Two Weeks and Counting...
By Karen

Date Posted: February 24, 2000

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Josie quickly packed up her briefcase, grabbed her jacket and ran for her car. It had been a long emotional day and she couldn't wait to get home, slip into something comfortable and wait for the phone to ring. Her split life was starting to get to her and she couldn't wait for the next two weeks to be over. Loyal but disgruntled employee, seventeen-year- old high school student, and now a secret romantic relationship, her life had never been more confusing. Driving home, she reviewed the day's events: pure misery thinking Sam had gotten back together with Lara, shock at having to face him first thing in the morning, his interesting and informative lecture during class that led to her understanding that she had misinterpreted his meeting with Lara the day before, and then a long, embarrassing lecture from Gus about her responsibilities to him and her job. The only positive thing that had resulted from that meeting was that Josie had been able to insist to Gus that she would no longer wear a camera.

It was close to 6:30 when Josie walked in the door, and the red light on her answering machine was blinking impatiently. Ignoring it for the moment, she changed quickly into her coziest pajamas and threw a frozen dinner of pasta primavera into the microwave. Not normally a drinker but wanting to calm her frazzled nerves, she grabbed a beer from the fridge that Rob had left behind after crashing one night on her couch and settled comfortably on the couch with beer in one hand and fork in the other. Then she leaned over and pushed the button on the machine. Hopefully (properly used), the message was from Sam.

"Hi Josie. I waited 'til 6:01 to call you. Not too anxious, huh?" Sam laughed a little self- consciously� "Call me as soon as you get in- 555-2227. Bye." Josie smiled and picked up the phone to dial.

Sam answered on the first ring. "Josie?"

"Were you expecting anyone else?" Josie asked teasingly.

"Geez, I shouldn't have done that. It could have been anyone�but I've been waiting for your call."

"Sorry, I just got in. I got stuck in a meeting with Gus, and I wanted to change and get something to eat first. Hope you don't mind 'having dinner with me'."

"No problem; that's fine." Sam sighed and then said, "I can't wait take to you out to dinner-a real date." Then he paused thoughtfully before continuing, "Let's see...the last day of school is June 20th, with the graduation ceremony on the 21st. Josie Geller, would you do me the honor of going on our first official date the evening of Saturday, June the 21st?"

"Hmmm...I'll have to check my calendar." Josie paused and then laughed gleefully, "Yes, Sam Coulson, I believe I am available. Where are we going?"

"Not telling. I have the feeling you're the type who likes surprises," he guessed correctly.

"Well, how am I going to know what to wear?" She asked, fishing for hints.

Sam thought of a few inappropriate answers to her question before replying. "I'll let you know closer to the date. Can't give anything away."

Josie took another sip of beer and was surprised to see the bottle was empty. "OK, I get it. No more questions. Interesting lecture you gave in class today Mr. Coulson. I wonder where I am going to find a situation for my essay?"

Instead of laughing, as Josie expected, Sam started apologizing. "Josie, I had no idea Lara was going to be in town this past weekend. She flew in Saturday and was trying to reach me but I was at the hall setting up for the prom all day, remember? I rushed home to shower and change and flew out the door. I didn't even get her message 'til after she called me Sunday morning. I felt I owed her an explanation in person since we broke up over the phone, and agreed to meet her for lunch."

"Sam, you don't owe me an explanation. I overreacted and I'm really sorry for that. I will never doubt you again. I promise," she said emphatically.

"Let's just forget about it, OK? She's gone, it's over and we have our whole lives to look forward to. I just wish there was some way we could talk at school. I really enjoyed working with you on the prom committee."

"Me too. Maybe I could use some extra tutoring?" she asked hopefully.

Sam snorted, "Yeah, right� You're one of the best students in school. You could probably tutor me! Oh! I can't believe I forgot to tell you this. Guess who I heard is in the running for class valedictorian?"

Oh, God. "No!"

"Yes! You!"

"Oh, Sam, you have got to help me get out of that! Prom queen was bad enough! I was so embarrassed. What will this do to the kids when my cover is over? And what about you? I'll be gone but you'll still have to face everyone next fall."

"Yeah, that could be a problem�but I'm not sure what we can do about it. Let me think about that and I'll let you know what I come up with."

They talked for the next couple of hours, and then Sam said he should get to work on preparing the final exams.

"Sweet dreams, Josie," Sam wished her softly.

"I know I will. You too. Goodnight." She reluctantly hung up the phone. She returned some telephone calls, did some "homework" then went to bed, with her last thoughts turning to the 21st of June and their first date...

* * *

Josie woke up the next morning in a great mood. The sun was bright and shining and she was in love. Wanting to dress to suit her mood, she put on a short black skirt that hugged her curves and a tight floral T-shirt with a plunging V-neck. Chunky black heels and beaded bracelets on each arm completed the 'fab teen' look. She was surprised about actually being happy about her appearance, not aware that the pretty pink flush on her cheeks was put there by a certain English teacher.

Josie made a point of getting to Sam's class early so she could sit up front and be the first to greet him. He was already at his desk, sipping his coffee and going over his notes when Josie sauntered in.

"Good morning Mr. Coulson."

"Good morning, Josie," he said looking up with a smile. 'Wow', he thought, 'she looks great today�very sexy. Now, that was not playing fair!'

She went over and stood by his desk, a little too close for comfort, he thought.

"I was wondering if you could look over my paper and tell me what you think. I'm not sure about the 3rd paragraph." She handed it to him, leaning in a little to point out the section. Sam shifted a little in his chair, suddenly feeling warm.

She leaned over a bit more so she could whisper in his ear, "I fell asleep last night thinking of the 21st and wondering where you're taking me. Can't you give me a little hint?"

He made the mistake of looking in her eyes and couldn't speak for a moment. "You'll just have to wait. I promise it will be worth it," he whispered suggestively, giving it back as good as he was getting it. Then, hearing some of the other students filing into the room, he said in a much louder, completely professional voice, "Sure, I'll look this over and give it back to you after class."

Josie went over to her seat, sat down, and unpacked her books. As other students filed in, some of them commented on Josie's great outfit.

Sam had never been so aware of her before and it took all his effort to concentrate on his lecture. She kept flashing him her dazzling smile. And those legs! He was getting a little annoyed at the supreme effort it was taking to keep his eyes off her bare legs in the short skirt with the high heels. He managed to get through the lecture then quickly scribbled a note on Josie's paper just before the ending bell rang.

As Josie sauntered by his desk, he handed her the paper. She looked down at it, scanning the page until she found his comments scribbled at the bottom of the page in red ink, "Essay is great. Please wear a sack to school tomorrow in order to save my sanity�"

Looking up, she surprised him by winking at him. Sam was shocked. She'd actually had the nerve to wink at him! He shook his head ruefully. She knew she'd had an effect on him and was proud of it! He couldn't believe it. She was flirting with him and he couldn't do a damn thing about it. They had already agreed it wouldn't be right for them to see each other until after graduation.

However, Sam thought, a plan forming in his mind, Josie wouldn't be entitled to complain if he just happened to show up somewhere she was, would she? Heck, he owed it to her after that class...

To be continued...

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