A Different Prom
By Karen

Date Posted: February 21, 2000

Author's Note: Forget the dog food plan. Guy asks Aldys to dance because he is secretly interested in her and finds out they are both going to be attending Northwestern. More on that later. This is my interpretation of what would have happened if Josie had been able to reveal her secret to Sam at the prom...Hope you like it.

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As Josie is about to confess all, her heart jumps into her throat as Sam looks deep into her eyes and nervously says he has something to tell her too. Could it be? Could this gorgeous, sexy guy really have feelings for her? Glancing around at the other couples swaying to the music, Josie realizes this is probably not the place to reveal her secret.

"Do you think we could go somewhere quiet to talk?" she asks hesitantly, not sure how it would look if they left the room together. Sensing a need to protect them both, Sam nods and suggests meeting her in five minutes at the fountain in the courtyard. Josie grins shyly, "How clandestine, Mr. Coulson." She was flirting with him! Sam thought to himself, "What the heck am I doing?" But he couldn't help feeling a giddy anticipation. Reluctantly, they separated as the music ended.

Sam slowly and subtly moved towards the door, trying not to make eye contact so as not to be stopped. He was a man on a mission. He was relieved to see the courtyard empty and sat down on a bench behind the fountain. He laughed to himself as he realized he had butterflies in his stomach. He had never felt this way before, but he had never met someone like Josie before. He knew the risk he was taking but the signs he thought he'd been seeing from Josie gave him a confidence he hadn't been feeling earlier in the evening.

Meanwhile, Josie went to the restroom to pull herself together. Cold water on a paper towel helped to cool down her cheeks but she had to wait a few minutes to catch her breath. She thought about the fact that she was about to risk her job by telling Sam the truth. She felt pretty sure he was worth it.

Looking in the mirror, she hardly recognized the face looking back at her. It was probably the first time she really liked what she saw, and knew the only thing holding back her "new self" was the need to finally be honest. She new she could trust Sam. She only hoped her news would be welcome.

Instead of going back through the hall, Josie slipped out a side door and walked around to the courtyard. She was happy to see no one around as she spotted Sam sitting on the bench, his back to her. She quietly but confidently walked up to him. Hearing the rustle of her dress, Sam turned around and was again amazed by how beautiful she looked tonight. He quickly thought to himself, "She doesn't look or act like a seventeen year old. This is going to be ok."

"Sam," she started, surprising both of them by using his first name out loud, "I have something to tell you and I don't know where to start. Nothing is ending up the way it was planned and I just want you to know I never intended to maliciously deceive you, or anyone else for that matter."

Sam was shocked at her words. It wasn't what he was expecting to hear. He frowned at her and jokingly said, "What, you're married with three kids? Or you're really a student from East Glen East spying on our prom?" What could she possibly be hiding from him?

"I'll just say it straight. I was pretending to be a high school student. I'm actually 25 years old. I work for the Chicago Sun-Times as a copy editor and this was my first assignment as a reporter, to go undercover as a seventeen year old. I'm so sorry for lying to you, but my job was on the line." She said all this quickly in order to get it over with. The truth was now out and Josie breathed a sigh of relief as she dared to steal a glance at Sam.

At that moment, Sam didn't know what to think so he stood up and looked back towards the hall, as if he could just walk back in and not have to deal with this. Confusion, anger, relief, and joy all rushed up at once and he needed a minute to digest what he had just heard. At least she wasn't an ax murderer. As he looked over at her all he needed to do was look in her eyes and his heart melted as he realized how difficult it must have been for her to confess her secret.

"Wow. I don't know what to say. I wished you would have told me this sooner, like maybe the first day of class." He barked out a short, ironic laugh. Then continuing seriously, "You could have trusted me. But I guess you didn't know that then. But I'm wondering�why are you telling me now? School isn't over for a few weeks. Do you have your story? What is it about, anyway?" he asked with some growing concern.

"No," she said emphatically. "I do not have a story. I am still working on a way around it. Around the fact that I am supposed to be writing a story about student-teacher relationships, specifically about an alleged relationship I am having with you�an idea that my idiot boss pitched to his idiot boss."

She couldn't look him in the eye as she went on. "I need to submit a completed story in two weeks or else my boss Gus and I are both quote 'out on our asses' unquote."

"So basically it's come up with something brilliant and sensational or you're fired. That's disgusting. Is your job worth that?"

"No, I'm trying to tell you that I can't do it. I was hoping to change their minds, find something really positive and inspiring to write about. So far all of my ideas have been shot down. I really do love my job, superiors notwithstanding, but I guess I'm not the reporter I thought I was. The thing I really care about right now, that's the most important thing is, do you, uh, forgive me?"

Because if you don't I'll die, she thought to herself.

He smiled at her, which lifted her heart. "How can I not? I'm beginning to see that you really had no choice. I am angry, but not at you. Your boss, your assignment, the fact that the general public has a sick craving for this type of news...but I do forgive you." He sat down on the bench and gently lifted her chin to make her look up at him as she had been staring at the ground. "However, a few sleepless nights could have been alleviated if I had known you were not seventeen. I think in some strange way I must have known. You certainly did not act like the typical teenager."

"Sleepless nights?" she dared to ask.

"Yeah," he admitted. "I was agonizing over falling for my seventeen year old student. Even though you were supposedly graduating and going on to college, I hoped to Dartmouth, I might add, I knew it wasn't appropriate. It was actually my sister Abby that convinced me it would be okay and I had planned to tell you tonight. I was hoping that you felt the same way. That's what I thought you wanted to tell me. You are just full of surprises."

He looked at her expectantly, but was not prepared for what she did next. She leaned over, put her hand on the back of his head, and pulled him towards her, and started kissing him like he had never been kissed before. After a minute, they had to stop for a breath, and she was blushing and smiling at him. "You don't know how long I have been wanting to do that," she admitted.

"I think I have an idea," he replied with a smile.

They sat on the bench, kissing and talking for a while longer. They knew that they had a lot to discuss but decided reluctantly to go back to the prom. She had a date waiting and he was neglecting his chaperoning duties. Sam knew he had to keep her secret, their secret, until school was finished and her report, if any, was completed. They both agreed not to discuss this further until then. He would be Mr. Coulson, English teacher, and she would be Josie, his student. The thought of that was intriguing to both of them as they envisioned what was to come in the following weeks.

Josie was amused and relieved to see that Guy hadn't seemed to notice her absence. He was acting every inch the prom king as he seemed to be dancing with a number of the girls at once. It made her appreciate how mature Sam was, especially the way he handled her news. Guy grabbed her hand and she had no choice but to dance with him. He seemed to be having a great time so she didn't feel too guilty when she lied and told him she had a headache and wanted to go home. She insisted that he stay and he was happy to let her use the limo to take her home and come back for him. The festivities were wrapping up anyway.

Although he had brought Josie to the prom and was happy she went with him, he had other things on his mind, specifically Aldys and how to get her to see he was one cool dude. (Not realizing he was going about it the exact wrong way, but that story is for later.)

Josie floated out the door and towards the limo. The limo driver jumped out and ran around to open her door. She climbed in and sank back into the soft leather seat, closed her eyes and smiled as she thought of Sam. He had brought out feelings in her that she had never felt before and she wanted to savor them. Before she knew it she was home.

Josie went right to the telephone to call Rob and left a quick message that she had gone home with a headache and would talk to him tomorrow. She changed into her flannel pajamas and carefully hung up her gown. She smiled as she thought of Rosalind and the essay she had read in class. She remembered how the rest of the class didn't seem to get it and how Sam had told the story about his Gordie Howe helmet in order to get the point across.

She jumped a little as her phone rang, thinking it must be Rob. "Hello." The sexy deep voice at the other end gave her chills as she realized it was Sam.

"Hi, I hope I didn't wake you. I got your number from the class list. Do you mind me calling you?" he asked.

"Of course not. And I was awake. How can I sleep after a night like tonight?" she laughed.

He teased her, "Yes, it must be exciting for you being prom queen."

"Very funny. You know what the highlight of my evening was and it wasn't being crowned prom queen, although it would have been nice if you could have been my prom king."

"And how did Mr. Perkins feel about you running out on him? Not too badly, I hope."

"He'll live. How did you get home so quickly?"

"A lot of the kids had left to go to private parties, so Ms. Knox said she could handle things. I was there early to help set up, remember?"

"Yeah, and I wanted to come early and help too, but I needed all the time I could to get myself ready so you'd notice me," she joked.

"It worked. And now I can't stop thinking of you� How I am supposed to get through the next two weeks?"

Josie's heart fluttered as he said those words. She took the phone and climbed into bed, leaned back against her pillows and closed her eyes.

"I don't know, but it's not going to be easy. Especially in class. But I have to find a story and it's not going to be about you, especially not now. So we have to play along for a while until I find another story to write about."

"I'll help you any way I can, but right now I just want to talk about you. In a way I feel like I've known you my whole life, but we really don't know that much about each other, do we?" He asked as settled into his bed as well.

When they had finished their conversation, they were both surprised to see that several hours had passed. But they had shared a very satisfying conversation and both contentedly said goodnight. They had made a phone date for the following evening. Hanging up the receiver, Josie wished she could see Sam alone, and thought about surprising him at home. The last thing she thought about as she fell asleep was the look on Sam's face if she showed up at his door.

* * *

The next day, Josie woke up with a smile on her face as she thought of the previous night. She decided against visiting Sam as they still had to keep up the charade and knew it was going to be difficult enough sitting in his class the next morning pretending that she wasn't madly in love with him. Anyway, she had plans to meet Aldys for lunch. They were planning to dissect the prom and Josie wasn't quite sure what her take should be.

She was running a little late because she had slept in. She was a little tired from staying up on the phone half the night, but it had certainly been worth it. She and Sam had learned a lot about each other, about their childhoods, where they'd grown up, about their families, education, careers.

Josie quickly dressed and headed over to the restaurant that was in walking distance. In the distance, she saw two people leaving the restaurant. Something seemed familiar about them, and as she got closer, she realized with a shock of delight then just plain despair that it was Sam, but he was with Lara; the same Lara that Josie had met at the club.

They were slowly walking towards his car and didn't see her. Josie felt her heart drop as she watched them embrace�a long, slow, embrace. She quickly turned around and ran back towards her apartment, crying. How could she have been so stupid? Sam had told her that they had broken up a week ago and here they were together. All of her insecurities came rushing back as she figured that Sam must have gotten back together with Lara that morning. Of course he would want to be with Lara. She was beautiful, sophisticated, worldly, all the things Josie wasn't. It still hurt.

Josie felt betrayed, much as Sam must have felt when she confessed to him, she thought wryly. She called Aldys and left a message apologizing for missing their lunch with another excuse of a headache then threw herself down on her bed sobbing. How could she be so stupid to think someone like Sam could fall for someone like her?

She moped around the apartment all afternoon, ignoring the phone, letting the machine pick up her calls. Aldys called wanting to see how she was, Rob and Anita both called to find out how her night was, and then later Sam called.

Josie thought he probably wanted to tell her his news before he had to face her in class the next morning. She unplugged the telephone and went to bed early. She cried herself to sleep.

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When she awoke the next morning she felt a little better and stronger. She was actually looking on the positive side, thinking she was glad things didn't go further before Sam decided he really wanted to be with Lara. She resolved to walk into school with her head held high and a smile on her face so she could hide her heartbreak.

She was getting good at this deception work she decided as she walked down the hall towards her locker. Many of the students stopped to say hi, congratulate her on being prom queen and to compliment her on her outfit that night. She didn't even notice Sam walk by quickly, glance over at her briefly, then continue on to his classroom.

Going against her usual routine, Josie took her time getting to class. She went directly to her seat, not looking anywhere but straight ahead. She usually made a point of being one of the first so she could get a front row seat, but this time she took a seat towards the back, between Kristen and Kirsten. For once, she was appreciative of their inane chatter as she unpacked her books and settled back in her chair. She figured that she had most of the day to prepare for seeing Sam again, and by then she would be ready.

But, she was unhappily surprised to learn that Ms. Knox had a last minute appointment for that morning and that Sam would be subbing for her class, since his first period was free. It wasn't easy but Josie managed not to make eye contact with him for the entire class and didn't participate at all. She was one of the first out the door when the bell rang.

As the class was filing out of the room, Aldys walked by the desk and casually mentioned to a Denominator that Josie must still not be feeling well. Sam overheard and quickly called out to Aldys to wait a second.

By now, he was very concerned that something was wrong and that maybe he had misread the whole event the night of the prom. He had called Josie the night before at the appointed time and left a message, but she didn't call back. When he tried again the phone just rang and rang. He thought about going to her place but he didn't have her exact address and he would see her at school in the morning. He was surprised to see her come in late and not take her usual seat at the front; he definitely knew something was wrong when she wouldn't even look at him. He tried to catch her eye as class ended but she just rushed out.

"Aldys, is something wrong with Josie? She seemed really quiet today." He felt safe asking, as a concerned teacher.

"Well, she probably still has a bad headache. She was supposed to meet me for lunch yesterday but she never showed up. She left a message on my machine but when I called later to see how she was, the phone just rang and rang." She turned to go, but then turn back remarking, "Oh, I almost forgot. I saw you at the restaurant with your girlfriend. You were just leaving while I was being seated. Did you enjoy your lunch?" she asked.

"Yeah, thanks. I'll see you in class," motioning her to the door. He sat down and tried to digest this information.

Josie must have seen him with Lara! He thought back to the previous day when Lara had called to say she had flown in the night before and was trying to reach him. They made plans for lunch. They had broken up on the phone so Sam felt he owed it to her to see her one last time to give them both closure. He thought it would be nice to end things on a positive note. They actually had a good time with the pressure off and as they said goodbye outside the restaurant they hugged and wished each other well. Sam realized quickly that Josie must also have seen them and gotten the wrong idea. He was a little upset that she could misread his intentions like that. He thought that she understood that he was crazy about her but maybe he hadn't made that clear enough. He tried to get it out of his mind as his next class shuffled in.

Later, at lunch, he tried to figure out a way to speak to Josie. The sooner, the better, he thought as he racked his brain trying to think of way to get to her. Suddenly, an idea started to form in his head...

Josie was having a difficult day. The last thing she felt like doing was discussing the prom but everyone was still talking about it. At one point she considered going home but decided to stick it out. Her last class of the day was Sam's English writing course. She slowly made her way to it but the last empty seat was in the front row and she had no choice but to sit down. "This is going to be a long hour," she thought to herself as she realized she could smell Sam's cologne, as he was standing that close.

They were supposed to be working on their essays about their high school experience, but Sam told the students that they would be working on something else today. He wanted to discuss irony. "Things are not always as they appear. Shakespeare uses this tool in many of his comedies in order to set up the story." He went on to give some examples, then some of the students were able to offer some from their readings. "Many situation comedies also use this device," he explained.

"Can anyone give me an example?" he asked the class, noticing that Josie still sat there with her head down. He hoped she was paying attention to his theme. Gibby put her hand up and said, "Well, on Friends they use misunderstandings for comedy all the time. We, as the audience, know that Monica and Chandler were involved, but hiding it and it led to some really funny situations..." she prattled on. Sam noticed Josie look up as if she was finally getting the point.

"That's good Gibby. I remember an episode where Chandler finds out that Monica had lunch with Richard, her ex. Chandler misunderstands and he thinks its over between them. Meanwhile, all Monica can do with her ex is talk about Chandler and how happy she is. This is an example of irony. Of course, in real life, it's much more simple to just speak to the person and clear up the confusion, but TV would get pretty boring if there was no conflict." The class laughed a little at his interpretation of television sitcoms.

Finally, Josie was looking up at him, straight into his eyes. He saw that she finally understood the point of this lecture and she smiled�a small, embarrassed smile.

"Okay, I want you to write a two page essay on an example of irony, due Wednesday. It can be from real life, literature or television." As the bell rung, he called out, "Class dismissed."

Josie took her time gathering up her belongings and was the last to get up. She walked by Sam's desk and subtly dropped a note on it. She smiled and walked out.

Once the class was empty, Sam reached down and picked up the note. "I'll be at home after 6�I have to go to the office first. Please call me. I'm sorry. Love, J."

Sam grabbed his briefcase and left the classroom, a big grin on his face.

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To be continued...

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