It Had To Be You
By Sara

Date Posted: September 16, 1999

Rating: This one is NC-17 people. You've been warned.

Disclaimer: I own none of these people, I'm borrowing them and I will return them. No profit is being made, I'm just having some fun with them.

Notes: This is the 'adult' version I promised�I hope you all enjoy it, it's loving, consensual sex between two people who are in love. I've tried to portray it that way, but be warned it is definitely not for those of a younger age! It does follow my "Sam's Thoughts" universe, but you don't necessarily have to read them first, but it would help. If you're missing those stories, you can email me and I'll send them along! Enjoy and please tell me what you think!

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Sam headed for the door, checking to make sure everything was ready, anticipation humming through his body. The table was set, the candles were lit and the food was almost ready. He took a moment to glance in the mirror, straightening the collar of his shirt and making sure his hair looked presentable. Finally, deeming himself ready, he moved to open the door. He felt his breath catch as he saw her standing there, the light framing her like a halo. He couldn't help it. He simply stared, drinking her in.

"Hey�you going to stare all day or let me in?" Josie said with a smile, loving the look she saw in his eyes. It was there for her, and how she looked. Nothing like an appreciative male to improve the female attitude.

"Josie, you look beautiful," he said with a smile, pulling her in and shutting the door behind her. Then, in a move that startled her, pulled her into his arms and kissed her. She sighed, relaxing into the now familiar feelings of anticipation and love that hit her each time they kissed. And it only got better. The anticipation kept growing, along with the attraction, and the love. And if she had anything to say about it, they'd act on that tonight.

After a few moments, Sam pulled away, breathless as he always got from kissing this woman. He thanked his lucky stars again that he'd found her.

"Something smells wonderful�what are you cooking?" Josie asked him as she let him take her coat, hanging it in the closet before pulling her towards the kitchen.

"Nothing much, just chicken parmesan and some pasta, mixed vegetables and some rolls, nothing elaborate," he said as he went to stir the sauce simmering on the stove.

"Well, it smells like something elaborate�and I bet it tastes good as well�I'm so glad you can cook�it was a nice surprise," she said, smiling as she remembered the particular conversation when she'd found that little tidbit out about the man she loved.

She sat down at the counter, watching him put the finishing touches on a salad, then, after placing it in the refrigerator, reaching to pour them both glasses of wine. She smiled and accepted his offering, marveling at how far they'd come in the past few months.

They'd been nearly inseparable since that night at the game. They'd spent many of those evenings sitting at each other's apartments, watching movies, eating food and simply getting to know each other. Other night's they go out on the town, to a band, to a movie, and one night, they'd even gone back to the amusement park and rode the Ferris Wheel, each reminiscing about the night they'd ridden it for the first time and the conversation they'd had. Overall, the past two months had been a wonderful time of discovery, in more ways than one.

She'd discovered she fell more in love with him each day, and knew he felt the same. And their passion was finally coming to the boiling point. For while they learned about each other's lives, they also learned about each other. Josie knew she had little experience with the physical aspects of love, but that didn't seem to bother either of them. Sam was a very patient teacher, and a very passionate one too. But they'd never actually made love. They'd been building up to it, but it had been understood between them both, that when the time was right, they'd know it and act on it. She hoped the time was right. She didn't know how much longer she could go on, watching him, watching him watching her, seeing the need in his eyes, echoed in her own. It was finally time. She just had to figure out how to make the first move.

"Josie�Josie�where'd you go?" Sam's voice brought her back and she laughed, reaching over to kiss the hand he was waving in front of her face.

"Sorry, just remembering what we've gone through the past few months�and how wonderful they've been," she finished softly, seeing his gentle smile as he squeezed her hand.

"It's kind of amazing, isn't it," he said, pulling her hand to his lips and kissing each finger, feeling her shudder at the motion. His eyes darkened as he watched her orbs go unfocused as her palm curled against his. He felt his body enter an even higher state of arousal.

"Come on, we'd better eat before this stuff gets cold," he said gruffly, telling himself to keep his emotions under wraps until they'd at least gotten dinner out of the way. Time enough for love later. He hoped.

"Okay�but I expect to continue this�discussion, after we eat," Josie replied in a deep voice, loving the way his eyes darkened at her words. She was feeling quite light headed, the sensation of his mouth, moving against her fingers, lingering throughout her body.

"Definitely," was all he said, staring deep into her eyes. They gazed at each other, desire simmering to a slow burn in their bodies.

Josie told her heart to calm down as she moved away from him, heading for the stove to fill a plate she'd grabbed from the counter. A few moments later they were sitting down to dinner, laughing as Sam described the latest goings on in his class.

"You thought Gibby and her group were stupid�the sad fact is, this new class is definitely worse than they were, and that's kind of depressing," Sam said with a sigh as he scooped up some sauce with a piece of bread. Josie smiled at him.

"Sam, you have to remember, they're high school kids, and with the exception of a few, like yours truly, they could care less about Shakespeare�but you know, there's probably one girl there, who can't take her eyes off you, who lives for your class each day�waiting to hear you speak, waiting to hear you read Shakespeare aloud�" she trailed off dreamily, happily lost in memories.

"I think there's only been one student like that�that's made me feel like actually coming to class�and she's now sitting in front of me," he replied with a smile, seeing Josie smile back.

"Well�I think I'm happy about that, very happy in fact�although, I think you should read Shakespeare to me sometime�I so love it when you do�" she said, staring into his eyes and smiling.

Sam swallowed, forcing his body to calm down at the look he read in her eyes. They were dreamy and unfocused, exactly as he imagined they'd look after being thoroughly made love to. He had to steer himself away from that train of thought as he resettled himself in his seat, wondering how long he could hold out before he simply reached over and dragged her across the table and into his arms.

"Only if you'll read Shakespeare with me," he replied, seeing her smile and nod in return.

Smiling again at each other, they returned to their dinner and the meal passed in enjoyable conversation. After they'd finished, they both worked together to clean up the kitchen, using the opportunity to splash each other with sudsy water and touch each other as much as they could while working in such close quarters. When the clean up was finally done, Sam pulled Josie towards the sofa, pulling her down with him, snuggling her into his arms as he flipped on the TV. They found an old movie they both agreed on and settled back to watch, wrapped in each other's arms.

Several hours later, Josie awoke to find herself sprawled on top of Sam, who'd also obviously fallen asleep during the movie. She smiled, reaching up to brush a strand of hair off his forehead. He looked so peaceful when he slept, so very beautiful. She smiled down at him as she saw his eyes open at her gentle touch, felt her heart beat harder at the aroused look in his sleepy eyes.

She suddenly became aware of their bodies, pressed against each other, hard to soft, giving to strong. She could feel his arousal throbbing against her thigh and she felt her own body getting warmer as she let the desire sweep over her.

He must have read her mind, because without a word being spoken, he reached up and pulled her lips down to his. They both lost themselves in the kiss, tongues tangling and mating, knowing they'd come home, knowing the time was right. Sam devoured Josie's mouth as if he was a dying man and she was the only one who could save him. Josie thought she'd never need to breathe again. This was sheer heaven, better than she'd ever imagined it, ever hoped it, ever dreamed it could be. And it was all because it was Sam, loving her. Her loving him.

Sam pulled slightly away from her taking a breath and looking deep into her eyes, watching the play of emotions run through them.

"Are you sure Josie? Really sure?" he asked, looking deep into her eyes to find the truth. His heart took off again as he read the answer clearly visible in her eyes.

"It's time Sam�I love you�and I want you�now," she whispered as she leaned back down to meet his lips. With a moan, Sam managed to sit up, pulling them both upright, yet never breaking their kiss. Somehow, though he wouldn't remember how later, he managed to stand pulling her up and into his arms, carrying her in to the bedroom and laying her down on the bed. He moved to flip on the light on the bed stand and then came down beside her. She smiled up at him as she reached for him again.

"I'm yours Sam, I always will be�I love you," she whispered, the emotion shining clear in her eyes.

Sam felt his heart contract with the love he felt pouring out of him.

"And I'm yours Josie�forever�I love you," he replied.

"Then show me," she said softly pulling him down to her and capturing his lips with hers again. Sam gave up the fight, moaning against her mouth as he let his hands roam gently up and down her body, pausing to stroke here and there. He smiled against her mouth as he felt her body arch against his as one hand brushed lightly over her breast, causing it to peak and harden against his palm, even through her thin sweater.

Josie felt as if a bolt of lightening had struck her. Now, she'd never done this before, and wasn't that experienced, but she didn't think it should feel that good to have him stroking her breast. She decided rational thought didn't matter then as his mouth moved to her neck, planting kisses and nibbling down it, causing her whole body to shudder. When she felt him tug lightly on her breast with his fingers, she couldn't stop herself from arching up against him, loving the groan she heard come from his throat as she rubbed against him.

But she wanted to touch him to. She ran her hands up and down his back, managing to slip them under his shirt, dragging her nails up his back, reaching then to twine her hands in the hair at the nape of his neck and pull his mouth harder to hers.

Sam had to remind himself to go slow, remembering this was Josie's first time. Amazingly, he felt like it was his first time as well. And while he hadn't been with that many women, he was amazed at how different, how right it felt now that he'd found the right one. He shuddered as he felt her nails rake up his back, felt her pull him even tighter against her.

With a moan, Sam let his own hands slip down to her waist, slipping underneath the sweater she wore and reaching up to gently stroke her breasts through the cotton of her bra. He had to catch his breath as he watched her reaction, the pure awe and arousal that shuddered through her body as he slipped a finger inside her bra, feeling her soft skin against his own. He kissed her harder, bringing her to an upright position and managing to get her bra unhooked and off. Once it was free, he pulled her sweater up and over her head, then proceeded to quickly slip her bra down and off her arms.

Josie had a minute of self consciousness, wanting to cover herself up, but the look in Sam's eyes stopped her. They were filled with awe and amazement. And enough desire to have her body rocket up to fever pitch in an instant.

"Josie�you're beautiful, so beautiful�" he whispered, just before he leaned down and took a breast into his mouth.

Josie cried out at the jolt of sensation that move sent to her center, making her even hotter than she had been. Her hands immediately reached to pull his head harder against her, pushing her breast deeper into his mouth. She couldn't stop the moans erupting from her throat at the sensations sweeping over her.

She had to touch him too. Somehow, she managed to get his shirt up and around his neck, trying not to cry out at the sense of loss as he sat up to quickly pull the shirt over his head.

"You like what I'm doing to you, Josie?" he said in a deep voice, looking deep in her eyes as he slid his hand down her body.

Josie could only moan, arching her hips now against his hand which had come to rest on the zipper of her jeans. Still looking into her eyes, Sam gently pulled the zipper down and pulled the jeans off her hips and over her legs, tossing them to the floor before running his fingers lightly up her legs and brushing over her center before coming to rest on her stomach.

"Sam�I've never felt like this before�" she managed, barely able to breathe with his hands on her.

"Good, that's how it's supposed to be�just relax, let me pleasure you," he said softly as he slipped two fingers under the striped panties she wore. He had to smile at that. She'd told him about the conversation she'd had with Anita about colored underwear. Obviously she'd taken it to heart. He wasn't going to complain. Watching her eyes for any sign of discomfort, he slipped his fingers into her springy curls, coming to rest lightly on top of her heated core.

Josie's eyes went unfocused as her body went into sensory overload. She couldn't help herself, she wanted to feel him. With a small cry she arched against his hand, seeing him smile as he began to stroke her gently. She felt like her body was ready to explode, and he simply built up the fire burning through her, stoking it higher and higher with each stroke. And for once, she wanted to fall, she wanted to hit that peak and lose all control. She'd read about it constantly, but never experienced it. Until now.

"Sam�please�" was all she managed as he finally sent her flying. She couldn't stop the moan that keened form her throat as she let herself get lost in the overpowering waves of sensation, riding each one out until they'd ebbed to a wonderful dull throb. She finally managed to open her eyes, and saw Sam smiling down at her.

"Wow�" was all she could manage, loving the sound of his laughter as he leaned down to kiss her. She could still feel him, hard and throbbing against her thigh. Suddenly she wanted to feel him inside her, to truly know what it felt like to be taken by the man you loved. She didn't want to wait any longer.

With a quick move that surprised them both, she managed to sit up, flipping him over onto his back and letting her hands run freely over his chest. She smiled as she read the understanding in his eyes as he settled back to let her have her way with him. She ran her hands all over his chest, loving the muscles she felt responding to each caress. She wanted to taste him. With a smile, she leaned down and planted a kiss right over his heart, hearing his in-drawn breath at the move. This was fun. She became bolder, letting her mouth roam over his chest, learning what made him shudder, just as he'd done to her.

Finally, getting bolder, she reached down and cupped him through his jeans. She felt an amazing sense of power as she felt him shudder, then arch against her. She felt her body heat begin to rise again as she stroked him gently through the denim, loving the way his body kept arching into her hand. She took a deep breath then, and reached for his zipper. His body stilled as she managed to slide it down then push his own jeans off his hips, down his legs, and onto the floor to join hers. His breath hissed in as he felt her small hand cup him now, through only the thin material of his boxers.

Josie was fast becoming aroused beyond the point of rational thought and control. She decided it was time. Taking another deep breath, she hooked her fingers in the waistband of his boxers, pulling them down and off.

She simply stared at the perfection of his body. Her hand almost without thinking, reached for him and began stroking him gently, her body reacting to every shiver, every moan, every arch his body made against hers. She experimented, learning his texture, his feel, even as she learned what he liked.

"Josie�please�you're killing me�" now it was Sam's turn to beg. All he could think about was the fact that he needed to be inside Josie when he came. Their first time needed to be together.

And she seemed to understand, letting him pull her lips down to his, letting him roll her onto her back and press her down into the sheets. He rose above her, positioning himself at her center, looking deep into her eyes to make sure she was ready, to make sure she was sure. The look of desire and love in her eyes told him everything he needed to know.

He slowly entered her, feeling her body stretching to accommodate him, to get used to him. He stopped as he felt the slight resistance, knowing it had to be done. He looked deep into her eyes again, and they reassured him she was ready. With a quick move, he broke through the barrier, burying himself deep inside her. He felt an ache as the pain registered and he heard her sharply in-drawn breath. He stilled, letting it pass, finally seeing her relax, and open her eyes.

"I'm okay Sam�really�please�" she managed, not quite sure what to do except arch her hips against his. He felt wonderful, so full and heavy, like nothing she'd ever known. The pain barely lasted. But she wanted him to move now.

He read her mind and set up a slow and easy rhythm, asking her what she liked, what felt good, what she wanted as he went. Josie could feel herself building up to another peak, and could tell he was fast approaching his own. She knew he was waiting for her, and to her surprise, it didn't take her long to get there.

Sam increased the speed of his thrusts, loving the way she moaned his name with each touch, the way she arched so trustingly against him, the way her body shuddered with each move. He could feel himself reaching the peak�and then sent them both flying over.

Josie's cry mingled with Sam's as they both flew, waves of sensation crashing over and around them both.

Finally, after an endless amount of time, they both floated back to earth.

Sam collapsed on top of Josie, not sure he'd ever want to move again. It was incredible. The sense of peace, the sense of satisfaction, the sense of rightness. It had never been like this before.

Josie must have felt the same way. He could read it in her eyes.

"Wow," was all she managed again, smiling as Sam broke into laughter, burying his head against her neck.

"Wow is right�Josie�that was incredible�I've never," he began, only to be stopped by her mouth. After a moment, she pulled back and smiled at him.

"Me either�care to try it again�I hear it only gets better with practice, and you know I'm a perfectionist," she said with a shy grin, feeling his laughter against her again as he lowered his lips to hers.

"I love you, Josie Geller," he whispered.

"I love you, too, Sam Coulson, now let me show you how much," she replied as she pulled him to her and they lost themselves in each other's arms. It was exactly where they were supposed to be.

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The End

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