Betty or Veronica?
By Sara

Date Posted: September 16, 1999

Disclaimer: I own none of these characters. I'm just taking them out for a good character romp.

Notes: The fifth installment of my "Sam's Thoughts" series.

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"Josie, who did Archie date, Betty or Veronica?"

That was the question Sam overheard Kristen asking Josie as he spotted her standing a few feet away from him. He smiled as he heard Josie reply immediately "Both." Maybe it was time he added his own thoughts to the matter.

"Actually, I always liked Betty better�Veronica had the great legs, but she was very high maintenace," he offered as he saw Josie turn to smile at him, and felt his heart rate accelerate. He should be used to that by now, he thought, but it never failed to surprise him.

"Oh really�" she said with a smile as she moved to stand next to him.

"Yeah, really," he replied, smiling as she laughed with him. God she was beautiful when she laughed and smiled, especially for him. But there were too many people around right now for him to fully appreciate that smile, so he started walking along with her, looking for someplace they could sit and talk. He suddenly realized that was the one thing he'd been wanting to do all day. He smiled as he watched Josie yell to someone across the courtyard about where to put a backdrop. As he watched the young men move in another direction, he thought back to the day before when he and Josie had been painting their own backdrop.

He'd been having more fun than he could remember, trying to paint Josie just as much as the wall. And she was getting into it too, dabbing paint on him in retaliation, and swearing 'revenge' each time he hit her with a dab of paint. He remembered how good it felt to brush against her arm, or her side as they ducked under each other moving back and forth with the paint brushes. He'd admit now that he was finding more reasons to bump into her, to touch her, than were strictly proper. But it was fun. She seemed to enjoy it as much as he did�and that gave him hope. Foolish hope though it was.

He sighed as he returned to the present, watching Josie answer another question from a student passing by. He watched as she dealt with the problem quickly, concisely, and efficiently, while still managing to make the student feel important. She continued to amaze him. For a 17 year old.

She was 17. She was his student. He should NOT be walking around with her, in this public setting, looking for a place where they could sit and talk, preferably out of the line of sight of everyone. No, he definitely should not be doing this.

But it didn't stop his heart from leaping as he spotted a bench almost hidden behind several bushes. Almost without realizing it, he reached out and touched the small of her back, guiding her over towards the bench. He had to force himself to keep his hands off her as she eagerly followed where he led. He kept telling himself to get a grip as they sat down, facing each other on the bench. Sam looked down a moment, not sure what he wanted to say now that they were secluded away from everyone. He figured he might as well at least attempt a conversation. He lifted his head, and opened his mouth to say something, then froze.

His eyes locked with Josie's and he forgot any need for words. Her eyes were shining and excited, and filled with an awareness he knew he couldn't be reading wrong. It was, quite simply, the most stunning, erotic, and hypnotic gaze he'd ever been in. And he was lost in it. He didn't feel himself leaning closer to her, didn't feel his hand reaching out to stroke her arm, didn't feel anything other than the wonder and amazement of knowing he was about to kiss her.

He was about to kiss her. His 17 year old student.

That thought pounded through his conscience like a sledgehammer, though he was doing his best to ignore it. He told his better judgment to fade as he watched her beautiful face lean closer to his, her mind obviously following the same track as his. But the voice of reason prevailed.

He suddenly found himself realizing what he was about to do, and where, and suddenly knew that this was NOT the place to carry this matter to its conclusion. Not here where everyone could see them or discover them. Not now, when so many emotions were riding so high. But soon. Soon. They both couldn't go on this way much longer.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you, I got you an appointment with the admissions guy from Dartmouth," he babbled, not sure where that had come from so suddenly, even though it was the truth. He just hadn't meant to break it to her so abruptly.

"Dartmouth�but I wasn't going to go to college," she said, and he noticed the slight fear come back into her eyes. Something, or someone, had scared her good about life, and about herself. It only made him more determined to prove them all wrong�to prove her images and fears of herself wrong.

"I pulled a few strings and got him to look at some of your writing, and he's willing to meet with you," he went on, feeling his heart go out to her as he watched the pleasure slowly overcome the fear in those beautiful eyes.

"You really believe in me that much?" she asked softly, almost hesitantly, as if he was going to take it back, as if she couldn't believe it in the first place. It broke his heart, even as it made him fall a little more in love with her. She looked so fearful, so insecure, yet so pleased�he knew he had to touch her. He reached out and gently grabbed her hand, looking deep into her eyes before replying.

"Of course I do�you're a great writer Josie�all you have to do is find your story," he said, meaning every word. He thought he saw fear flicker in her eyes again, but it was quickly replaced by pleasure. His heart beat painfully against his chest as he read all the emotions she couldn't express, but were clearly reflected in her eyes, crystal clear to him at least. He had a feeling his eyes were saying the same thing back.

Sam couldn't bring himself to break their gaze, or let go of her hand. He felt his thumb start to gently stroke over the soft flesh of her palm, feeling her hand tremble in his, hearing her breathing catch. He could tell she was affected by him just as strongly as he was by her. He couldn't believe this simple touch, a simple gaze, could convey so much, for both of them. He never wanted to let her go. He never wanted to move from this spot. He wanted to stay locked in her eyes forever.

The harsh voice calling Josie's name invaded their lovely private world like a gunshot. Sam nearly jumped away from her as she quickly pulled her hand back, moving farther away from him on the bench, their eyes reluctantly breaking their gaze.

Sam closed his eyes a moment, willing his heart to slow down as he saw Gibby come around the corner and head straight for Josie, prattling on about some costume problem she was having. He managed to send a quick smile Josie's way as he watched Gibby grab her arm and pull her away. He felt his breath catch again as he caught the shy smile Josie sent his way as she headed off.

He leaned back on his bench, closing his eyes and taking a deep breath. He'd almost lost it today. At school for that matter, in public for crying out loud! He'd almost kissed his student. His 17 year old student. He'd almost kissed her, and he was dating someone else. Funny, he hadn't thought about Laura for the past few weeks, he hadn't even talked to her. He'd been too busy doing things or thinking about doing things with Josie.

What had he gotten himself into? He sighed and realized he had some hard choices to make�very soon. He only wished he knew what to do.

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