Back To Josie's Future, Part 3
By Cheryl

Date Posted: March 27, 2001

Click here to hear "Suddenly" by Billy Ocean

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Josie sighed blissfully as she sank into the steaming water of the claw-footed bathtub. As the warmth and aroma of the scented bath relaxed her, she allowed herself to ponder the recent, extraordinary events of her life.

She didn't remember the accident that landed her here. Her last clear memory was of driving to South Glen South to begin her undercover assignment in Rob's battered Vega. She was wearing a white outfit that her friend Anita had chosen, with feathers around the neck. The outfit had made her feel like one of the Spice Girls, but she had gone along with it anyway. She certainly had no idea what was hip.

The black dress, white boots and fuchsia sweater she had on when she arrived were a mystery. She didn't recall even buying the outfit, let alone wearing it. Josie wondered if maybe she had lost a chunk of her memory when she'd been knocked out.

She remembered vividly waking up on Sam Coulson's sofa, though. Staring into his kind, concerned green eyes. Letting him hold her in his arms and comfort her. She still couldn't shake the feeling that somehow she knew him. There seemed to be some sort of natural connection between them. Josie had been wary of all men since her devastating experience with Billy Prince, yet she trusted Sam. And...she forced herself to admit it: she was drawn to him.

Poor Sam! He'd almost choked when she'd blurted out that they were getting married. He'd listened silently as Josie invited Mr. Kerdan back at seven that evening for their wedding. And of course he'd tried to dissuade her.

Josie didn't fully understand why she'd made her impulsive offer, but she didn't regret it and she certainly wasn't going to back out now. Sam had rescued her and now he needed her help. She would not let him down.

She did wonder if she'd be able to maintain the 'convenience' part of the marriage though. Those two near kisses had filled Josie with a desperate longing, a need she'd never experienced before. Even simply thinking about Sam made her pulse quicken and her mouth go dry as she imagined the magic of his kiss and the gentle caress of his hands upon her skin.

She sighed deeply and ran her index finger over her lips, wondering how Sam's lips would feel on her own. 'Don't think like that, Jos,' a little voice in her head warned. 'You'll only wind up getting hurt again.' Josie closed her eyes tightly, wincing from the pain of her own thoughts and memories.

A soft knock on the door lifted her from her reverie. "Josie, it's Abby. May I come in?"

"Just a minute," Josie called out. She stepped from the tub and dried off as well as possible with the thin cotton towel. "What I wouldn't give for a nice fluffy terry cloth bath towel," she mumbled as she tied Sam's dressing gown at her waist. "Come in," she called out cheerfully.

Abby nudged the door open and entered the room, her arms filled with a seemingly huge pile of clothing. She deposited it on the bed and sat down.

"Is all that for me?" Josie asked in shock. "It looks like enough for about seven women! How many outfits did you bring me?"

Abby gave Josie a puzzled look, and then shrugged her shoulders. Sam had said she'd been in an accident, after all. "Josie, dear, this is all one outfit," she said gently.

"Oh. I...of course," Josie covered with a shrug. She glanced uncertainly at Abby and was relieved to find her smiling kindly. "Where did all of this come from? And will it fit me?"

"It belonged to a dear friend of mine. She and her husband have gone to Colorado Territory to stake a claim. She left most of her fancier gowns with me since she has no need for them there and asked me to find a good use for them. She's about your height and size, you go. There's a whole trunkful. Poor Sam's lugging it upstairs now!"

Josie giggled. "I hope he doesn't hurt himself. I...Abby, thanks for being so nice to me. It must be strange...your brother marrying someone you've never even met..."

Abby grinned, deep dimples dancing in her cheeks. "Honestly, Josie, my brother rarely surprises me. But this time...oh my! Still, I'd rather see him with someone sweet and lovely like you than that cold fish Lara! Gads...that woman was awful!"

The door creaked slightly and a small blonde head peeked inside. "Momma?" the child asked shyly.

"It's all right, Emma. Come and meet your new Aunt Josie." The door opened wider and four-year-old Emma Callahan scampered into the room and into her mother's arms. Her big green eyes eyed Josie warily. Abby grinned at Josie. "My little pussycat's a shy one."

Josie shivered and paled at the nickname. "P-p-p-pussycat?"

* * *

Sam glanced up as he heard the click of heels on the tile floor. A slender, brown- haired woman stood framed in the doorway. She shared Josie's deep blue eyes. "Sam Coulson?" she questioned softly. "How's my little pussycat?" Her soft, gentle voice reminded Sam of Josie.

He smiled slightly at the sweet, childish nickname. "Mrs. Geller?" Sam asked unnecessarily.

Janet nodded and walked over to lay a hand on Sam's shoulder. Tears filled her eyes as she looked down at Josie. "Just Janet," she said simply. "Thank you, Sam."

"For what? I haven't done anything!...I feel damned helpless!" Sam choked out.

"You have done everything," she reassured him. "Thank you for taking care of her; for getting her here, for just caring."

"I do care," he said quietly. "I've only just begun to realize how much."

Janet nodded. Josie had mentioned casually at least a dozen times since starting her assignment how highly she thought of her new English teacher. Janet had sensed that Josie's feelings ran far deeper than she was letting on. Meeting Sam, Janet could see why. She was relieved to see that Sam's feelings for Josie ran deep as well.

Sam stood and took a step back, allowing Janet to take his seat. "I...I'll be right outside," he said softly. "I think maybe she needs some time alone with her mom."

Janet nodded slowly and began gently stroking Josie's face, quietly crooning to her, begging her to wake up.

As soon as he stepped into the corridor, Sam was surrounded by a group of people he didn't know, all clamoring for information about Josie.

An attractive brunette shushed the others and stepped to the front of the group. She laid a comforting hand on his arm. "Hi, I'm Anita Brandt. Josie's friend," she choked out.

"I'm Sam...Coulson," he said wearily. "From South Glen South."

"I know," Anita admitted quietly. "I saw you on Josie's hidden camera yesterday." Looking at Sam now, Anita knew she hadn't misread what she'd seen in his eyes when Josie had read her paper. It was clear to Anita that Sam was desperately in love with her friend.

"Hidden camera?" Sam asked. After all that had happened, a hidden camera really didn't surprise him.

Anita nodded guiltily. "Blame Gus," she said, indicating the gruff-looking editor-in-chief.

"I was trying to save her job!" Gus grumbled.

"Yeah, and your own," Anita countered.

Gus glanced uncomfortably at Sam. He held out his hand and mumbled, "Gus Strauss. Josie's boss" he glanced at Anita and smiled sadly, "and her friend. Dammit...I never should have let her take this damn assignment."

Sam took Gus' hand and shook it. "From what I know of Josie, if she was determined, you couldn't have stopped her," Sam said with a soft smile. "She's stubborn."

The tall black man behind Anita chuckled. "You got that right, brother!" He shook Sam's hand too. "George Willis, surveillance," he said sheepishly. "Thanks for taking care of our Josie."

Sam glanced at the trio. Love and concern for Josie was etched into all of their faces. "It's good to know Josie has so many friends who care about her," he said softly. "If you'll excuse me...I..." he turned and re-entered Josie's room.

He walked to the opposite side of the bed from where Janet sat and took her hand in his. "Josie, all your friends are here. Anita and Gus and George. They're all very worried about you," he said gently. "We all care so much..." he said as a tear slipped down his cheek to pool on their joined hands.

"It's okay, pussycat..." Janet murmured softly.

* * *

"Pussycat?" Josie questioned again, her face gone pale.

"We've called Emma that since she was two and swore she was a cat. Are you all right, Josie?" Abby asked with genuine concern.

Josie nodded as tears welled in her eyes. "It's parents call me that. I'm just made me...miss them."

Abby took her hand and gently squeezed it. "I'm sorry, Josie. Sam mentioned that you have no family here. That must be very difficult."

Josie nodded sadly. "I miss them very much. Even my goofball of a brother."

"Goofball?" Abby questioned. "What's that?"

Josie smiled, trying to figure out how to explain Rob in nineteenth century terms. "He's just...forever doing silly, funny, nonsensical things."

Abby nodded knowingly. "Ahh...yes, we have a younger brother like that too. Russell. He lives with our parents in Wisconsin. Now...let's get you dressed." Abby held up two white cotton garments trimmed with lace.

Josie took the long cotton drawers from Abby. She giggled and slipped her hand through their split crotch. "Woohoo!" she laughed, "Anita would be proud. Crotchless panties!" She glanced at Abby who was looking at her very oddly. "Er...sorry. Anita is my best friend." She held up the drawers. "These are...very different where I come from."

"Stockings first," Abby said before Josie slipped on the drawers. She handed her a pair of sheer, white silk stockings and garters.

Josie slowly pulled the silky hose up her legs and slipped the garters up to hold them in place. Next she slipped on the soft cotton chemise and drawers. 'Not bad,' she thought, 'kind of like my jammies.' Her smile disappeared as Abby held up the next piece of underwear.

Josie swallowed hard. "A c-corset? Uh-uh, no way, Jos�!" she said shaking her head vehemently.

"But you must! Everyone wears a corset, Josie; it's expected. Or is that something else they do differently where you come from?"

"You could say that," Josie said sadly. She took a deep breath. "Okay...I'll wear it..." she said nervously. She wrapped the corset around her waist and fastened the buttons in front. "Hey...this isn't so..." she started to say until Abby started pulling at the laces. Suddenly the whalebone was cutting into her soft skin.

"Yoooowwwww!" she screeched. "Remind me never to complain about underwires again!"

When Abby was done, Josie stole a peek in the looking glass. Constrained by the tight laces of the corset, her waist was tiny and her breasts even more voluptuous than normal. "I look like a Victoria's Secret ad," she moaned.

"Queen Victoria's got a secret?" Abby chuckled. "Do tell!"

Josie laughed. "Sorry...that's a store. Hey...what's that?" she asked with trepidation as Abby fastened a bustle around her waist. "Oh...right...the bustle. How could I forget about that?" Next came two lacy flounced petticoats. Josie staggered under the weight; all that fabric, whalebone and steel weighed at least thirty pounds!

Abby helped Josie into the dress. It was cream tissue silk with a pink floral print...and it fit Josie perfectly. The tightly fitted bodice hugged her curves while the skirt fell in gentle folds, ending in a wide flounce at the bottom. The overskirt fell to just below Josie's knees and a train floated from the waist at the back. Josie had to admit the dress was lovely, if uncomfortable. She sat carefully on the bed, mindful of the bustle, as Abby helped fasten a pair of cream-colored ankle boots.

"Do you want me to do your hair?" Abby asked.

Josie glanced in the mirror and shook her head. Her hair had dried in soft curls, gently framing her face. Josie decided she liked the way it looked. "I like it like this, if that's okay?"

"Of course. It's charming, actually. You look lovely, Josie," Abby said genuinely.

"Thank you," Josie replied gratefully.

"Sam asked if you would come to the parlor when you were ready. He wants to talk to you before...the wedding."

Josie nodded and moved to stand. The constricting undergarments made it difficult, but she managed to get herself to her feet, even if she was a bit wobbly.

"Mind yourself on the stairs. That staircase is narrow and steep," Abby cautioned, "especially in new boots and a train."

* * *

After an arduously slow trip down the stairs, Josie found Sam in the parlor. He turned as she entered, smiling broadly. "You're beautiful, Josie," he said softly, a bit awed. "I...I thought maybe we should talk a bit before tonight. I...Could we sit down, perhaps?"

Josie nodded and sat carefully on the sofa. Sam sat down next to her and took her hand in his, lacing his fingers through hers.

"Josie...I...I know we only just met...and yet...I feel like I've known you forever. This morning...twice in fact...I almost kissed you..."

Josie blushed and stared down at her feet.

Sam placed a finger under her chin and tilted her face up, forcing her to meet his eyes. "In fact...I want to kiss you right now...quite badly," he admitted. "I think...if we're going through with this marriage...then we must be completely honest with each other. There's something I need to tell you."

* * *

"Can I have another minute alone with Josie?" Sam asked quietly.

Janet nodded and stood to leave. "I need to see if Tom and Rob have gotten here yet, anyway."

When Janet had gone, Sam linked his fingers through Josie's. He ached to look in her deep blue eyes as he told her, finally, what he was feeling. He closed his own eyes, imagining them sitting side-by-side, holding hands. "Josie...I know we haven't known each other very long, but...I feel so...connected to you. As if I've known you forever. I...God, Josie...I think I'm falling in love with you. So don't you give up Josie...I need you...I...when you come out of this I'm going to do everything I can to show you just how much. I want us to be together."

* * *

"I want us to have a real marriage," he admitted.

Josie inhaled sharply and burst into tears.

"Josie, sweetheart, what's bothering you? Are you having second thoughts? I...if you've changed your mind...give me a chance to change it back."

Josie looked up at him sadly. "I...I haven't changed my mind. I...I'm just afraid that you will. You want honesty. Then there's something I need to tell you. And I'm terrified that when I do, you won't believe me. You may even send me to the loony bin."

"Whatever it is Josie, please just give me a chance. I promise to keep an open mind," Sam vowed firmly.

"Could...could you get my bag? The one I had when you found me?" she asked tearfully.

"Of course." Sam walked across the room and picked up the unusual black bag.

Josie took a deep, steadying breath.

Sam squeezed her hand reassuringly.

"I need to tell you where I'm from," Josie said softly. "Or more precisely, when..."

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