No Sooner Looked Than Loved, Part 2
By Sandy

Date Posted: March 21, 2001

Click here to hear "At My Most Beautiful" by REM

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The apartment was quiet as Josie and Sam stood in each other's embrace, until Sam's stomach loudly announced its presence. Laughing, Josie pulled away from Sam.

"What was that?"

Sam grinned wryly and self-consciously patted his stomach.

"Leave it to Roy to break the mood."

"Roy? I haven't heard of him before �"

"Oh, it's something that Abby started when we were teenagers. She used to tease me about how much my brothers and I used to eat. Whenever she heard our stomachs rumble, she'd say 'uh-oh, Roy's complaining again!'"

By now Josie was laughing hard.

"But � Roy? Where did the name come from?"

"That's what Abby decided our stomach's names were. You know, because they always used to announce themselves, " Sam put on a growly voice "� Roy Roy Roy Rooooyyyy".

"Well, I guess that's something new I've learnt today." Josie hiccupped with laughter, and then took a deep breath and slowly exhaled, feeling a wave of relaxation pass over her. After the dramas at work, and the emotion that Sam had made her feel, a good laugh had been just what she needed to regain her equilibrium.

Sam headed towards the kitchen.

"Okay Roy, let's get you sorted out!"

Smiling at his nonsense, Josie followed. Sam opened the refrigerator, and she peered over his shoulder.

"Hmm, nothing really inspiring in there is there?" she said, wrinkling her nose. "Looks like we need to go to the market and stock up on a few things."

Sam closed the door, and stood there thinking for a few seconds, before turning back to Josie with a smile.

"Let's not kick off our weekend with grocery shopping on a Friday night. How about we go to Luigi's?"

Josie's face lit up. Sam had taken her there for dinner a few times now. Maria and Luigi always made a fuss over Sam, and had quickly welcomed Josie into the fold, having seen how happy the two of them were together.

"Oh Sam, that sounds like a great idea." She looked down at herself. "Of course, I think I'd better go change first."

"Oh �I don't know �" Sam slowly looked her up and down, then leered at her and winked. "I think what you've got on now looks pretty good to me..."

"Sam!" Josie laughed and lightly swatted his shoulder as she turned to go to the bedroom. "Are you getting changed?"

"Hmmm, I think I'll just change my shirt and freshen up."

"Okay, just give me five minutes," she called over her shoulder.

* * *

Sam began to unbutton his shirt as he walked towards his overnight bag that he had left on the floor. Picking it up, he stopped at the stereo to switch on the radio, before putting his bag on the couch and getting out a fresh shirt. The music had been playing for a few seconds before he realized what the song was.

At your most beautiful � I've found a way to make you �. I've found a way � a way to make you smile�

Sam smiled as he listened to Michael Stripe sing the gentle love song, and couldn't help but think how the lyrics fitted the way he felt about Josie. He took off his shirt and stood there in his pants and t-shirt, listening to the music.

I count your eyelashes secretly, with every one whisper I love you � I let you sleep. I know you're closed eye watching me, listening. I thought I saw a smile � I've found a way to make you �. I've found a way � a way to make you smile�

Josie's depth of reaction to the flowers had blown Sam away. She was so fragile in so many ways, and yet gave of herself so willingly. After that fateful night at the prom when her disguise had been revealed and he had lashed out at her in betrayal, she had the courage to write her incredible story in the hopes of winning him back. She had not only put her heart on the line, but had done it in the full glare of the public spotlight. After being hurt so badly in the past she was still willing to go through it all again, to take a chance for love. And to think that he nearly didn't see the paper in time � he shivered suddenly as he tried to imagine what might and might not have been.

His relationship with Lara had started so well at college, but in the years that followed had evolved into a situation that was based on habit and convenience, rather than love. Gradually, their lives had moved in different directions. Sam loved teaching, the nurturing of young people's minds, while Lara had embraced the hard and fast pace of legal work in New York. Somehow though, neither of them had made the break. It wasn't until Josie came along that Sam realized what had been missing from his life.

Her passion for literature had only been the beginning. Her writing had touched him deeply, but her soft eyes and gentle smile had struck a chord that had scared him with its intensity. Over the next few weeks, Josie's personality and writing opened up a new world to him, and had him endlessly speculating over 'what ifs'. If only she wasn't his student �

In any case, he had to end it with Lara. He knew that neither of them were particularly happy � she didn't approve of his choice of career, and his lifestyle in general. Likewise, he had no desire to move to New York to join the 'rat race'. He knew that he should 'grow up and become responsible' as Lara had often said, but he couldn't see how making a life choice that he knew would make him miserable could be the right thing to do. Josie had opened his eyes to what else life had to offer, and he knew that he couldn't continue a relationship with Lara any longer.

Lara was hurt and sad when Sam had phoned to explain what he was feeling, but even she had to admit that she understood where he was coming from. She had always known what a struggle it would be to get Sam to New York, and confessed that there was a new attorney at the office that she was attracted to �

The fact that they had both been feeling the same way certainly made the conversation easier. They had talked for over an hour � even reminiscing over good times � before wishing each other well and hanging up. As Sam put the receiver down, he couldn't help but feel sad. He never liked hurting anyone, and although the situation with Lara had worked out better than he had hoped, he still felt a bit guilty at what he had done, but incredibly relieved at the same time that it was finally over.

A week later at the prom, after much soul searching, Sam was ready to tell Josie how he felt. He was overwhelmed at how beautiful she looked, and how jealous he felt seeing her dance with Guy. Finally, he was able to get her alone for a dance, and was about reveal his feelings for her, when she leapt to the defense of Aldys. In the upheaval that followed, Josie revealed her disguise, and Sam had felt such a rush of emotions that he had to leave. Sitting on the steps outside the hall, he had tugged off his bowtie and ran his hands through his hair. He was overwhelmingly relieved that she wasn't 17, but that turned to anger when he heard that she was supposed to be doing a story on him. Ignoring her tears and pleas, he had left, driving home blindly as he tried to sort out the jumble in his mind and heart.

He had spent the next day packing his belongings, ready to move in with a couple of friends while he helped them with some renovations. That evening after letting in the movers, he had walked back to the box he had been packing and reached for the newspaper. A picture had caught his eye and checked his movement to crumple the page. He began to read slowly at the first, then faster as he absorbed Josie's incredible outpouring. When he reached the end of the article, his heart felt as if it would burst. Frantically, he had looked at the clock � there was still time, as he snatched his car keys and shooed the startled movers out of his apartment before running to his car. And the rest was history �

Sam blinked and shook his head slightly as he came out of his reverie. Picking up his fresh shirt he put it on, tucking it in and brushing out the slight folds, then glanced in the mirror over the mantelpiece and ran his fingers through his hair to neaten it.

* * *

Josie quickly slipped out of her t-shirt and shorts and went to her wardrobe to decide what to wear. She heard radio come on and smiled as she heard one of her favorite REM songs playing softly.

Flicking through her clothes, she picked out a floating powder blue slip dress and put it on. Then she went to the bathroom and switched on the light. She paused for a moment to look at her reflection, noticing for the first time how the dress highlighted the color of her eyes and her blond curls. Applying some lip gloss and mascara, she fluffed her hair briefly, then picked up her gold sparkly slip-on shoes and padded towards the door. Opening it, she paused as she glanced out across the hall into the living room and saw Sam standing completely still, staring into space with a slight smile on his face. As she watched, he 'came to' and finished getting changed.

She walked up behind him as he checked his hair, and reached up to touch his back.

"Hey," she said softly.

He turned and smiled at her, and she couldn't help but notice yet again how handsome he was.

Sam reached up and tucked an errant curl behind her ear.

"Ready?" he asked.

"Mmm-hmmm. Let's go."

Sam sucked in his breath as Josie reached took his wrist and turned it so that she could place a gentle kiss on his palm. He gently propelled her towards the door, grabbing his keys from the coffee table and ushering her outside.

* * *

Maria looked up from the register as Sam and Josie entered the restaurant. Finishing with the customers she was serving, she beamed with delight as she hurried from behind the counter.

"Sam, Josie � it's lovely to see you!" she cried as she clasped Sam's shoulders and pulled him towards her so that she could kiss him on each cheek.

"Maria, it's always a pleasure" Sam laughed as he straightened up. Maria looked at him fondly before turning to Josie to kiss her in greeting. Josie laughed as Maria enfolded her in a bear hug. Maria was always so exuberant that they couldn't help but be caught up in her cheerfulness.

"So, are you here for dinner tonight?" she asked. "Of course you are." Without waiting for an answer, she propelled them towards a candle lit booth in a secluded corner. As Sam and Josie sat down, she bustled off and returned with a bottle of red wine and two glasses.

"Here you go. Luigi's brother has sent us some more wine � it's on the house. No, no, no," she said warningly, smiling as Sam opened his mouth to protest. "Luigi and I insist!"

"Well, who am I to argue with you?" smiled Sam.

Maria laughed as she replied "Exactly! And besides, you know I always win!"

Josie giggled and the friendly banter between the two, and sipped the wine cautiously.

"Mmmmm. Maria, I don't know much about wine, but I know that I like this!"

Maria smiled broadly and patted Josie's shoulder. When put one hand on her hip, and the other hand to her chin, peering at them both as if deep in thought.

"Now, what are the two of you going to eat tonight?"

Sam and Josie looked at each other, and shrugged.

"Uhhh, well if we could have a look at a menu�" he began, then stopped as Maria held up her hand.

"Please, the menu? I don't think so! I'm sure that Luigi will make something especially for the two of you once he knows that you are here. Leave it with me, okay?"

"You win again," laughed Sam, holding up both hands in surrender.

Maria chuckled, pleased with herself, then headed off into the kitchen. A few moments later, they saw Luigi pop his head out through the double swinging doors. When he saw them, he beamed and gave them a wave before disappearing back inside.

"Well," smiled Josie. "I guess that's dinner taken care of."

"You don't mind do you?" asked Sam. Suddenly, he felt a bit unsure. He had suggested dinner and chosen the restaurant, now Maria had chosen the meal. He didn't want Josie to feel railroaded�

"No, not at all! I think they're wonderful people, and besides," she said, resting her forearms on the table and leaning over her clasped hands, "it's nice to be able to sit back and relax now that everything's taken care of."

"I couldn't agree more," said Sam as he picked up his wine glass. "How about a toast to a great weekend?"

Josie picked up her glass and tilted it so that it tapped lightly against Sam's. They both sipped their wine, and put down their glasses and reached across the table towards each other. Sitting there with their fingers entwined, Sam rested his head in his free hand, and gazed at Josie. The soft candlelight shimmered against her blond curls. Her eyes sparkled as she gazed back at him. For the moment, they didn't need words. The stress of the working week was fading rapidly, as they both relaxed, happy just to be together.

Maria came out of the kitchen, and was about head over to Josie and Sam, until she saw the pair of them sitting quietly holding hands, smiling at each other. She smiled quietly to herself, and stepped back into the kitchen to murmur something quietly to Luigi in Italian before heading out towards another table to talk to some customers. Luigi opened the swinging doors a fraction, so that he could peer out without being noticed, and smiled broadly as he caught Maria's eye and mouthing 'Amore' before disappearing back into the kitchen.

A little while later, Maria reappeared at their table, bearing two laden plates, making Sam and Josie look up appreciatively as the smell drifted towards them.

"Oh my god, Maria, is that all for us?" gasped Josie as she looked at the enormous servings.

"Absolutely my loves, it's Luigi's handmade ravioli � enjoy!"

They contemplated the pasta for a moment, and then looked at each other.

"Well," said Sam. "I'm glad they've got double doors out the front � because I'm going to be rolling out of here if she expects us to finish this lot!"

"You're telling me!" said Josie, as she picked up her fork.

As they ate, they talked about things that had happened during the week. Sam had Josie laughing over anecdotes about the students she had been friends with on her undercover assignment. Once they had eaten all they could, they continued to talk quietly as they sipped their wine. Seeing this, Maria bustled over to take their plates.

"Did you enjoy your meal?" she said, frowning slightly at the leftovers.

"Oh yes, it was superb!" said Josie hastily. "It's just that � well there was quite a lot."

Maria nodded as her expression cleared. "That's my Luigi. The more he likes someone, the more food they get. Come to think of it, I'm surprised that he didn't back a truck up to the table!" she laughed as she turned towards the kitchen.

Sam grinned at Josie. "Well, if that's not a seal of approval, I don't know what is. Mind you, remind me to try and get into their bad books if I never need to lose weight�" he said, patting his stomach as Josie laughed.

* * *

As she opened the kitchen door, Maria smiled as she heard Josie giggle at something Sam had said. She sighed as she put the plates down on the bench and leaned against it for a moment, smiling as Luigi walked towards her wiping his hands on a tea towel.

"How're they going out there?" he asked.

"Fine. Everyone's taken care of, and the girls are taking some dessert orders I think."

"No, no, no" Luigi waved his hands in a dismissive gesture. "No the customers, I meant our Sam and Josie."

"Oh, yes. They both seem very happy."

"Bene!" Luigi smiled broadly. "It's good to see Sam smiling again � he was such a serious man when he was my teacher. Now he has Josie, perhaps I could teach him thing or two about women �"

"Ha!" said Maria, shoulders shaking with laughter. "Like that day will ever come. Now, " she said, waggling an admonitory finger at him, "that Josie, she might just be the one to teach the teacher!"

"Is that what you think?" said Luigi with a challenging glint in his eye. "I think that relationships always work better when a man leads the way." He yelped with laughter and sidestepped the tea towel and Maria flicked at him, as he headed towards the door.

"After 30 years of marriage you're still hanging onto that myth? I'll sort you out�" By now Maria was roaring with laughter as she headed towards him.

* * *

Sam and Josie had both looked towards the kitchen as the sounds of laughter filtered out towards the front of the restaurant. Soon other customers had stopped talking and were looking at the kitchen with bemused expressions. The two waitresses looked at across the room and grinned at each other in understanding, as Luigi burst through the doors backing away from Maria and holding up his hands in surrender.

"All right, all right, you win!" called Luigi.

With that, Maria flicked the tea towel so that it rested over one shoulder, and swept the restaurant with a triumphant look.

"There you go, ladies," she announced to the room in general. "Always make sure the man knows his place!"

"Well if it's advice you're handing out, I've got something for the gentlemen too," he called, holding up his hands for silence as a ripple of laughter began to spread across the room. "You only need to know two words for a peaceful relationship �" he paused for dramatic effect before continuing "� 'Yes, dear'�"

The restaurant erupted in applause and laughter, as Luigi grabbed Maria for an exuberant kiss.

* * *

Josie turned to Sam as she finished applauding, her eyes dancing with merriment. At that moment, Sam wished that he could freeze time. The candlelight in the booth cast a warm glow over her skin and golden curls, and her smile made his heart swell with happiness that she was with him.

* * *

For Josie, all the noise of the restaurant seemed to fade into the background as she looked at Sam. He had a look of heart stopping tenderness on his face as he smiled at her. She caught her breath as he leaned across the table to gently trail a finger along her jaw. Josie closed her eyes at Sam's touch. His finger seemed to blaze a trail of heat wherever he touched her skin. Open her eyes again, she saw that Sam's eyes had darkened as he concentrated on tracing the outline of her bottom lip with the lightest of touches.

She reached up and gently took his hand and kissed his palm.

"I love you," she said softly.

"And I love you," Sam replied.

They were interrupted by a discreet cough. Looking up, they both blushed slightly as they saw Maria and Luigi beaming at them both.

"Ah, amore! Bene � molto bene!" said Luigi, shaking his clasped hands at them for emphasis.

Maria regarded them both fondly.

"We thought you might like to try these," She said, setting down a small bowl. "It's one of our favorites � fresh strawberries drizzled with Cointreau."

"Maria, they look wonderful � you're really spoiling us tonight," said Josie, smiling her thanks.

"Yeah � a great meal, and a floor show as well!" joked Sam.

"Floor show?" said Luigi indignantly, his eyes twinkling. "That's our life!" with that parting shot, he walked off singing an old Dean Martin song:

"When the moon hits your eye like a big pizza pie, that's amoreeeeee."

Maria winced comically at Josie and Sam. "It wouldn't be so bad if he could hit the right note sometimes. I'd better go and stop him before he scares off the customers!" She patted Josie on the shoulder as she left.

* * *

"It's like having another set of parents!" commented Josie as she reached for a strawberry.

"I know what you mean. After I helped Luigi with his English and reading skills, they pretty much adopted me. Comes in handy whenever I'm missing my own folks," replied Sam, reaching for a strawberry as well.

"Mmmm, these are sensational!" Josie mumbled as she licked some Cointreau off her fingers. Looking across at Sam, she saw that he had paused, the strawberry apparently forgotten, staring at her hands as she licked off the liqueur. Josie smiled inwardly to herself, and then gently sucked the tip of her index finger. Sam's eyes were looking a little glazed now, and mischievously she reached across and plucked the strawberry from his fingers.

"Wh � hey!" he said as Josie popped the berry into her mouth.

* * *

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