Sam's Awakening, Part 29:
The Dance
By Carol

Date Posted: February 20, 2001

* * *

As Sam drove home from his afternoon at the Country Club, he was preoccupied with visions of Josie, dreaming about how she would look tonight. He smiled to himself at the breath taking mental image his brain conjured up. Realizing that his mood had brightened just thinking about her, he now felt at least a little more optimistic about seeing her at the Prom.

Upon entering his apartment building, Sam decided to check his mailbox. Inside there were two envelopes: one a telephone bill and the other was addressed to him in what looked like a child's handwriting. In place of a return address, someone had drawn a pink heart. He grinned, thinking it must be from his sister Abby � she often sent him "letters" from his niece Emma, who was still a toddler. And he had been thrilled to receive every one of them. In fact he'd saved every one in a scrapbook he was keeping to show Emma someday.

But then Sam noticed the postmark clearly said Oak Park, Illinois. Curious now, Sam took the stairs to his apartment two at a time and unlocked the door. He set the telephone bill down on top of his desk and sat down to carefully open the envelope.

As he eagerly unfolded the paper inside, to his surprise and delight, Sam discovered that there was a letter and a drawing of a house, both sent to him by Josie's cousin, Georgia Geller.

The letter, read:

Dear Sam:

Thank you for going to the movie with us.
I broke Gina's lamp. I have to stay in my room after school.
I can read my book, but no TV. Gina told on me.
Can you come to the movies again?
Josie can come but not Gina, okay?
Here is a picture of my house.
I miss you. I love you very much.
Georgia Geller xxx ooo
p.s. Aunt Janet told me the address

Sam laughed out loud shaking his head. 'Leave it to Georgia,' he thought remembering how she'd latched on to his legs and convinced him to spend the day with them the previous Sunday. Now it seemed she was going to orchestrate a "date" for the three of them, cutting Gina out of the picture. 'Well at least one of the Geller women loves me,' he thought sighing. "I love you too, Georgia," he said out loud, mentally thanking her for lightening his mood.

He spent the rest of the afternoon alternating between looking at Georgia's letter and the pictures of the four of them and studying his list of things to tell Josie. After many hours of study, he believed he finally had everything memorized. When he at last felt somewhat comfortable with his command of the list, he decided to shower and change into his tux and head out for the Prom.

Knowing he'd be early, Sam was really much too nervous to think about concentrating on anything else but getting himself dressed and back to the Country Club in one piece. He smiled as he once again pictured Josie driving to Rob's house in her gown and tennis shoes. He would have given anything to see her like that, knowing how adorable she would look.

* * *

Sam glanced nervously at his watch, knowing that Josie and company would most likely arrive any minute. Now that he was all set up in his perch on the second floor of the Country Club he sighed with a little relief. He'd even managed to adjust to being up this high, by closing his eyes now and then, while picturing Josie's smiling face. Indirectly, he realized, she was even helping him overcome his fear of heights, just as she'd done on that Ferris wheel.

He grinned to himself at all the clever costumes as more and more students arrived out front. When he saw Gibby and her crowd he rolled his eyes � 'I should have known they'd all come as Barbie � how inane and typical,' he thought, shaking his head.

Suddenly Sam saw a black limousine pulling up slowly and somehow he sensed that this would be Josie. He laughed out loud when he saw Rob and Tracie bounce out as Tom Cruise and Rebecca DeMornay from Risky Business. Now he completely understood why Rob's mother would want him to have a "change of clothes" just in case. Sam shook his head, chuckling at Rob's audacity, wearing nothing but his briefs, dress shirt and sunglasses to the Prom.

Sam found himself reflexively scowling momentarily as he saw Guy Perkins emerge from the side of the limo closest to him. Then Guy proceeded to go around to help someone out of the other side of the vehicle. Guy looked undeniably dashing in his Orlando costume. 'He looks too good,' Sam thought darkly.

He held his breath and swallowed hard as he saw her small hand reach up to take Guy's. As she stood up, he almost fell over in his chair when he absorbed how gorgeous, sexy and � yes � voluptuous she looked in her rose pink gown with her hair swept up in a delicate twist. There she was � the love of his life, looking like a glamorous movie star � more breathtakingly beautiful than any woman he'd ever seen anywhere � here in front of him on the arm of another.

Sam felt a sudden stab of pain shoot through him as Guy wrapped his arm around Josie to guide her towards the door. Studying her face as they stopped to talk to Gibby and the rest, he saw that she was smiling, but her eyes were sad and slightly puffy � most likely from crying, he realized. Crying because of him. Still, she looked even more radiantly beautiful than he'd ever imagined and dangerously appealing in her low-cut gown. Dangerously appealing indeed.

Sam gulped painfully when he saw she and Guy were holding hands as they approached the Country Club entrance. Holding hands and smiling � like what they were - a couple on a date.

When they were no longer in his line of sight, Sam sighed shakily and reached in his pocket for his list once again. He realized that just looking at Josie from this distance had so unnerved him that his mind was a complete blank and he needed to re-learn his list. Looking at the list, he blinked trying to will the incredible vision of her in that dress out of his brain. But he could not do it.

Knowing it was about to be a very trying evening, Sam forced himself to concentrate yet again on the list before him. If his initial reaction to seeing her was any indication, he sensed that trying to remember anything when in proximity to her would be a super human struggle. The fact that Guy Perkins looked good in his Orlando costume didn't help matters either.

* * *

Josie had been sitting at the table for a few minutes trying to compose herself. She knew it would be a long evening, especially with the way Guy was acting. He was definitely more into touching and holding hands this evening and it was all Josie could do to stop herself from slapping his hand and pushing him away. She also realized the time was coming when she'd have to make it clear to Guy that she wasn't interested. Knowing he had a very healthy ego, she was pretty sure her rejection wouldn't hurt him or even phase him. Still she hated the idea of rejecting anyone.

Josie glanced around nervously. As she sat there watching the other students she was painfully aware of the fact that she still hadn't spotted Sam. 'He's probably off somewhere with Lara,' she thought jealously. Part of her hoped he would be here with Lara � at least that way Josie knew she wouldn't have to deal with the knowledge that Gus and most of the Chicago Sun Times staff was watching every move they made. She silently cursed herself for still missing him so much. 'You're just setting yourself up to be hurt more,' she thought sadly as she stared down at her hands.

* * *

Rob Geller was uncharacteristically nervous as he stood in line at the punch bowl. Following Sam's advice he had just rejected Tracie's more than unique offer of sex, and that she'd accompanied with a demonstration of her ability to position her leg in back of her head while wearing a skin-tight miniskirt.

"You did the right thing, Rob," he muttered to himself. "Just think of Caroline and you'll be fine," he said as he bit his lip, and then nervously took off his sunglasses to wipe the sweat from his brow. Rob knew if Tracie persisted in her efforts to seduce him, it was bound to be a very long and difficult evening. On top of that, he knew he needed to keep a sharp eye on Josie and Sam.

* * *

Sam had moved his chair to a position where he could watch Josie as she sat alone at her table. He was more than a little relieved by the fact that Guy was "circulating" without her. She looked so exquisite, alone there, obviously deep in thought.

'I wish I could bring her up here with me,' Sam thought longingly, knowing he was wishing for the impossible. Still he yearned to somehow steal her away from her "date" and just be with her. As he noticed her scanning the room he wondered if maybe, just maybe she was looking for him.

"Don't flatter yourself, Sam," he muttered disgusted with himself. "She's probably just watching the crowd."

Sam sighed as he observed Guy making his way back to the table, and then frowned as Guy picked up her hand, obviously asking her to dance. As she rose to her feet, she looked up momentarily. In that instant she and Sam connected. Her right hand went to her heart reflexively the moment she saw him sitting up there � all alone, watching her. She hesitated, looked at her feet, and then looked up again, smiling sadly.

In that moment, Sam knew she had been looking for him and wanted to be with him too. Even though their bodies were apart, their souls connected somehow. Her really felt that again now and it made him feel stronger because in spite of everything he knew she still cared for him � at least enough to want to be with him.

Knowing he couldn't stare at them dancing, Sam once again took his index card out of his pocket to study it intently. After reading it a few more dozen times, he closed his eyes, praying for the strength to get through the evening and somehow find his way to Josie. He was startled out of his moment of solitude when he heard Mrs. Knox saying his name, obviously looking for him.

* * *

Just as she stood up to dance with Guy, Josie saw him � looking so devastatingly handsome dressed in his tuxedo, watching her from above.

'Watching over me,' she thought dreamily. 'He's so sweet.' The look on Sam's face � a look of pure adoration and complete love � tore at her heartstrings. She wanted to run up there and be with him, but she knew she was wearing the camera and had to play the part of "Josie Geller � high school student,' for at least a little while longer for both their sakes. Luckily she didn't have to "slow dance" with Guy yet � all the music played so far was fairly fast. She prayed for the strength to make it through the evening.

* * *

Sam took a deep breath and got up from his chair and headed down the stairs to begin the announcing. Stumbling on the second step, he almost lived out his nightmare of plunging head first into a crowd. But luckily Sam caught himself on the railing.

'Smooth, Sam, really smooth,' he thought disgustedly. 'Falling down the stairs at her feet � that'll impress her, yeah right.' He rolled his eyes at himself and muttered, "What a goofball!"

* * *

"Let's give it up for Mr. Coulson and Ms. Knox!" Steve announced enthusiastically as Sam and Marilyn made their way to the stage. Sam knew he didn't dare look at Josie, for fear he'd stumble again and fall. He figured out exactly where she and Guy were dancing and guided Marilyn up the opposite side of the ballroom to the stage.

* * *

When Josie heard Sam's name announced she broke away from Guy quickly, scanning the room for the man she loved. She also, then remembered to look for Lara, but saw no sign of Sam's girlfriend as she applauded for him and smiled encouragingly at him.

* * *

After much deliberation and discussion back and forth by phone that afternoon, the plan Sam and Marilyn had finally agreed on was for Sam to announce the 1999 Prom Court; then Marilyn Knox would do the princes and the king; followed by Sam announcing the princesses and Josie.

But something happened to Sam when he took the stage. He looked around nervously, trying not to make eye contact with Josie, but he couldn't help himself. His eyes were drawn to her. Realizing all eyes were on him now, he held his hands off to stifle the applause. "Enough, Enough!" he said laughing. Then he cleared his throat and plunged ahead, "Well, our 1999 Prom Court."

But then instead of deferring to Marilyn as planned, Sam completely forgot the set order of announcements and stayed at the microphone, reaching in his jacket pocket and pulling out the index card. The only problem was he somehow grabbed the wrong card and was now on stage staring at his list of things to be sure to say to Josie.

His heart racing, Sam decided to wing it. He knew their names so he plunged ahead. "And the princesses are�" He didn't notice Marilyn Knox staring at him with her mouth wide open in shock as he proceeded, �"Miss Kristen Davis, Miss Kirsten Leosis, and Miss Gibby Zarefsky," he announced, proud of himself for remembering their names and getting his mouth to work. 'At least that's over,' he thought nervously, putting the list back into his pocket as the trio bounced up on stage to a polite smattering of applause and a few boos from the Denominators.

Marilyn Knox took this opportunity to nudge Sam, whispering under her breath, "You changed the order � let me do the boys and Guy now so Josie can be last, okay Sam?"

Sam gave her a shocked look nodding stupidly as he realized what he had just done. He swallowed, gulping for air, hoping no one but Marilyn had noticed his faux pas.

Rather than rushing through her announcements as Sam had done, Mrs. Knox decided to go a little slower with her list. She smiled brightly. "And the princes are�Mr. Thomas Salome�Mr. Jason Way �and Mr. Rob�" She looked to Sam for assistance, but he gave her a blank look and leaned towards her to study the same card she had looked at. All the study in the world could not change the fact that there was no last name there. "Mr. Rob�" she repeated, trailing off.

From the crowd, Rob yelled, "Mr Rob! Yeahhhh!" and ran over to Josie, squeezing her arm and then turning to fly up on stage to much more enthusiastic applause. Caught up in the moment, as he reached the stage, Rob decided to plant a big wet kiss on Marilyn Knox.

Marilyn patted her hair nervously, trying to recover as Sam touched her arm and asked her if she was okay. "Oh yeahhh!" she answered dreamily. "Fantastic!" she gasped as Rob yelled "Alll Right!" and pantomimed hitting a home run for the crowd. At least Rob had everyone laughing now, Sam realized.

'Leave it to Rob to ease the tension!!' Sam chuckled to himself as he grinned at Rob. Rob looked back at him and smiled broadly.

Marilyn finally collected herself somewhat and put her hand over her pounding heart. "Next up � South Glen's Prom King�Guy Perkins," she breathed, clutching her index card to her chest while she fluttered her eyelashes at Rob. Rob pulled off his sunglasses long enough to fix his hair and leer meaningfully at her.

Sam didn't miss for an instant that Guy squeezed Josie's arm affectionately before making his way to the stage. Sam forced himself to join the polite applause for the Prom King.

Marilyn stared at Sam nervously as he hesitated. "Sam," she hissed. "Do the Queen."

Taking a deep ragged breath, Sam braced him self and made direct eye contact with Josie. He wanted her to know how proud and happy he was for her at this moment. "And this year's Prom Queen," his mouth said as his eyes stared at her for a tad too long. "Ladies and gentlemen�" And still he paused, overwhelmed with emotion.

"Josie Geller!" he yelled proudly, grinning broadly at her. Luckily for him the room exploded with applause and cheering, diverting attention from Josie as she made her hesitant way to the stage.

* * *

Josie stood, stunned and unbelieving when Sam stared at her and said her name. When he'd announced the princesses, she'd assumed she'd been overlooked, just like always; never dreaming she was about to be named Prom Queen.

Even when Guy's name was announced as King she was excited for him, but still expected Sera or one of her other beautiful classmates' names to be called. Never in a million years had she thought this would really happen to her. Feeling as if she was in a beautiful dream, Josie walked tentatively up to the stage, twisting her hands together nervously as she prepared herself to be crowned by Sam, the man she loved with all her heart and soul.

The fact that she was receiving a thundering ovation of applause and cheering barely registered as she sought eye contact with Rob. It registered with Sam, though, as he realized how many others truly liked and admired his Josie. The fact that she was obviously not expecting the honor only made him love her that much more. Once again, he was amazed to realize that she really wasn't aware of her own beauty and popularity and he was bursting with happiness and pride for her.

As she looked at Rob for reassurance, Josie could see the tears in her little brother's eyes as he removed his sunglasses. She knew that he had believed in her when no one else had and now she felt him reassuring her with his eyes, mentally lifting her up to the stage to be crowned.

"We did it!" Rob mouthed happily. "We really did it, Josie!" Knowing, she didn't dare make eye contact with Sam, Josie locked eyes with her brother and moved forward. She was sure she'd trip and fall if she dared to look in those deep green eyes of Sam's. Finally, as she reached the stairs, and the applause continued to roar, she took a deep breath and climbed up to face him.

In the next instant he was placing the tiara on her head ever so gently � again taking a little longer than normal while his fingers remained softly touching her hair. She stared into his eyes sadly as he touched her, afraid to breathe or move a muscle. It felt so nice just to be close to him again. Finally, he finished placing her crown and joined the applause.

For a moment Sam was at a loss as to what to do next. Marilyn elbowed him in the side. "King and Queen dance, Sam!" she hissed in his ear.

'Get a grip, Sam!' he thought as he leaned into the microphone clenching his teeth, not wanting to say it, but knowing he needed to. "And as is custom, the King and the Queen will now have their first dance," he explained nervously.

He didn't miss for a second the wounded look Josie shot him as she turned to dance with Guy. 'How could you?' her eyes flashed at him as if she'd yelled it in his face.

Increasing his pain, Marilyn Knox whispered in his ear, "She looks so beautiful, doesn't she Sam?"

Sam could only manage to blink and nod miserably as she started to dance with Guy.

To add insult to injury, Marilyn added, "They make a lovely couple."

Sam folded his arms across his chest in a futile attempt to shield his heart from the pain of seeing her dance in front of him in another man's arms.

* * *

Meanwhile, in Gus' office at The Chicago Sun Times, Anita and Cynthia slid their chairs a little closer to the television screen as Josie started to slow dance with Guy. Cynthia munched non-stop on her bowl of popcorn while Anita prayed silently for her best friend.

Although he sat right behind her, Anita hadn't spoken a word to Gus since the day before. He'd attempted to talk to her several times, but she continued to pointedly ignore him, even when he slid his chair closer to her. She in turn slid her own chair closer to Cynthia and hoped fervently that Josie would remember to remove the camera if and when Sam made his move. As the camera caught fleeting glimpses of Sam's face, Anita knew now it was only a matter of time since Sam looked as if he was about to burst with jealousy.

* * *

Sam felt like another nightmare had started for him. He'd actually handed Josie over to another man, albeit an eighteen-year-old one. What was going on around him now was just too surreal.

Next to him Marilyn had actually started to dance with Rob. On the stage, no less! Sam would have been amused by that little situation if it weren't for the fact that Josie was dancing in Guy's arms right in front of him. Swallowing painfully he studied every move � wincing when it looked like Guy was pulling her closer and rather than objecting to it as Sam would have wished, she was actually smiling at Guy.

It took every ounce of self-control Sam had not to run up to them and tear her out of Guy's arms once and for all. To make matters worse, it looked like Guy was rubbing her hand as he held it � Sam definitely was noticing some finger movement and he didn't like it one bit. He couldn't quite tell whose fingers were moving there, but he stared at Josie's face willing her to stop whatever it was right that instant.

Sam's wish was granted � she did stop it only to rest her forehead against Guy's cheek and give Sam the saddest, most plaintive look he'd ever seen. Feeling as if his heart was being ripped from his chest, Sam looked at the floor, but his eyes had a will of their own and he kept glancing back at them, still dancing in front of him, torturing him. It was as if her eyes were magnets drawing him to look back again and again as much as it killed him to do it.

* * *

Anita gulped, almost swallowing her piece of popcorn whole, when she saw the expression on Sam's face. Starting to choke, partly for real and partly in an effort to divert Gus' attention, she put her arms in the air and coughed repeatedly.

"Are you okay, 'Nita?" Cynthia asked while patting her on the back.

"I'm fine," Anita croaked hoarsely, pointing at her throat. "Just went down the wrong way."

"How about the Heimlich Manuever? I'm all over that one if you need it!" Merkin piped up. Anita shook her head and rolled her eyes at the offer.

"Nice try, Anita," Gus muttered under his breath as he stared intently at Josie's English Teacher.

* * *

Feeling like he couldn't take another second of suffering, Sam walked to the opposite corner of the room and forced himself to stare at the floor, willing the song to end.

It didn't end, but he noticed now most of the other students were dancing so he lifted his head to peek at her. Only now he couldn't find her. Blinking several times, he glanced around the room. He spotted Guy, but Guy was no longer with her. In fact, he was talking animatedly to Tommy and Jason.

Knowing that the next song would be a slow one, Sam decided he couldn't wait another instant to dance with her. He scanned the room frantically, still not seeing Josie. But then something told him to look towards the dessert table. And there she was!

'It's now or never, Sam,' he told himself as he walked towards her.

* * *

Relieved to be temporarily rid of Guy, Josie decided to treat herself to a soothing piece of her favorite � chocolate cake. Dancing with Guy had only magnified her longing for Sam. She searched for him briefly when Guy left, but couldn't find him. 'He's probably dancing with Lara,' she thought sadly as she started to pick up her piece of cake.

* * *

Sam strode nervously, but purposefully to her side, repeating the mantra, 'Tell her she's beautiful; tell her she's beautiful; tell her she's beautiful' over and over in his head.

"Hey," he said, gently touching her elbow.

Startled, Josie turned to him. "Hi," she answered, smiling shyly with her finger and thumb in the cake, glad she hadn't taken a big bite yet. She discreetly wiped her fingers on the plate.

"Wow, um Josie, you make a really beautiful Prom Queen!" Sam gushed enthusiastically. He knew he was grinning like an idiot but was powerless to control it. He felt so much better now, just standing next to her, more than a little relieved that she seemed happy to have him there.

Josie's heart was pounding so loud she could hear it. And her mind was racing. 'Did he just compliment me?' she wondered. 'Quick! Say something about the way he looks!'

"Really?" She asked incredibly. He responded by nodding stupidly.

"Thanks, so do you!" she exclaimed then cringed as she realized she'd just inadvertently called him a beautiful Prom Queen.

Sam chuckled at her response � she always knew somehow what to do to ease his tension and make him feel better � again soothing him without even realizing she was doing it. Knowing that she'd really meant to compliment him too, he glanced sheepishly at his tux.

"Nah, I always feel like kind of a goofball in these penguin suits. Like I'm at my own wedding or something�." He babbled, totally out of control now.

'Oh God, what did I just say?' he thought panicking. 'Did I say penguin? Could I be more of a goofball, really?' he asked himself disgustedly as he studied his shoes in an effort to calm himself.

Josie blushed thinking, 'Oh my God, why did he say penguin? He can't know about that, can he? What did he say about a � wedding?' Her mind was racing, but she couldn't think of what to say to him in response.

'Quick do something � what's next on that darned list � oh yea, dance with her,' Sam remembered, but then he looked up at her and the words stuck in his throat. "Do ya, Do ya wanna?" he managed to ask while he gestured at the dance floor and pointed at their feet. 'What is this charades? Oh God, Sam get a grip.' But it was useless as his mind jumped from one nervous thought to another. He felt so out of control.

Luckily, miraculously somehow Josie understood his gestures, pointed at herself as if to ask if he could really be talking about her. Sam nodded, since it was all he could manage.

She said "Okay!" and smiled at him and suddenly they were holding hands as they searched for a place on the dance floor.

* * *

Anita gulped, inching even closer to the TV screen. Sam and Josie were obviously preparing to dance and Josie still hadn't ditched the camera. Something caught her attention and she noticed the couple sliding around on the dance floor next to them. She sighed with relief and gratitude when she recognized Rob and Tracie. 'Thank God for Rob � he'll make sure nothing happens,' she thought with relief. She could clearly see that Rob was leaning in to hear Sam and Josie's conversation.

Anita wasn't the only one who noticed Rob.

"That brother of hers is a royal pain in the ass!" Gus growled.

"I think he's adorable and totally sexy in that little Tom Cruise outfit," Anita smiled, knowing this would irritate Gus.

"MM Hmmm!" Cynthia and Rhoda agreed in unison.

Gus grunted and scowled.

* * *

Somehow Sam ended up leading Josie to a spot next to Rob, but he never saw Rob or anyone else except her. His heart was pounding so loudly that he could barely think, but somehow he managed to gently take her in his arms and still hold her at a respectful distance � no small feat considering the shape he was in.

Josie's heart was pounding as well. She wasn't sure how she'd arrived here, but here she was in Sam Coulson's arms dancing. It took her a moment to really absorb all that was going on. To her utter amazement, it suddenly dawned on her that he was even more nervous than she was. This beautiful, sweet man that she loved so much was actually trembling. She was so charmed and awestruck by his reaction to her, that for a moment she wondered if she might be dreaming this after all.

But somehow she knew it was real. And it all felt so right. Josie sighed as she began to relax in his arms. Sensing his need, she reflexively squeezed his hand and rubbed his arm a little to reassure him. They smiled into each other's eyes as he pulled her slightly closer to him.

'What next?' Sam thought as she squeezed his arm. 'I wish I could stay like this forever,' he thought dreamily. Suddenly he found himself feeling a little melancholy because he knew he wanted the impossible. He decided to try and express this feeling to her even though he was deviating from his list. 'She's so beautiful,' he thought swallowing.

To her he said, "You know, it's funny, Proms always make me a little sad, you know, they're so final, graduation, everyone scattering, moving on�" 'I'm rambling,' he realized. 'But she's in my arms now, so who cares?'

Josie studied him closely, still amazed as she sensed that she was more in control of her emotions then he was. He seemed so vulnerable, but yet she knew there was something she needed to ask before she allowed things to go any further between them.

She cleared her throat. "Is your girlfriend here?" She inquired nervously, dreading the answer.

"No. No, I'm alone." Sam replied firmly. 'The list, what did Matt tell me to say? Oh yeah�'

He continued, "In fact, um we uh broke up last week." He was beyond relieved that he'd finally managed to say it and was halfway through his list of things to tell her. Knowing this was a big issue for both of them, he studied her reaction.

* * *

Everyone in Gus' office moved closer to the TV and Anita held her breath again, praying that something would stop the runaway train she was watching careening towards Josie and Sam.

Josie broke out in a grin from ear to ear. She blushed, looking at the ground. 'Anita was right � he doesn't love her. He loves me.' She smiled into his eyes.

"Really?" She asked, positively glowing as he nodded and grinned.

"That's funny because you know actually Prom comes from promenade and you can't promenade alone, can you?" She blurted it out nervously, then laughed with Sam at the absurdity of what she'd just said. They grinned at each other.

'My God, he's got the most incredibly long eyelashes,' she thought dreamily. 'Why didn't I ever notice his eyelashes before?'

"You're amazing, Josie Geller!" Sam said spontaneously as he grinned back at her. He knew he'd said it from the heart even though complimenting her was definitely next on his list. They stared into each other's eyes a few moments longer and he pulled her closer to him. He also noticed that her eyes were saying dangerous things to him now. Suddenly he knew she wanted to be even closer to him. He gladly complied by daring to pull her closer yet.

Josie responded by rubbing her thumb in little circles on the hand she held. Sam was doing his best to breathe normally, but his pulse was flying and his knees felt a little weak. He swallowed nervously a few times and Josie saw this and stroked his upper arm to try and soothe him. In all their wondrous time together, this was the closest they'd ever been to declaring their love and they both knew it was about to happen in spite of everything. Wanting the moment to last, they danced quietly and happily in each other's arms � lost in each other's eyes.

Rob inched Trace along the dance floor, strategically placing himself in a good spot to keep a sharp eye and ear on Sam and Josie. He noticed the way they were openly and obviously enthralled with each other. It looked to him as if his sister was about to tell all and he wanted to be sure to be there for her if she needed help explaining things to Sam. Like Anita, Rob was praying that Josie would remember to lose the wings pin.

'I love you so much,' Sam thought dreamily, staring into her big blue eyes. It was as if suddenly all the trauma with Lara, and his nightmare of the night before had never happened. He realized if they could just be together, everything would be fine. Remembering his list, Sam knew he had something else to say before he got to the toughest, but best part � expressing his feelings for her at last.

"Have you thought about Dartmouth anymore?" he asked noticing that she looked down. He lowered his head to try and catch her eye and make her smile. As he bent closer, suddenly she looked up and now their faces were closer than he had intended � dangerously close.

In a flash, her mood had changed � to a serious one and he knew the time had at last arrived.

"Yes," she said staring and him. "And um there's something that I want to tell you." She reached decisively with her left hand to remove the pin she always wore. Pulling it off, she dropped it to the ground and stepped on it.

Rob took in the fact that she'd removed the pin and moved closer holding his breath.

* * *

Anita turned around to look at Gus, who was screaming expletives and racing to the phone to call George in the van. Anita smiled to herself, saying a little prayer of thanks.

* * *

Sam noticed her taking off the pin, but he was so startled by her sudden statement that he couldn't focus on anything, but finally getting the nerve and courage to lay everything on the line. He swallowed hard twice and took a ragged breath, staring at her all the while. 'Here goes,' he thought determinedly.

"There's- there's something I want to tell you too," he said hoarsely and time stopped for him.

Time stopped because as he prepared to tell her everything, he was jarred to realize that she wasn't looking at him. She was staring off in the distance with an angry expression on her face � he'd seen that look before when she'd shaken her finger at Rob, Ken the Creep and then Matt Riley at the softball game. Only this time she was more furious than ever. Her eyes were blazing.

Sam stared at her, puzzled at her sudden inattention, combined with the obvious torment and inner struggle he could see written on her lovely face. And he knew in his heart that something was very, very wrong.

Rob saw the expression on his sister's face too. Alarm bells went off in his brain, reverberating all through him. He knew that look and he knew it meant only one thing. Josie was about to blow up � and he had no idea why.

As Sam and Rob studied her, Josie made a split-second decision, releasing Sam and flying to help Aldys, who dancing happily with Guy, had no idea what was about to befall her. Josie knew she had to save her friend from the pain and humiliation she knew all too well.

"No!" She yelled. And with her catcher's instinct, Josie moved to divert the can of dog food in Tommy's hand away from Aldys and on to the three vicious girls who were trying to hurt her friend. Josie pulled Aldys to safety and turned to face her three tormentors � Gibby Kirsten and Kristen, now drenched with the dog food they had intended for Aldys.

Guy stood guiltily to one side. He'd been in on the plan to dump the dog food on Aldys, but somehow he'd enjoyed dancing with her so much that he'd actually forgotten about it. Sometime, during their dance he'd discovered he was attracted to her and now he regretted his participation in the scheme.

Sam had been confused at first, but he quickly absorbed what had happened and felt his heart swelling with pride and love for what Josie had done to help Aldys. He could tell by Josie's expression that she was about to tell the trio of soggy princesses exactly what she thought of them. Ready to step in if necessary, he figured he'd start by letting Josie handle it.

"I knew it! You are a loser!" Gibby snarled, pulling off her drenched wig.

"You ruined everything!" Kristen whined.

"You so do not deserve to be Prom Queen!" Kirsten sputtered.

'Uh oh,' Rob thought nervously. He didn't like the way Josie's eyes were flashing now. 'Not a good sign,' he thought, fearful of what she might say now that she'd lost control of that volatile temper. He held his breath and waited.

"Let me tell you something! I don't care about being your stupid Prom Queen!" Josie stormed, throwing her tiara at Gibby's feet.

'Good for you!' Sam thought proudly. But, unfortunately for him Josie was far from finished.

"I'm twenty-five years old!" she announced, pointing at her chest.

'What!?' Sam wondered, thinking he must have heard wrong, but then she continued her rant.

"I'm an undercover reporter for The Chicago Sun Times and I've been beating my brains out trying to impress you people!"

'An undercover reporter!? Oh, my God� no!' Sam's mind exploded with confusion and shock. Suddenly he felt like he needed fresh air to catch his breath. He knew somehow he needed to go outside, so he turned towards the nearest door and walked out, determined to get away. Knowing his brain needed to process what he'd just heard, he also somehow knew there was no way he could do this standing next to her in a room full of people, many of whom were his students. As soon as he got outside in the courtyard he found a place to sit down. Yanking off his tie, he hung his head sadly trying to come to grips with what he'd just learned about the love of his life.

* * *

Rob stared helplessly at the unfolding scene. He felt like a deer caught in the headlights of a runaway truck: nowhere to run or hide. He nervously adjusted his sunglasses, waiting for what he now knew was the inevitable. Rob was certain of one thing and one thing only � there was no way to stop Josie at this point. All that was left was to deal with the fall-out.

"�.But you!" Josie continued, with eyes blazing, pointing at Gibby and company. "You were only my friend after my brother, Rob," she said gesturing at him as if everyone wouldn't know whom she meant. "Posed as a student and told you to like me."

As Gibby and company reacted to this news, all eyes turned to Rob, who waved nervously and adjusted his sunglasses, trying to gauge the closest way out.

As Josie concluded her tirade, she suddenly remembered Sam and quickly headed for the nearest door. Aldys led the applause for her and Rob joined in a little too loudly. Now that Josie had exited everyone turned to Rob expectantly, including Tracie who was standing right beside him.

Rob looked around sheepishly. Never at a loss for words though, he quipped, "Wow, that was just like Carrie! I thought she was gonna kill us all! All right you guys! Go Rams!" he finished breathlessly as he turned to run down to the locker room. He said a silent prayer of thanks to his mother for convincing him to put a change of clothes there earlier in the day.

* * *

Sam was slumped on a bench sitting in the courtyard, totally devastated. He was trying his best to come to grips with what he'd heard inside.

'Everything I know about her is a lie,' he thought brokenheartedly. 'She doesn't love me at all and I don't even know who she is. Everything is over. She's a reporter � my age � she probably is married to someone else for all I know.' All these thoughts raced through his mind as he shook his head sadly and tears filled his eyes. Staring into space he sensed movement as a door opened behind him, but he didn't look around. He felt like the biggest fool in the world.

Suddenly Sam heard someone running, than a frantic man's voice. "Hello! We lost the feed! Gus is going nuts! He's calling every five minutes! Did you get the story?"

"No!" Josie answered shaking her head.

"THE FEED?' Sam thought. 'OH, MY GOD � THE FEED? She was filming me!? GUS!? GUS IS HER BOSS!' It dawned on him suddenly and he felt sick at his stomach.

But the man wasn't finished.

"Please, tell me you got something on Coulson!!" he begged.

"NO!" Josie responded adamantly shaking her head.

'I WAS HER TARGET!! SHE WAS SETTING ME UP!!' What he'd heard almost propelled Sam to his feet from his hiding place behind the hedge. In an anguished split second, he had to take in the knowledge that the woman he'd loved with all his heart did not exist. In addition to that, it seemed clear now that all her actions were designed to set him up for some kind of scandalous story, on camera no less. His beloved Josie was his enemy.

It was the most devastatingly painful moment of Sam's existence � knowing that Josie Geller had deliberately set out to harm him. And that realization caused him to feel angrier than he'd ever been in his life. He slowly rose from his seat and turned to confront her.

The man she'd been talking to about her job slunk off into the night.

Josie was shaking as she saw Sam and started to approach him. All her anger was gone now � replaced by fear and regret that she'd hurt Sam like this. She could see the hurt and anger there in his eyes.

"So, surprise!" She whispered nervously, twisting her hands together.

Seeing her try to feign innocence only enraged him. "Surprise, what � surprise you were doing a story on me?" Sam asked, his voice breaking. He nervously twisted his bow tie in his hands. He couldn't believe she was still trying to deceive him like this. 'She must think I'm some kind of imbecile,' he thought heatedly.

"No� I couldn't� I mean surprise, I was hoping�" She started.

Sam had about all that he could take of her. "What? What? You were hoping, what that I'd be happy!?" he asked not believing her act for a moment.

Josie nodded.

"Why? Because it turns out all of a sudden I was allowed to be attracted to you?" he asked, turning away as he deliberately minimized what he'd felt towards her. He knew he couldn't face her and do it � not now. He wasn't about to tell her know how much she'd meant to him � not wanting to give her the satisfaction of knowing how deeply she'd hurt him.

"You were attracted to me?" she asked, frightened at his reaction to her. This was a side of Sam, she'd never seen before. Still he had admitted to being attracted and she sensed wrongly that this might be an opening.

Sam quickly disabused her of that notion.

"Goddamit, Josie!" You set me up for a story!" He accused bitterly as he whirled around to face her.

"No� I� I" Josie shook her head, trying to find the words to explain.

"Just drop the act, okay? Every word out of your mouth has been a complete lie. I don't know you at all." He finished, turning fully intending to leave her forever.

"Wait, don't walk away," she pleaded taking a step towards him. Against his better judgment, he turned to face her again.

"Look�if we could just spend some time together you could get to know me again," she argued, nodding.

Something made him hesitate, but he knew somehow this had to be another trick. She was his enemy and it was all part of her plan to hurt him. He knew it now � was sure of it. He raised an eyebrow at her and said, "I just can't look at you the same way." He said it firmly, then walked away.

Josie stood stunned, watching him go off into the night. Then she sat for a moment where he'd been on the bench, trying to gather her thoughts. She'd never felt such a loss as this one. Knowing she had deeply hurt the one person she cared about most in the world, she rose slowly and started walking the five miles through city to her apartment, knowing she had to find some way to make it up to him.

To be continued �

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