Ferris Wheel
By Sara

Date Posted: September 16, 1999

Disclaimer: I own none of these characters. I'm just borrowing them for a character romp.

Notes: This is the third installment of my "Sam's Thoughts" series.

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Sam was feeling pretty good about himself this evening. He'd managed to hit Brett straight in the face with a pie�showing he hadn't lost his throwing arm. He'd even managed to win a stuffed animal for the little girl who'd been looking longingly at it from afar. And best of all, he was having fun. Laura wasn't around to criticize him about his 'childish' ways or immature attitude. He could do what he wanted and enjoy spending time with his students, all for a good cause. Yes, he was feeling good tonight.

What he wouldn't admit to himself was that there was one face he wanted to see in the crowd to make it an absolutely perfect night. He kept telling himself to stop looking at each face that passed by him, hoping to see a blonde head with a welcoming smile and eyes he found himself getting lost in daily despite his better judgment. He sighed, telling his mind to let it go�she was his student. But still�


The shrill call caught his attention immediately and he turned towards the sound, noticing it came from right under the Ferris Wheel. He felt his heart leap as he spotted Josie sitting in the bucket, looking rather embarrassed. Before he could even stop to think, he was bounding over to the wheel and asking Josie if the 'seat was taken.' He didn't want to admit that the smile that lit up her face had the power to turn his insides to mush. He didn't want to admit it�but it was a fact. He told his heart to slow down as he settled in next to her.

He soon forgot about the effect her nearness was having on his body as another emotion overcame him. He gripped the handle on the bucket like a lifeline as they rode high into the air. What a great time for him to remember his fear of heights. He wondered what Josie was thinking of this performance. He carefully turned his head, noticing the concerned look on her face and suddenly feeling the need to explain.

"I'm gonna tell you something here, and I hope this doesn't undermine my position as an authority figure�" he began, wondering if that line sounded as stupid to her as it did to him, "I'm a little afraid of heights." There, he'd admitted it. Now she knew one of his deepest secrets. He waited to see what she'd say.

"You're afraid of the Ferris Wheel?" she said with a soft laugh, and he had to smile.

"It's actually more the plunging head first into the crowd part that gets me," he admitted, feeling his breath catch as she placed a hand gently over his in reassurance. Somehow, he didn't think it should feel that good. But he wasn't going to remove it.

"I bet you'd feel better if you had your Gordie Howe helmet," she added with a laugh, stunning him for a moment. He couldn't believe she remembered that story.

"You remember that story?" he asked, almost afraid to hear her answer. He felt his breath catch as he saw the blush creep across her face.

"I remember everything you say�" she started, and he told himself to control his heart rate as he heard her finish, rather awkwardly "in the classroom."

She remembered what he said. She was interested in it. In him. He didn't know if the thought terrified or excited him more. He decided he'd figure that one out later. He simply sat back, enjoying their comfortable silence, until Tommy's loud voice broke it. He winced as their bucket rattled, barely paying attention to what Tommy was saying, until he caught the "Mr. Coulson rocks my world" line. His annoyance was growing, and he could see the boy was disturbing Josie as well. He sighed, wondering how to explain young men. Wondering why he was even trying.

"I'd like to tell you we all grow out of it, but that's a lie. Some of us will always be rattling cages," he said in a resigned voice, staring into space as he contemplated his words. Her soft-spoken 'why?' made him suddenly think of his situation with Laura. Before he knew it, he found himself talking to Josie about how he should grow up and commit to Laura, move to New York, become a man�only to realize he didn't want to do anything like that. He was happy where he was, right at this very moment to be precise. And he had to admit a big part of that happiness was because of Josie. But still, he shouldn't be talking to her about this, it just wasn't � 'proper.'

"I'm sorry, I really shouldn't be telling you all this," he managed, seeing her soft smile as sad look came into her eyes. He wondered who had hurt her in the past. He found himself wanting to hurt them back. Anyone who hurt Josie�well, they'd have to deal with him.

"It's nice to have someone to talk to," was her soft reply as she looked away from him, making him realize that yes, it was. He agreed, looking off into space again as well, determined to get things back on the right track. He had no choice in the matter. But that still didn't ease the pain he felt at seeing her start to withdraw from him again. He wanted to relieve that pain. But how?

"Well, all I can tell you is when you're my age, guys will be lined up around the block for you," he heard himself say. As soon as it was out, he found himself having to fight the major realization that he wanted to be the only man for her. No waiting in line for her. The thought of anyone else with Josie was making his stomach turn. He knew he was in serious trouble here. A fact only reinforced as he saw a smile finally reach her eyes as she answered.

"You have to say that because you're my teacher."

Suddenly he realized where this was leading and knew that right here, wasn't the place to continue this discussion. He didn't trust himself around her tonight. They were both too vulnerable, too tempted to give in to the emotions simmering around them. He thought he knew when to strategically retreat, and said the expected answer, not meaning any of it deep down.

"Actually, I shouldn't say that, because I'm your teacher," he finished softly, looking into her eyes for a moment before she lowered them and blushed. He turned back to the front of their bucket as it descended from the top of the park towards the ground. He closed his eyes, forcing himself to ignore all the emotions, the temptations, the desire coursing through him. He was too close to her, he was her teacher, he was too old for her, there was so much stacked against them.

But what scared him the most, was that every time he looked into her eyes, he could see that she was feeling the same attraction he was. She might not even be aware of it, but it was so obvious from the trusting way she never hesitated to meet his gaze, the way she smiled at him, and the little things, like brushing a hand over his, or finding an excuse to touch his arm. Lord knows he was finding ways to do the same to her.

They were headed for a major disaster. He needed to stop this now, tonight. It could only end badly for them both. But as he watched her hair blowing in the breeze, listened to her slight laugh every now and then, and every so often, locked eyes with her, he knew he was fighting a loosing battle.

He was falling in love with his student. And it was the scariest, most wonderful feeling he'd ever felt in his life�despite the near hopelessness of the situation they were in.

What had he gotten himself into? And did he really want to get out? Those questions spun through his brain as he and Josie climbed high into the night, lost in their own little world above the amusement park. He never wanted to come down.

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