Falling in Love, Part 5:
by Patrizia

Date Posted: August 17, 2000

Thank you for your encouragement and your continued support. It means a lot of me. You can email comments hereor post on the message board.

Click here to hear "Say You, Say Me" by Lionel Richie

* * *

Josie stood looking at the ground, but said nothing, so Sam repeated the question. "Josie," he said softly, "Can we please talk?"

Josie shook her and stammered "I...I really can't. It's late and I'm sorry, but I..."

Sam interrupted Josie before she could finish. "Please, Josie?"

Josie slowly raised her eyes so her gaze met with Sam's. She wanted nothing more than to find out what was so important to Sam that he would hang up on Lara to talk to her instead. But the instant Sam mentioned Lara's name, Josie knew that she was not a part of Sam's life, nor would she ever be. That realization caused her heart to ache and suddenly nothing Sam wanted to say seemed important.

Josie glanced down to her wristwatch and then looking back up to Sam said, "Um...I really don't have time right now, I'm sorry."

Sam sighed heavily. He didn't know if he could stand a whole night without being able explain to Josie how sorry he was for the way he treated her. Josie slowly turned to leave, but Sam kept his hand firmly on her shoulder.

"Josie...please? Look, I know�" Sam breathed deeply before he continued. "I know that I hurt you today and I want a chance to explain."

Josie looked across to Sam, his eyes were pleading, begging her to hear him out.

Sam continued, encouraged now that he had her attention. "I promise I won't take up too much of your time."

Josie bit down on her bottom lip and then looked up to Sam again. "Okay," she said softly.

Sam breathed an internal sigh of relief and his lips curled into a smile. "Good. Thanks."

"So, what did you want to talk to me about?" Josie asked curiously, nervously pushing a stray curl behind her ear.

Sam picked his briefcase up off the ground and began to walk slowly along the hallway with Josie. After a long pause, he turned to her and then said, "Actually, I wanted to apologize to you."

Josie pretended she didn't know what he was talking about. "Apologize to me?"

"Yeah." Sam and Josie reached the end of the hallway, which led to the parking lot outside. Sam opened the door for Josie and let her walk through it first. He closed the door behind him and they stood silently at the top of a stairwell. Sam looked across to Josie, knowing that both of them were feeling a little uncomfortable about the whole situation. "So, do you want to sit down here?"

Josie answered softly. "Okay."

Josie sat down first and placed her bag beside her and then Sam did the same, sitting on her left side. Sam rested his elbows on his legs and clutched his hands together. He smiled to Josie and said, "Thanks again for taking the time to talk to me, Josie. I really appreciate it."

Josie shook her head and nervously said, "But, I still don't understand what you wanted talk to me about� As far as I'm concerned, you have nothing to apologize for."

"Yes I do, Josie. You wanted to talk to me today and I didn't make the time to..."

Josie cut Sam off. "It's okay. It was nothing. It doesn't matter now," she insisted.

Sam turned a little to face Josie. "Yes it does, Josie. It matters to me and, I think, to you as well. You obviously had something on your mind, so�please, what did you want to talk to me about?"

Josie could feel herself begin to blush under his scrutiny. "Really, it was nothing." She lowered her head and mumbled softly, " I...I was just worried about you�that's all."

Sam couldn't quite make out what she'd said, so he leaned in closer and asked, "What did you say, Josie?"

Josie looked back up at Sam with her big soulful eyes and repeated, "I said�I was worried about you."

"You were worried about me?" Sam was completely taken aback. Josie nodded shyly and then Sam continued, "Why were you worried about me, Josie?"

Josie began to twist her hands together in a nervous gesture. "I�don't know. You just�didn't seem like yourself today. You seemed anxious and uneasy, like something was bothering you. So I was worried about you and I just wanted to know..." Josie hesitated, embarrassed.

"You wanted to know what?" Sam urged her on softly.

Josie did not look up from her hands twisting in her lap as she admitted, "I just wanted to know whether I could help you. You know�the same way you've helped me with my problems."

Sam smiled at Josie affectionately, his eyes full of warmth. It had been a long time since he heard someone (other than his own family, of course) was worried about him or that they even cared enough to want to help. Sam was very moved and his voice cracked with emotion when he went to speak, his heart filled with tenderness for Josie. "I can't tell you how much it means to me Josie, that you would care like that." He reached over and softly patted her hands for a moment before pulling back again.

Josie lowered her eyes. "Then, I don't understand why you�"

"Why I treated you the way I did?" Sam finished.

Josie nodded. She summoned up all the courage she could find within herself, sucked in a deep breath, and continued. "After�Friday night, I thought we�well, I thought we had connected. You know, that we became friends instead of just teacher and student."

Sam paused for a moment before replying, "I agree, Josie. I think we did connect."

'Now, that's an understatement,' he thought to himself.

Bringing his thoughts back to the conversation, he continued, "And I do consider you a friend. A very good friend, in fact."

Josie smiled happily at this news.

Sam took a moment to collect his thoughts and then explained, "I really had a great time with you on Friday night, so please don't take my behavior towards you today as any reflection of how I feel about you or our friendship."

Sam sighed, knowing this part of the explanation would be the most difficult. "I wish I could explain things a little clearer, and make you understand� But I don't really have an explanation for the way I acted today. I�I just have so much on my mind at the moment�and I know that's not a good enough reason, but please believe me when I tell you that I feel really awful for the way I treated you. I only hope that you can forgive me and we can still be friends." Sam looked at Josie hopefully.

Josie smiled. "Of course, we can still be friends. I wasn't really that angry with you. I guess I was just a little�confused and hurt, that's all."

"I know, and I'm so sorry. So�you forgive me, then?" Sam asked sincerely, looking deeply into her eyes.

"Yes, I forgive you." Josie's eyes glittered with happiness.

Sam finally began to breathe easy, after feeling like he'd been holding his breath for the last hour. As a huge grin covered his face, Sam nudged her with his shoulder and teased, "Now, if I ever act like that to you again, I give you carte blanche to knock me upside the head with my hockey stick."

Josie let out a soft laugh. "Oh, but you have such a nice head," she joked.

Sam, a little embarrassed by the compliment said, "Oh�thanks, Josie. I don't know how true that is, though," he said with a nervous laugh. Then he glanced over at her and blurted out, "Yours is much prettier."

Josie looked away from Sam and smiled, inordinately pleased with the small compliment he had just paid her.

Meanwhile Sam shook his head and grimaced, disgusted with himself. His mouth just seemed to go off on a tangent when he was around Josie, it seemed.

Just then, a breeze picked up, and ruffled Sam and Josie's hair. Josie reached up self-consiously to pat her hair back into place. As she did, the breeze picked up Josie's sweet floral scent and enveloped all of Sam's senses. Sam tugged a little at his shirt collar, trying to fight back the intoxicating spell that was weaving around him.

Josie turned back to Sam. "So, can I ask you a really personal question?" she asked in all seriousness.

'Uh oh,' Sam thought. He didn't know how much more 'personal' he could take right now. "Sure, Josie," he said, swallowing hard.

Josie leaned in closer to Sam and half-whispered conspiratorially, "Have you heard from the Purple People Eater today?" Josie began to giggle.

Sam rolled his eyes and began to chuckle in spite of himself. He nudged Josie in the arm with his elbow and said, "Ha, ha!�Very funny, Josie. You had to remind me, didn't you?"

"I'm sorry, I couldn't help myself." She said trying to bite back a smile.

"Yeah, yeah sure you couldn't!" Sam relaxed a little, now feeling at ease with Josie. "Funny you should mention it, because actually I didn't see her today." He sighed a little and said, "I really I don't know what I'm going to say to her when I bump into her again."

Josie tucked a stray piece of hair behind her ear and murmured, "Yeah, I can see where that would be awkward for you� I noticed she came on a little strong."

"A little strong!?" Sam sputtered out. "Let me tell you, Josie�subtlety is not that woman's strong suit."

Josie laughed. "Why don't you just be honest with her and tell her that you already have a girlfriend," she said softy, as she began to fidget with her hands again.

"Oh�.yeah. Right. Lara." Sam said, almost as if he had forgotten about her. To his chagrin, Sam admitted to himself that it seemed to be happening a lot lately.

"Just tell Ms. Hamilton about your girlfriend and I'm sure you won't bother you again." Josie hesitated, and then teasing Sam, said, "That is, unless you like actually like the attention�"

Sam gave Josie a droll 'You've got to be kidding?' look and replied, "I don't think so, Josie. I mean you know, I'm flattered, but like I said on Friday, she's just not my type."

Josie nodded, agreeing with Sam. "Actually about Lara�" Josie began hesitantly.

Sam turned to Josie, a little worried about where she was going with this.

"I hope she wasn't too upset with you because you couldn't talk to her earlier. I felt really awful."

Sam shook his head. "Lara's always upset with me about one thing or another, so I wouldn't worry about it, Josie. Besides, it was more important to me at the time to apologize to you and fix things between us." Sam gave Josie a half-impish grin. "I really didn't like the idea that I hurt one of my students, especially when she's one of my favorite students."

Josie blushed. "Really?"

Sam nodded "Really." And then whispering he said, "But that's just a secret between you and me, okay?"

* * *

"Yeah, and the rest of the Sun Times staff," Gus smirked.

"Shut up, Gus!" Anita huffed at Gus, her eyes riveted to the TV screen. "This is a beautiful moment."

* * *

"Okay." Josie smiled. "Actually�you're one of my favorite teachers, too."

Sam couldn't stop the huge grin forming across his face, even though he knew this conversation was taking on a life of its own. 'Were they now actually flirting?' he asked himself. "Oh. Thanks, Josie."

Josie continued in a teasing tone. "Although, you know, I think Mr. Riley is right up there with you."

Sam pretended to be wounded and flinched, holding a hand over his heart. "Mr. Riley!" Sam knew she was only kidding, but still, he couldn't help but feel a twinge of jealousy. "Nah! Uh-uh! I'm a much better teacher than Mr. Riley!" Sam joked.

"Oh, really? Hmm�I don't know�"

"You don't know? Okay�" Sam said, with a cheeky grin, "What do I have to do to prove to you that I'm a better teacher?"

Josie looked across to Sam, her eyes full of warmth and tenderness. "Actually, you've already done it." Josie said softly.

Sam knew what she meant and they both smiled at one another. Sam looked down to his watch and was amazed how much time had passed. He said, "I guess we should get going, huh? I'm sorry for keeping you so long, Josie."

"It's okay." Both Sam and Josie grabbed their bags, pushed themselves up off the stairs and then slowly walked down the steps. When they reached the bottom, they both hesitated. "So where is you car parked, Josie?"

"My car is on the street, over there." Josie pointed in the direction. "What about you?"

"I parked here in the teacher's lot."

Josie glanced over Sam's shoulder and saw there were only three cars left in the lot; a beat up silver Volvo, a red Honda Accord, and a black VW Jetta. "Hmm. I'm guessing yours is the black Jetta. Am I right?"

Sam was impressed. "Yep! How did you know?"

"Well, you don't look like a Volvo kind of guy and the Honda doesn't suit you either. Besides, black seems to be your color."

Sam smiled. "You know me too well." Sam paused and then said "Well thanks again Josie. I'll see you tomorrow, Okay?"

"Okay. And thanks for everything, Mr. Coulson. Good night."

"Your welcome, Josie. Good night." And with that they both turned and headed towards their cars, but not before each of them peeked over their shoulders, catching one another stealing a glance. They both smiled and then continued on their way.

Sam felt a huge weight lift off his shoulders and he was thankful that this awful day had ended on a high note. He knew it was going to be difficult to be around Josie, but that, he decided, was his problem and not Josie's.

Sam stopped short of his car and sighed when he remembered he still had Lara to deal with before his day was over. "Ugh!" he said and then sighed.

* * *

Anita casually sauntered up to Cynthia and dropped a note onto her desk. Cynthia gave Anita an inquisitive look and Anita motioned to the note, and went silently back to her desk.

Cynthia unfolded the small piece of paper and when she read the contents, a huge smile crossed her face. The note read: "He apologized to her and they are friends again. Yippee! He's such a hunk! We'll talk later."

Cynthia folded the note and tucked it away in her drawer. She then grabbed another piece of paper and wrote a note to Rhoda, informing her of the latest news. Not more than ten minutes later an instant message from Merkin popped up on the computer screens of everyone in the office with the heading "Coulson & Josie - Friends Again! Bets are back on!"

Anita was flabbergasted when she saw the e-mail form Merkin. "Oh, no," she moaned. "Gus is going to kill me!" She gave Cynthia a piercing look and Cynthia just shrugged her shoulders, completely dumbfounded that the news had traveled so quickly.

Suddenly Gus's office door flung open, and he looked blood boiling angry. He pointed his finger to Anita and motioned her to go to his office. As she passed Cynthia's desk, she whispered, "If I'm not outta there in ten minutes, then call the cops!"

* * *

Josie waved to Rob as she parked Bambi behind her newly "designed" car in her parents' driveway while Rob was busily giving her car a much-needed wash. When she turned off the ignition, Bambi backfired, jerking Josie's head backwards.

"Hi, Rob," she said while getting out of her car and rubbing her neck.

"Hi, Jos." Rob walked toward Bambi. "How are you, girl? Is Josie taking good care of you�huh?"

Josie rolled her eyes at him. "Listen, we have to talk�" Josie leaned back up against Bambi.

"Hey, Josie! Do you mind!?" Rob said pointing to Bambi; scared she might damage the paintjob. Josie shook her head and moved away from Bambi, crossing her arms across her chest.

"So�you told Tracie I was a gymnast." Rob took a few nervous steps away from Josie. "Are you out of your mind Rob!?" Josie exploded with anger.

Rob continued to walk backwards, while Josie inched closer to him. "Listen Jos, its all part of my grand plan. It'll work out; you'll see."

"I don't understand what you're trying to do Rob! I already feel bad enough that I'm lying to everyone and this is just going to make things worse." Josie sighed. All the sudden, all the deceit was starting to get to her.

"Don't worry, Jos. Everything's cool. I have it all figured out," Rob insisted.

"Yeah well, I still can't believe you managed to infiltrate your way into the popular group so quickly. I've been there a month and they still won't talk to me," she said, shaking her head.

"It's easy, Jos. It's all in the attitude." Rob tried to sympathise with Josie.

"Easy for you, you mean." Josie sighed. "They just ignore me and I'm going to lose my job if I don't get a story soon. Gus is so angry with me right now."

Rob moved closer to Josie and put his arm around her shoulder. "It's all gonna change, Jos. Just give me a week and you'll have Gibby, Kirsten and the rest of them just begging to hang out with you."

Josie rolled her eyes and shook her head. She desperately wanted to believe Rob, but she knew it would take a miracle for that to happen. "You know, Mom and Dad think you've gone insane and now I'm starting to think you have, too."

Rob shrugged his shoulders. "Mom and Dad have always thought I was crazy. Why would I want to disappoint them now by acting responsible?"

Josie rolled her eyes at him.

Pulling away from Josie, Rob prepared to bolt off when he said, "Oh and by the way, if anyone asks�we used to date."

Josie nearly fainted. "What!?"

* * *

"Lara, I told you before, I was talking to a student and it was important. I couldn't just leave them to go and talk to you."

"And why not? I'm sick of you putting your students before me and I think its high time that�."

Sam was fed up. They just seemed to be going around and around in circles. "Look, Lara�did you want to talk to me about something or are you just looking for a fight? Because if you are, then look somewhere else, because I'm not in the mood right now!"

"God, Sam!" Lara snapped. "What is with you lately? First you don't return my calls, then you hang up on me and now�"

"Wait a second. I did return your call. Don't blame me if your roommate doesn't pass my messages on to you." Knowing he wasn't going to get any peace until he apologized, Sam calmed his voice and then said, "Look, I'm sorry, okay? It's been a long day, I'm tired and I'm in not in the mood to argue with you. Okay?"

"Fine with me, Sam. Just don't hang up on me next time."

Sam rubbed the bridge of his nose. "All right, all right. So�what's this important thing you wanted to talk to me about?" Sam inquired.

"Oh, it's about the Annual Stockbroker's Charity Ball. Now you definitely have to wear your tux. There are going to be a lot of very important people there, so I want you�"

Sam interrupted Lara. "Wait a second, Lara. When exactly is this ball?"

"Two Saturday's from now. And actually, it would be great if you could stay for the week, because later that week, one of the partners at my firm is having a dinner party and�"

Sam shook his head. "Whoa, whoa. Just hold everything, Lara. I can't come."

"What do you mean you can't come?" Lara huffed.

"I have a hockey game that Saturday. My team got into the semi-finals and�."

"Are you kidding me, Sam!?" Lara was furious. "This is a joke�right?"

Sam remained quiet.

"You're telling me that you're going to blow off my very important ball, so that you can play hockey with your little friends."

"Lara, this is not just any game�It's the last game of a 'best of five' series. The winner goes on to the finals. I have to play Lara. I'm the team captain. I can't let the team down�and besides I wouldn't be able to come that week anyway. I'd still be working and it's too late to put in for time off. It's the week of the Senior Prom, too, and I'm the faculty advisor."

"Oh, this is just great! You're putting a hockey game and a silly prom before me. This just gets better and better, Sam!"

"Look, I know you might think it's silly, but it's important to me and actually�I was kinda hoping that you might want to come to Prom with me?" Sam already knew the answer, but it was only polite to ask, he thought.

"Yeah right, Sam! I've done the whole prom thing�remember? Way back in high school when I was a kid. But I'm an adult now and I don't do proms anymore�and I don't see why you have to chaperone a whole bunch of over sexed teenagers anyway! Can't they get someone else to do it?"

"Actually, I want to go Lara. I'm looking forward to it. And if I remember correctly, you promised me last year that you would come with me this year� So, what's up with that?"

"I thought you were kidding, Sam. Did you really think I would go to your silly prom?"

Sam ran his right hand through his hair and said, "Honestly? No, Lara. �I didn't expect you to come." Sam, by this time, had had enough and he could feel another headache brewing. "If you don't want to come, then that's perfectly fine with me�don't come."

"Fine with me, Sam. Bye!" And with that Lara slammed the phone down.

"Bye, Lara." He said softly, knowing that she had already hung up. Sam put the phone down, leaned back into his leather chair and sighed. Sam knew that he and Lara were drifting further and further apart, while at the same time, he and Josie were growing closer and closer together. "Why does life have to be so complicated?" he whispered to himself and then sighed.

* * *

The next morning Josie again stood at her locker, waiting impatiently for the two lovebirds to wrap up their regular kissing session. She leaned up against the wall and sighed.

Suddenly Guy, Jason and Tommy walked by her, but instead of ignoring her, Guy sashayed right up to her. He leaned his right hand on the wall, next to Josie and with a sexy, low voice said, "Hi."

Josie swallowed hard and nervously said, "H..h..hi. How are you?"

Guy simply nodded, "Good. I'm good." And then, looking her up and down, he said, "See you around, Josie." Then he walked off with Jason and Tommy.

"Y..yeah�see you around." Josie said quietly. 'Did that just happen?' she asked herself. Josie pinched herself and when she realized she was most definitely awake, she let a small smile escape her mouth. Things suddenly seemed to be looking up.

* * *

Sam poured himself a cup of coffee and then went over to sit with Adam and Caroline Parks, the student counselor, who were both preparing for the day ahead. Sam pulled out a chair and sat down next to Adam.

"Morning, Sam," Adam said cheerfully.

"Hi Adam�Caroline." Sam sat down and noticed that Adam was giving him odd look. "What are you smirking about, Adam?'

"Oh, we were just talking about how you got stuck with supervising the Sex Ed class tomorrow." Adam and Caroline started to giggle, but Sam didn't get the joke.

"Yeah. So? What's so funny about that?" Sam asked curiously.

"Well, did you know that the speaker didn't show up last year and Marilyn had to give the talk herself?"

"So?" Sam said, matter-of-factly, sipping his coffee, as if the idea of standing in front of 30 teenagers and talking about sex didn't bother him in the slightest.

"So!? Those kids gave Marilyn hell! She still hasn't fully recovered," Adam chuckled. He laid a hand on Sam's shoulder and said, "Talking to a bunch of hormonal teens about sex is not as easy as you might think, Sam�"

Sam raised his eyebrow to Adam, thinking he was being overly dramatic. "Look Adam, I'm not worried. If the speaker doesn't show up, then I'll give the talk." Adam and Caroline exchanged concerned looks and Sam, noticing this, said, "Oh, come on! It can't be that bad�.can it?" Sam began to worry and then took another swig of his coffee, to settle his nerves.

Adam shrugged his shoulders. "Whatever, Sam. Better you than us." Adam then turned to Caroline, who was now shuffling through some of her papers, suddenly looking quite agitated. "So�what are you doing Caroline?" Adam asked, sticking his nose into her business.

"I'm just sorting through all these questionnaires." Caroline sighed. She looked again at the one in her hand and shook her head disbelievingly, "You know, I just don't know� What's wrong with kids today?"

* * *

Josie sat quietly at her desk, reminiscing about the time she'd spent with Sam on the steps the day before. A smile crept across her face as she remembered how incredibly sweet he was and how his eyes were pleading with her to forgive him. 'As if I wouldn't forgive him�Who could resist?' she thought to herself and smiled. Josie sighed sweetly as her mind drifted to thoughts Sam's beautiful green eyes and how adoringly he gazed at her. 'We'll never be together,' Josie thought, 'but at least I know I'll have a good friend when this is all over.'

Suddenly Sam came into the room and Josie flashed him with a beautiful smile and mouthed a 'Hi' to him. Sam glanced in her direction and with a forced smile, nodded a hello, but then quickly went to his desk. 'Uh-oh," Josie thought. 'Something is up with him again.' Sam looked as pale as a ghost and appeared to be more than a little stressed out, too.

While Sam busily shuffled through his bag, he said a quick hello to his class without looking up at them. "Good morning, everyone," he said with as little emotion as possible. "Okay, we're continuing with As You like It today, so can you please turn your books to page�" Sam walked around his desk and flipped through his book. "To page 24." He leaned back up against his desk and looked around to his class. "Umm�Sera. Could you please read the beginning of Act III for us?"

Sera nodded, stood up and with her book in hand, and began to read.

Josie continued to stare at Sam while he kept his eyes firmly on the page of his book. If she didn't know any better, she thought he looked hurt, even angry. Although he was perfectly still, his right foot vigorously tapped away, while he leaned up against his desk. 'Wow! He looks really upset about something!' Josie thought. She thought she had never seen him this agitated.

Josie tried to follow along with Sera's reading, but suddenly she felt Sam's stare on her. When she looked up at him, she felt his eyes pierce right through her. But this was not a friendly, loving gaze: it was so intense, and�accusing�that she couldn't help but look away. A knot started to form in the pit of her stomach and she found herself sinking further into her seat.

By midway through the period, Josie began to feel really anxious, and the fact that she caught Sam repeatedly staring at her and giving her strange looks didn't help to ease her anxiety. Josie tried to determine what was wrong. 'Oh God,' she thought. 'Maybe Lara really was angry with him last night? Or maybe�.just maybe�' Josie refused to let her mind think the worst. But right now, she wanted nothing more than to run and hide.

When the bell rang for the end of the period, Sam tried to keep the mob at bay. "Wait a second!" Sam held his arms up in the air. "As you all know, tomorrow you'll be attending the sex education seminar�" The class erupted into a childish roar of laughter. "All right�settle down. So, anyway we won't be having English tomorrow�" the students now burst into cheer and Sam rolled his eyes as he continued, "But alas, poor Yorick, you're stuck with me anyway, because I'll be supervising the session."

"Boo!" A few boys hissed in the back.

"Okay, so I'll see you all tomorrow." Sam stood at his desk and then turned to Josie. "Josie?" Josie looked up at Sam fearfully. "Could I please see you for a minute?"

Josie wanted to bolt out of there, but instead she nodded. She walked out from behind her desk and approached Sam, his steely stare on her the whole time. "You wanted to talk to me?" she asked nervously.

Sam waited for the rest of the class to file out and then crossed his arms across his chest. "Yes, Josie." He let out a small sigh and then continued tightly, "You know, I thought we were supposed to be friends!"

Josie was dumbfounded. "We are! Of course, we are! Why would you say that?" Josie began to panic.

The hurt in Sam's eyes was evident. "Because I just found out that you've been keeping something from me�something big�" His eyes bored into hers as he prodded, "Haven't you?"

* * *

To be continued...

* * *

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