Finally Been Kissed
By Sara

Date Posted: September 16, 1999

Disclaimer: I own none of these characters. Just borrowing them for a much needed character analysis.

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Sam sighed as he waved the movers over to the kitchen, pointing out boxes that needed to be picked up, trying to ignore the lost feeling inside him as he watched his possessions being carted out the door. Kind of like his heart. He'd lost it to a beautiful, if deceptive, newspaper reporter�and he wasn't getting it back any time soon�if ever.

He forced himself to push the thoughts Josie out of his head and headed back into the living room, determined to finish wrapping the few trophies he'd left out. He smiled ironically as he picked up the Peewee Hockey one, remembering the day he'd told that story in class�remembering how enthralled Josie had looked�staring straight at him, smiling that beautiful smile, just for him.

He dragged himself back to the present, telling himself he had to stop this. Without even looking, he simply reached out for the newspaper he'd left sitting on the table. His mind was elsewhere as he started to wrap the trophy up, filled with happier thoughts, of spring days, and smiles, and Josie. He hated the fact he couldn't stop thinking about her, realizing she probably had stopped thinking about him. Sure, she hadn't gotten the 'follow through' for her story, but she'd probably found something to write about, more than likely about him, and 'student teacher relationships.' Thank God he was leaving town tonight.

He sighed, fighting a wave of depression as he went to put the trophy in the box with his others. Then, something stopped him.

Her eyes were staring at him from the crumpled paper he'd just wrapped around his trophy.

Josie's eyes.

He stared at the crumpled paper for a moment, fighting the urge to throw the wrapped statue across the room, fighting the urge to then rip the paper to shreds. But something compelled him to carefully unwrap the trophy, smoothing and straightening the paper as he went. He told himself he wasn't going to read the article, not wanting to see what she'd found to 'expose' him, not wanting to read anything else having to do with her.

But wait�why was it her picture�or pictures�staring up at him? Who was the geeky looking brunette, the staid, older brunette? They were right there, alongside her prom queen picture. What kind of article had she written?

His curiosity was aroused now, and he decided to push his anger down and read what she'd written. He figured he owed it to them both to see what she said about their relationship.

He stopped after the first paragraph.

What was this? Where was the expose, the dirt, the sleaze?

He looked carefully at the by-line again, making sure of the name. Yep, there it was, Josie Geller. And those most definitely were pictures of her.

What was going on? He began to read the article in earnest, feeling his heart slow a bit more with each paragraph. He couldn't believe the emotions he could feel pouring from her through her words, the despair, the hurt, the pain�yet the true desire to be accepted and loved. For herself. He felt his eyes begin to water as he suffered through the pain of her two high school experiences, brought to life so clearly by her words. The story was compelling, spinning its web around him. He suddenly saw the girl he'd fallen in love with. Suddenly realized everything she'd said had been true. There was no way it could have been fake, not at the level he'd seen. She'd been revealing herself to him, her true self, story or no story. And here was the proof, right before him, in black and white.

He avidly devoured the article now, finding himself laughing at certain points, vividly seeing the triumphs and tragedies of Josie's life. He wondered how he could have let his anger overcome him. Knew he had some right to be angry, but realizing it wasn't as bad as it seemed.

Until he got to the line that hit him between the eyes like a sledgehammer.

"I left my first high school experience with hundreds of regrets, but now, after my second, those regrets are down to one. A certain teacher was hurt on my path to self-discovery, and for that, I am truly sorry. And I would like to add one more thing. I think I am in love with you."

The words suddenly registered in his brain.

"I think I am in love with you."

She loved him? Still, after all this? She loved him?

His head didn't want to believe it, refused to believe it, but he could feel his heart fill with joy, his demeanor suddenly lightening.

Josie loved him! She'd out rightly admitted it to nearly all of Chicago and the surrounding area. She loved him. Sam Coulson, English teacher.

It couldn't be possible to go from abject despair to pure bliss in such a short amount of time�could it?

Yes, it could, Sam discovered in the next moment. He closed his eyes, letting the joy of knowing Josie loved him wash over him.

She did love him. It was crystal clear�spelled out in her words and her actions. He knew he'd read the correct emotions in her eyes while they were dancing. She loved him as much as he loved her. They hardly knew each other�but still, despite it all�she loved him. What little she knew about him�and she still loved him.

Just like he loved her. Despite not really knowing her, knowing the basic things about her�he loved her. Because he knew her true self�it shone through in everything she did. She couldn't hide it. That's what had made him fall in love with her�it was what he'd fallen in love with. No matter how many lies she'd told around them�all that mattered was that she hadn't lied about her feelings for him.

Suddenly, the world looked a whole lot brighter.

He felt hope spring through his body as he quickly turned to finish the article, stopping as he made himself re-read her final paragraph. She'd actually told the world she'd wait for his forgiveness. In front of the entire city. In front of her peers, her friends and family. Leaving it all up to him. Leaving herself to look the fool if he didn't show up.

He felt a stupid grin break over his face as he jumped up from the chair and headed for the bathroom. There was no way he was leaving her standing there. He was going to make sure her first real kiss was only the beginning of many, many kisses�all from him. He suddenly found himself impatient to get to her and managed to simply run a brush through his hair, then head for his keys. During this process he glanced quickly at his watch, suddenly stopping as he noticed the time.

It was 10 minutes until game time.

It would take him at least 10 minutes to make it to the field.

With an oath, he bolted for the door, determined to make it on time�determined to claim his future.

Five minutes later he found himself stuck in a line of traffic that seemed to stretch on for miles. He found it hard to believe all these people were headed for the baseball playoffs, but it seemed to be where they were going. All of them.

And Josie was standing out there, alone, waiting for him.

He wasn't going to disappoint her. Not even traffic was going to stop him this time.

He stomped on the gas, willing the man in front of him to move faster, but found his car going nowhere.

Time was ticking away, and by his count�and the radio announcer he'd been listening to who was broadcasting from the game�he had less than two minutes to make it there. Obviously, it wasn't going to be by car. With a quick move, he threw the car into park, turned off the engine and bolted from the car, ignoring the honks and yells he heard coming his way from other irate drivers. He was only about three blocks from the field, he could make it if he ran.

Sam broke into a full-fledged run as he felt the time slipping away, not caring how out of breath he was. He had to get to Josie. He had to claim their future. He had to be the one to give her her first real kiss. He wouldn't survive if he didn't.

He could hear the cheering from nearly a block away, and smiled, amazed at how many people had turned out to support Josie.

He finally made it to the stadium entrance, panting and out of breath, but finally there. He suddenly heard the cheering stop, die out, almost fade away. He stopped as he entered the bleachers, wondering what had happened.

Then he looked at the clock, the big red numbers reading 00:00.

He was late.

His eyes immediately flew to the solitary figure standing on the field. He felt his heart fill to overflowing as he watched Josie's shoulder's slump, heard her drop the microphone to the ground. She'd done it for him. Put herself on the line in front of all these people.

Okay, he was late�but not for long�and never again.

With a smile, he began to run down the bleachers, almost oblivious to the cheers he suddenly heard start up around him as he finally managed to make it to the gate and onto the field. He jumped onto the dirt and headed straight for Josie. He felt his heart leap as his gaze connected with Josie's and saw the joy and disbelief suddenly light up her eyes. And suddenly, a tremulous smile broke over her face. That sealed it. She was his. He was hers.

Sam didn't fight the emotions overcoming him, he simply went with what came natural.

He reached the pitcher's mound and without a word, swept her into his arms and brought his mouth down on hers.

The pure joy he felt shoot through his body as he felt her melt against him nearly made him collapse. Her arms wrapped around his neck, holding onto him tightly, as if she'd never let him go. His own arms tightened around her, deepening the kiss as he pulled her closer.

This was pure heaven. This was right where he was supposed to be. Right where Josie was supposed to be. Nothing had ever felt this good, this right. Nothing could spoil this moment.

Except for his need to breathe.

He pulled back slightly, seeing the tears shining in Josie's eyes as she shyly looked up at him. He felt his heart totally and completely heal as he read the love shining in her eyes. He had to say something. This was a profound moment. He'd just given her her first real kiss. It needed words.

"Sorry I'm late�it took me forever to get here," he heard himself say, realizing the words were stupid, but exactly what he needed to say at the moment. His proof was in Josie's smile and reply.

"I know what you mean," she answered softly, leaning her cheek into his hand as he lightly brushed a strand of hair back from her face.

Josie Geller was truly amazing.

And he had to kiss her again.

With a smile, he pulled her close to him and proceeded to kiss her with all the passion and emotion he'd been storing up for what seemed like years.

And she kissed him back.

And as the baseball players took to the field around them, Sam proceeded to show Josie that they'd both found their soul mates, their penguins as she'd once put it. And these penguins would be mates for life.

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