Penguin Relationships
By Sara

Date Posted: September 16, 1999

Note: The fourth installment of my "Sam's Thoughts" series. Enjoy!

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Sam didn't know how he'd gotten himself into this situation. He was standing in front of a class of mixed juniors and seniors, all awaiting a talk on sex education.

Sex. Teenagers. Education. What a combination!

He thought back to his own high school days, remembering some of his experiences, and then tried not to feel like a total hypocrite as he considered what the councilor was going to tell this group of kids.

But where was she? He'd been anxiously glancing at the clock for the past five minutes, hoping against hope she would show up soon, he didn't know how much more 'teen hormones' he could handle. Especially all in one room, at one time.

His glance suddenly fell to Josie, sitting in the front row next to a junior he thought was named Tracie. They were talking about something, and from their expressions, he had a feeling he didn't want to know about what. He sighed and turned back to the clock, telling himself thinking about Josie while surrounded by�things�in this classroom, was definitely not a good idea. If only his body would listen.

He suddenly noticed a movement out of the corner of his eye, and his glance turned back to Josie, who he now noticed was motioning towards the door, almost as if she was trying to signal someone. He looked over, feeling relief cross his face as he saw a young woman standing outside. That must be Pam! He walked over to her, hoping the relief didn't show on his face.

"Hi- you here for the sex talk?" he asked, praying she'd say yes. Her response wasn't quite what he was expecting.

"I like a man who gets straight to the point," the brunette said in a husky voice, making him take a step back as she looked at him like he was dinner.

Oh boy.

"You're Pam�?" he asked, half hoping she was, half-hoping she wasn't.

"If you say so," she replied in that husky voice again. He shuddered, realizing he needed to get away from her quickly. He led her into the classroom, announcing who she was as quickly as possible. He was too distracted to notice the strange, almost frantic looks "Pam" and Josie were giving each other. He heard the woman start her discussion, then almost choked as she spelled out what sex was, in basic terms. She pulled no punches. He wondered if the class would survive. He wondered if he would.

Ten minutes later he had to hand it to "Pam," she'd gotten the whole class to actually try and put a condom on a banana. He had to tell himself not to laugh as he watched his students deal with their task. He noticed immediately who completed the task quickly, who took their time, and who seemed completely clueless. He forced his gaze to avoid Josie�not wanting to deal with the effects looking at her while she was � doing that � were bound to have on his body.

He wandered around the room, offering a comment here or there, and almost against his will, found himself nearing Josie's desk. As he approached, he couldn't help but over hear what she was saying.

"You know, Adeli penguins spend years searching for their perfect mate, and once they find them, they mate for life�" she said, and Sam smiled as he realized the truth in what she was saying. How fitting that it was Josie who should sum everything up in a simple analogy like that. He wondered if she was looking for her penguin. Wondered if she'd consider him as a candidate.

That thought brought him up short. Not the time to be going there, he thought. But he couldn't resist jumping in as he heard Tracie say she wasn't a "penguin."

"It's an analogy," he said by way of clarity as he came up behind Josie.

He didn't see the condom until it hit him right over the eye. He closed his eyes for a moment, letting the shock of impact wear off, trying not to smile as he noticed the blush creeping across Josie's face. He was really trying not to laugh as he heard say she had to 'go die now.' God she was beautiful, even when she was embarrassed. He could stare at her forever. But, he had a feeling the best thing he could do right now was to let her recover. He smiled sheepishly at her before quickly turning and heading for the front of the room.

He had it bad. He only hoped no one else noticed. He didn't know what to do now.

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