Back to Josie's Future, Part 4
By Cheryl

Date Posted: April 4, 2001

Click here to hear "Angel" by Sarah McLachlan

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Josie's dark blue eyes searched Sam's green ones, finding reassurance and strength there. She squeezed his hand gently and took a deep breath.

"My name is Josie Geller and I was born and raised here in Chicago. The thing is..." Josie gazed trustingly into Sam's eyes, "the thing is that my birthday is October 6, 1973."

Sam swallowed nervously. "Go...go on..."

"The accident that caused this," she said as she carefully touched the lump on her forehead, "it happened in 1999. And sent me back you." A tear slipped down her cheek.

Sam cupped her face in his hand and gently wiped the tear away. "How?"

Josie breathed a sigh of relief. At least he wasn't immediately dismissing what she was saying as confusion caused by her accident. "I don't know. I don't know how or why...and...I...I don't know when or if I'll go back...I..." her voice broke with sadness.

Sam drew her into his arms, holding her close and gently stroking her back. "How can this be?" he asked softly. He pulled his head back and tilted her face up to his. The pain in her lovely blue eyes tore at his heartstrings. "I want to believe you, Josie," he said with a gentle smile. He indicated the black tote bag. "Will you show me what's in here?" he asked.

Josie nodded and placed the tote bag between them. She pointed to the bag's zipper. "This is a zipper," she informed him. "It won't be invented for twenty years or so, but it will replace buttons in a lot of places." She pulled the zipper open, ready to pull out one of her many electronic devices, when she noticed Sam staring at it in wonder. She smiled up at him. "You want to try it?"

Sam nodded eagerly and took the zipper's slide between his fingers. He pulled it closed, and then open again several times. He looked up at Josie, his eyes twinkling like a little boy's at Christmas. "Intriguing!" he said excitedly. "This would make so many things much easier!"

Josie had never really thought about it before, but she had to agree. "Do you want to see more?"

Sam grinned and tried to peek into the bag.

Josie giggled and tapped his hand playfully. "No cheating!" she threatened. She dug through the bag until she found a spiral notebook and a ballpoint pen. She clicked the button on the top of the pen and handed them to Sam.

He examined the pen for a minute, clicking the button several times. Finally, he took the pen in his left hand and wrote 'Josie' on the paper. He picked his hand up and looked expectantly for the familiar ink stains. There were none. He grinned at Josie. "Amazing!"

Josie handed him another pen, this one a Bic with purple ink. This time he wrote his own name. "Very pretty," he said indicating the vibrant color. "Your world must be a colorful place."

Josie smiled broadly and nodded. "Colorful in many ways." She delved into the bag again, pulling out her pager and her cell phone. "These won't work here, but they're ways of communicating with other people. Like the telegraph only better. The telephone will be invented soon...I think about Alexander Graham Bell. You can talk to someone miles away...even around the world on it. I wish I could show you how it works." She handed him her pager and switched it to vibrate.

Sam jumped as the pager shook violently in his hand. "What the...?"

Josie giggled. "Just another way to get in touch with someone. They send you their telephone number which shows up on the little screen here," she said pointing to the display screen. "Then you can call them back."

"Wow!" Sam exclaimed. "That's unbelievable!"

"I really wish I could show you how they work...but without the technology...Sorry, that's a twentieth-century word. Without all of the wires and transmitters that they need, it's impossible. She pulled out her laptop computer, wondering what Sam would make of it. She opened it up and turned it on, thankful that she'd just replaced the battery pack.

Sam's eyes widened as words flew past him on the screen at lightening fast speeds. He jumped when music played and the Windows Icon appeared on the screen. "What is it?" he asked in shock.

"It's a computer." Josie thought for a moment, trying to find a way to explain it in nineteenth-century terms. She quickly realized there wasn't one. "I use this for lots of things. I can write a story on it and save it. I can play games and keep track of my money's another way to communicate too!" Josie clicked on Word and opened up an old document.

Sam stared in awe as words scrolled down the screen. "How?"

Josie shrugged. "I wish I knew. I know how to make it work, but I don't really understand how it actually does work." She clicked out of Word and into Solitaire.

Sam's eyes widened as the computer dealt the cards onto the screen. "I know this game!" he said grinning crookedly at Josie. "Show me how, please?"

Josie laughed and placed his hand on the touchpad, then placed her own on top of it. She tried to ignore the jolt of electricity that coursed between them. Gently, she moved Sam's hand, teaching him how to point and click. "It takes some getting used to," she giggled. "I wish I could show you the Internet and email," she said wistfully.

"Tell me about them, then."

"It's hard to explain, but I'll try. The's this vast, endless system of information. It connects computers all over the world through what's called the worldwide web. You can find information there on practically anything. You can also use it to talk to people in a couple of ways. One is in chatrooms and with instant messages. I can type what I want to say and instantly, they can read it on their computer. The other is email...I can type a message to someone who isn't on their computer and the next time they turn it on it will be there. It's pretty amazing...and virtually all of this has developed just in my lifetime."

Sam shook his head incredulously. "It's all so incredible!"

"I know," Josie agreed. "In 1999, I can talk to almost anyone, anywhere, at anytime. I have a couple of other things, if you're interested?" she teased.

Sam chuckled and raised one eyebrow. "If? Of course I'm interested!"

Josie giggled and pulled out her micro-recorder. She pressed rewind, then play.

"I can grab bulls balls!" she stated firmly on the tape.

"But why would you want to?" Sam teased.

Josie laughed and pressed record. "Say something."

Sam reached out a hand to gently stroke Josie's face. "Josie Geller, future girl...I...I think I'm falling in love with you."

Josie's mouth fell open in surprise. "Oh Sam! You better mean that because..." she giggled, "I got it on tape!" She rewound the tape and pressed play again.

Sam laughed as he heard his own voice replayed. "Josie Geller, future girl...I...I think I'm falling in love with you."

"You believe me?" Josie asked hopefully.

"I believe you," he answered softly.

"Sam, I'm scared," Josie admitted sadly. "I don't know how or why I ended up here...and'm afraid of what will happen. I don't know if I'm here forever...or if I'll be sent back...and I..." her voice trailed off as fresh tears streamed down her face.

"Josie...I wish nothing more than to keep you here with me forever. But...I'm willing to take whatever time we're given. I think...I think maybe you were brought here for me. I feel like I've known you forever...I...I feel like we somehow belong to each other."

"I feel the same way, Sam. Dance with me?" Josie asked shyly.

"But...we have no music."

"Ah...but we do." Josie pulled her portable CD player from the bag and flipped through her collection of CD's. She chose a Sarah McLachlan CD and placed into the CD drive of her computer. She selected the track she wanted and hit play.

Sarah McLachlan's sweet, haunting voice filled the room. "Will you dance with me, Sam Coulson?" Josie asked sweetly.

"I'd love to," Sam murmured. He drew her into his arms as if they were waltzing, not quite sure of how to dance to this music.

"Like this," Josie whispered. She moved Sam's hands to her waist and linked her hands behind his neck. Although she'd never slow-danced before, she knew exactly how she wanted to dance with Sam. She looked up at him and smiled. "You're my angel," she murmured, and then laid her head on his shoulder.

Sam tightened his arms around Josie's waist. She felt so perfect in his arms as they swayed slowly to the music.

Spend all your time waiting
For that second chance
For a break that would make it okay
There's always one reason
To feel not good enough
And it's hard at the end of the day
I need some distraction
Oh beautiful release
Memory seeps from my veins
Let me be empty
And weightless and maybe
I'll find some peace tonight

In the arms of an angel
Fly away from here
From this dark cold hotel room
And the endlessness that you fear
You are pulled from the wreckage
Of your silent reverie
You're in the arms of the angel
May you find some comfort there

So tired of the straight line
And everywhere you turn
There's vultures and thieves at your back
And the storm keeps on twisting
You keep on building the lie
That you make up for all that you lack
It don't make no difference
Escaping one last time
It's easier to believe in this sweet madness oh
This glorious sadness that brings me to my knees

Sam pressed a soft kiss into Josie's silky hair. "I love holding you like this," he murmured.

Josie lifted her head from his shoulders, beaming up at him. Her fingers tangled in Sam's silky hair. "Sam," she whispered.

Sam smiled softly at her. "I'm going to kiss you now," he murmured as his lips found hers.

Josie moaned softly at the first touch of Sam's lips on her own. Her fingers moved to his neck, urging his mouth down, deepening the kiss. She gasped as his tongue entered her mouth, playfully twining around her own, creating sensations that Josie had never felt before or even imagined.

Sam groaned as Josie kissed him back, deepening their kiss with every erotic thrust of her tongue. "Oh, God! Josie!" he moaned as he rained kisses on her beautiful face.

Josie pulled his mouth hungrily back to hers. "Kiss me again," she whispered against his lips. "Please!"

Sam was delighted to oblige, kissing Josie as the music played until they were both breathless and gasping for air.

In the arms of an angel
Fly away from here
From this dark cold hotel room
And the endlessness that you fear
You are pulled from the wreckage
Of your silent reverie
You're in the arms of the angel
May you find some comfort there
You're in the arms of the angel
May you find some comfort here

"Thank you," Josie said softly when she finally caught her breath. "It was just as I always imagined my first kiss would be."

Sam grinned, delighted to know he'd shared Josie's first kiss. "I...I'm honored to have given you your first kiss. Josie...I want you to know...I..." Sam blushed hotly. "I intend to court you. I think we should take things slowly, must know...I want to make love to you desperately. I know it's improper to speak of such things a lady like yourself but..."

Josie silenced him by placing her fingers over his lips. "It's okay, Sam. Making love is discussed pretty openly in 1999. Too openly sometimes, I think. I..." Josie blushed a delightful shade of pink. "I want to make love with you, too. But I like the idea of taking things slowly. Now...can I ask a favor?"

"Anything!" Sam promised.

"Kiss me again?" Josie begged softly.

"Ah...Josie. I thought you'd never ask!" He bent his head to kiss her even more passionately than before. "Sweet Josie," he moaned against her lips, "there's so much I want to share with you."

* * *

The Sarah McLachlan song, Angel, seemed to play over and over in Sam's head as he sat quietly holding Josie's hand.

"Josie. You're my angel," Sam murmured softly. "There's so much I want to share with you!"

"Excuse me, Sir, but it's time to move Miss Geller up to the ICU."

Sam lifted Josie's hand and pressed a soft kiss to the back of it. "I'm here with you, Josie," he said softly. "I'm not going anywhere."

* * *

Once Josie was settled in the Intensive Care Unit, the doctor came out to the waiting room to update them on her condition. They'd been joined by Tom and Rob Geller, both of whom were pacing nervously. Everyone's heads snapped up when the doctor cleared his throat.

"Miss Geller has lapsed into a coma. It's not uncommon with head injuries...we just don't know how long it will last. The good news is...her brain appears to be functioning normally. No brain damage, although it's possible she might experience some memory loss."

"Can we see her?" Sam asked quietly.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Coulson, but only family members are allowed into the ICU."

Janet glanced at Sam. The deep pain on his face broke her heart. Sam needed to be with Josie and Janet suspected that he was quite possibly the key to her recovery. She whispered quietly to Tom and Rob who nodded in agreement. She laid a gentle hand on Sam's shoulder. "Doctor Carter?" she asked quietly. "Wouldn't Josie's fianc� be considered family?"

Doctor Carter nodded. "Yes, of course."

"Sam is Josie's fianc�," Janet stated matter-of-factly.

Sam glanced up at Janet in surprise. "Janet, I..."

"Son, Josie needs you right now," Tom Geller said quietly.

Dr. Carter eyed them skeptically. "Miss Geller wasn't wearing an engagement ring."

Anita jumped to her feet, anxious to be included. "'s being sized. They only just got engaged, you know!"

"Very well," the Doctor agreed, "I'll add you to the list. I would like to see this ring, though."

Janet sighed. She'd go out and buy one herself if she had to. She was surprised when Sam spoke up.

"That won't be a problem, Doctor. I can have it here by this evening," Sam replied evenly. "If you'll excuse me, I need to make a phone call."

Sam walked quickly to the bank of pay phones and deposited a quarter.

"Hello?" answered his best friend, Jon Richards.

"Jon, it's Sam...I...I need a favor," Sam choked out.

"You okay, buddy?" Jon asked with concern.

"I'm fine...Do you remember me mentioning Josie Geller?"

"The new girl in your class? Of course...just yesterday you told me how confused you were..."

"Josie's been in an accident, Jon. I...I need the ring...the one I gave to you for safe-keeping. Can you bring it? Cook County Hospital, ICU. That's the fourth floor."

"Of course. I'll be there within the hour. Sam, what's going on?"

"I'll explain everything when you get here."

Sam hung up the phone and leaned back against the wall to catch his breath. He swallowed nervously. He knew he could have bought a ring to satisfy the doctor's curiosity, but in a split second he'd realized that there was already a ring that belonged on Josie's hand. 'And once it's there,' he thought, 'I mean for it to stay there.'

* * *

"Wow!" Josie whispered as Sam finally lifted his lips from hers. "Wow. I...Sam that's amazing!"

Sam chuckled and kissed the tip of Josie's nose. "I'd have to agree with you there! Happy Wedding Day, Miss Geller!"

Josie giggled. "Could you remind me of the actual date again? I seem to have forgotten."

Sam bent his head to kiss her lightly. "October..." Kiss. "First..." Kiss. "1871."

"October 1st, 1871?" Josie murmured. "Why do I know that date?" She extricated herself from Sam's arms and dug through her bag for her American History book. She flipped to the timeline inside the back cover. "Oh my God!" she exclaimed as all the color drained from her face.

"Josie, what's wrong?" Sam asked worriedly.

"One week from today. October 8th, the Great Chicago Fire. Most of Chicago will burn to the ground. It's been a dry summer, hasn't it?"

Sam nodded. "No rain since July. Are you sure, Josie?"

Josie nodded, pointing to the date on the timeline. "It starts next Sunday evening in Mrs. O'Leary's cowshed on the West Side. Because of the lack of rain...and the fact that almost all of Chicago is built of will spread quickly. Most of the city will be reduced to rubble. The only building that will survive downtown is the Water Tower."

"Can we stop it?"

"If we can I'm not sure that we should. The fire will be devastating yes, and people will die...but Chicago will bounce back quickly. A lot of good things came out of it. In all the books and movies I've ever seen that involve time're not supposed to mess with history."

"At least we can make sure that my students are safe...and Abby and Emma. Can we do that?"

"I'm sure that would be okay. You know...there's even a song about the fire..." Josie began to sing softly, slightly off-key: "Late last night, when we were all in bed, Mrs. O'Leary hung a lantern in her shed and when the cow kicked it over, she winked her eye and said: It'll be a hot time in the old town tonight, Fire, Fire, Fire..."

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