Back To Josie's Future, Part 2
By Cheryl

Date Posted: March 13, 2001

Click here to hear "Something About You" by Level 42 * * *

Tears stung Sam's eyes as the acrid smell of ammonia assailed his nose. He groaned loudly and slowly dragged his eyes open to meet the concerned gazes of Aldys and the ER nurse he had spoken with earlier. "Wha...what happened?" he stammered out as he shakily stood up.

"You fainted, sir," replied the ER nurse kindly. "Perhaps you should sit down?" she suggested.

Sam shook his head vehemently. "No! I need to see Josie," he said emphatically as he turned and strode down the corridor. He stopped outside the door of the exam room where Josie had been taken. The room was empty.

Sam went pale, his body swaying traitorously. He leaned against the wall for support, taking deep, ragged breaths in an attempt to calm his nerves. A young resident stepped from the elevator and headed toward the exam room. Sam stepped in front of him, laying a hand on his arm.

"Excuse me, Dr...Carter?" he asked weakly as he read the man's ID badge, "the young woman...Miss Geller...where..." Sam stopped, unable to finish the sentence.

"I'm sorry. She's gone..." the doctor said absently. He tried to move on, but Sam stopped him again.

"Gone?" he barely whispered. "Oh God, no!"

The nurse had reached Sam by this time. She glared at Dr. Carter for his insensitivity and reached out a hand to reassuringly rub Sam's arm. "What Dr. Carter meant to say is that Miss Geller's been taken to radiology for a head CT. She'll be back down here shortly, at least until they clear a bed in the ICU."

Sam breathed a heavy sigh of relief. "Oh, thank God! Has she...regained consciousness yet?"

"I'm sorry, but no, she hasn't. Now, why don't you go wait with your friend in chairs until she comes back. Then you can see her for a few minutes."

Sam nodded mutely and allowed her to lead him back to the waiting area where he took a seat beside Aldys.

"Any luck with that phone number, young lady?" she asked.

"Yes," Aldys said as she handed the nurse Josie's address book. "I think this is it, Tom and Janet Geller."

"Thank you, dear," she said gratefully. "I'll just go call."

"Let me do it," Sam said quietly. "Please? I need to feel like I'm doing something."

The nurse nodded and led Sam to the telephone.

* * *

George sat in his van outside the hospital, debating on whether or not to go in. Going in would blow Josie's cover for sure, he knew, and that would make Hiram Rigfort a very unhappy man. It would probably mean all their jobs. 'But damn it, she's my friend and she needs me,' he told himself as he pushed open the car door.

In his office, Gus had witnessed the accident via Josie's mini cam. "Damn," he swore loudly. "Damn it! I should never have let her take this assignment..."

"Talking to yourself again?" Anita teased from the doorway. Her smile faded as she met Gus' anguished eyes. "What's wrong?"

"You'd better come in and sit down, Anita," he said sadly. "I have some terrible news..."

Anita sat down on the sofa. Gus surprised her by sitting beside her and gently squeezing her hand. "Anita...Josie's had an accident. She's at the ER. Coulson and that girl...Aldys, I think her name is, they're with her..." he choked out.

"I have to go," Anita said without hesitation.

"You can't go, Anita. You'll blow her cover."

"God damnit, Gus Strauss, you just try and stop me. Josie's my friend! My best friend. Nothing and no one is going to keep me from being there for her."

"Anita..." Gus began.

"How can you just sit here and do nothing? Gus, Josie's the kindest, sweetest person either one of us knows. She's more than just your best copy editor. She's your friend! For God's sake, she taught you how to knit!" Anita stood up abruptly and strode to the door.

"Anita..." Gus began again.

"I'm leaving, Gus. If you had an ounce of compassion in your heart..." she muttered.

"Anita," he said more softly. "I was just going to say I'm coming with you." He shook his head in frustration. "Rigfort's gonna have a cow."

* * *

Josie kept her eyes tightly closed, afraid of where - and when - she would wake up. Slowly, she opened first one eye, then the other.

Sam Coulson sat in a winged velvet armchair, watching her. Josie blinked, wanting to make sure he wasn't a hallucination. "I...Oh, God...I'm really here, aren't I?" she mumbled.

"Good morning to you, too," Sam said dryly.

"Sorry. I guess I'm still a little confused," Josie said softly.

"That's understandable," he said kindly. "How's your head? You've got quite a knob there."

Josie reached up a hand to touch the lump and winced. "It still hurts," she said weakly.

Sam stood up and walked over to sit beside Josie on the sofa. Gently, his fingers traced the huge purple bruise on Josie's forehead. He noticed, for the first time, some faint lettering marked on her forehead. Loser, it said. Without thinking, he pulled out his handkerchief, wet it with his saliva and carefully wiped it away. 'Odd,' he thought, but so much about Josie Geller was a mystery: her sudden, unexpected appearance, her outlandish clothes, the way she seemed somehow out of place. Yes, Josie was a mystery and one that Sam intended to get to the bottom of.

"You're staring," Josie informed him as she blushed prettily.

Sam smiled at her. He was staring, but he couldn't seem to help himself. Her soft blonde curls, her big blue eyes, her creamy white skin and her beautiful rosebud mouth seemed to be casting a spell on him. One hand found it's way to Josie's shoulder as he lost himself in her deep blue eyes. 'She's beautiful,' he thought. His eyes fell to her lips again and he found his own mouth drawing closer and closer to hers...

Josie's eyes closed involuntarily. Her heart was pounding as she felt Sam's warm breath mingling with her own...

"What the devil is going on here, Mr. Coulson?" said an icy voice from the doorway.

"M-m-m-mr....Mr. Kerdan!" Sam stammered as he jumped to his feet. "Wha...what are you doing here...on...on a Sunday!"

The school's administrator eyed Sam coldly. "I believe I'll be asking the questions." He raked his eyes over Josie, who had risen to stand beside Sam. She shivered at his contemptuous glare, feeling exposed despite the fact that she was completely covered from her neck to her toes.

"I came here to discuss your failure to meet the terms of your contract in terms of your marriage. But it seems I have far more pressing issues to address," he said angrily. "I suggest you go pack your bags now, Coulson. I'll expect you out of here by nightfall."

"Sir, please allow me to explain," Sam pleaded softly. Jack Kerdan rolled his eyes and sighed heavily. "Yes. Please do explain how your...your..." he glanced at Josie dismissively, taking note that she was very obviously wearing Sam's nightclothes, "your lightskirt are doing in the parlor of my school in the light of day. What if one of the young ladies had walked in?"

Sam took a deep, steadying breath and glanced reassuringly at Josie. He swallowed hard and cleared his throat. "I'll thank you not to insult my guests in my home, sir," he said quietly but emphatically. "Miss Geller is a dear friend of my family. She arrived unexpectedly very early this morning after suffering an unfortunate accident. I could hardly send her back out on the street. And as for my students, you and I both know that my private residence is off limits to them."

Josie looked up at Sam admiringly. "Mr. Coulson was kind enough to take care of me as I'm sure you would want the young ladies of your school taken care of in similar circumstances."

"Be that as it may, Miss Geller, the fact remains that Mr. Coulson has not fulfilled his contract."

Josie's eyes widened. "You're firing him for not being married? How stupid is that?"

Sam shot her a warning look. "Mr. Kerdan, sir, if you could just..."

"I'm sorry Coulson. The board's policy on this is very strict. They will not accept a bachelor as headmaster. It was one thing when you were engaged, but now...I'm sorry. Honestly, I think you're a talented teacher."

Sam swallowed hard, sighing heavily. "When?" he asked resignedly.

"You have until we find a replacement. Good day." He turned to leave.

"Wait!" Josie cried impulsively. "Mr. Kerdan?"

"Yes, Miss Geller? Was there something else?"

Josie reached out and took Sam's hand, giving it a gentle, comforting squeeze. Her heart began to pound in her chest as she weighed the consequences of what she was about to do. She met Sam's eyes boldly, as if daring him to contradict her. "Yes, sir, there was," she said firmly but softly. "You see...Mr. Coulson...Sam...and I...we...we're..."

Sam and Kerdan both looked at her expectantly. "Yes, Miss Geller?" Kerdan prompted.

"We're getting married!" Josie blurted out.

* * *

Sam's hand trembled as he picked up the telephone and dialed the number Josie had listed in her address book for 'in case of emergency'.

"Hello?" said a soft, weepy voice on the other end.

Sam sucked in his breath. Apparently Janet Geller had already been informed about Josie's accident, but Sam pressed on. "Mrs. Geller? This is Sam Coulson from South Glen South.'s Josie..."

Janet sniffled into the phone. "I know, Mr. Coulson. I'm on my way there now. Her Dad and her brother are on their way too...has she..."

Sam swallowed hard. "No, I'm sorry. She's still unconscious. They took her to radiology for a CAT Scan. I...assume the newspaper called you then?" Sam asked.

"So you know?"

"Yes. I know."

"Mr. Coulson...Sam...please don't be angry with her. It was her big chance..." Janet said sadly. "My baby needs all of her friends right now."

"I know. I know. I...I'm not angry. I'm just...worried. I...I...I care about Josie, Mrs. Geller," Sam said softly. "I care a lot."

"She'll pull through this, Sam. My pussycat's stronger than she looks." Janet wasn't sure if she was trying to reassure herself, Sam Coulson or both of them.

"She has to," Sam whispered.

"She will. Sam...tell my girl I love her and that I'll be there soon, okay?"

"I will. I'll see you soon."

Sam cradled the phone and brushed fresh tears from his cheeks.

"Mr. Coulson?" said the comforting voice of Dorothy the nurse. "Miss Geller is back. Would you like to see her?"

Sam nodded and followed the nurse to the exam room. Josie lay pale and still against the white sheets of the hospital bed. An ugly purple bruise marred the creamy skin of her forehead. He pulled a wheeled chair beside the bed and gently took her hand in his. "Can she hear me?" Sam asked softly.

"She's still unconscious. No one really knows what we're aware of in that state. Go ahead and talk to her. It can't hurt and it might help. I'll leave you alone," she said as she turned to leave.

Sam glanced at the lump on Josie's head, frowning as he noticed some faint purple letters beside it. Loser, it said. Without thinking, he pulled a tissue from the box beside the bed and wet it with his saliva. Ever so gently he wiped the offensive word from her skin.

He took her hand in his again, yearning for some sort of response. "Josie. It's Mr. Coulson...Sam, I mean...I...I need for you to be all right. I talked to your Mom. She said to tell you she loves you and she'll be here soon." Sam's eyes were riveted to Josie's face, watching for any sign that she heard him. "Josie, I...I can't let you go..."

* * *

"Josie, I can't let you do this!" Sam said after Jack Kerdan left. "You barely know me."

"You don't have a choice, Sam. It's get married or lose your school."

"I won't let you sacrifice yourself like that. What about all your talk about getting married for love?" he reasoned. "I can't let you do this."

Josie turned to face him. "Look, I don't know how or why I ended up here, but I seem to be stuck. I have no home, no job, and no family. And I know enough to know that as a woman I won't survive for long here without them. Sam, I have no idea if or when I'll have to leave. I can't promise you forever, because I'm not sure it exists for me anymore. I'm suggesting a bargain: a marriage of convenience.

Sam stared at her unblinkingly. What she said made a certain amount of sense. She could provide him with the means to stay at South Glen Academy and he could offer her the security that she needed. What he wasn't sure about was the 'convenience' part.

"Are you quite certain, Josie?" he asked softly.

"Yes, Sam, I'm certain."

Sam swallowed nervously and dropped to one knee beside the sofa. He took Josie's small hand between both of his and said quietly, "Josie Geller, will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?"

Josie smiled, touched by his sweet, romantic gesture. "I will."

Sam raised her hand to his lips and brushed a soft kiss on her knuckles. He felt a jolt of electricity pass between them.

Josie felt it, too. Her skin felt as if it was ablaze. She gasped at the sudden jolt of physical awareness, but didn't pull away.

"Josie," Sam murmured softly. Their eyes were locked in a heated gaze as their lips moved closer and closer. "Josie," he whispered as his eyes closed.

"Sam..." Josie breathed. Her heart was pounding as she realized that for the second time that morning; Sam Coulson was about to kiss her. And despite the complete impossibility of their situation, she knew that she wanted his kiss, more than she had ever wanted anything in her life. Her eyes drifted shut. Sam's mouth was so close now. Josie could feel the tickle of his whiskers on her chin...

"Ahem!" announced a feminine voice from the doorway.

"Damn," Sam muttered softly. "Doesn't anyone knock anymore?"

Reluctantly, they pulled apart and turned to face their latest intruder.

"Well, well, well," teased Abby Coulson Callahan as she wagged her finger at Sam. "What have we here?"

"Your timing is impeccable as always, Abby." He took Josie by the hand and drew her over to his sister. "Josie Geller, may I present my sister, Abigail Coulson Callahan. Abby, meet Josie Geller. My fianc�e," he announced. He grinned down at Josie, enjoying the look of stunned surprise on his sister's face before he dropped his next bombshell. "We're getting married. Tonight."

* * *

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