Sam's Awakening, Part 30:
By Carol

Date Posted: February 20, 2001

* * *

After driving home from the Prom, Sam spent the night alternating between total misery and anger at the fact that his whole world had caved in around him. The knowledge that the person he'd loved most in his life was responsible for causing all this pain to descend upon him was almost more than he could bear.

The first thing he did after arriving home was strip off his tuxedo. He changed into an old white T-shirt and black sweatpants and socks. Then he rolled the tux up in a ball and took it to the trash chute, throwing it away angrily once and for all as if the outfit itself was to blame for this disastrous evening.

Kicking every stationary object in his apartment didn't seem to help matters, but he did it anyway. Since he still had packing to do, he filled some of the time by sorting his possessions and literally throwing them into boxes. In the back of his mind he knew that sorting out possessions was much easier than dealing with his feelings.

More than once, overwhelmed by grief he collapsed into his chair and sobbed, until the fury would boil up again and he'd resume packing furiously, grasping at doing at least something constructive to pass the time. This cycle of behavior continued through the night, as there was no question of trying to sleep in the state he was in now.

At ten in the morning, he finally thought about eating something. He hadn't eaten since breakfast the day before. He'd been too nervous and excited about the Prom to eat. Now, in addition to his emotional upset he was starting to feel lightheaded. He padded heavily into the kitchen, preparing to fix himself a bowl of cereal at his counter. As he took the milk out of the refrigerator he started to think about Josie and he ended up spilling milk all over the counter when in his distracted state he over- filled the cereal bowl.

"God dammit!" He swore as he stomped over to grab a roll of paper towels to sop up the mess. He yanked too hard on the roller and the paper towels flew to the floor, unraveling as they fell. "Shit!" he yelled, furious at everything and everyone as he kicked the roll of towels across the floor, unraveling it even more.

After he wiped up the mess and finally ate some cereal, Sam put his dirty dishes in the sink, not even bothering to rinse them. Then he returned to the living room and sat heavily in his chair once again. And for the first time in twelve hours he started to get past the blind anger and reluctantly began to think about all that he had learned the night before.

He couldn't believe that Josie would lie to him like that for all these weeks. And when he'd heard one of her co-workers ask about setting him up, he couldn't see straight he was so upset. Berating himself for being so gullible, he remembered that Josie had actually tried to deny that she had intended to set him up. But, he'd heard what the man said; there was no mistake about that. And now thinking about it infuriated him all over again. Realizing that Josie was a twenty-five year old woman who could have come to him with the truth at any time over the course of their relationship was unfathomable to him.

The icing on the cake was when that man she worked with had asked her whether she'd gotten something on him, Sam Coulson. And Sam knew all too well what that something was: a teacher having inappropriate feelings for a student. There was no denying it � he knew it was true. Oh, boy was it ever true. Based on what he'd also overheard, he felt fairly secure in the knowledge that she didn't have any evidence to destroy his career. She'd admitted that to the man who was questioning her. But in a way, Sam almost wished that she had gotten her story, since he felt like she'd pretty much destroyed him already. He wasn't even sure he wanted a teaching career at this point.

And then, to add insult to injury, she'd actually denied intending to do it with tears in her eyes, no less. He couldn't believe how much that had reminded him of Lara � using tears to try and manipulate him. He knew now that Josie wasn't a sweet, innocent seventeen-year-old student. Oh, no, not by a long shot. She was a devious, deceitful, twenty-five year old reporter, who he now believed had intended to hurt him all along. She'd never loved him or even liked him enough to be honest about things during all their time together over the past weeks.

Worse than all that, he had actually felt that if he didn't get away from Josie at the instant he did, in his weakness, he might have been tempted to listen to her. Something about the way she'd pleaded with him had definitely broken through his better judgment and touched his heart for a moment. Because in spite of everything he knew deep down he was still head over heels in love with her or at least with the person he had believed her to be. But now he had no idea who Josie Geller really was.

That was what was impossible to bear � that Josie � his Josie � didn't even exist. And here he'd believed for at least the past week that she was in love with him too. Now he knew that she didn't care for him at all. And the person he loved had actively tried to destroy him. Really she had destroyed him and he knew it. Everything he'd hoped for was finished. He was even considering resigning from his job because he knew he couldn't bear to return to his classroom, now that he knew the truth. At least he knew he had two more days to think about it before he would make his decision as far as his career was concerned.

Exhausted and heartsick, Sam finally fell asleep in his chair.

* * *

At ten AM that Sunday morning, Josie walked determinedly into the Boys' locker room at South Glen South. She was on a mission � to somehow make amends to Sam and to Rob. After walking five miles home from the Prom the night before, she'd pretty much decided what do about Sam. When she arrived at her apartment and saw Rob, she also realized how much she'd hurt her little brother in addition to the damage she'd done to Sam. As angry as Rob was, and even though he denied it, she knew he'd been worried about her walking home alone. The fact that he'd waited for her so long outside like that had broken her heart with guilt and remorse for her actions.

After a difficult early morning meeting with Gus, she had made her decision on how to proceed. She also made up her mind to have a positive attitude and get busy. She would have to write a story that would reveal the most painful episode of her life to the public and literally put her heart on the line, but she knew it would be worth it if she could somehow convince Sam Coulson of the truth � that in spite of everything she'd done, she loved him with all her heart and soul.

Josie had decided to publicly declare her love for Sam in such a way that he would have to know she was sincere. She knew it meant risking rejection, but she had decided that Sam was definitely worth the risk. And besides, she knew she owed it to him after all the pain she'd caused him.

Josie wasn't sorry that she came to the aid of her friend Aldys. No, she had no regrets on that score. There was no way in the world she could allow Aldys to be humiliated like that, not after her own experience with Billy Prince. But she did regret losing her temper and blurting everything out before she had a chance to tell Sam the truth privately. Knowing that she could not change what had already happened she had made up her mind to move on and do her best to make up for the way she'd hurt both Sam and Rob.

"Excuse me, gentlemen. I suggest you cover up what you don't want seen. Thank you!" She announced cheerfully as she made a beeline through the boys' locker room to Coach Romano's office.

Scott Romano was preparing for that day's practice with a heavy heart. He'd learned that morning from some of his players what had happened at the Prom the night before with regard to both Josie and Rob. The knowledge that his favorite player was ineligible to play in the championship game the next night was the worst news he'd received in his coaching career. He'd been shocked to learn about Josie as well, but Coach Romano was more concerned and devastated by the loss of Rob, who had become more of a helper and friend to him than any other player he'd ever coached.

Coach Romano's nature in such a situation was to feel disappointed rather than angry. He held no bitterness in his heart towards anyone and when Josie came bouncing into his office, in spite of everything he was happy to see her. Scott had always liked Josie and he still liked her in spite of everything.

"Coach Romano," she began.

Scott nodded at her encouragingly. "Yeah?" He asked expectantly.

"I'm Josie Geller from the Chicago Sun Times and I have a favor to ask you." From now on she'd decided to be honest and up front with everyone she had deceived. Introducing herself properly to Coach Romano seemed like a good way to start.

Scott Romano nodded and smiled at her.

"Do you know the sports guy, Jim Lankin?" She asked pleasantly.

"Sure, everybody knows 'Big Jim'. They try to get him to come out to watch all their games," Scott said eagerly.

"Well what if I told you I could guarantee that 'Big Jim' and every other reporter in the area would cover your game?" she asked, hoping.

"Well, you could have anything you wanted, young lady," Scott said beaming at her.

Josie smiled and giggled. "Good." She hadn't expected it to be this easy.

"So suppose you tell me how you're going to do this�?" Scott asked.

"I'm going to write an article for tomorrow's Sun Times," Josie explained. "Comparing my high school experience at South Glen South to my original one 8 years ago. I was sent undercover here to write a story about kids in high school today."

She hesitated trying to find a way to explain what was going on. "While I was doing my job - posing as a student here I um, well�fell in love with a certain teacher, and I think�I mean I hope that he has feelings for me, too."

Scott smiled. "It's not me is it?" he asked somewhat jokingly. Still, he wouldn't have minded one bit if it was.

"No." Josie shook her head and blushed, giggling. "I'd rather not say his name, but I'm going to try to make it up to him by apologizing to him in the article. You know, for deceiving him. And then I'm going to ask him to show his forgiveness by coming to kiss me on the pitcher's mound right before your game tomorrow night."

Scott's eyes opened wide. "Wow! At our game?"

Josie nodded shyly. "It that all right with you?"

Scott Romano thought about it for a minute. He had always liked Josie and he still liked her. He realized it took a lot of courage for her to come back to South Glen South after all that had happened. And Scott understood the fact that she'd just been doing her job. "Sure � it's fine with me �I'm glad to help you, Josie. I'll give you the pitcher's mound for five minutes before the game, okay?" She nodded, but Coach Romano sensed there might be something else. "Is that all you wanted, Josie?"

Josie hesitated. "No, the other thing involves my brother, Rob."

Scott nodded regretfully. "Oh, yeah, I heard about that. I sure am sorry not to have him on my team. I miss him."

"Coach Romano," Josie said.

"Please call me Scott, Josie."

"Okay," she said smiling. "Scott. Well the thing is � Rob was only trying to help me when he did all this. So really it was my fault that this all got started in the first place. I was supposed to do an undercover story and somehow I just couldn't fit in with the other kids. Rob has always been popular so he decided to go undercover with me�you know, to help me. And I'm very sorry we deceived you like that."

Scott studied her for a minute, trying to digest all that she'd said. "Apology accepted, Josie. I know you were just doing your job � I understand that and that Rob was here to help you. To tell you the truth, I'm mostly sorry to lose him from my team � you know, right before a big game like this. Mostly though, I miss having him around. He was a big help to me coaching, too. Can you tell him there aren't any hard feelings?"

"I was wondering if maybe you could tell him and maybe there might still be a way to have him around?" she asked tentatively.

"How do you mean?" Scott was curious and definitely interested.

"I was thinking, well hoping really that you might consider hiring him as an assistant coach." Josie offered nervously. This was a key element of her plan to make it up to Rob. She was pleased that Coach Romano had been so quick to forgive her and Rob. She only wished Sam might be half as understanding as his friend seemed to be once he knew the whole story.

He took his hat off and scratched his head. "Hey, yeah! That would be great, Josie! Do you think he'd agree to it?" She could see that Scott Romano was not only amenable but was actually excited about the idea.

Josie nodded and pointed at the phone. "Why don't we call him and see?" she suggested.

Scott Romano smiled excitedly and handed her the phone. "It's all yours, young lady, let's get him!" He said enthusiastically.

* * *

It was a little after five in the afternoon when Sam awoke to the sound of persistent knocking at his door. Dazed and bleary eyed, he tried to focus on what was going on. He rubbed the sleep out of his eyes and called, "Just a minute!" before he struggled out of his chair to his feet and walked to the door.

He was still half asleep as he opened the door to see Lara standing at the threshold, wearing jeans and a T-shirt.

She looked him up and down and made a face. "God, you look awful, Sam!" she said, trying not to sound too pleased.

Sam scowled the minute he realized who it was. He knew he was angry at her, but he was too sleepy at the moment to remember the exact details.

He glanced down at his sweatpants looked back up at her. "I wasn't expecting company. What do you want anyway, Lara?" he asked with no enthusiasm.

She brushed past him into the apartment. "Don't play games with me Sam. I read all about it in the Tribune. I thought you might need a shoulder to cry on." She offered, trying her best to sound sympathetic.

Sam groaned, remembering now all too well what had happened the night before. "Did you say it's in the Tribune? What's in the Tribune?" He asked as his head started to throb and the familiar dread started to fill his heart.

"You haven't seen it?" She asked. Sam shook his head. "Well there's an article saying that girl, Josie was an undercover reporter and she announced it to everyone at your Prom last night. You were there, weren't you, Sam?"

"Yeah, Lara I was there. Is that all it said?"

"Pretty much, except for the details about her being crowned Prom Queen then losing her temper and blowing her cover. The article said she's 25. She used to be a copy editor. I guess this was her first assignment � I'm sure it'll be her last, since she totally blew it. I know it must have been such a shock to you." Lara said, trying her best not to grin maliciously.

Sam ignored the remark.

Lara narrowed her eyes to study him. "There's nothing about you in there Sam, if that's what you're asking."

Sam rubbed his forehead, trying to wake up completely and focus. He still felt groggy and not quite with it. He looked at Lara. Something she'd said had stuck in his brain. "Did you say she's a copy editor?" he asked.

Lara nodded. "She was a copy editor. Apparently this was her first assignment to go undercover in a high school. Trying to set you up, I'm sure."

She walked closer to him and placed her hand gently on his arm. "I'm so sorry this happened to you, Sam." Lara was fighting now to keep a straight face, remembering how she'd jumped up and down with glee when she read the article earlier in the day. She liked nothing better than swooping in on Sam when he was at his most vulnerable, and if possible seducing him or at the very least kicking him while he was down.

He'd been so totally devastated and so alone that now he found himself grateful for her apparent compassion. At least all Lara's secrets were out in the open � he knew who she really was. Or at least he thought he did. And she hadn't hurt him the way Josie had. He closed his eyes, let down his guard for a moment and murmured softly. "Thanks Lara. I�"

She lifted her hand to caress his face, running it along hint of a beard that was growing on his chin after going a day without shaving. "You don't have to say a word, Sam. We all make mistakes. At least now you know and we can put this all behind us and you can come to New York where you belong." She said it in a syrupy tone of voice, stroking his arm.

Seeing that he didn't seem to be resisting her, Lara licked her lips and leaned in to kiss him softly.

Desperately in need of human contact and comfort, Sam accepted her kiss at first, but as she wrapped her arms around his neck, all he could see in his mind's eye was Josie's face. But it wasn't Josie he held in his arms and instead of responding to Lara's kiss, he pulled back from her and shook his head. It wasn't right and he knew it. This wasn't what he wanted or needed now. Everything inside him was a shambles and sex was the last thing on his mind. He needed affection and genuine caring � two things totally foreign to Lara Patton's nature. And the reality was he needed them from Josie, not Lara. What she'd said about New York was finally seeping through to his brain.

"No, Lara. I-I just can't." He said, shaking his head. As angry as he was with Josie, he knew he couldn't be with Lara either. He was in too much pain now. 'I'd rather be alone,' he thought suddenly remembering all the things Lara had done to him in the past two weeks. For the first time, since the Prom, he was surprised to realize he felt a little stronger � and he was trying to process all that Lara had said, mainly about Josie.

He backed away from her and put up his hands. "I really do appreciate your sympathy, but it's still over between us," he said firmly, but not altogether unkindly. "Now what did you say about this being Josie's first assignment?"

Lara glared at him. She'd figured it was worth a try seducing him, but he was still harping on the woman who'd made a fool of him. 'Here I am giving him a second chance and all he can do is talk about Josie!' Lara thought angrily.

"Honest to God, how can you concern yourself with that lying bitch? And when I think about how I tried to save you from yourself� You really are a total fool to the bitter end, aren't you Sam?" She spat.

Sam cocked his head to study her sudden change. In spite of everything, he still felt his blood boil when she talked about Josie that way. And suddenly he realized that now he was looking at the real Lara. 'All that sympathy and affection was just an act!' he thought as he shook his head. 'I'm surrounded by actresses!'

He scowled back at her. "Yeah, I guess I am a fool � staying in a relationship with you all that time."

"I didn't mean me � I mean falling for a student who turns out to be a reporter. I wish I could've seen your face last night!" Lara said vindictively.

"Oh, so now the truth comes out. You came here to gloat. All right, you've had your fun, so why don't you just return the things you took from me yesterday and go now?" Sam said, pointing at the door.

But Lara wasn't finished. She laughed at him. "Oh, you mean those pictures of your little girlfriend? I tore them up and put them in the trash chute. Or maybe you mean the insipid papers she wrote for you? I threw those out last night. Sorry, Sam, but maybe I saved you the trouble in light of all that's happened."

"No, Lara. I mean the necklace and earrings. Hand them over." Sam held out his hand and stepped towards her.

"Oh, those. I just assumed those were for me. You don't need them now anyway," she spat viciously.

Sam winced involuntarily at the truth in that statement. "I can still get my money back, Lara. You know they weren't for you, so I'd appreciate it if you'd return them."

Lara fished in her purse for a moment and looked at him. "Sorry Sam, I don't have them with me. I'll mail them to you, okay?"

Sam glared at her. "Whatever, just go now, would you?"

"I'll leave when I'm good and ready. So now you know I was right after all, don't you Sam?" She asked triumphantly.

Sam rolled his eyes. "Right about what, Lara?"

She put her hands on her hips. "I told you, you only fell in love with her because she was seventeen. Now that you know she's twenty-five, you don't love her any more do you, Sam? Kind of takes the excitement out of it, doesn't it?" She asked bitterly.

"Her age has nothing to do with it, if you must know." Sam cursed himself for even bothering to explain it to her. And besides he wasn't quite sure he understood everything himself yet � not enough to articulate it to Lara anyway.

"Oh, really?" Lara snorted. "Let's see, she told you she was twenty five � at least she announced it in front of everyone � that's what it said in the paper. I'd be willing to bet you ran for the door as soon as you heard that."

Lara noticed Sam hung his head a little sheepishly so she knew she was on the right track. "I'll bet you didn't even give her the benefit of the doubt - knowing you. She obviously lost control of her temper and blew her cover before she had anything incriminating on you or that would have been the lead story today. She sounds like a total idiot. And of course you ran for the hills as soon as you found out your little love interest was a grown woman. So predictable. And I'll wager you didn't even give her a chance to explain things."

Sam opened his mouth in surprise. He'd never even considered that aspect of the situation.

"Do you know why you wouldn't give her a chance, Sam?" Lara continued.

"That's not the way it was, Lara. She lied about everything. I heard someone ask her if she got the story on me. I know she was setting me up � there was nothing for her to explain." Sam started to elaborate, but he stopped short of telling Lara about the hidden camera. He wasn't about to share that humiliating piece of information with her and give her more to gloat about.

Lara ignored his response. "I'll tell you why. The minute you heard she was twenty-five, you got scared because now instead of a teenager, you're dealing with a woman who might expect something from you. Everything else was secondary � you smelled commitment and you ran. All this other stuff is just a bunch of excuses for what's really behind your behavior."

"That's not true, Lara," Sam argued, but deep inside he started to wonder if there was some element of truth there. He had run out the door before he heard anything about the hidden camera and he knew it. All Josie had said was that she was a 25-year-old reporter and Sam was hyperventilating and heading for the exit.

"Yeah, well I think it is Sam � you're just afraid of commitment and suddenly that's what was staring you in the face. You'll never grow up." She stalked to the door and pulled it open. "I'm going to find myself a real man and I hope Josie has sense enough to do the same." Lara stomped out, slamming the door behind her.

Sam stood there for a few moments stunned by all that she'd said. He hadn't even entertained the notion that Josie might have some kind of explanation for what had happened. Now he cursed himself, but deep inside he was starting to feel a little hint of guilt about his own behavior. Angrily he tried his best to push those thoughts away because he knew that if he let go of the fury, he'd feel the terrible pain of the loss even more. Unlikely source that she was, Lara had succeeded in planting a seed of doubt in Sam's mind about his own actions.

After Lara left, Sam went into the bathroom and splashed cold water on his face to try to wake up. Still feeling slightly groggy he padded back into the living room and continued his packing efforts for the next two hours. Feeling hungry then, he decided to make himself another bowl of cereal, since he didn't really feel like cooking. This time he didn't spill the milk on the floor, but he did spill a little on his T-shirt. He dried it as best he could, but didn't change it.

'It's not like I'm going anywhere,' he muttered darkly.

After a half hour of packing, and against his better judgment, he decided that he needed to go out to the store and buy a copy of The Tribune, just to satisfy his curiosity. Realizing he looked like hell, he headed for the bedroom, only to hear another knock on the door.

Unlike the last time, now he actually found himself entertaining a little hope that it might be Josie on his doorstep offering some kind of explanation. "What a jackass I am," he muttered shaking his head in amazement at his own stupidity as he went to open the door.

"God, Sam you look like crap!" Matt Riley exclaimed as soon as he saw his unshaven friend, standing at the threshold in his stained T-shirt, with his hair sticking out every which way."

Sam closed his eyes. "Gee thanks, Matt. But, I've already heard that today from Lara. And I don't remember inviting either one of you over."

"Lara was here?" Matt asked as Sam motioned for him to come in.

"Yeah, she had to come by to gloat and rub it in." Sam said quietly. He brightened a little when he saw Matt was carrying a newspaper under his arm.

He pointed at it. "Is that the Tribune?" Sam asked, curious.

"Yeah, I thought you might like to read it. Haven't you seen it yet?" Matt asked incredulously.

"No, Lara told me about it. I haven't been out of the apartment since last night." Sam explained.

"Man, I was totally shocked. So, Sam�have you talked to Josie about everything?" Matt asked, as he handed the paper to Sam.

"Not you, too. What's there to talk about?" Sam said hotly, his anger rising again. "She lied about everything, Matt."

Matt raised his eyebrows and stared at Sam. "I know, but�"

"But what? She lied. Case closed. I mean, it says it right here in black and white."

"Why don't you take a minute and read it, Sam," Matt offered.

Sam motioned for Matt to have a seat on the couch and Sam sat in his chair and started to read. When he'd finished he looked up at Matt. "So?" He said expectantly, his mouth set in a tight line.

Matt made a face at him. "What do you mean, so? I don't get you, Sam."

"ME!? What do you mean me?" Sam was starting to feel his temper flare.

"Okay, don't tell me you didn't give her a chance to at least explain all this." Matt said scowling. "I, for one, want to at least hear her explanation."

"God dammit Matt, what's there to explain � it's all here � she's a 25 year old reporter. She was setting me up for a story, for Christ's sake, what more it there to say?" Sam asked through clenched teeth as he tossed the paper on the floor.

"How do you know she was setting you up? There's nothing about you in that article � it's just about her." Matt asked hotly.

"Because, Matt, I heard one of her cohorts ask her if she 'got something on Coulson.' That's how I know." Sam said, flinching painfully at the memory.

"No way." He paused, waiting. "So what was her answer, Sam?" Matt persisted.

"What do you mean, 'what was her answer?' What difference does it make?" Sam was raising his voice now.

"It makes a difference to me. What did she say when whoever it was asked her if she got something on you?" Matt demanded.

Sam thought back, and answered slowly. "She said no."

"What?" Matt replied, clearly astounded.

"You heard me, Matt."

"Well, doesn't that seem a little odd to you if she was setting you up, Sam?" Matt asked, throwing his hands up in the air.

"What are you getting at, Matt?" Sam asked, doubting himself now just a little more.

"I mean really Sam, didn't she have plenty on you, if that was her goal? Haven't you made it pretty obvious to her how you feel? I haven't spent that much time with the two of you but what little I know tipped me off. I guessed it before you told me remember?"

Sam nodded slowly.

"I think you owe it to her to hear her explanation, Sam."

"No way, I don't owe her anything after she lied to me like that." Sam argued stubbornly.

"I can't believe you, Sam. One day you're telling me you're sure she's the love of your life and two days later you won't even give her a chance to explain things because you'd rather sit around and feel sorry for yourself." Matt thundered.

"There's nothing to explain. It's all obvious to me. She's not the person I thought she was, Matt. The Josie I loved doesn't exist. Don't you get that?" Sam asked helplessly.

Matt looked puzzled. "What do you mean she doesn't exist? Sure she does. God, Sam � What did you only like her because she was 17 and your student? Is that what this is about? I mean two days ago I was helping you find a way to tell her you love her � I guess you didn't get to that part with her, did you?"

" Thankfully no! For God's sake, Matt � she did nothing but lie to me from the first day. What � should I give her a chance to do � tell me more lies? She could have told me the truth at any time throughout this whole thing. Come on. I mean I know I'm a fool, but I'd like to think I'm not a complete idiot." Sam argued, throwing his hands in the air.

"Yeah? Well maybe you don't want to, but I'm willing to risk being a complete idiot in order to give her the benefit of the doubt Sam. I've spent a little time with Josie, not as much as you have, but I think I know what kind of person she is. And I'm willing to give her a chance to explain things." Matt said, shaking his head in disbelief. "I can't understand why you won't."

"Matt, she could have told me the truth, why wouldn't she have told me the truth after all this time? I've known her for months now." Sam finished sadly.

"That's the whole point of talking to her. I don't know Sam. I'm not going to assume the worst about her until I talk to her though. And besides, it seems to me that somehow you hadn't told her the truth either in all this time as you say. You let her believe you were still involved with Lara. But yet you told me you were in love with her over this same period of months. Now I'm not so sure you were."

"Come on Matt, you're supposed to be my friend. I couldn't tell her the truth because of my job. I thought she was my seventeen year old student." Sam explained.

"I hear you, Sam. It seems to me though you could have let her know you were finished with Lara without necessarily telling her everything about your feelings. Now, I'm not as smart as you are but it seems to me that maybe she was in the same boat � maybe her job was on the line and she didn't want to throw it all away on someone who already had a girlfriend. Did you ever think about that one? Besides, you told me that you tried to tell her and she stopped you, how does that fit in here? Huh?"

"I don't know, but it's not the same." Sam said stubbornly. "And besides she was filming me."

"Filming you? Come on!!" Matt exclaimed, shaking his head.

Sam nodded vigorously. "I overheard that, too. The same guy was saying that Gus was upset because they lost the feed."

"Gus, the softball coach?" Matt was totally confused now.

Sam grimaced. "No, Matt. Gus was obviously her boss."

Matt put his hands on top of his head. "Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Sam, Friday night she was all upset about something involving this Gus guy, right?"

Sam looked stricken. All he could do was nod.

"Maybe she was upset about Gus wanting to do something to hurt you, did you ever think about that?"

Sam shook his head. "All she had to do was tell me about all this Matt. She couldn't be filming things 24 hours a day. In all this time she never told me anything about her age or what was going on. If she loved me, she would have told me. It's as plain as that. It's over and no explaining is going to change anything."

Matt looked at his friend in amazement. "Let me just understand this, Sam. What you're saying is you're not interested in even hearing Josie's explanation, right?"

Sam swallowed, trying to sound strong and convincing. "That's right. It's over � there's no point in talking about it."

"Well you don't mind if I talk to her about it do you?" Matt asked as he studied Sam.

Sam's face darkened. This was a development he hadn't anticipated. "What do you mean? Why would you talk to her?"

Matt sighed. "Well, in case you've forgotten, I've told you more than once that I'm interested in Josie � I'm attracted to her and I like her a lot. You told me you would never change your mind about her and now apparently you have." Sam scowled, but Matt ignored him. "Since you aren't interested I assume you don't care if I am, right?"

"God dammit Matt, don't you understand � she lied about everything!" Sam protested.

Matt was seething now, disgusted with his friend's bull-headed attitude.

"Well, I hear you, Sam. But, unlike you apparently, I'm not perfect. I know that people make mistakes. I care enough about her to want to hear her explanation for what happened. Frankly, I'm surprised that you don't care that much about her. I'm willing to give her the benefit of the doubt. And maybe when she sees that, she'll realize you aren't the man for her anyway. Honestly, I don't think you loved her all that much in the first place, if you won't even give her a chance to tell you her side of the story. I don't think you deserve her," Matt finished flatly. "And I think I'm going to tell her that too, while I'm at it."

Sam's eyes were hard and menacing as he glared at Matt.

"You can scowl and glare at me all you want to, Sam. But I intend to be there for Josie � I'm sure she's hurting too from all this. I'm at least going to give her an opportunity to tell me what's been going on. She's not seventeen, she's a grown woman and since you're not interested, just what the heck is your objection here?"

Sam hesitated, but he knew all too well what his objection was. The whole issue of men standing in line for his Josie was rearing its ugly head again and just like always he was starting to feel insanely jealous.

Matt shook his head. "Well, I'm waiting � what is it you object to here Sam? She's not your student any more and you've told me ten times you aren't interested in hearing her side of things. I am interested in hearing it. And as far as I know she didn't really lie to me about anything. I think in spite of all this she's a sweet person who was caught up in something beyond her control. That's my gut feeling about it anyway and until she tells me otherwise that's what I believe."

"I wish you wouldn't do that, Matt, as my friend," Sam said quietly.

"I'll tell you what, Sam. I have to work a double shift tonight and tomorrow. Then I'm going to Scott's game. You think about it and I'll check with you tomorrow night at the game. You're still going, aren't you?" Matt asked.

"Probably not," Sam growled.

"Fine. Do what you want, Sam. You know it will mean a lot to Scott to have you there, but if you'd rather sit around and mope and feel sorry for yourself, I can't stop you. Anyway, if you're not there I'll call you tomorrow night and if you still feel the same way, I'm going to see Josie after the game, but I'll give you until then to give me an answer, fair enough?"

"My answer won't change," Sam said quietly.

"Yeah, well you're the same guy who told me that your feelings for Josie wouldn't change and look how long that lasted. Talk to you tomorrow, Sam." Matt shook his head and turned to go, but then he glanced back at his friend.

"You know, Sam, sometimes even wonderful people make terrible mistakes. Learning how to forgive is a big part of loving someone. I can't force you to try and see things from her point of view, but I wish you'd try and at least listen to what she has to say. Part of me hopes you won't, but for your sake and for hers I think you should really try to see the other side of this. Whether you realize it or not, I care about both of you."

Sam watched Matt walk out his door. He looked around his apartment and sighed, knowing it was going to be another long lonely night. And in spite of everything that had happened, he knew in his heart that Matt was right.

To be continued�

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