No Sooner Looked Than Loved, Part 9
By Sandy

Date Posted: April 4, 2001

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Sam looked at Josie's eager face. "Are you serious? Where? How? Fill me in?"

"Well, Anita has been keeping an eye on the real estate ads in the paper for me - she used to date Paul in Classifieds a while back, so she told him what we were after. Anyway, there's a house that's been advertised that's only a couple of streets away from the school. It's small - it's actually listed as a cottage, can you believe it - but it's got two bedrooms, one bathroom, and the rent is affordable. I've already phoned the estate agent to arrange a viewing tomorrow afternoon." She looked at Sam hesitantly. "Is that all right? I don't want to push you around on this, but we've gotten to it before it's gone to print, so I thought that might give us a head start."

Sam nodded happily. "That sounds fantastic - it certainly pays to have your kind of contacts!"

"Doesn't it just! Actually, the estate agent told me that the landlord actually lives next door. She sent me an application form which I've already filled out, and she said that the landlord would like to meet us as well..."

"That sounds unusual - having a landlord for a neighbor - I guess that's why he'd like to meet us though. I've got no problems with that."

"I didn't think that you would," said Josie with a smile. She leaned forward and ran her hand up his chest and into the hair at the nape of his neck, pulling him to her for a kiss that grew more and more passionate. Sam gave a low moan of contentment as he pulled Josie closer to him.

When they both came up for air, Sam dropped a kiss on her nose and said, "Well, now that you mention it, there is one thing that I have a problem with ..."

He caught his breath as Josie looked at him. Her blond curls were tumbled every which way from Sam running his hands through her hair, and her eyes were half closed with pleasure. "Hmmmm? And what's that?" she whispered as she leaned forward to kiss the base of his throat. Sam closed his eyes as Josie's touch send shivers of desire rippling through his body. What had he been saying? He opened his eyes and looked at the ceiling as he struggled to remember.

".... I think that we're wearing too many clothes at the moment."

Josie paused from kissing the side of Sam's neck to look down at their bodies sprawled on the couch. 'You know.... I think you're right. Let's do something about it." With a wicked grin she got up off the couch and held out her hand. Sam took her hand and got up, following her as she led him to the bedroom. She turned and linked her hands behind his head, pulling him down for another kiss. Sam ran his hands around her waist, then up under her t-shirt. He fanned his hands across her back, kneading gently as their kiss deepened. Josie shivered as his hands ran over her bare skin, and whimpered slightly as she moved closer to him.

Sam broke off the kiss to gaze deeply into her eyes for a moment, then lifted her arms above her head that that he could pull of her t-shirt. Josie shook her head to get her hair out of her eyes, and then reached for Sam's shirt, unbuttoning it swiftly and pushing it off his shoulders. Sam bent his head to kiss her, impatiently flicking his shirt onto the floor behind him before pulling her close. They both shivered with delight as their bare skin came in contact with each other. He reached behind her and unhooked her bra, easing it off her shoulders, and then gently cupping her breasts in his hands, rubbing his thumbs over her sensitive skin.

Josie took a step back and slowly unbuttoned her jeans, smiling as Sam did the same. Soon they were naked together on the bed, Josie wrapping one of her legs around Sam's rubbing her instep up and down his calf, all but purring with delight as he nibbled her neck. Sam raised himself above her and slowly eased into her. Josie caught her breath as she felt Sam's penetration, sighing gently as he settled himself.

"Oh, I like that one," he said appreciatively.

"Hmmm?" Josie opened her eyes and looked at Sam dazedly.

"That little noise that you make."

She ducked her head against his chest, blushing slightly. "I'm sorry ... I don't mean to be noisy."

Sam chuckled breathlessly as he began to move gently inside her. "You're not 'noisy', sweetheart ... I think you sound beautiful."

"It's just that ... you feel so.... good."

"So do you," he whispered as he leaned forward to kiss her deeply. Sometime later, during a moment when sweat was dripping off both of them, Josie said "Sam, I like this," with such feeling that Sam laughed out loud. "Me too," he'd answered.

* * *

Sam grinned as he stood soaping himself in the shower. He couldn't get over how comfortable he and Josie were together. They didn't need to talk about sex, it was something spontaneous and joyful that just happened whenever the mood took them. He looked over his shoulder as he heard the shower door open, and smiled as Josie stepped inside. He stood aside to let her stand under the shower spray so that she could wet her hair. She closed her eyes as the water ran over her head, then opened them again as she felt Sam pull her towards him for a kiss.

"Mmmmm, this feels nice. I'll never doubt the 'save water' campaigns again!" she sighed as Sam nuzzled her neck. Sam's eyes fell on the shampoo bottles, and he reached out to squirt a liberal amount onto his hand and began to work it into Josie's hair, grinning as she sighed contentedly. "Ooooooh Sam, don't ever stop that."

He chuckled. "I might have to at some stage, before we become prune people..."

Josie opened her eyes and smiled before running her hands down his chest to cup him in her hands, making him gasp.

"I'm in no hurry ..." she said suggestively.

Dinner was going to be very late indeed...

* * *

They had eventually made it out of the shower and gotten dried and changed. Josie was toweling her hair dry as the phone rang. She strolled out towards it, draping the towel on the back of a chair as she reached for the receiver.


"Pussycat! I wasn't sure if we'd catch you at home or not."

"Hi Mom, what's up?" Just then, Sam walked out of the bedroom buttoning up his shirt. He walked over to Josie and wordlessly held out his hands. Looking at them, Josie saw that their rather extended shower together had left his skin very wrinkled. Josie made a face and looked at her own, and then started giggling helplessly as Sam leered at her. Satisfied that he had made his point, he headed off to the kitchen for a drink.

"Pussycat? Are you okay?"

"Huh? Oh sure, everything's fine. Sam was just making me laugh at something."

"That's handy - we were hoping we'd catch you both at home."


"Your father and I wanted to know if the two of you would like to come over for dinner tonight."

"Oh Mom, that'd be great. We haven't decided what to do tonight. Could you hold on for a sec? I'll see if Sam had any plans." She covered the receiver with her hand and turned to Sam. "Mom and Dad have invited us for dinner, what do you think?" Sam nodded eagerly. Josie uncovered the phone and spoke again. "Mom? Yup, we'll be over. What time would like you like us?"

Janet Geller laughed. "Oh whenever you can show up will be fine, Josie. Your father wants to play with his new barbecue - you know what it's like ... boys and their toys!"

Josie laughed. "Okay mom, thanks. We'll see you soon."

As she hung up, Sam asked "So what time do they want us there?"

Josie shrugged happily. "Anytime."

Sam looked down at himself. "Well, no point in hanging around then. I'll put on some shoes and I'm ready - how about you?"

"Just let me brush my hair and we can go."

About half an hour later, Josie and Sam let themselves into the Geller's house. Sam shut the front door behind them, as Josie wandered down the hallway.

"Hellooooo ..." she called.

"We're out the back, honey!" hollered her father. "There's my little pussycat - how are you sweetheart?" said Tom Geller as Josie appeared on the back porch. He was wiping down the grill, getting ready to cook, but turned and opened his arms for a hug. He was a tall man, about 6 feet tall with a solid build. He had dark hair and brown eyes set in a wide, friendly face. Josie walked into his embrace as Sam appeared in the doorway. "Sam! Good to see you again!" beamed Tom as he held out his hand. He shook Sam's hand heartily as Josie laughed and stepped away. He had a playful glint in his eye as he adopted a swaggering pose. Pointing to the barbeque with the tongs he was still holding, he put on a gruff deep voice and said "So Sam, you ready to fire up some food?"

Sam laughed, then took a deep breath and settled back on his heels, hooking his thumbs on his belt. "Ahhh reckon so ..."

They heard a hoot of laughter from the doorway as Janet Geller appeared, shaking her head at the two men. She turned to Josie "Oh God, just listen to them ... one's as bad as the other." Josie laughed as Sam and Tom looked at each other, pretending to be outraged.

"You hear what the little lady just said?" cried Tom.

"Ah sure did ... it's hard for a man to get respect these days," agreed Sam.

"Damn straight," Replied Tom, pretending to spit tobacco onto the floor. Janet laughed and threw up her hands.

"Right! I give up! You men can pursue your barbecuing endeavors, and Josie and I will retire indoors for a drink. Call us when you're ready." Chuckling, Josie followed her inside, winking at Sam as she walked past.

Inside the kitchen, Janet pulled a couple of bowls of salad out of the refrigerator and put them on the table as Josie got out some cutlery.

"Well pussycat, there's no doubt that your father likes Sam. Mind you, he'd like anyone willing to go through a little routine like that!"

"JOSIE! YOU HERE SOMEWHERE, GIRL?" hollered Rob as he opened the front door.

"IN THE KITCHEN!" Josie hollered back. She turned to see her mother looking at her ruefully. "What?"

"When I hear you two yelling around the house like that, it's as if you never moved out..."

Josie grinned and shrugged. "Well, the odd reminder of how it used to be has got to be good for you then. If nothing else, it'd made you appreciate the peace and quiet more..... Arrrrrrgh!" she yelped as Rob bounded into the room and wrapped her up in a big bear hug. Rob released her and turned to hug his mother as well. Turning back to Josie, he did an elaborate double take and walked around her slowly, eying her up and down.

"Looking good Jos .... Lookin' veeeery good. Being hot for teacher certainly agrees with you these days. How's my favorite sister?"

"Whaaat? I'm your only sister, you clown. I'm very well, thank you." Josie answered primly, but with a twinkle in her eyes.

"So whatcha been up to?" he asked.

"Oh you know...this and that. Actually, Sam and I think we might have found somewhere to live today."

Janet turned from cutting a loaf of bread. "Really? Tell me more - where is it?"

"Actually it's not very far from the school. My friend Anita at work - you've heard me talk about her - spotted it when it got phoned in this morning. It's called a cottage - two bedroom, one bathroom, affordable. Definitely worth a look."

Janet nodded. "Sounds very promising - let us know how it goes, okay?"


"HEY!" boomed Tom's voice. "Is that my favorite varmint?"

Rob grinned and winked at Josie and Janet, before starting to swagger outside. Josie fell about laughing. Rob turned to her with a miffed look on his face. "Can I help you, ma'am?"

"Rob," gasped Josie. "What is that walk? You look like you're riding an invisible horse!"

Rob looked down and pointed towards his heels. "Extra large spurs ma'am ..." and with that parting shot, he lifted one foot to gently kick the door open, and swaggered out onto the back porch. Seconds later Janet and Josie heard a deep chorus of "Howdy, pardners..."

Janet wiped the tears of laughter off her cheeks, gasping for breath as Josie did the same. "Oh ... what a family!" sighed Janet.

Josie was still hiccupping with laughter as Sam popped into the kitchen to get the tray of meat out of the refrigerator, grinning broadly. As they laughed, their eyes locked. What was stronger than shared laughter? Laughter was more powerful than all the kisses in the world. Janet looked at Sam and Josie staring at each other and smiled quietly to herself. After a moment, they came to, and Sam headed back outside, pausing to tuck a curl behind Josie's ear and brush a kiss on her temple. He was nearly wiped out by Rob as he bounded back inside for a drink. Sam recovered, and handed the meat to Tom.

"Thanks Sam. Now.... Janet tells me that you and Josie have been looking for somewhere to live." He paused to look at Sam. "You sure you're not rushing into this at all?"

"I hope not, Mr. Geller. I've never been as happy as I am with Josie, and the last thing I want to do is spoil it."

"That's good to hear. 'Cause if you hurt my little girl, I'm gonna give you a whuppin! And Sam, one more thing ... call me Tom will ya? That Mr. Geller stuff makes me feel too old!"

Sam laughed. "I told a couple of my graduating students the same thing this afternoon. I know how you feel! But please believe me when I say that I will always look after Josie."

Tom looked at Sam appraisingly. "Yes, I think you will." He leaned over to clap his hand on Sam's shoulder a couple of times. "You're a good man Sam, and we'd be proud to make you part of the family." He said that in a meaningful tone, then winked solemnly and turned back to his cooking.

Sam blinked as he looked at Tom's back. If that wasn't a father's blessing, he didn't know what was. A bubble of happiness grew in his chest as he picked up the beer Tom had given him, and took a swig.

* * *

The five of them spent a very enjoyable night. Sam loved the way the conversation in Josie's family wandered from subject to subject. They talked about everything from baseball to movies to literature. There were plenty of raised voices as they laughed and joked all evening. When Josie and Sam finally pled exhaustion, they were seen off after a series of hugs and handshakes, and demands that they call the Gellers as soon as they'd seen the house for rent to let them know the verdict. On the drive home, they laughed and talked about various highlights of the evening. Still giggling over Rob's western walk, they let themselves into Josie's apartment, made exuberant love in bed, and drifted off to sleep in each other's arms.

* * *

"Sam, it's gorgeous! Are you sure this is it?" cried Josie as they pulled up outside the house she was looking at. Sam double-checked the number on the gate against the printout from Josie's office.

"Yep, number 7. This is definitely it." They got out of the car and looked at each other delightedly as they opened the gate and headed towards the house. The house was painted a rich creamy white, with ornate wrought iron lace on the front porch. The grass in the front yard was neatly trimmed, and the garden was immaculately kept. As they reached the front door, it opened.

A man stood beaming at them. He stood about 5 and a half feet tall, with a perfectly trimmed graying hair, beard and moustache. His green eyes twinkled as he smiled benignly at them. He opened the door and stepped out to greet them. "Hello, you must be Josie and Sam. Welcome to number 7 - I'm Cliff Jones."

"Very pleased to meet you, Sir - did the agency tell you that we were coming?" Sam reached out to shake hands. Cliff smiled and enfolded Sam's hands in both of his warmly, then turned to do the same to Josie.

"They did indeed. I thought that I'd open the place up to air it out a little and wait for you to show up. Shall we have a tour?"

"Yes, please!" smiled Josie.

"Then by all means come inside," said Cliff as he held the door open for them. Josie and Sam walked inside, and exclaimed with pleasure. The main living room had high ceilings, and the walls were all painted a very pale yellow. The house had polished floorboards throughout, with black and white parquet tiling in the kitchen and bathroom. Josie was also quick to spot the very deep claw- footed bath. Cliff followed them at a discreet distance through the house, as they murmured excitedly to each other over various features. Reaching the back, Josie opened the door and stepped out onto the back porch. The back lawn was lush and green, and the back fence was bordered with a fragrant hedge of hydrangeas.

Josie turned to Sam, her eyes shining. "Sam, I can't believe it. It's absolutely perfect!"

"I's almost too good to be true!" They both turned towards Cliff.

"So what do you think?" he prompted.

"Mr. Jones, it's just gorgeous! It's everything I've ever dreamed of and more..."

He nodded happily, pleased at her response. "Yes, I knew you'd like this place as soon as I saw you. Shall we retire to my house for a cup of tea while we discuss the arrangements?"

Sam and Josie looked at each other. "Arrangements?" questioned Sam. "You mean it's ours?"

Cliff nodded again. "Well, only if you want it of course. The other people that have been through today were all looking for something more modern. If you're not interested you only have to say ..."

"Oh, we're interested all right!" said Josie excitedly. "It's just that it seems a bit too easy ..."

Cliff laughed. "Is that your only problem? Perhaps someone up there likes you! Look, the agency said that you've done the paperwork, it all looks fine to me, and you certainly seem happy enough with the place, no worries - so consider yourselves tenants. Now," he said as he turned towards the dividing picket fence between the yard and the house next door as Sam and Josie gaped at each other. "I could really do with a cup. Come on." Sam watched as Cliff reached out and pulled at the fence, grinning with surprise as it swung away in the man's hands - it was a cleverly built-in gate. Cliff looked over his shoulder and saw Sam's reaction. "I hope you don't mind this set up. I have a gardener that comes every couple of weeks, so we came to this arrangement for convenience's sake."

"Nope, no problems at all, Sir."

"Oh, call me Cliff."

He ushered them towards the French doors at his back porch, and into the kitchen. The kitchen had a lovely lived-in feel, and Josie was surprised to see a large armchair in the kitchen. Cliff smiled as he saw Josie spot it. "Oh, I sometimes sit and read while I've got something simmering on the oven. I thought that I might as well be comfortable while I wait. Now, tea..."

He put the kettle on to boil and fussed around getting out cups and saucers as Josie and Sam looked around the kitchen. Nearly every wall was covered with original artwork. Landscapes, portraits, still life studies and abstract pictures in various hues all vied for wall space.

"Wow ... Cliff - are these all yours?" said Josie in an awed voice.

"One or two of them are my own, otherwise they're just bits and pieces I've collected over the years. I'm an artist, and a lot of my friends are too. It's not hard to build up a collection when you move in those circles. Now, the tea's ready ... would you both care to follow me to the lounge room?"

They sat down, and Cliff picked up the teapot and poured them all a cup, indicating the milk and sugar for them to help themselves. As Josie took a sip of tea, Sam spoke up.

"Cliff, what accent is that? I've noticed that you have the odd turn of phrase and I'm not familiar with."

Cliff gave a rich chuckle. "All over the place really. I was born in Wales, and then lived in London for a few years. I lived in Australia for about 20 years, and then traveled through Africa for a while. I ended up here about 10 years ago and haven't moved since. I suppose I still have the English accent, but with a few Australian mannerisms thrown in. You know, I'm quite a hybrid!"

Josie was about to say something when a particular picture caught her eye. She set her cup and saucer down and rose to inspect it closer. It was a scene of a calm ocean with a powder blue sky and wispy clouds. As she looked at the horizon line, she gave a start. There was the faint silhouette of an island in the distance. Cliff watched her reaction with a smile. "Do you like that one?"

"It's amazing. The color ... is it one of yours? Where was it done?"

Cliff nodded, flattered. "Yes, that one was done in Perth, Western Australia. The island in the background is Rottnest."

Josie looked at him wide eyed. "Is the water really that color?"

"Oh, yes. On a summer's day the ocean looks like it's made up of crushed sapphires, and the sand is a brilliant white. It's just lovely." Cliff looked at the picture fondly. "I've got a lot of friends over there that I still keep in touch with - I really must get back over there somedayy."

"Now," said Cliff briskly. "You don't have to decide right here and now that you'd like the place, take some time and think it over tonight. But," he regarded them both with a friendly smile. "I've decided that I've taken a shine to you, so I'd be pleased to have you as neighbors."

"That's really very kind of you Mr. ... Cliff." Said Sam as he put down his cup. He glanced at Josie, who nodded. "I think that I can speak for both of us when I say that we'd definitely like to move in."

"That's lovely." Said Cliff. "Before we go into the technicalities of moving dates, tell me, what do you both do for a living?"

"I teach Literature at South Glen South High School - not far from here actually, and Josie has a column at the Chicago Sun Times."

"Well that's lovely, isn't it? I'm a big fan of books myself. It's good to meet young people who still appreciate the written word."

"We're glad you think that way - we just love literature. Actually, it's what brought us together," replied Josie. Seeing Cliff's look of curiosity, Sam and Josie filled him in on the beginnings of their relationship. When they had finished Cliff sighed happily at them both.

"Lovely. Just lovely. You really took a big chance, didn't you, young lady? I'm so glad that it worked out for you, though. You look very happy together."

Sam smiled at Josie and reached out to take her hand. "Oh, we are," he replied softly.

"Now," said Cliff said briskly. "About moving in. I'll call the estate agent this morning and tell them that the house has been let out. She'll give you a call to give you a call to finalize the paperwork and the financial side of things, and I'll give you the keys once you've both signed on the dotted line. I prefer to use an agent as a third party for rent paying and such, because it makes it easier for us to be friends and neighbors when I don't have to knock on your door for money - you do understand, don't you?"

Sam and Josie nodded. "Absolutely!"

Cliff finished his tea and stood up. "I do hope you don't think I'm being rude, but I've got a couple of pictures to finish off today, and some framing to arrange, so I'll have to get back to work soon."

"Oh not at all - thank you for taking the time to show us through the house. We really appreciate your time."

Cliff ushered them towards his front door, and shook their hands warmly. "I'm so glad that you like the house. I think we're going to get along just fine. Do let me know when you move in, won't you?"

"Definitely. I'm sure you'll be seeing us again very, very soon!" said Sam. They shook hands again, and walked down Cliff's front path towards Sam's car. They stood next to the car and looked at Number 7, then looked at each other and whooped with excitement as they hugged each other.

Josie beamed at Sam, her eyes shining. "I can't believe it - we've got it!"

"I know. Cliff was right, someone up there definitely likes us!" Sam grinned back. "C'mon, let's go and tell your folks!"

* * *

Janet Geller looked up from her coffee and newspaper and Sam and Josie burst into the kitchen. She put down her cup and looked at them both. "Just look at you two - you're both smiling so much I think your ears are in danger of falling off your heads! What's going on?"

"Mom! It's amazing! Sam and I just went and saw the house, it's gorgeous, and it's ours!"

Janet looked stunned. "Really? Just like that?"

Josie and Sam both nodded excitedly. "Yes! A few other people went through and weren't too keen on it, but it was just what we were looking for. We met the landlord and he liked us so much he offered to rent it to us on the spot!"

"Oh my darlings, that's wonderful news!" exclaimed Janet as she got up to hug them both.

Tom appeared from upstairs. "Morning Sam, Josie. What's new, pussycat?" Josie was too excited to groan at the old pun of her fathers. "Daddy, we've got a house!" she squealed, launching herself at him for a hug. Tom staggered back as Josie hit him, and then looked over her shoulder at Janet, who quickly gave him all the details.

"Well ... that's great news!" he said, reaching a hand out to clasp Sam's shoulder in congratulations.

"So when do you move?" asked Janet as the four of them sat down to talk about it.

"Anytime, next week. We called by the real estate agent's office before we came here, so we're all paid up and have got the key. The lease on my apartment comes up for renewal then, so it works out really well!" bubbled Josie.

"Moving shouldn't be too bad. Most of my stuff is still in boxes, so we really just have to take care of Josie's gear."

"Hmmm, I've got a few contacts around the place, I'm sure I can get you guys a cheap mover too." Tom mused as he reached out to tousle Josie's hair affectionately.

The four of them talked excitedly for a while, then Sam and Josie decided that they needed to get home to start planning. On their way, they couldn't resist detouring past the house again. As they drove slowly past, Sam reached for Josie's hand and squeezed it. She looked at him lovingly. "Our first home together ... I can't wait."

"Neither can I," sighed Sam as he raised her hand to his lips.

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