Sam's Awakening, Part 31:
Catch a Falling Star…
By Carol

Date Posted: February 20, 2001

* * *

After Matt Riley's visit to his apartment, Sam spent a restless night and half of Monday thinking about all that his friend had said. By 6.00 in the evening on Monday, he decided to take a shower and change for the first time in two days.

As he stepped into the shower and stood under the warm water, Sam began to think about his wondrous times with Josie over the past weeks. Somehow after all that Matt had said finally sank in, Sam was able to move beyond the anger and deal with his pain. For the first time since leaving her behind at the Prom, Sam admitted to himself how much he truly missed her and longed to be with her again in spite of what he believed she'd done to him.

Sam also began to think about all that had happened over the past few weeks and at the Prom – how he'd been beside himself with jealousy at seeing her dance in front of him with Guy Perkins and then how all the jealousy and pain had magically left him when he was able to hold her in his arms and dance with her at last. He knew in his heart he could not stand by and do nothing allowing Matt or any other man to move in on his Josie, not without at least some effort on his part to hear her side of the story.

And then, thinking back to the Prom, there was that magical moment when she'd announced there was something she needed to tell him. As Sam dried himself off with a fluffy towel, for the first time he started to wonder if she might have been about to tell him the truth about her identity. Not having considered such a possibility until now, he swallowed hard remembering that she'd removed that wings pin she always wore.

'Could she have deliberately cut the feed?' he wondered suddenly. In his mind's eye he focused on that instant right before all hell broke lose with Aldys and the Barbie trio.

Afraid to hope that it might be true, Sam realized that he suddenly felt more hopeful and human than he had since walking away from Josie Saturday night. As he started to shave his two-day growth of stubble, something else finally dawned on him.

What Josie had done to help Aldys was totally consistent with the personality of the woman he'd grown to love. And that was a courageous choice she'd made there, even he had to admit that it was a brave thing to do. After all she had been the one to reveal her true identity to everyone and thereby ruin her chance for a story on him for the sake of protecting Aldys from the humiliation of having the dog food poured on her head.

'For all I know, she might have lost her job over this,' Sam speculated worriedly.

His mind was suddenly flooded with possibilities and explanations he hadn't previously considered. Josie might have been wearing a camera at school to get her story, but during all their chance meetings over the course of the past few weeks she definitely had not been wearing that wings pin. He'd even noticed that she only seemed to wear the thing at school.

When he'd seen her at the Navy Pier, Home Depot, the Driving Range, the skating rink and even in her own apartment she couldn't have known she'd see him there and neither could her boss. During all those times he'd noticed she'd been more relaxed and open with him. Her defenses were definitely down during those times and now he was beginning to understand why.

The fact that she'd been wearing the pin in school could explain her guarded behavior – he'd even felt that she was somehow protecting him from himself - he'd even mentioned it to Matt on Friday evening.

"Oh, God, maybe she was protecting me from myself and Gus!" Sam speculated as his mind raced through the events of the previous weeks. As he pulled his white T-shirt over his head, slipped on his socks and shoes, and stepped into his black pants, Sam made a decision. There was only one person who could answer all these questions swirling around in his head. And that person was Josie Geller.

'Matt's right; I have to hear her explanation. After all, she did beg me to give her a chance to spend time with her and get to know her again,' Sam thought guiltily remembering how he'd rebuffed her suggestion and walked away from her. He knew now that he needed to try to get to the baseball game as soon as possible to tell Matt his decision – the decision to give Josie a chance to explain.

Sam looked around his apartment, remembering the movers were scheduled to arrive between 7:00 and 8:00 pm. 'I hope they get here soon,' he thought to himself, glancing at the clock that now read 7:00. 'So I can still make it to that game in time to talk to Matt and then go see Josie.' Realizing the game was set to start at 8:00, he didn't have much hope of making the opening pitch. Figuring as long as he got there before 9:30, he'd still have time to get to Josie's apartment at a decent hour.

Carrying a stack of newspapers into the living room, Sam picked up a sheet of the one on top and started to wrap his hockey trophies and finish his last bit of packing before the movers were to arrive. He set the papers upside down on the table with that day's newspaper – the one containing Josie Geller's article on the bottom.

As images of Josie filled his mind, Sam continued to wrap his trophies. He was becoming more and more excited by the moment at the prospect of seeing her that evening, even though he knew it would most likely be a difficult meeting. Working his way through the pile of papers, Sam picked up another one to wrap the remaining trophy.

To his complete shock and surprise, there in the next section of the newspaper were Josie Geller's beautiful eyes staring back at him. Sam closed his own eyes painfully and looked away, swallowing hard. Reflexively he continued to wrap his trophy, but just like that night at the Prom, his eyes were drawn to her and he read the title of the article, "Never Been Kissed."

Just then there was a knock at the door and a man called, "Movers."

Startled, Sam yelled, "Hang on a second," and rose to his feet to answer the door, his eyes never leaving the newspaper that he carried with him to the door. His hands were shaking now as he gripped the newspaper tightly, afraid to read it, but knowing that he needed to see what she'd written.

Somehow he was able to calm himself and let the two movers in. He pointed out his bedroom and they went to work immediately, efficiently carrying out the furniture through his open door. Still gripping the newspaper tightly he returned to his chair and sat down and closed his eyes and prayed for the strength to start to read what was there waiting for him. He was shaken out of his reverie by the sound of a child's voice coming from his stairwell. He couldn't understand what she was saying but he blinked as he recognized her voice and that of her companion.

* * *

As he opened the door to Sam's apartment building, Rob Geller took a deep breath and turned to his assistant.

"Well, you know what you gotta do here, Georgia. We don't have much time. Pour on the kiddie charm for me, okay?" Rob said smiling at his six-year- old cousin.

Georgia giggled. "Piece of cake, Rob!" she said, saluting him and grinning back at him as they climbed the stairs together.

"You go first, like we planned," he whispered nervously. Georgia nodded and stepped ahead of him through the doorway.

"Sam!" she yelled as soon as she saw him sitting in the chair. Georgia burst through the door and jumped into Sam's lap, throwing her arms around his neck and kissing him on the cheek.

Overwhelmed by the first honest expression of affection - something he'd needed desperately now for days - Sam responded by hugging her back and smiling at the little girl who reminded him so much of Josie. He sensed instinctively that Georgia honestly cared about him and in spite of everything he was overwhelmed with happiness at seeing her again.

"Where's Gina?" Sam asked curiously, not acknowledging Rob's presence.

"She's in trouble. She's on restriction so she couldn't come." Georgia explained happily.

Rob smiled nervously from the doorway, knowing that Sam wouldn't be nearly as happy to see him in light of all that had happened. He cleared his throat.

"Hi, Mr. C!" he said as he waved a tentative hand at Sam.

Sam looked up and frowned. Over the past two days he'd never given a thought to Rob, but of course he knew now that Rob had to have been part of the deception from the beginning. He turned his attention back to Georgia who was lightly patting his hair now and smiling at him.

Sam couldn't help smiling at the little girl. He ignored Rob for the moment.

"Are you having a bad hair day, Sam?" Georgia asked kindly as she tried to straighten his hair with her hands.

Sam laughed in spite of his anger at Rob. "Every day's a bad hair day for me, Georgia," he joked with the little girl.

"I'm fixing it for you, okay?" Georgia asked. Sam nodded and wrinkled his nose at her and leveled a somewhat softened glance back at Rob.

"So, Rob… Are you a reporter, too?" Sam asked flatly, trying to sound calm and polite for Georgia's sake.

Rob mentally thanked his mother for the idea of bringing Georgia with him on this little mission. He knew Sam was angry with him, but he couldn't help noticing how Sam had melted when the little girl jumped into his lap.

"No, Mr. C, I'm, well I'm her – the thing is that Josie's my older sister. I'm 23 and she's 25," Rob explained as the movers walked by him carrying Sam's furniture. "I um…was helping her to be popular and get her story about kids in high school. I'm sorry for the way things turned out – you know, when Josie took her camera off at the Prom to explain things to you, she had no idea that thing was going to happen with Aldys. Things kind of spun out of control. Anyway, I'm sorry for, you know, for lying about who I was."

Sam's mouth dropped open. They were brother and sister. 'Of course! That explained everything about their strange relationship,' he thought suddenly…and then what Rob had said about Josie removing the camera registered and Sam broke into a huge grin.

Georgia interrupted then. "We don't have much time, you have to hurry," she explained as she patted Sam's hair into place.

Sam glanced at her affectionately. "Hurry to do what?" he asked both of them, looking to Georgia first then Rob.

"Haven't you read the article?" Rob asked pointing at the paper.

Sam shook his head. "No, I was just going to. Why?"

Georgia piped up. "You have to come kiss Josie because she loves you!"

"What did you say?" Sam asked shocked, looking from Georgia to Rob yet again. "She what? I have to do what?" He was sure he must be imagining things. Georgia couldn't have said what he thought he'd heard her say.

Rob stepped in. "Let him read the article, Georgia. Then he'll understand. Mr. C. you need to read her article. Georgia's right, though; there isn't much time."

Sam looked confused and glanced at the paper that had fallen to the floor when Georgia jumped in his arms. He started to move shakily to pick it up.

Georgia was squirming in his lap, too excited to wait. "She loves you!" she announced proudly. "You have to come kiss her because she loves you!"

Sam's eyes flew open wide as he glanced unbelievingly from one to the other as warmth started to return to his soul "She loves me?" he whispered. Georgia smiled and nodded at him gleefully.

Rob could see that Mr. Coulson was stunned. "Georgia, sit still there and let him read the article now then he'll understand. She's right, Mr. C., we don't have much time here. Could you please read the article?"

Georgia reached down to pick up the paper and hand it to Sam. She turned in his lap so she could read along with him.

"Georgia, your head's in the way, let him read the paper," Rob instructed.

"Be quiet Rob, so we can read it," Georgia snapped back as she lowered her head and snuggled against Sam, while sticking her tongue out at Rob.

"You've been hanging around Josie too much," Rob muttered.

Sam started to read, his hands trembling,

Someone once told me that to write well you have to write what you know.

Sam gasped, realizing that this was something he had told his class many times. He knew now that by starting with a quote from him, Josie was letting him know she was writing this article for him. He smiled and read on eagerly.

This is what I know. I am twenty five years old and I have never really kissed a guy. A geek to the core, most of my childhood years were spent doing extra credit homework I requested from the teacher.

High school was more of the same. Then, at seventeen, it seemed as if my luck was about to change. The cutest guy asked me to the prom, but it turned out that he invited me as a cruel joke. I have never fully recovered….

I received an assignment, my first as a reporter, to enroll in high school as a student, to gain some insight into kids today. Understandably, returning to high school was my worst nightmare…

Sam continued to read, amazed as he realized the Josie he loved really did exist and was even more kind and wonderful than even he had previously imagined. After all that happened to her at South Glen South, she'd managed to have something nice to say about everyone, even the three girls who'd been so cruel to her. Josie had not used her forum as a reporter to attack anyone. On the contrary, the sweetness of her personality shined through her writing and with each word Sam Coulson found himself falling even more in love with this astounding woman.

But as he neared the end of her article, his heart was pounding uncontrollably as he tried to fully comprehend the enormity of what she'd done here, laying bare her most painful experiences in life in an effort to reach out to him. He knew based on what Georgia had said that something incredible was about to happen to him, but he was not prepared for such an unbelievably romantic gesture as this directed at no one but him. He continued to read:

…This is not the article I was sent in to write. This is the article I needed to write. I lived a lifetime of regret after my first high school experience, and now, after my second, my regrets are down to one.

A certain teacher was hurt in my path to self-discovery, and though this article may serve as a step, it in no way makes up for what I did to him.

To this man, you know who you are, I am so sorry.

And I would like to add one more thing – I think I am in love with you.

Sam swallowed hard and closed his eyes for a moment trying to come to grips with everything she'd written. 'She loves me in spite of everything,' he realized and happiness flooded his heart. He looked back at the page and then smiled at Georgia who was studying him. Georgia reached up and patted his cheek then gently and then turned to continue reading with him.

…And so I propose this – as an ending to this article, and perhaps a beginning to a new chapter in my life, I Josie Geller will be at the State Championship baseball game – where my friends the South Glen Rams are playing for the title.

I will stand on the pitcher's mound for the five minutes prior to the first pitch. If this man accepts my apology, I ask him to come kiss me, in front of everyone for my first real kiss. Five minutes may seem like a short time, but trust me, when you've been waiting twenty-five years; it's usually the last five minutes that kill you.

Sam smiled at her selecting the pitcher's mound as the place for their first kiss, remembering her standing there the night of the softball game. He knew now he'd been right at the time. 'She was thinking about me,' he thought dreamily as he read on:

I went back to high school and discovered I was a loser, again.

And then I discovered it wasn't so bad. I wasn't so bad. So, now that I'm ready to start living the rest of my life, it would be magical if I could live the rest of it with him. Because inside everyone is a loser afraid to be loved, and out there is the one person who can kiss us and make it all better.

Sam finished reading and sat stunned for a moment. She'd not only written this amazing piece for him, she'd said she wanted to spend the rest of her life with him. Sam was completely overjoyed. Suddenly a sickening fear filled his heart. He looked at Rob in dismay. "How will we ever make it there on time? The movers are here and…"

Rob held a hand up interrupting him. "Not to worry Mr. C. My mom's downstairs and she'll take care of showing the movers where to go if you want her to that is." Sam nodded vigorously.

"And Mr. C," Rob said staring at Sam.

"Yeah, Rob?" Sam asked anxiously, trying to organize his thoughts.

"The T-shirt is a good look for you, but I think maybe with such a big crowd and the media and everything, well you might want to put on a sweater. It's a little chilly out tonight." Rob explained as Sam gently lifted Georgia down from his lap.

Sam stared at Rob. "The media?" He asked nervously.

"Yeah, well, you know it was in the paper and all. Coach Romano says it's going to get a lot of press coverage. I'm his assistant, now – thanks to Josie." Rob noticed that Sam looked confused. "Josie convinced him to hire me as his assistant. That sister of mine is really amazing, Mr. C."

Sam grinned, rolling his eyes. "Tell me about it," he agreed and then added, "Hey Rob, call me Sam now, okay?"

Rob nodded smiling as he glanced at his watch. "Whew Mr… I mean Sam, we'd better get moving, we've only got 25 minutes to get there," Rob said nervously. "Come here, Georgia and let Sam put his sweater on and get organized," Rob instructed as Sam walked into his bedroom to put on his gray sweater. He also remembered to take something else with him – the heart necklace he'd bought for Josie Friday night. He stuck it in his back pocket, along with his wallet.

Sam chuckled as he overheard Rob and Georgia talking about him in the next room.

"If he puts on a sweater, it'll mess up his hair," Georgia argued. "And I just fixed it."

"It'll be fine, Georgia. You worry too much. He has to get to Josie. Maybe you can fix it in the car," Rob suggested.

"I have to wear my seatbelt, Rob. I can't sit on his lap in the car. It's against the law." Georgia argued. "Don't you know anything?"

"Georgia, you sound more and more like my sister every day," Rob sighed. "Just don't worry about it. His hair will be fine. Relax and chill out."

* * *

Realizing they had less than twenty-five minutes to get to Josie, Sam, Rob and Georgia hurried down the steps of Sam's apartment building where Janet Geller waited anxiously beside her Minivan ready to spring into action.

Janet stepped up immediately to embrace Sam. Just as she had suspected, Sam clearly was not angry anymore and was obviously more than eager to get to her daughter.

"Oh, Sam dear. I'm so sorry for all the hurt my children and I have caused you," Janet said quietly as she hugged him affectionately.

"I'm sorry too, for not giving her a chance to explain," Sam offered softly.

"Mom," Rob interrupted. "Sam needs to give you the address so you can go with the movers, okay? So we can get there in time for Josie?" He prodded nervously, shuffling his feet.

Sam turned back to her. "I'd really appreciate it if you could, Janet. If it's no trouble that is? If it's a problem, I can always cancel the movers."

"No, don't do that. I'm thrilled to help, Sam. Write down your friend's address for me and give me the key and I'll just go with the movers and supervise them for you." Rob rolled his eyes.

"I saw that look Robert," Janet said, not missing a trick. "You all can meet me there at your friends' house after the game, all right?"

Janet handed him a piece of paper and a pen and Sam started to scribble the information as she continued talking to him. "Sam, I want you to know we still expect you for dinner, June 21st." He looked up at her nodding, wondering why she was mentioning it now. "You and Josie can come together – it's not her birthday, actually."

Sam looked at her in surprise then slowly smiled as he realized she'd actually been trying to help him with that little piece of deception.

Janet explained, "Her birthday is really October 6th – she'll be 26 then of course. I guess you know why I told you that, huh Sam?" He nodded grinning.

"We need to go Mom; talk about it later, okay?" Rob pleaded as the minutes flew by.

They all said their goodbyes and climbed into the minivan with Sam making sure Georgia was securely buckled in.

"Drive fast, Rob!" Georgia instructed.

"Not with you in the car, Miss Bossy Boots. I have to be careful," Rob answered nervously.

"But we have to get to her," Georgia wailed. "Sam has to kiss her!"

"I know. Calm down, Josie Junior! We'll get there." Rob said it with more confidence then he felt looking at the dashboard clock.

He glanced over at Sam who was nervously eyeing the clock as well. "I'm sure glad you decided to come Mr., I mean Sam," Rob corrected hurriedly as he stopped at the third traffic light in a row, sighing to himself. "If you hadn't, Coach Romano and Matt were going to flip a coin over who would be the one to kiss Josie." Rob took note of the dark menacing look on Sam's face in response to that idea.

"You know, Josie's pretty particular and I have a feeling if either one of them tried to kiss her, she'd pull one of her Jackie Chan moves on him. I wouldn't want her to flip Coach Romano on to the ground in front of all those people. It might have a detrimental impact on my job security now that he's my boss," Rob explained. Sam chuckled and shook his head remembering the day Josie had flipped Rob to the ground outside his classroom.

As they neared the stadium, Sam groaned when he saw the line of cars going in, knowing he'd never make it in time now. Rob turned to him.

"She's on the pitcher's mound by now, Sam. You'd better make a run for it or you won't make it I'm afraid," Rob urged pointing at the side closest to where Josie would be. "Just go through there and run down the stands," he instructed.

"Thanks, Rob." Sam turned to look at his other companion. "Thank you too, Georgia for everything!" he said smiling warmly at her.

"You're welcome, Sam. Your hair looks so nice," Georgia said smiling at him encouragingly. Sam winked and waved at her and climbed out of the van.

Rob and Georgia watched him sprint for the entrance.

"You did good, kid!" Rob praised her warmly.

"No, sweat, Rob," Georgia answered giggling.

"I've got another assignment for you if you're up to it," Rob said rubbing his chin.

"Okay, I'm ready!" Georgia said eagerly clapping her hands together.

* * *

After running through the entrance gate and hearing the buzzer sound, knowing that he was late now, Sam stood at the top of the stands and looked down out of breath and in a panic. There was Josie, looking amazingly beautiful in a pink dress, all alone on the dugout standing with her head bowed sadly obviously heart broken because she thought he hadn't shown up. But getting to her was going to be a problem. His fear of heights had suddenly resurfaced with a vengeance. 'I can't leave her down there like that,' he thought desperately trying to control the fear that was paralyzing him now. He bit his lower lip and decided to go for it.

He didn't even notice the cheering build around him and spread throughout the stadium as he raced down the seemingly endless series of steps to her. Keeping his eyes firmly focused on Josie, he held on to the rail for support as he sprinted down the final concrete steps. The moment he stepped onto the field and saw her smiling at him in amazement, somehow he knew everything was going to be fine.

* * *

Josie had all but given up hope when she heard the roar of the crowd and looked up to see Sam making his way down to her. She noticed the terrified look on his face and suddenly remembered his fear of heights and her heart melted for him.

Sam was so relieved to be on ground level that he thought he might faint. But he kept his eyes firmly locked on Josie as he approached her and took her in his arms, kissing her at last more forcefully than he had intended.

Josie was a little startled by his abrupt kiss, but immediately sensed that he needed reassurance so she moved to kiss him back and wrap her arms around his neck molding her entire body into his. Sam had never felt anything close to what he felt now in Josie's arms. Nothing else mattered except kissing her and feeling her respond to him in a way he'd never come close to imagining. All his nervousness and fear of heights vanished forgotten in their passionate and at the same time gentle and loving embrace.

Somehow in the midst of all this Sam came to his senses, knowing he needed air and knowing he also needed to say something to her.

She laughed nervously as he reached to wipe a tear from her cheek with his thumb and lightly caressed her curls. She looked more beautiful than ever and he knew she looked this way for him. "Sorry, I'm late – It took me forever to get here," he explained, swallowing hard.

Josie smiled at him, staring at his incredible mouth, longing to have him kiss her like that again. "I know what you mean," she said quietly, glancing at his eyes and those amazing eyelashes, but still focusing on his mouth that had stirred such unbelievable feelings inside her – feelings she never even knew existed until now.

Sam nodded slightly, reading her mind just like always and leaned in to kiss her again, caressing the back of her neck and burying his hand in her silky blonde curls. They were both oblivious to the noise in the stands as if they were the only two people in a world of their own.

"Atta Girl!" Rob said to himself. "Hey kids, let's play ball!" He called to his team as they started to run out to the field for warm-ups. Rob took Georgia by the hand then and led her up to find Anita in the stands.

Reluctantly while the team started to practice around them, Sam and Josie pulled apart a little as they continued to kiss each other softly. Sam bowed his head then and whispered. "Can you ever forgive me, Josie?"

Josie put both hands on his chest. "For what, Sam?" She asked curiously, looking into his eyes as he covered her hands with his own.

Warmth flowed through him at the realization that it was the first time she'd called him by his first name directly. His dearest wish had come true - Josie was no longer his student – she was the woman he was in allowed to be in love with. And Sam had made up his mind – he wasn't going to hold back his feelings any longer.

"For not listening to you that night at the Prom – for being such a stubborn jerk," Sam said quietly ashamed of his behavior.

"How could I not forgive you, Sam? You've forgiven me for all the deception haven't you?" She asked tentatively. Sam stared into her eyes, nodding.

"Absolutely. Your article was amazing, Josie. You took my breath away," Sam sighed. "Literally," he added. They smiled into each other's eyes as Rob approached them.

* * *

Sam and Josie held hands as they followed Rob over to a secluded spot in the dugout. Sam grinned when he noticed Scott Romano and Matt Riley both smiling at him and making a thumbs-up gesture from the other side of the field.

After Rob walked away, Sam hesitated, then took the necklace out of his pocket and showed it to her, oblivious to the crowd around him, still staring at them.

"I got this for your birthday. I also got you some other stuff, but that can wait. Your mom told me it was June 21 a while back to make me feel better about your age. When I saw her tonight she told me it's October 6th, but I wanted to give it to you tonight – I um bought it before the Prom."

He paused then continued, "I love you more than anything, Josie," he said swallowing hard. "I love you more than I ever thought I could love anyone."

Josie took the necklace and tears welled up in her eyes when she saw the J & S inscribed in the silver heart. "Oh, Sam, it's beautiful. I love you, too. I only wish there was something I could give you."

"Josie, you've already given me everything I could ever hope for." Sam knew he was sure of something else too. He swallowed nervously and looked into her eyes. "But maybe there is one other thing you could do…Josie, will you do something for me on my birthday?"

Josie grinned at him. "I'd do anything for you, Sam. When is your birthday?"

Sam smiled. "Six days before Cal Ripken's," he teased.

"Oh," Josie giggled. "That would make it August 18 – that's two months from now." Sam nodded grinning back at her. "What do you want me to do for your birthday?"

"Marry me?" Sam asked.

Josie's eyes flew open wide and her mouth formed a perfect circle as she first gazed at Sam in amazement then smiled at him. "Yes," she whispered as Rob approached them again.

"You guys, I arranged for you to go up in the press box – you can have it to yourselves, you know, to have some er…privacy," Rob said as he squinted at Josie.

"What about Georgia?" Sam asked looking around.

Rob turned and pointed towards the stands. "She's sitting on Gus's lap harassing him and Anita. It was kind of funny, when I took her up there, Gus and Anita were playing smackie-face too."

Josie put her hand over her mouth in shock.

Rob continued, "You know Gus has a soft spot for Georgia, so I told Georgia to concentrate on arranging Gus' hair. I thought it was a little bit of poetic justice for Gus. I told Georgia to be sure and take her time," Rob said laughing slyly to himself.

"Rob, you didn't!" Josie gasped. Rob nodded and grinned widely at her.

Sam glanced to where Rob pointed then turned his attention to look nervously up at the press box. Josie noticed his anxiety and put her arm around him and hugged him.

"Don't worry Sam, I'll catch you," Josie said quietly, smiling into his eyes.

Sam smiled at her reading his mind again and kissed her once more. When he finally pulled back and looked into her eyes again he knew what he wanted to say before they started their climb. He swallowed hard and took her hand and said what was on his mind. "From now on, we'll catch each other, Josie."

The End

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