Falling In Love, Part 8
by Patrizia

Date Posted: November 27, 2000

Thanks for your continued interest. Comments are welcome at [email protected] or post on the message board.

Click here to hear "Dream Lover" by Mariah Carey

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Sam gently caressed Josie's left shoulder and spoke ever so softly. "Josie�please let me explain? I didn't mean it the way it sounded."

Josie shrugged his hand off her shoulder and tried to force the blinding pain away. "There's really nothing to explain." She gently pulled away from him and then tried to change the subject. "You know, this stupid door is probably just stuck of something." Josie began to twist and pull at the doorknob, getting frustrated when it refused to open. She wanted out of there and fast. If she had to turn around and see the look of pity she knew must be on Sam's face, it would just kill her.

Sam sighed and silently watched as Josie struggled with the door. It was obvious to him that his words had deeply affected her. But what he didn't know was why? Why would his innocuous comment upset her so much?

As Josie's attempts to open the door became more frantic, he began to realize that her panic hid other, deeper emotions. He never dared allow himself to believe that Josie could feel anything for him, other than admiration for her favorite English teacher, but now�Well now, Sam didn't know what to think. Did she care for him as much as he cared for her? Was that why she was so upset? Or could it be a simple crush? Whatever it was, Sam was not going to let Josie go anywhere until he made things better between them.

Sam leaned in close. He moved his lips closer to her left earlobe and whispered soothingly, "Josie� Josie, come on�leave the door alone. I want to talk to you. I want you to understand what I meant."

Josie could feel the warmth of Sam's body close behind her. She closed her eyes against the tears stinging them and let out a soft sigh, saying, "But I do understand."

"No�you don't." Sam placed his left hand over Josie's, which was still on the doorknob, and then gently tugged at it, so that she would turn around to face him.

Josie could feel her cheeks begin to burn and she wished the ground would open up and swallow her whole so she could escape Sam and the embarrassing situation she had placed herself in.

Sam took in a deep breath, mustered up at little courage and said, "First of all, my comment simply meant that seeing that we are teacher and student, no one should be thinking that anything was amiss. I was not making a comment about you as a person, Josie." Josie kept her eyes trained on the floor, trying to hide the tears of shame that threatened to overflow down her cheeks. He was so kind to her�but she wanted more; more than she had any right to want. He was right, after all. He was her teacher, and for as much as he knew, she was his seventeen year old student. No one should think their current situation were anything other than a mistake. And she shouldn't be wishing for things that could never happen.

Sam watched Josie as she continued to stare at the floor. His heart really went out to her. He hated the idea that he could have hurt her in any way, least of all affecting her self-esteem, which he already knew was pretty fragile. He wanted to repair the damage. And besides, it wasn't as if he would have to lie about how wonderful she was�he already thought she was the most wonderful woman in the world!

He reached over and grasped her other hand with his and shook them lightly, trying to get her to look up at him. "I don't understand why you would put yourself down like that. There is nothing about you that you should be ashamed of. You have qualities that are so beautiful and rare in a person."

Josie smiled shyly but said nothing, keeping her eyes lowered to the ground.

Sam continued, "You're intelligent, you're caring, sweet, sensitive�"

Josie slowly raised her head, and Sam felt as if his heart would melt at the sight of her hypnotic eyes. He was about to tell her how pretty she was, but Josie stopped him.

She shook her head and in an embarrassed tone said, "You know, I shouldn't have even said what I said before. I don't know what came over me�I'm so sorry."

"No, no Josie, I'm the one who's sorry. It came out all wrong�" Sam insisted.

"You shouldn't feel sorry because you were right. You are my teacher and I am your student. I mean, it's crazy!" Josie blushed as she thought of, crazy or not, how much she wished things were different between them.

"No, Josie�" Sam disagreed, "you were right. A man, teacher or no, found locked in a closet with a very attractive young lady would be bound to raise some suspicion�"

Josie felt as if a lightning bolt had hit her. Sam thought she was 'very attractive'!? The thought of Sam Coulson thinking she were attractive did funny things to her stomach and she suddenly found herself short of breath. In an effort to hide how flustered she was, she started to ramble. "Of�of course no one would think that you and I� I mean, you could never be inter�I mean, I'm your student�I don't know why I even said�"

Without conscious thought, Sam cut her off mid sentence and blurted out, "But you won't always be my student, Josie."

Sam didn't even realize what he had implied until it was too late. But it could no longer escape his notice that in a few weeks, Josie Geller would no longer be a student at South Glen South, and would no longer be off limits to him� And moreover, in a roundabout way, he had actually given away his interest in her. 'Oh God!' Sam thought at that realization, and prayed that Josie would not catch that aspect of his statement, even as the thought of possibly being able to be with her caused waves of happiness to crash over him.

Josie slowly raised her head and stared at him, her mouth a small astonished "O"as she tried to come to terms with what Sam had just implied. Had he actually implied that maybe he'd be interested in her once she was no longer his student? Surely, she reasoned, he hadn't meant it the way she hoped he meant it�did he?

Their gazes connected and held dangerously. Suddenly they were both too afraid to open their mouths again, in fear of what else they might say. After a long moment, Sam yanked his eyes from hers, instead darting around the closet, looking at anything other than directly into Josie's eyes. Growing increasingly nervous, he said, "Okay, now let's see about getting this door opened."

Josie smiled shyly and nodded. She stepped aside and allowed Sam access to the door. Sam continued to twist, turn and push and pull at the doorknob, but it refused to open. Out of frustration he kicked the door once with his foot, muttering an oath under his breath.

Josie was amused by Sam's impatience and giggled. "There's no need to get vicious with the door, you know�"

Sam sighed and ran a hair through his hair in impatience. "I know. I know. It's just that all of a sudden, this closet seems to be getting smaller and smaller."

Sam appeared agitated and Josie wondered if Sam might have another phobia, other than his fear of heights. "Oh no. You're not claustrophobic too, are you?"

Sam had to think about that one for a second. "No. At least I don't think so�"

Josie placed her hand onto Sam's arm, remembering how up on the Ferris wheel it seemed to settle his nerves. "You don't look too sure."

Sam looked down to Josie's hand on his arm and smiled at the same memory, realizing that Josie was trying to help him again. "No, Josie. I'm sure." Sam regained his composure and then searched around on the shelves for something, anything that they could use to open the door with. "You know for a janitors closet, there's not much stuff in here. Where are all the tools?"

Josie teased, "Maybe this school doesn't have a budget for that either."

Sam rolled his eyes and smiled back. "Now, that wouldn't surprise me."

Josie began to giggle and then asked, "Do you have your wallet with you?"

"Yeah�why?" he asked, raising his eyebrow out of curiosity.

"Do you have any credit cards?" Josie asked.

"Yeah, but�" Sam finally understood where Josie was going with this and he began to laugh. "Oh, come on, Josie! Don't tell me you believe all those cop movies! Credit cards do not open doors. It's just a movie trick."

Josie shrugged her shoulders, but looked hopeful. "Maybe it does when you're stuck on the inside�It can't hurt to try."

Sam smiled and laughed a little. "Now, this I've gotta see." Sam pulled his wallet out from his back pocket, took out one of his credit cards, and handed it to Josie. "Don't say I didn't warn you�"

Josie grabbed the card and then tried to wedge it between the doorjamb and the lockset, jiggling it around as she went.

Sam shook his head in amusement. "Like I said, Josie, there's no way a credit card can open a�"

Just then the door clicked open and Josie let out an excited yelp. "Woo hoo!"

Sam was stunned and didn't quite know how to respond. "I�I probably loosened it when I kicked the door or something�"

Josie rolled her eyes and grinned as she handed Sam back his credit card. "Yeah, sure you did."

Josie opened the door and poked her head out, while Sam bent down and examined the lock. Satisfied that Anita had left the building, she turned back to Sam and asked, "Are you ready to go?"

Sam was still puzzled. He rubbed his chin, looked at his credit card and then back at the lock. "It just doesn't make any sense�'

Josie smirked and then said, "I could lock you in again and you can figure out how I opened it."

Sam smiled. "Ha, ha, Josie. Very funny." Sam stood back up and then walked out the door with Josie.

Josie turned to Sam and suddenly she felt extremely self-conscious. She just wanted to escape. Turning abruptly, she said with an impersonal wave, "Okay�bye, Mr. Coulson."

Josie turned to leave, but Sam stopped her. "Whoa, whoa�Wait�Wait a second."

Josie turned back, waiting.

With a smile, Sam said, "How are you going to get into study hall without a late pass?"

"Oh. Right," Josie said stupidly. "Um�okay, well�my locker is right over there," she said, pointing down the hall a little. "Let me get a piece of paper."

Sam followed Josie down the empty hallway a little until they reached her locker. She quickly undid the lock and opened her locker, pulling out a notebook and her Chemistry book, which was for her next class. She handed both to Sam, and he braced the notebook on the hardcover book while he wrote her late pass. When he finished, he handed both back to Josie, while he clicked the top of his pen and then put it back into his front shirt pocket.

"Thanks," Josie replied, holding the notebook and textbook against her tightly.

"No problem�" Sam hesitated and then said, "So, I'll see you at the prom committee meeting later? I'm sure everyone will be delighted to hear what sort of ideas you had in mind for the new theme."

Josie smiled. "Sure. I'll be there. Three o'clock�right?"

Sam nodded. "Right."

Josie turned to leave, but then spun around again. "Oh, and I'm really sorry about getting us locked in the closet. It was stupid of me. I�I'm really sorry." Josie then lowered her eyes and then hurried down the hall.

Sam sighed and then whispered to himself. "I'm not sorry, Josie. Not at all�"

* * *

As Sam approached the door to the student lounge for the prom committee meeting, he could hear the muffle of voices and then suddenly a loud rumble. He opened the door and saw Josie standing up at the front next to Sydney, as the room applauded her.

Josie's face was one of pure happiness and she was glowing. Sam stood silently behind the door and watched her from afar. His lips curled into a smile, as he witnessed this once shy, fragile girl, transform into a confident, beautiful woman. 'Hold on�' Sam stopped himself mid-thought, 'Did I just think of Josie as a woman?'

Sam considered that for a minute and then nodded to himself and smiled. 'Josie may only be seventeen,' he reminded himself, 'But she is no girl. She is definitely a woman.' Sam continued to watch as Gibby, Kristen, and Kirsten crowded around Josie, vying for her attention. 'This is new,' he thought. But then nothing ever surprised him when it came to those girls. It seemed they had to be where ever the limelight was, and right now, that attention was directly on Josie.

Sam straightened his back, composed himself and then pushed the door open, making his way into the room. "Sorry I'm late, everyone."

No one seemed to notice Sam's late entrance, except of course Josie. She glanced up to him and mouthed 'Hi' to him. Sam sent her his sexy crooked smile in return. Josie then made a face and rolled her eyes at the insanity of the attention she was now receiving and Sam laughed, as he understood exactly what she meant.

Suddenly Sydney went charging over to Sam and breathed in pure excitement, "Mr. Coulson, have you heard the great news!?" Sam looked at her curiously and she then clarified, "About the new Prom theme!"

"Oh, right. Yes, I've heard. In fact, I was there when it all happened." Sam looked across the room at Josie, his face brimming with pride for her.

Sydney glanced over to Josie in admiration. "Isn't Josie terrific?"

Sam surveyed the rest of the room. Everyone was hovering around Josie, waiting to hear what she would say next. It seemed that finally everyone else was discovering what he already knew, that she was terrific, beautiful, brilliant, amazing'�but what he simply said was, "Yes. She certainly is."

* * *

"So, how much money do we have left in the budget, Mr. Coulson? Because, we still need to�" Sydney's voice drowned away as Sam was more pre- occupied at staring at Josie and wondering what she and the others were talking about.

Sydney noticed Sam's lack of concentration on the task before them. Waving her hand in front of his face, she said more than a little annoyed, "Mr. Coulson? Hello, Mr. Coulson?"

Sam turned back to Sydney and Ms Knox. "Huh?"

Sydney crossed her arms across her chest. "I asked you how much money we had left in the budget�"

"Oh right�.I'm sorry." Sam tried to concentrate on the numbers before him, but they all seemed a big blur. He slowly raised his eyes back up to Sydney and Ms. Knox and changing the subject said, "You know Josie had some great ideas on how we could raise some money."

Sydney's was suddenly bubbling with excitement again. "Really?"

Sam nodded. "Yeah, um, why don't I go ask her?"

"All right. Ms. Knox and I will work on this."

"You do that," Sam stood up and slowly made his way across the room. He stopped to look over the shoulders of some other students and saw that they were already working furiously on the new banners to hang around school. The banner read: Meant for Each Other. Famous Couples Throughout History. Sam continued on his journey, taking his time, so not to arouse suspicion.

When he finally reached them, he stood silently behind Josie and glanced over her shoulder, looking at the sketches they had been working on. He was amazed at how much work had progressed in such a short time, but with Josie, nothing seemed impossible.

"I'm very impressed with your sketches, ladies," Sam said, smiling down at them.

Josie spun around and smiled shyly up to Sam.

Gibby jumped in and said, "These are all Josie's ideas. Aren't they rufus?"

"Rufus?" Sam mouthed to Josie with a smile, as if they were sharing a private joke. He wasn't familiar with that slang term.

Josie shrugged her shoulders as if to say, "I don't know, either," and then smiled.

Kristen said, "Yeah, it was Josie's idea to make everything romantic� You know with the bridge and the sunset backdrop and�"

Embarrassed that she was receiving all the praise, Josie turned to Sam and said, "We all collaborated on the ideas."

Sam grinned. "Well, they all look great!"

Kirsten then said miserably, "You know Josie, your sketches are great and all, but I hope we all don't have to stand around and paint for hours, because you know, I just don't do the painting thing."

"Oh, well�" Josie began.

Sam jumped in and said, "I'd be happy to help out there." He paused and then said, "You know, I even won an art competition once."

All three girls turned to him and said in unison, "Wow! Really?" Josie just smiled at him.

"Yeah!" He hesitated and then leaned toward Josie, speaking so that only she could hear, "Granted, I was in the 2nd grade and I won because I was the only one who didn't paint outside the lines."

Josie started giggling at Sam's joke, with the others giving her a blank stare because they had no idea what she was laughing about.

"What are you laughing about, Josie?" Kristen asked, with a dull-witted expression across her face.

Josie and Sam shared a secret look and Josie decided to keep the joke between just the two of them. She loved sharing things with Sam, no matter how small they were. "Oh�nothing."

The girls shrugged and changed the subject. "Oh hey, Josie, we're going over to the mall now. Wanna come?"

Josie was astounded by their invitation and she was momentarily paralysed. She looked up to Sam, who smiled encouragingly. Finally, she looked back at the girls and stammered, "Um�o�okay. That would be great." 'This is way too bizarre,' Josie told herself. 'The cool girls want me to hang out with them!?' She thought it best if she didn't question the situation and just went with the flow.

Everyone began packing their gear. Josie stood up, threw her bag over her shoulder and turned to Sam. They smiled to each other. The other girls headed for the door and called out to Josie. "Are you coming, Josie?"

Josie looked over her shoulder. "Just a sec." She turned back to Sam and said shyly, "Well, I better go."

"Okay. Oh hey, listen. When you get a chance you might want to go over some of your ideas with Sydney. She seemed pretty excited about new ways to raise more funds."

"Okay. I'll see her first thing in the morning." Josie began to twist her hands together nervously.

Sam looked over to Gibby, Kirsten and Kristen and noticed they were anxious to leave. "It looks like the natives are getting restless." Sam paused before he said quietly, out of earshot of the others, "Josie� be careful with them. Okay?"

Josie thought it was sweet that Sam was concerned about her. She nodded and said, "It's okay; I'm a big girl. I can take care of myself."

"I know you can." Sam hesitated and then said, "Good night, Josie."

"Good night Mr. Coulson." Josie turned away from Sam and then spun around again. "Oh�and thank you for today."

Sam was baffled. "For what?"

Josie's eyes lit up and a beautiful smile crossed her face. "For being so nice to me."

Sam smiled. "You're very welcome. Good night, Josie."

"Good night."

* * *

"The Big Bad Voodoo who?" Josie asked Rob in a daze, as they sat on the carpet in front of the fireplace of her living room, eating pizza.

Rob rolled his eyes. "The Big Bad Voodoo Daddys," he repeated.

"And who did I go out with?"

"God, Jos! You're not making this easy on me. I'm trying to help you out here."

"Well, maybe next time you can tell me what lies you're going to spread around first, so I don't look like a complete fool when someone asks me about them." Josie tossed her pizza slice back in the box and sighed heavily.

"What's the matter, Josie?" Rob asked concerned.

"Look Rob, I know you're trying to help me out and I really appreciate it, but�"

"But nothing, Josie. It's working!"

"I was going to say�but I hate spreading all these lies. It's just so hard."

Suddenly, they were interrupted by a knock on the door. Josie pushed herself up off the ground and went to open the door. It was Anita.

"Hi, Josie!" Anita said, bubbling with excitement.

"Oh hi, Anita. Come on in." she said dully. Josie was still annoyed with her for getting Sam into trouble.

Anita walked into the living room and spotted Rob on the carpet. "Well, if it isn't our resident 23 year old jock."

"Look who's talking!" Rob shot back with a smile. "Josie told me all about your new career move. Sex 101? Sorry I missed it."

Anita smirked but said nothing.

Rob got up off the carpet, and let out a big stretch. "I'm gonna get going, guys."

Anita suddenly noticed that Rob was growing into quite a handsome young man. "Geez, Rob," she swooned. "Looking good!"

Josie rolled her eyes, while Rob flexed his muscles in front of Anita. "Well, you know, I have been working out."

Anita eyed him up and down. "Oh�I can tell."

"Oh, God!" Josie shuddered and made a mad dash for the kitchen to get Anita a drink.

Anita walked Rob to the door. "Josie didn't tell me how handsome you'd become."

"Not looking too bad yourself, Anita."

Josie popped her head out of the fridge and made a face. "Please?! I just ate."

Rob laughed and said, "See you tomorrow, Josie."

"Bye, Rob," she called back. Josie walked back into the living room and handed Anita a glass of orange juice.

Anita plopped down into her armchair, oozing. "Now, I want to know every little thing about what's going on between you and that foxy teacher of yours." She paused and said, wiggling her eyebrows, "And don't leave anything out, because I heard about your little rendezvous in the closet."

Josie sat down on the carpet and sighed. After a long pause, she said, "And do you know why we were in that closet, Anita?"

Anita laughed uncomfortably. "Umm�Gus did happen to mention something about it."

"Oh really?! Did he mention that I was I was trying to keep Mr. Coulson from finding you because he realized you weren't Pam Kitterman?"

"Well� he didn't really go into detail about it." Anita grew excited again and rambled, "So how was it?� Being locked in the closet with him I mean? Did he try to kiss you?" Josie's eyes shot wide open, as Anita continued. "He has got it so bad for you Josie, I can tell."

Josie's lips curled into a smile, but then she frowned again. "God, Anita! Do you have any idea how much trouble you caused for Sam�Mr. Coulson, I mean?"

Anita rolled her eyes. "Oh, don't you start on me too, Josie. I've had an earful from Gus already."

"Why, what happened?" Josie asked concerned.

"What happened? I got fired is what happened!"

* * *

"Done," Sam said relieved, after he finished marking the last essay in the pile. He was grateful that he'd been able to spend the last 2 hours keeping his mind on something other than Josie. For weeks on end it seemed that Sam was unable to keep his mind on anything else other than his blossoming relationship with his star pupil.

Sam pushed himself away from his desk, taking a moment to stretch the kinks out of his back and letting a huge yawn escape from his mouth. He wandered over to the couch and plopped onto it, laying his full body along the length of the couch and resting his hands behind his head. He stared up at the ceiling, but all he could see was Josie's beautiful smile, her twinkling eyes.

Sam's mind kept replaying the events of the day and he couldn't help but smile. He secretly wished he could have done a lot more with Josie in that closet than what actually took place, although consciously, he tried to push those sorts of thoughts from his mind. But one thing was for certain: Josie cared about how he felt about her and Sam couldn't help but wonder about the possibilities of that. He closed his eyes and drifted off into a blissful sleep�

Sam was having an involved conversation with Adam Christiansen about the White Sox when Josie suddenly appeared at his elbow. "Mr. Coulson, I really need to talk to you�right now. It's important." As if to demonstrate her need, she started tugging on this arm.

Sam looked down into Josie's beautiful, expressive eyes and knew he couldn't deny her anything. "Okay," he said softly, and allowed Josie to start dragging him along the hallway. Sam turned with an apologetic smile and called back, "I'll catch up with you later, Adam."

"Okay, Sam," Adam said, as if a teacher being dragged away by a student were the most normal occurrence in the world.

As they continued down the hallway, Sam whispered, "Josie, what are you doing? Where are we going?" As they turned the corner, Josie suddenly placed both her palms on Sam's chest and pushed him into the closet behind them and shut the door behind her.

Stunned at her forcefulness, Sam asked, "Josie, what are you�?"

Josie interrupted him by wrapping her arms around Sam's neck and pulling his head down to hers for a powerfully drugging kiss. After releasing him, she said softly, "You don't know how long I've wanted to do that. I've missed you."

Entranced, Sam let his leather bag drop to the floor and placed a hand on either of her upper arms, pushing her back a little. He stammered nervously, "I�I missed you, too. But you know�we just saw each other in class last period."

"It's not the same thing." Josie wrapped her arms around Sam's waist and clung even tighter as she placed soft kisses in the crook of Sam's neck. "I hate seeing you and knowing you're not available, not accessible to me."

Sam closed his eyes, trying to shut out the heavenly feel of Josie's soft lips on his neck�and was failing miserably. He knew he couldn't, he shouldn't�but it seemed his hands had a mind of their own. Before he knew it, he was gently stroking her soft hair. Sighing he admitted, "I know exactly how you feel."

Josie abruptly broke her embrace, and stared up at Sam with hope glowing in her eyes. "You do?"

"Yes�" he whispered, unable to deny any longer the deep emotions that ran through him any longer. He reached up and cupped the side of her face with his left palm and stroked her supple skin with his thumb. "God help me, but I do�It has been killing me trying to keep my feelings for you secret, even from you."

"Me too," she replied. "But, I don't want to have to pretend anymore, Sam. It's just too hard." Tears began to well up in Josie's eyes, the hurt and pain evident in her voice.

Sam felt a bolt of electricity shoot through him from hearing her speak his name. He wrapped his arms around her, trying to wash away her sorrow. Sighing, he rested his chin of top of her head. "I'm so sorry, Josie," he whispered softly. "It's been hard for me, too. Don't you think I'd love to tell everyone how I feel about you? But we can't, Josie. I can't�"

"I know," Josie said sadly.

Suddenly becoming anxious about their situation, Sam placed his hands onto Josie's arms and softly pushed her back. "Actually, we're taking a big risk just being together in here. Wh�what if we get caught?"

Josie smiled sagely and murmured, "We won't. I promise." Noticing that Sam still looked uneasy about their situation, she said, "Come over here and I'll make you feel better about it."

Josie tugged at his arms, but Sam was adamant. Groaning he said, "Josie�I can't, please�"

Josie sighed and let go of Sam's arms. "Okay." She pushed past Sam and reached for the door and with hurt lacing her voice, said, "I thought you cared about me, that maybe you loved me, but I guess I was wrong."

As she was about to open the door, Sam knew he couldn't let her go. No matter the cost, he had to have her, especially now that she had admitted her feelings for him. "No, wait�" he called softly. He spun around and stayed her movement by wrapping his arms around her curvy body from behind until his hands came to rest on her tummy, bare under the knot she tied her shirt tails in. He pulled her away from the door and back further into his embrace.

Josie leaned her weight back against him and sighed, placing her hands over his.

"I'm so sorry, Josie," Sam whispered into her ear. "Please don't go."

"If you didn't want me to go, then why did you try and push me away?"

"Because�because�" Sam trailed off as he lost his train of thought. His body began to tingle where it touched Josie's, and her perfume seemed to be weaving a spell of arousal around him. As much as he tried, he could no longer think of her as Josie Geller, high school student. The person he was holding against him was most definitely a woman. Giving in to his desires at last, he buried his face into the left side of her neck, kissing and then licking her skin with the tip of his tongue. His fingers brushed across her bare stomach and he found the skin there was just as soft. It was driving him crazy.

Josie brought her left arm up and wrapped it around Sam's neck, holding him to her as he caressed her neck with his mouth and tongue. When she couldn't take the torture any longer, she spun around, wrapping both arms around his neck and planted a smoldering kiss on his lips with a breathy sigh.

Sam moaned against her lips and this time, instead of being a passive participant, he kissed her back with equal ferocity. He wrapped his arms tightly around her body, resting his hands between her shoulder blades, allowing him to mold her body to his.

They continued to kiss passionately, breathing harshly as their lips momentarily separated. They each tilted their heads the other way and their lips found each other again. Josie wrapped her arms even tighter around Sam's neck and tip toed so she could better reach him. She pressed her breasts tightly against Sam's chest and moved her body enticingly up and down his body, driving him absolutely insane with desire.

Josie pulled her lips away ever so slightly, but Sam followed and teased more kisses from her. Finally, he scattered several tender sweet kisses on her lips and then rested his forehead against hers. They gazed deeply into each other's eyes and smiled dreamily.

Somewhere deep in his mind, Sam knew that really this shouldn't be happening, but it just felt�so wonderful, so right, so perfect�as if they were made to be together� This was the woman he loved; he just couldn't stop.

He moved his fingers just slightly against her stomach, tickling her, and teased, "You know, I don't think that's the appropriate way for a teacher and student to greet each other."

Josie shot him a sexy smile and then leaned up to kiss him again. Pulling away slightly, so that her lips were barely touching Sam's, she murmured, "I think that's a perfect way to greet my teacher. Especially one as handsome and wonderful as you."

Sam raised his eyebrow and gave her his boyish crooked grin. "Compliments will get you everywhere, Miss Geller." He wrapped his arms more tightly around her waist and then leaned down to trail soft kisses down her cheek and then scraped his teeth along the lower lobe of her ear.

Josie closed her eyes and sighed blissfully.

Trying to lighten the mood, Sam continued to nuzzle at her ear and whispered, "So, what did you think of my lecture today, Josie?" "Um�well," Josie turned her face to the side and began to cover Sam's cheek with kisses too. "Let's see�I, I really like the part�" she paused to place more kisses, "When you were standing with your back to us and writing at the board."

"Oh, and why is that?" He said in a husky voice, before he moved down to her neck and slid his tongue along her soft skin.

Josie grinned saucily and replied, "Because that's when I had the best view of your cute butt," rubbing a hand across his behind for emphasis.

Sam began to chuckle into Josie's neck and Josie breathed deeply, as if savoring the wonderful feel of Sam's hot breath against the wetness of her neck. Sam stood back up and teased, "Now, now�you're supposed be concentrating on Shakespeare when you're in my class; not my butt."

Josie rolled her eyes and said, "Oh really? Hmm�well, I've seen the way you look at me when you're pretending to be reading. I don't think you're thinking about Shakespeare either."

"Well, how do you expect me to concentrate, when you wear things like this?" Sam tugged at the tied lapels of her shirt.

Josie pulled away from Sam and said innocently, "What�this? I'm wearing a shirt and jeans."

Sam's eyes roamed up and down Josie's body suggestively. "Then, it has to be your spectacular body and the way you wear those clothes. Not to mention that you're showing quite a bit of flesh today." Sam pointed down to where Josie's knotted shirt exposed her tummy.

Josie playfully punched Sam in the arm. "Ouch!" He winced. "What was that for?"

Josie crossed her arms across her chest and tried to look angry at him (but failed). "Because you, Sam Coulson, are a very bad man. Sexy�but bad."

Sam raised his eyebrow and with a wicked grin, teased. "Do you want to see how bad I can get?"

Josie kidded back, secretly hoping he would follow through on his threat, "Hmm, I don't know� Will it be worth my while?"

"Definitely." Sam placed his hands back onto Josie's waist and pulled her close to him. He kissed her gently on the lips and then trailed moist kisses down her neck. Josie closed her eyes, wrapped her arms over his shoulders and sighed, "Oh, Sam."

Sam continued to kiss her and then Josie teased, "I must say, that you've been a wonderful teacher thus far, but I think I'm ready to move onto the next stage�"

"Hmm�." Sam pulled away from Josie, gazed deeply into her eyes and said, "Are you sure you're ready?"

"Yes," she sighed, breathless with anticipation.

Sam then startled her by kneeling down on his knees in front of her. Josie gasped, "What are you doing?"

Sam raised his eyes to Josie and whispered, "Shhh�"

Josie breathed deeply, "But wha�w�"

Sam then placed his hands on her hips and gently moved them to the knot at the bottom of her shirt. As he began to untie the knot, Josie bit down on her lower lip, waiting in anticipation of what he might do next. When he finished, he moved the shirt away, revealing Josie's silky, soft skin.

Sam splayed his hands softly over her skin and then he glanced up into Josie's eyes again. Josie noticed he had that wild look in his eyes: raw sexual desire that made her feel hot all over. He then wrapped his arms around her thighs, until his hands came to rest on her behind. He gently caressed her bottom and then leaned in and pressed his lips to her stomach, kissing and licking her soft skin.

Josie let out an excited gasp and then buried her fingers into Sam's hair, holding his head to her bare tummy. Sam continued kiss her skin, and then he began to trace his tongue down to her belly button, but then her jeans were in the way, so his undid the top button and pulled at the zipper, pulling it down to reveal her white cotton underwear.

Josie's breathing become labored as Sam pressed his lips to her skin again, tracing his tongue down to her belly button and then covered it with his mouth, sucking and nibbling the skin around it. Josie couldn't stifle the moans coming out of her mouth as she leaned against the wall of the closet for support. Her knees felt wobbly, as if they would give out at any moment. She closed her eyes and pushed Sam's head even closer in response. Sam continued to massage her behind while his mouth ventured further down until he was lining kisses on her skin just above her underwear line.

Josie was losing all semblance of control. She suddenly grasped Sam's face in both her hands and bent down to kiss him full on the lips. Sam pulled Josie down to him, so that she too was kneeling down and they continued to kiss passionately, their tongues diving in and out of each other's mouths, as the heat intensified between them.

They snaked their arms tightly around each other and continued to explore each other's mouths. Josie then smoothed her hands down Sam's back and began to pull his shirt out from his pants. She then pulled back and quickly proceeded to unbutton his shirt, pushing it over his shoulders, down his arms and tossing it aside.

Josie shuddered as she stared in the dim light at the sheer perfection before her and then she leaned down and pressed her lips onto Sam's bare chest.

Sam moaned in pleasure as he felt Josie's hot, wet tongue and lips nip, tease, and taste all over his torso. Sam bent his head down and kissed the top of Josie's head through her hair and then snaked his fingers enticingly through her soft curls, as a low moan escaped his lips.

Josie slid her tongue up the center of Sam's chest until she reached the hollow at the base of his neck and gently nibbled away at his skin, driving him absolutely insane with pleasure. Sam wanted to feel more of her too, so he unbuttoned the rest of her shirt and pulled it to the side to reveal a sexy white lace bra filled out perfectly by her voluptuous soft breasts.

Sam took a moment to catch his breath, and then he cupped Josie's breasts in both his hands, gently massaging them, while he leaned in to place a passionate kiss on her luscious lips. He bit down softly on her bottom lip and sucked it enticingly, eliciting sighs of pleasure from Josie's mouth. He then wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed his way down to her breasts. Sam kissed her breasts through the material of her bra, while Josie laid her cheek against the top of his head and whimpered in pleasure.

Sam slowly eased her down onto the floor and then suddenly the closet became a blur around them and they were transported into his bedroom and onto his bed. Sam came down to lay his full body weight on top of Josie, his left leg wedged in between her legs.

Josie rubbed her hands slowly up and down Sam's back while he continued to lick and kiss her neck and silky soft cleavage. He then rolled over so they were lying side by side. He pulled away and gazed deeply into her hypnotic eyes. "God, you're so beautiful."

Josie's eyes welled up with tears and she said softly, "So are you."

Sam smiled and gently brushed her hair away from her eyes. "I love you so much, Josie."

"I love you, too," she whispered, as they both leaned in to share a sweet kiss. Pulling away, Sam then took her right hand and placed it over his heart. He held it there and whispered, "This is where you belong�in here�forever."

"Oh, Sam," she sighed, as tears spilled onto her cheeks. She pulled her hand away and placed a lingering kiss onto Sam's chest, over his heart. She then looked into his eyes and whispered, "Thank you."

Sam kissed her tenderly on her lips and then rolled over onto his back, pulling her over to lie on top of him. Their kissed deepened and their tongues caressed each other. Sam moaned and then he slid his hands up her back, until they came to rest on her bra clasp. Sam slowly unhooked her bra and then suddenly Josie sat up, her legs on either side of his thighs. She massaged his chest muscles, then moved her hands to her bra and she gently eased her bra straps off her shoulders and down her arms; tossing it onto a chair near the window.

Sam kept his eyes glued to Josie's, but then they slowly moved down to her breasts and he simply stared in awe. "Oh, God�Josie," he rasped, breathless at the sight.

Josie was suddenly self-conscious and covered herself up. "What? What's wrong?"

Sam smiled. "Nothing," he whispered as he moved her hands away. "In fact, everything's perfect�you're perfect."

Sam's hands gently made their way up to Josie's breasts and he cupped them in his hands, gently caressing them. He then slowly eased himself up off the bed and moved closer to her breasts, ready to take her nipple into his warm, welcoming mouth. Josie placed her hands onto Sam's face and gently coaxed him towards her�

Sam was abruptly awoken by a loud rapping at the front door. "Ugh," he moaned, as he slowly opened his eyes. He rubbed his eyes with his hands and slowly got up from the couch, grimacing, "Bad�bad timing!"

Sam sat up on the couch, taking a moment to compose himself. He wiped his forehead and was surprised to find that the heated topic of his dream had actually caused him to sweat.

The loud banging at the door persisted and Sam finally called out, "All right, all right�I'm coming!"

As Sam stumbled across the living room, glanced at the time on the wall clock.It was close to 9:30pm. 'Hmm�who could it be at this time?' he wondered.

Sam finally reached the door and opened it. "Oh, it's you. What are you doing here?"

The young man standing in the doorway placed both hands on his hips and teased, "Hey, is that any way to greet your baby brother?"

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To be continued

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