By Sara

Date Posted: September 16, 1999

Summary: Just a little piece to explain what happens after the kiss.

Disclaimer: I own none of these characters. Never will.

Notes: I guess this could be the next installment in my 'Sam's Thought's' series, but you don't have to have read them to understand this one. Just know this is set right after the end of the movie. Enjoy!

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Sam finally pulled back from Josie�head whirling at the emotions running through his body. He'd never felt like this before. Not even with Laura. It was a new and exciting experience.

Josie simply stared up at him, her heart in her eyes. She was trying to recover some semblance of normalcy�finally becoming aware of the ball players surrounding them on the field. She smiled slightly as she felt Sam's arms wrap tighter around her as he smiled back.

"Shall we get out of here?" Sam asked in a deep voice, receiving an answering smile in return.

Arms around each other, then walked off the field, waving to the crowd that was now standing on its feet cheering their hearts out. For them. Pretty impressive for the Windy City.

As they made their way back up the bleachers and through the crowd, they smiled, a little overwhelmed at all the people congratulating and wishing them well. They finally made it to the exit and managed to slip out without too much of a fuss.

"Think they'll notice we skipped out on the game?" Josie asked as she stopped to look at Sam. Her heart leapt as she saw the mischievous look in his eyes.

"I don't think so�besides�I think we deserve some time for ourselves�you know, there's a lot I want to learn about you�" he said with a soft smile, leaning down to brush a light kiss over her lips. She smiled back at him.

"You sure you want to know the real me�I mean�I know you're here, and it was a big leap to come kiss me in front of all those people�" Josie began, only to be stopped by a finger placed gently over her lips.

"Reading your article was like seeing straight into your heart. I think, deep down inside, I knew you couldn't have been lying about everything�too much of it was genuine. Even though I was upset at your lying about your age, I think I realized you couldn't do the story on me�I think I was just scared to admit it, and what that would mean," he said quietly, steering her over to a bench along the walkway and pulling her down to sit next to him.

"I was terrified, but I had to let you know how I felt�and I had to do it in such a way you'd believe me and forgive me�I don't know what I would have done if you hadn't shown up�" she started, only to be stopped again, this time by his lips. She sighed into the kiss, as both of them lost themselves in the magic of each other's touch. Sam finally pulled away for a much needed breath, pulling her close and wrapping her in his arms. Josie sighed, wondering if this was all a dream, it felt too good to be real.

But it was.

"I might not know everything about Josie Geller yet," he started as she smiled up at him, "but what I do know of her, I know I love. And that's who I fell in love with�I think learning more about you is only an added benefit," he finished softly.

"You might not like what you find out�I mean, I'm mostly like I told you, and I do love Shakespeare, I love to write, I'm a romantic at heart, and well, you know all that�but the real me�I only hope you'll love that as well�" she said, hesitation in her voice.

Sam smiled down at her and brushed a kiss across her hair, pulling her tighter against him again.

"That's part of the anticipation, the fun�I know you Josie�though we may have not had the traditional courtship, I know the integral part of you, even when I wanted to deny it, I knew. And yes, there's bound to be things we find out about each other that aren't perfect�but you have to take the good with the bad, and I think we balance each other out in the end," he replied.

Josie wondered how she'd ever gotten this lucky. Then she decided not to question it. She was here, with the man she loved, under a starry sky, and all her dreams seemed within reach.

"So 'teacher'," she began, hearing him laugh, "what do you want to know about Josie Geller?" she said, feeling his laughter reverberate through her body.

"That's a dangerous question Miss Geller, you sure you want an answer?" he asked back, feeling her smile against his neck where she'd buried her head.

"Of course�ask away," she said snuggling closer to him.

Sam smiled into her hair, pulling her closer, wondering how he'd gotten so lucky. If he hadn't read that article, hadn't made it there� Well, he wouldn't think like that. He had made it there and he had gotten Josie. That was what mattered. He couldn't remember when he'd ever been happier. He hoped it wasn't a dream.

"Well�how about we go somewhere and talk, maybe find some food, and we'll get to know each other even better�after all, I think it's only appropriate we go on a date�I mean we've just announced our feelings to all of Chicago and our friends," he said, laughing as she swatted him lightly on the arm.

"Okay, so we're an unconventional couple, I think that's the story of my life�but I'm not going to question it�so where'd you park?" she asked, moving to stand and pulling him up with her. She stopped as she saw the look that came over his face at her question.

"Sam?" she started to ask as he uttered an expletitive.

"My car! Oh God, I forgot all about it�" he said, taking off on a run.

"Sam�where's your car�what's going on?" she said, running to keep up with him.

"Just hang in there with me, I left it in the middle of the road, they've probably towed it by now�" he was mumbling as he sprinted down the street, Josie following at a slower pace behind him. She gave up questioning, simply trying to keep her breath and keep up. About half a block later, she saw his car, sitting on the side of the road just in front of them. She finally caught up to Sam, panting as she reached him, gulping for breath as he pulled her into his arms and whirled her around.

"Sam? What's going on?" she managed breathlessly as he set her back down.

"They didn't tow it�I left it here, I was caught in traffic and knew I didn't have much time to make it to you, so I kind of left it here�" he trailed off as she started laughing.

"Oh Sam�I didn't realize," she began, feeling a tear slip down her cheek, happiness almost overwhelming her now.

"Hey, it's okay�it was for a good cause�" he said, pulling her against him, hoping she wasn't too upset.

"No�I'm not upset," she said, almost as if she'd read his mind, "I mean, you left your car, simply to make it to me�I just�I'm just so happy," she said as she burst into tears and buried her face in his jacket. He smiled and pulled her tight to him, running a soothing hand up and down her back. Finally, Josie managed to gain control of her emotions and pulled away enough to smile up at him.

"Sorry, I tend to get emotional when I'm happy�something you'll learn about me very quickly," she said almost sheepishly. Sam smiled and kissed her quickly.

"I can't wait to learn more�let's go," he said, opening the door for her and settling her in the car. Josie sat watching him as he crossed to the other side and got in the driver's seat. A stupid smile was on her face and love was in her heart. He loved her. She loved him. And this was only the beginning.

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