Merkin's Big Chance
By Amanda-Beth

Date Posted: July 13, 2000

*DISCLAIMER* I do not own any characters found in the film. It will be quite easy to tell which characters I created. For other fan fic writers ask before you use my characters!! Thanks!!

Click here to listen to "Movin' On Up", the Theme from the TV show The Jeffersons.

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Ya know how sometimes there are losers in this world that completely transform themselves into winner? Like, Bill Gates for instance. Computer geek, probably a virgin till 30, and now the most powerful man on Earth. My boss is one of those people. Josie Gellar. If you're from Chicago, you'll know who she is. She went undercover for our newspaper The Chicago Sun Times at a high school, and fell in love with her English teacher. So she wrote this romantic article asking him to come give her her first real kiss (at the ripe old age of 25! Remember what I said about Bill Gates?) on a pitchers mound before a baseball game. The guy, Sam, came and kissed her. Good looking guy. Not that I'm gay� anyway so this made her a full-fledged local celebrity. And I am her personal assistant. I have connections and connections are power.

So I am sitting here at my desk, doing what I usually do. Talking on my head set to Matt, a buddy of mine who is about to graduate from business school. He admires me. Which is why I like him. Hey, Jesus had followers and look how powerful he is, am I right?

"Merkin. Did you make my coffee?" I roll my eyes slightly and turn to her.

"Hi, Josie. Yes, I did. Here's you muffin too. Have a good morning. Oh! And Sam called�here's his message. And Rigfort called a staff meeting for 10:30. He wants you to be there." I chirped and Josie rolled her eyes at me.

"Christ! I have an interview with the owner of the Club," she complained as though I had caused the inconvenience. Jeez, you write one decent article and suddenly you're Brenda Starr, you know?

"All right, Merkin. Here's what we do. Here's my tape recorder. Record the meeting and I'll listen to it when I get back. Now, tell Rigfort that the article on the club that bought out Delloser Hall. It's called The Club will be on his desk day after tomorrow. Got it?" The woman spoke as though I was three. I kept my cool (Merkin doesn't make a Jerkin out of himself for nothing) and nodded.

"Sure, Josie. My pleasure." She handed me the tape recorder and went into her office. Here was my chance to show Gus Strauss and Mr. Rigfort what Merkin Malcolm was made of. I slid on my super fly shades and headed to the bathroom to make sure I looked awesome for the meeting. This was my golden opportunity�

*To be continued. Please send me feedback!

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