No Sooner Looked Than Loved, Part 10
By Sandy

Date Posted: April 4, 2001

Josie took another sip of coffee and put her cup down, sighing with contentment. It was 10am on a Saturday morning, and she and Sam were having a leisurely breakfast on the back porch. Sam looked up from reading his sports magazine and watched her for a moment. As if she felt his eyes on her, Josie turned and smiled lazily at him. She sighed again then stretched her arms up over her head. The action made her faded red t-shirt ride up, exposing some skim between her t-shirt and gray sweatpants. Sam's eyes darkened with desire as he watched Josie's sensuous stretch, but he resolutely turned his attention back to the magazine. Breakfast was late enough as it was �

Josie watched Sam concentrate fixedly on his magazine, and smiled to herself as he squirmed a little uncomfortably on his chair.

"You okay there, Sam?" she asked mischievously. "You look a little � unsettled."

Sam gave a self-conscious grin. "Well, these sweat pants are usually a little�roomier." He replied, making her giggle. Josie was about to reply when movement caught her attention. She looked and Saw Cliff standing on his back steps looking at his garden. He glanced over and waved when he saw them, then nodded as Josie waved for him to come join them.

Six months had passed since Sam and Josie have moved in together. To their mutual delight everyone had pitched in to help them move. Josie's father had called in a favor from a friend who owned a moving company, and they had moved and unpacked everything in the space of a week.

They had become firm friends with Cliff, and often saw him � whether it be a conversation over the fence, a cup of tea in on or the other's kitchen, or a tour of his studio to see his latest work in progress. They all delighted in each other's company. Josie and Sam had noticed a steady stream of people from all walks of life calling in to see Cliff, and he was often heading out to the theatre or yet another friend's exhibition. Once they had laughingly asked where he found the energy. Cliff had simply smiled benignly at them and replied, "All my friends keep me young." And the subject was left to rest.

Josie patted a chair in invitation for Cliff to sit down, while Sam poured him a cup of coffee.

"Ahhhh," said Cliff after a sip. "That's lovely, thank you."

"How've you been?" asked Josie.

"Quite busy, actually. My friends and agent have been pressuring me to have a retrospective exhibition, so I think I'm going to give in to their enthusiasm and go it. I've been sorting through my work for the last few days trying to work out what to include. What about the two of you?"

"Working hard � sorting out another year of students, trying to convince them that books can be better than TV," said Sam with a wry grin.

"And you, young lady; how's your writing going?"

"Oh, pretty good. It gets hectic sometimes, meeting deadlines and the like, but it's a great challenge."

There was a comfortable silence for a few moments, and Josie sighed again.

"That's a big sigh, my dear," commented Cliff. "Are you tired?"

"Oh no. I'm just � very relaxed and enjoying everything at the moment. The sun is shining, there's a clear sky, the garden smells wonderful, it's the weekend, and I'm sitting out here with the man I love," she reached out and took Sam's hand with a smile, "and a very dear friend," she completed as she looked at Cliff.

"Ahhhh, I see," said Cliff sagely. "You're having a happy attack."

"A WHAT?" said Josie with a laugh.

"A happy attack, my dear. Perfectly normal � happens to me all the time."

"You know," mused Josie. "I really like that description. Do you mind if I use it sometime? You've given me the beginnings of an idea for a column."

"By all means- I'd be glad to see it getting some recognition. More happy attacks all round I say!" proclaimed Cliff with an indulgent wave.

"Thanks Cliff, you're a sweetie." Josie leaned forward to kiss him lightly on the cheek, making him chuckle, then stood up. "I'm just going inside to write down a couple of ideas." She walked inside, squeezing Sam's shoulder as she passed.

Cliff watched Josie fondly, and then looked at Sam. "You've got a good one there, Sam. Don't ever let her go."

Sam glanced inside where Josie was busily scribbling down some notes, then looked at Cliff. "I don't intend to," he said.

* * *

Sam threw his car keys and briefcase onto the couch and lunged for the phone before it could stop ringing. "Hello?" he gasped.

"Splat? Is that you?"

"Abby! How are you, sis?"

"Fine, but more to the point, how are you? You sound breathless."

"I just got in and had to run for the phone." Sam paused and chuckled. "Am I ever going to live that nickname down?"

"Probably one day, but not just yet! What else are big sisters for? Besides, it makes for a good story � I bet you've told your students about your childhood Spiderman antics�"

"You're right, of course."

"Ha! I knew it! Anyway, the reason I'm calling is to see if you and Josie can come home for a family weekend sometime. Mom and Dad are really keen to get us all together."

"Sounds like a great idea. When?"

"We thought that we'd leave that one up to you. You and Josie are the ones that have to travel the furthest, and we know that your jobs won't really give you any time off at the moment, so the ball's in your court."

"Okay. How about next weekend?" suggested Sam.

"Are you sure?"" said Abby excitedly.

"I think so. I'll have to double check with Josie when she gets home, but I don't think we've got any plans. I know that she'd like to see you guys too."

"That's another one of the reasons for Mom and Dad wanting to get you up here. Mom said that you all speak pretty regularly on the phone, but she wants to spend some quality time with you guys."

"Oh sure, Josie's said the same thing as well."

"Great minds think alike. How are things going with the two of you?"

"Fantastic, Abby. Things just seem to get better and better. I never thought I could be this happy."

"Sam, that's wonderful!" praised Abby.

"Hang on, she's just walked in, do you want to say hello?"

"Sure, put her on!"

Josie put down her bag and walked towards Sam with an inquiring expression. He gave her a quick a quick kiss and handed her the phone. "It's Abby." Josie's face lit up as she took the phone.

"Abby! How are you?" she nodded as Abby spoke, smiling now and then. Sam stood behind Josie, wrapped his arms around her waist and began to kiss and nuzzle her neck. Josie shivered a little as Sam reached a particularly sensitive area.

"Sure, a visit to see you guys sounds great. Have we sorted out a date?" As she spoke, Josie arched her hips a little, so that her bottom rubbed against Sam's pelvis. He gave a low moan against her neck, and run his hands up her waist so that his hands were cupping her breasts. Josie leaned her head back against Sam's shoulder to give him more access to her neck. Desire was coursing through her, making it difficult to follow the conversation.

"Mmm, okay Abby, that sounds�good. What?" Josie tried to focus. "Oh no, sorry, I've just gotten in from work so I'm still thinking of a million things at once. Okay, Sam and I would love to see you all." By now she had managed to shed her jacket, and she had to stifle a gasp as Sam pulled up the skirt of her dress to run his hand over her hips and begin to run his fingers along the elastic of her panties. She pressed herself more firmly against him, and felt his arousal nudging her insistently. Josie took a deep breath and blinked as she tried to focus.

"�. next weekend," finished Abby.

"Sure, that feels � I mean, that sounds great!" stammered Josie. She turned around to face Sam, jamming the phone under her chin so that she could unbutton his shirt. "We really need to see more of you."

"Okay then Josie, well, It'll be great! I'll tell Mom and Dad to expect you, just give us a call and let us know when you'll be coming!"

"All right then Abby, talk to you soon, bye!" Josie reached behind her blindly to fumble to phone back into its cradle with one hand as she twined the other through Sam's hair as he kissed her deeply. Sam backed her up so that her bottom was resting on the back of the couch. She perched herself on the edge and wrapped her legs around his hips, pulling him closer to her. They both moaned as their pelvises rubbed together.

"Sam," gasped Josie as she came up for air. "I've �" she closed her eyes as Sam unzipped her dress and eased it off her shoulders. She reached up and pulled Sam's shirt off him, laughing as he wadded it up and threw it as far away as it could.

"You what?" he breathed as he reached for her. He gave a little hiss of pleasure as Josie unzipped the fly of his pants and slid her hand inside to grasp him.

"I need you so much."

"Mmmmmm" said Sam. "The feeling is entirely �" he paused as he slid inside her "� mutual." They both sighed as they felt each other deep inside, then kissed deeply as they began to move together in intimate rhythm. Josie shuddered as she felt the pressure building inside her, and wrapped her arms tightly around him, burying her head in his shoulder as sensation exploded throughout her body. She dimly heard Sam's cry and knew that he followed her. They stayed joined together for a long moment, the Sam straitened a little. He gave Josie a crooked smile as he brushed her hair off her face. Josie kissed the base of his throat, then looked up at him.

"Sam � does it ever stop? The wanting?"

Sam cupped her face in his hands. "I don't know � I hope not."

"Me too." They stared into each other's eyes, and then Sam grinned.

"So, what did Abby say?" he asked.

Josie bit her lip and looked sheepish. "Uhhh �. I don't know!" she confessed, making them both laugh.

* * *

"Josie? Wake up sweetheart, we're nearly there."

"What?" mumbled Josie, rubbing her eyes. She sat up and looked at the unfamiliar streets. "Sam, you should have woken me so that I could give you a break at driving."

"Yeah, but you looked so peaceful," he said. Josie shot him a grateful look. They drove for another couple of minutes before pulling in at a two-story house. Light spilled out of the front window and pooled on the manicured lawn like a welcoming beacon. Josie and Sam had just started to unload their bags when the front door of the house burst open.

"I thought I heard a car," exclaimed Abby. "Mom! Dad! They're here!" she called over her shoulder as she skipped down the front steps and quickly made her way towards them, her arms stretched out for a hug.

"Josie, so good to see you!" she said as she wrapped her arms around her, then she broke the embrace to turn to Sam. "Splat! Glad you made it here � we were getting a little worried." Sam had rolled his eyes and chuckled at his sisters' use of his old nickname as he gave her a bear hug.

"Sorry we're a little late, the traffic was�"

"UNCLE SAM! " A small girl hurtled down the steps and ran towards Sam, who crouched down and held out his arms as she launched herself into them. "Uncle Sam! Uncle Sam!" she crowed.

"Well now Emma, just look at you! How's my little niece?"

"I'm good!" she said. "Well� Most of the time," she amended after a quick look at Abby.

"Are you going to say hello to Josie?" he coaxed. Suddenly shy, Emma walked towards Josie, and then looked up at her.

"'lo Josie" she giggled. Josie knelt down and ticked her gently, making her squirm and laugh.

"Hello, kitten. Did you wait up for us?"

"Yup! Mommy said I could."

"As if we could get her to sleep knowing that the two of you were coming!" laughed Abby. "Now Emma, why don't you go and tell Nana and Pop they're here?"

" .. 'kay!" and with that, she ran back into the house, whooping as she went.

Abby looked at Sam and Josie. 'Don't ask me where she gets the energy from," she laughed.

"Have you thought of taking out the batteries?" asked Sam.

"Of course!" she said, throwing her hands up, "but I can't find the access panel, and it's not for want of trying. AND there's no on/off switch!" making Sam and Josie hoot with laughter. They grabbed the bags out of the car, and walked towards the house. As they got inside, an old chocolate brown Labrador padded down the hallway towards them, tail wagging with delight. Sam knelt down to pat him.

"Puck! How you doin' boy? Do you remember, Josie?" Josie knelt down and offered her knuckles for inspection. Puck sniffed her hand, then licked it and nudged it with his head, a clear request for a pat.

"I guess that's a yes," said Abby in an amused tone.

"There you are!" said a voice, making them all look up. Sam's mother walked towards them. "Come here and let me give you a hug!"

Sam stood up and gathered his mother in for a hug and a kiss. Sarah Coulson stepped back from Sam and turned to Josie to do the same. She was about the same height as Sam, with the same green eyes that were twinkling with delight as she hugged Josie warmly. Sarah stepped back and clasped both of Josie's hands in her own. "Josie, we're so glad that you were able to come up for the weekend. It was short notice I know, but it was a spur of the moment idea."

"No problem � it's great to see you all again too."

"Hear, hear!" added Sam's father Tim, as he strolled up to put his arm around Josie and draw her close to give her a kiss on the cheek, then gathered Sam in for a hug as well. "Good to see you again, son."

"Likewise Dad. Say, Mom � Would you have anything to eat? We haven't had dinner yet."

"Does she have anything to eat?" snorted Tim. She started cooking up a storm the minute she heard you two were coming home. The refrigerator is threatening to burst its hinges�"

"Oh!" laughed Sarah as she swatted his arm. "Come on, I'm sure I can rustle up something for you."

"You're in the door barely five minutes and Roy's already kicking in?" asked Abby. Josie giggled, and Abby looked at her. "I take it you've heard about Roy?"

"I've heard about, and heard from him. I thought that Sam was joking the first time he told me about it, but you've just backed him up."

"I told you!" said Sam, rubbing his stomach. "Roy is an entity unto himself�" Abby and Josie looked at each other and laughed.

"Does that mean I have another uncle?" asked Emma excitedly. Sam looked confused for a moment, then threw his head back and laughed. "Come on into the kitchen Emma, and I'll tell you all about it," said Sam as he took her by the hand and led her off.

"C'mon Josie, give me your bags and I'll take them up to your room," said Tim. "You go and get yourself comfortable."

"Okay, thanks." Said Josie as he took the bags off her and headed towards the staircase. She took off her coat and draped it over the banister, then turned to see Abby beaming at her. "What?" she asked with a smile.

"Ohhh, I'm just so happy that you're here, and that you're with Sam, and that things are going so well," said Abby, linking arms with her and walking towards the kitchen. "You just seem to fit into this family so well, I couldn't be happier right now!"

"You're having a happy attack aren't you?" said Josie with a grin.

"A what?"

Sam had heard the tail end of the conversation and looked up from the table with a grin. "It's one of Cliff's expressions."

"Cliff? Oh wait � he's your landlord isn't he?"

"Yes. He's more than that though; he's a wonderful guy. It's like he's our best friend, grandfather and favorite uncle all rolled into one," said Sam. Josie nodded in agreement as she sat down at the table opposite Sam.

"He certainly sounds like an interesting character," said Tim as he came back into the kitchen. He headed to the counter to get himself a coffee, clapping Sam on the shoulder as he passed. Sam smiled at Josie and reached out to stroke her leg under the table with his foot. Unfortunately, through his shoe he couldn't tell the difference between female leg and short-haired dog, and was a little surprised by Josie's unresponsiveness � until Puck rolled over in ecstasy beneath his feet. Sam looked startled for a moment, and then smiled to himself as he realized what had been going on.

"Thanks, Mom. Are the rest of you going to have anything?" asked Sam as Sarah set down two bowls of fresh minestrone soup before him and Josie.

"No, we ate a while ago. We didn't know how long you were going to be," said Abby as she accepted a coffee from Tim. "Thanks, Dad."

Emma wandered over to Tim and wrapped her arms around his knees, looking up at him beseechingly. Tim looked down with a smile and tousled her hair. "Hello, poppet."

"Poppy �. " she began in a pleading voice. "Could you make me one of your special hot chocolates?"

Tim looked at Emma and visibly melted. "Of course, sweetie. You take a seat and I'll make you one."

"What's so special about them?" Sam asked Abby in an undertone.

"I don't have to make them, for a start," replied Abby with a grin.

Soon they were all sitting at the table talking and laughing. Emma was curled up drowsily on Abby's lap when Sam yawned and looked at his watch. "Well guys, I'm starting to feel pretty beat." He looked at Josie who was starting to look pretty sleepy herself. "Shall we call it a night?" The others nodded. Abby stood up carefully, cradling Emma in her arms. Emma woke up long enough to demand a goodnight kiss from everyone, and then was carried to bed. The others all said goodnight and wandered off on their way. Sam reached out his hand to Josie, and draped his arm around her shoulders as they headed upstairs. Josie smiled as they reached a door with a nameplate on it with a picture of a racing car and the words "Sam's Room" emblazoned on it. Sam quietly opened the door and they walked in together.

"Ohhhhh," said Josie as she flopped onto the double bed. Sam joined her, and they lay there for a moment, holding each other's hands. She looked at him with a sleepy smile, and he couldn't resist leaning over her to kiss her softly. Josie lifted her hands to twine them lazily through his hair as the kiss deepened. Sam broke off the kiss and kissed the hollow of Josie's throat, then turned to lay on his side, propping his head in his hand and gazing at her.

"I love your family," said Josie quietly, so that they wouldn't disturb the others across the hall.

"They love you too � and so do I," he responded quietly.

"Hmmm �. " Josie sighed contentedly, making Sam grin.

"Are you having another happy attack?"

"Yes � but a very relaxed one. Come on," she said suddenly sitting up. "Let's go to bed."

* * *

The next morning Sam and Josie were woken up by a delighted squeal from Emma as she ran towards them and launched herself onto the bed. Hearing their conversation, Abby knocked and peered cautiously around the half open door. "There you are! I wondered where you had gotten to, missy. Now you come with me downstairs and give Uncle Sam and Josie a chance to wake up and get dressed." Emma reluctantly allowed herself to be led away.

Sam chuckled sleepily, and stretched his arms up for a moment, then linked his hands together behind his head, lying staring at the ceiling. Josie turned towards him with a contented sigh and curled herself along his body, her head on his shoulder and an arm across his chest.

"I never imagined I'd find myself doing this," said Sam bemusedly.

"What's that?" said Josie as she lifted her head to look at him.

"Just � all of this. My parents downstairs making breakfast, and here I am in my old bedroom with a beautiful woman in my arms."

Josie wrinkled her nose at him, and gave him a kiss. "So, what shall we do today?" she said, running her tongue gently across his bottom lip.

"Ohhhh � well not that for a start, otherwise Mom and Dad won't see hide nor hair of us!" he muttered as he pulled Josie towards him for a deep kiss. When they parted, Sam smiled wryly. "Well � if nothing else, I know that a cold shower is in order!" he said, making Josie giggle.

* * *

They both showered and dressed, and wandered downstairs for breakfast. Tim, Sarah, Abby and Emma were already down there. Sarah was brewing up some fresh coffee, Tim was reading the weekend newspaper, and Abby was making some pancakes for Emma. They looked up as Sam and Josie entered and called out a round of greetings.

"So Abby, I didn't get a chance to ask how Bill was." commented Sam. Abby's face lit up at the mention of her husband's name. "Oh he's fine. He's still in San Francisco, but the contract is going at a good rate, so he should be home soon." Her face saddened a little. "It's been strange spending so much time without him, but we talk every other night � and thank god for email!"

"Not long to go now, though." Said Sarah comfortingly, walking to stand behind Abby and giving her a hug.

Sam noticed an old camera sitting on top of the refrigerator. "Hey, what's that old thing doing out?" He said, pointing at it. Tim looked over his shoulder to where Sam was pointing, then stood up to retrieve the camera. "Oh, your mother and I found this while we were cleaning out the attic. It's an old instamatic camera. I think that we got it when you were about 10� ish." He said, looking at Sam. "You remember it? We used it for all our holiday snaps for a while there. You kids used to get a real kick out of seeing the photos develop."

"Does it still work?" asked Sam. His mind was working furiously with the beginnings of an idea. Tim shrugged.

"I don't see why not. It never broke that I can remember. We just stopped using it after a while. Why? You want it?"

Sam nodded casually. "Yeah � it might be fun to use now and then."

"All right, it's yours," said Tim, handing it to Sam. Sam shot Josie a sideways look, and was almost relieved to see that she had missed most of the conversation. She and Abby were deep in discussion about separation in relationships.

" �. So, while Sam and I weren't together like you and Bill are, I still know how you feel. It was awful there on assignment for a while � I was so attracted to Sam, but couldn't do a thing. There might as well have been miles between us, instead of just a few feet in the classroom." Abby nodded thoughtfully, and then noticed Sam looking.

"You're right of course, Josie. Mind you, just how anyone could be attracted to Sam I'll never know � I mean, come on � he's my baby brother!" Sam tried to look indignant as Abby burst into peals of laughter. Sarah shook her head fondly at the two of them and looked at Tim.

"It's like they never left sometimes, isn't it?"

"Yes �" said Tim as he heaved a mock world weary sigh, "it does."

"Oh, that reminds me," said Abby. She leaned over and put her hand on Tim's arm, fluttering her eyelashes outrageously. "Daaaaaaad, can I borrow the car?"

"Arrrrrgh!" cried Tim in mock pain, grabbing his head, making them all laugh. They eventually calmed down, only to start laughing again when Emma looked at Tim over her cereal, shaking her head slowly. "Poppy � you're weird sometimes, but that's all right," she said, patting his arm understandingly. "it's because you're so old � and I love you anyway."

"Out of the mouths of babes!" hooted Abby.

* * *

The day progressed in a very leisurely fashion. Sarah was cutting up some vegetables at the counter, and smiled as Tim strolled up behind her to kiss her cheek. Tim glanced out the window, and gave Sarah a little nudge as he said, "Now there's a sight to warm your heart." Sarah looked up to see where Tim was gazing, and had to agree.

Sam and Josie had gone for a walk, and had taken Puck with them. They were now ambling back along the street towards the house, walking slowly so as not to tire the old dog too much. Sam had one hand in his jeans pocket and this other arm around Josie's waist. They were both talking quietly, smiling occasionally. As Josie turned to say something to Sam with a laugh, the wind blew her hair across her face. Sam was talking now, and absent-mindedly reached up to tuck some hair behind Josie's ear. They both stopped as Diana, Sarah & Tim's next-door neighbor, called out to Sam from her front garden. Sam and Josie stopped at the front gate, and Josie was introduced. Sam watched Josie and Diana shake hands and began chatting, a look of pride evident on his face.

"They look really happy together, don't they?" commented Sarah.

"That they do � and will you look at Puck!" said Tim. The dog was sitting on Josie's feet, leaning against her slightly so that his head was directly underneath Josie's hand. As Josie talked, she stroked the dog's head and played with his ears. The dog closed his eyes in pleasure.

"Yup. Our boy's got himself a keeper there � even the dog's decided," answered Tim.

"Let's hope so," said Sarah. "Now, how about you give me a hand with getting dinner ready?"

* * *

After a prolonged dinner, Tim and Sam were talking quietly in the living room, and Emma was happily watching her favorite cartoon, Beauty and the Beast. Josie, Abby and Sarah carried the dishes into the kitchen and stacked up the dishwasher. When they were done, Abby leaned against the counter with a groan, rubbing her stomach with her hands.

"Ohhhh Mom, I think you've killed me," she moaned in mock anguish.

Sarah sighed and regarded Abby with a smile. "Well, you didn't have to eat so much, young lady." Abby widened her eyes and tried to look wounded.

"Yes I did�it was home cooking, and you pulled out all the stops because Sam and Josie are here. You cooked all our favorites�and I'm only human."

Sarah laughed and cuffed Abby lightly on the shoulder. "Oh you! Now, see if you can waddle into the living room and take a seat � I'll make us some coffee." Abby looked at the kitchen doorway, then back at Sarah with a doubtful expression.

"Do you think I'll be able to fit through that?" Sarah snorted with laughter and shook her head as Abby and Josie giggled together and headed towards the living room. They stopped in the doorway and looked at each other with a smile. Tim and Sam were both sprawled on a couch each, both sound asleep. Josie tiptoed towards Sam, and gently ran her hand along the back of his neck. She was startled to see Sam smile briefly in his sleep.

"I've never noticed that before," she whispered as she looked up to see Abby watching her.

"Never noticed what?" Abby whispered back, coming to stand beside her.

"He just smiled when I touched him, but I think he's still asleep."

"I haven't seen him do it for a while, but he used to do that from when he was a baby onwards. Mom and I used to take it in turns to stand by his bed and see who could make him smile in his sleep like that."

"Is that so?" Intrigued, Josie ran her hand gently across Sam's neck, and was at once rewarded with a singularly sweet smile before his face relaxed again. "I wonder why he does it?"

Abby smiled at Josie before answering. "I imagine it's because he's happy."

* * *

The next day, Sam and Josie decided to head back to Chicago so that they would arrive back home at around midday.

"Are you sure we can't make you stay any longer?" Sarah asked Sam as he put a bag in the trunk of the car. Sam shook his head.

"No, sorry Mom. It's been really seeing you guys, but I've got some marking that I've got to get done, and Josie has to start working on her next column. We'll need a bit of time to settle back in and put things away too. You understand, don't you?"

Sarah nodded. "Of course we do, Sam. It's just that we get a bit greedy whenever we see you. It's been a while since we've had such a relaxed family weekend."

Sam nodded. "I know � we'll come and stay longer next time, I promise." With that, he leaned in to give her a hug and a kiss. Josie was already 'doing the rounds', hugging Abby, Emma and Tim goodbye.

"See ya Splat � don't leave so long next time, okay?" said Abby as she hugged Sam.

"I won't � you'll definitely see us again soon." Replied Sam. He released Abby and hunkered down so that he was eye to eye with Emma. She looked at him dolefully.

"Uncle Sam, do you HAVE to go?"

"Yup, Josie and I have to go home now � but we'll see you soon, okay?"

Emma squinted at him. "Promise?"

Sam nodded. "Promise." Satisfied with that, Emma held out her arms for a hug. As Sam stood up, Tim turned from giving a Josie a hug, and did the same to Sam.

"You look after that girl, Sam, we love her." Tim said in an undertone to Sam. Sam grinned broadly and nodded to show that he understood, and then turned towards the car.

"Ready to go?" he asked Josie.

"Sure." Josie opened the car, got in and shut the door. She wound down the window and leaned out. "It's been a great weekend � I'm just sorry that it was such a flying visit. We'll see you soon, okay?"

"You'll always be welcome!" chorused Sarah and Tim. With that, Sam carefully reversed his car down the driveway, and they slowly drove off, farewelled by the other three standing on the front lawn waving frantically to the departing car. They drove in silence for a couple of minutes, and then Josie turned to Sam.

"I really love your family, Sam. It's just like being with my own family when I'm with them."

Sam took his eyes off the road briefly to look at Josie with a smile. "They feel the same way about you."

Josie's eyes glowed with happiness. "That's lovely to hear. Thank you."

"And thank you. So, what's our next stop?"

Josie simply smiled and said, "Home."

* * *

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