Falling in Love, Part 9
by Patrizia

Date Posted: December 18, 2000

Thanks for your continued interest. Comments are welcome at [email protected] or post on the message board.

* * *

"Geez Sam, I haven't seen you in like a month and this is the way you greet me?" Russ said as he pushed his way past Sam, carrying an overnight suitcase.

Sam wiped his hand down his face. "I'm sorry, Russ. You just caught me at a bad time. I was�sleeping."

Russ eyed Sam up and down and noticed that he was still fully clothed. "You were sleeping in your clothes?"

"I fell asleep on the couch."

"Oh. Sorry." Russ walked into the living room, while Sam followed him rubbing his eyes and still trying to shake the sleep out of him.

Russ was 3 years younger than Sam was, at 23 years of age. His physique was similar to Sam's, slim with an athletic build, although he was slightly shorter. He had the same disheveled hair as Sam, albeit with more reddish tones. Two traits he did possess were those undeniable Coulson green eyes and killer looks.

Russ plopped down onto the couch, and made himself comfortable, while Sam stood before him, rubbing the back of his neck with his hand. "Do you want a drink? Or something to eat?" Sam asked finally.

"A beer if you've got it�" Russ replied, as he plopped down on the couch, propped his feet up on the coffee table and reached for the TV remote.

"Okay." Sam escaped into the kitchen and took the time away to try to pull himself together. He bent down and rested his forehead on the cool metal of the kitchen sink, placing both his hands behind his neck and shaking his head in dismay. He was still trying to come to terms with the rather erotic dream he just had of being with Josie. Granted, men tended to have erotic dreams about of women in general, but this one was different than those: in this one he'd told Josie he loved her and that meant this was much more serious. It meant that, at least subconsciously, the inappropriate feelings he'd been trying to bury were rapidly spiraling out of control. Sighing, he whispered to himself as a warning, "They're going to lock you up and throw away the key, Sam."

Straightening up, Sam went over to the fridge. He was about to open the fridge door to grab a bottle of beer when the freezer door caught his eye first. Still feeling incredibly hot and flustered from his dream, Sam quickly pulled out the ice tray from the freezer and popped out an ice cube. He held the ice firmly in his left hand, allowing the heat from his body to begin thawing the ice. When driblets of water began to seep between his fingers, he slowly ran the melting ice across his forehead, behind his neck and when that didn't seem to help, he pulled the shirt out from his pants, pulled up his t-shirt, and ran the ice all over his chest and stomach.

Sam closed his eyes and sighed as he felt the cold, wet ice cool him down at last. It had felt as if Josie's sensual kisses from his dream had burned into his skin and that nothing could quench the heat. But Sam knew it was most likely his guilt doing that: guilt for having erotic fantasies about his seventeen-year old student. After a few moments, the ice melted down to a small sliver, until eventually there was nothing left.

"Hey, what are you doing in there, brewing the beer yourself?" Russ called out, not bothering to turn his head away from the baseball game he'd tuned in on Sam's television.

Startled at Russ' voice, Sam jumped a bit and opened his eyes, taking a deep breath. "Just a sec," he called. He quickly wiped his wet hand on backside his pants, tucked his shirt back into the waistline and then grabbed two beers from the fridge and headed back to the living room, carrying them by the neck of the bottles. Sam handed the beer bottle over to Russ and then, looking curiously down at his overnight suitcase, he asked, "So what's with the bag?"

Russ took a moment to swig some beer from his bottle and then looking up at Sam like a little lost puppy without a home, he asked, "Um�I was wondering if it would be okay if I crashed here tonight?"

Sam plopped down into his leather armchair. "That's fine. But what's wrong with your place?"

"Uh�Jen kicked me out."

Sam rolled his eyes and let out a soft chuckle. "Again? What did you do this time?"

Russ shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know. I guess she was upset because I forgot our seven-month anniversary. I mean c'mon, Sam, who remembers their seven month anniversary anyway?"

Sam simply raised an eyebrow at him as Russ continued, "She started ripping into me about how I'm not romantic enough and that I don't take her out and blah, blah, blah."

Sam shook his head in dismay. "I warned you about moving in with her too soon. She's not right for you, Russ."

"Yeah�maybe you're right. Actually�." Russ began, "Can you believe she was comparing me to you?"

Sam's eyes widened with surprise. "Really? Why?"

"Oh, she said�" Russ tried to mimic his girlfriend as he repeated, "Why can't you be more like your brother Sam? He's romantic and sweet and I'm sure he wouldn't forget his seven month anniversary."

Sam laughed. "Hmm�" he murmured while rubbing his chin.

"What? What is it?" Russ asked curiously.

Sam looked across to Russ. "Oh, I was just thinking how funny it is that Jennifer wishes you were more like me and how Lara wishes I was more like Josh." Sam paused to reflect on what he just said. "I don't know about you, but I'm thinking that maybe we're both with the wrong women."

Russ nodded quietly to himself, while he thought about what Sam had said. "Actually, speaking of wrong women�is, er�what's her name here?"

"Who?" Sam asked.

"You know�what's her name," Russ insisted.

Sam was still puzzled. "Who are you talking about?" After a moment it dawned on him. "Oh�you mean Lara?"

Russ nodded. "Yeah. Is she here? Because, I don't want to interfere or�"

Sam shook his head. "No. Sh..she's in New York."

Russ breathed a sigh of relief. "Whew!" He then relaxed back into the couch.

Sam studied Russ's reaction to that and he then asked, "Why did you do that?"

"Do what?"

"You looked relieved when I said she wasn't here. Well actually relieved isn't the right word; euphoric is more like it."

"Oh come on, Sam. You know."

Sam shook his head. "Know what?"

Russ rolled his eyes. "It's no secret that Lara hates my guts. Not that I think that she personally hates my guts, but she doesn't like me and to be honest with you, I'm not a great fan of hers either."

Sam was completely floored by this bit of news. "Why didn't you ever tell me about this?"

* * *

"What do you mean Gus fired you?" Josie asked, in a panic. "And why are you so calm about it?"

Anita shrugged. "Come on, Josie. You and I both know that Gus can't get rid of me that easily."

Josie was completely confused. She knelt down on the carpet in front of the fireplace and looked up to Anita, waiting for an explanation.

"When I got back to the office, Gus didn't even wait until I got off the elevator, when he burst out of his office and yelled at me to get in there."

Josie bit down on her bottom lip and frowned. "I was worried that Gus would be upset about what happened."

"Not upset Josie�absolutely blood-boiling livid and that's putting it lightly." Anita paused and then, grinning, said, "Hey, did you know his ears turn a bright red when he's really angry?"

Josie couldn't believe that Anita was making jokes at a time like this. "Do you want me to talk to Gus, because I'm sure when he calms down, he'll see that he made a really big mistake and�"

Anita leaned over and placed a reassuring hand on Josie's shoulder. "Josie, calm down. It's fine. Gus was angry and after sitting me down and giving me one hour lecture on office policy, he ordered me out of his office and told me to pack my things and to never set foot in his office ever again."

Josie sat motionless, in shock by that day's events.

Anita then continued. "So anyway, I was packing all my stuff at my desk and then not five minutes later he stalked out and shoved some work into my face, demanding that I have it finished by five."

Josie was puzzled. "So what does that mean?"

"Duh! That's he's way of apologizing, Josie. You know Gus. He couldn't say sorry if his life depended on it! Besides, Gus loves having me around. He wouldn't know how to run the place without me."

Josie shook her head in bewilderment. "I just don't understand the relationship that you and Gus share�"

"It's a love/hate relationship and it works for us." Anita took a sip from her drink and then grinning wildly, she said, "So enough about me and Gus, I want to know all about you and that beautiful hunk of a man."

"What hunk of a man?" Josie asked innocently, pretending she didn't know Anita was talking about Sam.

Anita placed her glass on the shelf beside her. "Oh come on, Josie! I know even you're not that blind. I'm talking about your gorgeous teacher: the living, breathing Adonis. You know, the one with the incredible bedroom eyes�" Anita let out a soft sigh and said, "And my God, he sure does smell good."

Josie couldn't help but smile, remembering how his cologne surrounded her when they stood closely together in the closet. She took a deep breath and swore she could still smell just a hint of him on her clothes. "He does smell nice," Josie said softly, and then glanced dreamily into the flickering fireplace, smiling.

"Hey, I saw that smile, Jos. So you do like him. Okay, I want details."

Josie rolled her eyes. "There are no details. There's nothing going on."

Anita crossed her arms across her chest and huffed, "I don't care what you say, Josie. You like him and he likes you and everyone in the office knows it."

Josie raised her eyes to Anita and asked inquisitively, "What do you mean, 'Everyone in the office knows it?'"

* * *

"So, why didn't you ever tell me that you and Lara didn't get along?"

Russ couldn't seem to look Sam in the eyes. He fiddled around with the remote control and said, "I don't know, Sam. I guess I just didn't think I should say anything. I mean she is your girlfriend and has been for a long time. I assumed that meant that she was something special to you. It doesn't matter if we don't get along."

Sam was completely mystified by his response. "Of course it does! You're my brother." Sam's defensive instincts then went up for Lara and he said, "But you know, I think your wrong. Lara doesn't hate you."

"Oh yeah? Then why doesn't she ever talk to me?" Russ deadpanned.

"W� what about at Easter last year? You two were talking all night."

"No, Sam. That was Josh she was talking to. She didn't say a word to me all night." Russ paused and then said, "Wait, I take that back. She did say hello and goodbye."

Sam shook his head. "Well what about Thanksgiving, or�"

"Save it, Sam. Lara and I just don't get along. But hey, at least I'm not the only one."

Sam sighed heavily. "You mean Abby, don't you?"

"You said it, bro. Ab can't stand her." Russ plopped his feet on top of Sam's coffee table and continued to flip channels. He glanced over at Sam, who now looked pale and worried. "Hey don't worry, Sam. You're the one that's gonna marry her, not us. It doesn't matter what we think."

Sam then shot back firmly and sharply. "I am not marrying Lara! Ever!"

* * *

Josie buried her face in her hands and sighed heavily. "Oh my, God. So that means you've been watching us together all this time?"

Anita shrugged her shoulders. "Well�yeah. All the women in the office think he's a real hunk and a few of the guys, too. Why? Does that bother you that we're watching you?"

Josie pulled her legs up to chest and wrapped her arms around her legs. Finally, she said, "Of course it bothers me, Anita. It's bad enough that I'm lying to him, but now I find out that you all are spying on us."

"It's not spying, Josie. We're just interested. It's romantic."

"There's nothing romantic about me lying to him. And besides, there's nothing going on anyway."

"Are you kidding, Josie!? I've seen the way he looks at you, hell; everyone's seen the way he looks at you. Wake up and smell the cappuccino, Josie. Your teacher is falling head over heels for you. He adores you."

Josie shook her head in denial, as a look of hopelessness crossed her face. "No, he doesn't. You're wrong, Anita. He has a beautiful girlfriend and he's going to move to New York soon to be with her. He would never fall for someone like me. Never." Tears began to well up in Josie's eyes. She so wanted to believe that Sam had feelings for her too, but every fiber in her being knew that there was no way a handsome, wonderful man like Sam Coulson could ever fall for Josie Grossie.

Anita sighed and said softly, "Why is it so hard for you to believe that he could have feelings for you?"

"B...Because he's beautiful and wonderful and intelligent and�and he would never fall for me," she said, her voice choking up with emotion. "If I wasn't his student and I passed him on the street, he wouldn't even look twice at me. He's just being nice because I'm his student."

Anita could see Josie's insecurities seeping out and she wanted to reassure her. She moved from the armchair and sat on the carpet next to Josie. She gently brushed a stray piece of hair off Josie's forehead and said softly, "Hey, did I ever mention how great you look as a blonde?"

Josie shook her head quietly.

"Well, you do. It really brings out your eyes. And you've lost weight too, haven't you?"

"A few pounds, I guess," she admitted softly. "They're working me to death in PE."

Anita spoke honestly. "Well, you look beautiful, Josie. You really do. And you know what? I think your teacher thinks so, too."

"No, he doesn't." Josie insisted. "Have you seen his girlfriend? She's so beautiful."

"That hag from the club? You're kidding me, right?"

"No, I'm not. She's beautiful, Anita! She's sophisticated, she's elegant�sexy."

"And she's a bitch!" Anita spat out.

* * *

"Gosh, I thought for sure you two were gonna get married. Aren't you moving to New York soon?"

Sam shook his head. "No, I don't think so. Lara and I haven't been getting along lately, so I don't think a move to New York is the wisest thing to do."

"Geez, this is news. So what does that mean? Is it over between you two?" Russ looked at Sam, secretly hoping for a positive response to his question.

Sam sat back in his armchair and stared down at his beer bottle for a long moment. With remorse lacing his voice, he said softly, "Maybe. I think it's been a long time coming, actually." Sam took a moment to reflect of her last visit and then continued, "She was here a week ago and it was a nightmare; and that's putting it lightly. We fought from beginning to end and then she ended up leaving without saying a word to me about it." Sam shook his head. "I don't even know who she is anymore."

Russ didn't know how to respond and just sat silently while Sam continued, "I even took her out one night to Delloser Hall�"

Russ interrupted mid sentence. "Oh yeah? I love that place! They've got great music!"

Sam nodded. "I agree. So anyway, I thought I'd take her somewhere different and you know, maybe have some fun like we used to have in college, but all she did was whine all night and not only that, she embarrassed me in front of one of my students." Sam paused and said softly, as if saying he's thoughts out loud, "What she must think of me for being with someone like Lara?"

"What do you care what your students think about who you date?" Russ asked.

Sam closed his eyes briefly as thoughts of Josie flooded his mind. Finally opening them, he said smiling, "Sh�she's not just my student. She's a very good friend of mine, too. Her name's Josie. She's a really sweet person and she was trying to be nice to Lara, but Lara just dismissed her�" A look of dejection crossed his face again. "Like she dismisses everything in my life."

"For what's it worth, Sam. I am sorry."

Sam sighed. "Yeah, me too."

Trying to lighten the mood, Russ said, "Hey, you know what? It's a good thing. A man can't live the way you were living. You know, you here, and your girlfriend in New York. I mean, when was the last time you had sex anyway?"

Sam raised his eyebrows, shocked at how the conversation had suddenly come around to that topic. "What?!"

* * *

Lara added the finishing touches to her nails and then got up and made her way over to the living room and plopped down on the sofa next to her roommate Katherine. She lightly blew on her fingernails, drying her scarlet red nail polish, while Katherine sat curled up, quietly watching a highly erotic love scene on TV.

Lara's couldn't help but be intrigued by the passion before her and her eyes became glued to the television. Slowly becoming aroused by the scene, she said, "God, what I wouldn't give if Sam were here right now."

"I thought you two weren't talking?" Katherine asked, her eyes still fixed on the screen.

Lara gave Katherine a cheeky grin. "Well yeah, but who said we'd be talking anyway?"

Katherine turned to Lara. "Oh. I see what you mean. You'd be talking the language of love, right?"

Lara nodded. "Right. Sam can do some amazing things with that mouth of his�other than lecturing, if you know what I mean."

Katherine giggled, but then she suddenly stopped. "Hey, I'm confused. I thought you said that Sam was lousy in bed?"

Lara continued to blow on her nails and then with a wicked twinkle in her eyes said, "Let me let you in on a little secret, Kath. Maybe I can teach you a thing or two about men."

* * *

"Anita! You can't call her a bitch. You don't know her." Josie wanted to believe that Lara must have some redeeming special qualities, otherwise why would Sam have spent the last five years of his life with the woman?

"Listen, Josie� I know what I'm talking about. I snuck the tape out of Gus's office and took it home to review it."

Josie gaped at her friend, not believing she would dare do that right under Gus's nose.

Not noticing Josie's reaction, Anita continued, "I watched that club scene over and over again and I'm telling you, she treated him like a little boy. The poor thing even looked embarrassed to be seen with her."

Josie had to agree with Anita on that point. "She did sort of belittle him in front of me."

"Uh huh!" Anita then smiled and said, "But I saw a very different reaction in the way he looked at you when you two practically crashed into each other. His eyes shot wide open as if he was delighted to see you and grinned from ear to ear."

"He was just surprised to see me there on a school night, that's all."

"No way, Josie! He was thrilled to see you there. You could see it in his eyes."

Josie rolled her eyes and said, "I think you need glasses, Anita."

"Josie, I think you're the one who needs glasses. Okay, what about the time when he came to comfort you on the stairs? Or when he apologized for ignoring you?"

A wave of nausea hit Josie as the realization that Anita and her other Sun-Times colleagues had witnessed most or all of the private little moments of hers and Sam's blossoming relationship.

Anita continued, "And what about the night down at Navy Pier? You two were like two teenagers out on a date."

Josie tried to reason with Anita. "He was just keeping me company. He was being nice to one of his students. That's all it was."

"Yeah right, Josie. Whatever you say. So I guess when he told you that guys would be lined up around the block for you when you're older, he was just being nice to you then. Right?"

Josie took a deep breath and smiled at that memory. "Right," she said softly.

"Right, my foot! He was giving you a compliment, Josie. The kind of compliment a man gives a woman, not the kind a teacher gives his student. Why can't you accept that? Oh! And when you were reading your essay in front of the class that day, he looked at you like�like�well, like you were the most amazing, most beautiful person alive. It was like he was in a trance or something."

Josie rolled her eyes at Anita.

"We have all the proof in Gus's office if you don't believe me. See it for yourself."

"I don't need to see it, Anita. I was there, remember? Look, you can play matchmaker all you like, but Sam doesn't care about me in that way. He doesn't and he never will. We're just friends, so can we please just drop the subject?"

Anita sighed. "Whatever. So I guess you've never thought about what it would be like to kiss him, then?"

Josie bit down on her bottom lip and lowered her head. She had thought about nothing else these past weeks except what it would be like to kiss Sam, but she certainly was not going to admit that to Anita. She raised her eyes and said shyly. "He's my teacher, Anita."

Anita rolled her eyes. "I know that, Josie. But I think you have forgotten that, in reality, he's probably the same age as you."

"Actually, I don't know how old he is." Suddenly becoming frustrated, Josie flung her arms in the air and said, "Oh, this is getting ridiculous. I need to tell him the truth, Anita. I hate lying to him, and I'm sure if I tell him, he'll keep my secret. It would just make things so much easier and�"

Anita placed her hand firmly onto Josie's arm and said in a serious tone. "You can't do that, Josie."

* * *

Katherine sat dumbfounded, after Lara had relayed the truth about her relationship with Sam. "Oh my, God! So all this time when you were telling Sam that he was a lousy lover, you only did that so he wouldn't stray?"

Lara was gleaming with pride. She nodded and said, "Yep. Although, I didn't really tell him he was lousy, I just didn't tell him that he was great. It just makes him work that little bit harder in bed to please me."

Katherine didn't know whether to congratulate Lara on her mastery of men or be appalled by it. Crossing her arms across her chest, she said admiringly, "You are one nasty piece of work, Lara Patton."

Lara smiled smugly and replied, "No, not nasty� Clever�very clever. At least I know how to keep a man. Why did you think I'm still with Sam? Because of his amazing bank balance? I don't think so. I mean, Sam is a nice guy, sometimes a little too nice truthfully, but he lacks ambition. I would have dumped him ages ago if he wasn't so great in bed. Actually great isn't the word; he's absolutely amazing! And my God, he sure can kiss." Lara brushed her lips lightly with her fingers and sighed blissfully. "Every time he kisses me, I just quiver all over."

"Gosh, I had no idea! I'm still confused, though� I'm one of your best friends! Why did you tell me he was lousy?"

"Because I've seen the way you look at him when he comes to visit. Come on Kath, admit it. You were attracted to him."

Katherine grinned sheepishly. "Well yeah, who wouldn't be? Sam's gorgeous and he's a terrific guy. But I would never come on to him. You're my friend and my roommate. I would never do that you."

Lara shrugged her shoulders dismissively. "Better to be safe than sorry, I say. Anyway, everything's going to change when he moves here. Maybe finally I can change him into the man I want him to be."

Katherine sighed. "You know, this is just my opinion. But you have one amazing boyfriend, Lara. He's a really great guy and any girl would be lucky to have him. I don't see why you need to change him at all�"

Lara huffed at her friend's lack of understanding. "Because I want my perfect husband, with a perfect career and someone who shows ambition and a bit of drive. Is that too much to ask?" Lara sighed and then said, "If only he were more like his brother Josh!"

* * *

When Sam ignored Russ's question, Russ prodded again. "C'mon Sam. Seriously, when was the last time you had sex?"

Sam stared at Russ blankly and then moved uncomfortably in his armchair. "Umm�you know, my sex life is not open for discussion."

"Oh come on, Sam. I tell you everything about my sex life."

Sam chuckled. "You tell everyone everything about your sex life."

Russ had to agree with that. "Okay, but that doesn't matter. I'm your brother. If you can't talk to me, who can you talk to? And don't say Abby, because she doesn't count. This is guy stuff."

Sam rubbed his chin and mumbled through his hand, "It's been a while."

Russ leaned over and said, "What, what did you say?"

Groaning loudly, he repeated, "I said it's been a while. All right, are you satisfied?"

Russ smirked and said, "Well I am, but you obviously aren't."

Sam rolled his eyes and started to blush. "Okay, forget it. I don't want to talk about this anymore."

"I'm sorry, Sam. I didn't mean to make you feel bad. It's just�I know so many girls who are dying to jump your bones. They keep asking me if you're single. I could set you up like that." Russ snapped his fingers. "Just say the word."

"You know, Jennifer's best friend Stacey thinks you're really hot. I mean, assuming you and Lara do break up, would you be interested?"

Sam frowned and shook his head firmly. "No. First, I still have a girlfriend, even if I do use that term lightly. And secondly, I don't need you to set me up with anyone. I can find someone on my own, thank you. Besides, sex isn't the most important thing in a relationship anyway."

Russ scrunched his face with disbelief at that remark.

Sam continued. "Sure sex is great, but it's just the icing on top of the cake. A relationship is about connecting with someone emotionally. You know, about finding that one person who on every level is your perfect match. I've learned only recently that to make a relationship work, two people have to really respect and understand each other." Sam placed his hand over his heart and smiled. "And it's about finding someone who fills your heart with love and happiness." Sam looked off wistfully. "I dream about that all the time. You know, finding that one girl that I can hold in my arms�every night�for the rest of my life."

Russ simply stared at Sam in awe. "Geez! Jen was right about you. You are a romantic."

Sam hesitated as thoughts of Josie consumed his mind. He smiled and said, "Sex�or should I say making love?�with that person would have to be the most amazing experience in the world."

"Yeah, well you could be waiting forever for that person, Sam, so I suggest you take what you can get in the meantime."

Sam couldn't stop grinning as he continued to think of Josie. "In fact�umm�there is�" Sam realized what he was about to say and instantly stopped himself. Shaking his head, he said, "Forget it."

Russ wasn't going to let Sam off that easily. "No, no, no. I want details. Are you seeing someone else?"

"No! I just meant that�look it doesn't matter, b�because it can't happen."

"Is she married or something?"

"No! That's not it." Sam suddenly grew very uncomfortable and got up from his chair. Trying to change the subject he asked, "Do you want another beer?"

But Russ was not letting up. He smelled a story and was not letting up until he'd heard it. "No. I want to know about this girl. Tell me, Sam."

Sam laughed uncomfortably and said, "There's nothing to tell!"

"Then why do you look so agitated all of the sudden?"

"Because I feel like I'm being interrogated." Sam ran his hand down his face and took a moment to collect his thoughts. He was desperate to tell Russ, in fact the whole world, how he felt about Josie and what an incredible woman she was, but if he was having difficulties coming to terms with having feelings for a seventeen year old, then he didn't think anyone else would understand. Sighing heavily, he said firmly, "Just drop it, please?"

Russ nodded. "Okay. Okay." Russ paused and then said. "You know, nothing's impossible Sam. You're a great guy. Heck, even my own girlfriend wishes I was more like you." Sam smiled down at Russ. Russ then continued, "Haven't you been alone long enough?"

The answer to that was a big fat yes. Maybe Russ was right, Sam decided. He had been alone long enough and if he could find the courage within himself, then maybe, just maybe he would allow love, real love into his life. Sam smiled. "When did become so wise, Russ?"

Russ scratched his head. "I don't know. A Coulson trait, I guess."

* * *

A look of sadness washed over Josie's face. "Why can't I tell him the truth?"

"Because Josie, I've already mentioned it to Gus and he said that if you did that then he would fire you without even thinking twice."

Josie sighed. "But maybe if I talk to him, I can make him understand that�"

"It's no use, Josie. Gus is mad enough as it is. I think it's best that you just continue things the way they are. I'm sure after everything is said and done, then you can tell Sam everything and live happily ever after. Like Cinderella!"

"I'm not so sure, Anita! He's been such a good friend to me and every time I lie to him, it just kills me inside."

"Look, when Gus calms down, I'll try and work my magic on him again. Maybe I can get him to come around, but for now just keep up a brave face." Josie nodded. "Well, unfortunately I gotta go. I don't want to get Gus any angrier than he already is, so I guess I should get into work on time for once�huh?"

Anita pushed herself up off the carpet and grabbed her bag. Josie followed her to the door. "Thanks for stopping by, Anita."

"You're welcome, Josie. If you ever need to talk just call me. Cynthia and I really miss you at work."

"I miss you guys, too."

Anita put her arms around Josie and gave her a warm embrace. "Chin up, Jos. Everything will work out. You'll see." Josie smiled. "Goodnight."

"Goodnight Anita." Josie then closed the door and leaned her body against it. "I pray that you'll understand, Sam. I really hope you do."

* * *

The next morning Josie got into school early, as she wanted to meet up with Sydney and go over some of her ideas for the new prom theme. Josie was wearing a brand knew knee length pink floral skirt and a pink shirt, which she purchased the evening before at the mall with Gibby and the other girls. It was still quite early, so the hallways were fairly empty, except for the janitor who was busy sweeping the floor. As she passed him, she nodded a hello and then smiled to herself as she remembered being locked in the janitor's closet with Sam the day before. Josie clutched her books tightly to her chest and closed her eyes briefly, fantasizing about Sam pressed against her in the closet. Suddenly she crashed into someone.


Josie's books toppled to the ground. "I'm so sorry." Josie quickly bent down and picked up her books, not realizing that she had actually crashed into Sam. "I wasn't looking where I was going."

Sam laughed. "I noticed."

Josie suddenly recognized the voice and she slowly raised her head to find Sam smiling down at her. "I'm�.I'm�" Josie couldn't seem to get the words out of her mouth, because not only was she embarrassed that once again she had crashed into him, but she simply wasn't prepared to find Sam looking so incredibly gorgeous. He was wearing a pale blue t-shirt and dark blue shorts, exposing his incredibly strong athletic legs and he had sweat dripping down his face and neck.

Sam held his hand out to Josie and she latched onto his fingers. They both surreptitiously sucked in a harsh breath as their fingers touched. Sam smiled and helped her to her feet. "It would probably help you not to bump into people if you walked around with your eyes open, Josie," Sam joked.

Josie bit down on her bottom lip. "I'm so sorry. I�I."

Sam placed his hand on her shoulder to comfort her. "Hey, its okay. I was just kidding."

Josie tucked her hair behind her ears and smiled shyly.

"So what are you doing here so early today, Josie?"

Josie couldn't seem to concentrate as the glistening beads of sweat that dribbled down Sam's face and neck had her in a trance. "Oh, I�I wanted to catch up with Sydney�about the prom stuff."

"Oh." Sam noticed that Josie seemed to be staring at him. He glanced down his body and could see the sweat forming into a pool on his t-shirt. Looking back up and meeting her eyes apologetically he said, "You probably don't want to stand too close to me, Josie. I've just been out running. Actually, I need to take a shower."

"Oh? A shower?" she repeated dumbly, her mouth suddenly going dry at the thought of Sam Coulson naked under a stream of water. 'Do you want me to wash your back for you?' Josie internally mused, and then was mentally shocked at her line of thought. Gosh, she'd obviously been hanging around Anita too much!

Sam smiled. "Yeah. Umm�I try and get into work early sometimes so I can use the track to go running. I need to stay in shape," he said self-consciously, patting his stomach. "Desk job, all that�"

Josie nodded and smiling said admiringly, "I think you're in great shape." She then lowered her eyes, unable to believe her own forwardness. She didn't know where this new found confidence was coming from, but she found that she liked being able to talk so openly with Sam.

Sam grinned. "Er...thanks."

An uncomfortable silence filled the air. "So� I guess I should get going." Josie said, not really wanting to be out of Sam's company. He just looked too damn cute in those shorts!

"Where are you meeting up with her?" Sam asked.

"In the media room�I think."

"Well, I just passed that room and everything is locked up. There's no one in there."

"Oh, really?" Josie looked down to her watch. "I guess it's still pretty early." Josie sighed. "I'll just go wait in the library and maybe catch up on some homework."

"What? Josie Geller hasn't done her homework?!" Sam shook his head. "Shame on you," he laughed.

Josie smacked him gently on the arm and smiling said, "Stop teasing me, Mr. Coulson, otherwise it's banana time for you!"

Sam smiled at Josie's reference to her "weapon fruit" of choice, but felt his face flush as the unbidden image of Josie trying to slide a condom over said weapon. Trying to bring his mind back to the present, he said, "I'm sorry, Josie. And I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but the library doesn't open for another 20 minutes."

Josie sighed. "Oh. I guess I'll wait in the student lounge, then."

"Or�" Sam swallowed hard and tried to summon up some courage. "I�um�I was going to eat breakfast in the classroom. W�would like to join me? I bought croissants�.do�do you like croissants?" Sam asked smiling. His look then changed to one of hopeful anticipation.

Josie smiled brightly. "I love them� and I would be happy join you," she said shyly. "But only if you're sure�"

Sam sent her his adorable crooked smile. "Of course I'm sure, Josie. I'd enjoy the company." Sam hesitated and then said, "I still have to have a shower, but I promise I'll make it quick. Okay?"


Sam was about to turn around, but stopped short. "So, you want to wait for me in the classroom?"

Josie nodded. "Yes."

Sam felt as if he was about to burst out of his skin, but he tried desperately to remain calm. "Good. Okay. I'll see you there in five minutes." Sam spun around and jogged down the hallway.

Josie stared in awe at his retreating form, not able to remove her eyes from the way his muscles rippled in perfect synchronization as he moved.

Almost as if he could feel her eyes on him, he turned around and called back, "By the way�.you look really nice today, Josie." Sam then spun back around and smiled to himself, as he resumed his trotting down the hallway to the shower block.

Josie's mouth fell open at his last comment and she thought she would die of pure happiness. Her lips slowly curled into a blissful smile. "So do you, Sam." She said softly to herself. Josie took a few deep breaths and then suddenly the butterflies in her stomach began to work overtime, as she realized that she now had a 'breakfast date' with Sam. "Oh, God."

* * *

To be continued�

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