Falling in Love, Part 6
by Patrizia

Date Posted: September 19, 2000

The following doesn't exactly follow the book or script. Thanks for your continued interest. You can email comments here or post on the message board.

Click here to hear "Found Out About You" by The Gin Blossoms

* * *

Josie could feel her face begin to flush and she suddenly felt nauseated. Looking up to Sam, she stammered, "W�what do you mean by I've been keeping something from you?" even though something told her that Sam had uncovered all her secrets.

Sam shook his head. "Oh, come on, Josie!" he insisted. "Okay? I already know."

Panic set in and Josie began to ramble, "Look�I can explain everything. I honestly never meant for it to go this far. I just didn't know how to tell you�" Josie looked as if she was about to burst into tears, worrying that she had lost Sam's friendship and trust forever.

Sam ran his hand through his hair. "That's what I mean, Josie. I have to admit that I was a little disappointed to find out from Mrs. Parks�"

"Oh my God! She knows too?" Josie interrupted, tears burning her eyes. Josie suddenly, had an image of Mr. Rigfort humiliating her in front of her Sun Times colleagues as he booted her butt out of the building.

Sam puzzled by Josie's behavior. "Of course she knows, Josie. She's the one who told me."

Tears began to shimmer in Josie's eyes as the shame she felt for lying to Sam rippled throughout her body. "I don't know what to say�" she half- whispered. Unable to make eye contact with Sam, she hung her head low, staring down at the ground and whispered, "Gus is going to kill me."

"Huh?" Sam was now confused. 'Who's Gus?' he thought. But then Sam began to worry as Josie looked almost faint. He gently took a hold of her right arm and directed her towards his chair. "Come on, Josie, sit down and we'll talk, okay?" He rubbed her shoulder soothingly for a moment to garner a response.

Josie nodded, peeking up at him through her wet eyelashes. "Okay," she said softly.

Sam nodded, then crossed the room to grab a chair, dragged it over, and sat down next to her, placing a reassuring hand on her left arm. "Listen�" he began.

Josie continued to stare down at the ground miserably.

"Josie�" Sam paused, but Josie didn't move. A little more firmly, but still kindly, he said, "Josie�look at me." Sam tipped her chin up with his right hand.

Sam felt that same jolt of electricity he always seemed to feel whenever he looked into Josie's eyes, except this time it also caused his heart to ache because he, for the first time, noticed the tears that were brimming in them. Instantly, Sam softened his stance with her.

"Aw, Josie� Don't cry� I'm sorry." His thumb twitched for a second, because he was about to reach up and wipe her tears away, but he caught himself before any damage was done.

Softening his voice even further, so that it was almost a caress, he said, "I'm sorry for the reacting the way I did, for coming down on you so hard. It's�it's just that when Mrs. Parks told me that you weren't going to college, I�well, I just couldn't believe it! You�my best and brightest student!"

Josie was stunned. Dumbly she repeated, "College?" And then, "That's what you were talking about?"

Sam gave Josie a curious look and said, "Yeah. Why, what did you think I was talking about?" He raised an eyebrow, awaiting her response. When she didn't answer right away, he sat back in his chair, crossed his arms, and added, "And who's Gus?"

"Gus?" Josie suddenly realized she had said too much. "Oh, he's�he's my Uncle Gus�We're staying with him�" She hoped and prayed that he wouldn't probe any further about Gus.

Sam sighed deeply. "Okay. So�why didn't you apply to any colleges, Josie?"

Although Josie was relieved that Sam hadn't learned the truth about who she really was or why she was at South Glen South, she also didn't want to be in a position where she had to continue to lie to Sam. Growing increasingly nervous, Josie stood up and said, "You know I'd love to sit here and chat, but I have a class to get to and�"

Sam grabbed Josie's hand, looked her straight in the eye and answered, "It's okay, Josie; I'll write you a note." Sam tugged at her hand and motioned with his eyes for her to sit back down.

Josie stood motionless for a moment, caught in Sam's wonderful green eyes. Unheard and unnoticed, the bell sounding the beginning of the next period rang.

Josie broke the eye contact and looked down at their hands for a long moment and sighed. Josie knew she wasn't going to be able to get out of this without lying and she absolutely hated the thought of having to lie to Sam. Josie sat down and when Sam released her hand, she began to twist her hands together in a nervous gesture.

Sam sighed when he saw this and then commented, "You know, Josie� I've noticed that you always twist your hands together when you're nervous."

'My God, do I really give that much away?' Josie thought in a panic. She sat bolt upright and instantly stopped, digging her fingernails into her palms.

Meanwhile, Sam continued in a soothing voice, "You have nothing to be nervous about, Josie�especially with me. I thought you knew that by now�"

Josie glanced shyly at Sam, who in response sent her an encouraging smile.

He continued, "I want you to feel comfortable with me and I want you to feel you can come to me for anything. Aside from the fact that I'm your teacher, I thought we made it clear that we are also friends. Didn't we?"

Josie felt Sam's eyes boring into her and she answered with a whisper, "Yes."

Sam grinned and pressed, "And friends help and support each other�right?"

Josie smiled and then nodded. "Right," she whispered.

"So� I have to say that I was a little�no, a lot disappointed to find out that you weren't going to college. I mean, I try to encourage all my students to go. So you have to imagine my complete and total disbelief when Mrs. Parks told me that you weren't planning on attending, that you hadn't even applied to any schools. I just don't understand, Josie� Why?"

Josie sighed. "I really don't know what to tell you� I� It's sort of expected of me to go right to work when I graduate, and�well� I just decided not to go�that's all." Josie knew that Sam wasn't going to buy that excuse.

Sam took a moment to collect his thoughts. "Oh Josie, Josie, Josie," he said shaking his head. "How can you limit yourself like that?"

He leaned in closer, stared directly into Josie's eyes and spoke sincerely. "College opens up so many possibilities to you. Don't you know that you have the potential to be anything and do anything that you want in life?"

Josie had already been to college and she knew that it didn't work that way, at least not for her. She lowered her eyes in shame and slowly shook her head back in forth in denial.

But Sam was not deterred. He was determined to reach her. He grabbed both her hands, holding one in each of his and squeezed comfortingly, and then shook her hands slightly in emphasis as he said, "I believe in you, Josie�And with your kind of writing talent, you could have the world at your feet! You just have to be brave enough to go out there and get it."

Josie felt tears pricking her eyes. She didn't know if she was crying because she felt so awful about lying to Sam, and not being able to tell him that she did in fact spend four years at Northwestern, or because he was being so incredibly sweet and supportive.

After a long moment of silence, Sam continued, "So, is there a reason why you don't want to go to college?"

"Well�" Josie said the first thing that popped into her head. "My family doesn't believe in college. They think college is a waste of time, that I should just get out there and start working." Josie mentally rolled her eyes at this monstrous lie.

"A waste of time?!?" Sam spouted out, amazed that in this day and age, people still felt like that. "Do you want me to talk to your parents, because�?"

"No, no, no!" Josie interrupted, panicked. "Please don't. It would only make things worse!"

"Why? Maybe if they heard it from me, one of your teachers, how important college is to your future, they might change their minds?" Sam pressed.

"That's really nice of you, but I would prefer if you didn't�please?" Josie pleaded.

Sam sighed and shook his head. "This doesn't make any sense, Josie! You're so talented!"

Josie quickly tried to think of another excuse. "Well, you see�I would love to go to college, but it's just so expensive and my�"

Sam looked suddenly relieved. "Oh, is that it, then? You're worried about the money? Because there are scholarships and student loans and�"

Josie shook her head. "I know, but it's probably too late anyway, and�"

"It's never too late, Josie. There has to be a way for someone as talented as you, and I'll do anything I can to help out. Maybe together we can figure something out. What do you think?" Sam smiled encouragingly.

Josie was fighting a losing battle so she decided to give up. "Okay�I'll think about it�maybe."

"Uh-uh!" Sam folded his arms across his chest. "That's not good enough, Josie. Don't just humor me, here. Promise me that you'll really think about it."

Josie nodded. "Okay. I promise."

Sam smiled. "Good. And don't you think for a second that I'm going to give up on you that easily, Josie Geller. I'm going to get you into college, even if I have to pay for it myself!"

Josie rolled her eyes and grinned at his obvious exaggeration. "Uh huh, sure� I don't think your girlfriend would be too happy about that," she said jokingly and then lowered her eyes, embarrassed that she brought up Lara.

Sam thought about it for a second and then replied seriously, "You're right; she wouldn't. But then she'd probably just laugh and tell me I couldn't afford it anyway�"

Josie gave Sam a curious look. This was the first time he had made such a self- depreciating comment about his relationship with his girlfriend. Sure, he had told her that "they had their differences," but that's not the same as implying that one's girlfriend might actually act in such a belittling and caustic manner as to make light of his life's work.

Sam blushed slightly, as if he had only just realized that he'd said more than he should have. Rolling his eyes, he said, "It's a long story."

"Oh," she said as she bit down on her lip.

Sam abruptly changed the subject. "Now, about that note." Sam turned around to face his desk and grabbed a piece of paper and pen and proceeded to scribble a note. Glancing sideways at Josie, he said, "This is kind of becoming a regular occurrence...huh?"

Josie smiled. "Yeah. They'll be dedicating a plaque in my honor soon for that sombrero."

"Uh oh! That must mean you've got Ms Knox next�right?"

"Yep." Josie said nodding her head.

"Sorry," Sam said, meaning it. He knew how embarrassing it must be to wear that hat in front of all those other kids. "And I kept you back last week, too�didn't I?" he said, while handing her the note.

Josie grabbed the note. "Uh huh."

"I'm sorry, Josie," he said again. "Well, you better get going then."

"Okay. Thanks." Josie picked up her book bag and headed for the door.

But as she reached the doorway, Sam called out to her, "Um�Josie?"

Josie stopped at the door and turned back around to face Sam. "Yes?"

Sam hesitated, not wanting to upset Josie all over again. But then his curiosity got the better of him and he said, "Umm�I just remembered something Ms. Knox mentioned to me."

"Oh?" she said nervously.

"Yeah. She told me that in her class, you said that you were from Bali. But I checked your transcripts and they said you're from Scranton, Pennsylvania. Why would you tell her that you're from Bali?"

Josie's heart began to beat frantically. She stared back down towards the ground and said, "Umm�well I�well you see�"

Sam crossed the room to stand before Josie and bent down to try and make eye contact with her. "I'm sorry, Josie; I didn't mean to embarrass you. I just thought it was odd that you would say that."

Sam tipped Josie's chin up again. "I realize that was probably your first day and you were worried about whether people would like you. But, Josie, you don't have to pretend you're from an exotic place just to impress people. There's absolutely nothing wrong with being from Pennsylvania."

"I know," she said shyly. "I�just�"

"Remember what I told you, Josie, about being yourself. If people don't accept you for who you are, then they are not worth having in your lives. Do you see my point?"

Josie nodded shyly. "Yes." Josie hesitated, unable to make eye contact with Sam again. "I'm going to get going now, if that's okay?"

"Sure�sure. I'm sorry for keeping you so long." Josie now looked so melancholy and Sam felt horrible because he knew he was the reason for her now somber mood. Sam sighed, but he thought it best if he didn't question her further.

Josie was about to step through the doorway, when she turned back to Sam. "Mr. Coulson?"

"Yes, Josie?" Sam said tentatively.

"I just wanted you to know that I do feel comfortable with you," she said softly.

Sam's eyes lit up and a huge smile crossed his face. "I'm glad, Josie. And I really am sorry for the way I acted earlier. I was just so surprised and, I guess, a little sad that you felt you couldn't talk to me about this."

Josie sighed and she felt her eyes well up with tears again. "I'm so sorry, Mr. Coulson. I'm so sorry about everything."

Josie wanted nothing more at that moment than to sit down with Sam and tell him the truth about everything. She knew going into this assignment that it was going to be difficult lying to a bunch of strangers about her true identity, but she had no idea how much it would hurt, that she was now lying to a dear friend�not only a dear friend, but also someone who trusted and believed in her.

Sam moved closer to Josie and placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. "Its okay, Josie. Really."

Josie gazed back up to Sam and smiled.

"I care about you�y�your�future I mean." Sam said nervously, trying to cover up his slip. "I only want the best for you."

Josie looked back up to Sam with her big soulful eyes and shot him the most brilliant smile; a smile that made his heart ache. He wanted nothing more at that moment than to sweep Josie up in his arms and hold her tight: tight enough so that he could take away all her fears�and tight enough so that she could take away all of his.

Sam and Josie continued to gaze into each other's eyes, until Sam closed his eyes against his growing attraction for Josie and whispered huskily. "You should get going."

Josie nodded. "Okay. Bye." And with that she turned and walked out the door.

Sam stood and watched as Josie headed down the hall and out of his sight. All the while, the words of wisdom that he just offered to Josie echoed through his mind. He spoke to her about people accepting her as she was and it suddenly dawned on Sam that when it came to Lara, she was far from accepting of who he was. Yet for some unfathomable reason, Sam continued to allow to Lara to belittle him, just for being the person he was.

Sam sighed. He knew he had some serious thinking to do where his relationship with Lara was concerned.

* * *

"I'm telling you, guys, I have got to see this guy in the flesh!" Anita said drooling over her lunch, while she sat with Cynthia and Rhoda in the staff lunchroom.

Cynthia shook her head. "And how do you expect to do that?"

Anita stared at them blankly and then her eyes widened as if a light has been turned on. "Well�I might just pop on over to South Glen South during my lunch break tomorrow and say 'Hi,' to Josie."

"Are you out of your mind, girl?!" Cynthia shrieked, practically spitting the food out of her mouth.

"Cynthia's right. Gus would never let you do that!" Rhoda said nervously.

Anita rolled her eyes. "What Gus doesn't know won't hurt him. Besides, I miss Josie, and who better to give us the scoop on what's happening between her and that hunk of a man than Josie herself."

Cynthia shook her head in dismay. "You do what you like, Anita, but you better make sure Gus doesn't find out, or he'll fire you for sure."

Anita rolled her eyes, thinking how absurd that notion was. "Yeah�like that really scares me! Gus couldn't live two minutes here without me and he knows it!"

* * *

Later that evening, Sam sat at his roll top desk as if he were a defeated man. He had spent most of the afternoon on the phone, hoping that there would be some colleges who would be prepared to accept a late application, but thus far he'd had no luck.

Sam leaned back in his chair and tapped his fingers onto the wood grain surface of his desk. He glanced over to his address book and after a moment's thought, he smiled and grabbed the book.

Sam wandered into the living room while flipping through his address book and then plopped down into his leather chair. He grabbed the phone, took a deep breath, and then dialed.

"Hello?" came a soft, sweet voice.

"Hi Sally, it's Sam."

"Oh my, God!" she exclaimed excitedly. "Sam, how are you?"

Sam grinned. "I'm good�I'm good� and you?"

"I'm great! Gosh, it's been ages!"

"Yeah, I know." Sam said apologetically. "So, how's Paul? Are you guys all set for the wedding this summer?"

"Paul's great, but don't even talk to me about the wedding. It's been one disaster after another�as wedding planning usually is." Sally paused. "And how about you? Any plans for you and Lara to head down the aisle anytime soon?"

Sam nearly choked. "What?!" He cleared his throat and then said. "No, no. There are definitely no plans for that in the near�or distant future."

"Oh. So, I guess that means that things haven't gotten any better between the two of you?"

Sam sighed. "We have our moments," he said sadly.

"Well, that's what you get for dumping me, Sam Coulson!" Sally joked with a mock indignant tone.

Sam laughed and bantered back, "Hey, wait a second, Missy� If my memory serves, you're the one who did the dumping, not me!"

Sally giggled, and replied, "I know, Sam� I was only kidding. But at the time, I just didn't think an intercollegiate relationship would work, you know?" After a moment, Sally pondered, "You know�I have to admit that I wonder sometimes if we would still be together if I didn't move away. I honestly don't know how you and Lara have kept up a long distance relationship for so long. You must really love each other to try and work things out. Is that the secret?"

Sam hesitated. He didn't even know how he would even begin to respond to that, but he also knew that Sally could read him like a book, so lying was not the way to go. "Honestly, Sally, I think it's more a case of us being used to each other. I really don't think love has much to do with it�not anymore anyway," Sam sighed.

Sally listened to the sorrow in the voice of this sweet man who was her college sweetheart and replied softly, "I'm so sorry, Sam. I didn't know."

But then, brightening her voice, she said, "But hey, don't you worry. If things don't work out between you and Lara, I'm sure there's a heap of women just waiting in the wings for you. And in my completely biased opinion, whoever you choose will be the luckiest girl in the world."

Sam instantly thought of Josie and smiled, even though he knew it could never happen. Then suddenly, he remembered why he called Sally in the first place. "Umm�so hey listen. I was wondering� Do you still work at Dartmouth?"

Sally laughed at Sam's unsure tone and said, "I sure do. Why?"

Sam smiled. "Oh, good. Because I was kind of wondering if you could do me a really, really big favor?"

* * *

When Josie arrived to the classroom the following the day for the sex education seminar, she found Sam waiting impatiently at the entrance of the door, with his back turned to her.

She tapped Sam on the shoulder. "Hi, Mr. Coulson."

Sam spun around smiled. "Oh, hey, Josie. How are you?" He perfunctorily glanced down Josie's body and did a double take when he saw a sliver of skin peeking out from between Josie's knotted shirt and jeans. He swallowed hard and made eye contact with Josie again.

"I'm good, and how are you?" she asked, flashing him an unconsciously sexy smile.

Sam closed his eyes for a moment to regain some control and then frowned. He bent down and whispered in her ear, "Honestly�? I'm a little nervous."

Josie was surprised. "Why?" she asked softly. Her voice came out a little breathy; a reaction to the wonderful feel of Sam's hot breath across her ear.

Sam stood back up. "Because, Miss Kitterman should be here by now and she hasn't shown up yet."

"Why would that make you nervous?" Josie asked curiously.

"Because if she doesn't come, then I have to give the lecture. And um�well�Shakespeare to a bunch of teenagers I can teach, but sex�" Sam trailed off with a shudder.

Josie stared up at Sam, as she watched his mouth form the word 'sex'. Just hearing him say it conjured images in her head that were entirely inappropriate for her and her teacher.

Meanwhile, not noticing Josie's preoccupation, Sam continued, "Sex education is an entirely new ball game. If you know what I mean�"

By now, Josie was way off kilter. She just couldn't seem to get her mind off a one-on-one lesson with her favorite teacher. She breathed deeply and then rambled nervously, "I wouldn't worry if I were you. I'm sure you'd be great at teaching sex!" Josie was mortified by what just came out of her mouth, realizing that subconsciously, that had been just what she was thinking. Desperately, she tried to cover her tracks. "I meant�that you would know about the body�I mean the sex organs and�"

Trailing off suddenly, Josie thought, 'Oh God, what have I done?!?' and suddenly felt faint. Placing both hands over her flaming cheeks, she choked out in barely above a mortified whisper, "I think I'm going to go sit down now."

Sam chuckled softly, noting Josie's obvious embarrassment. He decided not to add to it by making a comment, so he simply said, "Okay."

Josie looked around the room, hoping she could hide somewhere in the back, but the only spot left was in the front row next to Tracie.

Just then, she looked up and saw Anita standing in the hallway waving frantically at her. Josie's eyes widened in complete surprise and mouthed at her, "What are you doing here?"

Anita responded by mimicking eating and smiled.

Sam paced the front of the room and grew more anxious with each minute. "All right, all right guys. As you probably noticed, this certainly isn't�English. Um�we've combined a few classes today here for the seminar and hopefully the speaker will be here any minute now."

'Uh oh,' Josie thought, 'Anita better get out of there�' Josie tried like mad to surreptitiously motion to Anita to leave, but in typical Anita fashion, she didn't get it.

Just then Sam noticed Josie signaling to someone at the door, so he went over to find out who was there.

When Josie saw Sam turn and approach Anita, she just about had a coronary.

Sam peeked out the door and saw an attractive brunette hovering in the hall. Realizing this must be the speaker he was waiting for he greeted her. "Hi," he said, his relief obvious in his voice.

Anita was taken aback by seeing Sam up close and personal. He was even more handsome and sexy in person. "Hey� Oh hi," Anita said nervously.

The woman's hesitant response made Sam wonder for a moment if he had indeed made a mistake. "Uh�Are you here for the sex talk?" Sam asked awkwardly.

Taken aback, Anita still had to admire the man's up front attitude. "Well�" she laughed, flattered, "I like a man who gets right to the point."

Sam was not prepared for Anita's blatant flirtatious nature and he asked warily, "Are you Pam?"

Anita eyed Sam up and down suggestively and then said in a low sexy voice, "If you say so."

"Okay." Sam took her by the arm and pulled her into the classroom. "Juniors, seniors�this is Pam Kitterman. She's going to lead us in our sex discussion."

Anita was mortified. "What? What!?" No�" When she realized there was no escape, she played along. "Hi�hi�I'm Pam. Hi�well sex, what you do say? You like a guy�you do it with him�sometimes he calls and sometimes he doesn't."

'Uh Oh.' Sam thought. 'This is going to be a long seminar,' and stepped out into the hall for a moment for some air.

When Sam left the room, Josie saw this as a chance to get some answers out of Anita. She shoved some books off her desk and quickly Anita approached Josie.

"Hi." Anita whispered, thrilled to see Josie again.

"What are you doing here?" Josie asked, amused and stunned.

"I had a lunch break, so I came by to say hello. God, your teacher is such a fox!" Anita said dreamily.

Josie saw Sam re-enter the classroom. "He's coming back! He's coming back!" she whispered frantically.

Anita tried to put on her best act and said, "Umm�Why don't we talk about that later? And I just want you to know that the burning sensation is totally normal."

Josie's jaw practically fell to the ground, while the rest of the class snickered around her.

Sam looked across to Josie, feeling utterly sorry for her that 'Pam' had embarrassed her like that. 'Poor thing,' he thought to himself.

* * *

"So to conclude what I've just been discussing, is what is clinically termed as sexual intercourse!" Anita smiled triumphantly. "Any questions?"

Every student in the room sat in silence; their mouth left hanging open after Anita's very detailed description of sexual intercourse. Even Sam, who sat quietly on the side of the room observing Anita's 'performance', was left speechless. Sam was quite sure that he already understood the fundamental dynamics of sex, but he admitted that even he learned one or two things today.

Sam glanced over to Josie and studied her for a moment. He suddenly couldn't help but wonder just how experienced Josie was when it came to physical relationships. He knew that in this day and age, a high percentage of teens regularly participated in some form sexual activity. Still, for some reason, he had a feeling that Josie wasn't one of them.

'She is very beautiful,' Sam thought to himself, 'and she does have that amazing body.' Sam tugged at his shirt collar and then shook his head, trying to rid himself of the scandalous images forming in his mind. Admonishing himself he thought, 'Get your mind out of the gutter, Sam Coulson. She's seventeen years old, and your student besides�'

Suddenly, Josie peeked over her shoulder and caught Sam looking at her. Sam blushed for a moment at being caught staring, but then, realizing that she couldn't have known he was staring, he smiled warmly, and winked at her, nodding his head toward Anita and rolling his eyes.

* * *

Gus and three of his male colleagues sat staring at the screen, in utter disbelief as to what was taking place before them.

"Please, please tell me I'm not seeing what I'm seeing!? Please tell me that's not Anita up there running Josie's sex education seminar?" Gus said, shaking his head.

One of his colleagues turned to Gus and said, "I think she's doing a pretty good job, actually."

Gus turned and gave him a venomous look. "I don't know what the hell she's doing with those bananas, but she is so fired!"

* * *

Tracie turned to Josie while she fumbled with her condom and said, "I feel like I'm really ready to do it. You know, like have sex�for the first time."

Josie was surprised and a little concerned, considering that Tracie was only sixteen years of age. "It's a big deal."

Tracie nodded, agreeing with Josie. "I know."

Josie continued, wanting to make Tracie really understand. "You know, Adelie penguins spend their whole lives looking for that one other penguin and when they meet them, they know�."

Sam couldn't help but overhear what Josie was saying. It was just like her to talk about love and finding that one special person in such a meaningful way. He inched closer to Josie and stood silently behind her.

"�and they spend the rest of their lives together." Josie smiled blissfully when she finished.

Tracie furrowed her eyebrows, obviously not getting the connection. "But, I'm not a penguin."

"It's an analogy," Sam pointed out from behind them, smiling.

Josie, who had been just as clueless as Tracie when it came to applying her condom, and had unwittingly put it over the top of the banana inside out, so it refused to unroll. In her shock at hearing Sam's voice right behind her, she accidentally let go of the prophylactic and it shot off the edge of her banana just like a rubber band, catching Sam square in the eye. Sam flinched from the impact, but said nothing, knowing that he probably deserved it for eavesdropping on Josie's conversation in the first place.

Josie was mortified. "Excuse me. I have to go die now�" was all she said before hiding her face in her hands.

Sam smiled weakly; a little embarrassed by what just happened.

Suddenly Sydney's sweet voice was heard booming through the loud speaker. "Hey kids, Sydney here. Bad news about the prom. East Glen East is doing Millennium too!"

Shock and horror spread throughout the classroom and Sam tried his best to settle down his hysterical students. "All right, calm down�calm down. Sit!" He said firmly. "Okay, let's focus. It's prom theme. All we need is a new idea�"

Anita shot her arm up in the air. "How about 'Under the Sea'?"

No one was impressed with that idea. "It's been done." Guy pointed out.

Sam thought he'd give it a go. "How about 'The Eighties'?"

Josie smiled weakly at Sam's suggestion, but no one else seemed to like that idea either. Gibby put her two cents in and said, "What do you think we are�amateurs?"

Guy rose to his feet and took charge of the situation. "All right�all right� Josie."

Josie turned around in complete shock and stared at Guy.

Sam crossed his arms across his chest, also wondering where Guy was going with this.

Sera blurted out, "That's not a Prom theme!"

Guy rolled his eyes. "Thank you. Ah�no. Josie will have the answer."

Josie smiled and looked around the class while her mind was busily coming up with an idea. This was her chance to shine and she didn't want to blow it. "How�how about "Meant for Each Other: Famous Couples Throughout History'?"

The class sat in silence, as if waiting for Guy's approval. Guy smiled. "Absolutely. Absolutely!"

Suddenly, the room was full of cheer and Josie smiled triumphantly, knowing that she was well on her way to being accepted by the cool kids.

Sam was impressed too and he clapped along with the rest of the class. Josie turned to Sam to gauge his reaction and Sam sent her a warm smile in return. Sam knew that acceptance from Josie's peers meant a lot to her and it now seemed to Sam that the rest of the students were finally waking up to what he all ready knew - that Josie Geller was an amazing girl!

* * *

The bell suddenly rang, signaling the end of the session.

"Okay. Okay guys. Umm...it looks like the seminar is over, so I would like to thank Pam Kitterman for coming in today and for her very interesting and vibrant discussion." Sam turned to Anita. "Thank you, Pam." He said with a genuine smile.

"Oh�no problem." Anita said enthusiastically. "I really enjoyed it. And I'm available if anyone has any questions."

Josie rolled her eyes, thinking that Anita was enjoying her role as the sex expert way too much, not to mention really pushing her luck.

"That's really nice of you, Pam. Thanks."

As the students started to file out of the classroom, Josie headed directly to Anita. "Anita, you better get out of here before you get in trouble." She whispered anxiously.

Anita pulled Josie to the side. "So, what's going on between you and loverboy over there?" Anita pointed to Sam and Josie, growing nervous, quickly pulled Anita's hand down.

"Stop pointing to him! And I have no idea what you're talking about!"

Anita rolled her eyes. "Oh come on, Josie! I want all the gossip!"

"There is no gossip," Josie insisted. "Now you better go."

"Okay, but I'm coming over tonight and we're going to talk about this, all right?"

"Okay, okay�just go." When Josie saw Sam approaching them, she practically shoved Anita out the door.

"Where did Pam go?" Sam asked Josie.

"Oh�she had to go. Umm�she said something about running late for another seminar or something like that." Josie sighed. She hated lying to Sam.

Sam nodded. "Oh�okay." Sam and Josie exited the classroom together and walked slowly along the hallway. "So what did you think of the seminar, Josie?"

Josie smiled shyly. "It was very interesting. She�she went into a lot of detail."

Sam rolled his eyes. "She sure did. So um�I guess congratulations are in order."

Josie gazed at Sam questioningly. "What for?"

"For coming up with the new prom theme�I was really impressed!"

Josie smiled ecstatically. "Really? I mean, you really think it was a good idea?"

"Of course, Josie. Everyone else seemed really impressed, too. I guess things are finally starting to work out for you here, huh?" Sam and Josie stopped in the middle of the hallway.

"I guess." Josie paused and then said. "I owe a lot of that to�"

Sam and Josie were suddenly interrupted. "Mr. Coulson?" They both spun around to see Mrs. Lucent standing behind them. "Principal Kerdan would like to see you in his office immediately."

"Oh�okay. I'll be right there." Sam turned back to Josie. "I'll catch up with you later, Josie."

Josie nodded. "Okay."

Before Sam turned to leave, he bent down and whispered jokingly in her ear. "I'm probably in trouble for keeping you after class and making you late all the time."

Josie giggled softly and whispered back, "Just think of all the papers you'll be able to grade when you're in detention�"

Sam laughed and then squeezed Josie's shoulder before he hurried off down the hall behind Mrs. Lucent.

Josie stood watching Sam, still smiling from the warmth of his touch to her shoulder. She closed her eyes momentarily basking in the warm glow that enveloped her body. Suddenly Gibby, Kirsten and Kristen approached her.

"Hi, Josie." Gibby said cheerfully.

Josie smiled, but wondered about their intentions. "Oh, hi guys."

"Your prom theme idea is totally rufus, Josie!" Kirsten said, using her best sucking-up smile. The other girls nodded in agreement.

Josie smiled. "Gee, thanks."

Gibby then said, "So um� We have some ideas for the new theme, but we wanted to run them by you first. Is that okay?"

Josie was shocked. 'They want to run some ideas past me?' Josie couldn't believe this turn of events. "Sure, okay. That would be great!" she said with a huge smile.

"Totally rufus! Okay, we'll see you later, Josie." And with that they turned and headed down the hall, leaving Josie completely confused, but a happy confused. "Rufus," she said to herself.

* * *

Not more than two minutes later, as Josie was standing at her locker shoving her bag inside, she saw Sam sprint by her, with not so much as a glance towards her.

"Hey!" Josie called out. Sam stopped and turned to Josie. She summoned up a little courage and with a smile said, "So how much trouble did you get into?"

Sam approached Josie, his face ashen with worry. "Josie have you seen Pam Kitterman?"

Josie could feel heart begin to pound. "Um�I think she left. Why?"

Sam leaned down and whispered, "Can you keep a secret?"

Josie nodded.

"I was just in the office with Principal Kerdan and Pam Kitterman."

Josie was not only confused, but now mortified. What in the world was Anita doing in Principal Kerden's office?! "I'm confused. I thought you said you were just looking for her�"

Sam sighed. "I was in the office was the real Pam Kitterman."

Josie gulped before she gasped, "What?!"

Sam started to walk down the hallway with Josie. "Yeah, can you believe it, Josie? I mean, I don't know who that woman was, but she certainly wasn't Pam Kitterman."

Josie was feeling faint. "Are you sure? I mean that other woman could be a phony�"

Sam shook his head. "She had I.D., Josie." Sam continued. "Pam, I mean the fake Pam, looked sane enough to you didn't she? I mean, why would someone�?"

As they began to turn the corner, Josie's eyes nearly popped out of her head when she saw Anita down the hall talking to Tracie. Josie couldn't risk Anita being found out, so she swiftly grabbed Sam's hand, and yanked at his arm, pulling him into the closest door she could find.

Sam was completely shocked. "Josie, what are you�?"

Josie pulled Sam into the darkened room and slammed the door behind her. Squished tightly together in the darkness, Sam breathed heavily and said, "Uh, Josie�? What are we doing in the janitor's closet?'

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To be continued

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