The Prom
By Sara

Date Posted: September 16, 1999

Disclaimer: I own none of these characters! I'm just borrowing them for a much needed character analysis.

Notes: The sixth installment (and I believe most in demand) of my "Sam's Thoughts" series.

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Sam felt as if he'd entered another world.

He was walking around the dance floor, smiling and talking with various students and co-workers, marveling at the thought some of these people had put into their costumes. He hadn't known some of his students could be that creative. He wished they'd shown it in his class.

He sighed as he found himself scanning the room for Josie. He knew she'd be here with Guy�but he wasn't going to let that stop him. He'd come tonight with a mission�a goal�set on taking the biggest risk of his life. Simply because he knew he couldn't live with himself if it was any other way.

His mind went to the conversation, well, more like screaming, raging argument, he'd gotten into with Laura when he told her he was breaking up with her. He'd had a splitting headache that night, one that had only gotten worse as his now 'ex' lammed into him about what a jerk he was, and how childish he was being. He'd finally managed to hang up, a sense of relief coursing through him as he realized he was finally free.

But free to what?

That question had kept him up for the past few nights�agonizing nights of weighing the pros and cons of admitting his feelings for Josie. After several sleepless nights�he'd finally reached the breaking point. He'd finally made himself sit down and take a good, hard look at his life�and where he wanted it to go, and with whom.

And even though he'd been almost 100 percent positive he'd decided right�it had taken that close encounter and near kiss on the bench yesterday for it to hit home.

He'd already done the unthinkable. Fallen in love with Josie. Despite their age difference, despite the fact she was his student. He realized she made him laugh, in and out of class. She challenged his thoughts, his actions, he found himself wanting to impress her�by being himself. And he found it utterly and totally irresistible that she seemed to feel the same way about him. At least if he'd read the expression in her eyes right for the past few weeks. And the fact she'd been ready to kiss him as well yesterday was a pretty good sign too.

Once he'd realized his feelings�he'd suddenly felt at peace. He was in love with Josie. His student for only a few more weeks. Then she'd be off to college�and free to date him. At least, if she wanted to.

That was his other fear. Despite his earlier thoughts�maybe he was reading too much into their encounters, maybe she was just a 17 year old girl, flirting with her teacher.

But, he'd told himself he was going to risk it. He'd wait for her. That was all there was to it.

Tonight he was going to tell her. He wasn't sure when or how, but tonight. He couldn't wait any longer.

Sam came back to the present, forcing his nerves to calm down, telling himself that he was doing the right thing, reassuring himself that he hadn't read Josie's feelings wrong�when his attention was caught by a group of people coming in the doors.

He watched Gibby, Kristen and Kirsten prance in on the arms of their dates, laughing slightly as he saw them all dressed up as Barbie Dolls. Originality from those three wasn't to be expected. He smiled as he saw the new student, Rob, he thought his name was, enter in nothing but a white oxford and underwear. Someone wanted to be Tommy Boy, he thought, struggling hard not to laugh at Tracie's version of Rebecca de Mornay's role in that film. At least it was a risky outfit.

He was still smiling when he caught his first glimpse of Josie.

The smile froze as he felt the breath leave his body. He couldn't move, couldn't breathe. He simply stared.

She looked amazing in her "Rosalind" dress. He'd known she was planning to go as Shakespeare's heroine, but hadn't expected her to look like that. The low cut front was wreaking havoc with his body, and he knew now why men must have loved women wearing those get ups in good old William's day. Her hair was swept up in some sophisticated fashion, wisps of it brushing her face and giving her a soft, feminine look. Her eyes glowed and her cheeks sparkled as she turned to whisper something to Guy.


The frozen smile changed into a frown as he turned his attention to the boy walking by Josie's side. Sure, he made the "Orlando" get up look good, but really, he looked almost ridiculously young in it. He definitely looked too young for Josie. Too sure of himself, and who he was, and of the woman by his side.

He caught himself just in time. He had no right to feel like that. She had no clue of his feelings for her, though, then again, maybe she did, but she couldn't outrightly expect to go 'to prom' with him. It was only right she should go with someone her own age. But if he had his way�she'd leave tonight with someone older, wiser, and definitely the best person for her. That was his goal, and he'd known to accomplish it, he'd have to bear the sight of Josie with Guy.

But he hadn't realized it was going to hurt so much. He knew jealousy when he saw it, and he realized he had a big, greener than grass, case of it right now.

He tried to force a smile again as he saw another teacher heading towards him, but his heart wasn't in it. He kept looking over at Josie, wondering if she was having fun with Guy. She looked like she was. So should he spoil it all by telling her his feelings? Or should he wait? Or should he say anything at all?

He was in emotional turmoil standing there, with no clue how to get out of it. His eyes were glued to the back of Josie's head, and he wondered if he was going to be able to survive this night.

Suddenly and without warning, he saw Josie turn and meet his gaze.

His breathing stopped again as she sent him a heart-warming smile. Straight at him, there was no mistaking that. He found himself automatically smiling back, a rather stupid grin he was sure, but a grin none the less.

He watched as Guy said something to her, and she turned, breaking their gaze for a moment. He felt his heart still in that second as he watched her listen to Guy. It started beating again when she turned back to him and caught his gaze again.

Then she winked.

He wondered if he'd seen that right, realizing he had as she smiled again at him, then turned back to listen to something Gibby was saying.

He swallowed, wondering if she'd meant anything with that smile and wink. His thoughts were interrupted as he heard someone calling his name and turned to see the principal motioning towards the stage. He nodded, collecting himself quickly as he headed up to begin the festivities. He'd talk to Josie later. Maybe even convince her to dance with him. That surely couldn't be seen as wrong, not here, tonight. His heart beat faster at the thought of holding her close, and he told it to slow down as he bounded up the stairs and headed for the microphone amid the cheering and whistling crowd.

He grabbed the microphone and spoke into it to get the crowd's attention. He deliberately avoided looking at Josie, knowing he'd give himself away if he caught her gaze before he'd had time to control his emotions, and calm his body down. He smiled as he watched Ms. Knotts join him, smiling as she motioned for him to read his list of names first. He smiled and looked at the paper he'd just been given, smiling ironically as he announced the three names he'd known would be on the list. He sighed and smiled again as Ms. Knotts read off the men, glad to see the new student Rob get nominated along with the usual suspects. Rob seemed to be a pretty popular guy.

Now�for the big moment. Prom Queen. He took a deep breath and looked down at the last name on the piece of paper he held. He stared at it for a moment, struggling to hold back a stupid grin. Finally, he gave up, and let a huge smile take over his face as he called out the final name.

"Miss Josie Geller!"

Sam knew he must be smiling insanely as he watched her slowly move through the crowd towards him. He sensed she was in shock, unsure about this honor, but happier than he'd ever seen her. He couldn't help but be glad he was the man getting the chance to crown her. He had to force his heart rate down as she slowly climbed the stairs and came to stand in front of him. He swallowed hard as he leaned around her to take the crown someone was holding out to him.

God she smelled good. He couldn't place what it was she was wearing, but whatever it was�it was driving him crazy. And that dress�if he looked at a certain angle�

He brought himself back to the present as he turned to face her and gently lifted the crown to her head. He felt his breath stolen as their gazes locked and he could read the pure happiness in her eyes. He placed the crown gently on her head, taking a bit longer than might be considered proper, but not caring. He was lost in her eyes, and as he reached for the flowers he knew he needed to give her, their hands brushed. Sam felt the jolt run straight through his system. He could tell she felt it too from the pleasant surprise that sparked in her eyes. He was stunned. It had never been like this, and just from one touch. He didn't want this moment to end, didn't want to break their gaze, but reality suddenly intruded as the loud catcalls and whistles penetrated his daze. He came back to the present, realizing he'd been staring at her for far too long. He turned to the microphone, trying to remember what came next.

As he heard himself explaining the king and queen would have their first dance�he felt another stab of jealousy. He finished his words, then forced himself to step back and watch as Guy grabbed Josie's hand and pulled her onto the dance floor. He could feel his clenched teeth, threatening to turn his forced smile into a grimace. He had to fight every urge in him to not go and cut in on them. He didn't want Guy Perkins anywhere near her. But he couldn't do anything right now. He had to bide his time and wait. His time was coming. He needed to let Josie enjoy her time.

But he wondered if she was enjoying it too much. It surely looked that way, as he watched Guy whisper something to her and saw her laugh with him. They looked like two kids having fun, dating and enjoying life. He'd never realized the capability in him for burning white-hot jealousy until now.

Suddenly, he saw Josie rest her head against Guy's cheek and he knew he had to get away. It might just be a friendly gesture while dancing, but it was ripping his heart out at the moment. Deep down, he thought he knew Josie wasn't really attracted to Guy. But he wasn't sure. After all, he was handsome, popular, and her age. He just wasn't sure. But he knew one thing for sure, he couldn't continue to watch them both dancing. It hurt too much.

But he couldn't seem to take his eyes off her as he slowly made his way down the stairs. She was so beautiful, inside and out, and he wondered why she had to be his student. But not for much longer. That thought was going to keep him going. Now all he had to wait to do was grab her from Guy's arms during the next slow dance. He felt his heart rate accelerate again at the thought of dancing with Josie�holding her close, looking deep into those eyes�

He nearly crashed into a student, managing a hastily put together apology as he stepped to the side of the room, trying to get his thoughts under control. His gaze was locked on Josie and Guy however, and all he could do was pray the song ended soon.

It seemed someone was listening to those prayers, for a few moments later, the music died out, and he saw Josie excuse herself from Guy and head towards the dessert table. He felt his heart rate speed up again, nervous anticipation moving through his system as he slowly made his way across the room to where she stood. Now was the time.

He slowly came up behind her, smiling as he noticed she preferred chocolate cake over vanilla. So did he. It was a little thing, but still, something he was learning about her. He hoped to learn a lot more. Soon.

"Hey�" he said quietly, seeing her surprise at his greeting, then watching her eyes light up as they caught his. It was a beautiful sight. He could really get lost in those eyes.

"You make a really beautiful prom queen," he said quietly, seeing a blush cross her cheeks and wondering if she really didn't know how beautiful she was.

"Really? Thanks�so do you," she replied, laughing suddenly as she realized her mistake. But Sam was laughing with her, realizing she was flustered by his presence, as he was hers. He decided it was time to admit something else about himself to her.

"I always feel like a penguin in these suits�like I'm at my own wedding or something," he managed, wondering what prompted him to say that, seeing her smile and blush deepen.

"So�you wanna, maybe�" he managed, motioning to the dance floor, wishing he could get the words out, but finding he was nearly tongue tied in her presence. He felt his heart fly as she nodded and sent him a beautiful smile.

He took her hand gently and led her to the floor, looking around for an open space, thanking the DJ for his choice in music, a nice slow song. And hopefully a long one. Finally finding an open space, he turned to Josie and pulled her into his arms.

He had to close his eyes for a moment, simply absorbing how good she felt in his arms, how she seemed to fit perfectly against him. Her scent was all around him, and her soft hand was resting trustingly in his. He opened his eyes again to see her looking at him, a myriad of emotions tumbling through those eyes. He smiled down at her and pulled her a bit closer. Not enough so that it would have looked improper, but probably closer than a teacher should be with a student. He really didn't care though, she felt too good to let go. He had a feeling she felt the same way, if the look in her eyes was anything to go by.

He let the music swirl over and around them, content at first to simply absorb the feel of her, smiling as he felt her move closer to him, almost without realizing it. He wasn't going to complain. He couldn't remember it ever feeling this good to hold another person. This was heaven.

Sam knew he could be happy holding this woman for the rest of his life. He suddenly wondered if she felt the same way. He moved back slightly, feeling her head rise to meet his gaze. He swallowed hard as he read the emotions simmering in Josie's eyes. Attraction, affection, desire, fear, hope, and maybe even love? He knew he was probably reading into things way too much, but for tonight, he was going to do that. Now if he could just get up the courage to tell her his feelings.

"Proms always make me sad, they're so final, everyone graduating, leaving, moving on�"

Well, better to start with something simple, get to the feelings and emotions later.

"Is your girlfriend here?" he heard Josie ask softly.

His heart suddenly stopped as he looked down into her eyes, seeing a hesitation and sadness in them.

"No, I'm alone�" he almost whispered, seeing her gaze lighten and joy enter those orbs. "We broke up last week," he finished, trailing off as he clearly read the blaze of happiness suddenly shining in her eyes.

"You know, it's kind of funny, because prom comes from promenade, and you can't promenade alone," she said almost nervously, eyes falling from his. But he'd caught the emotions in them, and knew for sure when she finally raised her gaze to his again.

She was truly amazing. Everything she couldn't say was revealed to him in that moment, he had no doubt of the love shining in her eyes.

"You're amazing Josie Geller," he said softly, acknowledging what she couldn't put into words. He saw her eyes shine at his words, letting him see everything she was feeling. He didn't think he'd been happier in his life.

"So, did you give any more thought to Dartmouth?" he managed, cursing himself for again avoiding his main point. He couldn't seem to work up the courage to tell her, even though it was looking more and more like she'd be receptive. He just had to take the plunge.

"Yes, and I've got something to tell you�" she said softly, looking him straight in the eyes, letting him see her emotions clear as day. His heart leapt as he replied.

"I've�I've got something to tell you too�" he almost whispered, the words nearly backing up at the emotions he read in her eyes. Now he could tell her�now he could say it�now he could claim his forever. There was no mistaking the love in her beautiful gaze. Everything was perfect.

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