * *

It was a drizzly, damp Sunday morning and Sam woke up early. He was excited because he knew he would be seeing Josie after all, at least from afar, while he watched her ice skate. He was so grateful to her mother for mentioning that she would be skating today. He hoped maybe he could somehow talk to her afterwards, but he decided he'd just see how it went and not try to plan anything out. He had given up trying to call Lara for the time being, since she wasn't returning the messages he left on her machine anyway.

* * *

Josie couldn't wait to get to the rink to skate. Getting on the ice released all the stress and tension she felt, mostly from all the deception. She liked to get there early before the crowd. Her little cousins, Georgia and Gina, would be dropped off a while later and she could spend time with them, helping them with their little skating routines. Then they would be going to lunch and a movie so Josie was looking forward to a nice relaxing day, with no pressure and no hidden camera.

'Besides, it was miserable outside so this was a good day for indoor activity,' she rationalized. She knew the only thing that she really wanted was to be with Sam, but she knew she had to settle for seeing him the next day in class.

Josie had selected an unusually daring outfit to wear this morning. She wore jeans with a jacket to the mall, but once there changed into her strapped black leotard cut low in the back as well as the front, and a short, somewhat transparent black skating skirt and black tights. Her golden blond hair was curled slightly and she wore it down. In the course of her undercover assignment at South Glen South, Josie had lost 12 pounds so far, and even she had to admit that her figure was the better for it. And she knew she had always had great legs, especially for someone so tiny, because of all her skating.

When she tried the outfit on that morning, for the first time she felt like she looked, well, attractive, and she decided to go with it. Anita had really bolstered her confidence, telling her that she could have anyone she wanted now. She sighed. She only wanted Sam.

She figured that nobody ever came to the mall this early anyway except elderly mall walkers and a few people who worked there. They didn't bother her and sometimes they even clapped or took her picture. Usually, though they just ignored her. And, Josie comforted herself, she knew that mostly she would wear her jeans jacket over the top anyway, so it wasn't as if she were really being showy.

After arriving at the rink and lacing on her skates, Josie put a Reba McEntire CD on low volume and started to practice her double axel. Her goal was spin two and a half times in the air and land on one foot gracefully. She could do a single axel with ease, but the double was much more difficult and she found that she kept landing the jump on two feet instead of one. Josie was completely focused on mastering this skill, so she did not notice the soft click of the doors to the upper entrance echoing through the empty rink.

She was practicing this jump when Sam quietly walked into the top level of the mall. He was wearing jeans and a casual oxford shirt with his leather jacket. He could see the skating rink below the center and he saw a place where he could sit and watch Josie without her seeing him. There were a couple of elderly mall walkers power walking, and a couple of women working there, but besides them, Josie and Sam pretty much had the mall to themselves since it was still early on Sunday morning and most of the stores weren't open until noon. Sam couldn't quite hear the music, but he could see Josie in her little jeans jacket, skirt and tights.

Sam swallowed hard. She was so beautiful. He hated looking down because of his fear of heights, but to see Josie, it was definitely worth it, he decided. Soon, he was so fascinated with her skating, he forgot all about his fears.

With his practiced eye, he could see that Josie was a very athletic, graceful skater. She had incredibly strong legs for such a delicate looking girl. She was able to do a lot of the jumps and spins that the Olympic class skaters did. Sam had to place his hand over his mouth to drown out his audible gasp when he watched her execute a perfect back flip, just like the one that French skater� Surya Bonaly, he thought her name was�had done in the 98 Olympics.

Meanwhile, Josie had gone back to working on her jump. Everything she did looked wonderful to him, but he could see her become increasingly frustrated until she finally smacked herself in the head in exasperation. Then he saw her put her head down, square her shoulders, take a deep breath, and blaze around the rink, gathering speed. Then, she lifted up one leg and catapulted herself into the air, executing a perfect double axel and then landed on one foot.

Slowing to a stop, he could see that her chest was heaving a little from the exertion, but he also saw the hint of a satisfied smile at the corners of her mouth. He recognized the perfectionist in her as she struggled to get everything just right. He had noticed her get that determined look on her face a few other times when things were difficult for her at South Glen South. 'At least she doesn't give up easily' he thought to himself. 'Maybe that means there's hope for me yet.'

As he was watching her, suddenly, she decided to take off her jacket, and he gasped again as her leotard left very little to the imagination. Indeed, he could see every curve on her beautiful body, and it was driving him crazy.

Lately his thoughts about Josie had become increasingly erotic�especially since Friday, when he'd felt her soft hands touching his hair. He tried to push those thoughts away from him, but seeing her like this certainly made it more difficult. As she went over to the boom box to turn the volume on the music up, he could tell she was picking out a certain song. He already thought she was unimaginably beautiful inside as well as outside, but her beauty out there on the ice simply overwhelmed him.

He found himself hoping that her music wouldn't be opera because he hated opera, thanks to Lara. He smiled when Josie didn't disappoint him. The song that came on was a song called 'I'd Rather Ride Around With You' by Reba McEntire. Sam had never heard it before, but he loved it: it was fast and romantic and Josie sang along with a little twang in her voice rivaling Reba's as she perfectly executed the program she'd worked on and proceeded to skate her heart out. It was a song about runaway passion about a girl saying she'd rather run away with her lover than attend a wedding. After she skated to Reba, he could see her go over and take a break to put in different music.

She selected Madonna for her next series of songs, playing "True Blue" first and then "Papa Don't Preach," and "Get Into The Groove." As she started to skate again, Sam could plainly see what a talented skater she was as she flew around the rink, twirling and jumping to the music and putting her whole heart into it. He could see that she had worked out an intricate routine for each song that she'd obviously practiced to perfection. She was so passionate and intense that it drove him crazy to watch her. Yet he couldn't take his eyes off her.

He couldn't help but think, 'What would it be like to have someone as passionate as that in love with me?' He couldn't imagine anything better.

Sam looked at his watch and was amazed to discover that more than two hours had passed since he'd arrived�and Josie wasn't even winded from all her exertion.

Next she skated to "Like a Virgin," and it was even more breathtakingly powerful. Sam was totally mesmerized. He knew she couldn't see him, but he felt like he was seeing into her soul. She didn't have any of the unsure bearing of the girl from South Glen South or the girl at Club Delloser - this was the real Josie, when she thought no one was looking, he realized. And now and then she sang along with the music again in that soft sweet voice he was so in love with. As she skated and sang to more of Madonna's music, Sam felt like he could stay there forever.

Josie felt so alive - it was so good to be able to do this away from everything - South Glen South, the newspaper, Gus, everybody. Except Sam. She felt like she could express her love for him through her skating, since she couldn't express it any other way. Skating over to the boom box, she put on the song "Crazy For You" and proceeded to skate slowly, gracefully, letting the love for Sam that was inside of her flow out onto the ice and propel her as it would around the rink.

As he sat spellbound, Sam wondered if Josie would ever open up to him and express anything close to what he saw in her skating. He knew that, without a doubt, it would be worth waiting for�even if it took years. At that moment he realized that his heart would always be Josie's. It came to him as a crystal clear knowledge and he knew now for sure there would be no turning back.

As Josie finished the song he saw her smile and quickly put on her little jeans jacket. 'Good', he thought, 'in case other guys come in.' He didn't want anyone else to see her like that. He didn't think his heart could stand it and he didn't know how much longer he could control himself when she looked like she did: 'Like an angel,' he thought, sighing. 'My beautiful angel, Josie.'

Suddenly he heard two little voices saying, "Josie! Josie!" as two little girls, obviously twins about 6 years old, ran up to Josie and hugged her. As Josie helped them take off their jackets and put on their skates he could see that they loved to touch her hair and kiss her. He understood that impulse, wishing he could somehow express even a little of what he was feeling.

They skated happily to "Cherish," "Holiday", and "Like a Prayer", and several other songs by Madonna. They had cute little routines and Josie skated with them very patiently and helped them learn their moves. They obviously adored her. The music Josie had selected was perfect for skating, Sam realized. It was happy, rhythmic and upbeat and the girls could easily act out the words to the songs. Never a great fan of Madonna, Sam realized that this music would always have special meaning for him now.

Once again Sam was struck by how much Josie put her heart and soul into everything that she did. He realized too how much he admired her as a person for the kind hearted, generous spirit that she was. Everything that Josie touched and every place they'd been together had become magical for Sam.

All of a sudden, the little girls started begging, "Do 'Material Girl', Josie! Do 'Material Girl'!" With a wide grin, Josie skated over to her tote bag and took out black long lacy gloves, bangly bracelets, and headscarves for the girls and for herself. She helped them get set up and then they all danced wildly to "Material Girl", waving their bracelets and acting out the words of the song. It was unbelievably cute. To Sam's amazement this all ended with Josie doing a series of perfectly executed back flips. Again, he was amazed at her acrobatic skill. He saw some similarities between this and her Club Delloser performance, but here she was perfectly sober, graceful and totally free and unselfconscious. She was so beautiful to watch. He felt like he could stay there happily watching her endlessly.

Now, though, it looked like they were getting ready to leave. To his dismay, Sam noticed two guys looking at Josie appreciatively, one ominously reminding him of his friend Matt Riley, who'd expressed such lascivious thoughts about Josie. It looked to him like they were debating over how to best approach her. Sam was not about to let anybody else put any sort of moves on her while he was there, not if he could help it. He flew to the escalator and ran down and came up to Josie, beating out the competition. "Hey, we meet again!" He smiled at her, clearly out of breath. He noticed that the two guys were clearly discouraged by his presence. 'Good, he thought!' He also realized to his dismay that they weren't leaving yet, but then he decided that neither was he, not yet at least.

She actually looked excited and happy to see him, he noticed. "Hi, we were just skating, how long have you been here?" she asked. Her eyes were sparkling.

Sam knew he had to lie, "Since 'Material Girl' and your back flips, that was great!"

"Thanks." She looked relieved, he thought. "These are my cousins, Georgia and Gina. This is Mr. Coulson, girls."

"I'm Sam," he corrected gently, crouching down to be at eye level with the girls, "You can call me Sam."

The girls giggled and smiled at him. "Hi, Sam!" Georgia said. She stuck out her hand and Sam shook it. She looked lively. Gina was more serious and reserved. "Hi Mr. Sam." She corrected and they giggled again.

"Hi Georgia and Gina - you are great skaters, all three of you." He looked at Josie and she blushed but thankfully she held his gaze. They were all smiling.

"Are you finished?" Sam asked.

"Yes and now we have to change our clothes. Then we are going to lunch and then the movie here and Josie gets to pick it because it's her turn," explained Georgia. God help him, thought Sam, they both looked like miniature versions of Josie with light brown hair. "Will you come with us?" Georgia looked at him with huge eyes.

Josie interrupted, saying, "Georgia, honey, Mr. Coulson probably has other things to do on his day off."

"But I want him to come with us." Georgia started to get tears in her eyes. She looked at Sam, the waterworks starting. "Please Sam, come with us."

"Georgia, now don't cry please, you'll make him feel bad. I'm sure Mr. Coulson has other plans, sweetie," Seeing that Georgia's tears were now coming down in earnest, she pleaded, "Oh Georgia, please, he didn't plan on being with us, honey�" looking worriedly from Sam to Georgia. Sam could see she was starting to panic.

At that point Georgia decided to wrap herself around Sam's legs. Sam was debating but he knew what he really wanted to do and he knew he couldn't stand to see Georgia cry and now Josie was looking like she might cry from embarrassment over the whole situation. Sam knew that if Josie cried it was all over for him. He had a hard enough time seeing anyone cry much, less this little girl who looked like a miniature version of the woman he loved. And Josie crying over something he could control was just too much for him. And then there were those two guys who were still hanging around glancing at Josie. He still had his eye on them.

"Okay, I'll come with you, please don't cry�either of you," he said, looking at Josie kindly, secretly glad for the crazy predicament he was now in.

"Are you sure you want to? It's okay if you have other things to do." Josie said tentatively, hoping that he would, but not wanting to force him. 'He looks so handsome,' she thought to herself, 'if only he wasn't taken.'

Georgia and Gina both shouted, "Yes, yes, yes, you have to come!" They were all smiles now that they smelled victory. Georgia could sense that Sam really wanted to come with them. And she could see how excited and happy Josie looked now that he was giving in. She wondered if he was the Sam that Josie had told them about.

What Sam wanted to say was there is nothing I'd rather do and nowhere I'd rather be, but he settled for, "I want to, Josie."

"Okay�if you're sure," he nodded at her as she continued, "First we have to change into our jeans, girls� Then we were going to get lunch at the eatery and then we are going to see one of my favorite movies at the 50 cent theater, if that's okay with you?" Josie looked at him for approval.

"Sure, it sounds great. I'll wait right here for you and watch your stuff," he said happily. Sam felt like pinching himself. He was really going to spend the day with Josie. He was starting to see that his friend Jon had been right. Maybe things did happen for a reason - he certainly was getting an opportunity to get to know her. And she didn't seem at all adverse to the idea of spending time with him - she looked excited too, he realized, noticing that her two would- be suitors were finally giving up and leaving.

When they came out in a few minutes, Josie was wearing black jeans and the same black leotard top with the blue jeans jacket over it. She had brushed her hair and it looked soft and her cheeks were glowing. Sam was once again stunned by just looking at her - she was so beautiful to him. He realized that her beauty was totally natural, she had no makeup on; it was just pure Josie. She didn't need a purse full of cosmetics and an hour to be beautiful, like Lara did, he realized. He found himself wishing he could tell her how amazing he thought she looked, but he knew that would be inappropriate so he decided to ask about the movie they were going to see.

"What is the movie you picked?" Sam was intrigued to learn what movie Josie liked and why.

"It's called 'Simon Birch.' Have you seen it?" Sam shook his head. It's a wonderful story about two little boys and the good and bad people who come into their lives. It's based on a John Irving novel and this led me to read everything he's written. 'A Prayer For Owen Meany" is the book on which it's based and it's my favorite modern novel. The movie is quite different from the book, but I love the performances in the movie." Josie explained.

Sam was amazed again. "You've read all of John Irving's novels in addition to memorizing Shakespeare and all your other course work?" Sam hadn't read much of John Irving's work. A familiar doubt entered his mind. How could she be 17 years old?

Josie looked at him and said truthfully, "I read every minute I can when I'm not skating or in class. It's not like I've had a big social life until lately. But, I love to read - I love to lose myself in books or movies." Sam suddenly realized she was really opening up to him about herself and he was touched by what she said. But more importantly, he was touched by the fact that she trusted him enough to talk to him like this.

Sam still couldn't believe she was real. They were so alike in their love of books and movies. Sam also had a lot time on his hands he realized, ironically thanks to his long distance relationship with Lara and due to the fact that they shared virtually no interests. He hadn't realized how lonely he had been and he realized that Josie was as alone as he was. He glanced at her as they were walking to the Eatery. He felt so unbelievably happy just walking next to her - really just doing anything together. When he looked into her eyes it was like he lost himself and found himself at the same time. He snapped out of it as he realized she was asking him what he wanted to eat.

They determined that the girls and Sam wanted pizza and Josie wanted a fruit cup so they had Georgia and Gina sit where they could see them and Sam got the pizza and Josie was going to get the fruit cup and the drinks. She tried to pay Sam for the pizza, but he wouldn't let her. She looked at him as they were going up to get the food. "Please let me pay. I feel so bad that Georgia did that to you. I hope we haven't ruined your day off." She looked at him sadly, her eyes misting.

He shook his head. "No, Josie, not at all, don't think that way. I didn't have any plans and I want to. I think it's sweet that she really wanted me to come." He looked at her earnestly.

"I'm glad you could come with us because I think she would have hung onto your leg all the way out the door," Josie smiled, rolling her eyes.

"She seemed pretty determined, but it's okay, really it is Josie, I promise. I had nothing to do today and I was going to be alone anyway so this is really nice to spend time with you - the three of you I mean," he corrected nervously. " I'll get the pizza and meet you back at the table." They smiled at each other and glanced at the girls who were looking at them and giggling. They both got the food and drinks and came back and sat down at just about the same time. Sam and the girls ate their pizza and Josie ate her fruit cup. Sam had to force himself not to stare at her when she ate the fruit. He thought to himself that she had the most beautiful mouth he'd ever seen and being close to her again drove him crazy because now he was fantasizing about kissing her. He decided to carefully study his slice of pizza, since that was much safer. He asked Georgia and Gina about their school and they told him all about being identical twins and playing tricks on their first grade teacher. He and Josie exchanged amused looks as the two girls shared their devious strategy. He felt like they were reading each other's thoughts again and it was confirmed a little while later.

After they finished and were walking to the movie Josie whispered to Sam, "Obviously these girls are two first class manipulators and I think you and I have been had." He grinned and nodded. And so they went to the movie. Georgia insisted on sitting on Sam's lap and Gina on Josie's, so Sam and Josie sat next to each other. The seats were small and with the girls sitting on their laps their arms were barely touching, but Sam loved just being close to her. Everybody loved the movie and cried at the end, including Sam. When he noticed Josie crying, Sam gently put his arm around her and she nestled her head into his shoulder. He hugged her gently to comfort her. It seemed natural and right and he kept his arm around her for the last ten minutes of the movie. He wished he would never have to move. But soon it was time to leave.

The girls wanted to stop at a little Italian Ice stand on the way out. Sam and Josie were both thirsty so they got ices as well. This time Sam let Josie treat him, since she insisted. Sam felt like this was his fantasy day and that it must be a dream. When he sat next to her in the movie, he noticed her hair smelled like peach blossoms. He could still smell her hair on his shirt. He knew he would be sleeping in that shirt that night. And being close to her like this he could see again how really beautiful she was. She had beautiful skin and her eyes had captured him from day one. And she was actually smiling and having a good time with him, like they were a couple, he realized. His daydream took him even further - like they were a couple with two little girls who looked like Josie. He was surprised that the thought of him and Josie having children even felt right to him. He'd never been able to imagine that with Lara even after five years.

Just then a woman with an instant camera came up and asked if they'd like her to take their picture. She worked in the mall and they had seen her going around to other tables. She said her name was Mary.

'Yes, yes, please, I want a picture of all of us!" Georgia begged.

Josie looked at Sam. "Is it okay?" she asked tentatively.

"Sure Josie, that's fine." Sam moved his chair closer to Josie and Georgia sat on his lap again and Gina sat on Josie's. The woman took several pictures and Georgia and Gina picked out the one they liked best and Sam insisted on paying for it. They all thanked him then went back to eating their Ices.

As Josie licked her Italian Ice, Sam was feeling decidedly warm as he thought about the way her tongue darted in and out of her mouth, and along the bottom edge of it to catch the stray drips. No, he was definitely not having the purest of thoughts.

Sam decided he needed to do something to get his mind off of Josie's mouth. He asked the girls who their favorite character was in the movie. The girls both picked Simon Burch as their favorite character. Then he asked Josie, trying not to look at her mouth. She surprised Sam again. "Ben is my favorite character," she said "Most definitely Ben."

"Why Ben?" Sam was curious. He hoped it wasn't that she was attracted to the actor who played Ben because Sam knew he looked nothing like Oliver Platt.

"Because Ben stays when he doesn't have to and does all kinds of things to help the boys because he cares about them, not because of any ulterior or selfish motives. He loved Rebecca so much that he stays to be a father to her son, when most other people would have gone on their way. I love that scene where he picks them up at the police station and takes them out for ice cream. Plus Ben is the only adult who really listens to Simon, besides Rebecca. And Ben really listens to and loves those two boys; I really felt that. Who did you like best?" She asked him.

"I liked Joe because he opened his heart and finally gave Ben a chance, even though he'd been hurt and disappointed by his real father." (Sam was hoping Josie would see that he needed a chance too.) "He learned from Simon. And of course because," Sam looked at Josie with a twinkle in his eye, "he had an armadillo, and I really liked that armadillo."

Josie looked at him and suddenly burst out laughing. She threw her rolled up plastic spoon wrapper at his face. Soon, they were all laughing. "Well, I'd better get these girls home," Josie said reluctantly.

As they walked out to the van (Josie had her mother's minivan), Georgia realized she left her scarf at the rink.

Josie gave Sam the keys and asked him to belt the girls in the back of the van while she went in to get the scarf. In the front passenger seat, Sam noticed two adorable stuffed animals, a bear and a penguin. Sam noticed they too were belted in to the passenger seat. As Josie walked off and Sam belted Georgia in he asked, "Are those your friends?"

Georgia giggled, "No they're Josie's. She says she named them after her two favorite people at her school." The girls both giggled and Gina said, "Be quiet, Georgia!"

Sam had to ask, "What are their names?" He turned to put Gina's belt on.

Georgia looked at him and said, "The bear is Aldys and the penguin is Sam�" Sam's thought that he would faint dead away at what he just heard. The penguin was Sam? He was Josie's penguin!? Sam was unbelievably happy.

He fumbled with Gina's seatbelt because his fingers were shaking so badly. Georgia smiled then and informed him, "I don't think it's you, though, because the Sam she likes has a girlfriend named Lara!"

"Shut up, Georgia! You'll make Josie cry," snapped a worried Gina.

"But it's not him, is it?" Georgia looked at Sam with huge eyes just like Josie's.

"Don't worry, I won't tell," Sam smiled. He felt like singing.

Now Georgia had to know. "Do you have a girlfriend named Lara?" She looked scared now.

"I used to, but not anymore," Sam told her.

"So is it you or not?" Georgia insisted. (She should be a prosecutor, thought Sam.)

"I'd like to think that I'm one of her favorite people."

Georgia leaned in closer to Sam and whispered, "Do you know what else?" Georgia felt that she had found herself a confidant in Sam.

"What?" he whispered back indulgently.

Gina glared at her sister and hissed, "You are going to make Josie really mad if you tell him� I mean it, Georgia, don't!"

Sam looked at her seriously and promised, "I would never say or do anything to hurt Josie ever, Gina."

Georgia was bursting to tell him. "Well, Josie said," and she proceeded to do a dead-on, albeit childish, imitation of Josie: " The 'Sam with the Lara girlfriend' is the most beautiful man I've ever seen�and he is my hero because he saved me from being alone on the Ferris wheel and he was sooo brave!" Georgia rolled her eyes and looked dreamy at the end and sighed. Both girls started to giggle at Georgia's impression of Josie.

Okay, now Sam knew he had died and gone to heaven if Josie had said that about him. The most beautiful man she'd ever seen? He wondered if she had a vision problem. He felt so flattered and so deliriously happy. And he couldn't believe she thought his pathetic performance on the Ferris wheel was brave. 'She really must love me, if she thought that�' he thought with a sigh. And best of all�He was her penguin! He was sure of it now. Still he had to know if this was more of the girls' practical jokes.

"Are you making that up?" Sam asked Georgia gently.

Gina looked at him and answered, "No, I heard her say it too, but it makes her sad. If it's you, then you make her sad. Don't you care about her?"

Sam looked at her and sighed, "Yes I do care�but it's a secret," 'Not for long though,' he finished in his head.

Georgia looked at him and said, "That's okay, Josie has secrets from you, too."

Just then, Sam saw Josie walking back to the minivan. He looked at her, thinking how beautiful and sweet she looked. 'What were her secrets?' he wondered. And now he knew that she did indeed have romantic feelings for him. The penguin confirmed it for him, along with the fact that Georgia and Gina had said that Lara was the thing holding her back. He had spent the past eight hours with her or watching her and he could hardly bear to leave her, but he knew he had to.

Reluctantly, he said, "Well, I'd better go. Goodbye, girls�it was nice meeting you." Leveling his gaze on Josie, he said, "Goodbye, Josie. I had a wonderful time today."

"Goodbye, Sam!" Georgia and Gina said together.

Josie put her hand on his arm, but then she knew she had to hug him. She had so loved being with him today when she could have her guard down, when they were off camera. She couldn't believe how sweet he'd been about going with them.

Before Sam could even react, Josie stood up on tiptoe and threw her arms around his neck, hugging him impulsively. Sam was about to close his arms about her to return the friendly embrace when the whisper of her lips along his cheek stopped him.

'My God,' he thought, dazed, 'did that really happen or did I imagine it?' But as soon as it had begun, the moment was over. Josie pulled back and let go without ever giving Sam the chance to return her affection.

She said softly, "Good night. Thank you for going with us� It was so nice of you to spend the day with us. And thank you for being so kind to the girls."

He was totally stunned that she had hugged and kissed him. It had happened so fast that he didn't have time to respond. She had her arms around him, kissed his cheek, and let him go in an instant - he almost wondered if he could have imagined it, but he knew it had happened. He could still feel the burn of her lips on his cheek. He immediately regretted not hugging her back, but it was like he was paralyzed emotionally. He managed to stutter, "Uh, um I - I had fun today, Josie, thank you. I'll see you tomorrow."

They stared at each other for a moment and smiled, and then she opened the door and got in. He closed the door for her and then he waved at the girls and turned to walk away towards the mall. He was totally reeling. When he got inside the mall, out of her view, he had to sit down for a minute and put his head down to get his balance back. He had been so totally unprepared for Josie's affectionate-- albeit quick�hug and kiss. He cursed himself then realizing that she may have taken his lack of response as rejection rather than the panic attack that it was, but he knew that if he had hugged her back he might not have been able to stop with just hugging her - not the way his longing and love for her had grown in just that one day.

As soon as he had composed himself, Sam knew he had two more things he had to do at the mall. It cost him almost fifty dollars, but he went into a music store and bought the CD and cassette tape of Madonna's Greatest Hits. Then he looked for and the Reba McEntire CD and Tape called 'What If It's You' that had the song on it that he wanted.

After making his purchases he went to the lower level of the mall to look for the photographers booth. He saw Mary tacking some pictures on a bulletin board.

Sam cleared his throat, "Hi, um I was wondering if I could, well if you still have those other pictures you took of us at the Italian Ice stand - I'd like to buy them if you still have them?" He looked at Mary hopefully.

She turned to him and smiled, "Oh sure I've got them right here - you and your wife and daughters sure are photogenic," she said kindly.

Sam blushed. "Acutally�um, we're�um�just friends, and those are her cousins, but thanks."

She looked puzzled. "That's funny, I was just thinking that I'd never seen two people more in love with each other - I even showed my husband the pictures a few minutes ago and he said the same thing. Here they are." She handed them to Sam. He looked at them and sighed. Mary noticed the look on his face and realized that she'd been right after all. 'Wow,' she thought to herself, being a romantic at heart. She'd never seen a man quite so obviously smitten. She suddenly remembered something.

"You know what?" she looked at Sam. I took some pictures of her earlier when she was ice-skating. Not instant pictures, but ones I developed. "Would you like to see those?"

Sam nodded. He couldn't believe his luck - to actually see pictures of what he'd witnessed earlier. Mary pulled open a drawer and handed a stack of pictures to Sam. "I took these without her knowing - I thought she looked so beautiful on the ice - breathtaking really - Sometimes I take pictures of skaters when they are unusually gifted or beautiful." She could see that he actually had tears in his eyes looking at pictures of this young woman. "Would you like to have them?" she asked kindly.

Sam could barely speak, looking at the pictures of Josie. "Yes, I would, very much - thank you for showing them to me - how much do I owe you?" He was willing to pay anything to have these pictures. "No, you don't owe me anything for those, I can see how much they mean to you. I have the negatives anyway - you keep them." She smiled at him. "Just let me photograph the wedding."

Sam was momentarily shocked. Then he relaxed and said honestly. "I should be so lucky. Thank you very much, this means a great deal to me."

"I can tell it does, I hope things work out for you."

Sam smiled and nodded. "So do I," he said earnestly. She carefully put the pictures in a large envelope for him and they said goodbye. Sam walked out to his car and turned the light on to look at the pictures a few more times.

He unwrapped and played the tapes all the way home then sat in his apartment for three hours listening to the CDs, with decided emphasis on "I'd Rather Ride Around With You" and "Crazy For You," all the while looking through the pictures of Josie skating and staring at the pictures of the four of them. Impulsively, he decided to frame 2 of the pictures and was planning on getting frames for some the others.

* * *

Josie arrived home in time to hear the telephone ringing. She answered it, already knowing who it would be.

"Hi, yes Anita, I did see him and I know I owe you fifty dollars� I had the most wonderful day. He's such a nice person!"

* * *

Sam was still reliving Josie's embrace, happily listening to his new CD's and looking at the pictures when his telephone rang.

Sam's stomach rolled when he realized it was Lara. "Sam�is that Madonna? You don't even like Madonna� Anyway turn it down, okay because I have so much I want to tell you. I've been trying to call you all day, where have you been? Anyway, Sam I love you so much, turn that down, would you?"

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