Falling in Love, Part 7
by Patrizia

Date Posted: October 16, 2000

Thanks for your continued interest. Comments are welcome at [email protected] or post on the message board.

Click here to hear "The Magic Touch" by The Platters

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With Josie's body pressed tightly against Sam's in the darkened closet, Sam needed all his strength to slow down his rapidly beating heart and repeated nervously, "Josie�um�so�w�what are we doing in here?"

"Well�" Josie breathed deeply, herself lost in the wonderful tide of sensations that encircled her. She could feel Sam's crisp, clean thin cotton dress shirt against her cheek and she couldn't help but wonder what it would feel like to rest her cheek against Sam's bare chest. Just the thought of it caused her body to shudder.

Sam swallowed hard as he felt the shiver run through Josie's body. It was more than he could stand. Just the thought that it was possible that Josie could be affected by their closeness as well pushed him to the edge of his control. In a desperate attempt to regain control, he took an abrupt step backward, breaking their contact. "Ouch!" he cried, as a pain shot through his lower back.

"What happened? Are you okay?" Josie asked, placing a concerned hand on Sam's chest.

Sam took a deep breath and slowly let it out between his clenched teeth. Although he knew that Josie was simply concerned about him, his nerve endings still tingled from her soft touch. With a slight grimace, he turned slightly and rubbed his back. "Yeah, I'm okay. Something just jabbed me in the back�that's all."

"Oh. Then maybe you should move back over here where it's safer�" Josie felt her way from Sam's chest across to his shoulder and down his arm until she reached his elbow, where his sleeves were rolled up. Grabbing his forearm just below the folded up sleeve, Josie began to pull him closer to her again.

A delicious warmth spread through Sam, following the path Josie's fingers had drawn on him. So much of his attention was drawn to the weight of her hand on his arm that he didn't even notice the slight resistance from behind him until it had literally started to pull the tail of his shirt from the waistband of his pants. "Wait a second, Josie," he finally said, barely above a whisper. "My shirt is caught on something."

"On what?" she whispered back.

"I don't know�" Sam tried to reach behind him to unhook himself, but with no success. He just couldn't seem to find whatever it was he was hooked on.

Josie hesitated. She knew that she wanted to help Sam, but was afraid that she may also have been looking for another excuse to touch him. Sighing, she realized it was probably both. Softly, she said, "Here, let me help you�" Taking a step forward so that they were toe to toe again, she squeezed her right arm around Sam and in the darkness tried to feel what his shirt was stuck on.

As Josie's hand slid slowly up and down his back, Sam grew increasingly aware of how close they were standing, and the effect her caresses were having on him. Nervously, he mumbled, "Uh�Josie?"

But Josie was intent in that moment to find the culprit that had caught Sam's shirt. She didn't notice Sam's reaction to her. "Shh� Wait a second." Josie slipped her other hand around also and they slid further down his back until she reached his waistline, where Sam's shirt was now completely untucked. Following the tail of the shirt, she finally felt a wire brush that seemed to be caught in a loose thread of the side hem of Sam's shirt. "I think I got it!"

Josie used her left hand to brace against the small of Sam's back while using her other hand to pull the thread free from the wire brush. When the thread finally gave way, Josie found herself off balance and quickly slid her other hand onto Sam's back to keep steady. In her haste, she ended up getting her hand tangled in the tail of his shirt and her palm landed on the bare spot of his back left exposed.

"Oh God!" Sam breathed to himself. At the touch of Josie's hand to such a sensitive spot on his back, the vision of Josie touching him there for another reason altogether appeared before him. It wouldn't take much for Sam to take that last step to fill the gap between their bodies, to wrap his arms around her and kiss Josie until they were both senseless� In fact, it was much harder to resist the urge than to obey it� Before he'd realized it, he was already beginning to lean toward her when he caught himself. Sam jumped back in mortified surprise, accidentally wedging Josie's hand between his back and the shelving behind him.

"Ouch!" Josie cried, yanking her hand free and shaking it.

"Oh, gosh! I'm sorry� I'm so sorry!" Sam stepped forward and reached for Josie's throbbing hand. "Here, let me see that�" he said. He held her hand in his right hand and caressed the top of it with his left, trying to rub the pain away. "I didn't mean to hurt you." It was at least a small comfort to him that they were still in the darkness so that he knew Josie couldn't have seen his momentary loss of control.

"I know," she said softly. "It's okay."

Sam continued to gently stroke her hand. "Does it hurt much?"

Josie closed her eyes and let out a gentle sigh, savoring the wonderful feel of Sam's soothing caress. "Oh no," she sighed blissfully, "It feels great." Josie was mortified by what had just come out of her mouth and she immediately snatched her hand away from Sam's. "Thanks. I'm okay."

Sam ran a nervous hand through his hair and then reached around to tuck his shirttail back into the waistband of his pants. Then, peering around in the darkness he said, "You know, I can't see a thing. Is there a light in here?"

"I don't know," Josie breathed, trying to stop her heart from pounding from Sam's touch.

"Excuse me." Sam skirted around Josie and ran his hands up and down on either side of the door. He successfully located the switch and flicked it on, dimly lighting the small closet. Sam took a moment to catch his breath and then he slowly turned to face Josie. He leaned his back up against the door and folded his arms across his chest.

Raising an eyebrow, he said, slipping into his more comfortable teacher voice, "All right, Josie. What gives? What are we doing in here?"

Josie bit down on her bottom lip in nervous anticipation. She knew she couldn't let Sam know the truth about Anita, so she quickly tried to think of another excuse. "Um�well�"

"Yes, Josie?" Sam urged. "I assume you have an explanation�"

Josie shifted her weight uncomfortably from one foot to the other and uttered, "Of course I do�" Josie hedged, "I mean, I wouldn't just drag you in here for no reason�It was because of�because of�Miss Hamilton!" Josie nodded to Sam, hoping he would buy that excuse.

Sam shook his head in confusion. "Huh? What does Miss Hamilton have to do with this?"

Josie hesitated and then said, "I...I saw her walking toward us and I knew that you were in no mood to have to deal with her� you know with everything that's going on with that fake Pam Kitterman� So, I just wanted to get you away from her as quickly as possible. That's all."

Sam stared at Josie for a long moment, trying to process what Josie had just told him. His expression one of utter confusion, but then his face lit up and he began to laugh. He couldn't believe that Josie would go to such lengths to protect him. He also thought it was the sweetest thing in the world. "That�that's really sweet of you, Josie. But, you know� I'm going to have to face her sooner or later."

Josie smiled in response to Sam's sweet laugh. "So, you're not angry with me then?"

Sam patted Josie's shoulder. "Of course not. But I have to admit that I was pretty darn surprised when you dragged me in here."

Josie giggled, and said, "Well, I didn't know it was a closet at the time� I'm sorry Mr. Coulson. I really don't know what came over me�"

"It's all right, Josie. You were just protecting me." Sam smiled fondly at Josie and continued, "But you know what? I can't always expect you to be around to drag me into darkened corners, shielding me from women like Miss Hamilton."

Josie's expression changed to a serious one and she said softly, but firmly, looking directly into Sam's eyes. "I would, if I could."

The smile on Sam's face slowly faded and they gazed deeply into each other's eyes. Suddenly the warning bell rang, shaking them both out of their mutual reverie. Anxiously Sam said, "Unfortunately we can't stay in here all day, so we better go."

Josie panicked and reached behind Sam to place her hand on the doorknob. "No!" Realizing how she must sound, she tempered her outburst with, "What if she's still out there?"

Josie of course, was more concerned about Anita still being out there. "Maybe we should wait a few more minutes? Maybe until after the bell rings? Surely she has a class�"

Sam was taken aback by Josie's strange behavior. "Don't you have a class to get to, Josie?"

Josie shook her head quickly. "No. I have a study period now."

Sam raised an eyebrow at the news that Josie also had this period free. "Okaaay. But I still think we should go."

Josie, defeated, sighed and said, "You're right. I'm sorry." She let go of the doorknob, allowing Sam access to it.

Sam faced the door, turned the doorknob, and pushed lightly, but the door wouldn't budge. "Um�I think we have a problem�"

"What do you mean?" she asked curiously.

Sam glanced over his shoulder and looked down at Josie, a small touch of panic glimmering in his eyes. "The�ahem�door won't open."

Josie secretly smiled. So for once, luck was on her side today� "Oh, really?" She tried to sound distressed, but wasn't sure she was all that convincing. "Geez, that's not good."

Sam continued to jiggle with the doorknob, but to no avail. "Nope. It doesn't want to open." He turned back to Josie. "Um�what do we do now?"

Josie shrugged her shoulders. "I guess we just wait."

"Wait?" Sam croaked. "Wait for what?"

"Yeah. We can just wait here until someone comes along." Just enough time for Anita to get out of the building, she told herself.

Sam didn't think that was a good idea. "Uh-uh, Josie. We can't just sit here and wait. We could be stuck in here all day! And besides, I have work to do and�"

Josie interrupted him. "But, there's probably no one out there anyway."

Nevertheless, Sam turned around and started to knock on the door. "Hey! Is anyone out there? We�we locked ourselves in here. Can someone open the door?"

When no one came to their rescue, Josie said, "See. Everyone's in class now."

Sam sighed. "You're probably right." He leaned back up against the door and then rubbed the back of his neck with his left hand.

Josie noticed his frustration and asked, "What's wrong?"

"I just feel like such a fool," he said, sighing heavily.

"Please don't. It's my fault that we're stuck in here. Not yours."

Sam smiled, but shook his head. "No, not about that. I mean about Pam Kitterman."

Josie lowered her eyes, guilt slamming over her in waves. "Oh."

Sam slid his frame down the door until his bottom touched the ground. He stretched his left leg out in front of him and pulled his right leg up to his chest so that he could rest his right arm onto his knee. "How could I be so stupid!?" He spoke more to himself than to Josie.

Josie sat down next to him. "Please don't blame yourself. It wasn't your fault�really."

"Yes it was, Josie. I was responsible for the seminar and the least I could have done is made sure that I had the right speaker. I should have asked to see her credentials or something� I guess I was just so relieved that someone finally showed up, that I wasn't thinking clearly."

Josie sighed, feeling completely responsible for Sam's despair. "I still don't think it's your fault, Mr. Coulson. After all, when does this kind of stuff ever happen? Who just shows up out of the blue and takes over someone else's seminar? I know I wouldn't have thought of it�"

"Maybe�" Sam said noncommittally, not quite ready to forgive himself for his blunder.

Josie frowned when she thought about how much trouble Anita had caused Sam. She hesitated and then asked, "Was Principal Kerdan upset with you?"

"No. But Pam Kitterman was furious. She said that her car had broken down, which was why she was running late. Then when she showed up to the room and saw the session was already in progress, she went straight to the office to find out what was going on. She was not a happy woman."

"It sounds bad," Josie said, staring down at the ground, unable to bring herself to make eye contact with Sam.

Sam sighed. "It certainly wasn't one of the highlights of my career, that's for sure. And once word gets around to the other teachers about what happened, I'm sure they'll give me hell for it."

"They wouldn't, would they?"

Sam rolled his eyes. "Well maybe not all of them, but Adam definitely will. I mean� Mr. Christiansen. He likes torturing me�"

Josie smiled. "I'll stick up for you�"

Sam sent Josie a warm smile. "Thanks, Josie." After a moment, he began to chuckle and said, "I have to admit that who ever that woman was, she was pretty good. I think I even learned one or two new things today."

Josie raised her eyes and smiled. She was relieved that Sam could see the humorous side of this situation. "She was very entertaining and I'm sure in another situation, she would be a really nice person."

"I don't know, Josie� But you are right; she was entertaining." Sam paused and then, with a cheeky twinkle in his eyes, teased, "Oh, and when I gave you permission the other day to hit me in the head, a condom wasn't exactly what I'd had in mind for your weapon of choice�"

Josie was horrified. Her eyes and mouth gaped wide open. She then buried her face in her hands and moaned, "Oh God� I'm soooo sorry."

Sam wasn't expecting Josie to take it so seriously. He leaned over and placed his hand on Josie's knee, saying, "Hey, Josie�It was supposed to be a joke� I didn't mean to embarrass you."

Josie peeked out from behind her hands and, although Sam was trying to be serious, he was having a hard time keeping a straight face. Josie placed her hands onto her hips and said, "Oh! So you think this is funny, huh?"

"What?! No, no. It wasn't funny at all, Josie. See, I'm not laughing." Josie stared at Sam for a long moment and then he began to giggle.

Josie got up on her knees. "You're going to torture me with this forever, aren't you?" she wailed.

Sam shook his head. "No!" He paused and then continued, still teasing, "Okay, maybe just for a couple of days."

Josie stalked over to Sam on her knees. She feigned an angry expression and said, "If you don't watch it Mister, I'm going to fling that banana at your head next!"

Sam was surprised by Josie's mock ferocity. Trying to keep a straight face he commented, "Oh! Is that so?"

Josie crossed her arms and nodded. "Yep! So you better start behaving."

"Okay, Josie. You win. I'm sorry. I promise I won't laugh anymore."

"And to think I was going to stick up for you? Ha!"

Sam now felt completely guilty. "I really am sorry."

"So you should be. And don't think for a second that I won't use that banana on you, because I will. You know, fruit is considered a lethal weapon in some countries."

Sam tried desperately to keep his laughter at bay, but the image of Josie with a banana in hand, ready to use it as a weapon, sent Sam reeling over the edge and he burst out laughing again.

"That's it," Josie hissed. "You're in trouble now!" She elbowed Sam in the knee, but he continued to laugh hysterically. Josie began to laugh too, but she wasn't going to let Sam get the better of her. "Stop laughing!"

"I'm trying," he choked with tears streaming down his cheeks.

Josie continued to whack Sam in the leg, but when she saw that wasn't working, she scrambled up to hover over him and placed her hand firmly over his mouth, trying to stifle his laughing. "Are you going to stop now?"

Sam continued to laugh for a long moment at the ridiculousness of the situation: Josie kneeling imperiously over him, giving him death looks while she covered his mouth with her hand. But then suddenly, it wasn't funny at all. His senses registered lots of little details at once, like how Josie's chest was now leaning hard against his right arm, and the movements she made against him due to her rapid breathing; they way her warm breath fanned his cheek; her light airy fragrance that she always wore surrounding him. He was lucky he was sitting down, he thought, because he didn't know if he could have handled the sudden assault of non-platonic thoughts he was having about Josie and still be able to stand up.

Sam's laughter trickled down to nothing as he stopped and gazed deeply into Josie's magnificent eyes. Sam was amazed at the sensation of having Josie sweet, soft hand against his mouth�amazed and tempted. If she left it there too much longer, he wasn't sure if he could trust himself not to kiss it.

As Sam stared at her with his incredibly deep green eyes, Josie was suddenly intensely aware of how close their bodies were. Every single place where they touched suddenly burned. She might have been imagining it, but she could swear that Sam's lips were twitching underneath her palm, as if placing whisper-soft kisses there. A shiver pulsated through her body when she felt Sam's mouth open slightly and his hot breath tickle her palm, and then she hastily pulled her hand away.

"Good," she said, breathing heavily. "You've stopped laughing."

Sam and Josie continued to stare at each other, both becoming very aware of the situation they were in. They were alone, locked in a dimly lit closet, and they both had enough desire shining in their eyes at that moment that they knew it would take all their respective wills not to give into those desires.

Flashes of Sam's college day dorm parties suddenly flooded his mind. The closet was always the best making out spot and Sam found himself gazing intensely at Josie's full sensual lips. His breathing became heavy as he imagined wrapping his arms snugly around Josie's body and drawing her into a long, sensuous kiss.

Josie too, was lost in her own fantasy with Sam. She wanted nothing more than to crawl over to him, nestle in his arms and bury her face into the side of his sexy masculine neck. Josie itched to touch it; but not just touch it, but kiss, nibble and suck at it. The thought of Sam doing the same to her sent shivers up her spine.

Josie fanned herself down with her hand. "I'm feeling hot. Is it hot in here?"

Sam tugged at his shirt collar and croaked. "Yeah. It�It's definitely hot in here."

Josie crawled back to her side of the closet and sat up against the wall, pulling her knees up to her chest and wrapping her arms around her legs. They both remained quiet, and then to break the tension, Sam glanced over to Josie and said, "I really am sorry about laughing before, Josie. It was wrong of me."

Josie rolled her eyes and smiled. "It's okay. I guess it was a little funny."

"And painful," Sam pointed out.

"Oh no� Really?"

Sam nodded. "Yeah." He hesitated and then said, "It was my fault, actually. I shouldn't have startled you. Especially considering that you and Tracie were sharing a personal conversation."

"I don't know about personal. I was just trying to make a point." Josie smiled shyly to Sam.

Sam was intrigued. "Oh, and what was that? If you don't mind me asking, of course."

"No, I don't mind." Josie tucked a stray piece of hair behind her ear and began softly. "Umm... she said that she was thinking of having sex." Sam swallowed hard as Josie continued. "And I was just telling her that I thought she should wait until she meets the right person."

Sam closed his eyes briefly and grimaced. 'I had to ask, didn't I?' he thought. He then opened them and said, "That...that's really good advice, Josie."

Josie continued. "She is only sixteen and I wouldn't want her to make a mistake or rush into something that she's not quite ready for. I mean, it's a big deal."

Sam nodded. "Yes it is. And it is something that should be taken seriously. I wish more teenagers were as mature about it as you are, Josie."

Josie smiled.

Sam paused and then said, "So umm...is that one of the reasons you chose the theme 'Meant for Each Other'?"

Josie shrugged her shoulders. "I don't know. It's the first thing that popped into my head. I guess I've always been a sap for romance, you know, all those great literary couples like Romeo and Juliet, Cathy and Heathcliff....Rosalind and Orlando."

Sam smiled fondly at Josie, in awe of her sweetness and intelligence.

Josie continued, "And I've always believed that people are meant for each other. You know, that sooner or later you're bound to meet your soulmate. I know it sounds corny, but..."

Sam shook his head. "It's not corny at all, Josie. Actually, I think it's very sweet." Sam hesitated, and then said softly, "Like you."

Josie lowered her eyes and smiled.

Sam suddenly began to feel very uncomfortable about their topic of conversation and he tried to change the subject. "With two weeks until prom, we certainly have our work cut out for us now. We're going to have to work extra hard to change all the existing backdrops and that may well blow our budget."

Josie put her thinking cap on and then said, "Have you thought about sponsorship?"

"Do you really think that would work?"

Josie shrugged her shoulders. "I don't see why not. We could approach some of the local hardware businesses and see if they would sponsor our prom and maybe give us some free goods or even give it to us cheaply. I've heard that lots of schools and colleges get sponsorship and you would be amazed at the things you can get. And if that works, maybe we could even�" Josie looked up at Sam, who was staring at her and grinning from ear to ear. "Um�why are you looking at me like that?"

"Because you never cease to amaze me, Josie Geller. And I think it's a great idea. We'll discuss it at the meeting this afternoon."

Josie smiled. "You know, I still can't believe how serious everyone is about the prom around here."

Sam started to fiddle with some of the bristles of a broom lying to next him and said, "I know what you mean. I was really surprised when I first came here, but I'm used it now. East Glen East and South Glen get up to a lot of dirty tricks to outdo each other every year. The competition gets really insane sometimes. It certainly wasn't like that in my day."

Josie suddenly became very curious about Sam's own prom. "So, what was your prom like?"

Sam smiled at the memory. "Oh, just your normal typical crazy prom." He began to chuckle and then said, "It was a nightmare when I think about it, but at the same time I had a lot of fun."

"What happened to make it a nightmare?" Although, Josie knew that whatever it was, it could no way compare to her own horrific prom experience.

"Hmm�where do I start?" Sam rubbed his chin and then began. "I was having a great time, until my date Julie got sick and ended throwing up all over me." Josie giggled, as Sam continued. "She unknowingly drank quite a lot of the spiked punch, which later on explained to me her rather wild behavior. But after she got sick, I was absolutely terrified to take her home, because she had a really strict military type father; so I didn't know what to do�"

"So, what did you end up doing?" Josie asked, intrigued.

"Well, I certainly couldn't take her home in that condition. A few of my friends had rented a hotel room, so I ended up taking her there in the hopes that I could get her cleaned up and maybe sober her up a little, before I took her home. But that ended up being a really bad idea."

"Why? What happened?"

"I only had the best of intentions, and all I wanted to do was take her there, get her sobered up and then take her home. But we both ended up falling asleep on the couch, and then when I woke up in the middle of the night and had a glimpse of the time, I almost had a heart attack."

"Why? What time was it?"

"It was after 3a.m. and I was supposed to have her home by 1."

"Oh no!" Josie placed her hand over her mouth.

"Oh yes! So here I am trying to wake her up, but of course with my luck she wouldn't, so I had to carry her out through a room full of drunken idiots and then get her into my car and well I don't even want to tell you what happened when I took her home. Suffice to say, we never went out on another date again and I remember feeling very relieved that I was going away to college in another state, so that I wouldn't be anywhere near her father."

Josie sympathized with Sam. "Oh gosh! You poor thing."

"I guess all in all it wasn't so bad. And my senior prom does make for an interesting conversation now. It's those highs and lows in life that makes living so fun and exciting. I guess it can't always be perfect and I did have a fantastic time at my junior prom, so I can't complain."

Josie shook her head. "I think they should just get rid of Proms all together."

"Don't worry Josie, I'm sure you'll have a wonderful prom night. Just promise me that you'll stay away from the punch and especially any hotel rooms."

Josie sighed. "I don't know if I'll even go."

Sam was flabbergasted. "What?! Josie, you have to go. How could you not want to go your own prom?"

"It's just�oh, I don't know� I guess I'll just wait and see." Josie's first prom night experience was the worst night of her life, and she was going to be extra cautious about attending another one. Job or no job, she knew she could not face that humiliation again.

Sam was puzzled by Josie's lack of enthusiasm. "Please go, Josie. It won't be the same without you. You didn't want to go to senior night either and we ended up having a great time, didn't we?"

Josie smiled, thinking about how it was the best night of her life and the closest she ever felt to being on a date. "Yes. I had a lot of fun. But that's because�" Josie's voice lowered to an almost whisper. "Because you stayed with me."

Sam sent Josie his boyish crooked grin and said, "Well, how about if�" Sam suddenly stopped talking and stared at the wall to the right side of Josie.

Josie smiled and waved her hand in front of his eyes. "Mr. Coulson. What's wrong?"

"Don't move, Josie." Sam got onto his knees and inched closer to Josie, his eyes on the wall the whole time. "Just stay right there," he whispered.

"Why are you whispering? And what are you looking at? Is there a spider behind me or something?"

Sam looked into Josie's eyes and nodded. "Oh God! I hate spiders!" She whispered anxiously. Josie began to panic. "What's it doing? Is it a big spider?"

"Just stay calm and don't move." Sam looked around the closet and picked up a dustpan. "Okay Josie, now I want you move over here really slowly." Sam held out his right hand and Josie grabbed it, but instead of moving across slowly, she panicked and sprung behind Sam and wrapped her arms tightly around his waist, hiding her face in his back. "Kill it! Kill it!" she cried into his ear.

Sam gulped. When he felt Josie's arms around him he completely forgot about the spider�at least for a moment. The spider, in the meantime, raced up the wall and Josie said, giving Sam a nudge, "It's getting away!"

Sam stood up, as did Josie still clinging to him tightly, and bunching his shirt in her fists. He reached up and tried to whack the spider, but it was too fast and it crawled behind the shelf. Josie was nearly hysterical. "Oh my God, where did it go?!"

Sam swallowed hard. "Josie, calm down�calm down." He placed his hands over hers and gently coaxed them off of him. He held onto her hands and then slowly turned around.

Josie's breathing was fast and furious and she continued to look around her; worried the spider would get her. "Can you see it anywhere?"

"It's gone, Josie. Okay, just relax."

"Relax! But it was so big and disgusting and hairy. Did you see how hairy it was? That spider needs a serious appointment with the barber." she said frantically.

Sam gripped Josie's hands tightly and whispered. "Shhh, its all right." He gazed deeply into her eyes and spoke softly. "I'm not going to let it hurt you. I would never let anything hurt you."

Josie looked intently into Sam's beautiful warm green eyes and she suddenly felt safe and protected. She took a moment to catch he breath and said, "I'm sorry."

Sam smiled. "Sorry for what? For being afraid of spiders?"

"No. For acting like such a cry baby."

Sam laughed. "If I remember correctly, I wasn't exactly the bravest person up on the Ferris wheel. And to be honest with you, I'm not exactly a fan of spiders, either. So don't worry about it. Okay?"

Josie nodded. "Okay. But you know what?"


"I'm really ready to leave this closet now. I don't mind being locked in here with you, but that spider is still lurking in here somewhere and I'm sure its six beady little eyes are staring at us right now."

Sam chuckled. "All right, Josie. Let's call out for help."

Sam and Josie released hands and he turned around to face the door, but Josie stuck close by him. Sam was about to start pounding on the door when Josie stopped him. "Um�maybe that's not a good idea after all?"

"Why, what's wrong now?"

Josie smiled shyly and said, "Well�look at our situation. You're my teacher and I'm your student and we're locked in a closet together." Josie hesitated and then continued, "Some people might get the wrong idea and I wouldn't want you to get into any trouble."

Sam smiled sheepishly. "Oh. I see your point. But, there shouldn't be a problem. We'll just explain. It should be fine."

Josie was not convinced. "Uh-huh, so we'll just explain to whoever opens the door that we just accidentally locked ourselves in. I mean who would believe that anything was going on anyway. Right?"

Sam swallowed painfully because he knew that he'd come pretty darn close to crossing that line several times in the last few minutes. Trying to cover his discomfort, he too-readily agreed, "Right. I mean the idea of you and I�together...that, that's just absurd!"

'Absurd! He thinks the idea of us being together is absurd!' Josie suddenly registered a sharp pain in her heart and she turned away from Sam.

Sam saw Josie flinch at his words he tried to backpedal. "I mean, I �"

Josie stared at the door for a moment with the word 'absurd' spinning around in her mind. She suddenly forgot she was supposed to be pretending that she was seventeen years old and in a hurt tone whispered, "I guess if it were Gibby, Kirsten or Kristen, it wouldn't be so absurd, now would it?"

Sam's eyes widened, shocked and surprised at the sudden turn their conversation had taken. "Uh, Josie� I didn't mean the way it sounded, I just meant that�"

But Josie was too hurt to listen. "It's okay. I know what you meant." She said it softly, brokenly, and Sam could tell she was holding back tears. Sam felt his body shiver. He was too stunned to say anything. 'What in the world is going on here?' he thought to himself. 'She couldn't have feelings for me, too�could she?' Suddenly Sam was more scared then he'd ever been in his life. It wasn't bad enough that he couldn't seem to control his behavior around Josie, but the possibility that she might be having the same problem was�mindblowing.

Sam tried to stop his hands from shaking and he gently placed his right hand onto Josie's shoulder. "Josie�" he began softly.

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To be continued�

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