No Sooner Looked Than Loved, Part 3
By Sandy

Date Posted: March 22, 2001

Click here to hear "How Sweet It Is To Be Loved By You" by James Taylor

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Josie looked at him, eyes wide with merriment as she chewed, swallowed and said, "Well, you looked like you weren't quite sure if you wanted it or not�"

Sam grinned. "Well, if you want to play it that way, I should at least get what's left." Before she could react, he reached across the table and grabbed her wrist, lifting her hand to his mouth so that he could gently suck on each fingertip. He stopped and looked across at her, licking his lips as the orange taste of the liqueur filled his mouth. Josie was sitting completely still, her cheeks slightly flushed, and her lips open slightly as she gazed at Sam. Without breaking eye contact, he turned her hand over and gently bit the inside of her wrist, smiling inwardly as he saw her gasp. He kissed her wrist swiftly, and then released it. Josie stared at Sam, with her arm still stretched across the table, then blinked and drew back her arm and rested her hand over her heart.

Sam smiled at Josie in a sexy, charged way, then leaned forward to whisper, "Did you like that?"

Josie opened her mouth to speak, but no words came out. She cleared her throat and tried again.

"�. I don't think I'll ever wash this hand again�" she murmured.

Sam was pleased to see the effect he had on her. He glanced down to see that she was absent-mindedly rubbing her thumb back and forth over the bare skin at the neckline of her dress.

Josie followed his gaze, flushed again as she realized what she was doing and quickly rested her hand on the table.

Sam picked up a strawberry and ate it slowly. After a moment's hesitation, Josie did the same. Her chewing slowed as she watched Sam lick his lips as he reached for another. Sam noticed, and smiled. Josie lifted her gaze and saw him watching her. To his delight, she flushed and squirmed a little on her chair.

"Are you okay, Josie?" asked Sam. He knew how much he was getting to her � the feeling was entirely mutual.

"Hmmmm?" she said, coming out of her reverie. "Oh � yes. Wonderful in fact. It's just that I had no idea eating strawberries could be so � so �"

"�erotic?" finished Sam.

"Yes," said Josie with a soft sigh.

He smiled and picked up another strawberry, kissed it, and leaded across the table to pop it in her mouth.

"I don't think you're the only one to think that." He said as she ate. "I couldn't help but notice that the people on the other table eating the same dish got cutlery."

Josie looked at the group sitting at the next table. He was right! She and Sam looked at each other for a moment, and then both turned and looked at the kitchen doors. As they did, they saw Maria and Luigi both duck out of sight behind the viewing panel set in the door. Sam looked back at Josie, who was sitting with her mouth open in an 'o' of surprise.

"Not terribly subtle are they?" he deadpanned.

"No � I can't say that they are." She replied with a wry smile.

"Mind you, I've got to hand it to them � it worked. I �" Sam was about to continue when movement at the restaurant caught his eye. A young couple had just entered the restaurant. They stood at the counter waiting to be seated, the young man with his hand resting solicitously in the small of the young woman's back. Sam looked closer at them. They were standing with their backs to the restaurant as they spoke quietly to each other. Sam cocked his head. There was something familiar about them �

Just then, Maria came out of the kitchen, giving Sam and Josie a sidelong smile as she hurried to the counter. The couple turned as she greeted them, and Sam's eyes widened in recognition. It was Guy and Aldys!

* * *

"Sam, what is it?" asked Josie, seeing the look on his face.

"Don't look now, but Aldys and Guy have just walked in. I think they're on a date �"

"They're here? Ohhhh, and Aldys didn't breathe a word about this when I spoke to her the other day," exclaimed Josie.

"Well, I think it could be a new development. I only noticed there was something going on this afternoon, but I forgot to tell you."

Josie leaned forward eagerly. "So tell me now!"

"There isn't much to tell really, but Aldys and I were talking after final period and Guy came to collect her. I think I saw them hold hands for a second."

Josie looked thoughtful but pleased. "Well, I always suspected there might be more to Guy than meets the eye�"

They both looked across at them.

"Wow, they look great!" said Josie.

Sam had to agree. Aldys was wearing a lavender empire line dress that fell in soft waves just above her ankles, with little cap sleeves. Her long hair was drawn up into a loose chignon, with wisps of hair framing her face. Guy was wearing navy blue linen trousers, with a matching long sleeved shirt. His matte gold tie shimmered as he moved to hold Aldys' chair for her as she sat down.

"He's certainly being attentive," commented Josie. "I wonder what sparked this off?"

"Didn't I see them dancing at the Prom together?" mused Sam.

Josie nodded slowly, turning back to look at Sam with a solemn expression.

"That's right, but I � Interrupted them," she said.

"Interrupted more than that, remember?" Sam said with a grimace. "I was about to pour my heart out to you."

Josie groaned and put her head in her hands. "Remember? How could I forget? That night was awful and wonderful all at the same time!"

Sam reached across and gently captured her wrists, pulling her hands away from her face. Wrapping his hands around hers, he smiled understandingly at her.

"But that's all in the past, and we're together now � that's all that matters to me," he whispered.

Josie smiled back. "And in the very wrath of love," she quoted softly.

"And clubs shall not part us," he affirmed, and gently kissed her hands. "Shall we go home?"

"Yes, please."

Sam got out of the booth and stood next to Josie, holding out his hand to help her up. He smiled at her, and then leaned down slightly to brush a kiss on her temple.

"Let's go," he said, leading her towards the counter. Maria looked up from serving, and called one of the waitresses over to take her place, then bustled over to the register where they stood waiting.

"Leaving so soon?" she asked.

"So soon?" laughed Sam with a quick look at his watch. "We've already been here for a couple of hours!"

Maria laughed and flapped her hands dismissively. "Bah! You can never spend too long here!"

"Oh I agree," grinned Josie.

"Well, I know that Luigi will want to say goodbye. I'll go get him." With that, she shot off to the kitchen, re-emerging a moment later with Luigi.

"Good to see you both again," pronounced Luigi, grabbing Josie and kissing her on the cheeks, left, right, then left again, before grabbing Sam and doing the same.

"You'll come back soon, yes?" added Maria to Sam over Josie's shoulder as she gave her a bear hug.

"Try and stop us!" said Sam as he leaned in to kiss Maria. "That was a fabulous meal, what do we owe you?"

Maria named a sum that seemed ridiculously low. Sam raised an eyebrow. "Now Maria, we're not going to go through this again are we?" he said.

"We won't take a penny more! You've done so much for Luigi and I, we have to return the favor somehow," said Maria, while Luigi nodded in agreement.

"Yes, but you've got a business to run as well," argued Sam with smile. One of the waitresses had come up to stand at the register in the meantime, and winked at Josie behind Sam's back as she listened to the familiar routine play out. "Now, take this, and I don't want to hear another word about it!" he said, peeling a few notes out of his wallet and putting them on the counter. The waitress looked briefly at Josie, who nodded, then picked up the notes and put them in the register, grinning as Maria and Luigi glared at Sam in mock anger.

"By the way," he said quietly. "There's another couple that you two romantics might want to keep an eye on." Maria and Luigi looked interested at this. Sam nodded his head briefly in the direction of Guy and Aldys. "That young couple over there are both students of mine. We think that this might be their first date."

Maria and Luigi both turned to look at Guy and Aldys, who were talking quietly to each other at a candlelit table. After a moment, they seemed to become aware that they were being watched. They looked over, their eyes widening in surprise as they saw the four people at the register looking at them. Recognizing Sam and Josie, they both smiled a little sheepishly, and waved hello. Sam and Josie waved back, Aldys catching Josie's eyes to wink quickly before Guy could see.

"They look lovely together," said Maria, her eyes softening. "It's so nice to see young love beginning�"

Luigi looked at Josie and Sam with a glint in his eye. "Yes," he mused. "Perhaps we could help it along a bit with dessert � some strawberries perhaps?"

Sam laughed and put his arm around Josie's shoulders as they turned towards the door. "That could be a good idea � it's had a good success rate so far!" Josie and Sam left the restaurant laughing, hearing Maria and Luigi chuckling inside as the door closed. They began to stroll leisurely down the street towards Sam's car. Sam still had his arm draped around Josie's shoulder, and she snuggled her head against his shoulder and smiled contentedly as they walked. When they reached the car, Sam unlocked Josie's door and held it open for her. Instead of getting in, Josie turned to face him. Reaching up, she put a hand on the back of his neck to gently pull his face closer for a kiss. Their lips met with the lightest of touches, and then became deeper. Sam turned his head slightly and began to kiss her lightly on the side of her neck, breathing in the sweet trace of perfume. He ran his tongue up and down her neck tenderly, enjoying how soft the feel of her skin was. Josie was almost quivering at the way this was making her feel, liking the way her skin tingled at his gentle touch.

He lifted his head to look at Josie. She smiled and gently kissed Sam at the base of his neck. He drew in a shaky breath, and then cupped her face in his hands.

"Let's go home, before I'm in no condition to drive�" he said softly. Josie nodded with a grin and climbed into the car.

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